
dholbachgood morning06:49
dpmmorning all07:29
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JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Friday and happy Blood Donor Day! :-D08:35
dholbachJamesTait, happy friday to you too08:39
* dholbach hasn't donated blood in ages08:39
* JamesTait neither.08:40
JamesTaitI really should do something about that.08:40
* JamesTait looks up the next donor session locally.08:40
dholbachthe last time was as a student :-P08:40
JamesTaitAh, next Sunday, less than a mile away.08:42
JamesTaitThat'll do.08:42
LaneyI've been on a study donating every 8 weeks10:08
Laneythe usual interval is 1610:08
Laneybut last time (maybe the 5th 8-week donation) my iron was below the level so I got denied :(10:08
guschom26er: would be nice if you could review this https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-autopilot-toolbar-buttons-fix/+merge/16937910:12
zsombidmp: just answered on your question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/306056/how-to-detect-whether-an-app-is-running-on-a-mobile-device-or-on-the-desktop/30809610:17
aquariusdpm, hrm, what are the differing behaviours?10:32
aquariusI am extremely sceptical of apps which want to know whether they're on a phone or not and act differently :)10:35
dpmaquarius, after a few days I've come to realize that they're mostly related to size, so when the support for different layouts lands on the SDK I think this should be sorted. Still, I'd like to open the app's window with a bigger size if it's started from the desktop, so I guess I'll still need to detect the screen size somehow10:36
aquariusright -- that's adapting based on screen size, not on device type :)10:36
t1mpdpm: you can set a fixed window size for desktop, on phone it automatically opens full-screen10:37
t1mpaquarius: +110:37
dpmaha, I didn't know that!10:37
aquariusI *think* that if you set a window size, the phone just ignores it anyway, so a window size is only desktopish10:37
aquariusha! t1mp is both a quicker typist and more knowledgeable than I :)10:37
dpmthat's a very useful bit of wisdom, I'm glad I asked another question and I learnt that!10:38
aquariusnote that deciding on your initial window size on a desktop is hard by itself, unless you're prepared to either be clever, screw high-dpi users, or screw netbook users :)10:38
dpmscrew them all10:38
t1mpif our grid-unit size is different on high-dpi then using gu's to define the window dimensions should work10:39
t1mpnote the 'if'10:39
aquariust1mp, ya. the "if" is very very "if", there10:39
aquariussince I don't think we're adapting gu for desktop devices at all atm?10:40
t1mpaquarius: actually, we may be doing that http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/resolution-independence.html10:41
t1mpit is explicitly mentioned there :)10:41
t1mpI never tested it though10:41
t1mpI don't have a high-dpi screen and phone is priority now for the sdk10:41
aquariushm. I do believe that that list is guidance about what *should* be happening rather than what actually *is* happening ;)10:42
aquariusnot that that's a complaint; as you say, phone is priority, and I don't have highdpi either :)10:42
dpmaquarius, btw, I've been doing some more work on the QR code scanner, and I've also come to realize that the JavaScript scanning library does indeed have a performance penalty when processing hi-res images (e.g. 20s to scan a code vs 1s in the C++ plugin). So I either scale all pictures taken from the phone to a lower resolution before sending them to the JS scanning library, or use the C++ plugin -> https://lists.launchpad.net/qreator-discuss/msg0010:42
t1mpyeah, so in the future, high-dpi should automatically work fine ;)10:42
aquariust1mp, yes :)10:42
aquariusdpm, interesting.10:42
aquariusdpm, me, personally, I'd downscale. Avoid C++ at all costs ;)10:43
guschom26er: jnkins approved already ;)10:43
t1mpaquarius, dpm for image processing I'd use c++ instead of JS10:43
t1mpfor performance10:44
dpmaquarius, on the other hand, I can consider the C++ plugin as a black box that does the magic. I'm really not interested in how the scanning is done if it works, most of the work I put in the code is in the UI/UX anyway, and that's QML10:44
aquariust1mp, that's because you think that performing faster is more important than easy distribution. Which is a fair thing to think. I do not think it ;)10:44
t1mpa c++ plug-in for qml of course10:44
dpmt1mp, yeah, that's how I did it, with a plugin. I'm testing both options: pure JS or a separate package with a C++ plugin for qml10:45
