
shadowscpscarface1: small donation gets you a shell at silenceisdefeat.com ;   one of the last remaining public shell hosts :)00:00
shadowssorry meant to msg that00:00
shadowskboodu: thanks for the confirmation and information00:00
shadowskboodu: kvm-qemu virtualization insists on chmod files in my home dir that are used for a running guest00:02
shadowsit's somewhat annoying00:02
kboodushadows: I generally put them in another directory and then symlink it from MY home directory so I can at least browse it.00:03
kboodushadows: I don't like how it manages permissions / owns the files either.  But I deal with it (and use sudo cp to backup the files)00:04
gaz1069does anyone here know much about ubuntu 11.04?00:08
HexagoniteWhy 11.04?00:09
gaz1069it's the version I've got.00:10
HexagoniteWhat do you need help with it?00:10
wilee-nilee! eol | gaz106900:11
ubottugaz1069: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:11
gaz1069I need to install octave and it won't go and fetch the files.  is there any way to get it to just download the debs it needs?00:11
th0rgaz1069: the repos are no longer available....11.04 is no longer supported00:12
gaz1069ok, so how do I get it to download from a different repository?00:13
kboodugaz1069: Upgrade to a supported version.00:13
gaz1069not a chance, I can't find out any way of upgrading it and not getting stuck with damn unity.  That's why I'm still on 11.0400:14
HexagoniteInstall gnome-fallback on 13.04 then?00:14
Skymontis there a file tree program i can use so i know what is taking up so much space on my hdd?00:15
th0rSkymont: du?00:15
kbooduSkymont: du --max-depth=1 will tell you from the command line the size of each directory00:15
jmurrib21is there an IRC channel for lubuntu or is this channel okay for all ubuntu flavors00:15
gaz1069Disk Useage Analyser is good for that @Skymont00:16
gaz1069So does gnome-fallback basically look like gnome2?  and is it definitely available for 13.04?00:17
wilee-nileegaz1069, There are about 50 desktops up can run.00:17
gaz1069is there a way of getting 11.04 to download packages for a supported version? I only want software, not OS updates.00:19
Tex_NickHexagonite:  trigger ubbotu with ! insteda of # ;-)00:20
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
gordonjcpgaz1069: 11.04 is an LTS00:21
gordonjcpgaz1069: why don't you want to keep it updated?00:21
kboodugordonjcp: 11.04 is NOT LTS.  10.04 and 12.04 are.00:21
gordonjcpkboodu: bah, you're right00:21
gordonjcp11.04 is probably out of support00:21
kboodu11.04 IS out of support.00:22
gordonjcpgaz1069: okay, so 11.04 is out of support00:22
gordonjcpgaz1069: you should update00:22
gaz1069I just need to get octave installed for now.  I'll update it when I'm sure I can get round the unity problem.00:22
kboodugaz1069: What unity "problem?"00:22
HexagoniteYou can get around the unity problem by installing another de?00:23
gordonjcpgaz1069: what problem are you having with Unity?00:24
gaz1069urm... the big buttons for 3 year olds and the complete lack of any common sense.  Sorry for anyone here who likes unity. I just don't get on with it, and I just find it intensely annoying.00:24
gordonjcpwhat "big buttons for 3 year olds"?00:24
gordonjcpUnity is the only WM worth using00:25
Hexagonite'the big buttons for 3 year olds' resize it then?00:25
gordonjcpthe rest are all crap00:25
gordonjcpKDE is too concerned with having whizzy animations for everything00:25
gaz1069whatever the rip'off of the OSX dock is called on the left hand side.00:25
EDocToorQuestion: with the chown command and users... I guess I have to create a user before this command will work: --------------- chown -hR root:nobody /pub00:25
gaz1069I want an application menu, dammit. lol00:25
gordonjcpGnome 3 has ridiculously huge icons and tiny fonts00:25
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
HexagoniteThen get 'gnome-fallback'?00:26
gordonjcpOpenbox is great, if you like writing 24 pages of haskell to change the desktop background and if you like talking about trains to everyone you meet00:26
gordonjcpif you don't like Unity, there's something wrong with you00:26
th0rEdoctoor: no, but you need to use sudo00:26
citrichow can I make a link to a .sh program ? like instead of running it in a terminal and having to have a terminal window open + the program00:27
gaz1069true gordon.  I've got KDE on my laptop.  I wish KDE would sort themselves out.  The graphics are a bit too shiny, and you need someone from mensa to help with installing a printer. lol00:27
gordonjcpgaz1069: KDE guys just *looooooove* their settings menus00:27
gordonjcpgaz1069: you know how it would be *possible* but not necessarily practical to make a car with a 47-speed gearbox?00:27
gordonjcpthat's KDE00:27
kboodugordonjcp: Have you looked at installing AWN (Avant Window Navigator) along with unity?00:27
gordonjcpkboodu: nope, what does it do?00:28
EDocToorth0r, when I use sudo chown -hR root:nobody /pub the result is "chown: invalid group: 'root:nobody'"00:28
gaz1069maybe there's something wrong with me then gordon.  I admit I spend most of my time in a terminal.00:28
gordonjcpgaz1069: so do I00:28
gordonjcpgaz1069: but I use Unity for my WM00:28
kboodugordonjcp: It puts a menu bar at the bottom (by default) with the options for File Folders and the "old style menu"00:28
gordonjcpkboodu: then no, I haven't tried it and I don't intend to00:28
kboodugordonjcp: Do a quick google for it.  I use it with Unity.  Helps me for certain things.00:29
th0rEdoctoor: you need to create the group nobody00:29
gordonjcpkboodu: the old style gnome 2 thing was fine in the 90s00:29
gaz1069oooh kboodu, that sounds perfect :)00:29
gordonjcpkboodu: I don't want stuff along the bottom of my screen00:29
gordonjcpmy screen is wider than it is tall00:29
gordonjcpsticking it at the side makes sense00:29
gaz1069urgh, since when did the era have anything to do with the userbility of a computer?00:29
kboodugordonjcp: Sorry, I guess that was for gaz1069.00:29
EDocToorth0r, And that is back to my question... how do I create a group nobody00:30
gordonjcpgaz1069: since they were invented...00:30
gaz1069unity will be perfect when everyone has touch screen monitors.00:30
kboodugaz1069: Take a look at it.  (And you can move it to sides or top or have multiple)00:30
gordonjcpgaz1069: don't see why that would be, touch screen monitors are hard to use00:30
gaz1069Gnome2 is impossible on a touch screen.  The larger icons in unity would probably work quite well though.00:31
th0rEdoctoor: I am not presently in my linux box. I think the command is addgroup. There is also Users and Groups gui in xfce...don't know about unity00:31
gaz1069kboodu, thank you very much.  I'll take a look at it on my m8s box before risking the purgatory of unity on mine. lol00:33
EDocToorth0r, thanks .. thats should be enuff to get me going in the right direction00:33
kboodugaz1069: Take a look at some web sites and that will give you some idea if you WANT to install it.00:33
kboodugaz1069: Try this:  https://code.google.com/p/avant-window-navigator/00:34
kboodugaz1069: There are also many screenshots of people who've installed it, if you look at google images.00:34
gaz1069well it's either going to be awn or gnome-fallback I think00:35
kbooduAnd if nothing else, Lubuntu / Xubuntu and install the software from Ubuntu you want. ;)00:35
=== shantorn- is now known as shantorn
gaz1069first screenshot I foud on google, someone had made the anoying unity laeft hand bar into an OSX dock. lol at least the menu bar comes back though.00:37
gordonjcpgaz1069: that's one of the things that annoys me about OSX00:37
gordonjcpgaz1069: why is the dock at the bottom?  It should be at the size00:38
pixlepixHaving a problem00:38
gaz1069I don't have time to do the update right now though, so I've still got to work out how to get 11.04 to download debs.00:38
kboodugordonjcp: You can move it to either side or the top.  Most people like it at the bottom (probably because of Winders)00:38
pixlepixI have a macbook pro set up to dual boot ubuntu00:38
pixlepixI tried upgrading from 12.04 to 12.1000:39
amazon-experimenI do need some help setting up a FOG server any help from here ??00:39
pixlepixI was stupid, and turned it off mid-install00:39
wilee-nileegaz1069, you can get free standing debs on the web sometimes.00:39
pixlepixI booted into recovery mode, and it appeared to finish the install00:39
Tex_Nickgaz1069:  i used "Gnome Classic" on 12.04 & 12.10 ... 13.04 no longer supports "Gnome Classic" ... so i'm using "Gnome-Fallbak" now ... fallbac has a few glitches that i've been anable to resolve ... however it's wo0rking good enough fo me to continue using it00:39
pixlepixBut now, when I go into ubuntu, I am faced with only a terminal00:40
pixlepixAnd, worse, my computer does not appear to be working00:40
gaz1069gordon, the mac fanboy is a strange beast.  There is no explaining why they have their dock at the bottom of the screen, of why they have a large glowing apple on the back of it. lol00:40
pixlepixHey, I have my dock on my side, thank you very much00:41
gaz1069ouch pixle.  does it boot from the install CD00:41
pixlepixI might try that00:41
pixlepixWorth noting that It works perfectly fine from osx00:41
pixlepixBut...I fell in love with ubuntu :)00:42
gaz1069I'm guessing you're on a mac pixel00:42
talesofhorrorhi everyone00:42
gaz1069I love ubuntu on small PC laptops, it doubles the speed compared to wondoze. lol00:43
gaz1069hi tales00:43
gaz1069does anyone know how I can add the lucid repository in natty?00:45
BluesKajgaz1069, not good practice to mix release repos00:46
kboodugaz1069: You can really run into dependency issues and conflicts mixing repositories.  Wouldn't recommend it.00:46
kboodugaz1069: You might add a PPA with specific software however to solve *some* issues.00:47
treehau55hey everyone, I am trying to do something a little risky and was wondering if someone who knows linux well can make sure Im not doing anything stupid00:48
gaz1069yeah, I know.  I can't just download the debs annoyingly.  HOw would I add a PPA?00:48
gaz1069what are you trying to do treehut?00:48
treehau55gaz1069,  trying to enable autosuspend on the WiMax portion of my network card00:49
treehau55im pretty sure the usb  device is under sys/bus/usb/devices/2-1.3:1.0 but not sure00:49
kboodugaz1069: Here is how to add a PPA - http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/how-to-add-a-ppa-to-software-sources-in-ubuntu00:49
kboodugaz1069: However, you need to find the appropriate PPA for the software you want to install - and determine if it's even available.00:49
BluesKajgaz1069, . if one is available for the package you want , check out launchpad for the package00:49
kboodutreehau55: Did you look at dmesg to see what it showed when the USB device was connected to the system?00:50
_nothing__what is different between sbin and bin?00:50
BluesKaj!ppa > gaz106900:50
ubottugaz1069, please see my private message00:50
kboodu_nothing__: sbin is for more "secure" binaries that normal users shouldn't need.00:51
somsip_nothing__: bin for executables, sbin for executables that relate to system setup00:51
treehau55kboodu, im not sure what dmesg is , is that the text that appears in black and white right before ubuntu boots up?00:51
kboodutreehau55: dmesg shows some of that info...and other related system messages after bootup00:52
_nothing__what is different between /sbin and /bin?00:52
kboodutreehau55: It's kernel related messages.00:52
kboodu_nothing__: Most binaries in /sbin are for the root user to "run" or during system start-up.00:53
kboodu_nothing__: programs in /bin are for normal user usage.00:53
treehau55kboodu,  dang theres lots of errors here00:54
kboodutreehau55: Errors?  Warnings?  Messages?00:54
_nothing__what is different between /sbin and /bin?00:54
kboodutreehau55: You can also run "dmesg | less" to page through the info it provides.00:55
_nothing__what is different between /sbin and /bin?00:55
somsip_nothing__: and now is the time to stop00:55
nyRednekis there a way to force ssl?00:55
somsipnyRednek: on what sort of connection?00:55
new_what is different between /sbin and /bin?00:56
treehau55kboodu, https://gist.github.com/treehau5/2bccce88b92e2c45d52b00:56
nyRedneksomsip, http, forcing it to be an https url00:56
somsip!ops _nothing__ is trolling repeating the same question despite receiving replies00:56
somsipnyRednek: only if the target host is setup to use https00:56
somsip!ops | _nothing__ is trolling repeating the same question despite receiving replies00:56
ubottu_nothing__ is trolling repeating the same question despite receiving replies: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!00:56
_nothing__sorry my connection get trouble00:57
_nothing__time to stop?what u mean?00:57
kboodutreehau55: Some of that is a problem with the file system.  Disk corruption?  (ext4 is a file system)00:57
knnl4110_nothing__: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=difference+between+sbin+and+bin00:57
somsip_nothing__: you've asked the same question 5 times in 5 mins and recieved 3 replies from two different people00:57
IdleOneknnl4110: Please don't give lmgtfy links, it is rude and wouldn't have been easier for you to link them directly.00:58
kboodutreehau55: Did you have an "unclean" shutdown?  That's what lines 1 - 2699 look like00:58
knnl4110IdleOne: ok.00:58
IdleOnethank you00:58
somsipIdleOne: sorry - maybe I was a bit over eager withthe ops call...00:58
treehau55kboodu,  ive had 2 constant issues my 2 years of using ubuntu, 1. problems with my graphics card (fglrx) and 2. problems with my wireless (iwlwifi)00:58
IdleOnesomsip: no worries00:58
seronisIdleOne: it seemed quite appropriate here actually00:58
_nothing__i'm sorry sir , caused my internet connection get trouble, connect and disconnect so i can not to know that my question was stored in channel. i'm so sorry all..00:58
treehau55kboodu,  maybe be the fact that i originally installed ubuntu as a dual boot along side windows on a SSD, then migrated to to a hard drive. 2. yes I did, I had to force shut down I was messing with the compiz settings and did something that locked up the system00:58
knnl4110seronis: if he hadn't had internet trouble, yeah.00:58
IdleOneseronis: it is never appropriate to be rude.00:58
seronisblunt != rude00:59
kboodutreehau55: That explains the "errors," but those are expected in an "unclean" shutdown - disk buffers that weren't "commited" to the disk.00:59
treehau55kboodu, okay, well as far as getting this usb device to autosuspend, you think you can help me? I just want to be sure im not doing anything stupid00:59
kboodutreehau55: The remainder of that looks ok.  Not sure about the CPU related things.01:00
knnl4110seronis: IdleOne is right. My apologies!01:00
kboodutreehau55: What USB device?01:00
treehau55im *fairly* certain its 2-1.3:1.001:00
pianogmxhello , I am going to school for programming but how can I find a development team to mentor me and help me contribute to something?01:00
_nothing__i'm little strees in learnn.can help me how to fix it?01:00
kboodutreehau55: i2400m_usb?01:01
somsippianogmx: look into contributing to open source projects. Easy ones, maybe01:01
kboodutreehau55: That look slike a WiMax device on wmx0.01:01
MattheusHello, I'm having a bit of a crisis here. Hopefully someone can help me01:01
treehau55kboodu, I have an Intel wimax 6150 network card, which is suprisingly supported by the kernel, and the installation docs state I will get better performance if I place the WiMax portion of the device in power save mode01:01
_nothing__help about what focus i must learn in unix01:01
somsip!manual | _nothing__01:01
ubottu_nothing__: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:01
treehau55kboodu,  i never use the wimax, I always just use it to connect to networks through wifi01:02
MattheusA few minutes ago I tried installing linux mint, and the installer failed in the partition process. Now when I startup neither windows or ubuntu loads up, it just brings me to a grub rescue command line01:02
seronispianogmx: also idle in #learnprogramming or some of the language specific channels.  pay attention to common problems and solutions others give them01:02
kboodutreehau55: You might try googling that.01:02
_nothing__not in manual but in directly,tips01:02
Mattheusso now i'm on the ubuntu live cd wondering how to recover my partitions01:02
kbooduI'm not sure how to put it in PowerSave mode and the impacts.  It *should* be ok.01:02
_nothing__such as how to manage schedule in learning01:03
somsip_nothing__: when you need to do something, research it yourself properly. Read man pages when you need to use a command. Expand your knowledge slowly. Don't just rely on others for answers01:03
wilee-nileeMattheus, This a uefi windows or mbr01:03
Mattheuswilee-nilee: sorry I'm really new to this stuff, so that was a foreign language to me :)01:03
DarkAceLaptophow do I get the 32bit versions of gstreamer, and will it ruin my 64bit packages?01:03
DarkAceLaptops/ruin/want to remove01:04
wilee-nileeMattheus, Windows 7?01:04
wilee-nileeMattheus, Follow this chroot to reload grub to the mbr. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot01:04
MattheusSo you don't think I'll lose my windows 7 stuff?01:05
wilee-nileeMattheus, We are assuming mint did no damage, reloading the ubuntu grub should get you up and running.01:06
_nothing__somsip thx for idea, i founded it that why i'm streess caused too much what i learn,not such as your tips for me to get learn slowly,thx.01:06
MattheusOK, thanks very much wilee-nilee. I'll take a look01:06
aumhi - adobe reader shows blank menus on 12.04LTS - screenshot here: http://picpaste.com/HAiQiDu5.jpg - any ideas or options?01:06
_nothing__somsip maybe i too quickly in learning, i must change it to slowly mode.01:07
clockworkshi do .deb files embody the ability to add repositories to your sources.list or wherever?01:08
clockworksi mean01:08
clockworksjust installing a .deb file01:08
clockworkswill it add the repo01:08
clockworksor can it01:09
FloodBot1clockworks: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:09
clockworksim just a fast typer01:09
clockworksnot a flooder01:09
wilee-nileeclockworks, Some debs will for example google chrome does.01:09
clockworkswilee-nilee: how exactly do they do it and why dont more debs do it?01:09
clockworkswilee-nilee: are you implying most dont?01:09
_nothing__you all here, in learning are you use notebook to write ?01:10
wilee-nileeclockworks, Not sure how, I can't say most don't but I have seen few in 7 years01:10
clockworkshm weird wilee-nilee01:11
_nothing__notebook(manual book to write)01:11
DarkAceLaptophow do I get the 32bit versions of gstreamer, and will it ruin my 64bit packages?01:11
clockworkswilee-nilee: whats the prefered way to add a repo?01:11
kbooduclockworks: I'm not sure that most .deb files add a repository. They *usually* just install binaries / config files / anciliary files (but maybe not all dependencies)01:11
clockworksthanks kboodu but i dont get why not all debs that come from a repo (most do) add their repo01:12
kboodu_nothing__: I usually use a wiki of some kind.  Sometimes Zim on my computer (and my Zim files are shared across computers with Dropbox)01:12
Tickleifconfig is giving me "Command 'ifconfig' is available in 'sbin/ifconfig01:12
wilee-nileeclockworks, If a ppa there is a ppa add that includes the key, otherwse I would put it in /etc/apt/sources.list01:12
Tickleit was working before i restarted the machine.01:12
kbooduclockworks: It depends if you add the repo and install or if you download the deb and install it.01:13
_nothing__kboodu thx for your tips01:13
jmurrib21i can't install lubuntu 13.04 in an old pc01:14
jmurrib21it says number:longhaul01:14
stan879nzhello i have disabled my wireless from the top right and can't renable it becuase i cant find it there can some please help01:14
knnl4110jmurrib21: why not try a liter distro?01:15
DarkAceLaptophow do I get the 32bit versions of gstreamer, and will it ruin my 64bit packages?01:15
jmurrib21tried proteus01:15
jmurrib21the same01:15
knnl4110jmurrib21: google "distros for old computers" there are some superl ight one (puppy)01:15
wilee-nileestan879nz, Have you gone to network settings from the icon?01:16
kboodujmurrib21: Try something like DSL / Puppy / Slax01:16
serejmurrib21: slax?01:16
=== clockwor1s is now known as clockworks_
jmurrib21will look at slax01:16
=== clockworks_ is now known as clockworks
_nothing__for several day, i have HATE virus creator that have make me busy in time,.. he not smart but stupid, he is script kidies only,. maybe if i have get knowledge about something, i want to kill some virus program.01:17
serejmurrib21: porteus is a port of slax.. and its kinda outdated.. slax 7 is the new of the three01:17
stan879nzi have edit conection but nothing in there about enabling or serching01:17
_nothing__he is not have ETichal in programming01:17
clockworks_nothing__: are you chinese?01:18
_nothing__he is  not have etichal in programming01:18
_nothing__clockworks, not. are you english?01:18
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
_nothing__come all we support ethical programming,01:20
somsip_nothing__: how about we all get back on topic. You should take this conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic please01:20
DarkAceLaptophow do I get the 32bit versions of gstreamer, and will it ruin my 64bit packages?01:21
stan879nzi can only see wirred no wireless i right click the network top right cnr and unticked wireless network now i cant retick it01:21
_nothing__somsip sorry it is just little intermezo from me. i know about it. but caused i like ubuntu caused it programmer is good, and have ethical, caused that i just to tell heart to heart about fact.01:22
kboodustan879nz: What does dmesg say when you re-click it?  Does it signal anything to the kernel?01:22
_nothing__intermezo==fact that i have get in my self,01:22
stan879nzno because the option for wireless network is nolonger there01:23
aumhi - adobe reader shows blank menus on 12.04LTS - screenshot here: http://picpaste.com/HAiQiDu5.jpg - any ideas or options?01:24
kboodustan879nz: Not sure why it would disappear from your menu.01:24
kboodustan879nz: Are you using Network Manager?01:25
stan879nznetwork manager
kboodustan879nz: Will restarting network manager cause you any problems (are you doing anything on the wired network)?01:26
stan879nzno i am on another pc atm till i fix01:26
kboodustan879nz: MAYBE that will solve the issue?01:26
kboodustan879nz: But it's pretty "strange"01:26
stan879nzso just try to restart the device?01:27
kbooduNo.  The service.01:27
syntroPiis there any tablet with stylus which is supported by normal desktop ubuntu ui?01:27
kbooduDarkAceLaptop: I see gstreamer in my apt-cache repository (Ubuntu v12.04).  Is it in yours?01:28
Fenbsomebody that can recommend me a terminal, i tried xterm but that one is to inflexeble01:29
somsipFenb: what flexibility do you need? What features that aren't in xterm?01:29
kbooduFenb: What are you trying to do?01:29
DarkAceLaptopyeah, but I don't see the 32bit versions; I'm trying to fix wine01:29
DarkAceLaptopand they directed me here01:29
Bronzekonsole is one of the most flexible01:29
sethj_Fenb: What's wrong with Gnome-terminal?01:29
kbooduFenb: There is gnome-terminal and roxterm.01:29
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
kbooduDarkAceLaptop: Fix Wine?01:29
Alikexhi3DarkAceLaptop, I'm just a simple wine user ^^01:30
DarkAceLaptopkboodu, yeah, apparently it wants the 32bit versions01:30
kbooduDarkAceLaptop: Wine wants a 32-bit version of gstreamer?01:30
DarkAceLaptopkboodu: it's not using the 64bit version I have installed01:30
DarkAceLaptopI think, anyway01:30
kbooduDarkAceLaptop: Why are you running it under wine?01:30
kbooduDarkAceLaptop: It's a native Linux application.01:31
Fenbi think its not wrong with xterm but i wanna hear the opinions from others01:31
DarkAceLaptopa Windows game wants sound, and wine uses gstreamer01:31
somsipFenb: tell us what you need then01:31
nyRednekquestion, could one have two ssl certs pointing to same ip?01:31
kbooduFenb: It depends on what you're doing.  I bounce between lxterm, gnome-terminal, xterm, roxterm, and rxvt all day long01:31
FenbDarkAceLaptop: last time i checked wine is using 32-bit cus it most stable i think.. i heard01:32
kbooduDarkAceLaptop: I have no idea.  That's a ...puzzle.01:32
kbooduDarkAceLaptop: I think you might have some conflicts around that though unless it's installed specifically under Wine to ensure you don't run into shared library issues.01:33
kbooduDarkAceLaptop: Maybe compile from source...but, that's going to be a lot of work.01:33
stan879nzservice network-manager start has not fixed the problem wireless is still missing only Enable Networking - Enable Notification - Edit Connections... - About is visible01:33
Fenbhehe copy commands, but nothing serious, havent seen another uses for terminals? :]01:33
kbooduFenb: Screen.  :)01:34
kboodustan879nz: Was that a start or a restart?01:34
=== comrad is now known as comradzilla
stan879nzi stopped the service ad started the service again01:34
Alikexhi3DarkAceLaptop, maybe this can help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164319701:34
kboodustan879nz: Ahh.  Then it sounds like it can't detect the Wireless for whatever reason.01:35
kboodustan879nz: Not sure why that would happen.  Maybe something in dmesg or in /var/log/syslog01:35
Fenbkboodu: i dont know.. what you mean screens?01:36
kbooduFenb: Check out man screen.  I use it to connect to all the remote server4s.01:36
somsipFenb: you want copy on keys rather than on mouse?01:38
Fenbsomsip: what you mean?01:38
ikk-failed to load session "gnome" , how to fix this , I installed awesome, and echo "exec awesome" > .xinitrc01:38
anomalyI have one pci-e video card doing dual monitors.  I want to add another pci to gain two more.  to ask the naive question, would this present a problem for 13.04 or difficulty in getting running, software wise?01:39
somsipFenb: well, highlight with mouse drag and paste with middle button is one way of copying that should work across everyting linuxy. So what functionality are you looking for?01:39
ikk-I installed xdm , and purge gdm kdm lightdm01:39
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leptonei have aMacBook Pro dual boot OSX and Ubuntu 12.04. lately i've had problems booting into ubuntu. when i select the tux icon in rEfit the tux icon stays in the middle of the screen and freezes there. i am in ubuntu right now, but idk how...01:44
Fenbsomsip: i dont know any other use :/01:45
kbooduFenb: The terminal allows you to execute commands and interract with the operating system.01:45
kbooduFenb: If xterm isn't working, try and install another and see if it meets your needs or google it online and see how others use it.01:46
ikk-I purged gnome-session , but xdm still say Failed to load session "gnome"01:46
somsipFenb: So I'm trying to help, but I get impatient when I have to drag details out of people. So I use urxvt but I cannot tell you whether this will be helpful for you or not. So there you go01:46
* Bronze smacks kboodu with a trout01:46
Bronzekboodu: Stop conflating "terminal" with the bash shell. 9or theshell of your choice)01:46
ikk-I rm -rf /etc/xdg/autostart/ , but xdm still say Failed to load session "gnome"01:47
leptonemy dual boot macbook pro freezies when trying to boot to ubuntu01:47
wheatthinikk I think you want to use dpkg-reconfigure gdm01:48
Fenbsomsip: i said earlier that i wanted others opinions or what its called :]01:48
ikk-wheatthin: I want use xdm , instead of gdm01:48
wheatthinright, it'll give you a choice01:48
Fenbsomsip: i just wanted something else to try out01:49
kbooduBronze: I'm not sure how you're confusing the Appearance (terminal) and it's functionality with the shell (which interprets the commands - which can be bash, zsh, or others)01:49
stan879nzomg thanks guys.. the problem was with me the user. when i unticked wierless from network manager i had to press FN+F2 to turn it back on01:49
kboodustan879nz: Great...glad that's fixed for you.  Not sure I would have guessed that though.01:50
Bronzekboodu:  I wrote my first serial io driver in 1986. All the terminal does is pass characters back and forth. The shell iswhat doing all the work of allowing you to interact with the operating system.01:51
Bronzekboodu: did you start out on MAC OSX?01:51
kbooduBronze: No.  CP/M01:51
Fenbi heard something called Terminator, i think it is a terminal?01:51
BronzeFenb: yes.01:52
Bronzecute name too.01:52
Bronzekboodu: CP/M?  what hardware?01:52
kbooduBronze: You're mixing a hardware terminal with the abstract term of a Terminal in Linux.01:52
kbooduBronze: Northstar.01:52
Bronzekboodu: no I'm not.  From the perspective if a *NIX user, the hardware and the software emulator of the hardware are the same.01:53
Bronze*of a01:53
Fenbhaha, something that includes lots of stuff for a terminal i think?01:53
BronzeFenb: I suspect so01:54
wheatthinikk work for you?01:55
stan879nzhow do i run a program as non root when logged in under root?01:55
wheatthinsu username01:56
Fenbfor a new user, would xterm be recommended or?01:56
Fenbstan879nz: or sudo01:57
wheatthinhe doesn't want to run as root01:57
wheatthinwhen he's already root01:57
BronzeFenb: I have always found konsole to be the most flexible and easiest to configure. That may or may not matter to a new user01:57
kboodustan879nz: Why don't you "become" the user?01:58
kboodustan879nz: su *username*01:58
RalliasI did kpartx on a VM image that has an LVM mapping. How do I deactivate the LVM mappings long enough for me to remove the kpartx mapping?01:58
FenbBronze: i dont use a DE, i use Ze Openbox01:58
BronzeFenb: then your choices will be limited01:59
BronzeI think....01:59
Braden`Is there a simple control panel that I can install in ubuntu that allows the user to add e-mail addresses, etc. from a web interface?  It would be nice if it shows hdd capacity, etc.   Sort of like how Plesk and CPanel work but without all of the other nonsense.01:59
w4veBraden: Webmin02:00
Braden`I will check it out.  Thanks02:00
somsip!info webmin | Braden`02:00
ubottuBraden`: Package webmin does not exist in raring02:00
somsipBraden`: ah. It used to be amessage saying this is not support or recommended anymore. Not sure why.02:00
wheatthinno, it just does not exist02:01
EpoxxHi everyone. Does anyone know if Ubuntu installs well with UEFI bios nowadays? I tried with linux mint (oh, the shame! :P) somewhat recently and I never could get it to work :(02:01
wheatthinwebmin can be downloaded from their site, still as a debian package02:01
somsipwheatthin: yes, but i meant supported in ubuntu. I should have been more clear.02:01
FenbEpoxx: did you boot it in UEFI?02:01
kboodusomsip: Webmin notifies you of updates itself and will all you to install it from inside itself.02:02
EpoxxFenb what do you mean? Right now I have win8 64bit in EFI mode02:02
somsipkboodu: thanks, but of no interest to me :)02:02
kboodusomsip: Then what are you trying to do?02:02
FenbEpoxx: nah i meant if you booted in UEFI then you installed ubuntu with the cd02:03
somsipkboodu: let Braden know that webmin is no longer supported or recommended as an official Ubuntu package02:03
sereDoes Rainy tomboys sync server need to use a public ip.. i would think if the syncing computer is in on the same network it could use a local ip?02:03
kboodusomsip: Oops. Grabbed the wrong name...02:03
somsipkboodu: np :)02:03
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Fenbok thanks for the advice i think im gonna try it out02:04
kbooduBraden`: The Webmin notifies you of updates and allows you to update it from inside itself. Even though a debian package is available, it is not offiically supported in Ubunut.02:04
EpoxxAlso, anyone here work for Google by any chance? :D02:05
Azoriang'd up!02:06
tjbiddleHow can I ensure the proper user's $HOME is used when using `sudo -u username_here` ?02:06
tjbiddleIt keeps using the user I'm logged in as, not the one I'm specifying02:06
Azorianthat seems like a potential bug in the operation of sudo?02:07
Azorianall though I understand why it would still use the active environment vars02:07
wheatthinthat's why I suggested using su02:07
kboodutjbiddle: sudo -u username command allows you to execute the command with the permissions of the user.02:07
EpoxxIt does not keep the active environment vars02:07
somsiptjbiddle: su - username02:07
somsiptjbiddle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Su_(Unix)02:08
kboodutjbiddle: What somesip said.  Then you will "become" the user.02:08
tjbiddlesomsip: I think the server has login disabled for this user. Don't feel like lifting it as it's probably for a reason02:08
somsiptjbiddle: you mean there is no password? I sudo -i and then su02:08
samgabbayhi i cant hear anything on my username but on others i can02:08
kboodutjbiddle: Is the shell /bin/false for that user?02:08
Azoriantjbiddle, if you are worried about a security concern just change the password then su to the user02:09
AzorianI can' see any reason not to lift the login02:09
somsipAzorian: not a good idea. usually acounts have no password for a reaon. www-data, nobody, etc...02:09
tjbiddlekboodu: Yup! That's what it is, thanks!02:09
kboodutjbiddle: Don't forget to change it back when you're done!02:09
tjbiddlekboodu: Is that something harmful?02:10
Azorianyes but I assume he is talking about a user account02:10
Azoriannot a sys account02:10
tjbiddleAzorian: It's a user we're using to pull in puppet modules from git02:10
somsipAzorian: he has his answer. Maybe we're at cross-purposes a little <shrugs>02:10
Azorianapparently so02:10
tjbiddleWell many thanks :) Only run into having the shell set to /bin/false once before - Completely slipped my mind to check.02:11
* tjbiddle write in notes02:11
Fenbwhat is recommended to use then i got a hybrid graphics?02:15
jj123can I configure the IGMP timeout?  I'm using qemu on 13.04 and my application's multicast data just stops after exactly 5 minutes.  I don't have this problem with 12.04, so I'm looking at the only non-kernel/qemu difference - IGMP v3/v202:17
ikk-how to uninstall gdm and gnome in 12.10 ? I'll use awesome and xdm02:18
wheatthinikk purge them02:19
somsipikk-: I found it trinkly to completely remove gnome and ended up with fresh install from minimal. Then just apt-get-install awesomewm and wait a while. Not sure about xdm - use slim here02:19
Tex_Nickjj123:  if you don't gea answer here you might ask in #Ubuntu-server02:20
ikk-somsip: wheatthin: how to use xdm and awesome , without uninstall gdm and gnome02:21
jj123crossing my fingers02:21
somsipikk-: just told you. I have no idea about xdm02:21
somsipikk-: sorry - misread. You can install awesome as a session to gdm, but no idea about xdm02:22
ikk-somsip: ok , i'll try slim02:23
