
inahdhello, im am being frustrated by my microphone... got linux mint to hear the sound from it but getting the sound to ardour is frustrating me. i am using a lexicon alpha usb soundcard thing, apparently jack isn't recieving its message02:11
inahdtried changing the input device to lexicon and usb audio to no avail02:12
inahdi feel like i go through this everytime i try to record something. even after so many years of doing this it eludes me how i successfully accomplished it the last time02:13
inahdplease help me!02:16
wipback in ubuntustudio 12.0403:39
wipwill install kxstudio on top and see if i can manage to use cadence / catia etc... instead of qjackctl and his patchbay (berk)03:39
holstein /j #kxstudio since you'll be using it, and not ubuntustudio03:40
wipwell will stick at both places03:41
holsteinsure.. im not kicking you out ;) ..just sayin'03:41
pylotanybody able to point me to a good tutorial for qtracktor? i have a basic understanding of how to use it, but something to help me through the jargon would be nice07:25
cubpylot, I haven't used it myself but perhaps http://ubuntustudiomusic.wordpress.com/ have some good information?07:34
pylotcub, cheers but it seems the blogs a build out of date, im running 13.04 and it talks about the packages in 12.0407:39
cubyes, but the jargon shouldn't have changed much?07:39
pylotsome of it is useful, but even the qtracktor segment is an older build of the application07:40
pylotmuch of the UI is different07:40
pylotcheers anyway, as i said i found some helpful tips for other applications07:40
ubuntu-studioHi guys, I have been having the worst time, for a LONG time now with Ubuntu.  Don't get me wrong, I love it, but, getting it to the place I love is near impossible.  Usually I can fix my issues, than another arises... this time I am just stuck.  I couldn't get my screen to stop flashing and blinking and having lines.  I finally got nomodeset working, I put it BEFORE the words quiet splash (Ive seen people saying to pu16:51
ubuntu-studiot it after as well) and the screen appears right for the first time... BUT, now, my resolution is 1024x768 or 8x600 - can't get better - which doesn't work for me.  I need to fix this SO DAMN BAD and I've wasted SO many weeks trying to get things right.... can someone PLEASE help.  God, I'd be grateful, sooo grateful.16:51
ubuntu-studioyou have to be fucking kidding me.... 15 min and now my screen starts flashing too.... w....t....f....16:52
ubuntu-studiohey guys, anyone available?  I've been here a bunch with no luck.  I can't get my graphics driver/card working.  It works fine with Ubuntu but on Ubuntu Studio my screen just keeps flashing, sometimes more than others, but, always - especially noticable on white colors.  Nomodeset didn't work.  ALso my resolution is now set to 1024x768, though I think I can change that with vga=834 after quiet splash - - but, that sti17:19
ubuntu-studioll would not help me resolve my screen issue.  its been days and days.  i need this thing fixed.  PLEASE, anyone help?17:19
zequenceubuntu-studio: I don't think anyone here has had your problem17:19
ubuntu-studioTheDrums:  You like that band?  Its one of my favs... never seen another listen to them.17:20
zequenceubuntu-studio: Sure it's not a XFCE issue?17:20
ubuntu-studiozequence:  Do you have ANY idea what I am to do17:20
ubuntu-studioI am so freaking stumped.17:20
ubuntu-studioLoosing it here, man.17:20
zequenceAt which point does it start to flicker?17:20
ubuntu-studioit flickers in the OS17:20
ubuntu-studioi see no pattern17:21
zequenceyes, but at which point?17:21
zequenceafter login?17:21
ubuntu-studioI've no password to login.17:21
zequenceat GRUB boot menu?17:21
ubuntu-studioSo it just logs in automatically.17:21
zequenceso, after login then..17:21
ubuntu-studioNo, but, I think I've noticed "Linux for creative humans" slightly be affected.17:21
zequenceI'd strongly suspect if regular Ubuntu is fine, then your problem starts after logging into the ubuntu Studio session17:22
ubuntu-studiookay, that helps to narrow things a bit.... where from here would you say?17:23
ubuntu-studioIve not once had a graphics problem with regular Ubuntu.17:23
zequencejust to exclude one very remote possibility17:23
zequencehave you tried different kernels?17:23
zequenceUbuntu Studio comes with linux-lowlatency by default17:24
zequenceAlso, do you have this problem on several releases, or only one?17:24
