
helpplzHow do you make a application in lubuntu execute as program, right clicking gives no option...00:02
w30helpplz, left click on it00:07
w30helpplz, what program?00:08
helpplzthat opens the file?00:08
helpplzit's minecraft00:08
helpplzI have java00:08
helpplzjust have to make it excutable as a program00:08
helpplzso I can play it00:08
w30open a terminal and  issue the command "sudo chmod  -R  ugoa+x  /path/program"00:10
w30helpplz, or if just a file leave off the -R00:10
helpplzchmod cannot access00:11
w30What's the location of the file?00:12
helpplzany ideas?00:15
w30chmod  ugoa+x ~/paradox/Downloads/minecraft.jar00:15
w30helpplz, is it Downloads or downloads00:16
helpplzdoesn't work00:16
helpplzsays command not found00:16
w30leave off the sudo if you own the file00:17
helpplzI didn't put sudo00:17
helpplzthey should've just added the option with a right click00:18
w30ls -la should list you as the owner and group00:18
helpplzDo I type that in?00:18
w30helpplz, if you got it done it will appear green in the terminal00:19
helpplzit didn't work00:19
helpplzkeep getting errors00:19
w30ls -la is a more informative version of ls or dir00:19
helpplzwhen I typed in ls -la I just got a  lot of information00:20
w30what error?00:20
helpplzI didn't get a error whenI typed in ls -la, but I did with the other commands, it would say that the command wasn't found00:20
helpplzparadox@paradox-HP-Pavilion-dv7-Notebook-PC:~$ ugo+x ~/paradox/downloads/minecraft.jar ugo+x: command not found paradox@paradox-HP-Pavilion-dv7-Notebook-PC:~$00:21
helpplzany ideas?00:22
w30chmod ugoa+x  ~/paradox/Downloads/minecraft.jar00:23
helpplzchmod: cannot access ‘/home/paradox/paradox/Downloads/minecraft.jar’: No such file or directory paradox@paradox-HP-Pavilion-dv7-Notebook-PC:~$00:23
w30ugoa+x is not a command, that is instructions for the chmod command00:23
helpplzthis is complicated00:24
w30cd to the folder (directory) of the minecraft.jar and just chmod ugoa+x minecraft.jar00:25
helpplzwhat do you mean?00:25
w30not complicated jus exacting00:25
helpplzhold on00:26
helpplzError, these no simple way to make file execute as a program?00:27
w30cd  /home/Downloads/paradox/minecraft.jar  (is that where it is?)00:27
helpplzhome paradox Downloads minecraft.jar00:27
w30then go there00:28
w30cd /home/paradox/Downloads/00:29
helpplzso  chmod ugo+x and that place right00:29
helpplzbecause that doesn't work00:29
w30chmod ugoa+x minecraft.jar00:30
helpplzthen the location of the file after the .jar00:30
w30after you get in the Downloads folder00:30
helpplzparadox@paradox-HP-Pavilion-dv7-Notebook-PC:~$ cd /home/paradox/Downloads/minecraft.jar bash: cd: /home/paradox/Downloads/minecraft.jar: Not a directory paradox@paradox-HP-Pavilion-dv7-Notebook-PC:~$00:31
w30if you are in the Downloads folder then  you can  assume chmod knows  the file is right there.00:32
helpplzisn't letting me get to the folder00:32
helpplzI typed command as you typed it00:32
w30no helpplz , you don't cd into a file only directories00:32
helpplzso exactly what do I type00:33
helpplzto get to downloads00:33
w30cd /home/paradox/Downloads00:33
helpplzok got it00:34
helpplznow what00:34
w30capital D or lowercase d ?00:34
w30chmod ugoa+x minecraft.jar00:34
helpplzI'm not sure if it worked00:35
helpplzI got this00:35
helpplzparadox@paradox-HP-Pavilion-dv7-Notebook-PC:~/Downloads$ chmod ugoa+x minecraft.jar paradox@paradox-HP-Pavilion-dv7-Notebook-PC:~/Downloads$00:35
w30is it green00:35
helpplzin the terminal?00:36
helpplzit's green00:36
helpplzthat means it worked?00:36
w30helpplz, yes ls in the folder gives green listing for minecraft.jar00:36
helpplzso it's executable now?00:37
helpplzbecause now I need to know how to make it open with java00:38
w30I would assume your operating system knows what to execute a .jar file with.00:40
helpplzwhen I click it it tries to extract it00:40
w30use your minecraft executable to execute it maybe00:42
w30helpplz, I don't know.00:42
helpplzme either, I give up, thanks though00:42
w30usually a minecraft .jar file is a part of or a variation of a game that minecraft itself uses00:44
w30like one .jar is smurfs and another is the hulk, stuff like that00:45
Unit193java -jar minecraft.jar  see if that works.00:45
w30I don't game besides solitaire00:46
helpplzunable to access unit00:47
max1Hey Everyone02:14
max1How does Lubuntu Run different from Ubuntu. I understand that is lightweight02:15
jdalethanks Lubuntu for a great distro03:40
Sidney_hello, I have a problem with my video-card11:29
Sidney_colors are in 16bits11:29
Sidney_i can't watch swf videos11:30
Sidney_for exemple11:30
DJS162Does Lubuntu have netem pre built?13:08
=== jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x
EyeosI've got a quick and fairly stupid question, I'm new to linux and for the most part I'm used to using windows installers for installing applications but I know it's not the case for lubuntu. So my question is what is the easiest way to install .rpm and .tar.gz files, and also how do I get them to show up in the start menu?14:33
Unit193You generally don't, you use the software repos.14:35
ubottuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents14:35
Eyeosas in software repository?14:37
Eyeosthank you14:39
DJS162Since it's been a while since I've asked and there's more people now, I was wondering if Lubuntu had NetEm built in?15:00
Unit193iproute: /sbin/tc  and that is installed by default...15:12
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IAmNotARobothow to change keyboard layout??16:31
Unit193There should be a tool, lxkeymap.16:33
ARM9any other nice live distros that still fit on a CD? seems to be a rare breed these days16:50
phillwDSL and puppy should both be CD sized, other than that I only know of lubuntu :)16:54
ARM9Dsl is pretty dated though init? been meaning to check out puppy16:55
phillwARM9: have a look at the list at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Developers#LXDE_elsewhere As they are based on lxde, there is a chance some of them are CD sized (LXLE I know is not).16:56
Unit193SliTaz and AntiX are the lightweight ones I like, much more so the latter.  (That is, if you want live, Debian is nice as well and I find siduction isn't bad in theory.)16:57
Unit193ARM9: But you actually need CD sized?17:00
ARM9not necessarily17:00
ARM9but the thing is I found an old CD spindle at the bottom of a drawer and thought I might as well use it for something17:00
ARM9instead of just throwing it in the garbage17:01
yggdrasilyo yo, can somone give me a hand19:07
yggdrasili have an old sony and when i boot off the live cd the x server jsut seems to have a hard time.19:07
yggdrasilit flashes on and then back to terminal.19:07
yggdrasili tried nomode boot and that didnt work either.19:07
yggdrasilill try the alternative19:11
phillwyggdrasil: on an old machine, alternate i386 is always a safer bet. Make sure you run the self-check before trying to install!20:26
yggdrasilphillw: yea that got it dialed in.21:00
yggdrasilworks good21:00
phillwyggdrasil: it's why we are the only member of the family who still offer an alternate :)21:04

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