wheatthinwith hardware these days I don't get why not just use gdm and use the sessions manager to use awesome like somsip said02:24
Fenbwhat do i do if i got a hybrid graphic card?02:24
somsipikk-: this might help with awesome on gnome. It looks familiar to when I tried it out. Ignore the 'compiling awesome' bit as awesome is in the repos. Scroll down to the '[Desktop Entry]' bit http://is.gd/NgPGkP02:24
somsip!gq | Fenb02:24
ubottuFenb: Are you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.02:24
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.02:25
wheatthin<-- personally loves gnome 3 :)02:25
Fenbsomsip: i got a intel, nvidia graphic card in my laptop?02:25
somsipFenb: and...? I'm not dragging this out of you again. I'll just give up and do some work instead...02:26
Greygan_Fenb: are you trying to install a graphics driver or what???02:28
FenbGreygan_: yea02:28
Greygan_Fenb: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current02:28
ikk-somsip: why xdm disable ctrl+alt+f1 key when "Failed load session xxx "02:29
FenbGreygan_: but i got a intel/nvidia how do i do then?02:29
somsipikk-: last time I repeat it - I have no idea about xdm02:29
ikk-somsip: ok02:30
Greygan_Fenb: all nvidia cards use the nvidia driver no matter the branding on the card02:30
FenbGreygan_: ok, but i got 1 intel and one nvidia in the laptop02:31
somsipGreygan_: isn;t there something - Optimus - that is different? Something about needing jockey? <vague>02:31
Greygan_Fenb: your laptop has 2 video cards???02:31
wheatthinFenb, mac laptop?02:32
Fenbwheatthin: nope02:33
FenbGreygan_: yes, hybrids02:33
wheatthinGreygan_, I think it's for power conservation.. when the laptop needs more gpu power it then switches to nvidia02:33
Greygan_Fenb: not sure then...02:34
wheatthinFenb, I'd imagine it would be two "Device" sections in xorg.conf02:34
dsnydersHi all.  My mail has stopped sending (It gets about 40% through a message and then fails).  Is there a log somewhere?  It's thunderbird 17.0.602:34
Greygan_somsip: yes the Optimus line is a bit different, wasnt thinking of them.02:35
somsipFenb: Try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics#NVIDIA_Optimus and  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee02:35
somsipGreygan_: bumblebee, apparently. I knew I was vague...02:36
Fenbgod, how do i copy in xterm :/02:36
somsipFenb: drag with the mouse to highlight, go to where you want to paste, middle click02:37
Fenbsomsip: thank you :)02:38
Greygan_Here is a write up on bumblebee for the Optimus line. http://www.webupd8.org/2013/04/bumblebee-321-released-with-ubuntu-1304.html02:40
Greygan_nevermind I see somsip beat me to it... lol02:41
somsipGreygan_: today's hints are brought to you by....CAFFEINE!02:41
wheatthinand alot of patience02:41
somsipwheatthin: not so much sometimes if I'm honest...OT02:42
wheatthinI wish ubuntu wouldn't try to dynamically set my monitor settings..  some times my monitor isn't recognized and gets stuck at 60hz on a crt 0.o02:44
wheatthinIt makes the astigmatism seem even worse02:46
somsipwheatthin: can't you fix it in CCSM? http://is.gd/lxXsMZ02:51
wheatthinthere's no compiz in gnome 302:52
FoShizzHi guys. I accidently deleted the location of xinitrc. Can someone read what theres says so I can fix mine?02:52
Tex_Nickwheatthin:  switch over to a newer LCD monitor ... that way linux can poll the monitor ... use that old CRT for a boat anchor ;-)02:52
somsipFoShizz:  in ~/ it is empty02:52
wheatthinlol no doubt, if I wasn't so poor i'd probably do so02:52
FoShizzits at /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc02:52
FoShizzjust cat it pwease :)02:53
sethj_FoShizz Just a sec.02:53
somsipFoShizz: . /etc/X11/Xsession (yes, that's all except for some comments)02:53
sethj_FoShizz http://paste.ubuntu.com/5760167/02:53
somsipFoShizz: oh, shebang for sh02:53
FoShizzI just need to know is there anything under "invoke global Xsession script?02:53
FoShizznice seth thanks102:54
FoShizzi apprecitate it alot seth :)02:54
sethj_No problem.02:54
wheatthinTex_Nick, I can't even afford glasses atm, so a newer lcd isn't an option atm02:55
Tex_Nickwheatthin:  ah ok i understand ... no glasses and a poor display is a pain in the patut then :-(02:57
samgabbayhiii im having a big issue i cant hear when i put the volume up for example or any ubuntu sound effects02:57
FoShizzIs it normal not to have a .Xauthority?02:57
sethj_FoShizz I have too many :O http://i.imgur.com/gPdPhsB.png02:59
NautilusA while back I saw a status sort of display someone had set up, it was almost 'tile' like in that there were maybe 4 boxes on the left half the screen and one 4x size box on the right. Each had live stats. Anyone know what program(s) that would make that easy?02:59
somsip!info conky | Nautilus03:00
ubottuNautilus: conky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.0-2 (raring), package size 3 kB, installed size 42 kB03:00
wheatthinNautilus, are you talking about Enlightenment?03:00
FoShizzFor some reason I can't login. I seem to be in a login loop, where whenever I enter my password it simply black screens for a flash then goes back to the login.03:00
sethj_FoShizz: Well .Xauthority is an Xsession cookie.. so that might be the problem.03:01
wheatthinFoShizz, sounds like a wrongly configured xorg03:01
Nautilussomsip: looking03:01
FoShizzHow would i go about fixing it?03:01
Nautiluswheaties: looking :)03:01
Nautiluswheatthins: ^03:02
somsipFoShizz: login in text mode and check the log files for x. ~/.xsession-errors possibly03:02
somsip!text | FoShizz03:02
ubottuFoShizz: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode03:02
wheatthingod I love that bot :P03:02
FoShizzim in tty already.03:02
sethj_FoShizz: Can you log in to the Guest account?03:03
FoShizzill try03:03
FoShizzim guest right noe03:04
somsipFoShizz: guest may not give the permissions you need to read the X error files, especially if they belong to your usual user. Can't you log in as your usual user in text?03:05
FoShizzyea i was just doing that03:05
wheaties<Nautilus> wheaties: looking :)03:06
Nautilussomsip & wheatthin: what I saw looked a lot like Windows tiles UI, in that it was full screen and had just rectangles of color for each area's background, then stats on top of those. Maybe one of those apps does that but it's unclear from google pics03:06
wheatiesim that guy03:06
wheatiesthat guy who everyone hates because they have to tab one more damn time03:06
somsipNautilus: conky is very configurable. I get the idea most people use transparent backgrounds, but you could use big bold squares of color for that Win8 look03:07
somsipNautilus: but then again, it may not be conky...03:07
Tex_Nickwheatthin:  check out the bot's knowledge base at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi03:07
Nautilusnod, I'll look at it some more, maybe set it up. thanks!03:07
pragmaticenigmasomsip: Is there any sort of WYSIWYG editor for conky applets?03:07
FoShizzhow do i find my xsession errors03:07
somsippragmaticenigma: never looked for one so I don't kno03:08
somsipFoShizz: ~/.xsession-errors03:08
sereRainy sync server help please.. Here is all my settings and commands used already to debug cant seem to get it to connect though..http://paste.ubuntu.com/5760189/03:09
somsipNautilus: this? Not how you described but maybe close http://is.gd/54pFfl03:09
sethj_There are also Xorg logs in /var/log03:09
somsipNautilus: nicer ones on a google image search for 'conky metro'03:10
FoShizznot a direcotry :(03:10
Nautilussomsip: yea that could be it03:11
Nautilusis it easy to make conky widgets?03:12
Nautilusactually, a good number of mine just nee editable text03:12
FoShizzcd ~/.xsession-errors gives me no file or directory03:12
somsipNautilus: they are just editable text :)03:12
somsipFoShizz: you cant cd to a file03:12
FoShizzoh its a file?!03:12
FoShizzlol i should have none03:12
Nautilussomsip what about a phhoto gallery widget?03:12
somsipNautilus: no idea03:13
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FoShizzso which part am i supposed to read to you guys?03:16
somsip!pastebin | FoShizz03:17
ubottuFoShizz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:17
somsipFoShizz: the last bit, where it might say EE or ERROR03:17
FoShizzfatal IO error 11 (Resource temp unavailable) on server :0.0.03:18
Nautilushm, maybe I should make it a web app.03:18
newhoaQuestion: I installed a new MB/CPU/RAM, but have continued using the same HDD with Ubuntu. When Ubuntu installs, is it optimized for the hardware it's installed on? Would there be any advantage in reinstalling with the new hardware?03:20
clockworkshi what im trying to do is this, ubuntu live cd creates a desktop link "install ubuntu" that reappears after every boot even if you delete it and have a casper-rw03:21
clockworksi figured it must sit in initrd.gz03:21
clockworksbut maybe it doesnt?03:21
clockworksalso maybe i can just delete it on boot every time automatically03:21
clockworkswhats the script that gets run earliest in the boot process? so i can add a line that deletes the desktop icon03:21
clockworkswhere does the damn desktop icon come from..03:21
FoShizznewhoa just update our drivers. thatll be your optimization03:21
FoShizzsomsip: Are you still here?03:23
newbie|2necesito ayuda03:25
newbie|2instale el skupy03:25
newbie|2y no me sale en la lista de programas y cuando lo abro y kiero ke funcione03:25
newbie|2no funciona03:25
newbie|2es como si estuviera pero no esta03:25
kostkon!es | newbie|203:26
ubottunewbie|2: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:26
sereno habla espaino...locento03:26
Tex_Nick!es newbie|203:26
FoShizz#ubuntu-es es para usted03:27
dacdaveHow to upgrade 11.10 to current version (13.4?)?03:27
xangua!eol | dacdave03:27
ubottudacdave: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:27
xanguadacdave: or you can just make a clean install03:28
FoShizzthat bot is all knowing03:29
sethj_docdave: http://askubuntu.com/questions/91815/how-to-install-software-or-upgrade-from-old-unsupported-release03:29
newhoaFoShizz: Thanks. I just didn't know if during installation certain configs were optimized for specific hardware. I figure at least the kernel is preconfigured with extra options enabled for really broad hardware support? As in, when you install Ubuntu x84_64, it is generically configured?03:29
sethj_Is there a manual for the bot?03:30
kostkonsethj_, http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi03:30
newhoaI have to say, though, I'm really impressed that I can make such drastic changes to my system and have Ubuntu/Linux handle it with no problem. Changing a single component on Windows is a nightmare, if the system will even boot.03:31
clockworkswhich encryption algorithm does the ubuntu rightclick > compress tool use?03:31
FoShizznewhoa those are drivers that allow for support. And yes, ubuntu does come equipped with an array for generic drivers.03:31
bennisAnybody know a good tutorial for putting firefox/flash on ubuntu GNOME remix 12.10?03:31
kostkonclockworks, you mean compression algorithm?03:31
clockworkskostkon: no, there is optional encryption03:31
clockworksin the compress tool03:32
kostkonclockworks, oh right sorry03:32
clockworksyou can choose the compression algorithm, but it doesnt say anything about the encryption algorithm03:32
xanguabennis: adobe flash plugin¿03:32
bennisyes, adobe flash and mozilla firefox03:33
xanguabennis: just open software center03:33
bennisubuntu GNOME remix 12.10 doesn't seem to support either out of the box03:33
Leonhi, im new to ubuntu and i need some help03:33
FoShizzThe .xauthority is uneeded because it simply creates a new one every boot, right?03:33
=== Leon is now known as Guest73580
bennisxangua: thank you, but i'm on a different derivative than vanilla03:33
kostkon!hi | Guest7358003:34
kostkonGuest73580, just ask the question03:34
woo13.04 x64 I keep loosing my keyboard and mouse functionality03:36
LeonIsNewok so my motherboard says it has onboard apu performance, what does this mean, does this have onboard processor or what? if so why is ubunto not loading up03:38
LeonIsNewanyone have any info?03:39
KihokkiPeople are sleeping/working /waking up now03:41
LeonIsNewdont know what to google03:41
sethj_APU is Accelerated Processing Unit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerated_processing_unit03:41
Nautilusonboard apu performance03:41
Nautilusthat will tell you -what- it is (graphics controller built into CPU), but not answer the ubuntu install issue03:42
newhoaFoShizz, sounds good. Thanks for the help!03:42
sethj_LeonIsNew: What motherboard/graphics card do you have?03:43
kostkonLeonIsNew, yeah you need to provide some more information about your hardware03:43
LeonIsNewlet me cehck again hold on03:43
kostkonprobably amd03:44
NautilusAPU seems to be a AMD term03:44
newhoaLeonIsNew: APU is what AMD calls their CPUs with integrated graphics.03:44
newhoaLeonIsNew: Also, what CPU do you have. Not all CPUs that fit in the APU boards have integrated graphics.03:44
LeonIsNewi know what an apu is03:44
LeonIsNewand i dont have a cpu atm03:44
LeonIsNewapu is cpu+gpu thats alli know03:45
LeonIsNewim waiting for my cpu to come in03:45
LeonIsNewim just confused as to what in the world my motherboard means by onboard apu performance03:45
Nautilussales-speak for "suppots AMD APU"?03:45
newhoaYeah, it supports CPUs with integrated graphics. It doesn't have onboard CPU or graphics built in.03:46
LeonIsNewalright, well, if i have ubunto installed on my external/internal hdd03:46
soy_el_pulpoI thought that APU was a character form the Simpsons?03:46
LeonIsNewand i have it in my new machine03:47
LeonIsNewit wont start up unless i have a cpu in it?03:47
newhoaA PC won't boot without a CPU03:47
kostkonsoy_el_pulpo, is it spelled "apu" though?03:47
kostkonlets c03:47
LeonIsNewokay see thats waht i wasnt sure about03:47
kostkonsoy_el_pulpo, indeed03:47
LeonIsNewi know more about gpu and stuff like that03:47
Nautilusthe whole box of electronics is only THERE to support the CPU (APU)03:47
Nautilusthe *PU -IS- the computer03:48
LeonIsNewwell anyway03:48
Tanathoshola mundo03:48
LeonIsNewim brand new to ubuntu, anything i should know?03:48
soy_el_pulpolike the human body, is there to keep the brain alive...03:48
NautilusSoylentY_: ++03:48
Nautilussoy_el_pulpo: ^03:49
samgabbayhow do i set a sound theme03:49
Nautilusgrumble, forgot it's a big channel03:49
LeonIsNewanything i should know about using ubuntu?03:49
newhoaAre you coming from Windows?03:49
NautilusLeonIsNew: finish building the computer, install ubuntu, try it.03:49
LeonIsNewwell ubuntu is installed on the hdd03:50
bennisi prefer the GNOME 3 version03:50
LeonIsNewand i cant exactly afford an Os atm03:50
bennisUnity i find irritating more often than not03:50
alien64#ubuntu-offtopic for this chit chat03:50
Nautilusah you did say it's on the HD. If theres no data you want to keep, a clean install might be nice.03:50
Nautilusubuntu is priced right though03:51
LeonIsNewubuntu is free03:51
bennisalien64 but we're talking about ubuntu, aren't we?03:51
alien64not support03:51
LeonIsNewso, what all should i know about ubuntu?03:51
bennisalien64 ah, i hadn't read the bit about official support channel03:52
LeonIsNewand when i say ubuntu is on my hdd, i mean i just installed it, today03:52
Nautiluswhat all should you know about toilet paper?03:52
Nautilusthats a hard Q to answer... maybe you're the bean counter at the TP company03:52
kostkonLeonIsNew, you could start from here http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop03:52
newhoaI would just say be patient... it takes some learning and getting used to. Don't expect it to be exactly like what you came from. And it's very customizable, so if there is something you don't like it can usually be changed (Don't like Ubuntu the Unity side dock, try installing XFCE, LXDE, or KDE or use Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Kubuntu)03:53
LeonIsNewshould i be worried?03:53
kostkonLeonIsNew, about what?03:54
LeonIsNewaccording to fedex...my cpu went from colorado, to illinois the state i live in, to kentucky03:54
Nautilussounds about right03:54
LeonIsNewthat shouldnt happen though03:55
Nautilusyou might be surprised03:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:55
LeonIsNewi think im gonan head to bed, maybe my cpu will come tomorrow who knows03:56
NautilusLeonIsNew: really, get the box together, install ubuntu clean, play with it, then come back with questions03:56
newhoaHappens all the time, don't worry. Kentucky is a big parcel hub, lots of things in surrounding states go there for sorting and then back out. Good luck with everything.03:56
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alien64dudes obey channel rules or leave03:57
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ejvread this http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz , fully, *then* come back with questions ;)03:57
kostkonwhat kind of file is that ejv?03:58
ejvman gzip03:58
kostkonejv, yeah i know. i'm mostly worrying about its contents03:58
ejvit's not a virus, learn about the structure of the internet people lol03:59
madsyWhen I hook up my synthesizer to Qsynth via jackd, the normal audio from Spotify, Chrome etc via PulseAudio is silent. How can I make PulseAudio play ball with jackd?04:00
ejvper RFC 2626, as of HTTP/1.1, clients are able to receive compressed HTTP responses and send compressed requests04:00
kostkonejv, even so, you didn't describe the contents of that page beforehand.04:01
ejvexcuse me 2616*, three compression methods are available, gzip, zlib, and compress: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc261604:01
kostkonejv, it's not an easily recognisable url, like for example paste.ubuntu.com, google.com, you get the point04:02
ejvyes it is. gz is pretty widely accepted, learn the interwebs :P04:03
ejvanyways, it's a manual, a good one. bookmark it.04:03
IdleOneejv: Please stop. kostkon you too please. The link is safe.04:03
kostkonejv, i meant the url. anyway, it has become ot so i think let's put an end to it04:03
kostkonIdleOne, yeah sorry04:03
ejvThe conversation was already over IdleOne.04:04
IdleOneejv: yet you chose to comment one more time to me so you can get the last word. You proved your leetness. Now please stop.04:05
alien64just go to #ubuntu-offtopic not everything goes but pritty much:)04:05
madsyI think I figured out the answer to my question. You can use the PA module pulseaudio-module-jack to setup PA as a jack source04:06
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uwmagic time04:12
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=== alien64-undercov is now known as alien64
devslashim dual booting ubuntu with os x. Ubuntu automatically mounts the OS X file system but once I browser to /media/Macintosh/Users/devslash  I cant access all of the sub folders because of permissions. Is there a way to force override it ? The file system is mounted as read only which how I want it to be.04:17
sereRainy sync server with tomboy help please..http://paste.ubuntu.com/5760189/04:20
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=== elapse is now known as Prodego
MannyVelHelp: I have a HP C7180 multifunction printer scanner. On the same workstation, the scanner works on Ubuntu but does not work on Kubuntu. Any ideas why it doesn't work on Kubuntu. Both OS's are 13.04.04:25
MannyVelHelp: I have a HP C7180 multifunction printer scanner. On the same workstation, the scanner works on Ubuntu but does not work on Kubuntu. Any ideas why it doesn't work on Kubuntu. Both OS's are 13.04.04:33
MannyVelAnyone?  Someone? Anybody ????    ;;;sigh;;;04:33
thunder1212I have a usb pendrive and its not showing up the out put of lsusb is< Bus 001 Device 005: ID 1f75:0916 > and also when i open disk utility the device is there and when i format drive with mbr i get this error<Error creating partition table: helper exited with exit code 1: Error calling fsync(2) on /dev/sdb: Input/output error> i am using ubuntu 12.0404:35
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GreyganMannyVel: You may want to try the #kubuntu channel...04:37
Whiskey`Wonkain my efforts to figure out my fan issues i have discovered that /proc/config.gz doesnt not exist on my install. How do i find out the flags the kernel was compiled with short of compiling my own?04:38
MannyVelGreygan <---    Oh! ok. Thanks so much. Didn't know there was on  :-04:38
=== benjamo is now known as benjamino
Whiskey`Wonka!! ah HAH04:41
Whiskey`Wonkarequired kernel toshiba support not enabled.04:41
Whiskey`Wonkaso, there is why my toshiba laptop overheats04:41
somsipWhiskey`Wonka: some patches for old kernels. Maybe they are still valid? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/toshset/+bug/644898 (comment #13)04:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 644898 in toshset (Ubuntu) "required kernel toshiba support not enabled" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:46
=== ikk- is now known as iwwi
Whiskey`Wonkasomsip: yea im not running a old kernel, at lest not /very/ old04:46
Whiskey`Wonkaoh hell when did iswitch back to -generic?!04:46
somsipWhiskey`Wonka: what kernel are you on04:47
Whiskey`Wonkait should be -lowlatency that fixed much of my fan issues04:47
somsipWhiskey`Wonka: what version of ubuntu?04:49
somsip!info toshset | Whiskey`Wonka - is this any good?04:50
ubottuWhiskey`Wonka - is this any good?: toshset (source: toshset): Access much of the Toshiba laptop hardware interface. In component main, is optional. Version 1.76-4 (raring), package size 60 kB, installed size 237 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)04:50
Whiskey`Wonkasomsip: that is what gave me the error above about no kernel support04:50
somsipWhiskey`Wonka: ah sorry - just read that myself :/04:50
Whiskey`Wonkano problem04:50
somsip!ppa | Whiskey`Wonka but is this worth a go? https://launchpad.net/~keks9n/+archive/main04:53
leetcarderHi :D04:55
Whiskey`Wonkasomsip: well i really do nto like using untrusted sources04:55
somsipWhiskey`Wonka: hence the !ppa04:56
somsipWhiskey`Wonka: seems like the alternative is building the module yourself. I quite understand the reticence though04:56
Whiskey`Wonkai do not mind making the module04:57
Whiskey`Wonkawith the config.gz missing I would have to also build the kernel, something i dislike on ubuntu04:57
Whiskey`Wonkaif i was in gentoo sure04:57
ChRisHansendoes anyone know why when I click on a link here on irc, since installing lubuntu, it opens an abiword document or whatever instead of firefox ? how to set my click on link in irc Konversation app to open firefox on click instead of abiword?05:03
newhoaDoes anyone know how to disable window snapping (windows snapping to the edges of other windows and side of the screen) in Gnome3?05:03
Seven_Six_TwoChRisHansen, I don't know, but they might know in #lubuntu05:04
rootqui est là ?05:07
ChRisHansenSeven_Six_Two: is it related to that then ? must it be that ? could it just be a side issue ? I also did some other things. I installed Tor, I did sommething else too, I was attempting to gksudo wiresharek, and it told me to do it another way , I had to allow normal users permission to analyze networks or whatever. and that didnt work out so well i dont think05:07
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Seven_Six_TwoChRisHansen, Oh it could be a number of things, but it's generally your wm that controls default launchers. It isn't likely to be related to tor or wireshark.05:09
Seven_Six_TwoChRisHansen, sorry, I guess it would be "DE", not "WM"05:10
ChRisHansenSeven_Six_Two: ok05:11
Seven_Six_TwoChRisHansen, What does lubuntu use? is it XFCE4?05:11
timb_Seveas: LXDE05:12
timb_Seven_Six_Two: LXDE05:12
Seven_Six_Twotimb_, thanks. ChRisHansen sorry, I don't know how to do it, but it would be related to LXDE settings.05:12
mob001Hi, how to install and configure mod_jk connector in ubuntu 10.04 server. pls help on this.05:14
Seven_Six_TwoChRisHansen, can you edit your ~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list05:14
nyRedneki believe i need some help with postfix now05:14
ChRisHansenhow to purge again ? like say i did the snmp-mibs downloader, and i want to purge that ? what is the command?05:15
somsipChRisHansen: is it using the same terminal program? I know my 'click to open' for terminals is set in the terminal rc config05:15
Seven_Six_TwoChRisHansen, add "browser=opera" to the end, without the quotes05:15
Seven_Six_TwoChRisHansen, add "browser=firefox" to the end, without the quotes05:16
ChRisHansensay what ? browser=opera ? to the end of what ? snmp-mibs downloader ? i think i did apt-get on that didnt i ?05:16
sereim getting alot of Buffer I/O error on device sdc1, logical block 44788876 on my usb western digital 1.tb drive.. is this bad?05:17
Seven_Six_TwoChRisHansen, you asked about clicking on a link in irc05:17
Seven_Six_Twosere, yes. especially if it's noisy05:17
ChRisHansenoh sorry , how to edit my local/share etc?05:18
Seven_Six_TwoChRisHansen, are you asking me how to edit a file?05:18
ChRisHansenSeven_Six_Two: yes i guess so05:18
Seven_Six_Twois there an ubottu canned answer?05:19
Seven_Six_Two!ubottu edit05:19
sereSeven_Six_Two: it comes and goes..i know on both my usb 2.0 drives if a barely touch them when its on it gets disconnected05:19
serethe cables that is05:19
Seven_Six_Twosere, I would backup asap. do you leave them plugged in? on a UPS?05:19
Seven_Six_TwoChRisHansen, one moment05:20
sereSeven_Six_Two: yes they are plugged in.. whats UPS?05:21
Seven_Six_Twosere, uninterruptable power supply05:21
sereits plugged into a power supply... and i have been using it to download / watch all my movies so its getting alot of use.. i download alot to :x05:23
Seven_Six_Twosere, it could be dying. If you can remove it from the case and put it in to a desktop pc, you can do a low level scan of the drive,05:24
johndoe__mirror it.. easy05:24
Seven_Six_TwoChRisHansen, !Bash05:24
Seven_Six_Two!Bash ChRisHansen05:24
ChRisHansenSeven_Six_Two: huh ?05:25
somsipSeven_Six_Two: !bash | user05:25
Seven_Six_TwoChRisHansen, sorry. I don't know how to do it.05:25
Seven_Six_Two!Bash | ChRisHansen05:25
ubottuChRisHansen: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:25
Seven_Six_Twosomsip, thx05:25
somsipSeven_Six_Two: np05:25
ChRisHansenSeven_Six_Two: so in this link is the "how to" info on what i need to know how to edit that ~/.local/share file ?05:26
Seven_Six_TwoChRisHansen, Yes. It will start you out with the very basics, so that you can become easier to help in the future.05:27
ChRisHansenSeven_Six_Two: ok obviously this will be my homework for tonight. thanks and bbl tomorrow with more questions for SURE!05:28
sereSeven_Six_Two: thanks for the help.. i will get on this asap05:29
thunder1212I have a usb pendrive and its not showing up the out put of lsusb is< Bus 001 Device 005: ID 1f75:0916 > and also when i open disk utility the device is there and when i format drive with mbr i get this error<Error creating partition table: helper exited with exit code 1: Error calling fsync(2) on /dev/sdb: Input/output error>05:29
Seven_Six_TwoChRisHansen, any time!05:29
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, what's the device that is showing up?05:30
ChRisHansenthunder1212: hey man i been having the same issues with usb drives, but yesterday i finally got it done by using unetbootin to create the start up live usb. if you format with disks app for some reson it default creates a w95 Bootable fat-32. it puts the casper /boot/wubi folders on your usb. at least it did for mine. am still learning about Ubuntu and USB drives but be cautios with the format option on Ubuntu.05:31
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, what filesystem have you used, and is there only one partition?05:31
thunder1212ChRisHansen: ok will try that, thanks05:32
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, are you booting from the usb key?05:32
Whiskey`Wonkais there a /simple/ way to compile the ubuntu kernel??05:33
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: i used to but now its not formating so am not able to use ot05:33
Seven_Six_TwoWhiskey`Wonka, why are you compiling kernel?05:34
ChRisHansenthunder1212: dont let anyone tell you its a RAM issue, its not.05:34
Whiskey`WonkaSeven_Six_Two: to enable some things that have been leftout05:34
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, does it show up on another pc, or does another usb key show up when plugged into the same spot?05:34
Seven_Six_TwoWhiskey`Wonka, do you need RT? drivers?05:35
Whiskey`WonkaNo i need toshiba kernel supprot05:35
Whiskey`Wonkasupport even05:35
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: i have tried all that, i think there is some issue with the usb drive05:35
ChRisHansenthunder1212: no dont go there, its not that . i am still learning but i will learn the answer to this in/out error with usb drives05:35
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, have you tried repartitioning it without mbr and then creating single partition?05:36
Seven_Six_Twoand formatting that ext305:36
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: yes05:36
thunder1212ChRisHansen: dont go where?05:36
Whiskey`WonkaSeven_Six_Two: so you have a solution to compiling kernel suppor witho ut compiling the kernel??05:37
Seven_Six_TwoWhiskey`Wonka, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile05:37
ChRisHansenthunder1212: I mean hardware issue blaming. i bought a brand new usb stick and got the same error, as well as my RAM is fine05:37
Seven_Six_TwoWhiskey`Wonka, it's not easy, that's why I asked. Some people make that mistake unnecessarily05:37
thunder1212ChRisHansen: ok, mine is also new!05:37
StarOnDHello everyone, I installed grub4dos on my windows computer and I need to make windows as my default distro, I think it is done by editing menu.lst,but where IS menu.lst located in windows ??05:38
ChRisHansenthunder1212: dont give up you will learn alot about drive partitioning and such solving this thing.05:38
Whiskey`WonkaSeven_Six_Two: yea its not easy. infact its stupidly complex. makes me want to go back to gentoo cept their damn issues with ATi drivers never being stable has me soured for a bit.05:39
Whiskey`Wonkathis tochiba support issue with ubuntu is souring me real fast heh.05:39
Whiskey`Wonkabah im so tired i can not type05:39
Seven_Six_Twowhat special hardware do they have?05:39
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: i am trying to create bootable disk with unetboootin but the drive letter is not showing05:40
Whiskey`Wonkai have no idea what is special about it. there is NO correct ACPI support with out the toshiba kernel packages05:40
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, it won't show if there isn't a filesystem to mount05:40
Whiskey`Wonkaand some how they were left out of the mainline ubuntu kernel and installing the toshset tools does not trigger a kernel compile for them05:40
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: ok any command to format it05:41
Whiskey`Wonkathis isnt the first broken support setup ive found on RR05:41
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, do you have a gui?05:41
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: yes05:41
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: i have tried gparted also05:41
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, try gnome-disks05:43
toobluescAnyone know how to create a Makefile target that is a symlink to a non-existent file and have it look at the mtime of the symlink, not its destination?05:43
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: i have tried the disk utility05:43
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, does it show a partition or available space?05:44
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: disk utility shows not partitioned device: /dev/sdb model: SRT USB 3.0 JET 16G  Volumes: Unknown 16GB05:46
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, can you select it and create a new partition?05:46
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: there is an option to format volume and format drive  but both the options give an error as i have said earlier05:47
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, you don't format yet. You have to make a partition first.05:47
Seven_Six_Twohmmm...That's not right. It shows that you can format an unpartitioned device?05:48
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: how? the format drive option  erases and partitions the drive05:48
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: right.05:49
Seven_Six_TwoWhat does Contents say? Unallocated Space (Master Boot Record)05:50
R44TWR4NGNULLbasic disk05:50
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, in disk manager, what happens if you use the "+" just under the blue box/05:52
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: can i share a screenshot with you and how?05:53
R44TWR4NGNULLya thunder121205:55
thunder1212R44TWR4NGNULL: how?05:55
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, yes, but I don't know how. maybe a pic sharing service05:55
R44TWR4NGNULLya seven six two saying true05:55
Seven_Six_TwoR44TWR4NGNULL, please don't be like that. you're not adding anything.05:56
SCCHey guys05:57
R44TWR4NGNULLseven six two what do u mean05:58
SCCcan you tell me what the difference is between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu DVD?05:58
xanguaSCC: the dvd only contains more languages05:59
R44TWR4NGNULLi think ubuntu desktop is install in pc05:59
SCCthat's it?05:59
R44TWR4NGNULLand ubuntu dvd is live os05:59
xanguawell actually ubuntu no longer fits on a cd right¿05:59
SCCbut if you want to view webpages or do writing in other languages, you still need the DVD right?06:00
R44TWR4NGNULLhm but u can take care of optical media06:00
R44TWR4NGNULLof os06:00
reisioxangua: the images that don't don't, those that do do06:00
icerootSCC: in the end both will deliver the same system06:01
SCCso it doesn't contain more applications than the DVD06:01
icerootSCC: every ubuntu system can deliver the same system, you can install in every ubuntu version all the software packages06:02
SCCyea, i've just gotten a x61s and i'm debating to install ubuntu 12.04 or opensuse06:02
icerootSCC: you can try both with a live-cd and decide yourself which system you like more06:02
SCCgotcha, via the network right?06:02
icerootSCC: you install applications via the network, yes06:02
iceroot!repos | SCC06:02
ubottuSCC: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.06:02
reisiomaybe one day they'll stop calling them DVD images just because they don't fit on CDs, which even the smaller images frequently no longer do :p06:03
SCCthanks iceroot and xangua06:04
SCCi already have the desktop iso, and i'm downloading the dvd right now. looks like it should stop the download06:04
