
Seven_Six_Twomailman exim4 making me crazy02:27
Seven_Six_TwoI take it back. A and mx records wait time making me crazy while setting up mailman and exim02:27
locodir-userI run a not for profit for kids they are using ubuntu on their laptops the laptops are Dell D410 they come equiped with a wifi card ubuntu sees the card but once I activate it it still doesn't work anyone know why?20:42
locodir-userI tried scanning through the wiki on the ubuntu website but have not yet found a solution20:45
bregmathat machine should have an Intel PRO Wireles 2915, it should work out of the box20:56
bregmawhat version of Ubuntu are you running?20:56
geniiPerhaps there's no WAP20:56
* genii wanders back to work20:57
locodir-userI'm running 12.04 LTS20:57
locodir-userit asks me to activate and download driver then shows code then nothing just stops20:58
locodir-userI would like to fix this in order to get the kids wireless.20:59
locodir-userwhen I go into the additional drivers in setup nothing is there21:00
geniilocodir-user: Do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?21:01
locodir-userwhat is that?21:01
locodir-userhaven't come across it yet I am trying to find an easy solution21:04
locodir-userok could this be the cause of why it's not working? Then why would it ask me to activate?21:06
locodir-userI'll try it thanks21:09

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