aquarius"branch this and run it" is so much easier than "branch this, make sure you've got the dependencies, cmake, make, make install --prefix=build, run it as qmlscene ./build/exe/whatever"...10:45
t1mpaquarius: we *should* have an awesome packaging system that takes care of everything :)10:45
aquariust1mp, indeed we should. Given that we currently do not... ;-)10:45
t1mpaquarius: that may be another thing that should work fine in the future :) I'm not an expert on packaging10:45
om26ergusch, approved. I used that approach for a core-app as well. But then I changed that to what you were doing in the gallery-app.. so I guess we really need that issue fixed in the SDK10:46
t1mpaquarius: I don't want to tell people to "branch" this, but "go to this website and click the button" or "apt-get install my-awesome-app"10:46
aquarius(also, I wonder if emscripten'ed and asm.js things are faster in qml's JS engine?)10:46
guschom26er: thx - and yes ...10:46
t1mpaquarius: we have a "run on device" in qtcreator that automatically compiles c++ code and installs it.10:47
aquariust1mp, absolutely. But then it'll be "go to this website and click the button *corresponding to your architecture*", which is dead annoying. (Agreed on "install it from the Dash" being easy, btu that's not up and running yet)10:47
dpmt1mp, do you have any idea why the issue mentioned in "Caveats" on https://lists.launchpad.net/qreator-discuss/msg00088.html is happening?10:48
dpmt1mp, the actual code is simply defining a toolbar action, not sure why it's not working: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dpm/qreator/touch-scanner/view/head:/qreator-touch.qml#L9510:48
aquarius(also, anyone who wants to hack on qreator, even if they just want to tweak the UI, or replace a couple of images, needs to be able to compile it if bits are in C++. But... I've had this argument lots before :))10:50
t1mpdpm: I don't know, I never saw the issue before10:51
t1mpdpm: can you reproduce it in a simpler program?10:51
dpmt1mp, I can try, but probably not until the weekend10:52
t1mp            // FIXME: this property seems to have a weird effect: when set to10:56
t1mp            // true, the tab contents are always visible, also when other tabs10:56
t1mp            // are loaded10:56
t1mpyeah, Tab currently has visible: active10:56
t1mp            //visible: root.debugMode? true : false10:56
t1mpso if you override that, the automatic visibility of the Tab (and its page) breaks.10:56
t1mpvisible: active && root.debugMode may do what you want10:57
t1mphmm.. that will still have the tab listed in the header, so probably not what you want10:57
t1mpit may be nice to use Tab.visible to determine whether the tab appears in the header10:58
dpmt1mp, aha, yeah, that was something else I wanted to ask you. Is there any plan to make tabs "hideable", or is it simply something I should not do?10:58
t1mpno plans10:59
t1mpif you can think of a use case, file a bug report to request the feature. I don't mind having that feature10:59
t1mpwhether you 'should not do' it is I think a question for design10:59
dpmt1mp, my use case is that I want to use the extra tab to output debug messages. Or is there an alternative to show debug messages when running on a device?11:00
t1mpI don't know11:01
t1mpjppiiroinen: ^ ?11:01
t1mpbzoltan1: ^11:01
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dpmt1mp, ah, I see there is already a bug for it: bug 116136311:02
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1161363 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[tabs] Tabs component visible property stopped working" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116136311:02
dpmcommented on that one with my use case11:05
t1mpdpm: no, that's different. that is about the visible of Tabs, not of an individual tab11:05
dpmt1mp, ah, I read that he mentioned individual tabs as well, but you're right, that would deserve a separate bug11:06
Nagahow to find whether there is some ubuntu app already exists for some purpose?11:20
bzoltan1dpm: There is no output forwarding from the device to the QtC right now. It takes a little tweaking .. not impossible, but not done yet11:21
dpmbzoltan1, ok, thanks. I'll continue with my debug tab hack for now.11:21
dpmNaga, I'd recommend checking https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Collection11:27
dpmNaga, https://plus.google.com/communities/111350780270925540549 is also a good place to check for existing apps11:28
Nagadpm, the list seems to be small!! Is that updated one? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Collection11:34