icerootSCC: yes06:05
SCCheh yea06:05
satriani1hi guys.. i have one quick question that bothers me. Does pidgin's facebook plugin works at all?? (i know the other ways to connect through, but i think the plugin is wasted...)06:05
SCCsave more bandwidth06:05
satriani1does anyone knows if pidgin's facebook plugin works ??? !!06:06
reisiosatriani1: probably someone knows06:07
reisioI thought facebook just used xmpp06:07
SCCone more thing, how hard is it to develop a desktop environment06:07
reisioSCC: not hard at all06:07
reisiopotentially tedious, however :)06:07
satriani1reisio: yeah.. i know, but the pluggin has a lot of nice feautures!! :)06:08
SCChaha yea06:08
SCCdo you guys know if there's book on this?06:08
SCCor should I just read through something like gnome's codebase and reverse engineer it06:08
corehookhi all06:09
corehookfolks need help06:09
corehookafter reboot my server with nginx stopped sending back packets06:09
greyhatpythonhey guys i installed ubuntu 13.04 Server but it's not showing the eth0. I tried to configure /etc/network/interfaces but still it shows there's no eth0  device when i run ifup eth0 command. Please Help. Thank You06:10
corehookby tcpdump i see incoming packets06:10
corehookiptables rules is clean06:10
corehookgreyhatpython: hi, dmesg|grep eth06:10
corehookbtw ghp nice book :)06:10
greyhatpythontrying now.....06:10
aeon-ltdSCC: think about lxde, it's essentially lxpanel+openbox+assortment of applications, and it would be considered a DE even though it's not as truly cohesive as unity06:10
reisiogreyhatpython: what's in /sys/class/net/ ?06:11
greyhatpythonhi corehook it's detecting the hardware06:12
reisiooh, ghp06:12
reisiogrAy, innit? :p06:12
greyhatpythonBut i am not sure why it's running the network i have configured auto eth0 dhcp06:12
greyhatpythonreisio checking now06:12
greyhatpythonreisio it shows em1 lo vibr006:13
greyhatpythonBut no eth0...06:13
SCCaeon-ltd  you are right. i'm fairly good at c#, and I was thinking about writing one with it. always in the back of my mind. never seriously looked into it06:15
reisiogreyhatpython: it's possible it could be one of those you want06:15
FloodBot1demonoid_me: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:15
SCCbut you are right, it's essentially just those things06:15
reisioI don't keep up with Ubuntu's network device naming06:15
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: http://troll.ws/image/4fbcf2ee06:15
greyhatpythonreisio i think i need to rename em1 to eth0?06:15
reisiopossibly the reverse, someone else will know06:16
greyhatpythoni don't know why  server is not detecting eth0 while the desktop detects seamlessly....06:17
reisiopotentially because not using eth0 is more beneficial to servers, which might have more network devices06:18
reisiogreyhatpython: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/06:18
reisiogreyhatpython: but again, I don't know what Ubuntu does in this regard06:18
GrivvelDoes anyone know if I have to do anything special to get /etc/pam.d/remote working in Ubuntu? I created one, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Is this file just not supported?06:18
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, can you show me the 500 selected?06:18
greyhatpythonok i am checking06:18
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, are you on 12.0406:19
reisioGrivvel: what is it you'd like it to do?06:19
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: yes06:19
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, I'm on 13.04, so yours might look different than mine.06:19
Grivvelreisio: I'm trying to use the google-authenticator auth module with shellinabox06:20
Grivvelreisio: I have it working when connecting with normal ssh, but shellinabox seems to bypass that and just ask for a password.06:21
SCCthanks again guys06:22
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, here's what mine looks like:  http://troll.ws/image/126b2f5606:23
hygl_hi, I do not get any twitter updates in gwibber (12.04) since a day or two, neither by manual refresh nor  automatically?06:25
hygl_has anyone a hint?06:25
reisiohygl_: either your software locally changed a day or two ago, or the upstream servers' did06:26
reisiothunder1212: hi06:26
hygl_reisio: thought perhaps it would have been a known issue.06:27
Seven_Six_Twohygl_, try deleting and re-adding the account in gwibber.06:27
greyhatpythonreisio nothing works.....06:27
reisiogreyhatpython: for what?06:27
greyhatpythonreisio i actually skipped network configuration during the installation of ubuntu server06:28
thunder1212Seven_Six_Two: yes?06:28
greyhatpythonis that affecting the network eth0 not being enabled?06:28
Coburntry a ipconfig eth0 up06:29
Coburnif the iface is down, it's not going to be able to transmit data06:29
Coburnsorry, ifconfig06:29
Coburnipconfig is windows >_<06:29
clockworksifconfig is deprecated06:30
clockworksplease use iproute206:30
Seven_Six_Twothunder1212, oh that's all. I don't have any further suggestions. It does seem to be good and borked.06:30
reisiooh right06:30
reisiogreyhatpython: maybe you should talk to the server channel: /msg alis list *ubunt*serv*06:30
Seven_Six_Twogreyhatpython, does anything show up for ifconfig -a06:31
hygl_Seven_Six_Two:  now gwibber crashes when I try to readd the account.06:34
Seven_Six_Twohygl_, looks like a bug. can you kill gwibber and restart it from the terminal06:35
greyhatpythonSeven_Six_Two it's showing em1 for eth006:36
Seven_Six_Twogreyhatpython, I'm not sure what you mean by em106:36
greyhatpythonwell it's showing like that06:36
greyhatpythonthere's now eth006:36
greyhatpythonno eth006:36
greyhatpythonlo and vibr0 listed06:37
Seven_Six_Twooh, it shows em1 where you would expect to see eth0.06:37
Seven_Six_Twocan you do    sudo service networking restart06:37
Seven_Six_Twoand tell me what happens06:37
Seven_Six_Twoclockworks, hey I didn't know it was dep. thanks.06:38
greyhatpythonSeven_Six_Two it's shows network is running06:39
gotwighow can I use smartscopes to do calculations in the dash06:39
hygl_Seven_Six_Two: Found the reason: https://dev.twitter.com/blog/api-v1-retirement-final-dates06:39
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reisiogreyhatpython: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-August/035670.html06:41
reisioso, as conjectured06:41
hygl_think gwibber still uses 1.0 api.06:41
Seven_Six_Twohygl_, perhaps the new api is used in 13.04's gwibber06:42
clockworksnp Seven_Six_Two06:42
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hygl_Seven_Six_Two: didn't they replace gwibber with the friends app in 13.04?06:42
Seven_Six_Twohygl_, I have no idea. I don't have friends.06:43
gotwigSeven_Six_Two, :O06:44
Seven_Six_Twogotwig, no need to worry. It's by choice.  ;)06:44
facetoeHello, can someone please tell me the default Ruby version on Ubuntu?06:48
barzoghruby -v : this command shows what you are asking for06:50
facetoeI'm not on Ubuntu at the moment unfortunately06:50
SwedeMikefacetoe: in 12.04 it seems to be 1.8, 1.9.1 and 1.9.3 which is available for installation06:50
facetoeSwedeMike: Thankyou06:50
jazzonckServ identify klr66906:51
lotuspsychjefacetoe: like barzogh says: lotuspsychje@RooTBooK:~$ ruby -v06:51
lotuspsychjeruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-linux]06:51
reisiohi zainnuri06:54
thefunc5not sure if this is the place to ask, but with running an openvpn server on ubuntu, if i configure it to use a PSK could i just setup the clients to authenticate via l2tp+psk? or would that not work at all, my understanding is quite rough.06:54
zainnurihi reisio06:54
mister2anybody know why i get a "not in software sources" error when i try to install flashplugin-installer on ubuntu GNOME remix 13.04?07:09
mister2google brings up irrelevant search results07:09
lotuspsychjemister2: did you check the boxes during install: install third party software?07:11
lotuspsychjemister2: you can try install ubuntu-restricted-extras aswell07:12
mister2lotuspsychje i'm on a live install, but i checked all the source boxes including multiverse07:12
mister2lotuspsychje got the same error, i think it has something to do with being live or on the GNOME derivative07:13
lotuspsychjemister2: you havent complete your setup?07:14
mister2lotuspsychje i have no internal hard drive07:14
mister2i mostly want to fix the flash issue then i don't mind so much... i can mostly get around this by just downloading the stuff i wanna watch off of some youtube downloading site so it works to an extent...07:15
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loganleehow to install ubuntu?07:19
reisiologanlee: download the install image, boot it07:21
n-iCeguys any idea why I can play audio files in Ubuntu? I mean they play, but I cannot listen, volume is up since I can hear youtube videos.07:23
reision-iCe: what's an audio file, then?07:23
loganleeinstall mplayer07:23
n-iCea mp3 file07:24
n-iCeDoes not play audicius rhythmbox07:24
reision-iCe: you might need to read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats07:24
n-iCesudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras07:24
n-iCeI installed it07:24
n-iCedo I need to restart?07:24
Godricglowhow  do I put @ in a bash command ?07:26
Godricglowits a part of password but bash looks at it as domain07:26
lotuspsychjehowto add a w7 usb on virtualbox?07:27
reisioGodricglow: try \@07:27
reisiologanlee: yes please :)07:27
reisiolotuspsychje: why usb?07:27
lotuspsychjereisio: because i only got a win7 usb install fixed07:28
Godricglow\@ didn't work07:28
lotuspsychjeresio: its on a netbook without cdrom07:28
Godricglowthat escape sequence in not working07:28
reisiolotuspsychje: well, you can (make sure guest additions are installed? and) connect the usb device from the menu at the top07:28
reisiolotuspsychje: or dd the usb to an image and mount that image from the menu at the top07:29
reisioask #vbox07:29
reisioGodricglow: yeah, actually '@' should be fine on its own, IIRC07:30
reisioGodricglow: your problem is probably something else07:30
loganleehow to install ubuntu inside ubuntu?07:30
reisiologanlee: VirtualBox would be one way07:30
Godricglowreisio: o I am installing jekyll and its giving07:32
Godricglowreisio: problem in that network is proxied and username and pass contains @07:33
Godricglowreisio: bash is not recognizing it07:33
reisiookay, maybe there is some artificial/silly password requirement, then07:33
Godricglowi used %40 with apt.config07:33
Godricglowit worked07:33
Godricglownot with gems07:33
Godricglowreisio: but I have to follow that requirement07:34
ztyuiohello there07:38
ztyuioa question ?07:38
ztyuioanyone there ?07:40
vedicIs there any way I can do programmatically, i.e. I write a city name and I get timezone of that city?07:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:41
reisiovedic: so many ways07:41
reisiovedic: none so much to do with Ubuntu specifically :)07:41
reisiovedic: and don't cross post :)07:42
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:42
lotuspsychjereisio: im gonna download an iso, might be easier to add in virtualbox tnx anyway07:42
llutzvedic: 1 way: see geonames.org, use their API, write a short script for it07:43
edag0Do you think trying to install nvidia drivers in an ubuntu VM would be a good way to try them ( Because of previus expierences, all my system crashed )07:43
ztyuiowell i got a file like FMDUE103|FMDUE581|FMDUE12307:43
vedicllutz: ok, looking at it07:44
loganleeedag0 need to allocate video ram07:44
reisioedag0: it'd probably be quite complicated to emulate nvidia hardware to utilize them07:44
edag0ohh ok. I just don't want to reinstall all my programs if something faill again ( 5th time )07:45
ztyuiowell i got a file like FMDUE103|FMDUE581| if i would liket to add something like this FMDUE555 after | what i have to do  ?07:46
ztyuiowithout open the file using vi07:46
llutzztyuio: echo whatever >> file07:46
ztyuiolet me check07:46
edag0I guess I'll be ok with intel graphics07:46
edag0for a while07:47
loganleehow to power off ubuntu07:48
Coreysudo poweroff07:49
Coreysudo shutdown -h now07:49
vltsudo halt07:49
edag0loganlee - sudo shutdown -h now07:49
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ztyuioperfect working  but not working  as well as i expected llutz07:49
ztyuiofile name : file.conf  it contains this on :  FMDUE103|FMDUE581|FMDUE12307:50
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loganlee1/2 + 3/4 = ?07:53
llutzztyuio: and?07:53
ztyuiowhen you do echo FMDUE123 >> file.conf it write FMDUE123 under this line  : FMDUE103|FMDUE581|FMDUE12307:54
ztyuiohow to  llutz07:54
ztyuiobut i want next to it07:54
llutzztyuio: echo -n whatever >> file07:54
ztyuiohow to do ?07:54
llutzztyuio: make sure your file doesn't contain a trailing newline07:54
ztyuioecho -n not working too07:56
ztyuioi think you don't understand my question07:56
ztyuiolet me explain you again07:56
llutzztyuio: so your file has a trailing newline. use sed to replace it with the text you want to add07:56
ztyuioi don't want to replace anything07:57
ztyuioi simply would like to add some new thing07:57
ztyuiohold down07:58
=== elixir__ is now known as elixir
ztyuiowell this is my file list : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5760651/07:59
ztyuioon line one i would like to add this : /bin/false next to this : root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash to have this as result : root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash/bin/false how to do ?08:01
qinztyuio: whatever you do, you will be in trouble08:02
llutzztyuio: you don't08:02
ztyuioyou don't or you can't ?08:02
llutzztyuio: you don't08:02
ztyuiothis is just an example08:02
ztyuiodon't worry about08:02
ztyuioit is just a example08:02
ztyuiousing sed or echo how to  add  something next to particular area ?08:03
ztyuioon a file08:03
ztyuiohow to do ?08:03
vltztyuio: Sounds horrible but sed 's/foo/bar' should do it.08:04
llutzsed -ir 's/(root.*)$/\1\:addsomething_and_be_prepared_to_break_stuff/' file08:04
llutzztyuio: man sed08:04
streulmadoes someone know someting about openvpn ?08:05
vltstreulma: Nobody knows anyting about openvpn08:05
RAJ_vlt are you sure about every one08:06
streulmaI have a question about vboxnet0 (virtualbox) and openvpn08:06
vltRAJ_: Yes. The first rule of openvpn.08:07
RAJ_wwell i know nothing about it but it seems you know a lot about it and hiding :P08:07
vltRAJ_: You know I have to kill you now.08:08
vlt!ot | vlt08:08
ubottuvlt, please see my private message08:08
RAJ_killing me isnt easy08:08
vltsudo kill -9 RAJ_08:08
vltdamn, RAJ_ is a zombie08:09
RAJ_you misssed the shot08:09
RAJ_well i have an issue08:09
* vlt didn’t miss RAJ_ completely at least08:10
RAJ_actually i tried a lot but couldnt connect my micromax usb modem "mmx352g 3g "08:10
vltRAJ_: Does it appear listed in `lsusb`?08:11
johndoe__usb 3.0 port?08:11
RAJ_no its 2.008:12
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ztyuiosorry for the delay i got sed: -e expression #1, char 18: unknown option to `s'08:16
ztyuiosorry for the delay i got sed: -e expression #1, char 18: unknown option to `s' llutz08:18
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=== vim is now known as Guest80106
emxis there an mta that simply saves sent mails (e.g. by php) to files instead of sending them to the smtp-server?08:19
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llutzemx: read about smtp-sink, part of postfix08:23
emxllutz, thanks08:24
=== hron841 is now known as hron84
hron84Hi! How can I prevent my system to upgrade automatically to package from PPA?08:26
hron84I know the way is apt pinning08:26
llutz!pinning | hron8408:26
ubottuhron84: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto08:26
hron84llutz: yeah i know08:26
ActionParsniphron84: could remove the ppa08:26
hron84but i do not know what priority can i set08:26
boydoyh! any suggestion to how i can make an mail server? either out of the box base on ubuntu?08:27
hron84ActionParsnip: i don't want to do it. I would like to keep track packages what I installed from there (synaptic can mark these for me) but I do not want slient upgrades08:27
lotuspsychjecan i download vbox extension pack from apt-get?08:28
lotuspsychjeto support usb 2.008:28
RAJ_anyone knows how to connect  mmx352g 3g modem to ubuntu08:28
hron84lotuspsychje: not, but you can download it from virtualbox08:28
lotuspsychjehron84: ok lemme check the site08:28
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RAJ_hello simson'08:31
RAJ_simson *08:31
Simson-sanhow can i ensure that my etherpad-lite upstart conf starts only after mysql has started?08:31
svenxdoes ubuntu have a metamirror with geoip support that gives me a nearby archive mirror, like http.debian.net?08:32
svenxi need it for debootstrap (for sources.list i'll use 'deb mirror://...')08:32
Simson-sanetherpad-lite fails to start: [2013-06-13 03:04:57.928] [ERROR] console - ERROR: Problem while initalizing the database08:32
Simson-san[2013-06-13 03:04:57.932] [ERROR] console - Error: connect ECONNREFUSED08:32
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RAJ_it seems like ubuntu have lots of issues and a few issue solver08:33
llutzSimson-san: see upstart-cookbook "start on started mysql"  (start depends on other service)08:34
MonkeyDustRAJ_  do you know any system or anything at all that has no issues?08:34
vltRAJ_: Making a certain device work is usually the kernel’s business.08:35
ztyuiohow to parse something on a file using find command ?08:35
RAJ_monkeydust windows has less issue and many issue solver08:35
lotuspsychjehron84: tnx the pack install worked, but still not able to catch my external drives08:35
vltRAJ_: Does a driver for your device exist in any kernel tree?08:35
vltRAJ_: Windows has what?08:35
lotuspsychjehron84: oh it did found it tnx08:36
vltRAJ_: Then I recommend using that instead.08:36
RAJ_nvlt nvm actually i know nothing about kernel08:36
MonkeyDustRAJ_  windows has less issues? or less issues solved?08:37
RAJ_vlt i want to learn ubuntu, not because its free, its because i can learn basics in it easily and explore things08:37
vltRAJ_: Ok, please be careful with expression liek yours regarding Windows and issues.08:38
vltRAJ_: Do you know what the linux kernel is?08:38
RAJ_monkeydust lets argue, but everyone knows windows is more user friendly than linux/ubuntu is08:38
DJones!ot | RAJ_08:38
ubottuRAJ_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:38
llutzRAJ_: hrhr, good joke, time to take it to #ubuntu-offtopic08:38
vltRAJ_: No, it heavily depends on the *users*!08:38
RAJ_vlt i just know there is something called kerner thats all08:39
MonkeyDustRAJ_  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows08:40
RAJ_ty monkeydust, i am scared od getting boooted from here, so i wont argue anymore08:41
RAJ_vlt do you have any idea, i shall appreciate you help, if you could guide me to connect mmx usb modem to my ubuntu 12.2008:41
vltRAJ_: You’re welcome to argue w/o being kicked in #ubuntu-offtopic ;-)08:42
vltRAJ_: You have to find out whether someone has written a driver for your specific device that has been included in the main kernel tree.08:43
vltRAJ_: Take the device id from lsusb and google it.08:43
MonkeyDustRAJ_  this may help to convince you that it's not all that bad and I end discussion here http://www.cbronline.com/news/nasa-opts-for-linux08:44
RAJ_vlt : i have googled about it, i have got the procedure but i am stuck at 3rd step08:45
llutzztyuio: find ... | grep pattern            or grep -ri pattern path/*08:45
RAJ_monkeydust: thanks this is really convincing for advanced users08:46
ztyuiowhat is pattern ?08:46
llutzztyuio: the pattern you search for08:47
ztyuioand what do you mean by find ... | grep pattern      find ... | grep pattern08:48
vltztyuio: man find08:48
vltztyuio: man grep08:49
dfghjk76567ubuntu 12.04.2 system is not booting no error or anything just stops at the ubuntu screen with dots and does not boot further. running on my laptop dell vostro 145008:51
ChRisHansencan someone help me understand what this means? i located my home folder but there is just other folders/ how to save text to my home folder ?"Copy Paste and Save as flip.pl in your home folder the following"08:52
dfghjk76567ChRisHansen: ?08:52
ChRisHansenI know how to copy and paste ok , but how do I copy paste and then Save as plip.pl to "home folder"?08:53
llutzChRisHansen: "gedit ~/flip.pl"  then copy/paste the text in, save, done08:53
ChRisHansen*flip.pl whatever08:53
dfghjk76567ChRisHansen: ubuntu 12.04.2 system is not booting no error or anything just stops at the ubuntu screen with dots and does not boot further. running on my laptop dell vostro 145008:53
dfghjk76567llutz: ubuntu 12.04.2 system is not booting no error or anything just stops at the ubuntu screen with dots and does not boot further. running on my laptop dell vostro 145008:53
llutz!patience | dfghjk7656708:54
ubottudfghjk76567: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/08:54
ChRisHansenllutz: oh , so i need to run the "gedit ~/whateverfile.whateverextension" and then inside there i copy paste save .. but how to save once i have the text copied in there ?08:55
llutzChRisHansen: gedit is an editor with gui, it has a menu with a "save" option i guess08:55
ChRisHansenoh ok , Chris hansen needs to learn about gedit then thank you08:56
ChRisHansendfghjk76567: manybe you can boot from a live usb ?08:56
llutzChRisHansen: from terminal you could use "nano ~/flip.pl" then c&p text in, ctrl-x to save/quit08:56
llutzChRisHansen: you can use whatever editor you like to store text like that, just avoid using ms-office with wine :)08:57
ChRisHansenllutz: so this ~/flip.pl already exists and i am just copying this text in there so i can run the flip text thing? or i am creating the flip.pl as i use the nano command ?08:57
exnntechIn need of help08:57
llutzChRisHansen: if ~/flip.pl already exists, it will be opened. if not, it gets created08:58
exnntechHow do I setup multiple IP addresses?08:58
ChRisHansenllutz: oh wow, nice to know that , in theory.08:58
exnntech(Sorry for intruding chat)08:59
hd5770can some one make a 700mb img of ubuntu08:59
hd5770coz i only got 700mb disks08:59
llutz!mini | hd577008:59
ubottuhd5770: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:59
DJoneshd5770: The iso's are designed to fit on a dvd now, there's not enough space to put them on a cd, you can use the Minimal CD image if necessary, or use a USB stick to install from09:00
exnntechSo how would I have ubuntu server on multiple IP addresses?09:00
hd5770whats the best version to go for i just want to play around with it really09:00
k1l_hd5770: why dont you just take a live-usb-stick?09:01
MonkeyDustexnntech  there's also #ubuntu-server09:01
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hd5770USB DOES NOT WORK09:01
exnntechI know but nobody replies09:01
hd5770tryed meny times09:01
k1l_hd5770: choose 13.04, which is the latest09:01
hd5770just get droped at boot to boot>09:01
k1l_hd5770: no need for caps!09:02
ztyuiovery basic question i09:02
hd5770k1l_ ill do as i want thank you09:02
MonkeyDusthd5770  what happens when you try to boot from USB ?09:02
BaribalHi. I just installed Raring on my laptop and noticed something... disturbing. In the "The computer needs to restart to finish installing updates"-dialog, where did the "I'll do that later"-button and the "close"-windowdecorator go??09:02
hd5770i get droped to a boot cmd09:02
ztyuioi simply would like to add something on a file which contains several line09:02
hd5770as it cant find the boot img and it wants me to find it09:03
DJoneshd5770: Is the computer fairly recent, if its an older machine with limited memory, you may be better with Lubuntu or Xubuntu rather than Ubuntu/Kubuntu09:03
MonkeyDustztyuio  echo blahblah >> your_file09:03
ztyuiowhat i would like to add is something on the end of the line09:03
ztyuiohow tod .09:03
hd5770Current System Configuration —I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n—09:03
hd5770Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1 up for 3 hours, 2 minutes 9 seconds09:03
hd5770CPU/RAM: 6x AMD Phenom™ II X6 1090T Processor with Currently 3187 of 8190MB in use which is 38.91%09:03
hd5770Storage System: 588.69GB Internet Connection: n/a09:03
hd5770Display System: 1GB ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series using a Default monitor at 1920x1080 32bit color 60Hz refresh09:03
FloodBot1hd5770: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:03
ztyuioech blahblah >> your_file will not work09:03
ztyuioit will add blahblah on the end of the file09:03
k1l_ztyuio: open a text editor like nano and add the stuff there09:03
ztyuiowhat i would like to add is at the end of  the first  line only09:04
ztyuioare you k1l_  joking ?09:04
llutzztyuio: sed -ir 's/$/whatever-to-be-added/1' file09:04
ztyuiollutz: explain me what you command do N?09:05
llutzztyuio: man sed09:05
llutzztyuio: replace newline of th e1st line with some text09:05
param_whats the name of software like we have outlook in windows, whats there in ubuntu ?09:05
MonkeyDustparam_  thunderbird, evolution09:06
vj9252thunderbird param09:06
DJonesparam_: Email client? Thunderbird or Evolution09:06
Nitrodexhi all09:06
vj9252hi Nitrodex09:06
ztyuiollutz: i don't want to replace anything09:07
llutzztyuio: you want09:08
vj9252u don't want but how would u know last of line09:08
llutzztyuio: replacing EOL = adding stuff to a line09:08
llutzztyuio: try the sed command given above without -i  to test09:09
=== Xethron_ is now known as Xethron
BlackPanxi have a question about leap second issue. Can i have one global NTP server and have that one be aware of Leap second that potentially happens and my other ntp clients would be correctly handled, when they connect to it ?09:12
ztyuioare you joking llutz ?09:14
ztyuiothis is the output of your command : [testuser@pc2 ~]$ cat file                                                     root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash                                                  daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh                                            bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh                                                       sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh                                                    09:14
llutzztyuio: no, why?09:14
llutzztyuio: well an messing with /etc/passwd is a nice way to break things09:15
ztyuiowell do you understand ?09:16
ztyuiowhat is the probleme is09:16
llutzztyuio: grml, drop the "-r"09:16
ztyuioi simply asking you to add bashwhatever-to-be-added  and your command add whatever-to-be-added    in everywhere09:17
Ben64ztyuio: it added stuff to the end... which is what you wanted09:18
llutzztyuio: sed  '1 s/$/whatever-to-be-added/' file      to add text to the end of first line of file09:18
ChRisHansenI am running lubuntu and can not open links on irc into firefox with a click, instead it opens a abiword document. i wanted to change this, so i want to edit local/share/applications/default.list i think , but when i gedit this or nano this, i just get a blank gedit or a blank nanoscreen? how to do this ?09:19
llutzztyuio: ah now i see the problem. my bad, wrong paste from a line used before.09:20
Matthewany one here?09:22
=== Matthew is now known as Guest53430
ChRisHansenMatthew: type your wuestiona dnwait09:22
RAJ_mathew i think we have more than one in the list09:22
williangliaoMatthew: +109:23
pilsahi ... using synaptic package manager on 12.04 i just wanted to install 'httrack'. however there is a warning "You are about to install software that cant be authenticated blablabla ...". never had this before. its a package from the ubuntu repositories, so why this warning. what should i do?09:24
k1l_pilsa: can you run a "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get upgrade" in terminal and show the output in a pastebin?09:25
dfghjk76567ubuntu 12.04.2 system is not booting no error or anything just stops at the ubuntu screen with dots and does not boot further. running on my laptop dell vostro 145009:25
ChRisHansendfghjk76567: hey man it sounds like you need to change your boot priority and boot from usb bro09:26
dfghjk76567ChRisHansen: then what?09:26
pilsak1l_, unfortunately not. right now i'm on a volume limited intenet connection and dont want to waste volume on a system update/upgrade.09:26
ChRisHansendfghjk76567: then reinstall Ubuntu09:26
ballockI have an interesting apt-get behaviour on 12.04 64-bit09:27
dfghjk76567ChRisHansen: :) wow great but what is the problem that its not booting because i made no change anywhere?09:27
ballockI am running apt-get remove sun-java6-bin and it offers me to install 149 packages09:28
MonkeyDustballock  use pastebin to show it to the channel09:28
dfghjk76567ChRisHansen: and what if this is repeated?09:28
ballockmostly :i38609:28
pilsak1l_, interesting, its not specific to "httrack" but other packages, too. system corrupted?09:29
zhuzhenfengwhat's this09:29
pilsak1l_, i'll do the update/upgrade later. thx.09:29
ChRisHansendfghjk76567: then get to another computer with a new usb and create a live USB bootable drive using unetbootin and a good download of Ubuntu "whatever distro". you can check your distroiso for md5sum first to see if its good09:29
dfghjk76567ChRisHansen: is there some issue with newer ubuntu versions and dell laptops?09:31
ChRisHansendfghjk76567: did you do a clean install or are you installing along side of windows etc? did you do a wubi.exe install?09:31
ztyuiollutz: your command work but properly09:31
ChRisHansendfghjk76567: no clue about dell and Ubuntu issue09:31
ChRisHansendfghjk76567: shouldnt be09:31
dfghjk76567ChRisHansen: no its a clean install / swap home09:31
ChRisHansendfghjk76567: use Unetbootin then with a new usb i guess09:31
ztyuiolook at here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5760847/09:31
ChRisHansendfghjk76567: thats just my method , i just keep at it until it sticks , if you make sure you got a good Live USB with a good .iso then it should be good.09:32
llutzztyuio: man sed (-i  is what you want)09:32
llutzztyuio: and again, don't mess with /etc/passwd09:33
ztyuioperfect working09:33
ztyuionow if i want to add |whatever-to-be-added instead of whatever-to-be-added what i have to do  ?09:33
Ben64ztyuio: why are you messing with the passwd file anyway? you're probably going to break your system09:34
ballockIs there an option to apt-get so it explains why it wants to install those packages?09:34
MonkeyDustztyuio  what do you want to achieve, what's the end goal, maybe there's a better solution?09:34
pilsak1l_, i just did "sudo apt-get update" (without upgrade). everything back to normal. thanks.09:35
ztyuionow if i want to add /whatever-to-be-added instead of whatever-to-be-added what i have to do  ?09:35
ChRisHansendfghjk76567: if you have one of those "made for windows" computers then maybe that is the problem , I am not sure but if my pc said made for windows on it I might not try to run Ubuntu.09:35
dfghjk76567ChRisHansen: no09:35
ChRisHansendfischer: lol then your good09:35
Ben64ChRisHansen: uh, just about every computer has a windows sticker on it. they run linux just fine09:36
ChRisHansenBen64: oh lord, I never stop learning. thank you .09:36
llutzztyuio: change the part you want to add, you might need to escape the / using \/09:36
ztyuioi m just trying to understand09:36
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Ben64ztyuio: understand what? and why won't you answer why you want to mess with /etc/passwd ?09:37
ztyuiofor can you post the command  ? llutz09:37
ztyuiodon't worry i m not working on it09:37
k1l_ztyuio: man sed, and ##bash would be more appropraite09:37
Ben64ztyuio: every one of your examples has been on it09:38
ztyuioi take /etc/passwd as contains lots of information simply09:38
llutzztyuio: stupid thing, never mess with system-files09:38
ChRisHansenztyuio: trying to get the helpful Ubuntu nerds to help you hack passwords lol?09:38
Eren|Phonewhat are floodbots?09:39
Ben64Eren|Phone: bots that control floods09:39
Eren|Phoneyeah but what do they do actually09:39
param_Hi, I downloaded evolution from this link , now how to compile the code http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/download.shtml09:39
MonkeyDustEren|Phone  they tell you not to flood the channel09:39
k1l_param_: no need to compile.09:40
DJonesEren|Phone: They stop people from copy/pasting large amounts of text into the channel09:40
param_than ? how to installl09:40
Eren|Phoneah ok09:40
k1l_param_: ubuntu already ships a package for it in the software repos09:40
Eren|Phonewhen was the last ubuntu update?09:40
k1l_param_: "sudo apt-get install evolution"09:40
param_yeah but i get error from software centre09:40
ChRisHansenEvery April and October09:40
k1l_param_: which error?09:41
param_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:41
param_when i run this command - i got an error09:41
Eren|Phonehm so my wlan stick is probably working now? didn't get it to work some years ago09:41
k1l_param_: did you read what it says?09:41
param_i always get this error09:41
k1l_param_: and? is there another program opened that uses the software repos?09:41
MonkeyDustparam_  try deleting /var/lib/dpkg/lock09:42
ballockHey, MonkeyDust or ChRisHansen, any ideas for apt-get installing the cruft when told to remove it?09:42
k1l_like software center, updateservice etc?09:42
dhs227How to setup static IP in 13.04 vmware box? I paste /etc/network/interfaces at here http://paste.ubuntu.com/5760869/09:42
AnilBafilai am having a problem in flash setting  Flash player settings dialog is unclickable using ubuntu 12.04 LTS09:42
param_are you sure, MonkeyDust i deleted once and whole my ubuntu got screwed09:42
ztyuiook on the same file09:43
param_i am using 12.0409:43
param_no i dont think so any other prog is using this software repos09:43
ballockok, found the thing:09:43
ballockapt-get remove sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre does the right job09:44
ActionParsnipdhs227: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/09:44
k1l_param_: close all programs, and make sure no "updates are available" is opened. then try again with the terminal command i gave you09:44
ztyuioif there is some annotation how to skip that annotation and how to count the first line without annotation ?09:44
ActionParsnipballock: how old is your install?09:44
ztyuioto do modification09:44
Guest18024How to change the mount point's name? My ntfs partition is mounted as /123 I want it to mount as /maindata09:44
ballockso it seems removing sun-java6-bin fails the sun-java6-jre package09:44
k1l_ztyuio: man sed, and ##bash would be more appropraite09:45
ballockand this package depends on either sun-java6-bin or ia32-sun-java609:45
ChRisHansenballock: so it seems09:45
