
delevegood night all, can anyone explin to me how can i identify my router's ip using xubuntu? Cau i have the router but need the ip tp configure.01:26
ignore_medeleve: Internal or external address?01:30
Unit193The nm-tool command in terminal should tell you the gateway IP, which should be your router.01:32
deleveignore_me, internal i think01:44
FoShizz_Anyone about?02:58
clear`hey guys, trying to do dual boot again, i have win7 installed03:40
holstein!dualboot | clear`03:40
ubottuclear`: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:40
clear`i am at the installation type with xubuntu, the windows partition is not showing03:40
clear`i see, /dev/sda and free space under that03:41
clear`not the ntfs partition03:41
holsteinclear`: i would manually add partitions03:41
holsteini would do it from a gparted live CD03:41
clear`do boot xubuntu live?03:42
clear`or do that through the installation?03:42
clear`its odd that its not showing the 2 partitions (windows and the extra one i made in windows)03:42
holsteinclear`: i would do it literally where ever it works03:42
holsteinclear`: what extra one?03:43
clear`maybe i should double check that it made the extra partition03:43
clear`when i installed windows i went to device manager, and created another partition from the free space03:44
clear`did 100gb partition03:44
holsteinfor what?03:44
clear`for xubuntu03:44
holsteinclear`: i would blow that out.. go in from gparted and manually make a swap and ext403:44
holsteinclear`: i wouldnt use linux to make the ntfs partition for windows either03:45
clear`windows is already installed, so that partition is already made03:46
holsteinsure.. but you used windows to create a partition for the linux install03:46
holsteini wouldnt do that, nor the other way around..03:46
clear`well, just created extra space03:46
holsteinclear`: right.. *dont* do that03:46
holsteinclear`: clear that out.. leave it blank.. check it.. then, use *whatever* will see it. a live CD, and create manaually what you need/want03:47
clear`ok so i deleted that, i only have the windows partition now03:48
clear`will boot into live03:48
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:52
Mortverthow can i make xubuntu not start apps that were running before shutdown?05:02
goddardMortvert: like what?05:09
goddardanyone know if its possible to use Unity's sound manager in Xfce05:09
MortvertFirefox/hexchat :v05:09
xubuntu493anybody here?07:14
TheSheep!hi | xubuntu49307:17
ubottuxubuntu493: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!07:17
xubuntu493I'mk from Argentina. There's any IRC channel in Spanish?07:17
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.07:17
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n2diy! update07:45
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:45
n2diy! update manager07:45
Noskcajcould someone explain what the drag and drop threshold option does in mouse settings?08:47
TheSheepNoskcaj: how far you need to move your cursor away from the initial position for it to be considered a drag and not a click08:49
TheSheepNoskcaj: because you always move your cursor a little when clicking08:49
NoskcajTheSheep, ok, ty. and how does the double click distance setting work?08:50
TheSheepno idea, but I would guess the same08:51
TheSheephow near the two clicks need to be to each other to be considered a double click08:51
Starcraftmazterhey guys, my xorg seems to hang on startup. Any ideas? http://pastebin.com/famTe4js10:27
Starcraftmazterthis may also prove useful http://pastebin.com/xY0RxUr010:40
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d1mAs1qhello, what driver is better for amd trinity?17:43
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Arpad2the camera is not working , is there any way to fix this?21:26
holsteinwhat camera?21:26
Arpad2built in the laptop21:27
holsteinArpad2: i the hardware working?21:27
Arpad2well its a 2 month old laptop21:27
holsteinArpad2: sure.. is the hardware functional?21:27
Arpad2and only reciently to try it with Cheese21:27
Arpad2but us not recognised21:27
holsteinArpad2: if the hardware is broken, or disabled in the bios, you will *never* get it "fixed" with software21:28
Arpad2so I suppose it should work, though I never experienced it working21:28
holsteinArpad2: might want to consider that then.. if you hit a wall with other options.. maybe poke around in the bios, and try other live CD's21:28
holsteinArpad2: open a temrinal, and run "lspci" and "lsusb" ..see if you see the hardware listed.. use pastebin if you need help interpretting that data21:29
Arpad2i am sure I need help21:29
Arpad2I am illiterate in these things21:30
Arpad2thank you21:30
Arpad2I think it is not listed here http://paste.ubuntu.com/5762810/21:32
holsteinnothing in lsusb?21:33
Arpad2I don't think so http://paste.ubuntu.com/5762818/21:35
holsteinArpad2: thinkpad?21:37
Arpad2you mean the type of the laptop?21:37
Arpad2it is Clevo p170em21:38
Arpad2nor the multicolor keyboard backlight is functioning21:39
holsteini would probably just try other live CD's.. see what, if anything "just works" out of the box.. i would want to use whatever operating system the vendor provides support for officially to test the hardare is functioning properly21:39
Arpad2and can I have any use of Windows drivers on linux, as they were supplied21:40
Arpad2with wine or playonlinux ?21:41
holsteinArpad2: nothing about linux or ubuntu or xubuntu is preventing *anyone*, such as the creator of that laptop to provide drivers for you21:41
holsteinArpad2: i wouldnt expect to use linux drivers in windows.. so i dont think the other way around will work21:41
holsteinbut, im not saying its not supported. im saying, you dont know if the hardware works..21:41
Arpad2thats true21:42
Arpad2I  deleted the default Win8 too hastily21:42
holsteinif you are wanting out of the box linux support, consider purchasing something that comes with it.. such as system7621:42
holsteinotherwise, for me, i would troubleshoot and search til i get it working21:43
holsteinArpad2: i have a dual GPU like that21:44
jdalehi all22:09
JoeBlackenHi, is there a way that I can set the startup attributes for individual windows or applications, i.e., setting them to start with certain position and size or maximized23:54
brainwashJoeBlacken: you are looking for devilspie or wmctrl23:56
JoeBlackenbrainwash, yes, but does this work with XFCE?23:58
brainwashsure, it does work23:58
JoeBlackenbrainwash, thank you a lot, I will try that23:58
heoyeagdevilspie for GUI frontend23:59

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