
=== NK`_ is now known as NK`
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:46
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
=== ubottu is now known as 17SAC2T0E
=== 17SAC2T0E is now known as ubottu
=== ubottu is now known as 17SAC2T0E
=== 17SAC2T0E is now known as ubottu
=== ubottu is now known as 17SAC2T0E
=== 17SAC2T0E is now known as ubottu
=== deegee__ is now known as drussell
=== alankila_ is now known as alankila
brainwashdo the latest lightdm builds support proper screen locking? I read that the lubuntu devs removed xscreensaver in favor of a lightdm solution22:33
trismbrainwash: lightdm has supported locking for a while, it is just disabled in gnome-screensaver22:36
trismbrainwash: fire up d-feet and execute org.freedesktop.DisplayManager.Seat Lock()22:37
brainwashtrism: so it will fire up a new X server instance and display the lightdm lock screen?22:43
trismbrainwash: yep22:46
brainwashnow I can either unlock the screen by typing my password.. or simply switch back by pressing ctrl+alt+f722:48
brainwashor did I miss anything?22:49
trismbrainwash: well when I switch back with ctrl+alt+f7, the screen is locked by gnome-screensaver, I imagine the lubuntu devs will deal with it somehow22:51
trismbrainwash: though maybe the details changed in saucy22:52
brainwashthat's the reason I asked if lighdm supports a _proper_ way to lock the screen, not relying on additional programs22:54
brainwashtrism: thanks for answering :)22:55
trismbrainwash: you're right, as it stands, completely broken in the lubuntu-daily ppa23:54

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