ballockand apt-get tries to install ia-32-sun-java09:45
ballockit seems it's too simple dependency resolution on apt-get's part09:45
param_my all programs are closed :(09:46
ztyuiothis is the file09:46
AnilBafilayou can see  Flash player settings dialog unclickable by going to youtube.com and right click on running video and click setting you will stuck thre after09:46
ChRisHansenballock: `interesting09:46
ActionParsnipballock: do you want oracle java?09:46
SlingI want to increase /sys/module/xt_recent/parameters/ip_pkt_list_tot (iptables module parameter), so I put "options xt_recent ip_pkt_list_tot=500" in /etc/modprobe.d/options, but this breaks the module altogether09:47
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ballockI have that in parallel as oracle-java7-{bin,jre,plugin}09:47
ActionParsnipballock: ahh from the webupd8 ppa?09:47
ballockbut I wanted to clean up the old one and that seemed bizarre09:47
ballockactually it's from rraptorr's github09:47
ztyuioand if i do sed  '1 s/$/whatever-to-be-added/' file   it add "whatever-to-be-added" at the end of the file09:47
AnilBafilacan anyonne help me controling flash09:47
ztyuioand if i do sed  '1 s/$/whatever-to-be-added/' file   it add "whatever-to-be-added" at the end of the first line09:47
ztyuioi would like to add it on the first line excepting annotation how to do ?09:48
AnilBafilayou can see  Flash player settings dialog unclickable by going to youtube.com and right click on running video and click setting you will stuck thre after09:49
AnilBafilayou can see  Flash player settings dialog unclickable by going to youtube.com and right click on running video and click setting you will stuck thre after in ubuntu 12.0409:49
ActionParsnipAnilBafila: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue    please?09:49
ztyuiothat's my issue ?09:50
AnilBafila12.04.2 LTS \n \l09:50
ActionParsnipAnilBafila: ok and what browsr are you using?09:51
MonkeyDustAnilBafila  you mean firefox, mozilla is a company09:51
ActionParsnipAnilBafila: firefox you mean? mozilla is the developer09:51
AnilBafilai want to control my audio and video device yes09:51
ActionParsnipAnilBafila: mozilla make a number of products09:52
ActionParsnipAnilBafila: do you open .doc file in Windows with a program called 'Microsoft'?09:52
AnilBafilayou can change settings by using this site http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager06.html09:53
ActionParsnipAnilBafila: tried the Unity 2D session09:53
AnilBafilanot yet09:53
AnilBafilahow to try 2d session09:54
ChRisHanseni thin ki broke the CLassBot in Ubuntu-classromm channel.?09:55
AnilBafilai have checked many desktops have this problem09:56
AnilBafilai have checked many desktops have this problem +laptos version of ubuntu 12.0409:56
AnilBafilai had searched web but unable to  get my answer09:57
TakumoQuestion all, I keep getting GTK Warnings that it can't find the "pixmap" theme engine, is there a package to install?09:58
ChRisHansenI am having diplomacy issues with the classBot in Ubuntu-classroom. bbl thanks again.09:59
AnilBafilano on e is able to solve the problem of flash control system10:01
AnilBafilano one is able to solve the problem of flash control system10:01
streulmahello, how can I do an fsck on a corrupt disk ?10:03
streulmathe system gives error grub10:03
streulmacan't mount filesystem from installer10:03
StarOnDhello everyone, I am using raring ringtail, and my skype is working fine. But it does not allow me to turn on video. I can;t click on the button. can someone help me ?10:06
nate_riverdo synaptic package manager in ubuntu 1210:08
nate_riverdo not support10:08
DJonesnate_river: You have the choice of Synaptic Package Manager or Software Centre, from memory, Synaptic isn't installed by default so you would need to install it yourself10:09
ezra-snate_river, you can use synaptic no problem10:10
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com10:10
DJonesnate_river: If you need to install it, this page will help http://askubuntu.com/questions/131979/how-to-install-synaptic-package-manager10:11
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.10:11
nate_riverfirst open show  "You will not be able to apply any changes. But you can still export the marked changes or create a download script for them."10:11
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nate_riverwhat is that10:11
Ben64nate_river: you need to use gksudo to open synaptic to get the correct permissions10:12
auronandacethat !gnome factoid ought to be removed, none of the ubuntu versions that shipped with gnome2 are supported anymore10:13
DJonesloganlee: The bot doesn't do things like10:13
Ben64loganlee: this is not a math channel, use a calculator10:13
nate_riverthanks for information10:15
=== DavidGebler_ is now known as DavidGebler
ActionParsnipauronandace: its gnome3, so still 'gnome'10:18
ActionParsnipauronandace: the !gnome factoid doesn't meantion gnome210:18
Ben64but its not really a gnome de, its unity10:19
ActionParsniploganlee: use google for calculations if you want, or run 'bc' in terminal10:19
auronandaceActionParsnip: the default desktop up to 10.10 was specifically gnome210:19
ActionParsnipBen64: it is, gnome is still the DE, Unity is a Shell for gnome10:19
Ben64its just kind of misleading, i think it should be updated10:19
Ben64especially since there is a gnome-ubuntu now10:20
ActionParsnipBen64: you can suggest factoids for ubottu10:20
ActionParsnipBen64: if you type:  /msg ubottu !factoid is description10:20
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Ben64!lxde | something like this, but for gnome10:20
ubottusomething like this, but for gnome: LXDE ( http://lxde.org/ ) is the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment used by !Lubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop ». See http://lubuntu.net/ for more information, and join #lubuntu for support.10:20
ActionParsnipBen64: eg:  /msg ubottu !bourbon is Bourbon is an awesome spirit10:20
ActionParsnipBen64: they are reviewed and added / tweaked if required etc10:21
ChRisHanseni did the lubuntu install yesterday over my 13.04 amd64. clean install and it worked fine . my boot up screen is now BLUE!10:21
basiclas-hey guys does annyone know of a service whereby I can access a remote GUI install of debian/ubuntu on another machine? In the same vein as free shells. I use free shells but there are some GUI softwares I need to run remotel10:22
Ben64basiclas-: vnc10:22
Ben64basiclas-: or x-forwarding, but it can be very slow10:22
basiclas-Ben64: Are there any versions where i dont have to actually set up the PC? like companies selling remote access?10:24
Ben64basiclas-: i'm sure there are, but thats not really related to ubuntu support10:24
basiclas-ok thanks10:24
ChRisHansenso in theory gedit is a way to edit a file ?10:29
ChRisHansenwhy whenever i open gedit i get a blank page then?10:29
ActionParsnipChRisHansen: its a ext editor, like notepad in windows10:29
ActionParsnip*text editore10:30
MonkeyDustChRisHansen  new = empty10:30
ActionParsnipbasiclas-: what are you wanting to access the remote system to do?10:30
ActionParsnipbasiclas-: you could use VNC (through ssh tunnel if it is over WAN)10:30
ChRisHansenActionParsnip: i know about text editor i used it on a macOSX editing CSV files by hand until i found about CSV editor application lol.10:31
ChRisHansenso what file to i need to gedit then to get my Firefox to open links on this irc ?10:32
ActionParsnipChRisHansen: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/08/textmate2-goes-open-source-could-come-to-linux   seen this10:33
MonkeyDustChRisHansen  gedit reads text files, not links, use a browser to open links10:33
ChRisHansenMonkeyDust: no what i am trying to do is get my clicker to open the link from irc to firefox again like before , now when i click a link here it opens abiword. i need to change that10:34
MonkeyDustChRisHansen  i had a similar issue, go and look in ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list      there may be something wring there10:35
ChRisHansenActionParsnip: well good on Allan Odgaard for that .10:35
ChRisHansenok let me check that path, should i gedit it or nano it ?10:36
ActionParsnipChRisHansen: not bad, I prefer vi10:36
ActionParsnipChRisHansen: either is fine, nano is just a terminal based editor10:36
peregring-lkone question, if I want to see files reading/writting by an application10:37
peregring-lkI can see them by typing lsof, right?10:37
peregring-lkor lsof -c process-name10:38
peregring-lkfor specific process10:38
ChRisHansenMonkeyDust: i got a problem "looking" into anything right now. when i type gedit and then the path , i get a blank page. nothing.10:38
ChRisHansenMonkeyDust: yeah i type gedit, space and then the path , when i do this gedit opens but its just a cursor and a blank page.10:40
ChRisHansenwhat am i doing wrong here ?10:40
auronandaceChRisHansen: editing anything outside your home directory will very likely require root privileges, use gksudo gedit10:41
ChRisHansenauronandace: oh lord just as soon as i looked it up in the support and it said the same thing i gotta gksudo it first duh ?10:42
ChRisHansenauronandace: at least i did my homework and i understand the concept now of sudo su and gksudo10:43
MonkeyDustChRisHansen  try a simpler path to test gedit, still a blank page?10:43
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ChRisHansenMonkeyDust: yeah still blank , my mimeapps.list is blank after gksudo but it opened a untitled document1.?10:45
MonkeyDustChRisHansen  and with leafpad?10:45
ChRisHansenMonkeyDust: how to leafpad?10:46
MonkeyDustChRisHansen  install it first, it's the most simple and basic graphical text editor10:46
ChRisHansenhttp://pastebin.com/UVqLmA3D what does this mean and how do i auto remobe this ?10:48
ChRisHansen*remove MonkeyDust10:48
MonkeyDustChRisHansen  ignore that for now, type leafpad path_to_file10:49
CaTeGoReubuntu needs better smartcard support10:49
MonkeyDustCaTeGoRe  ubuntu aims to constantly improve, you may be right, report it in launchpad, if needed10:50
ChRisHansenMonkeyDust: ok i typed leafpad followed by "~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list" and got blank with cursor10:50
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ChRisHansenMonkeyDust:  i could always boot from my usb and re install and then run lubuntu clean again why not ?10:51
ChRisHanseni would lose a few pictures is all10:51
MonkeyDustChRisHansen  just to test: type leafpad ~/.bashrc10:51
ChRisHansenMonkeyDust: wait one10:51
ChRisHansenMonkeyDust: http://pastebin.com/w3WcdPmJ result of command10:53
MonkeyDustChRisHansen  great, so it does work10:54
MonkeyDustthat's something10:54
ChRisHansenMonkeyDust: yep10:54
ChRisHansenmy mimeapps.list is gone lol10:54
MDgdHey gang, quick question10:54
MDgdI want to limit the degree of access any and all processes have to the system's resources.10:54
MDgdFor instance, there's no reason any process should ever be able to use more than 90% of the CPU10:54
MDgdHow do I achieve this?10:55
ChRisHansenMonkeyDust: i wanted to try this anyway for kicks . am gonna back up my movies/pics to my exHdd and reinstall and then ummedietely run lubuntu install first . then i will bll ok ?10:55
ChRisHansenMonkeyDust: from my USB i mean10:55
ChRisHanseni gonna back up my movies, boot from usb, reinstall clean 13.04 and then run lubuntu install first thing , and then i bbl .10:56
CaTeGoReMonkeyDust, sorry just venting.. been tasked to get full disk encryption smartcard system and 2 factor vpn working on 12.04 LTS 64 Alt10:57
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ChRisHansenMonkeyDust: just for fun10:57
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AgallochHello, please, is t here any way to have the same functionality of keys ALT+TAB, which also switchs the running game ? I must always quit game11:11
penoshow to use ubuntu?11:14
MonkeyDustpenos  start with a live usb stick and try it for some time11:14
penoshow to spell ubuntu?11:18
penosyou boon too11:18
penosis ubuntu linux?11:20
MonkeyDustpenos  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsApplicationsEquivalents11:21
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pillaris this a help channel?11:21
k1l_!details | pillar11:22
ubottupillar: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:22
penosis ubuntu difficult to use?11:25
pillarubuntu 13 during boot splash turns magenta in upper left corner in small font  "download firmware () no first image under that line 14.621447 saa7164 download firmware () upload failed. (file not found. under that lis is 14.621494 failed to boot firmware no features registered11:25
BluesKajHiyas all11:25
MonkeyDustpenos  it's easy to use, but there's a learning process, like there was for windows or mac11:26
pillarwhat is this type of error11:26
MonkeyDustpillar  first install of ubuntu? what was on the pc before?11:27
temp_if i create a persistent live usb disk and i install various sotwares like skype, vlc, etc. and then if i install from that live usb disk will all the softwares be installed on the target system11:27
BananaCois there a new realease? im on 13.04 and just run `do-release-upgrade -d` and it updated heaps of packages11:28
k1l_BananaCo: -d stands for developer11:28
MonkeyDustBananaCo  13.04 is the latest stable11:29
k1l_BananaCo: so you updated to the 13.10 which is in development untill october11:29
BananaCooh ok, thanks11:29
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:29
BluesKajBananaCo, you just upgraded to 13.10 by using the -d option11:29
BananaCoi hope it all works lol11:29
=== sarthak is now known as Sarthak
BluesKajworks here , BananaCo11:29
MonkeyDustBananaCo  hope you have backups11:29
BananaCoyeah i do11:30
k1l_BananaCo: hope you have backups. development releases will have issues11:30
dhs227I ran ubuntu in vmbox that have static IP. from the host OS ping the ubuntu is okay with <1ms response, but each HTTP request takes 10 seconds before server actually receive. What is the possible solution for this?11:31
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BluesKajwell , I had more issues with 13.04 , than I've had with 13.1011:31
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penoscan i browse web in ubuntu?11:31
icerootpenos: sure11:31
k1l_penos: stop that.11:31
MonkeyDustpenos  start with a live usb stick and try it for some time11:32
DJonespenos: Please don't troll, you've been kicked from the channel enough times for trolling to know what the channel quidelines are11:32
temp_if i create a persistent live usb disk and i install various sotwares like skype, vlc, etc. and then if i install from that live usb disk will all the softwares be installed on the target system11:32
pillarI have multiboot pc win 7 on a 250gb hdd and all linux on 2tb hdd i partitioned  /dev/sdc1  ext4 Mint, /dev/sdc2 swap, /dev/sdc3 ext4 ubuntu, /dev/sdc4 ext4 Mofo dueing each install each linux distro on it's own partition mounted /. I loaded mint first then ubuntu but mint grub is being used.  to answer your question I zeroed the drive before I started11:32
BluesKajpillar, mint grub should still show your ubuntu kernel , run sudo update-grub in mint11:34
pillarI did that11:34
MonkeyDust!persistent | temp_11:35
ubottutemp_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:35
shoaibhi guys i want to ask how to remove applications in ubuntu 12.0411:36
pillar confused because grub2 sees different kernals of ubuntu on the list is grub seeing mint as ubuntu/11:36
MonkeyDustshoaib  sudo apt-get purge [app name] or use synaptic or the software center11:37
shoaibsynaptic how can i do with synaptic i did not understand11:37
shoaibhow to use11:37
MonkeyDustshoaib  open synaptic and look for the app you want to remove11:38
pillarI don't get this error booting mint11:38
DoctorWedgeworthis there any way to have a local version of /etc/hosts for user-specific changes?11:39
pillarcan you please explain the error to me11:39
shoaibin synaptic i get many thing how to see what is installed apps11:40
BluesKajpillar ,  run , sudo grub-install /dev/sdc from your mint OS11:42
MonkeyDustshoaib  use the software center, it's more user friendly11:42
penosuse synaptic11:42
temp_MonkeyDust: suppose i install any software on my persistent usb drive like i install openshot. Then i install from the usbdrive to a target desktop so will openshot also be installed by default?11:42
shoaibin software center how can i see what is installed11:43
pillarwill do one other problem Mofo is a special portable porteus distro  how do I get grub to see it11:44
Krupptshoaib:there is a search function use it...or browse installed packages, right click on the package you want to remove a choose appropriate selection in menu11:44
MonkeyDusttemp_  i havent tried such persistent install myself, i'm no great help11:44
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pillarbe back need to reboot11:45
pillarthank you11:45
Eagleman7How can i do the following in a bash script? export PASSPHRASE="=H:k<a'TTj$S$\;"  ?11:46
DJonesEagleman7: Probably a question for #bash (or is ##bash)11:47
BluesKajpillar, run sudo os-prober, then run, sudo update-grub11:47
TakumoHEy all, I've got a problem with apt , GPG Error NO_PUBKEY for http://extras.ubuntu.com/11:48
MonkeyDust!gpg | Takumo11:49
ubottuTakumo: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts11:49
TakumoI know what GPG is, I just want to know why suddenly its failing for the extras repo.11:49
Takumodid the keys change between 12.10 and 13.04?11:49
pillardo I still run sudo grub-install /dev/sdc ?11:50
DoctorWedgeworthis there any way to have a local version of /etc/hosts for user-specific changes?11:50
airtonixhow come the raring version of wpasupplicant isn't compiled with CONFIG_AP=y ?11:56
BluesKajDoctorWedgeworth, it is local  afaik11:56
airtonixDoctorWedgeworth: no, BluesKaj, obviously is meant "can /etc/hosts have a user override file"11:56
DoctorWedgeworthBluesKaj, it's /etc/hosts so would effect everyone11:56
DoctorWedgewortheffect? affect?11:57
BluesKajDoctorWedgeworth, matbe /etc/hosts.allow11:57
BluesKajDoctorWedgeworth, effect is the noun , affect is the verb11:58
BluesKajbut of course grammar isn't taught much in schools anymore12:00
DoctorWedgeworthstupid language :-/12:01
DoctorWedgeworthit's like certain pitfalls were put in place deliberately to trip people up12:01
DoctorWedgeworthhosts.allow is a whitelist of IPs allowed to connect to the server (I think), not the same functionality12:01
BluesKajDoctorWedgeworth, then I don't know what "functionality" you want12:03
DoctorWedgeworthBluesKaj, the local DNS overriding functionality provided by /etc/hosts, but on a per-user basis instead of in /etc. It's okay to say you don't know, you don't have to try to be condescending.12:05
airtonixBluesKaj: isn't it obvious? he/she wants ~/.hosts to override entries in /etc/hosts12:05
airtonixDoctorWedgeworth: perhaps you haven't exhausted this yet: google.com.au/search?q=per+user+%2Fetc%2Fhosts12:06
dhs227How to list DNS server currently using? The box is DHCP IP configure. I tried ifconfig -a but it does not show DNS12:06
BluesKajDoctorWedgeworth, don't misread my attitude ..functionality is a misused word all too often12:06
Pumpkin-dhs227: cat /etc/resolv.conf12:07
MonkeyDustdhs227  try dig12:07
alan__my first logging in ...12:07
dhs227Pumpkin- no such file /etc/resolv.conf in 13.0412:07
Pumpkin-oh wow12:07
airtonixDoctorWedgeworth: tl;dr > yes but it's not easy and it won't work with all programs.12:07
DoctorWedgeworththanks airtonix. Oh well, I'm sure there's a good security reason for it not existing :)12:08
alan__so,here are some foreign people.12:08
Laurencebi have a problem with gedit12:08
airtonixDoctorWedgeworth: can I ask what is your use case? or is it rather broad/wide ?12:08
Laurencebthe latex plugin option is greyed out12:08
DoctorWedgeworthairtonix, testing DNS migrations and blocking some sites I procrastinate with, on a thin client12:09
dhs227Pumpkin-: my problem is, when using DHCP everything fine, when specify static IP, the web request become very slow like 10 seconds lag.12:09
dhs227I just wonder maybe DHCP gives some nice DNS setting, while I need to manually specify in static IP12:10
airtonixDoctorWedgeworth: ok so pretty broad. if you really want to d this then : http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/5759812:10
Litepooltrying to do "apt-get install  libboost1.48-all-dev" but i get "E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libboost1.48-all-dev'12:10
LitepoolE: Unable to locate package libboost1.48-all-dev12:10
alan__well ,good-bye you gays12:11
DJones!find libboost12:11
ubottuFound: libboost-date-time-dev, libboost-date-time1.49-dev, libboost-date-time1.49.0, libboost-dbg, libboost-dev, libboost-doc, libboost-filesystem-dev, libboost-filesystem1.49-dev, libboost-filesystem1.49.0, libboost-iostreams-dev (and 113 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libboost&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all12:11
DoctorWedgewortheek. Thanks airtonix. I'll bookmark it for a braver day :)12:11
Pumpkin-dhs227: yeah, I'd be looking at what DNS differences you had as the first port of call, but if 13.04 has removed resolv.conf, I've no idea what it is doing to do DNS resolution (and I've got no 13.04 boxes at the moment to poke around on).12:11
DJonesLitepool: Looks like its 1.49-dev rather than 1.48-dev in the repo's (I'm assuming that is for 13.04 though)12:12
nevynI'm having some problems with the startup disk creator. the erase and make boot disk functions both fail in different ways (13.04)12:12
nevynwhen I click create startup disk I get a "invalid version GNU/Linux" after a bit.12:12
Litepoolstill couldn't find DJones12:13
nevynwhen I click erase I get a dbus error.12:13
MonkeyDustnevyn  what's the ouptut of        cat /etc/issue ?12:13
airtonixDoctorWedgeworth: the proper way to do this if you are the systems deployer would be to create a module for nsswitch12:13
=== crondd is now known as crond
DJonesLitepool: Try just using sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev12:14
ActionParsnipnevyn: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?12:14
Litepoolsudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev12:14
Litepoollibboost-all-dev is already the newest version.12:14
DJonesLitepool: That would suggest you've got it installed12:14
Laurencebthe latex plugin option is greyed out in gedit12:15
Laurencebany ideas why?12:15
LitepoolThanks DJones12:15
MonkeyDustLaurenceb  maybe you have to install the plugin, first12:15
ActionParsnipLaurenceb: did you manually insall the plugin?12:15
Laurencebno, i ued the repo12:15
ActionParsnipLaurenceb: what package did you install?12:15
ActionParsnip!info gedit-latex-plugin12:16
ubottugedit-latex-plugin (source: gedit-latex-plugin): gedit plugin for composing and compiling LaTeX documents. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.4.1-1 (raring), package size 211 kB, installed size 1167 kB12:16
ActionParsniphmm, sec12:16
nevynActionParsnip: yep12:16
nevynDebian GNU/Linux jessie/sid \n \l12:16
nevynwrong box. ;P12:16
MonkeyDustnevyn  that happens :)12:16
nevynMonkeyDust: nevyn@dromedary:~$ cat /etc/issue12:16
nevynUbuntu 13.04 \n \l12:16
ActionParsnipnevyn: debian isnt supported here12:17
ActionParsnipLaurenceb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114057412:17
MonkeyDustActionParsnip  s/he mistyped12:17
ActionParsnipLaurenceb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit-latex-plugin/+bug/40209412:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402094 in gedit-latex-plugin (Ubuntu) "gedit-latex-plugin 0.2 rc2 does not activate" [High,Fix released]12:18
ActionParsnipLaurenceb: http://linux.windows8az.com/1140574-ubuntu-cannot-enable-gedits-latex-plugin12:18
Laurencebif i start from terminal, the terminal returns12:18
Laurencebseems it forks gedit or soemthing12:18
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Laurencebill check my folders12:19
ActionParsnipnevyn: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?12:19
airtonixhow come the raring version of wpasupplicant isn't compiled with CONFIG_AP=y ?12:20
BluesKajDoctorWedgeworth, braver indeed , that tutorial look duanting :)12:21
Eagleman7Why is duplicity asking for a signing key when I already exported it in the same script?12:22
DJonesairtonix: Thats a pretty specific question, you may need to email the developer/maintainer to get an answer, http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/wpasupplicant shows ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com as the mailing list12:25
=== jamesaxl_ is now known as jamesaxl
DJonesairtonix: Or maybe ask the question on via the answers.launchpad link on the page12:27
nevynActionParsnip: yep.12:27
Eagleman7Why is duplicity asking for a signing key when I already exported it in the same script?12:29
ActionParsnipnevyn: too you a while....12:30
ActionParsnipnevyn: did you simply point unetbootin at the ISO or did you do something else?12:31
ActionParsnipnevyn: have you tried the usb-creator app?12:31
kurtwp_trying to connect to Win server2008 using ubuntu remote desk top and it won't - however when using win7 pc I can connect - any suggestion12:33
nevynActionParsnip: that's what I'm trying12:34
ThisIsMrBignevyn what's up?12:34
dhs227How to add 'search localdomain' in /etc/resolv.conf permanently? This file seems overwrite each reboot...12:34
LitepoolUnpacking libboost-all-dev (from .../libboost-all-dev_1.42.0.1ubuntu1_amd64.deb)12:34
nevynit seems to be fullofail in tht it looks pretty but it fails to create a bootable usbe "Invalid version string GNU/Linux"12:34
Litepooli want to install version 1.4712:35
Litepoolanyone know of a way?12:35
nevynor wipe a usb key "dbus error)12:35
ActionParsnipnevyn: tried unetbootin?12:35
ActionParsnipLitepool: is it in the wine ppa?12:35
BluesKajdhs227, put your settings in  /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base12:35
ActionParsnipnevyn: sounds like a bad usb devcie12:35
LitepoolActionParsnip, just trying to install libboost-all-dev boost 1.47 to be exact12:35
nevynActionParsnip: installing it now12:36
tuxtotiare there any software packages which allow running remote commands on multiple hosts using SSH...preferably with a GUI?12:37
ActionParsnipLitepool: if you can find a PPA for it, or a deb, you can install it12:37
ActionParsniptuxtoti: cssh12:37
ActionParsniptuxtoti: cssh server1 server2 server3 server412:37
BluesKajdhs227, it writes the /etc/resolv.conf file , but if you use networkmanager then it's settings overwrite both12:37
Litepoolaction http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/i386/libboost-all-dev/download i think i found it12:37
Litepoolhow will i go forward?12:37
ActionParsniptuxtoti: you get a little text entry box and the text goes to all the servers you stated12:38
Eagleman7Why is duplicity asking for a signing key when I already exported it in the same script?12:38
* Litepool facepalms12:38
tuxtotiActionParsnip: ..hmm I see.12:38
ActionParsnipLitepool: those are 1.4812:38
nevynActionParsnip: hrm that's working.12:38
dhs227BluesKaj: I use default 13.04 installation, not sure if networkmanager is using or not... Maybe not?12:38
ActionParsniptuxtoti: great application, specialy for clusters, hence the name12:39
ActionParsniptuxtoti: I use it every day for work, makes editting 10 boxes in a cluster a lot easier as the files are identical :)12:39
LitepoolActionParsnip, sorry man, i still don't get it12:40
tuxtotituxtoti: i guess it'll fit our needs. Basically we have a set of machines on a VPC in AWS. Will have to run commands like changing passwords regularly..etc.12:40
BluesKajyes networkmanager is default , dhs227 ...check network manager for the option to 'search local domain'12:40
spatialulTAKE YOUR FREE 20GB OF CLOUD STORAGE NOW !!!  https://copy.com?r=ELUhyu12:43
DJonesspatialul: No spam thank yyou12:43
ActionParsniptuxtoti: or easy if you have:  hosts="server1 server2 server3"; for i in $hosts do ssh $i "commands here"; done     etc12:43
ActionParsniptuxtoti: the syntax may be whack but you get the idea, if you make scripts like that it makes your life easier12:44
=== winston is now known as Guest62656
dhs227BluesKaj: my actual problem is, when use DHCP, web access is very instant but when specify static IP, it's very slow. I am just visit from host OS to vmware.12:44
dhs227BluesKaj: I wonder if this is DNS relatedfurther looked into /etc/resolv.conf and notice the only difference12:44
Guest62656I changed the name of mount point in /etc/fstab and after reboot the old name is in root dir. how to rtemove old mount name?12:45
tuxtotiActionParsnip: Yeah..thats how i'm doing it now :). But was wondering if there was a better tool which'll also keep track of the stderr/stdout etc.. ClusterSSH looks good.12:45
dhs227BluesKaj: I wonder if this is DNS related problem. I further looked into /etc/resolv.conf and notice the only difference is "search localdomain"12:45
gordonjcpdhs227: sounds like slow dns resolution12:45
dhs227BluesKaj: But now I use static IP and add this line, it still slow...12:45
ActionParsniptuxtoti: I'd go with the scripts, you can then make scripts to run those scripts for even more simplicity :)12:45
dhs227gordonjcp: maybe because the dns, but how to solve that? It is suppose to be fast on same machine..12:46
tuxtotiActionParsnip: ..hmm. anyway quick question clusterssh supports file transfer too?12:46
BluesKajdhs227, i run without the networkmanager and set the dns nameservers and static ip in the /etc/network/interfaces file and my connectioons are fast as possible12:47
dhs227BluesKaj: where to disable such networkmanager and can you share your interfaces file?12:48
BluesKajdhs227, then you don't have networkmanager overwriting your settings12:48
dhs227BluesKaj: It appears so.12:49
BluesKajdhs227, just remove network manager ..here's my /etc/network/interfaces file http://paste.ubuntu.com/5761355/12:50
BluesKajdhs227,  better still ,check this http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html12:52
streulmahello, can someone help me with openvpn?12:55
streulmaI can't ping the gateway12:55
BluesKajstreulma, ask in #openvpn12:57
=== shadows is now known as Guest64954
mpratWhere are the values of environment variables stored? My PATH variable was changed but I want to change it back.12:59
dhs227BluesKaj, I followed the article but lag problem standstill..13:04
dhs227what is tools to trace that?13:05
BluesKajdhs227, did you remove network manager ?13:06
BluesKajdhs227, check the software center13:07
ActionParsniptuxtoti: you'd have to check the man page13:10
ActionParsniptuxtoti: you could always use a for look and use scp, again another script to make life simple13:10
tuxtotiActionParsnip: ..well its easy to create one..but to maintain them ..its a pain.13:11
GORHi i need program for delite dublicates13:12
GORany here?13:13
dhs227BluesKaj, i removed the pack and reboot but still very slow...13:14
marianneGOR: be patient, they will answer you... do you mean delete duplicates?13:14
dhs227can you show me /etc/resolv.conf13:14
fellipehi! I am running ubuntu 13.04 64bits. I've downloaded DBDesigner 4 (wich is for 43bits) and I've installed ia32-libs. When I try to run it I get an error wich says: "libjpeg.so.62 file not found". I already installed many libjpeg62, dev, dbg... what else should I do?13:14
GORmar yes13:14
BluesKajdhs227, how do you mean s"low"13:14
fellipeops 32 bits13:14
BluesKajerr slow13:14
GORI need program for search and delite dublicates13:15
GORor script13:15
GORdublicates of different files13:16
GORpictures docs and other13:16
dhs227BluesKaj it takes around 10 seconds to response to every http client request. I trace the server log that server actually receive the request around 9+ seconds and revert in ms... so this must be something wrong in dns.13:16
GORmd sum maybe use13:16
GORAny can help plz?13:16
dhs227BluesKaj I mean server receive the request after 9+ seconds...13:17
=== sandyd_awai is now known as bellasbells
aqilGOR,    fdupes13:18
GORhave gui?13:19
BluesKajdhs227, you have to set your dns nameserver settings in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base  ...like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5761424/13:19
GORGive full command please13:20
GORi have folders 6 on partitions13:20
th0rGor: man fdupes13:20
GORewerywhere need search13:20
dhs227BluesKaj, gateway.2wire.net is the host name?13:20
GORits harde13:20
GORfdupes only search and even cant delite?13:21
dhs227BluesKaj, and are internet DNS?13:21
BluesKajdhs227, don't take my settings literally , it's only meant as an example , 2wire is my router13:21
kryptoon my ubuntu 12.04.2 its using deadline scheduler but in 12.04.1 its cfq any idea why its so13:21
GORI have ~56600 dubles there are13:22
GORi need all automatical13:22
neo2Is it possible to boot my Ubuntu  on the HD from a boot CD ?13:22
neo2How can it be accomplished?13:22
BluesKajyes dhs227 my settings from opendns , use your own dns entries13:23
=== Mephisto2 is now known as Darkchaos
GORwaaaa http://www.pixelbeat.org/fslint/ any know it?13:24
ActionParsnipneo2: you can chroot to the installed OS and run commands13:24
=== williangliao is now known as fkljsafwe
neo2ActionParsnip, how exactly do I boot the OS on the HD from the boot CD? What do I have to change in the boot files?13:26
GORok thx bb to all13:26
ActionParsnipneo2: omgubuntu has a guide called: sticking it to grub13:27
neo2ActionParsnip, thanks13:28
ActionParsnipneo2: you can boot to the liveCD and chroot to the installed OS. The commands you run will then affect the installed OS, not the live CD OS13:28
neo2ActionParsnip, that's exactly the info I needed13:29
khyrawhat is the command to check if my firewall is running?13:37
cheshairhi! I want to install ubuntu 13.04 on an asus x54h that comes with a default windows 7 (core i3). Should I go for 32 or 64 bit?13:37
acerimmercheshair, depends on if your machine is 64 bit capable.  look it up13:38
acerimmerkhyra, sudo ufw status13:39
contrapunctuskhyra - sudo ufw status13:39
acerimmercontrapunctus, little slow there, son ...13:39
khyrathanksX2 :)13:41
cheshairacerimmer: hi! thanks! well, i guess the machine itself is capable... it's fairly recent13:42
acerimmercheshair, check your windows info to be sure .. should specify windows 7 64.  if so, go for it.13:42
CoilDomainhttp://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04.2/release/ the documentation located in the images says there should be a disk1 file, but after uncompressing it i only see the ec2 images13:43
cheshairacerimmer: very helpful, thank you very much!13:43
CoilDomainanyone know where i can get the image for use in openstack?13:43
CoilDomainubuntus own documentation says they provide it….13:44
kingugogood day13:46
CoilDomainman, sometimes i hate those pages13:46