ubuntu-studioi am not very informed on kernels, but, i know i need low latency for my recording - and - there was ONE kernel change I made, but it was days ago and i dont recall its name or even if it was a bit successful17:24
ubuntu-studiointerestingly i am unable to upgrade to 12.10 and up, though once it worked on studio (always fine on ubuntu) and when it DID work on studio I got the screen to only flicker in one spot under the tabs bar in chromium - but - i was not satisfied and now im back to it being horrible and i cant even get 12.10 upgraded again, plus, that update takes a LONG time and says its successful than the screen just turns on and off17:26
ubuntu-studio after boot before linux17:26
ubuntu-studiobut, my last concern is 12.04, 10 or 13.04 - i just want to use studio and record.  get this screen right again.17:27
ubuntu-studioalso when i first installed studio i did not have this problem for hours - then it started - but now, eveeeery install i get the problem right off17:28
ubuntu-studiois any of this information helpful?17:28
ubuntu-studioBut, yeah, the problem is on any release - and - I've NEVER been able to install 12.10 or 13.04 Ubuntu or Studio unless I start from the .04 LTS17:29
zequenceThere are two kernels in the repository. linux-lowlatency and linux-generic17:30
zequenceyou could try installing linux-generic, and when booting, select it from the GRUB menu17:30
zequencewould be good to exclude that as a possibility17:31
zequenceat which point does installing 12.10 and 13.04 fail?17:31
ubuntu-studioit fails after it says it is successful17:32
ubuntu-studiowhen i restart17:32
ubuntu-studioafter boot options17:32
ubuntu-studiobefore "linux for creative humans"17:32
ubuntu-studioeverytime that is the same17:32
zequencehow does it fail?17:32
ubuntu-studioscreen on screen off17:32
ubuntu-studioall black17:32
ubuntu-studioyou just can see the light behind the screen go on and off17:33
zequenceok, so the install does not fail, but logging in does not work because of a problem with your screen?17:33
ubuntu-studiosorry, guess i said that wrong17:33
zequenceor, rather, you log in, but the screen does not work17:33
ubuntu-studioyeah, cause when i go to reinstall it says its reinstalling over whatever version, such as 12.1017:33
zequenceare the dimensions always wrong?17:34
zequenceother dimensions than native dimensions may cause the screen to either stay black, or behave badly17:35
zequencethis could be related to XFCE17:35
ubuntu-studioyou mean my screen res?17:35
ubuntu-studiowell, the only time that was off was when i used nomodeset17:35
ubuntu-studioalso, let me just say how appreciative i am for your assistance - so so grateful for the help.17:36
ubuntu-studioi did find online a way to have nomodeset come in my res... by using vga=834 after the quiet splash - -17:37
ubuntu-studionever tried it though as nomodeset didnt solve the screen issue17:37
zequenceyes, I was referring to resolution17:39
zequenceif resolution is right, then the only thing I can think of is Hz17:40
ubuntu-studio60.1 all day17:40
zequenceubuntu-studio: what kind of graphic card was this?17:40
ubuntu-studioeh, i had that figured out yesterday, i think ati17:40
zequencedo this in a terminal:17:41
zequencelspci | grep VGA17:41
zequenceyou can paste the line here17:41
ubuntu-studiosamsung 700z5 laptop17:41
ubuntu-studioubuntu-studio@ubuntu-studio:~$ lspci | grep VGA17:42
ubuntu-studio00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)17:42
ubuntu-studio01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Whistler [AMD Radeon HD 6600M Series]17:42
ubuntu-studioso its the 6600 series, i was curious, the box only says one of 3 series, ha.17:43
ubuntu-studiodriver from the site maybe? i dont know how to install it17:44
ubuntu-studioive even tried to install propritary drivers upon initial install when that option arises to try other drivers.17:44
ubuntu-studiofunny, i cant right click EVER in 12.04 either, but the one time i was able to upgrade to .10 and 13 the rigt clicking came right back17:45
zequenceon 12.04, the proprietary drivers are in deed an option17:45
ubuntu-studiowell, the ones listed wouldnt install17:45
zequenceactually, I'd just use regular Ubuntu and add Ubuntu Studio meta packages to it17:46
zequencewould just make things simpler17:46
zequenceubuntu-studio: you're mostly interested in audio applications?17:47
zequencesudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-audio linux-lowlatency17:47
