bkerensa | mmm | 00:01 |
SergioMeneses | I'm back | 00:06 |
JoseeAntonioR | jono: did you get a chance to look at the localization project? | 00:11 |
dholbach | good morning | 06:49 |
Tm_T | morning | 08:01 |
dpm | dholbach, what was the mailing list for the app store again? | 09:28 |
dholbach | dpm, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-appstore-developers | 09:28 |
dpm | dholbach, perfect, thanks! | 09:29 |
dholbach | de nada | 09:30 |
bkerensa | anyone know about this canned "Canonical Ubuntu Research" e-mail from Tingting Zhao at Canonical Ltd. ? | 10:10 |
smartboyhw | :O | 10:10 |
smartboyhw | What the heck is that!? | 10:10 |
bkerensa | Asking me to do a desktop record of unity amazon scope and my favorite searches to buy stuff? | 10:11 |
bkerensa | smartboyhw: idk | 10:11 |
bkerensa | popey: ? | 10:11 |
smartboyhw | :O | 10:11 |
smartboyhw | bkerensa: That looks like a fake… :P | 10:11 |
popey | bkerensa: not seen it, can you forward? | 10:13 |
bkerensa | smartboyhw: http://awesomescreenshot.com/0141ebsfb5 | 10:13 |
bkerensa | popey: sure | 10:13 |
bkerensa | I checked the headers | 10:13 |
bkerensa | its legit | 10:13 |
bkerensa | and looked up the person | 10:13 |
bkerensa | :( | 10:13 |
bkerensa | popey: sent | 10:14 |
popey | ta | 10:15 |
popey | "You are receiving this email as you expressed your interest in taking part in Ubuntu's research in our October's (2012) survey" | 10:16 |
bkerensa | Yeah I never opted in | 10:17 |
bkerensa | and if I click the "Why am I getting this" | 10:17 |
bkerensa | it says "Ubuntu user groups with country" | 10:17 |
popey | are you interested in helping or do you want your name removed from the list? | 10:17 |
bkerensa | popey: I have removed myself | 10:19 |
popey | thats a shame, ah well. | 10:20 |
smartboyhw | popey: It IS legit?! | 10:21 |
popey | What's the problem smartboyhw ? | 10:23 |
smartboyhw | popey: Doesn't it look like spamming? | 10:24 |
popey | Not to me. It looks like a request from a deisgner to get input to make Ubuntu better. | 10:24 |
popey | Do you not think we should be making Ubuntu better? | 10:25 |
smartboyhw | popey: Eh, you shouldn't send mails without people knowing it… | 10:27 |
smartboyhw | it = subscribed… | 10:27 |
smartboyhw | No one even knew it existed… | 10:27 |
popey | Stop. | 10:27 |
popey | Just stop. | 10:27 |
elfy | personally I'd welcome the chance to give input | 10:27 |
popey | "no One" | 10:27 |
popey | jeez | 10:27 |
popey | stop jumping to conclusions and making out like we're doing evil shit because we aren't. | 10:28 |
popey | people bitch and moan about unity | 10:28 |
popey | here's a chance to help | 10:28 |
popey | oh no, lets not help, that's far too easy | 10:28 |
popey | ffs | 10:28 |
popey | lets instead focus on the fact that there may have been a mistake in the mailing list | 10:28 |
smartboyhw | popey: I think so. | 10:28 |
popey | It's incredibly tiresome to work on a product and get bitched and moaned at, and when you offer people a way to input to make it better, they kick sand in your face. Well done. Good work. | 10:29 |
popey | etc | 10:30 |
popey | bkerensa smartboyhw apologies for flipping out in channel. That was unprofessional of me. I should have taken it to PM. | 11:02 |
smartboyhw | popey: :) | 11:02 |
popey | bkerensa: spoke to tingting, she's removed you from the mailing list, and assures me that she only included people who expressed interest in participating in research, so I don't know how your address got on the list, but it's off now. She sincerely apologised. | 11:27 |
dholbach | tvoss is asking around who could ubuntufy the css of the doxgen theme | 12:57 |
jono | dholbach, jcastro, dpm, mhall119, balloons sorry, guys, cant make demo day call, our babysitter is coming later and I need to take care of Jack | 14:53 |
jono | might be able to hop on later but the first 30mins I can't join | 14:53 |
dpm | no worries | 14:53 |
dpm | I spent two weeks preparing my demo and working 14 hour days, but no worries, no bad feelings | 14:53 |
dpm | really | 14:53 |
dholbach | jono, I'd just have something really quick to demo - if we skip the call, I'd work on getting an update for the XDA thread out | 14:54 |
dholbach | so there'd be absolutely no hard feelings from my end :) | 14:54 |
* dpm has in fact no demo for today | 14:54 | |
dholbach | mhall119, balloons, jcastro? | 14:54 |
dpm | actually, I do have something I can show, though | 14:55 |
balloons | hmm.. I'd like to say hi to everyone :-) But nothing to demo atm | 14:56 |
balloons | it's pitch black here and storming.. always weird in the morning | 14:57 |
balloons | sun comes up, storm comes in, sun goes down :-) | 14:58 |
dpm | balloons, you said something about gated commits for the core apps Jenkins being ready to be activated on yesterday's call, but I can't quite recall. Can they be activated now? | 15:02 |
mhall119 | dpm: jcastro: we're on the hangout | 15:03 |
balloons | dpm, yes hop on the call | 15:03 |
dpm | mhall119, balloons, cool, joining in! | 15:03 |
balloons | dpm, I'm not typing :-) | 15:03 |
jono | dholbach, you guys still on the call? | 15:23 |
dholbach | jono, we just finished - but we could get back on I suppose | 15:23 |