* CoilDomain walks off in shame13:46
acerimmerCoilDomain, devstack.org13:46
kingugoi have a problem with bruteforcing a rar file on bt5r313:46
CoilDomainnot even that13:46
acerimmer!backtrack|kingugo, BT is not supported here.  sorry.13:47
kingugopls who can help13:47
ubottukingugo, BT is not supported here.  sorry.: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)13:47
CoilDomainthe page was loaded with launch options for ec2 that i forgot these pages usually have file listings13:47
kingugothanks ubottu13:47
kingugobut i think bt is a derivative of ubuntu13:48
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
kingugowho knows bt irc channel and how i can join?13:48
acerimmerkingugo, as stated in the factoid ... #backtrack-linux13:49
SonikkuAmericakingugo: use >>> /join #backtrack-linux13:49
ActionParsnipisn't it kali now?13:49
SonikkuAmericaActionParsnip: I think Offensive Security is doing both versions13:51
SonikkuAmericaActionParsnip: Well they did until their first release of Kali13:51
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)13:51
ActionParsnipSonikkuAmerica: no idea, it doesn't interest me13:52
LitepoolCan someone please help me with the command to install libboost1.47 and over version through apt-get or anything, i did "sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev13:52
Litepool" and it installed 1.42 please helpppppppppppppppp13:52
jacekmigaczLitepool: http://askubuntu.com/questions/87306/how-to-install-libboost-1-4813:53
SonikkuAmerica!pm | kingugo13:56
ubottukingugo: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:56
Litepoolthanks jacekmigacz goign to see how i goes13:56
kingugooh, am so sorry. am new to irc13:57
kingugoi needed help on bt and i couldnt get to d channel. i installed xchat and i tot "oh bt is a derivative of ubuntu" so i decided to ask here.13:58
DJones!backtrack | kingugo If you can't join the backtrack channel, you should join #freenode and the people there will be able to help you connect to the right channel,13:59
ubottukingugo If you can't join the backtrack channel, you should join #freenode and the people there will be able to help you connect to the right channel,: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (sup13:59
SonikkuAmericakingugo: (a) The /join command works; (b) Backtrack isn't supported here; (c) Backtrack isn't supported at all anymore anyway, you should use Kali.14:00
kingugothanks sonikkuamerica14:01
ubukouhey there folks. does anyone have any idea where i can find sony vaio recovery disks? i ve formated it to linux and now sony wants me to buy them in order to repair it.14:03
calimero_82i'm downloading lubu-12.10,how do I know if it is ok for my pc?14:04
th0rubukou: I would think the only place to get them is from Sony14:06
ActionParsnipcalimero_82: its one of the lightest buntu's around, wil be fine14:06
ubukouth0r, so do i, but 70 euros is a bit harsh14:06
th0rubukou: well, that is a windows install set, so I doubt you will find any support on a linux forum14:07
LeonIsNewhey i have a question about ubuntu14:11
=== dell_ is now known as just4fun
LeonIsNewis it possible to run a few windows apps on it? mainly resident evil 4 and resident evil 514:11
DJones!wine | LeonIsNew14:11
ubottuLeonIsNew: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:11
LeeCoyes wine14:12
LeonIsNewalright, and wine is free, right?14:12
DJonesLeonIsNew: I'd say look at the wine database to see whether the apps will run, some things do, some don't14:12
DJonesYes its free14:12
SonikkuAmericaLeonIsNew: Yep; so is the PlayOnLinux frontend14:12
LeonIsNewokay, i actually didnt know wine was on linux14:12
LeonIsNewi used it on my macbook to play resident evil 4 so i know it works for that14:13
DJonesLeonIsNew: Wine also has its own irc channel for support ##winehq, the people there should be able to give you more detailed help if you need it14:13
LeeCoBut it's not very stable14:13
Pegaso_Rhi there :-)  Can somebody help me with a usb3 problem in 13.04?14:14
th0rPegaso_R: that depends on the question, doesn't it?14:16
Pegaso_Rmy sharkoon base for 4 hard disks is not waorking in 13.04 if I use a usb3 cable... was working in 12.10, but now it doesnt14:16
Pegaso_Rif I boot the computer with it connected it works, but if I unplug and hotplug again, it doesnt14:17
Pegaso_Rit works perfectly if I use a usb2 cable14:17
JanhouseCool, my console network speedtest project on github needs only 2 stars to reach 100. Maybe it could come in handy for someone here? https://github.com/Janhouse/tespeed14:17
e-cuellarjoin #dev14:18
Pegaso_Rok, thx :-)14:18
neo2How can I update my live Ubuntu in 2GB pen drive? I try first thing to update it but it runs out of space.14:19
Pegaso_Ronly one person in #dev.. and inactive for 114hours :-/14:20
=== boss is now known as Guest46026
Guest46026good morning14:21
rgargentehi all14:21
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rgargentei have a problem associating a program to a file type, i have tried many solutions without success14:21
rgargenteanyone can help, please?14:22
=== joseph is now known as Guest41706
Guest41706it won't let me change my nick?14:22
SonikkuAmericaGuest41706: It means that nick is registered with NickServ and you can't use it.14:23
Guest41706what is the chat for bonhi Linux?14:23
Pegaso_Rguest, you are usung registered nickes, try something "not so common" ;-)14:23
DJones!alis | Guest4170614:23
ubottuGuest41706: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:23
Pegaso_Rdoes anybody know if there is some activity in #dev at some special time of the day?14:30
=== JesseC is now known as Guest4971
neo2How can I update my live Ubuntu in 2GB pen drive? I try first thing to update it but it runs out of space.14:35
SonikkuAmericaneo2: You can't update a Live image like that.14:36
MonkeyDustneo2  why update something temporary? when you switch off the pc, it's gone14:36
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
neo2SonikkuAmerica, so how can I?14:37
neo2MonkeyDust, err, sorry it's not a live CD, it's a bootable usb drive14:37
ActionParsnipneo2: uninstall unused apps tp free space, libreoffice is a good one to pull off14:37
MonkeyDustneo2  after the upgrade, you'll have to reboot for the kernel upgrade and all will be lost, so what's the use?14:37
neo2ActionParsnip, lol it's so simple..14:38
PiciPegaso_R: We don't know things about arbitrary channels, especially ones that have nothing to do with Ubuntu.14:38
SonikkuAmericaneo2: In addition to what ActionParsnip said, if you need a word processor or something, put GNOME Office (AbiWord and Gnumeric) on.14:38
Pegaso_Rpici, somebody from here sent me to that channel when I assked a question here....14:39
Pegaso_Ri thought it was related somehow...14:39
SonikkuAmericaPegaso_R: They probably meant #ubuntu-dev14:39
SonikkuAmericaOr maybe not14:39
PiciPegaso_R: They weren't answering you.14:39
Pegaso_Roops, heheh, sorry then14:39
Pegaso_Rit was a question about a usb3 device that is not working in 13.04 (but was working in 12.10)... could it be they were sending me to #ubuntu-dev?14:40
Benihana68y heeeeeere?14:41
SonikkuAmericaPegaso_R: Not sure... but #ubuntu-dev only has one person in it...14:41
SonikkuAmerica!ot | Benihana6814:42
ubottuBenihana68: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:42
Pegaso_Rok, then I'll try my question later to see if there's any luck :-)14:42
PiciPegaso_R: Probably not, our devel channels are really for support.14:42
SuperLagIf I want to type n ""n" with a ~ over it... rather than opening the character map, searching for the one I want, and doing a copy/paste... is there a simple keystroke I can use?14:42
SuperLagan "n" with a ~ over it, that is14:43
th0rSuperLag: you can redefine a key on the keyboard...research xmodmap14:43
SonikkuAmericaSuperLag: You might also try the Alt Gr keyboard layout.14:43
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SuperLagth0r: heh, I use a similar remap to eliminate the Caps Lock, and make it Ctrl14:45
th0rSuperLag: yeah...capslock is why I first learned about it14:45
SuperLagsetxkbmap -option "ctrl:nocaps"14:46
SuperLagI have that autostart, when I set up my external displays14:46
Pumpkin-you might find http://spanish.about.com/od/writtenspanish/a/dia_ubuntu.htm interesting14:47
SuperLagI haven't figured out how to get the system to automatically enable my external displays, when I get to work and dock my ThinkPad14:47
jeremiah_Is it possible to move the /home folder with everything in it to another partition?14:47
SonikkuAmericajeremiah_: Yes14:47
th0rjeremiah_: copy it to the new partition, change fstab, and once you are satisfied it is all working fine....delete the old /home14:47
jeremiah_What i want to do, is to duel boot, and i want to have Ubuntu on one partition, Windows on another, and all my data on a third partition. I want to beable to see all my info from bothe oses14:48
SuperLagPumpkin-: good stuff. Thank you.14:48
th0rjeremiah_: nope....windows can't read a linux format partition, and /home has to be a linux partition I believe14:48
Pegaso_Rjeremiah... windows cant see linux partitions...14:49
jeremiah_th0r, What is fstab??? I have been hearing a lot about it lately, yet still don't know14:49
jeremiah_th0r, Isn't there a partition both can read?14:49
th0rjeremiah_: /etc/fstab, where the initial mount points are defined14:49
jeremiah_th0r,  Ah14:49
th0rjeremiah_: both can read vfat and ntfs, but /home can't be in those formats14:49
jeremiah_th0r,  Ah...14:50
jeremiah_th0r,  Is there any alternative/loophole?14:50
th0rjeremiah_: there is some support for windows reading ext3....but I wouldn't depend on it, and it is an addon, not from microsoft14:50
Pegaso_Rbut, jeremiah... i suppose what you want to share between both OS is only "your documents" and not all your /home14:50
jeremiah_th0r,  Ah.... So basically, no real alt?14:50
th0rjeremiah_: you can put your data in an ntfs partition and mount it to /home/data or some such...keep all your pictures, docs, music, in that partition14:51
jeremiah_Pegaso_R,  Yes, but that means placing it all into a seperate file.. :/14:51
jeremiah_th0r, ^14:51
jeremiah_Would it be possible to have my windows my computer linked to ubuntu?14:52
zaZaHello world!14:52
SuperLagnot really, not easily anyways14:52
zaZaSuperLag: can you please help me.14:52
zaZawhat does this command mean?14:52
zaZaarp -s 00:10:18:74:d4:3c14:52
PicizaZa: have you read the arp manpage?14:53
jeremiah_So basically, I'm boned..14:53
zaZasince, I am in somewhere, and it says "to protect urself from arp soof, run that command"14:53
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: using a shared NTFS partition for casual data is going to be easiest. Also makes backups super simple14:53
zaZaActionParsnip; what does this command mean, arp -s 00:10:18:74:d4:3c14:53
ActionParsnipzaZa: have you read the arp man page?14:53
jeremiah_ActionParsnip,  That would be the idea... In case one os or the other fails...14:53
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: indeed14:53
SuperLagjeremiah_: it's not the most convenient of suggestions... but maybe you should look into a NAS appliance for the data you want to share between OSes14:54
zaZais this a 'evil' command? arp -s 00:10:18:74:d4:3c14:54
jeremiah_ActionParsnip,  But also to be able to swap in between oses, and have all my data easily accessed in both14:54
fyksenHey! I'm trying to open xbmc with an Xbox 360 game controller.  The remote works in games and in xbmc, but I can't map a key to open an application. Any tips? :)14:54
PicizaZa: Its a new arp table entry. Its 'evilness' depends on the context.14:55
jeremiah_SuperLag,  I guess i could look into it...14:55
th0rjeremiah_: this is really sneaky...mount the entire windows partition to someplace like /mnt/windows, then create soft links such as /home/pictures to the pictures folder in /mnt/windows...etc14:55
jeremiah_th0r,  So, mount my files into a partition.. I think we must go deeper...14:55
zaZaPici: I am in a hotel, and they say, "Protect yourself from ARP spoof, run this command: arp -s 00:10:18:74:d4:3c14:56
th0rjeremiah_: mount the entire C drive to a mount point like /mnt/windows, then link individual folders in C drive /home14:56
zaZaalso, im using their wifi14:56
zaZaand they told me to run that command to protect myself from arp spoof14:56
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: yes, a separate NTFS partition will fix that as Windows can only access a few file systems, so you accommodate its shortcomings14:56
jeremiah_th0r I guess that could potentially work..14:56
SuperLagzaZa: dude. Just don't worry about it.14:57
th0rjeremiah_: it would appear to be /home/user/pictures, but would really be /mnt/windows/Users/my documents/ pictures....or whatever windows calls it <smile>14:57
zaZaare you sure, superlag14:57
SuperLagzaZa: the chances of that happening in a hotel you're only going to be in for a limited time... very very slim14:57
jeremiah_th0r,  I get the idea...14:57
jeremiah_th0r,  I guess i could try that out.14:57
=== Logan is now known as Guest7783
PicizaZa: I'd be more wary of adding a new custom arp table entry.14:57
jeremiah_th0r,  Whenever i have time, I'll try it out14:57
SuperLagyeah, no kidding14:57
jeremiah_Thnx guys! Toodloo!14:58
Mark_zaZa: Beyond "protecting" from a potential mitm, that doesn't do squat :P14:58
Mark_Even then, I'm hesitant to consider that some kind of "mitigation" against arp spoofing.14:58
GSM434  /part14:59
zaZaI see14:59
zaZaMark_: well, I use their wifi and they told me "protect yourself from arp spoof and run that command" so I did, now I am wondering if they can get my pws and stuff...14:59
Mark_zaZa: Anyone who controls intermediate network devices can inject, steal, monitor your data streams passively if you don't encrypt to the end point.15:00
djonohello all. im move my finger around on the touch pad and lines follow the cursor like i was in paint15:01
zaZaMark_: I just ran that command, am I safe?15:01
SuperLagugh.... how many times15:01
Mark_zaZa: No, not at all.15:01
cprofittzaZa: I agree with Mark_ as well15:02
cprofittinfact running that command, depending on who gave that to you could actually be a bad thing15:03
djonohello all. im move my finger around on the touch pad and lines follow the cursor like i was in paint15:03
zaZa"This command prevents your machine from arp netcut"15:03
Sora1995|Cloudhmm... whenever i try to mount my tablet, i get this message: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.15:04
Sora1995|Cloudi'm on zorin os 6, which is based on 12.0415:04
_striker_Guys m not hearing anythin from my headphone on 12.0415:05
_striker_Any idea why?15:05
WolverineHey guys15:09
WolverineI've got an issue, My wifi's working on ubuntu, but not on Windows.15:09
harryflintlockPartinks spee spaga speel scrap.  Ruda Trooda.  Ejection request.  Heffy the jello wup.  Juffo-wup!  rab locid rebbasmoth.  The Proteus Animal Plannable.  Poo da Boo!  need 10-15 people straight  Groaning my grurch nords.15:09
auronandaceSora1995|Cloud: not supported here15:09
djonoyou need the drivers wolverine15:09
harryflintlockagrillio mellish.  Blakes my bog.  kedda mah go go mageezik  Renna manuck to the ruthafied sneffal  The Rump Shaking Rider Crew - Fuck You!  Wren a men a menna menna moo, filling my jolts and filling my shoe, plenk a  peek a pokie zal nawl knife15:09
harryflintlockShaar nag lililly linomp nip.  Many mini minotaur taurs, hate tar tar sauce.  I am a robibbob meme.  Have you ever thought about where the bird goes?  Squirnish Mernish.  Jelly jolaggalan joo!  Chuh lap lap rillip.  Oh I grew three years.  I'm old now.15:10
Wolverinedjono - I've updated from the Intel website (I've got an Intel Wifi card)15:10
harryflintlockDoes anyone heck teck the rooga beega bagga?  Hebber master hoon a ferr fee.  Hilly a mackhole.  The shiny dot in the middle of a liddle light, of the middle of a lep lep lains!  Gotta get that schit ass shcrap  biteoad.  Ruproudj a malef loo15:10
harryflintlockMoistie bather.  riberian schmecklef  Mulla Malee loo lup the new flood wars.  Chuddy dip, chuddy dip, chuddy microchip.  Bucka lucka loo, bucky lucky blay.  Bucka lucky blay lee.15:10
SonikkuAmerica!ops | WE HAVE A SPAMMER!15:10
ubottuWE HAVE A SPAMMER!: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!15:10
Sora1995|Cloudauronandace: i wasn't sure if zorin had their own channel or not, so thought i'd ask in here seeing as though it's based on 12.0415:10
roastedhello friends. I thought I remembered a way to have a live rsync continually run. does anybody by chance know what that is offhand?15:11
djonowolverine better to use the comps manufacturers website15:11
Wolverinedjono - they redirect to the Intel site.. lol15:12
djonowolverine is a new install of windows?15:14
SonikkuAmericaroasted: cron?15:15
roastedSonikkuAmerica: I found it, I think. it's async.15:15
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roastedSonikkuAmerica: it's basically a continual rsync, forever. not scheduled.15:15
w4veroasted: rsync dosen't monitor filesystem changes, you'd need to write a script/daemon to check for changes then run rsync15:15
Wolverineno, same windows install.. I was using ubuntu from live usb because the system file was corrupt, and needed to do a copy of the old hives from the C:/Windows folder... and I didn't have the WIndows XP CD15:15
Wolverine(sorry, that was @djono)15:16
djonou need the xp drivers15:16
Wolverinedjono, yeah.. the intel website has this Java applet that detects your OS, and hardware and downloads the appropriate drivers..15:17
Wolverinestill doesn't work..15:17
roastedSonikkuAmerica, w4ve, I lied, it's lsyncd. just for what it's worth. :D15:17
WolverineI'm wondering if Using wifi on ubuntu changed something in the card itself? Is that even possible?15:18
Wolverinesome config settings, so that now Windows can't understand the card?15:18
w4veroasted: Yah it looks like lsyncd is just a daemon that monitors tree changes and then starts rsync, thats pretty neat15:18
roastedw4ve: should come in handy for a linux based surveillance system. That way if 1st box is stolen or blows up, a live copy is existent elsewhere. :D15:19
djonono ubuntu wouldnt change anything15:19
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
WolverineHmm.. I guess I'll try the drivers one more time15:20
w4veroasted: It would be interesting to see how well rsync will work for this purpose. I guess it depends on how your dvr software records/writes files.15:21
roastedw4ve: I use Motion from the repos, so things are recorded as AVIs right to a specific directory.15:21
roastedw4ve: rsync would work brilliantly, but rsync can only run if triggered, whether manually or via cron.15:22
roastedw4ve: I kind of wanted a raid 1 mirror style setup, just between 2 boxes instead of 2 internal drives.15:22
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w4veroasted: I understand the limitations of rsync, but from what ive read it looks like lsyncd is just a daemon that starts rsync when it finds a file system change. Im just interested to see the network/proccessing toll from constantly scanning the files for changes and copying them. (Because the video file will always be changing)15:25
soy_el_pulporoasted: that is called replication15:25
soy_el_pulporoasted: you will have to independent servers that are replicating the content of a share or filesystem15:26
roastedsoy_el_pulpo: lsyncd is actualy doing exactly as I want. Just fired it up.15:26
roastedsoy_el_pulpo: I just want a raw copy of data on a 2nd server thats always updated15:27
soy_el_pulporoasted: great, take a look at: Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD) in the Ubuntu server guide15:29
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roastedsoy_el_pulpo: what would that provide me that lsyncd doesn't?15:30
soy_el_pulponot sure, never used lsyncd ;)15:30
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mpratI'm having some problems with my ld linker for gcc/g++ - it keeps trying to use the linker stored at /usr/local/bin rather than the one stored at /usr/bin - any ideas how to fix that?15:31
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cristian_cI've installed qt4-qtconfig15:39
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cristian_cIf I open the tool and I edit the font settings, clicking on File->Save, this string appears in the statusbar: 'Saved changes.'15:41
cristian_cbut if I close and reopen the tool, there are not the new settings anymore15:41
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cristian_cHow can I solve it?15:42
cristian_cAny ideas?15:42
somsipmprat: change the order of your $PATH. But seems like a strange thing to have to do...15:42
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mprati know how to change the $PATH15:43
mpratbut how do i change it permanently instead of having to do it every time?15:44
mprat(incidentally, changing the path doesn't solve the problem)15:44
somsipmprat: ok. Maybe not the right idea then15:44
mpratWhat file do the environment variables get set in?15:47
sherlock_regustransparency not available in gnome 3.815:48
sherlock_reguswhat to do15:48
WeThePeoplehi i am haveing trouble getting my mic to work properly, nobody can here me when i speak into it and the volume is turne all the way up15:48
ActionParsnipsherlock_regus: contact the PPA maintainer of the PPA you added15:49
auronandacesherlock_regus:  3.8 isn't supported here (same with all ppas)15:49
mpratWeThePeople: do you have the right drivers installed?15:49
WeThePeoplemprat, how do i check this15:49
ActionParsnipsherlock_regus: if you start adding 3rd party sources to your OS, don't be surprised if you get issues15:49
WeThePeoplemprat, im on 12.04.2 gnome15:50
sherlock_regusbut gnome is a trusted one15:52
sherlock_regusearly version had transparency property15:52
sherlock_regusfor windows15:52
pc175hi ubuntu fans.... problem for editing proxychans.conf...... someone help?15:52
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Sirisian|WorkI just setup a fresh ubuntu server using the newest version in a VM and turned on bridged adapter and then set a static ip and installed ssh, but when I try to ssh into the ip I set (that shows in ifconfig) I just get "Network error: Software caused connection abort" immediately. (Doesn't matter what static ip I use).15:55
pc175plz help to edit .... /etc.proxychans.conf15:55
ActionParsnipsherlock_regus: its not the package from the Ubuntu repos so is not supported here15:55
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, i am having a problem with my mic, the volume is turned up all the way and nobody can hear me15:56
pc175dear ... how can i edit .. / etc/proxychans.conf15:56
pc175someone plz help me ubuntu 12.0415:57
[OS]CazazoHi there16:00
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HamedHi everybody.16:01
[OS]CazazoI need help to clean the mess done by install and uninstall KDE16:01
HamedMay you please help me with broken drivers?16:01
[OS]Cazazomost of my apps have the bloody KDE theme...16:02
[OS]Cazazoand font...16:02
[OS]Cazazoeven after uninstall16:02
maxiaojunanyone played https://www.cubeslam.com/ ?16:03
MonkeyDust[OS]Cazazo  start with sudo apt-get autoremove, to remove any unwanted remainders16:03
MonkeyDustmaxiaojun  wrong channel16:03
maxiaojunit is a nice game but in Chrome many stuff renders black16:03
[OS]Cazazoi did it...16:03
pseudowebHi there, anibody can support me? i need make a question about something16:03
devoidhi all, how do I get the source for linux 3.8.0-23?16:04
maxiaojunMonkeyDuct: problem is it renders differently in Firefox and Chrome16:04
maxiaojunFirefox seems ok16:04
pseudowebpasswd: You may not view or modify password information for test16:04
maxiaojunChrome many black areas16:04
pseudowebcan anybody help me pls16:04
[OS]CazazoMonkeyDust: any thing else I could try?16:04
MonkeyDust[OS]Cazazo  in synaptic, residual config, maybe?16:05
[OS]Cazazowill try that now...16:05
pseudowebpasswd: You may not view or modify password information for test16:05
somsippseudoweb: if you are trying to change the password for a user, you must use 'sudo passwd username'16:06
HamedI Installed compat-drivers (https://backports.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Documentation/compat-drivers#Building_and_installing) and it broke everything. I uninstalled it by starting-up in command root mode and using sudo make unistall. It seems that everything is right now, but my graphics is broken. (Graphics is not broken under older images in advanced booting). May you please help me fixing my default boot?16:06
pseudowebuser@ubuntu:~$ sudo passwd games16:07
pseudowebpasswd: User not known to the underlying authentication module16:07
pseudowebpasswd: password unchanged16:07
somsippseudoweb: is there a user called 'games'?16:07
pseudowebim try to change this user passwd16:07
pseudoweband the user test then16:07
somsippseudoweb: do the users have loging enabled?16:08
maxiaojunanyone reproduced my problem?16:08
pseudowebi dont understand16:09
pseudowebwhy i have user: user16:09
pseudoweband be on etc passwd seems like a shadowed16:09
pseudoweband test user16:09
pseudowebhave normal16:09
somsippseudoweb: what version of ubuntu?16:10
somsippseudoweb: ouch16:10
geniipseudoweb: Does the user called "user" have sudo rights?16:10
pseudoweban example.... of a user...16:10
MonkeyDustmaxiaojun  if it's a chrome issue, try chromium instead, it"-s in the repos https://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/ChromiumBrowserVsGoogleChrome16:10
pseudowebwhen test16:11
pseudowebhave normal16:11
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pseudoweban example of my tets user system:x:545:545::/home/:/bin/bash16:11
ActionParsnippseudoweb: is the file system mouted read only?16:11
somsippseudoweb: check /var/log/auth.log for more helpful messages16:11
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ActionParsnippseudoweb: 7.10 is very EOL16:11
maxiaojunMonkeyDust: i used to have chromium-browser installed, but Google Hangouts make it messy16:11
Pegaso_RHi :-) I have a problem when I plug a external dock for 4 hard disks (this one: http://www.tweaktown.com/pressrelease/5236/sharkoon_sata_quickport_quattro_for_up_to_four_sata_hard_drives_and_ssds/index.html )16:12
Pegaso_RIt works if I plug it using a usb2.0 cable, but if I use a usb3.0 cable... the nightmare starts.16:12
Pegaso_RUsing Ubuntu 12.10 everything worked.16:12
Pegaso_RSince I installed 13.04 it doesn't work (fresh install, not upgrade). If I boot with the device already connected, it works, but if I unplug and plug again (hotplug), my system freezes for 10 seconds, and then the PCIe USB3 card is "disabled".16:12
FloodBot1Pegaso_R: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:12
steffen_javaType here:16:12
Pegaso_R(sorry for the flood, oops)16:12
Pegaso_RI've pasted results of lspci, lsusb and dmesg here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5761868/16:12
Pegaso_RCan someone give me a hand? :-)16:12
somsippseudoweb: found one recommendation to rebuild the shadow - *NEEDS MORE RESEARCH* but man pwconv for more info16:13
[OS]Cazazooh man...16:13
[OS]Cazazognome classic still messed up by kde16:13
pseudowebsomsip thanks a lot... i will try... if not work im gonna download the latest version of ubuntu16:14
[OS]Cazazowhat would be the best way to remove the kde from the system??16:14
ubuntuisawesome...sudo apt-get purge plasma-desktop16:14
somsippseudoweb: it really would be a good idea.16:14
maxiaojunchromium-browser black also16:14
[OS]Cazazowill try taht now16:14
pseudowebthanks for all, c ya later, thanks again16:15
ActionParsnippseudoweb: i'd go for Precise16:15
ActionParsnippseudoweb: it is LTS and supported til April 201716:15
MonkeyDustmaxiaojun  if you know the cause of the issue, remove that cause... what's google hangouts?16:15
HamedAny idea about my problem? :(16:15
ActionParsnippseudoweb: the latest stable won't be supported after January 201416:16
pseudowebOk Thanks16:16
maxiaojunMonkeyDust: i decided to report bug to chromium16:16
devoidany kernel devs around here? I think I found a regression on the ixgbe driver?16:16
devoidI need to get the 3.8 source though to confirm.16:16
devoidand I can't seem to find it?16:17
MonkeyDustdevoid  #ubuntu-kernel16:17
maxiaojungoogle hangouts is a chromium/chrome extension that can be launched from firefox when it is enabled in gmail16:17
MonkeyDustmaxiaojun  you like to keep things simple?16:18
devoidMonkeyDust: thx16:18
maxiaojunMonkeyDust: sure, i switched back to origin gtalk, but i do like some of google hangouts' feature16:18
Sector_0which is the better driver in terms of stability and performance, the proprietary ATI driver or the opensource driver?16:19
Sector_0I'm using the ATI radeon 5500HD redwood16:19
Sector_0also I want to be able to use OpenCL16:19
Pegaso_RHi :-) I have a problem when I plug a external dock for 4 hard disks (this one: http://www.tweaktown.com/pressrelease/5236/sharkoon_sata_quickport_quattro_for_up_to_four_sata_hard_drives_and_ssds/index.html ).  It works if I plug it using a usb2.0 cable, but if I use a usb3.0 cable... the nightmare starts.   Using Ubuntu 12.10 everything worked.   Since I installed 13.04 it doesn't work (fresh install, not upgrade). If I boot with the device already connec16:20
Pegaso_Rted, it works, but if I unplug and plug again (hotplug), my system freezes for 10 seconds, and then the PCIe USB3 card is "disabled".16:20
Pegaso_RI've pasted results of lspci, lsusb and dmesg here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5761868/   .  Can someone give me a hand, please? :-)16:20
sereRainy sync server with tomboy help please..http://paste.ubuntu.com/5760189/16:21
cheshairHi I am installing Ubuntu on a pc and would like to put there pretty much the same sw I have installed on another ubuntu pc (both of them are 13.04)16:23
cheshairHow can i do that?16:23
DJones!cloning | cheshair16:23
ubottucheshair: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate16:23
cheshairDJones: hey! that's super fast and super helpful!!16:23
cheshairDJones: thanks!16:23
HamedI Installed compat-drivers (https://backports.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Documentation/compat-drivers#Building_and_installing) and it broke everything. I uninstalled it by starting-up in command root mode and using sudo make unistall. It seems that everything is right now, but my graphics is broken. (Graphics is not broken under older images in advanced booting). May you please help me fixing my default boot?16:24
bananapiehey, I am trying to compile some C code I found on the internet. It says 'glib.h: No such file or directory' So I changed the glib.h to /usr/include/glib-2.0/glib.h. Now I get hundreds of messages for glib/*.h files. So how do I tell the compiler to look for header files in /usr/include/glib-2.0/glib.h ?16:26
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Pegaso_RSorry, I'm not very used to this king of chats... Is there a way to know if someone is looking at a question i made before? (don't want to ask it again if there's someone already looking at it)16:27
maxiaojunbug filed: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=24937616:32
DJonesPegaso_R: You'll only know if somebody has seen your question if they reply to you, if you don't get an answer, its probably best to repeat the question at about 10-15 minute intervals16:33
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Pegaso_RDJones, thanks :-)16:34
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atomxIs it possible to install IOS 7 on my iphone, if I connect the iphone to Ubuntu ?16:35
OerHeksatomx, unlikely, you need iTunes for that.16:37
atomxI entered the iphone in Itunes Mode , and I connected it to ubuntu16:38
atomxhowever, there is no reaction16:38
samgabbayhow can i speed up my ubuntu 13.0416:38
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atomx[171378.015261] usb 2-1.2: new high-speed USB device number 10 using ehci-pci16:39
atomx[171378.109025] usb 2-1.2: New USB device found, idVendor=05ac, idProduct=128116:39
atomx[171378.109036] usb 2-1.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=2, Product=3, SerialNumber=416:39
atomx[171378.109042] usb 2-1.2: Product: Apple Mobile Device (Recovery Mode)16:39
atomx[171378.109047] usb 2-1.2: Manufacturer: Apple Inc.16:39
FloodBot1atomx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:39
atomx[171378.109052] usb 2-1.2: SerialNumber: xxxx SRNM:[yyyy]16:39
samgabbayHow do i speed up my ubuntu 13.0416:40
atomxSo , no chamnce to connect it ?16:40
atomxsamgabbay: I updated from 12.0416:40
bazhangsamgabbay, speed up what exactly, be very clear16:40
samgabbaySpeed up in terns of faster response cause sometimes it just freezes randomly and like i want just the op to be fast16:41
seresamgabbay: you can clear certain caches and programs with bleachbit16:41
bazhangsamgabbay, what does that mean "the op to be fast"16:41
atomxsamgabbay: sorry, I thought you asked "how can I update from ...."16:42
samgabbaybazhang, for the operating system to be fast16:42
samgabbayatomx,  its okay man16:42
samgabbaysere,  how do i do that16:42
samgabbayguys is there like a single program to fully speedup and optomize ubuntu16:42
bazhangsamgabbay, what exact operations are slower than before, how much ram do you have, what cpu, what things in the OS are slow16:42
seresamgabbay: sudo apt-get install bleachbit16:42
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temerairesamgabbay: What do yoy mean by 'freezes up'... does is stop responding?16:44
samgabbaytemeraire,  yes especially when i do vm16:44
samgabbaybazhang,  here it is http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c02618765&tmp_task=prodinfoCategory&cc=us&dlc=en&lc=en&product=5037998 but with ubuntu 13.0416:44
bazhangsamgabbay, how much ram. what video card, and what driver, what cpu. please tell us here16:45
atomxSeems that it is impossible to access the iphone 's itunes from Ubuntu16:45
temerairesamgabbay: does the mouse pointer stop responding?16:45
atomxHowever, did somebody know when ios7 will be available for everybody ?16:45
samgabbaytemeraire,  not really its mostly programs16:45
bazhangatomx, thats correct. iTunes will not run on Linux.16:46
samgabbaybazhang, its on there its too long to copy16:46
temeraireit's not freezing then, its just being slow16:46
atomxbazhang: I see here http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-ios-7-device-update-20130611,0,2466162.story16:46
bazhangatomx, try in an apple channel, thats not an ubuntu issue16:46
samgabbayatomx,  yes ios will be available usually after 2-4 months usually probs when school starts again16:46
saydI just tried adding the add-apt-reposititory program via `apt-get install python-software-properties` but its still not available16:46
atomxthat will be available in fall16:46