ubuntu-studiowell, let me ask you a few questions about that.  first of all, what does that mean?  i have grown fond of the application menu, its organized perfectly, audio producton > effects > mixers, etc17:47
ubuntu-studiook, thats for regular ubuntu?  gotcha17:47
ubuntu-studioill have to write this down but its worth it if this solves my issues.17:48
zequenceyou can't get the menu with Unity, but at least the screen will work17:48
ubuntu-studioyeah, true.  I will have ALL the same apps?17:48
zequenceubuntu-studio: let me write it down for you17:48
ubuntu-studiookay, thank you.17:48
ubuntu-studioI will save it on a usb drive in a text17:49
ubuntu-studioim running off the live cd anyway now17:49
ubuntu-studiowhich i suppose is obvious by the nick17:49
ubuntu-studioalso, not sure the title for the bottom menu in studio, is that available in ubuntu?  lol, i loved the ubuntu menus till i saw what i could do in studio, ehhh, but, sometimes you gotta give a little to get a little.  its worth it.17:50
zequenceubuntu-studio: paste.ubuntu.com/5762175/17:52
zequenceah, damn17:52
zequenceubuntu-studio: I forgot one more thing. After you did those things, reboot17:53
zequencethen you're all ready for audio production on any Ubuntu flavor17:53
ubuntu-studioso, I will do the sudo usermod before the other part?17:53
ubuntu-studioto be a member17:53
ubuntu-studioaw man, you rule!17:53
zequencedoesn't matter in which order17:53
ubuntu-studioNow, what of all the installed apps, I download each individually?17:53
zequenceubuntustudio-audio will install all the UBuntu Studio audio applications17:54
zequencethere are more17:54
zequenceubuntustudio-video, ubuntustudio-graphics, etc17:54
zequenceyou can see them all if you do: apt-cache search ubuntustudio17:54
zequenceyou won't need ubuntustudio-desktop17:55
ubuntu-studiophone, one sec, sry17:55
ubuntu-studiosorry about that, catching up now18:03
ubuntu-studiook, out of this what is it I'll need, everything but ubuntustudio-desktop?18:04
zequenceubuntu-studio: if you only do audio, ubuntustudio-audio is enough18:05
zequenceit depends on all the audio applications18:06
ubuntu-studiowell, i enjoy all the aspects18:06
zequencethen, also install -video and -graphics18:06
ubuntu-studioof studio, mainly i will be using audio but all18:06
zequenceyou only need those three18:06
zequencethen you get all the applications18:06
ubuntu-studiook but not the other stuff, generations, look, icon, menu?18:07
ubuntu-studiookay, right on.18:07
zequence-audio depends on -generation, recording and -audio-plugins18:07
zequencethe rest, you don't need18:07
ubuntu-studiodo you have any idea how it installs these?  seeing as there are so many apps, they are organized in menu for studio, how do i access a list of them?18:07
ubuntu-studioand, lastly, id like to take screens of the menu, as backup o make sure i get everything, and help me organize it properly.... i cant get my print screen to work - normally does maybe because i am on live cd, any thoughts?  i just want pics of the 4 main menu audio, graphics, video, etc18:09
zequenceubuntu-studio: if you want to see what is included, just do: apt-get show ubuntustudio-audio18:15
zequencesince there are sub packages, you will need to check them too18:16
zequenceubuntustudio-audio is a meta package18:16
zequencethat means, it is really just some textfiles explaining dependencies18:16
ubuntu-studiookay i think i got this, let me see here... and, you have been the BIGGEST help, without which I'd still be swearing like a sailor.18:17
zequenceubuntustuidio-recording is also a meta package18:17
zequencemisspell there18:17
zequenceso, if you do: apt-cache show ubuntustudio-recording18:17
zequenceyou will see a bunch of applications18:17
ubuntu-studiolooking like this is what i need out of the list18:17
ubuntu-studioSo do you think i should go with 12.04, .10 or 13?  And, I know I don't do any of this stuff we've discussed till I am fully upgraded to where I intend to stay.18:19
wipdidn't know that a2jmidid -e takes so much cpu!18:26
ubuntu-studiozequence, you know whats weird, when i did apt-cache show for ubuntustudio-video i got audacity as one of the depends (apps I assume)... as thats an audio only app i was confused.  no biggie, just curiosity18:37
zequenceubuntu-studio: It is used by video editor, when wanting to edit audio18:38
zequenceThat is the logic for why it is included there18:38
zequencevideo editors*18:38
ubuntu-studioright on, thanks man!18:38

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