dpmNaga, the list is growing and up to date. With your help we can make it bigger ;)11:35
Nagaam looking in ubuntu dvlpmnt for last 2 days. hopefully, let me make it bigger.. taller.. stronger... :p11:36
NagaI saw it supports app in c++. So, can't it load the existing apps written in c++, straight away?11:39
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kalikianaKaleo, ping12:06
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guschvictorp: can you please again check https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/qtubuntu-camera/camera-torch-support/+merge/168468 ?12:30
victorpgusch, sure - I guess I need to flash first the latest image?12:31
guschvictorp: better to do so12:31
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AskUbuntuUbuntu for arm processor (Raspberry) | http://askubuntu.com/q/30816413:17
om26erboiko, Hi!13:41
boikohey om26er13:42
om26erboiko, I fixed the tests, please review. https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/phone-app/fix_autopilot_suite/+merge/16942613:42
boikoom26er: awesome! thanks a lot!13:42
om26erboiko, I am skipping one test there but I'll fix that after this branch gets in... Also I will test these on the phones so you should expect a second branch afterwards.13:43
boikoom26er: nice! ok, I'll give it a try in a couple minutes13:44
om26ergusch, hey! what is really up with the gallery tests I wonder. is that happening video recording branch ?14:46
victorp_gusch, /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/qmlscene: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/plugins/mediaservice/libaalcamera.so: undefined symbol: _ZN12SharedSignal8instanceEv14:47
victorp_still not working14:47
guschom26er: I did not update the autopilot tests for the changes in the code - now works14:48
guschvictorp_: strange - I'll test again - thx14:48
nicolacortiIs there anyone?15:08
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dpmhi nicolacorti, there is plenty of people. If you've got an actual question to ask and if someone can answer it, we'll be happy to help :)15:24
nicolacortiYes i've got15:26
nicolacortiI'm looking for more information about PyGTK15:26
nicolacortibut i think that http://www.pygtk.org is down right now15:27
nicolacortiis it true?15:27
t1mpnicolacorti: www.pygtk.org doesn't work for me15:35
t1mpnicolacorti: for ubuntu app development there is a bunch of information on http://developer.ubuntu.com/, but no PyGTK15:38
t1mpdpm: on http://developer.ubuntu.com/ under (1), quickly is mentioned, but there is no quickly on the page that it links to.15:39
t1mpdpm: and the link to "quickly" at the bottom of the page under "resources" is broken15:40
dpmt1mp, thanks for the heads up, I'll fix that15:45
nicolacortiThank you anyway, i've downloaded python-pygtk2-doc package15:46
dpmnicolacorti, if you want to develop for Ubuntu we recommend using the Ubuntu SDK at www.developer.ubuntu.com/get-started - but if you still want to use Python + GTK you can also go to http://python-gtk-3-tutorial.readthedocs.org/en/latest/15:48
t1mpnicolacorti: note that PyGTK is currently not supported for Ubuntu Touch15:49
nicolacortiOk thank you15:52
boikoom26er: hey, just tried yoru branch, but tests are failing, it seems selecting a button of the toolbar is broken16:48
boikoom26er: but the tab switching is working fine16:48
boikoom26er: I guess the toolbar thing might be related to what gusch was telling earlier today16:49
guschboiko om26er tim changed the toolbar implementation yesterday16:49
om26erboiko, can you pastebin the logs16:50
boikoom26er: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5765281/16:51
om26ergusch, how did you worked around that ?16:51
om26erboiko, yep that's what gusch was seeing16:51
guschom26er boiko my fix is here https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-autopilot-toolbar-buttons-fix/+merge/16937916:53
guschI now use the select_many on a sub-tree16:54
guscha new feature of autopilot since about 3 weeks16:54
boikogusch: that's clever and probably more reliable16:54
boikoom26er: so, want me to approve that branch and fix the toolbar button problem in a separate MR?16:55
om26erboiko, yeah that sounds fare16:55
boikoom26er: ok, I'll approve your changes then16:55
t1mpboiko gusch om26er my changes shouldn't break anything16:55
t1mpwhat broke?16:56
boikot1mp: autopilot tests16:56
om26ert1mp, though it would be really cool if we be able to assign objectNames to action items ;)16:56