samgabbaytemeraire,  howcan i speed it up16:46
temerairesamgabbay: i have to ask you, is it faster in windows?16:47
atomx(the first phrase in this article says that)16:47
bazhangatomx, iOS is not on topic here16:47
samgabbaytemeraire,  yea but i got rid of windows and i wanna use ubuntu only16:47
nimbioticsI have linux mint installed and want to move to ubuntu studio. I have three questions: 1) Can I make a backup in mint and restore it in the to be installed ubuntu? 2) What is a good backup tool? and 3) Please point to a good tutorial on backups! TIA!16:47
atomxbazhang: there are people he who tried to connect it to ubuntu16:48
atomxbut my problem is solved16:48
DJonesatomx: That doesn't help the fact that iOS/iTunes isn't designed to work on Ubuntu16:48
temerairesamgabbay: looking at the GPU, i think it's the fact that 13.04 (compiz) needs hefty 3d acceleration and if you used a different DE it might be quicker16:48
atomxI will update in fall16:48
samgabbaytemeraire,  what should i do?? i have compiz settings on here16:48
bazhangnimbiotics, the installer may give you an option to not delete /home  . back up /home nonetheless16:48
OerHeksatomx, connecting to ubuntu or update/upgrade/install software are 2 different things, itunes won't work for your issue16:48
seresamgabbay: you could try a lighter derivative of ubuntu .. lubuntu16:49
temerairesamgabbay: you could try one of the ubuntu spins like xubuntu or something, they're linked on the main website. i think your prblem is basically compiz needs a fast gpu16:49
samgabbaysere,  but i wanna keep ubuntu i really love it16:49
samgabbayare there any tweaks i can use on compiz settings16:49
samgabbayi did some tweaking to speed up unity search and it worked16:49
RemowylliamsHello everyone I have a problem with snmpd on ubuntu 11.04 it responds to a snmpwalk -v2c localhost but not if I'm on an external machine running the snmpwalk -v2c xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx , if I use -v 1 it works as expected16:50
samgabbaybut i juust did it i dont knwo if il be for the whole system16:50
temeraireunity or compiz:  I dont know which16:50
bgardnersamgabbay: You can try out xubuntu or lubunu without committing permanently.16:50
bazhangsamgabbay, you have yet to tell us the video card or how much ram16:50
temerairebazhang: he has linked the spec already16:50
samgabbayi already posted all the hardwware info16:50
samgabbaybgardner,  i jsut really like ubuntu itself16:50
seresamgabbay: if your running VM's that will slow down your machine alot16:50
meganerdsamgabbay: just disable all of the fancy effects16:51
temerairebazhang: radeon 4250 HD and some AMD phenom i dont remember,16:51
samgabbaysere,  im not running the vm at the moment16:51
samgabbaymeganerd,  how?16:51
samgabbaymeganerd,  fallback?16:51
nimbioticsbazhang: OH, didnt know that ... Thanks! Nevertheless my /home is huge as I do have to manage lots of large files: What is a good to do backups??16:51
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temerairethat GPU wont run starcraft 216:52
meganerdsamgabbay: I don't remember off the top of my head, I am at work with my laptop which runs KDE16:52
samgabbaymeganerd,  can u check for meh16:52
samgabbayand guys i got bleachbit but should i run it as root?16:52
RemowylliamsHello everyone I have a problem with snmpd on ubuntu 11.04 it responds to a snmpwalk -v2c localhost but not if I'm on an external machine running the snmpwalk -v2c xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx , if I use -v 1 it works as expected16:52
bazhangnimbiotics, that depends; if you wish to clone, then clonezilla, if more gradual then rsync or others16:52
meganerdon my slow machine at home I remember going in to the settings menu and just disabling all the fancy effects16:52
Remowylliamserr sorry snmpwalk -v2c xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -c public16:52
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seresamgabbay: do you use any  memory management programs.. like gkrellm, conky, top16:53
nimbioticsbazhang: Thanks16:53
meganerdRemowylliams: check the firewall, check to make sure that snmpd is accepting connections from remote hosts, IIRC v2 requires authentication16:53
Remowylliamsit's setup the same on 2 ubuntu 12.04 and works fine16:53
samgabbaysere,  nope16:53
meganerdsamgabbay: I won't be home for at least 8 hours :)16:53
samgabbaymeganerd,  :/16:54
Remowylliamsmeganerd: I don't think I'm running any firewall on this machine it does respond to -v 1 just fine16:54
samgabbayguys do it run bleachbit on root?? and how do i remove keytouch16:55
seresamgabbay: i would suggest to start.. conky is nice, runs on the desktop.. gkrellm is simple.. top is console base ... either one you can see what is using your ram / cpu and when so you can narrow down what is using all the ram when it slows down\16:56
samgabbaysere,  can u give me the guide on how to get conky with the google theem]16:57
Slashsup guise16:57
seresamgabbay: sudo apt-get install conly16:57
samgabbaygoogle now theme **16:57
SteveBellhi all. I did something immensly stupid. while fiddeling with a harddrive I managed to copy lots of data instead to the expeted target drive to the internal ubuntu harddrive. this drive seems to be full to the last byte now. and it does no longer boot up. all I see is a screen taht "the system is running in low-graphics mode" is there anything I can do now to get this working again?16:57
neo2SteveBell, you don't have a live cd you can use?16:59
SteveBellI have a bootable usb stick16:59
seresamgabbay: here http://www.deviantart.com/art/Conky-Now-36907204616:59
DarkAceLaptophttp://pastebin.com/8VsESwsS anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I'm following a very old documentation to set up a 32bit chroot16:59
MrGarlicWhich version of Ubuntu has the best MacBook Pro support? I hear it's 12.10. Is this true?16:59
samgabbaysere,  found it im installing it one second16:59
neo2SteveBell, so what's the problem then?17:00
seresamgabbay: there are alot but i would learn how use conky  before editing themes etc.17:00
samgabbaysere,  how do i use it?17:00
samgabbaysere,  im using this guidehttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/05/google-now-themed-conky-for-ubuntu-desktop17:00
SteveBellneo2 current problem is, I can#t boot. so what would I do with that USB then?17:00
neo2SteveBell, boot from the usb then... you can set the bios to boot first from a usb17:02
samgabbaybtw guys how do i remove keytouch17:02
samgabbayand how do i remove conky17:02
samgabbayi meant17:02
samgabbayhow do i use it17:02
nimbioticsUsing grsync, I am trying to backup to a dvd+r, but I cannot see the device in destinations. Please help. TIA!17:02
SteveBellneo2: ok I get that, but what would I do then? simply reinstall from USB or boot from USB and try to erase files to clear some space?17:02
br0tat0chipis anyone running Ubuntu (or any flavor) on a macbook air?17:02
xangua!anyone | br0tat0chip17:03
ubottubr0tat0chip: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:03
br0tat0chipokay.  what's the battery life on a macbook air running linux17:03
MonkeyDustnimbiotics  i guess because rsync has no burn option17:03
^MikeI have an external HDD enclosure, with an LVM logical volume spanning both drives. I want to replace that with an encrypted LV. Am I correct in thinking that I can shrink the existing LV so it only fits the current files, then create a new encrypted LV in the remaining space, then move files over to the new LV, readjusting the LV sizes as I go, and then finally removing the old LV? The filesystem on the existing LV is ext4, which I believe can be shrunk,17:03
^Mike right?17:03
seresamgabbay: that theme doest give your top cpu / top memory usage.. only how many processes open17:03
nimbioticsMonkeyDust: how can I acomplish this then?17:03
samgabbaysere, is there a nice theme that doesent fully look like a simple command promt17:04
DarkAceLaptopI'm following a very old documentation to set up a 32bit chroot17:04
DarkAceLaptopbut I don't know what http://pastebin.com/8VsESwsS17:04
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MonkeyDustnimbiotics  not sure, never tried17:04
paul_i need to have a driver daemon (razerd) start automatically each time along with some xinput commands to set mouse acceleration (those only after razerd has been initialized) is rc.local the place to do this ?17:04
MonkeyDust!burn | nimbiotics17:05
ubottunimbiotics: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto17:05
xanguasamgabbay: conky colors is easy to set http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/?content=9232817:06
samgabbayxangua, like is theme a theme with weather at least17:06
sobczykhi, which package contains the kernel config file for raring?17:07
trismDarkAceLaptop: if it is an ubuntu/debian chroot you'll need to: echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" | sudo tee -a /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local; before you reconfigure locales so it builds a locale17:07
samgabbayanyone knows hwo to geet rid of keytouch17:08
trismDarkAceLaptop: though I'm not sure why you care in a chroot17:08
DarkAceLaptoptrism: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457517:08
DarkAceLaptopthey're telling me to ┐('~`;)┌17:08
minimecsobczyk: The kernel package... ;) The config file is in /boot for all installed kernels.17:08
sobczykminimec: you mean the binary, not the source?17:09
minimecsobczyk: binary17:09
bin_bashbr0tat0chip, did you need help, my son?17:09
hannerhi, is there a way to further increase the mouse' speed, if i am already at max via ubuntus GUI? do i have to create a xorg.conf if i don't want to workaround this using pointer acceleration and xset?17:09
DarkAceLaptopGeneration complete.17:09
DarkAceLaptopthanks trism17:09
trismDarkAceLaptop: yeah you don't need to do that, especially for en_US since the C locale is basically the same17:09
seresamgabbay: http://pbrd.co/1413Itx : im not sure what you like the console but you can output anything conky.. if you want a black or white background you can do that to17:10
DarkAceLaptopoh, too late :P17:10
trismDarkAceLaptop: not going to hurt anything though17:10
Pegaso_RHi :-) I have a problem when I plug a external dock for 4 hard disks using 13.04.  It works if I plug it using a usb2.0 cable, but if I use a usb3.0 cable... the nightmare starts.   Using Ubuntu 12.10 everything worked. Any help, please?17:11
sobczykisn't schroot better than dchroot? it handles passwd and similar automatically17:11
nimbioticsMonkeyDust: I still can't figure out how to backup/restore to/from multiple cd/dvd's. Can you give me a hint on that?17:12
tkingplease how do i put file in this directory /usr/share/stardict/dic17:13
serecp -r file_location  /usr/share/stardict/dic'17:14
sereno '17:14
daftykinssere: you'd need sudo before it, most likely17:15
seredaftykins: i was think that..hopefully he can figure that out when it tells him17:16
bin_bashsere, you don't need -r if it's just a file17:16
tkingsere i right click in the folder and it did work, i have many folders and file to put there17:16
tkingsere didn't work when i tried to paste17:17
tkinghow do i give the folder permission?17:17
seretking: you can open a root nautilus and just move then into that root window17:18
MonkeyDustnimbiotics  try creating tar-files and copy those to dvd17:18
tkingsere how please?17:18
tkinghow to open root nautilus?17:19
MonkeyDusttking  not17:19
bakaguyjamwhats the worst phone ubuntu can run on?17:19
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DJones!phone | bakaguyjam17:19
ubottubakaguyjam: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch17:19
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nimbioticsMonkeyDust: thx17:20
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MonkeyDustnimbiotics  or use the batch method    rsync --write-batch=backup     then copy 'backup' and 'backup.sh' to dvd17:21
yeehi I have a permission denied error when I try the following command: sudo cat isoimage.iso > /dev/sdX17:21
seretking: cd /usr/share/stardict/dic/ then run sudo nautilus17:22
trismyeehi: > is captured by the shell, so it isn't running as root17:22
yeehiooh, trism, thank you. What should I do to get the command to work?17:22
trismyeehi: sudo -i; first would be the most straightforward way17:22
yeehilet me try that, trism...17:23
Piciyeehi, trism: I personally would prefer doing: cat something | sudo tee /foo/bar17:23
nimbioticsMonkeyDust: now u want to drive nuts ... this is too much info for me to handle on a day like the one I'm having :D17:23
yeehiHi, Pici, that is a little beyond me17:23
arminis there some example code that can put text elements in the upper unity panel?17:24
armini don't use the menu integration so i have plenty of free space there now17:25
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yeehiOh, thank you so much, trism! That seems to have got it working for me.17:25
Pegaso_RHi :-) I have a problem when I plug a external dock for 4 hard disks using 13.04.  It works if I plug it using a usb2.0 cable, but if I use a usb3.0 cable... the nightmare starts.   Using Ubuntu 12.10 everything worked. Any help, please?17:27
serePegaso_R: explain your dream please17:27
Pegaso_Rsere: I've pasted results of lspci, lsusb and dmesg here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5761868/17:28
Pegaso_Rcan you take a look please?17:28
trismPici: indeed, generally that'd be my preference too17:29
serePegaso_R: sure17:30
SteveBellneo2: I booted from the USB. trying to delete that overly large folder now, but "move to trash" is greyed out. also the rm command in terminal didn't do anything17:30
Pegaso_Rsere: thanks :-)17:30
SteveBellterminal says can't remove folder path: Is a directory17:31
kbooduSteveBell: Try sudo rm -rf directory_name17:31
Eerdo a rm -rf  /path/to/directory17:32
kbooduSteveBell: Just be very certain you are removing the correct directory and everything below that.  This does a recursive (-r) force (-f) delete.17:32
bin_bashSteveBell, try to do rm -r before rm -rf17:32
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bin_bashyou don't wnat to force something if you don't have to17:32
SteveBellok thx17:32
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bin_bashSteveBell, rm -r removes files recursively, and allows you to delete directories. Also do NOT use sudo unless it's a root directory. If you make a typo,you can delete your entire system17:33
tim__how can i tell if the dd command is running? I did a dd command to overwrite the hd, and hit enter and it just has a big cursor, so i dont know if its working or not17:34
IlhamiHey why is Ubuntu so bad?17:34
bin_bashtim__, that means it's running17:34
br0tat0chipIlhami: in what way17:34
bazhang!ot | Ilhami17:34
ubottuIlhami: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:34
bin_bashtim__, next time you can use the -v option which makes it vebose17:35
DarkAceLaptopwhat does the cp command?17:35
DarkAceLaptopwhat does the cp command do?17:35
bin_bashDarkAceLaptop, copy17:35
br0tat0chipDarkAceLaptop: copies a file17:35
br0tat0chipman cp17:35
DarkAceLaptopthought so17:35
DarkAceLaptopI keep forgetting about man17:35
IlhamiI will tell you why17:35
bin_bashDarkAceLaptop, never run a command unless you know what it does17:35
DarkAceLaptopand --help17:35
FloodBot1DarkAceLaptop: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:35
tim__any rough idea how long it will take to overwrite a 180gig PATA drive (randomly) on a pentium 4?17:35
bin_bashtim__, couple hours maybe17:36
tim__hmm, i am at least 8 hours in17:36
SteveBellbin_bash: I tried do rm -r 'pathtofolder' and that results in "syntax error near unexpected token 'do'17:36
IlhamiWhen I installed it I got so many different errors.. drivers which were missing and so...17:36
br0tat0chipSteveBell: no need for "do"17:37
bin_bashtim__, just wait until it's done17:37
tim__bin_bash:  but if a big flashing cursor means its working, then i will just check back in another 8 hours right?17:37
br0tat0chipjust rm -r /path/to/folder17:37
bin_bashSteveBell, give me the exact path17:37
=== follower is now known as changeover
bin_bashSteveBell, I need to know the exact command17:38
bin_bashyou're using17:38
changeoverhello all. how do i enable finger resting on an integrated touchpad?17:38
br0tat0chipbin_bash: he's using "do rm -r /path/to/file". he doesn't need the "do"17:38
SteveBellbin_bash I'm on antoher machine but it looks like '/media/longRowOfLettersAndNumbers/media/Data1' (data1 is the target drive name, where the files were intended to go but it was disconnected so now I have that data1 folder on the ubuntu drive.17:38
IlhamiIs Ubuntu open source????17:38
DJonesIlhami: From memory, the server side is closed source, client side may be open source17:39
elisa87Does anyone know how I can find "(LLVM_OBJ_ROOT)" ?17:39
DarkAceLaptop$ dchroot -d17:40
DarkAceLaptopW: No chroots are defined in ‘/etc/schroot/schroot.conf’ or ‘/etc/schroot/chroot.d’17:40
DarkAceLaptopE: default: Chroot not found17:40
DarkAceLaptopwhat exactly do I need to put in one of those files17:40
SteveBellbin_bash: ok without "do" it seems to be working. but I get asked for every single file if I want to remove write-protected regular file17:40
bin_bashSteveBell, lol.17:40
bin_bashin the future17:41
bin_bashwhen someone says "do <this command>"17:41
error404_hey guys, i wanted to ask some questions about the difference between ubuntu and xubuntu17:41
bin_bashthe do is not included17:41
bin_basherror404_, they're the same OS just different DE/WM17:41
changeovererror404 xubuntu is really lightweight17:41
changeoverbut both the same17:41
error404_well i am running an old dell c400 laptop with half gig ram and 20 gig harddrive and im currently on ubuntu 12.4. 32bit17:41
bin_basherror404_, i wouldn't use ubuntu at all.17:42
error404_and i have been using it for almost 6 months, i love it but the desktop environ is slow17:42
serePegaso_R: not really sure.. i did however find this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/77554317:42
changeoveryeah definately xbuntu or lubuntu17:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 775543 in linux (Ubuntu) "1033:0194 xhci_hcd: Timeout while waiting for a slot - Issue with USB3 hard disk on 11.04 x86_64" [High,Expired]17:42
bin_basherror404_, I'd use a more lightweight distro like crunchbang17:42
serePegaso_R: it sounds like thats the same issue you are having17:42
IlhamiWindows > Ubuntu :)17:42
changeovercrunchbang if u don't care about gui17:42
EerI'm using pinguy 12.04 LTS on a vm works great17:42
vabrehi there. I need help with a screen problem in ubuntu 10.04. The desktop does not fill all the laptop's screen17:42
changeoveri prefer lucid puppy17:43
bazhangIlhami, take it elsewhere17:43
DarkAceLaptopIlhami torl xDD17:43
DJonesIlhami: This channel isn't for discussion about which is better17:43
bin_basherror404_, crunchbang is a lightweight debian-based distro that uses openbox. it's probably the best choice for your dilemma17:43
Pegaso_Rsere: thx... saw that one before, but i think it's a bit different...17:43
error404_well in the six months i have had ubuntu i have collected a good bit of info (dosbox programs, snes emu's, some writings, some pictures ect ect.)17:43
DarkAceLaptopI removed it17:43
Ilhamiwhy would anyone choose Ubuntu over Windows?17:43
error404_if i install xubuntu from synaptic will i keep those files?17:43
bazhangok just checking17:43
IlhamiSerious question17:43
bin_basherror404_, no it doesn't work like that. you don't just install xubuntu from synaptic17:43
error404_ilhami... theres no such thing as stupid questions17:43
Pegaso_Rsere: and remember my dock was working when I was using 12.10.... that's the strange thing17:44
bazhangIlhami, not for this channel17:44
Ilhamiwhere should I ask then? in the #PHP channel?17:44
DarkAceLaptopI thought I had removed it before, but I forgot to check17:44
DJones!ot | Ilhami17:44
ubottuIlhami: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:44
DarkAceLaptopand apparently I hadn't17:44
error404_well on the xfce website it said i could get the xubuntu desktop environment from synaptic and i went on and it was there17:44
bin_basherror404_, your stuff is running slow because you're using emulators. lol. uninstall unity and install openbox or lxde17:44
guest_zehexxhow to clean our history of file that we used in all program in ubuntu17:44
bazhangIlhami, this is ubuntu support only. NOT chit chat17:44
changeoverIlhami, crunchbang. puppy linux or a new computer17:44
bin_basherror404_, you can get xfce from synaptic. not xubuntu17:44
error404_ok thank you bin bash you have been awesome informative17:45
Picibin_bash, error404_: you can install any/all of the packages that are included in xubuntu from apt.17:45
Pegaso_Rsere: that bug talks about connecting to a usb2 port, but I'm always connectin to usb3 port (i just use usb2 cable)... don't know if that makes the same effect than when they use usb2 port in that bug...17:45
error404_so by adding crunchbag and removing unity i will have less desktop intreface lagg?17:45
error404_pici... i agree i went on synaptic and it said i could get the whole desktop environment from there17:46
IlhamiUnity is really bad.. Whats the alternatives? GNOME?17:46
Pegaso_Rsere: I've been lookin for similar cases on the internet, but I must confess I'm totally lost in this one :-/17:46
error404_and that i could choose to boot ubuntu or xubuntu at login17:46
bazhanggnome-shell Ilhami17:46
Picierror404_: 'boot' wouldn't be the right word there, but yes, at login you can choose what session you'd like to use.17:46
serePegaso_R: it looks like you did your homework.. great report :).. only wish i couldnt help :x17:47
bin_basherror404_, no. it doesn't work like that. you can install xfce and then choose which you use at login17:47
error404_your right pici i see my phrasing error17:47
changeoverjust use some liveusb and test it out17:47
Ilhamibazhang I heard about some other alternatives before... hmm.. can you mention them?17:47
w4ve0fl4gSo I'm trying to select all of the plain text configuration files from a folder that DON'T contain a certain configuration line (like authid="username") and copy them into another folder. Do you guys have any tricks for this?17:47
bazhang!notunity | Ilhami17:47
ubottuIlhami: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.17:47
serePegaso_R: do you think it could be and issue with the kernel? since it did work17:47
Pegaso_Rsere: thanks anyway, at least you tried! :-)17:47
error404_is crunchbag available in synaptic or do i have to go to a website and unpack tar.gz or something like that17:47
changeoverhow do i enable finger resting on an integrated touchpad?17:47
Pegaso_Rsere: duno... but could be17:48
changeovercrunch bang is a whole nother distro17:48
Picierror404_: crunchbang is another distro, not Ubuntu. We don't support it here.17:48
IlhamiLOL this bot is really annoying :) thanks for the answer17:48
bekksw4ve0fl4g: some pipe like grep -ri | awk | xargs cp ...17:48
serePegaso_R: ofcourse anytime :)17:48
Pegaso_RI'll try a couple more things, and then report as bug if I cannot find anything17:48
kbooduerror404_: Crunchbang is a different Operating System.  You'll need to go to #crunchbang for help17:48
error404_oh ok pici that is vital info17:48
changeoverIlhami if you want something fast use puppy linux17:48
Ilhamiwhats puppy linux?17:49
kbooduIlhami: It is a different linux distribution.17:49
PiciNot Ubuntu.17:49
IlhamiIs it fast?17:49
bekksIlhami: Ask the puppy linux support - we really dont know :)17:49
Ilhamido they have a channel?17:50
error404_thank you, and bin_bash... if i wanted to wipe my system and do a fresh OS reimage i would just get the xubuntu live cd and make a usb boot disk17:50
kbooduIlhami: Yes, they do17:50
changeoverfor ur system puppy linux would be the fastest17:50
kbooduIlhami: Try #puppylinux17:50
error404_im trying to go from ubuntu 12.4 to xubuntu while retaining the information i already have17:51
Ilhamiwhy dude? Why to xubuntu?17:51
bekkserror404_: You should backup everything then.17:51
changeovererror404 just get the xubuntu shell. nothing will be lost17:51
gordonjcperror404_: install xubuntu-desktop17:51
jroc0912Hey there. I was wondering if anybody could possible be of any help to me. I have been using Ubuntu for a while and absolutely love it. I by no means ever want to go back to windows, but the time has come when I need to purchace a new laptop. I really want to get the dell xps12 which is a laptop/tablet hybrid. before buying this computer I would like to know if I can install Ubuntu on it and still get complete fuctionality out of it17:52
error404_because ubuntu is running slowly in environment and i read and hear that xubuntu is a much lighter gui interfacew17:52
jroc0912it can be used in tablet mode as well as laptop mode17:52
error404_most of what i use my system for is playing games and practicing CLI from the linux bible or from "The Command Line"17:52
changeovererror404 how much ram do u have?17:52
Ilhamichangeover why did you assume I have a bad slow computer? :D17:53
Picierror404_: xubuntu is lighter, but you don't need to reinstall to try it.17:53
guest_zehexxhow to backup our current ubuntu that is good state,?and can we give choice in grub menu to recover the backup?17:53
changeoverif u can't handle ubuntu and ur asking questions about xubuntu and puppy17:53
error404_half gig of ram 20 gig harddrive dell c40017:53
error404_its a crappy old laptop17:54
Ilhamichangeover I am just a curious man :)17:54
error404_thats why its just for video games and CLI practice17:54
SteveBellbin_bash: ok that's noted :P17:54
IlhamiI want to learn about the differences.. I can run Ubuntu and I had it for a period17:54
bazhang!ot | Ilhami17:54
ubottuIlhami: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:54
vabrehi why ubuntu 10.04 doesn't fill all the screen?17:54
Ilhamichange your resolution settings17:54
kbooduerror404_: That's not a lot of Ram to run a full version of Ubuntu/Unity.  Lighter-weight distros will be a better alternative.17:54
SteveBellbin_bash: cana I extend that command so that I don't get asked for every single file to confirm it's deletion17:54
kbooduSteveBell: The rm -rf (force) will do that.17:55
SteveBellmerci kboodu17:55
kbooduSteveBell: Just remember it won't ask for anything...it will just DO IT.17:55
error404_i understand this kboodu thats why i wanted to see if xubuntu would be easier, and i never asked about puppy. i was considering xubuntu or lubuntu for the faster desktop GUI17:55
vabrethe problem is that the resolution is ok but at the right of screen are a black space17:55
Ilhamihow much code does it take to make a OS like Ubuntu???17:55
kbooduerror404_: You might be better off asking in those channels.17:55
serePegaso_R: something to maybe look at " Is it reusing the suspend/resume code of xhci.c? "17:56
bazhangIlhami, this is not the right place to ask that17:56
changeoverthen they should be perfect for u. i use lubuntu with unity shell17:56
LjLIlhami: that's a question for #ubuntu-offtopic17:56
bekksIlhami: Millions of lines.17:56
gordonjcperror404_: what's the spec of the machine you're running it on?17:56
Ilhamibazhang it's ubuntu related?17:56
SteveBellkboodu: using rm -rf folderPath I get cannot remove, permission denied17:56
IlhamiI thought you could ask anything ubuntu-related17:56
bazhangIlhami, not tech support, no its not17:56
Ilhamiis there a channel for Ubuntu-dev?17:57
bazhangIlhami, this is tech support only, as I have said many times now17:57
kbooduSteveBell: That's because someone other than "you" (whatever account you're running the "rm" as) owns a file(s).17:57
changeovererror404 lucid puppy is ubuntu based17:57
error404_gordonjcp running half gig of ram 20 gig harddrive... scroll up dude17:57
kbooduSteveBell: You can solve this with "sudo rm -rf /full/path" but be aware that this will delete everything with no questions.  VERY DANGEROUS.17:57
changeoverhow do i enable finger resting on an integrated touchpad?17:58
kbooduchangeover: Do you mean you want to disable the touchpad?17:58
IlhamiDo you think Ubuntu supports that? :)17:58
error404_so all i really needed to know before i got all this excess info is .... if i install the xubuntu desktop from synaptic can i still access all my docs pics .zip files?17:59
changeoverim one of those click with the index and move pointer with middle finger type users. when i rest my index on the touch pad i cant move the pointer with the middle finger17:59
changeovererror404 yes yes and yes17:59
bin_basherror404_, it's not called the xubuntu desktop. it's called xfce.17:59
error404_thank you, and while keeping these accessable, i will be accessing them from a lighter less resource consuming system?18:00
bin_basherror404_, no.18:00
bin_basherror404_, you're not understanding18:00
bin_basherror404_, the only difference is that XFCE is a slightly smaller and more "lightweight" DE18:00
bin_bashthat's it18:00
changeoverkboodu. its a new system with an intergrated touchpad/button18:00
bin_bashchangeover, is it a clickpad18:01
changeovererror404 got to distrowatch and do research18:01
changeoverbin_bash yes its an all in one. so the button is integrated with the touchpad.18:01
Daniel80Portuguese or English?18:01
error404_so i would be better off backing up my shit and making a new boot disk of a different OS18:01
gordonjcperror404_: to be honest there's not really much difference in performance between Unity and XFCE18:02
SonikkuAmericabin_bash: I think he means xubuntu-desktop, as in the pointer package18:02
bekksdistrowatch is a cool site showing how many bots clicked something. And its offtopic. :)18:02
gordonjcperror404_: especially not once you've got masses of RAM, like maybe 1GB or so18:02
SonikkuAmerica!clear | Daniel8018:02
SonikkuAmerica!pt | Daniel8018:02
ubottuDaniel80: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.18:02
SonikkuAmerica!en | Daniel8018:02
ubottuDaniel80: Certain Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:02
error404_i have shit for ram gordon... shit for ram18:02
error404_thats why im trying to find a solution18:02
SonikkuAmerica!wtf | error404_18:03
ubottuerror404_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:03
changeovercome on error404 im actually trying to get tech support18:03
changeoverwe've already told u18:03
error404_i understand, i will hit up distro watch18:03
TriJetScudoops, wrong channel18:03
bin_bashchangeover, you should probably learn how to use that properly. you can change the settings using the config files18:03
SonikkuAmericaerror404_: Have you heard of swap space?18:03
IlhamiWatch your mouth error40418:03
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info18:03
bin_basherror404_, you should probably switch to s more lightweight distro like crunchbang18:03
error404_ilhami..... they have a bot for that. shit your pie hole18:04
gordonjcperror404_: how much RAM have you got?18:04
bradley__what are the best programs for sending/receiving email on a ubuntu server, ?18:04
error404_half gig18:04
bin_bashgordonjcp, he said he has 512mb18:04
gordonjcpoh that's plenty18:04
gordonjcpoh well18:04
changeoveryeah i guess. 3 years and me acer had seperate buttons and touchpad. and new system is killing me with me old habbits18:04
Ilhamiget a new computer18:04
bin_bashgordonjcp, it's not really enough for ubuntu18:04
SonikkuAmericaHe swore too much.18:04
bazhangIlhami, thats enough18:04
Ilhami512 mb is really not much these days18:04
SonikkuAmericaHalf a gig can run Lubuntu18:04
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.18:04
IlhamiI have 4 GB and my laptop is 2 years old18:05
SteveBellbin_bash: kboodu thanks! working now. I can boot as expected again. and all is good now :)18:05
bin_bashSonikkuAmerica, barely. he's better off with crunchbang18:05
bazhang!behelpful | Ilhami18:05
ubottuIlhami: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.18:05
changeoveri have a new asus18:05
bin_bashSteveBell, glad we were able to help18:05
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kbooduSteveBell: Good.  Just be very careful using that command in the future.18:05
kbooduSteveBell: But glad it's working for you.18:05
bin_bashchangeover, you'll want to read up on synaptics.18:05
SteveBellwill be. also will be more careful when cloning drives...18:05
bin_bashheh good idea18:05
bradley__what are the best programs for sending/receiving email on a ubuntu server, ? anyone?18:06
changeoveri got synaptics thing and it just lets me modify gestures18:06
SonikkuAmericachangeover: Can you !pastebin the output of [ lspci ]?18:06
Ilhamibradley__ did you try google? :D18:06
bin_bashchangeover, you can do it in the config18:06
kboodu!best | bradley__18:06
ubottubradley__: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:06
bazhang!google | Ilhami18:06
ubottuIlhami: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:06
bazhangIlhami, last warning18:06
Ilhamibazhang ok... other channels always say google it first...18:06
kboodubradley__: What are you trying to do to define "best?"18:06
Ilhamiyour channel is weird... the opposite of all others18:07
Ilhamiyou have to get used to the rules18:07
mongIlhami: or read them first18:07
SonikkuAmerica!ot | Ilhami: That's because it's dedicated to support, as per18:07
ubottuIlhami: That's because it's dedicated to support, as per: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:07
Zippister54Hello - does Ubuntu recognise my SSD and apply TRIM? Or do I have to edit that in my fstab?18:07
ghotiWhen I run `ifconfig eth1 hw ether 11:22:33:44:55:66` I get an error, "SIOCSIFHWADDR: Operation not permitted".  But I see reports on forums that other people can do this.  What am I missing?18:07
SonikkuAmericaghoti: Did you run it with sudo?18:08
phaidrosanyone familiar with gobi 2000 umts card? I have troubles getting sim card failures, tho 2 boxes with 2 (new!) sim cards .. the probabilty is very small that those sim cards are both broken18:08
phaidrosany ideas what else could be wrong with umts card stuff?18:08
changeoverSonikkuAmerica Lspci tv or t?18:09
guest_zehexxwhat is end version of ubuntu for this time?18:09
tacomasterguest_zehexx: 13.04 is that what your talking about?18:10
bgardnerZippister54: Ubuntu recognizes SSD drives, but you implement TRIM yourself.  See: http://askubuntu.com/questions/18903/how-to-enable-trim18:11
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jgaltI'm looking for a way to use an mpeg stream as my video out any ideas?18:12
changeoverSonikkuAmerica        http://pastebin.com/RyPJJL4L18:12
treehau55any assistance figuring out what the heck a password for openssh user is18:16
changeoverSonikkuAmerica        http://pastebin.com/RyPJJL4L18:16
th0rtreehau55: you want us to hack an ssh account for you?18:17
=== irenicus09 is now known as Guest55206
amazon-experimen hi18:18