jono | dholbach, naaa | 15:24 |
jono | its fine | 15:24 |
jono | dholbach, can we have a quick call though? | 15:24 |
dholbach | jono, sure , let's just re-use the one from earlier: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/54f4d48ce040200ddc2fdcb8f9d5da535f00bfb9 | 15:24 |
jono | dholbach, cool | 15:24 |
dpm | dholbach, sorry for hijacking the call, I somehow got a hangout invite and I initially thought we were re-joining the demo day call | 15:46 |
dholbach | dpm, no worries - you did not hijack in the slightest | 15:46 |
balloons | dpm ahh this was the suggested place: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/files/540/tests/autopilot/UbuntuUiToolkit | 15:53 |
dpm | aha, yeah, it makes sense | 15:56 |
jono | dpm, hey | 15:59 |
jono | dpm, when will the tutorial pages changes land on d.u.c? | 15:59 |
jono | as in, the Tutorial sidebar | 15:59 |
dpm | jono, ah, let me do this now, I got sidetracked yesterday after the call. Give me 15 | 16:00 |
jono | thanks dpm | 16:01 |
jono | dpm, mhall119 is landing the first cut of the knowledge base today and I will blog it | 16:01 |
dpm | yep, on it | 16:01 |
dpm | jono, mhall119, the Tutorials sidebar is ready. Here's an example category: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/tutorials/quality/. mhall119, if you can point me to the list of Cookbook categories, I can create them so that you only need to copy the content to each page | 16:14 |
jono | dpm, I would change it from Basics to Writing a Native App | 16:14 |
jono | or | 16:15 |
jono | if that page has multiple tutorials | 16:15 |
jono | to Getting Started | 16:15 |
dpm | ok, on it -> Getting Started | 16:15 |
jono | cool | 16:15 |
dpm | I think it'd be best if we use short category names, otherwise the URLs will be very long, that's why I prefer getting started over writing a native app | 16:16 |
dpm | jono, ok -> http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/tutorials/getting-started/ | 16:18 |
jono | dpm, cool | 16:18 |
jono | dpm, any chance we can put the tutorial section at the top? | 16:19 |
dpm | jono, yeah, looking to see if I can add some weight to the sidebar tabs now | 16:20 |
jono | thanks dpm | 16:22 |
jono | dholbach, mhall119 UDS call | 16:32 |
dpm | jono, ok, done: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/ | 16:36 |
pleia2 | heh, ~not-canonical has been fun today, -czajkowski -aquarius +kirkland | 18:08 |
jono | jcastro, check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im78cAVDyfQ | 18:45 |
jono | awesome | 18:45 |
jono | pleia2, :-) | 18:45 |
jono | it is all change | 18:45 |
pleia2 | indeed! | 18:49 |
philballew | What sub-genres of Metal is this? | 19:33 |
philballew | *sub-genre | 19:35 |
* philballew puts his Bon Iver vinyl back on | 19:36 | |
jono | folks | 22:30 |
jono | http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/06/14/certificates-for-ubuntu-members/ | 22:30 |
jono | certificates for Ubuntu Members ^ | 22:30 |
pleia2 | \o/ | 22:31 |
jrgifford | Signed by sabdfl himself! 0_o | 22:31 |
jono | jrgifford, :-) | 22:37 |
daker | we don't have state/province and it requird :( | 22:38 |
jono | daker, hmmm, email michelle@canonical.com - she might be able to get that fixed | 22:39 |
philip__ | jono, Just read the email. I think this is a great tangible way to make feel good about the work people have done and also something good to show employers who might like the Ubuntu Membership title. | 22:39 |
philip__ | I will hang it over my bed so I can see it every time I wake up. | 22:39 |
jono | philip__, awesome :-) | 22:39 |
daker | jono: anyway it has the "*" mark but it does not block the form | 22:40 |
jono | daker, :-) | 22:40 |
daker | \m/ waiting for it :) | 22:40 |
jono | pleia2, btw, I am hoping to announce the donations programme on Mon too | 22:41 |
pleia2 | jono: great :) | 22:41 |
jono | pleia2, looks like the CC didn't have any other input | 22:41 |
pleia2 | jono: nope | 22:41 |
pleia2 | I'll nudge the rest of them over the weekend to make sure everyone took a look at the etherpad | 22:42 |
jono | pleia2, thanks :-) | 22:43 |
bkerensa | pleia2: \o/ yay certs | 22:48 |
bkerensa | :D | 22:48 |
bkerensa | jono: do flavor members qualify for a cert? | 22:56 |
jono | bkerensa, if they are an ubuntu member, of course | 22:57 |
jono | bkerensa, CLS email sent | 22:59 |
mhall119 | I believe flavor members are ubuntu members by default | 22:59 |
mhall119 | edubuntu is that way anyway | 23:00 |
bkerensa | mhall119: i didnt know Kubuntu was | 23:00 |
bkerensa | looks like all are subteams of Ubuntu Members so yeah | 23:00 |
jono | bkerensa, indeed, this is why we picked ubuntu members as the fairest group | 23:01 |
jono | as also, all devs will be included in that group | 23:01 |
bkerensa | yay | 23:01 |
* bkerensa has dual-membership :) | 23:01 | |
pleia2 | bkerensa: I made one for a xubuntu member http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/xubuntu/xubuntu-membership-unit193.jpg | 23:06 |
pleia2 | it must be friday | 23:06 |
jono | pleia2, that is awesome :-) | 23:10 |
pleia2 | haha | 23:10 |
bkerensa | hah | 23:22 |
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