t1mpom26er: you can assign an objectName to anything right?16:57
om26ert1mp, yep, works for pretty much everything16:57
boiko... or to get the so called helper functions to interact with UITK components in autopilot16:57
guschme wants this - relly wants this ^ ;)16:58
t1mpI think jppiiroinen was working on that16:58
t1mpjppiiroinen: ^ ?16:59
t1mphmm its 8pm in finland, I guess it is eow for him16:59
t1mpbzoltan: ^ you know stuff :)17:01
bzoltanI am here17:01
bzoltanwhat is the question17:01
t1mp18:57:33 < boiko> ... or to get the so called helper functions to interact with UITK components in autopilot17:01
t1mpis someone working on that?17:02
guschmaybe Kaleo knows about the helper functions to interact with UITK components in autopilot ?17:04
t1mpis it the "abstraction layer" mentioned in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/sdk-qa ?17:04
boikot1mp: I think it is17:11
boikoom26er: I'll fix the toolbar button thing17:12
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guschom26er: do you have some spare time?17:20
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om26ergusch, what is it about ?17:26
om26erboiko, cool ;)17:26
guschom26er: adding a test, that calls the "edit -> auto enhance" in the full view17:27
guschom26er: no need to rush - but if you are busy for a while, I'll do that17:27
om26ergusch, about that, its  one of those tests which I remember a few months back when I was writing autopilot tests for the gallery, I didn't knew what change happened on auto enhance in the autopilot vis window17:28
om26ergusch, I'll do that17:29
boikoom26er: https://code.launchpad.net/~boiko/phone-app/fix_getting_tool_buttons/+merge/16950717:30
Kaleogusch: I know that a few weeks ago I gave them to jppiiroinen to implement17:30
Kaleogusch: no more17:30
Kaleogusch: (just after the sprint in fact)17:30
guschom26er: well - the ActiviIndicator will be visible, but only for a short time (not reliable to test)17:30
guschom26er: maybe test if afterwads the undo is enabled17:31
guschKaleo: let's ask jppiiroinen next week17:32
guschom26er: maybe test if afterwads the undo is enabled17:32
om26erouch system crashed17:32
om26er*unity got new bugs*17:32
guschthere's a reason I use KDE :p17:32
om26ergusch, yes sure, I am heading out now but I'll have a branch ready in a few hours17:32
guschom26er: I'll check it on monday - no need to rush17:33
guschit's just a nice to have17:33
om26ergusch, there is one more, If there is only one photo in the gallery and you open the photo and you delete it, you kind of get stuck there, the back button won't work17:34
om26ertoo much "you" :D17:35
guschom26er: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gallery-app/+bug/113180217:36
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1131802 in gallery-app "Deleting the last photo leaves a black gallery" [High,New]17:36
guschom26er: and that's the reason I want the test https://bugs.launchpad.net/gallery-app/+bug/118034517:37
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1180345 in gallery-app "Auto enhance crashes gallery app and deletes photo" [Undecided,New]17:37
guschom26er: but I wasn'17:37
guschom26er: but I wasn't sure if that's really teh case (but now that I see the bug...)17:38
guschom26er: seems like I'll have to fix a bug ;)17:38
om26eroh look I in the bug report as well17:38
om26er*I am17:38
om26ergusch, yep, you got a new one17:38
om26ergusch, is that something to be tested with autopilot so it doesn't regress in future ?17:39
guschom26er: correct17:40
guschom26er: if you want to push me, then add a test for https://bugs.launchpad.net/gallery-app/+bug/1131802 as well ;)17:42
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1131802 in gallery-app "Deleting the last photo leaves a black gallery" [High,Confirmed]17:42
om26ergusch, sure...17:45
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guschboiko: you eagerly wanted to review? https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-mediafactory-unittests/+merge/16951418:11
boikogusch: yep, I can take that one :)18:12
odraHello :D20:07
mhall119http://www.jonobacon.org/2013/06/14/the-ubuntu-app-developer-cookbook-announced/ More goodies for App Developers being added to developer.ubuntu.com20:49
AskUbuntuDo you could use python in ubuntu phone? | http://askubuntu.com/q/30833220:55
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odraIs it just me or this is a mobile only channel?22:51
AskUbuntuwhere to find Qt5 downloaded pack in my 13.04 | http://askubuntu.com/q/30837323:23

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