amazon-experimenIs there anyone that know how to restart a DHCP in Fog??18:18
bekksamazon-experimen: Whats "Fog"?18:19
amazon-experimenimaging server18:19
aminosamigosi am runing a ubuntu 13.04 and i can't run a py script because it's unable to import socks (imort error no module named socks ) how to solve this ?18:19
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jgalttreehau55:  where's the box you need to access in relationship to you?18:19
energizerMy Raring freezes sometimes (daily) with no obvious pattern. I'm not sure how to prevent it. (Mouse moves, everything else stops. Ctrl-Alt-F2 works.)18:20
syntroPihow would i play a stream (mp3) with rhythmbox? vlc plays it fine but not rhythmbox???18:20
Zippister54bgardner: Should I enable NOOP/Deadline? Deadline looks to be running on my system currently? Should I swap to NOOP?18:20
Piciaminosamigos: Have you installed the python-socksipy package?18:21
syntroPiis there any black magic required to play http streams with rhythmbox?18:21
amazon-experimenanyone knows about Fog??18:21
=== Chris is now known as Guest46444
olskolirchow do I start the vmware view server in ubuntu 12.10 please?18:21
Piciamazon-experimen: The folks in #FOGimaging or on fogproject.org18:22
bgardnerZippister54: No reason that I am aware of to make any changes to your system.  I have only SSD drives in this machine and all I have done is add a trim call to /etc/rc.local - performance is excellent.18:22
changeoverhow do i enable finger resting on an integrated touchpad?18:22
Daniel80Well im back. I tried "#ubuntu-br" but lookslike theres no one alive there... :(18:23
Zippister54bgardner: okay, thanks! 13.04 seems to work nicely with SSDs. Apart from enabling TRIm via fstab or cron it works well.18:24
treehau55can anyone help me identify why my system keeps locking up randomly, I believe xorg or compiz to be the culprit18:25
tacomastersyntroPi: What about the new internet radio station under music?18:25
PhysmartI came just say goodby. I found a really good system. I am satisfied with the beatifull openSUSE. Bye Bye Ubuntu.18:26
treehau55Physmart, awesome, you really didn't need to tell us18:26
Zippister54Physmart: linux is about choice. Do what ever you want.18:26
bgardner!best | Physmart18:27
ubottuPhysmart: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:27
* LargePizza Picture of my ex-girlfriend naked: http://imagetwist.com/mfryntbe0bsj18:27
PhysmartAbsolutely. Guys, I still a linux, ubunt, open source fan. I like ubuntu. Its just about experience.18:28
amazon-experimenHello any way to restart the dhcp server on ubuntu??18:28
bazhang!ot | Physmart18:28
ubottuPhysmart: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:28
th0rbgardner: close, that isn't a poll...it is a troll...and too many people are feeding it18:28
syntroPitacomaster, i tried adding it with right click on radio "new internetradio"18:28
HoNgOuRuI have a problem with the sound, it is just a little quicker than normal, so voices and other sounds are not normal, just a little sharper18:29
Zippister54amazon-experimen: sudo /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server restart18:29
HoNgOuRuany possible solution to this ?18:29
tacomastersyntroPi: what "station" are you trying to add and i will see if i can help you.18:29
syntroPitacomaster, under music my rhythmbox has no internet radio station18:29
bgardneramazon-experimen: sudo service dhcp3-server restart18:30
syntroPitacomaster, ist "http://stream.uzic.ch:9010/"18:30
HoNgOuRuhow do I slow down the speed of sound ?18:30
tacomastersyntroPi: what version of ubuntu are you using?18:30
bgardnerth0r: Roger, thanks.18:30
HoNgOuRu? how can I slow down the sound speed ?18:30
James_EppI have used the guide here (http://goo.gl/1NiS8) to mount samba shares. It mounts perfectly, but how can I make it so that these folders can be manipulated by another user all the time (persist through reboots and such)18:30
syntroPitacomaster, 13.04 x64 up to date and it always sais its interrupted when i try to play the stream, although vlc or mplayer has no problem with it18:31
HoNgOuRumaybe kernel related, or alsa... music plays some ms faster18:31
seronisi have chrome-beta installed and the google entry added to sources.list so that it will auto update.  yesterdays update mentions it cant install because of  'unauthenticated dependancies'.  how do i see what those are?18:31
syntroPitacomaster, maybe its because mp3 is a restricted format or such?18:31
tacomastersyntroPi: i just went to the website and viewed the html and css. Then added the radio station url rather than the main site url and it worked for me?18:33
tacomastersyntroPi:  the url or the website for 56K is http://www.uzic.ch/tek24.m3u18:34
HoNgOuRucorrection, only happens with chrome18:34
syntroPitacomaster, well the stream url "http://stream.uzic.ch:9010/" is from their website 128k mp3 http stream right from the m3u file and that url plays in other players without problems, jsut not rhythmbox...?  btw all other mp3 streams wouldnt play either with rhythmbox... maybe it needs some black magic plugin for http and mp3?18:35
aminosamigosif i install python-socksipy that will solve it ?18:36
aminosamigosPici,  thnx :) ill try :D18:36
tacomastersyntroPi: hmmm ok let me look in to that one second18:37
gabkdllyI found that I can use Thunderbird to read my Facebook feed, but does not let me log in, sending me instead to Facebook in Google Chrome. If I press the delete key when viewing a post, nothing happens.18:37
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guest_zehexxin grub menu can we give choice and access "bootable cd image?"18:38
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syntroPitacomaster, thx18:38
Ilhamihow much space does ubuntu take on an USB?18:39
bgardnerseronis: You should probably direct that question to #chrome-support18:40
IlhamiI have a 2 GB USB18:40
gabkdllyIlhami: 2 GB will work fine.18:40
IlhamiReally? :D18:40
SentroWhere i can say my problem? :(18:40
Sentrohere or on another channel?18:40
IlhamiI just saw puppylinux.. It looks really ugly with that puppy18:41
gabkdllyIlhami: It depends on how big your "persistence" file is, but you don't have to use one.18:41
tacomastersyntroPi: ok i have figured out what is wrong. There is a bug filed on it already. So pretty much you can see if it has been fixed in a version past what ubuntu has in the repo's.  You can read about it here. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+question/22763518:41
IlhamiI dont like dogs... isnt there something called cattylinux with cats instead? haha18:41
tacomastersyntroPi: sorry i could not be of more help than that :D, but hope that helps18:41
SentroHi, i have problem with encryption of HDD in install Ubuntu 13.04 32bit ... iam 100% sure that i am getting right password (numbers+ letters). But system wont accept password (trying Kubuntu install too)18:41
Sentrowont accept password after finished install and first login ...18:42
boernguys.. i use ubuntu 13.04 as my default OS.. i have a windows 8 virtual machine and every time i do full screen, the resultion is not fullscreen.. there are some black bars.. do you how i can change that?18:42
gabkdllySentro: Are you 100% sure that you are using the same keyboard layout both times ?18:43
SteveBellwhat options do I have to check if an external ext2 file format drive is damaged using ubuntu?18:43
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Sentrogabkdlly:  iam not BFU, i tried with CAPS and with NUM, now iam trying clean install and password with "letters" only ... so we will see in a moment.18:43
tacomastersyntroPi: you get both of my messages?18:45
bgardnerSteveBell: Umount it and run e2fsck on it.18:45
syntroPitacomaster, ooh thanks very much for that info i will look into that https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+question/22763518:45
tacomastersyntroPi: ok because it is not a fix, that link only shows that the bug has been filed but not fixed yet18:46
Sentrogabkdlly: where i can find layout? there isnt any "check" table where i can try my layout ... but i think that in DECRYPTION is US layout?18:46
Sentro(in install)18:46
tacomasterkhalid_matroky: hello :D18:47
=== urban_ is now known as urbanizator
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saleemis there any way to disable/remove google custom search from browsers on ubuntu??18:48
Sentro Hi, i have problem with encryption of HDD in install Ubuntu 13.04 32bit ... iam 100% sure that i am getting right password (numbers+ letters). But system wont accept password (trying Kubuntu install too)18:49
gabkdllySentro: Oh, are you encrypting your whole hard disk ?  I don't have any experience with that. But if you have multiple layouts on your system, there should be an option at the top right hand corner of your screen.18:49
MonkeyDustsaleem  i never had it so never had to remove it18:49
MonkeyDustsaleem  what browser?18:49
saleemMonkeyDust, all browsers ,opera, firefox , chromium they all come by default with google cse18:50
Sentrogabkdlly: hmm, there will be mistake for sure! :-)18:50
Sentrogabkdlly: Yes, iam encrypting whole disk.18:50
BluesKajsaleem, click the small icon in FF search and choose adiifferent search engine , duck duck-go is a goodone , you can find them in FF addons18:51
gabkdllySentro: correction, the little keyboard icon should be up there, even if you are using only one layout on this system, I just checked that on my machine.18:52
MonkeyDustsaleem  odd, I never had it18:52
saleemMonkeyDust, i have always seen it on ubuntu and is kind of annoying18:53
Sentrogabkdlly: yes, is there .... man with password: "tested" is normal function, so there will be mistake in layouts ... (i think) that one layout is used in install ... and another in checking password after install when i want run system18:53
tkinghow can i create an image of my ubuntu? with all files, settings, programs just in case i want to restore if anything gets broken or i want use same configuration in another system?18:53
Sentrotking: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508718:56
zykotick9tking: huge waste of space IMO.  but you might want to check out the clonezilla livecd for HD imageing.18:56
gabkdllySentro: Yeah, it has happened to me before, but that may have been when I was still using Gentoo Linux.18:57
Sentrogabkdlly:  What Distr. you have now?18:57
gabkdllySentro: ubuntu 12.04 on my main machine, 13.04 on my tablet.18:58
Sentrogabkdlly: nice, btw iam now making new clean install on notebook, to try new install with correct layout18:58
saleemMonkeyDust, you can see in this screenie what i mean about thise google cse18:58
heikoois there software available in ubuntu for copying music to an ipod touch and especially for creating/modifying playlists?18:59
tkingzykotick9, why is it waste of space?18:59
Sentrogabkdlly: i have there two keyboards .... and if i click on Czech (want to have ubuntu in czech) one keyboard dissapeared and isnt there o.O18:59
Sentroheikoo:  Clemente19:00
tkingzykotick9, you know i easily break my ubuntu and i takes days to get it back to how i need it after i do a reinstall19:00
zykotick9tking: that should be obvious...  good luck.  (drive imagine is more a windows thing ususally...)19:00
[OS]Cazazohi everybody...19:02
[OS]Cazazoi need some help with my system here...19:02
[OS]CazazoI have installed KDE for a test and see if I could use it or not... and  I could not19:02
[OS]CazazoI did sudo apt-get autoremove kubuntu-desktop19:03
[OS]Cazazobut it did messed with my programs...19:03
[OS]Cazazofont and gui19:03
heikooSentro: already tried clementine without success. it shows "Double click to open". when I do that, it shows "updating 0%" for a while, and then it shows "0 songs" (the ipod is almost full). I don't see any way to edit playlists anywhere.19:03
Sentroheikoo: what version of clemente? (my is working)19:04
[OS]Cazazopidgin, chrome, kvirc ... so on...19:04
zykotick9re: [OS]Cazazo does "apt-get autoremove" accept package names?  i wouldn't think it did?19:04
Sentro[OS]Cazazo: "kubuntu-desktop" isnt all :)19:04
heikooSentro: Version 1.1.119:04
[OS]Cazazozykotick9: I didi19:04
Sentro[OS]Cazazo: i have some manual, wait a sec ... (solving this some time ago)19:04
[OS]Cazazozykotick9: but still having same thing19:04
[OS]CazazoSentro: ok19:04
SentroBTW you try it on Ubuntu ? (what version) ?19:04
[OS]Cazazoubuntu 12.10 32bits19:05
[OS]Cazazognome classic19:05
SteveBellbgardner: ok e2fsck says SuperBlock damaged. what does that mean? re-format or might there be physical damage to that drive19:05
[OS]CazazoSentro: I have seen something about the .font.config to rename or delete it... it didn't help me!!! :(19:06
bgardnerSteveBell: Can you paste.ubuntu.com the entire output from e2fsck?19:06
Sentro[OS]Cazazo: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu19:06
SteveBellsystem is german :S19:07
SteveBellcan I switch system language for the moment?19:07
MuelliSteveBell: export LC_ALL=C19:07
Muellialways recommended before pasting stuff from the command line19:07
[OS]CazazoSentro: is that right??? http://pastebin.com/r4LXujHS19:09
Sentrogabkdlly: maybe i solved a problem, now i get keyboard on my monitor with ONBOARD, and i am getting new install19:10
Sentro[OS]Cazazo: yes19:10
[OS]CazazoSentro: ok19:10
[OS]Cazazooh shoots... is removing even gimp...19:11
[OS]Cazazoalien arena...19:11
[OS]Cazazooh gee...19:12
SteveBellbgardner: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5762406/19:12
sudoibnwhy i get system error when connect usb bluethoos19:13
bgardnerSteveBell: Don't panic yet, you needed to specify the partition, not the whole drive.  So like /dev/sdb1 or /dev/sdb2.19:13
studiousHello #ubuntu19:13
studiousanyone here try running ubuntu on Windows Azure platform?19:14
Pici /lld1019:18
Picidiskless101: Can we help you with something?19:19
goddarddiskless101: lets hear it19:19
diskless101I need to19:19
diskless101know how19:19
diskless101transfer files19:19
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bazhang!enter | diskless10119:20
diskless101 from19:20
ubottudiskless101: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:20
diskless101 windows719:20
bazhangdiskless101, stop that19:20
diskless101 my new19:20
DJonesdiskless101: One line please19:20
nyRednekok, is there a simple way to set a virtual mail server to forward everything to one real email address on a system and allow imap access to that one account?19:21
goddarddiskless101: is it on the same system?19:21
geniidiskless101: If you put the files on a USB stick that would be the simplest way and no special software, etc required.19:21
diskless101I can tranfer to dvd19:22
goddarda dvd would work but i would think if it is a desktop you would just pop the old drive into the new system19:22
diskless101I have ren an paper ready.19:23
diskless101one helper at a time19:23
diskless101don't confuse me.19:24
bazhangdiskless101, stop with the enter key19:24
diskless101so I do dvd.19:24
diskless101then what?19:24
[OS]CazazoSentro: did fix the theme on the windows... but not the font at the browsers....19:24
sereunbind enter19:24
[OS]Cazazoit remover many programs I had installed...19:25
diskless101I'm interested in19:25
diskless101how to19:25
Picidiskless101: Stop pressing enter between every 2 words. It makes it very difficult to read your questions.19:25
diskless101micrsoft files19:25
[OS]Cazazoany idea how could I solve the font thing???19:25
SteveBellbgardner: hehe ok. command is running now. how long should that take for a 2TB drive? it'S still at Pass1. first info was: drive contains a file system with errors, check forced.19:26
bgardnerSteveBell: Depends more on how full the drive is.  For ext2, it could be a long time, depending on a lot of factors.19:27
SteveBellwell aroudn 50gb are free...19:27
bgardnerSteveBell: That will probably take a while.  Just let it work and check back in an hour.19:28
SteveBellbgardner: ok. hope I don't trip on any more hhd wires until then :S thanks a lot for your help19:29
[OS]CazazoCan anyone help me to fix the fonts on the browsers after removing KDE all the font's are messed up19:29
bgardnerSteveBell: Come back when it finishes if you still have questions.19:29
SteveBellwill do19:29
[OS]Cazazoactually all over the system...19:29
[OS]Cazazoeven in KVirc has changed the font19:29
[OS]CazazoAny Ideas?19:30
[OS]Cazazowhat i did so far was removing kde...19:30
[OS]Cazazosudo apt-get autoremove kubuntu-desktop19:31
noob_hi all, need a bit of advice. i've just installed 13.04, and i don't like the interface (unity). i'm a fan of the old gnome interface. however, a little googling has shown a few different things like gnome 3.8, classic gnome, gnome shell, and i can't find any article that explains what each one is. i like the one where i have the taskbar at the bottom, and the main menu on top (the one with menus for applications, system settings, etc19:31
[OS]Cazazoand folowed this:19:31
noob_is that classic gnome?19:31
[OS]Cazazoubuntu 12.10 32bits19:31
noob_so in order to get that, i need to install gnome-session-fallback?19:32
[OS]Cazazoyes... the fallback is the gnome classic19:32
DJones!notunity | noob_19:32
ubottunoob_: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.19:32
noob_and gnome-shell is the new gnome 3.8?19:33
[OS]Cazazoguys can any one help me to get my fonts and browsers to default configuration???19:34
[OS]Cazazowas before the terrible kde????19:34
SonikkuAmericanoob_: Not in 13.04; try adding the GNOME 3 PPA: [ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 ]19:35
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:35
noob_SonikkuAmerica: okay, thanks. and if i understand, gnome 3.8 also has a "classic mode", which is much like what gnome-session-fallback would look like?19:36
noob_if so, is gnome 3.8's classic mode recommended over gnome-session-fallback?19:37
SonikkuAmericanoob_: Yes; however, to use it, you need to install gnome-shell-extensions. Also, gnome-session-fallback doesn't exist in 3.819:37
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SonikkuAmerica[OS]Cazazo: Can you clarify?19:38
syntroPidoes someone know which program can stream to an upnp sink in the network (smartphone on amp) so that i can feed it over wlan with my linux box?19:38
noob_SonikkuAmerica: so the best thing for me would be to add gnome 3's ppa, and install gnome-shell-extensions ?19:38
SonikkuAmericanoob_: And gnome-shell, of course19:38
citricI installed "terminology" a terminal, but i changed a setting that makes it not work so I tried removing it (apt-get remove --purge terminology) and tried re-installing to get it to its default settings but it doesn't work, any suggestions?19:38
noob_SonikkuAmerica: wouldn't that automatically be installed due to dependencies?19:38
sereQuestion : is it possible to change / toggle between languages for instance.. i use fluxbox and want to switch between english, korean, mandarian.. not even sure where to begin to search on this or what would switch it19:39
bazhang!ibus | sere19:39
ubottusere: IBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus19:39
SonikkuAmericanoob_: It may or may not; I use Ubuntu GNOME (see http://ubuntugnome.org), which has gnome-shell by default.19:39
[OS]CazazoI have installed kubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu 12.10 32 bits with gnome classic. After unintall that thing... it did messed up with my fonts all over the system19:39
serebazhang: thanks :)19:39
noob_SonikkuAmerica: okay, thanks a lot for your tips!19:40
[OS]Cazazoas well as my browser19:40
genii!info terminology19:40
ubottuPackage terminology does not exist in raring19:40
[OS]CazazoI have followed a few instructions so far... sudo apt-get autoremove kubuntu-desktop19:41
citricgenii, how can I search to see if there is files still on my system for it?19:41
noob_SonikkuAmerica: one last question though - what is ubuntu-gnome-desktop, and do i need it as well?19:41
[OS]Cazazothis was suggested here in the forums http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu19:41
[OS]Cazazoand i did changed the ~/.fonts.config19:41
[OS]Cazazoor something like it19:41
geniicitric: Well, I was going to suggest looking up the package on packages.ubuntu.com and then seeing the listing of files it installs. But it seems the package came from another place19:42
SonikkuAmericanoob_: If you want to switch to Ubuntu GNOME from Ubuntu (with Unity), you need to install that and the ubuntu-gnome-default-settings package, and remove ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-settings,19:42
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noob_SonikkuAmerica: agh. okay, thanks you once again19:42
citricgenii, any way I can find where it's installed?19:43
[OS]Cazazolol... man.. I can't get this thing to work19:43
[OS]Cazazoevery one that ask me what happened disconnects lol19:43
MonkeyDust[OS]Cazazo  try starting all over, from the beginning, instead of trying to repair19:44
geniicitric: What you can do, is make a directory like: terminology   then cd there, and do: apt-get download terminology     then do: ar -x  <filename-there>      then mkdir data     then tar -xvzf -C data     ... then look in that directory to see what it woulod put on your system19:44
[OS]CazazoMonkeyDust: nvm...19:44
[OS]Cazazothanks guys...19:45
geniicitric: There may be some dot-file directory in your home directory like .terminology    or so that it made but can't remove, even with purge19:45
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dwatkinsIs the 'ip' command more low level than ifconfig? I was able to bring up my eth0 Atheros interface in 12.04 with 'ip link eth0 up' but it failed to come up at boot or with network-manager or ifconfig.19:47
dwatkinssorry, 'ip link set eth0 up' was the command19:49
ebuneccarGuten abend die experten wer kann mir helfen ddas design von ubuntu 13.04 auf ubuntu 12.04 zu insatllieren19:49
DJones!de | ebuneccar19:49
ubottuebuneccar: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!19:49
bazhangdwatkins, does sudo ifup nic work19:50
dwatkinswill try, bazhang, I assume you mean after 'ip link set eth0 down' or a reboot19:50
SonikkuAmerica!ot | Kolorowa19:52
ubottuKolorowa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:52
bazhang!pl | Kolorowa19:52
ubottuKolorowa: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:52
Kolorowawell, anyone19:53
dwatkinsbazhang: RTNETLINK answers: file exists    failed to bring up eth019:55
* dwatkins looks this up19:55
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dwatkinsI had to set the route manually, but I don't have multiple entries for the gateway in /etc/network/interfaces19:59
dwatkinsdid something here change between 11.10 and 12.04? this problem of eth0 not coming up at boot time started after upgrading.20:00
FarazHi, guys. I bought a new laptop today which has a Nvidia geforce 740m. but intel HD 4000 is more than enough for me, How can I completely disable my gpu?!20:01
lonewulf85Hello all I have a Compaq CQ50-110US with an atheros card I believe it is the AR5009 I had to replace the HDD and re-install Ubuntu 12.04. I need help with the ARxxxx drivers.20:02
lonewulf85would madwifi work for this, I had it working grate whith the other HDD but I forgot how I did it.20:02
=== ircleuser is now known as GoogleSRESourcer
lonewulf85I am wondering if the compat wireless would work better?20:06
anominoususercan anyone see me? :-)20:07
murderis security.ubuntu.com an alias for archive.ubuntu.com ?20:08
SonikkuAmericaanominoususer passed the test20:08
anominoususerwoooohoooooo!  is this the actual Ubuntu IRC?  and what are floodbots?  those dont sound good20:08
anominoususerSonikkuAmerica: what test?20:09
Ari-Yang......your test message20:09
SonikkuAmerica<anominoususer> test | <anominoususer> can anyone see me? :-)20:09
anominoususeroh... lol20:09
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )20:10
michagogoI have Ubuntu installed on an external drive, complete with grub. I've noticed that grub offers me Windows as a boot option.20:10
SonikkuAmericamichagogo: And?20:11
michagogoWould that option actually work? Would it damage anything? And, if I were to use it, would I need to keep the external drive plugged in?20:11
arminanyone an idea how to disable maximization when moving a window against the top panel?20:11
michagogos/?/ once Windows booted?/20:11
SonikkuAmericamichagogo: You can give it a shot... and yes, you'd have to keep the thing plugged in... a safer thing to do would be to fix the Windows MBR and get EasyBCD and write in a separate Windows bootloader entry for Ubuntu.20:12
anominoususerso is this a good place to get help with getting drivers configured?  I just built a new box, and I tried running Ubuntu.  The driver support for the Nvidia GTX 660 Ti seemed kind of lacking.20:13
michagogoSonikkuAmerica: Hmm? Why?20:13
SonikkuAmericamichagogo: Or maybe not... you can try unplugging and see if Windows boots up; it is an external HDD after all...20:14
michagogoSonikkuAmerica: Yes, with the drive unplugged Windows boots without a problem20:14
sereanominoususer: did you installed the driver.. nvidia-current ?20:14
SonikkuAmericamichagogo: I'd say you're fine then.20:15
SonikkuAmericaOne sec...20:15
michagogoI was just wondering what would happen if I chose Windows 7 in grub20:15
michagogoSpecifically, if it would make any changes that wouldn't be fixed by simply shutting down and unplugging, and therefore something to make sure never to do20:15
trismarmin: looking at ccsm, you could try: Grid/Edges/Top Edge and change from Maximize to None20:15
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SonikkuAmericamichagogo: I would assume GRUB 2 would chainload Windows without a hitch.20:16
* michagogo goes to google chainload20:16
crfHi mission-control is using 100% cpu for a while. Should I file a bug report?20:17
BitterGeekIs there any way to edit sudoers in the same way a crontab is edited by crontab -e?20:19
anominoususersere: I am going to reinstall as soon as I download the latest version, then Ill get back on IRC and well take it from there.20:19
Muellicrf: yeah. maybe pkill -SEGV it so that you can file a bug report easily.20:19
MuelliBitterGeek: visudo I guess20:19
sereanominoususer: are you using the drivers from the nvidia site?20:19
anominoususerI believe I tried using their installer but it failed.  then I used various drivers that came w/ ubuntu.  and those were lacking.20:20
anominoususerlemme do a fresh install.  Im in windows right now20:20
Tex_Nickarmin:  if you have compiz config settings manager installed ... you can uncheck the GRID option20:20
Tex_Nickarmin:  if not see this ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197081520:21
anominoususercan I get 64 bit without sacrificing compatibility with drivers?20:21
sereanominoususer: oh i see.. dunno why it was lacking but the nvidia-current should be fine20:21
arminTex_Nick: exactly what i needed - thank you.20:22
Tex_Nickarmin:  welcome :-)20:22
arminalso anyone a clue why hovering on notification popups will make them unreadable and some kind of transparent and even clicking on them doesn't close them?20:23
blawizwhich package contains 'wc'?20:23
treehau55my entire desktop has frozen for the third time today, can anyone offer assistance debugging why?20:23
Piciblawiz: coreutils20:24
blawizhi mon20:24
blawizpici thanks!20:24
onegeekCould somebody help me with a problem20:24
crfok, thanks Muelli .20:24
superhow do i setup a PXE server ubuntu 12.1020:25
blawizonegeek, can you tell us the problem pls?20:25
Deceptoronegeek: what problem20:25
=== super is now known as Guest62242
Guest62242name Super20:25
onegeekWhen I try to start up GRUB to startup Ubuntu I get only a squezed display in the display over 200px in height20:25
Guest62242nick super20:25
Guest62242how do i change my name?20:25
DJonesGuest62242: /nick nickname20:26
MonkeyDustGuest62242  /nick blah20:26
Guest62242still didn't change20:26
treehau55oh I see how it is no one wants to help me :(20:26
=== Guest62242 is now known as supersweet
MonkeyDusttree or can help you20:26
MonkeyDusttreehau55  or can help you20:26
treehau55my entire desktop has frozen for the third time today, can anyone offer assistance debugging why?20:26
anominoususerCan I use the 64 bit ubuntu without sacrificing driver compatibility?20:26
Deceptortreehau55: reinstall it ;)20:27
MonkeyDusttreehau55  what were you doing when it happened20:27
MonkeyDust!details | treehau5520:27
ubottutreehau55: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:27
onegeektreehau55> maybe you need a kernel update http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=traegZveTKo20:27
treehau55MonkeyDust, either using chrome or writing code in the terminal. using ubuntu 12.04 64bit kernal version 3.2.40, with ati graphics card20:27
onegeekWhen I try to start up GRUB to startup Ubuntu I get only a squezed display in the display over 200px in height20:27
treehau55everything freezes, mouse still works, nothing else, no keyboard, cant alt tab, cant ctrl+alt f1 to get into terminal20:28
onegeekHow do I solve this20:28
Deceptoronegeek: try to reinstall grub20:28
babyswizzplease is it advisable to install a package from the universe sourse20:28
treehau55my intial suspicion is it is graphics, either Xorg, compiz, my graphics driver or combination of 320:28
Deceptoronegeek: just boot a live cd ;)20:28
onegeekHow do I exactly reinstall GRUB20:29
onegeekShould I do it in the 'try Ubuntu' with the live CD?20:29
Deceptortry ubuntu20:29
johnjohn101treehau55: using a lenovo laptop with a sandy bridge?20:29
treehau55johnjohn101, no samsung chronos 7 dont think its sandy bridge20:30
Deceptoronegeek: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435120:30
treehau55this is the first time these errors have started20:30
ihelpsu--> hey im installing debian based unbuntu as a duel boot on win7 -- any good guides out tehre20:30
Deceptorihelpsu: google got a lot :)20:31
DJones!install | ihelpsu20:31
ubottuihelpsu: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:31
maxr__I'm having a problem20:31
Kruppttreehau55:First time since what? you upgraded package/s?20:31
blawizi think i might have deleted a file from an essential package, how can i reinstall/fix it? (coreutils) apt-get remove coreutils&&apt-get install coreutils gives warnings20:32
maxr__Everyone once in a while on my old Mac Mini which is running Lubuntu 13.04 I keep getting static on the music that is playing20:32
bgardnermaxr__: What is your problem?20:32
diverdudeHi. Even though i do ps aux | grep skype and kill skypes PID, and also do killall skype, skype is not killed. What am I doing wrong?20:32
maxr__When I reboot the computer20:33
maxr__its fine20:33
johnjohn101treehau55: this bug may apply to you. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/118877420:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1188774 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[snb] 13.04 goes into hard lock mode randomly." [Undecided,Confirmed]20:33
treehau55diverdude, skype for linux is pretty terrible, I always have issues, try kill -9 [skype's PID]20:34
maxr__Is there something wrong with the Audio20:34
maxr__The speakers work fine20:34
pklagesI have a quad 10Gigabit network port, set static ip's and connected two ports directly.  When I try to ping one from the other, it says Destination Host Unreachable. Anyone know how to set things to allow ping?20:35
maxr__Can someone please help20:35
johnjohn101treehau55: you are running a sandybridge Intel® Core™ i5 Processor 2430M.20:35
treehau55anyone, is compiz necessary? can I uninstall it20:36
bgardnermaxr__: Sorry, not ignoring you, just don't know the answer.20:36
ObrienDavemaxr__: someone is TRYING to help you. quit typing and READ your history20:36
mrekkoi am running ubuntu 12.04 Minimal in VMware i worked fine with it but it´s stuck in the purple screen and doesn´t start! :(20:37
mrekkoanyone knows what´s happening?20:37
treehau55johnjohn101, i have an i720:37
maxr__bgardner thanks20:37
treehau55johnjohn101, Intel Core i7-2675QM CPU @2.20Ghz20:38
mrekkothe vmware it´s the version 8.0.0 build-47178020:38
mrekkoi can boot from a snapshot though20:39
johnjohn101treehau55: that's still sandybridge.   are you running kernel 3.8?20:39
maxr__Should I report a bug20:39
mrekkobut everytime i try to boot it normally it get´s stuck in the ubuntu purple screen20:39
Tex_Nickmaxr__:  shortly after 12.04 was released the was a bug with pulse audio that caused distortion on VLC, Skype and a few other applications ... i thought they had fixed that bug tghough ... you might see if the following post wil help ...http://askubuntu.com/questions/157891/skype-and-vlc-sounds-sizzle-distorted-bad20:40
ihelpsuDeceptor> ihelpsu: "google got a lot :)" -- but i want the best one, and im not knowlable enough to tell the quality from the crap20:40
ihelpsuubottu: i want to install it with this iso program that runs and install cds -- can i do that? i do that with all my cds20:41
ubottuihelpsu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:41
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=== braiam__ is now known as braiam
ihelpsuubottu: i use http://arainia.com/software/gizmo/ -- can i run and install duel boot from there?20:44
ubottuihelpsu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:44
ihelpsuits actually bot... lol...20:44
treehau55it happened again, this time while I was searching on google :(20:44
ihelpsufor anyone, i use http://arainia.com/software/gizmo/ -- can i run and install duel boot from there?20:44
treehau55it looks like there is 64bit kernal updates though20:45
ihelpsubecause when i restart the computer, wont it disappear20:45
ihelpsuthe cd i mean20:45
treehau55anyone: is compiz necessariy or can I get rid of it?20:46
gordonjcptreehau55: you could use a different window manager20:46
ihelpsuill rephrase, can you use an iso program like http://arainia.com/software/gizmo/  to run and install cds like you do with other cds?20:46
treehau55gordonjcp, id really rather ditch unity all together and switch to KDE, its more my style anyway20:46
gordonjcpihelpsu: what is that link?20:46
joeytwiddle_blawiz: aptitude reinstall coreutils20:46
gordonjcptreehau55: then install kubuntu-desktop20:47
ihelpsuits an iso program i use20:47
ihelpsuits old20:47
Ari-Yangtreehau55, I think you can get rid of it20:47
Ari-Yangor use a DE or WM that doesn't use it?20:48
gordonjcpihelpsu: I'm not sure how that's going to help you dual-boot20:48
syntroPiis there any upnp server which wouldnt crash on a LOT of files? minidlna and rygel just crash on scanning media dirs :-(20:49
joeytwiddle_i guess ihelpsu wants to use it for installation.  which won't work20:49
ObrienDaveihelpsu: is that a WINdoze program?20:49
gordonjcpsyntroPi: how many fines?20:49
gordonjcpsyntroPi: *files?20:49
joeytwiddle_ihelpsu: maybe ty a method with a USB stick?20:49
syntroPigordonjcp, many thousands20:49
gordonjcpsyntroPi: minidlna should be okay20:50
ihelpsu<joeytwiddle_> i guess ihelpsu wants to use it for installation.  which won't work -- but i install every other cd with it, well anyhow, how does the usb method work?20:50
ihelpsui have a 2 gb usdb20:50
ixio! ot20:50
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:50
gordonjcpsyntroPi: have you got many thousands of files *in one directory*?20:50
Breivikfuck allah kill muslim20:50
ObrienDave!install | ihelpsu20:50
ubottuihelpsu: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:50
ihelpsuObrienDave: im not sure if it works on all OSs, this is duel boot with win 720:50
syntroPigordonjcp, nope its a file tree to which i am pointing with symlinks from my home directory (which is configured as media source dir)20:51
treehau55somebody ban Breivik?20:51
treehau55thank you20:51
gordonjcpsyntroPi: hmm, what happens if you just point it at the files rather than the symlinks?20:51
treehau55ihelpsu, ugh dual booting sucks, just do yourself a favor and migrate ubuntu over to its own installation and boot grub first, i originally installed ubuntu through windows 8 and im still getting headaches bc of it i think20:52
syntroPigordonjcp, its on external usb hdd (ntfs), may that cause any problems with inotify?20:52
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gordonjcpsyntroPi: uhm, quite possibly20:52
dhciI'm trying to boot an external usb cdrom drive (connected through a PCI card expansion, not a port on the motherboard itself.) and I don't really see a boot menu appear to select a boot device. I have seen the menu appear on occasion when a boot error has occured20:52
ihelpsuhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStickQuick doesnt explain duel-botting though20:53
gordonjcpdhci: there's probably a key you need to press at the bios screen20:53
gordonjcpdhci: try F1220:53
gordonjcpsyntroPi: I've not tried it with NTFS20:53
syntroPigordonjcp, i will try to point to them directly and disable inotify20:54
treehau55ihelpsu, no, no it doesn't, you're right about that20:54
joeytwiddle_ihelpsu: all the install methods give you a GUI that will ask if you want to dual boot (yes/no)20:54
dhcican I add a boot option to grub or is there a command or two to type in manually, to select external usb drive as boot device? (root hd0,0) style20:54
gordonjcpdhci: that would only work if you had grub on the boot sector of the boot drive already...20:54
ihelpsujoeytwiddle_: so does it do everything by itself, like sectioning the harddrive, i heard you have to do that20:54
joeytwiddle_ihelpsu: just don't delete your windows partition.  the installer will detect the other OS and make a boot for it20:54
ihelpsuok sounds simple enough20:55
joeytwiddle_ihelpsu: yeah it's 2013 now20:55
syntroPigordonjcp, do you know if i can point to more than one audio directory with minidlna.conf?20:55
dhcigordonjcp: i do have a grub installed on first disk but i'm trying to get an iso image booted so I can install fresh onto a new drive (ssd)20:56
treehau55whats the sysrsq key20:56
veryhappyhey guys: 2 questions, first off: does anyone know a "minimize-to-tray addon" that doesn't open thunderbird twice at start? second off: i need help with compiling because i still don't really know how that works. i want to compile a newer version of compiz because this version that i got is very buggy, i mean it.20:56
gordonjcpsyntroPi: I haven't tried it, don't see why not though20:57
ihelpsu"<treehau55> ihelpsu, ugh dual booting sucks, just do yourself a favor and migrate ubuntu over to its own installation and boot grub first, i originally installed ubuntu through windows 8 and im still getting headaches bc of it i think" -- not sure what a grub is, but the duel booting sounds easier20:57
ihelpsuand dont know what "its own installation" mean -- this usb way sounds better20:57
treehau55ihelpsu,  when you install ubuntu under windows, what windows will do is make a virtual drive that contains that installation. This gives you two problems right off the bat: no swap file (you cant hibernate) and you are stuck to that same harddrive, so if you ever want to say, for example, upgrade to an SSD, have fun20:58
treehau55then there is debugging issues, you'll have to do most of your system recovery through windows20:58
blockworkshi i tried setting a nonempty password for both my standard user accound and the root account on a 12.04 live cd doing this: sudo -s; passwd; exit; now when i try sudo -s again i i do get a password prompt BUT i can just press enter, it accepts the emtpy password still. i cant imagine what is causing this weird behavior, do you have a clue? i also looked into /etc/shadow and turns out the hash is20:58
blockworksproperly set for the new password which i verified using mkpasswd. interestingly enough in /etc/shadow for my non-root user i dont get a full hash though, just some tiny hash or something without a $n$ inidicator20:59
joeytwiddle_veryhappy: how far did you get with the compiling?  (Personally i found compiz 0.8 under Debian worked better than the new one in Unity :P )21:00
blockworksactually this is a hard questoin21:00
veryhappylast time i tried i didn't get further than looking through the directory and the strange script that i should execute before the compiling...21:01
joeytwiddle_blockworks: trying to set you passwordon a LiveCD? O_o  Are you using it regularly with persistence?21:02
joeytwiddle_veryhappy: most C apps go: more ./README.txt ; ./configure && make && make install21:02
Tex_NickI used "Gnome Classic" with 12.04 & 12.10, i loved the enviornment ... 13.04 no longer supports it so i'm using "gnome-fallback" now, it's working great for me with one exception ... occasionally when i maximize a window the title bar "close, minimize & maximize" buttons cease to function ... i have to right click on the application tab on the bottom panel and choose unmaximize ... any help there ?21:02
treehau55i dont have a sysrq key on my keyboard21:02
ihelpsu1) "you cant hibernat" -- is ok, my compu always on. 2) "upgrade to an SSD" -- i always you install a new OS, when you change drives, 3) "debugging issues, you'll have to do most of your system recovery through windows" -- well i hepe nothing goes wrong cos i know nothing about this.....21:02
anominoususer|2I am going to attempt to install Ubuntu from my harddrive.  is http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html the easiest way?  I am on the last step, which is installing GRUB, but I am reading the file and it is telling me that it is very dangerous to my MS OS :-)21:03
syntroPigordonjcp, do you have any idea to which group i would add the user minidlna so it would have read access to external usb hdd ntfs drives which are automounted from nautilus? i tried adding it to my users group with no effect...?21:03
blockworksyes exactly joeytwiddle_21:03
treehau55anominoususer|2, i dont think I would follow any guide from 200721:03
blockworksjoeytwiddle_: with a casper-rw21:03
anominoususer|2lol.  I got that from someone who posted it here about 20 min. ago21:03
joeytwiddle_ihelpsu: u won't be using that method with a USB stick anyway, don't worry21:03
anominoususer|2I dont have my USB stick21:04
ihelpsu"dont think I would follow any guide from 2007" -- the bot gave that guide, the bot is outdated -- i say we break it21:04
joeytwiddle_blockworks: sorry never used a LiveCD like that.  maybe you can't do it on a boot CD21:04
syntroPigordonjcp, the drive is mounted with "type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096)"21:04
ihelpsuinstall! | anominoususer|221:05
ihelpsu!install | anominoususer|221:05
ubottuanominoususer|2: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:05
ihelpsu!install | treehau5521:06
ubottutreehau55: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:06
treehau55why are you doing that21:06
gordonjcpsyntroPi: hm, it's possible that it *is* down to NTFS...21:06
ihelpsubreak the bot, its the crap i couldnt tell from quality i was referring to earlier21:06
joeytwiddle_ihelpsu: try the homepageof the website.  just bacup your vital files and give it a go21:06
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ihelpsujoeytwiddle_: usb sounds good, the bot is outdated though, someone should do something about it21:07
BitterGeekIs there any way to edit sudoers in the same way a crontab is edited by crontab -e?21:08
CoreyBitterGeek: visudo21:08
nimbioticsI need help with the "dar command" I need to backup only a few directories that exist under my home directory (not all of them) in a single backup. I find the manuala bit hard to understand and is driving me nuts. Can someone please point me in the right direction? TIA!21:08
pfhunkI have some questions about the best way to go about installing ubuntu and windows 7 on a SSD (also have 1TB HDD)21:08
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blockworksCorey: BitterGeek what would be the advantage of that instead of editing the files right away?21:09
WeThePeoplepfhunk, just ask21:09
Coreyblockworks: Syntax checking to make sure you don't leave yourself locked out of sudo.21:10
joeytwiddle_ihelpsu, anominoususer|2, fwiw i downloaded an Ubuntu iso, and burned it to my USB stick with unetbootin (which is out of date itself) but that worked fine21:10
Coreynimbiotics: Do you mean tar?21:10
blockworksi see21:10
nimbioticsno "dar" http://dar.linux.free.fr/doc/index.html21:11
syntroPigordonjcp, hmm well i cant change that since the drive is rather full of data... i think its because the _new_ default ubuntu mount is /media/<username>/<medianame>  to restrict that read options somehow grml21:11
pfhunkRight, just the best way to do the partitions, in regards to speed and keeping the longevity of the SSD.. The Ubuntu partitioner actually killed my SSD last week, I don't want that to happen again.21:11
gordonjcpsyntroPi: unmount it, and remount it wherever you like...21:11
ihelpsujoeytwiddle_: why is treehau55 trying to scare us about everything!!................................. its ok21:11
nimbioticsCorey: no, I meant "dar" http://dar.linux.free.fr/21:12
WeThePeoplepfhunk, if you have doubts using your ssd use the hdd,21:12
joeytwiddle_he' just warning against what he did, installing on a virtual partition inside windows.  which does suck.  unless you end up deleting ubuntu, in which case it's ideal21:12
WeThePeoplepfhunk, use gparted for the partitioner21:13
pfhunkwell I have a new SSD now, and I want both ubuntu and windows partitions on it. I enjoy the speediness. Does it matter which I install first? Which would be easier?21:13
ltxdahi all.  Anyone know of a small utility that can be installed on a Ubuntu server to monitor HD space and send out an e-mail if free space = 10GB or if consumption is at 80%, etc?21:14
WeThePeoplepfhunk, doesnt matter wich is installed first21:14
tking_TKing: hi21:15
WeThePeopleidk how win 7 works but you might need boot repair21:15
Sirisian|WorkSo on a scale of harmless to potential issue is it bad to set the root home directory to /var/www ?21:15
joeytwiddle_yeah i'd install windows first, let ubuntu build the bootloader.  pfhunk21:16
ihelpsujoeytwiddle_: that sounds like virtualbox, the unbuntu guide should mention these things said on here so it's not lost but last edited "2012-12-10"21:16
WeThePeoplepfhunk, thats how i installed ubuntu with a win8 part.21:16
syntroPigordonjcp, it should be configurable in the properties dialogue of that media from nautilus. though when i change it it immediately returns to previous settings  waaa21:17
ihelpsuand http://sourceforge.net/projects/unetbootin/ is not outdated, last updated 6/1321:17
pfhunkOkay, I can try that, as far as partition sizes and things go, what should I be paying attention to?21:17
gordonjcpSirisian|Work: why would you do that?21:17
WeThePeoplepfhunk, look up on how to --bind sys, dev, proc, then chroot to reinstall, update grub21:18
BitterGeekI have a existing sudoers file in svn, I want to svn export it and overwrite the exiting sudoers. However my recipe script does something to sudoers that sudo doesn't like (syntax errors). What exactly does sudoers -f do? Can I use that to specify a sudoers file in /tmp and have it be saved in /etc/sudoers?21:18
WeThePeoplechroot into ubuntu if you install windows 2nd21:18
gordonjcpsyntroPi: <shrug> I have all my music and video on a SAN, and iSCSI across to another machine with the media server running in a VM21:19
gordonjcpsyntroPi: this is clearly overkill21:19
Sirisian|Workgordonjcp, oh wait nvm. I don't need to. I didn't notice this software let you supply a directory.21:19
gordonjcpSirisian|Work: what are you doing?21:19
syntroPigordonjcp, sure that would be overkill i just want to prepare my external usb hdd for party tomorrow :)21:20
pfhunkWeThePeople I'm pretty new to linux, I'm trying to ease into it and go the simple route21:20
gordonjcpsyntroPi: play.spotify.com ;-)21:20
bertiebHello all, does anyone have experience of running mdadm (RAID) on top of lvm?21:20
Sirisian|WorkWas messing around with dreamweaver. Didn't notice the directory option started from root. I thought it was asking for something else.21:21
Sirisian|Work(in their sftp connection stuff)21:21
gordonjcpSirisian|Work: ugh, dreamweaver21:21
Sirisian|WorkI know right.21:21
syntroPigordonjcp, well yeah but my linux box is in another room and i want to play music over my smartphone on amp in party room21:21
gordonjcpsyntroPi: Spotify for Android... ;-)21:22
Tex_Nickpfhunk:  on new linux system builds ... you might also want to create a separate partition for home21:22
WeThePeoplepfhunk, install ubuntu 2nd then, you are still going to have to update grub21:22
syntroPigordonjcp, nooo i invested a lot of time in my collection21:22
gordonjcpsyntroPi: oooh21:22
gordonjcpsyntroPi: look into using kernel NTFS support (read-only) instead of FUSE21:23
pfhunkI thought I read that the ubuntu installer does that WeThePeople21:23
WeThePeopleyeah it does21:24
BluesKajsyntroPi, get a raspberrypi for the party room21:24
syntroPiyeah its tomorrow21:24
seresyntroPi: I like minidlna for streaming.. its lightweight and works will on all platforms21:24
gordonjcpsere: yeah, but it's crashing loading "many thousands" of files off an NTFS external drive21:25
pfhunkTex_Nick, what would a separate partition for home do? bear with me I'm pretty fresh to partitioning and linux in general21:25
gordonjcpsyntroPi: aha, what happens if you add several audio source directories in the config, and split up the collection into groups?21:26
thurstylarkDoes anyone know anything about vinagre? I can't get it to accept my password to my server21:26
bertiebAnyone have experience of running mdadm (RAID) on top of lvm? It's not the usual way of doing things, but is there any reason to especially avoid it?21:26
gordonjcpbertieb: that seems an odd way round to do it21:26
seregordonjcp: oh i see.. thats no good.. i have never tried streaming large amounts with it21:26
taylorgSooo what kind of people are here, what do you guys ‪ to do ?21:27
soy_el_pulpobertieb: it is backwards....21:27
gordonjcpsere: I have, but only with ext4 partitions21:27
syntroPigordonjcp, you mean like media_dir=A,/dir1   and new line media_dir=A,dir2    and so on?21:27
gordonjcpsyntroPi: yeah21:27
soy_el_pulpolvm on top of RAID21:27
=== braiam__ is now known as braiam
Tex_Nickpfhunk:  it keeps your application data separate from the system files ... if you decide to upgrade to a new distro in the future, your user files don't have to be reinstalled21:28
bertiebsoy_el_pulpo / gordonjcp: I do have LVM on top of RAID as well, but I would like to join 2TB+1TB into a pv that can be added to the 4x3TB drives already in the md array21:28
bertieblike I say, not entirely standard use-case :)21:29
pfhunkTex_Nick : alright, and as I recall, you can designate differently-purposed partitions in the ubuntu installer. So it'll know where to put stuff21:30
Tex_Nickpfhunk:  see the following post ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving21:30
soy_el_pulpobertieb: sure you can! but I will not recommend it... the last part of you lvm, formed by the 2+1 tb disks will have no redundancy...21:31
ihelpsuwhat is strange is that the linuxmint chan has less ppl when its top -- http://distrowatch.com/21:31
Coreyz/j #ubuntu21:31
soy_el_pulpobertieb: It will be easier to buy one 3tb drive more and extend your raid21:32
soy_el_pulpoor buy 4 4tb drives and grow it21:32
bertiebsoy_el_pulpo: there is that, but if I do (2+1)pv -> mdadm (raid6) -> LVM it should have all the benefits of being in a RIAD array (albeit with double the probability of a single drive failure)21:32
bertiebsoy_el_pulpo: alas, if money were no issue :P (I already have the dives and it seems a shame to 'waste' them)21:33
soy_el_pulpobertieb: raid 6 uses more space for protection. Use them for offline backups or other things rather thatn making the system more complex21:37
soy_el_pulpothe issue with raid and dispair devices is that rotational speed, seek ms, etc makes a huge diference.21:37
soy_el_pulpobertieb: that explains the recommendation of having IDENTICAL disks21:38
usr13ihelpsu: Just because it gets more hits does not really mean it is really more popular, or used by more pople.21:38
ihelpsuusr13: yea its just hits, need better ranking system21:39
ihelpsueveryone add good solutions to https://wiki.ubuntu.com so nothing gets lost21:39
ihelpsui dont like lost things21:39
usr13ihelpsu: And distor whatch obviously doesn't rank IRC channels.21:39
ihelpsuesp if they helpful21:39
ihelpsuand i don like redunancy21:39
usr13ihelpsu: It would be nice if everyone would use the linux counter.21:39
Tex_Nickpfhunk:  the link i provided above looks like it's more for moving home to a separate partion after linux has been installed ... the following link might be more helpful ... http://www.howtogeek.com/116742/how-to-create-a-separate-home-partition-after-installing-ubuntu/21:40
syntroPigordonjcp, well adding several dirs does work but only if those are owned by minidlna user /stupid/21:40
bertiebsoy_el_pulpo: the array is already built, and I wanted something I could not touch for years, so I went for RAID6 over (say) 5 or 10 - particularly if one of the drives does fail, given the size the long rebuild time and potential for UREs I was a bit hesitant to go for RAID521:40
Tex_Nickpfhunk:  might also google for "ubuntu separate home partition" ... sorry, hope i'm not confusing you ;-)21:42
bertiebsoy_el_pulpo: the 4 new drives in there are identical (same model, which is possibly a risk in and of itself), I'd just like to reuse drives I already have :)21:42
pfhunkTex_Nick no worries I still need to find a blank DVD before I can get fully started so I'll be able to read up on a lot21:43
Tex_Nickpfhunk:  cool ... hey good luck man ;-)21:43
Tex_Nickpfhunk:  are you aware of "live usb" installs ? ... if you have a usb stick, that's the way to go21:45
pfhunkTex_Nick I have ubuntu on a CD already, I need to burn my windows 721:46
voltyhi, sometimes updating firefox i lose the adobe flash player and (i presume) the flash-plugin-installer's "Firefox is now checking for available plugins ..." seems going forever.  How can I fix this?21:47
Tex_Nickahhh ok ... i nolonger use windows ... however i think you can also use a usbstick to install win 721:48
usr13volty: Re-install flashplayer.21:48
usr13volty: I just do it manually21:48
gordonjcpsyntroPi: owned by or readable by?21:48
Tex_Nicki've gone that route with winXP21:48
voltyusr13: ok, thx, i'll try with rpm one21:48
usr13volty: tgz one21:49
pfhunkI'll have to check it out21:49
voltyusr13: ok :)21:49
usr1311.2 is latest version21:50
usr13volty: Actually, you may already have it.21:50
voltyusr13: so I have just to (re)copy it? from where to where?21:51
usr13 tar xvf flash-player-plugin.tar.gz ;21:51
voltyyeah, i know what you mean: probably i have got it in the past // going to check, thanks a lot21:52
syntroPigordonjcp, owned works ofc but also i added the user minidlna to my users group so when i give it g+rx it can read it even if my user owns it (insterad of minidlna)21:52
ihelpsuthis nice -- > http://www.tutonics.com/p/ubuntu.html21:52
tonytis there a way to make a usb flash drive bootable with a ubuntu iso image on it ?21:54
syntroPigordonjcp, seems i just need to get nautllus to fuse mount it with g+rx and it should work. i know i can do mounts manually but i want to have it with nautilus gui for quick access with other drives21:54
usr13volty: Actually, it's  tar xvf install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz  #And then just move libflashplayer.so to the plugins directory21:54
platzhirschIf I have a directory /a/b/c, is there a way to change the permission of c with chmod, and at the same time recursively apply the same operation on a and b? Something like a recursive operation but working from inside to outside21:55
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usr13volty: which sould be /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins21:56
syntroPiDoes anybody know where i would set the default mount options for gnome automount (usb -> fuse -> ntfs)?21:58
DemoOn sh /home/arnis/.bash_alias /home/arnis/.bash_alias: 1: /home/arnis/.bash_alias: Syntax error: "(" unexpected when i try to http://pastebin.com/rSksnh1h22:01
lsi32Hello everyone how can I convert my usb drive from linux filesystem to fat32 file system?22:06
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xangualsi32: use the Disk utility, type it on the dash22:07
* syntroPi hates gnome3 more and more22:08
MonkeyDustsyntroPi  it's meant to be beginner-friendly, if you're a more advanced user, you may want t try something else22:10
lsi32I used mkdosfs22:10
lsi32How can I do it using mkdosfs?22:12
Dr_willislsi32,  use gparted and repartionit to be a vfat partion, instead of ext2/3/4 then reformat it.22:13
Dr_willisus what  i would do.22:13
syntroPiMonkeyDust, i used to like its configurability on version 2 but now it always feels like a fight to the restrictions the devs think are so nice to force on their users. dconf and such may not even help on some issues22:13
Dr_willisif its a 'ext3' partition you need to change its partition type i belive first. or things may get confused22:14
lsi32Could you please tell me how to do it....I am totally new to this.22:15
Dr_willislsi32,  use the tool 'gparted' it has a nice gui. delete the partion on the usb. and remake it tobe the FS you want to use22:15
lsi32Ok thank you22:16
ihelpsutonyt: yea i just did that, that's why you put it on teh web instead of this freenode thing22:18
dhciare there any settings perhaps with xset so that when I'm typing (usb keyboard, xwindows) the commands always go to where the cursor is hovering over22:19
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elisa87I was trying to install   sudo apt-get install linux-libc-dev but I received this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5762976/22:26
uwlooks like a problem22:27
irreverantAnyone know of any Polycom and Ubuntu support channels?22:29
brontosaurusrexelisa87, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-install-kernel-headers-package/22:29
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irreverantOr how about a network channel on freenode?22:29
random_guyunable to install gparted using apt-get install....what to do?22:32
Tex_Nickirreverant:  #ubuntu-server ?22:33
elisa87I tried to install linux header for my kernel version but faced this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763002/22:34
random_guyunmet dependencies22:34
sermatpyhello, i'm having trouble with wi fi, it drops for no apparent reason, doesn't happen on windows22:36
sermatpyi'm using 12.0422:36
Ari-Yangsermatpy, are you using wifi proprietary driver? if you aren't, I recommend you switch to it22:38
Ari-YangI remember using the open source wifi driver and I d/ced from wifi at least 1 a week22:38
sermatpyno, i´m using the stock driver from installation22:38
Ari-Yangswitching to the proprietary one solved my problem.22:38
meatmanekI'm using the 10.04 PXE installer image to install onto servers here, and I need to include a newer version of the aacraid.ko kernel module. Is there a way to provide extra/newer drivers without rebuilding the initrd?22:39
sermatpyok thanks i'll give it a try22:39
meatmaneklike maybe a kernel command line option I could provide with a URL to a tarball/whatever of more drivers?22:40
=== ivan_on_trac is now known as ivanelson
ivanelsonI have done a virtualbox with Ubuntu 8.10. There is still apt-get repositories for this version?22:40
bekksivanelson: Most likely no.22:40
bazhang!eolupgrades | ivanelson22:40
ubottuivanelson: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:40
sermatpysays there are no additional drivers for my wi fi driver22:41
bazhangivanelson, since it's a vm though, just download the latest iso22:41
sermatpy*wi fi adapter22:41
ivanelsonbazhang: I just want to download the postgres and tomcat via apt-get on ubuntu 8.10.22:42
ivanelsonbekks: I just want to download the postgres and tomcat via apt-get on ubuntu 8.10.22:42
bazhangivanelson, thats long long out of support22:42
bekksivanelson: You're out of luck then.22:43
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ivanelsonbazhang: At these times we miss slackware! :)22:44
bekksivanelson: We dont. :P22:44
ivanelsonbekks: I also do not! :)22:45
ivanelsonSo, I run to find a tutorial. Install postgres8 and tomcat6 on hand.22:46
DemoOnhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi What does it mean if there Package not aviable at gdb?22:46
=== Simson-san is now known as Simson-san|away
pgp-Hi, guys i need some help, for some reason ubuntu marked my whole system as read only22:48
pgp-i manage to reboot and it repaired lots of it22:48
pgp-but i have 2 drives which are on ntfs are still marked as read only22:48
pgp-system drive is ok22:48
pgp-them 2 drives i use mainly for data storage , i can see them on samba on other drives and access too22:49
pgp-just cannot write to them22:49
pgp-any ideas?22:49
daftykinspgp-: can you pastebin /etc/fstab ?22:49
pgp-one sec22:49
rasmohello folks22:50
daftykinspgp-: are you dual-booting with Windows also, or just using NTFS disks?22:51
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usr13pgp-: pastebinit /etc/fstab  #And send resulting URL22:51
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=== chrome4life is now known as rti^
DemoOnhttp://pastebin.com/giwDrxzD is it fixable?22:51
pgp-daftykins:  just using ntfs disks22:52
pgp-no dual boot22:52
pgp--sdb1 and sdc1 are my nfts drives22:54
pgp--all they have is data22:54
daftykinspgp--: yeah it's being mounted 'ro' for read only. you're gonna need to edit that file and change 'ro' for 'rw' on both lines22:54
usr13pgp--: When you see  ro   it means read only22:55
daftykinsusr13: i've got this22:55
pgp--yeah got it22:55
pgp--so the file is editable?22:55
pgp--sudo gkedit will do the job?22:55
WireDemonhi, was wondering if anyone could help me, im trying to install SDL2 on Ubuntu 13.0422:55
daftykinsis that a graphical editor?22:55
Ari-Yangjust gksudo drag and drop it in terminal and hit enter22:55
daftykinsyou want to use gksudo with graphical editors really22:55
Ari-Yang* gksudo geidt pathnamehere22:55
pgp--alright thanks guys :)22:56
pgp--lemme try22:56
daftykinsseriously people - appreciate the input but have you ever heard of too many cooks spoiling the broth? jeez22:56
usr13daftykins: no22:56
rasmoi recently installed ubuntu 13.04 (beginner) and want to turn off bluetooth permanently, how do i get this done?22:56
daftykinsmy toes may never recover from all this trampling22:56
daftykinspgp--: let us know how it goes. easiest option will be to restart after editing + saving to test22:57
pgp--alright buddy :)22:57
pgp--gonna reboot22:58
moseshow do i uninstall a program in ubuntu?22:59
rti^sudo apt-get purge [package name] i believe moses22:59
Ari-Yangor sudo aptitude purge package name here23:00
FreakingTeacan anyone help me switch to chinese input on ubuntu 12.04? i've installed everything and it works sometimes on accident, but when i click on the icon at the top to switch the input language, it doesn't do anything.23:00
moseswhat if it was manually installed rti^ ?23:00
rti^i'm pretty new to ubuntu and i'm still trying to learn, but i don't think there would be a difference.. you might want to wait for a more experienced person to reply moses23:01
rti^sorry :\23:01
th0rmoses: what do you mean by manually installed?23:02
WireDemonmoses, if you used a make file, you might be able to do: make uninstall23:02
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mosesok question23:05
daftykinsmoses: go for it23:06
Kevin`how can I tell grub2 that /boot is always on hd0?23:06
mosesi messed up :/23:06
moseswhere does ubuntu keep all the programs23:06
Kevin`you want to add/remove programs as packages, not touch the files directly, unless you did something really strange23:07
daftykinsmoses: all over the place really. it's all about learning package management commands / programs to manage them23:07
Snake2kmoses, usually /usr/bin (executable)23:07
Snake2kor /usr/local/bin23:07
mosesis where it put it23:08
Snake2kmoses,  its files23:08
th0rmoses: it would help if you just quit walzing around. Tell us where you downloaded the file from and what you did to install it.23:09
mosesactually i just did sudo apt-get install openbabel23:10
th0rmoses: did you try sudo apt-get remove openbabel?23:11
=== rkerr is now known as rexkerr
pgp-hi guys whenever i try to run a terminal i get error23:24
daftykinspgp-: back so soon! please describe23:25
pgp-lol indeed daftykins23:25
pgp-one sec i think i might have fixed it23:26
pgp-yup fixed!23:26
daftykinspgp-: what was it out of interest?23:26
pgp-i was fiddling with .bashrc23:27
pgp-which broke it23:27
pgp-now i got new query for ya :P23:27
daftykinsah ok :) sure what's up?23:28
pgp-i got this script23:28
pgp-in a /etc/init/xbmc.conf  themcontents.23:29
pgp-but i need to run this script automatically on boot up23:29
pgp-do i need to make it executable?23:29
daftykinspgp-: hrmm, not sure i'm afraid. XBMC wiki or the channels on freenode might help. yep it'd need to be executable i'd think23:30
pgp-ok let me try23:30
pgp-i thought so23:30
pgp-doesnt say about making it executable on wiki23:30
WireDemonIs it possible to install libsdl2 on ubuntu 13.04?23:31
teslansomeone now joomla_23:31
daftykinsteslan: ubuntu support only in here i'm afraid23:31
teslansomeone know joomla?23:32
teslansomeone know the channel for joomla?23:32
k1l!alis | teslan23:32
ubottuteslan: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:32
eshietwebhow can i delete a previous installation of ubuntu?23:33
k1leshietweb: erase the partitions and choose another bootloader (if there is another OS on the disk)23:34
=== beer is now known as Guest38373
veryhappysomeone here who can tell me how to compile or get a newer stable version of compiz to run in ubuntu 12.04.2 x84_64? thank you23:35
Tex_Nickeshietweb: you can't revert to a previous install (distro) ... however, to just remove the current version you would delete the partition23:37
ryan-cHow the heck do I change apparmor configuration for a libvirt qemu/kvm guest? It says not to edit the file directly23:38
eshietwebk1l : i installed ubuntu 10.04 in my pc and after the release of 12.04 i installed it too. now i see 3 OS which is ubuntu 10.04, 12.04 and windows. and my hard disk is almost full. and i dont know why its dat ful.23:38
k1leshietweb: so you can erase the partitions from 10.04 and give the space to the other partitions if you bootup a live cd (and have backups)23:39
eshietwebtex_nick  how can i do that?23:40
Tex_Nickeshietweb:  i didn't notice that kll had posted to you before i did ... i'm going to defer to kll ... kll is MUCH better than i am ;-)23:42
eshietwebokay ex thanks23:42
k1lTex_Nick: ;p23:42
=== dragan is now known as Guest86361
Priceytsagu: success!23:43
tsaguCan anyone assist me? having problems removing Grub and Unbuntu. I deleted the partitions, but it gave me the Grub Rescue screen.23:43
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=== dragam_r is now known as dragan_r
* Tex_Nick salutes kll ^5 man23:43
k1ltsagu: what other OS are on the system installed?23:44
tsaguWindows 8.23:44
k1ltsagu: so you need to reinstall the windows bootloader. grab a win cd and fixmbr23:44
GeorgeTorwellwhere can I get Ubuntu ISO hashes?23:44
dragan_rmy software centre keeps crashing after 2 or 3 seckonds i tryed many options even reinstalled it but nothng23:44
xevilCan anyone tell me why I can't get a Ubuntu 13.04 live DVD to boot on my desktop with Intel processor and Nvidia video card?  In fact I can't get a live CD or DVD past 11.10 to boot... what has changed between 11.10 and 12.04?  I've tried the special options of nomodeset to no avail...23:45
k1ltsagu: if you need help with that ask the ##windows guys in their channel23:45
tsaguI don't have a windows 8 disk. Was installed via microsofts site. I have a recovery file, but I can't find the burner for ubuntu to burn it onto disk23:45
k1ltsagu: i dont know if there is a standalone bootloader recovery from windows. just ask the ##windows guys23:46
tsaguok so "/Join #Windows"?23:46
k1l"/join ##windows"23:47
=== roman is now known as Guest74506
eshietwebkil how cani join d windows23:47
k1leshietweb: ?23:48
GeorgeTorwellwhere can I get Ubuntu ISO hashes?23:48
k1lGeorgeTorwell: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes23:49
Tex_Nickeshietweb:  google "remove ubuntu" you'll find a lot of links for various situations ... is your box a dual boot with windows installed  ?23:49
k1leshietweb: if you mean which program you need: gparted. that can erase and shove the partitions23:50
eshietwebtec nick yes23:51
MrDyneI just upgraded my Xubuntu rig from 3.5 to 3.8 and now it wont boot unless I use the 3.5 option in grub. How to I fix it so the upgrade works? When I boot 3.8 the top of screen becomes covered in random colored pixel static.23:51
eshietwebk1l how can i free up my hard disk?23:53
eshietwebin ubuntu23:53
Tex_Nickeshietweb:  ok then you could just remove the partition in windows using the drive administration tool ... or use an ubuntu live cd with gparted as kll sugested23:53
k1leshietweb: i answered that already how you can erase the old ubuntu install23:55
eshietwebyes k1l23:56
Tex_Nickeshietweb:  see if this helps ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/133533/how-to-remove-ubuntu-and-put-windows-back-on23:57
eshietwebk1l i am having lots of files so i dont know how to remove some hidden files if there is23:58
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k1leshietweb: you told us you want to remove the complete 10.0423:58
k1leshietweb: show a "df -h" in a pastebin please23:59
eshietwebyeah k1l23:59

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