
=== Guest26134 is now known as jbicha
bdmurraywhere can I find somebody to talk to about developing a unity webapp?00:08
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pittiGood morning04:04
dholbachgood morning06:49
jibelcjwatson, correct 'request' generates requests for direct reverse-dependencies. We could generate requests for deeper levels of dependencies, that'd trigger tests more often.07:27
jibelcjwatson, I'll check the upstart case07:28
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dokoseb128, Riddell, et al: http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20130614-saucy.html08:05
dokopitti, ^^^postgres ftbfs08:06
seb128doko, hey, thanks, is main done or is that build in progress list?08:06
dokoin progress, now runs alphabetically08:06
seb128sil2100, ^ compiz seems to be unhappy with boost in saucy08:07
pittidoko: ack, will care about this08:08
seb128doko, are all those gnome- only ftbfsing on armhf? or is that just that armhf is further down the build list? (if it is why e.g icon is built on i386 if the builders go in order?)08:09
sil2100seb128: uuh08:09
wgranticon's urgency=medium08:10
wgrantThat's probably why08:10
seb128oh, ok, so I guess the others one are just not tried on i386/amd64 then08:10
seb128wgrant, thanks08:10
Laneyxnox: ^? emacs is on there ;-)08:11
seb128doko, can you retry gnome-contacts?08:11
dokoseb128, armhf buildds are faster08:11
seb128doko, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/142371643/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-armhf.gnome-contacts_3.8.2-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz08:11
seb128"Setting up python2.7 (2.7.5-5ubuntu1) ...08:11
seb128  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/cookielib.py", line 48308:11
seb128    H¨°m            if k == "expires":08:11
seb128     ^08:11
seb128SyntaxError: invalid syntax"08:11
seb128 08:11
seb128doko, I guess it's a builder issue08:11
seb128how come we demoted automake1.11 when it still has stuff in main build-depending on it?08:13
seb128don't we have a check or a rules to fix rdepends before demoting?08:13
pittithat should be called component-mismatches.txt ?08:14
seb128pitti, it's not showing on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt though08:14
seb128pitti, but https://launchpadlibrarian.net/142354253/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.libgadu_1%3A1.11.2-1_MANUALDEPWAIT.txt.gz08:15
Laneydoes c-m know about provides?08:17
cjwatsoninsofar as germinate does08:18
seb128Laney, is anything in main that provides automake1.11? or do you ask for a different reason? and if something does shouldn't the build just work rather than depwait?08:19
cjwatsonautomake was a bit of a special case though because Debian took a while to provide the automake1.11 package after uploading 1.1308:19
cjwatsonAnd I think the new automake landed *before* that libgadu was changed to depend on 1.1108:19
cjwatsonSo neither c-m nor britney would have been able to know about it08:20
cjwatsonIn fact, even Debian doesn't have an automake1.11 yet08:20
seb128is component-mismatch relying on catching changes are a right time? (e.g not looking to the current archive state)?08:20
cjwatsonNone of this is component-mismatches' fault at all08:20
cjwatsonlibgadu has just started build-depending on something that doesn't exist yet08:21
seb128in fact it was recently removed08:21
cjwatsonThat's source.08:21
cjwatsonThe automake1.11 source package only built an automake binary, now superseded by automake1.13 source08:22
cjwatsonEric said he was going to upload a compat source, but apparently hasn't (yet?)08:22
seb128well that version of libgadu is in debian stable and built in ubuntu08:22
seb128it's year old08:22
cjwatsonAh, that's because the old automake provided automake1.1108:22
cjwatsonBut migration doesn't check build-depends08:22
seb128well, in any case I will just change it to use automake non versionned08:22
seb128I was more puzzled at why that was happening08:22
cjwatsonThat's probably the right answer; if it fails with 1.13 and is intractable to fix, switch it to automake1.1008:23
seb128cjwatson, thanks for the explanations08:23
StevenKVersion numbers directly in source package names makes me sad. But automaken is all kinds of special.08:23
cjwatsonWhich is probably good enough for most purposes08:23
pittiseb128: note that automake 1.13 changes quite some things, so maybe that explicit 1.11 dep was deliberate?08:23
cjwatsonStevenK: Mostly it isn't any more - it's legacy attitudes08:23
seb128pitti, I will try automake1.1008:23
cjwatsonIME automake1.13 is only really an issue (not counting things that are trivial to fix up) if you're relying on the old serial test harness08:24
StevenKcjwatson: If both source and binary change, it can lead to fun migrations. But I said, automake is special, and switching versions may make your package go boom.08:24
cjwatsonRight, just saying, that's a lot less common than it used to be with old automake08:24
cjwatsonEven the big changes in 1.13 only managed to cause problems for one of my packages08:25
pitticjwatson: or if your package uses gtk-doc, or VALAFLAGS, or forgot AM_PROG_AR08:25
pittiI have some commits in umockdev to make it work with 1.1308:25
cjwatsonAM_PROG_AR is one of the trivial things08:25
cjwatsonI wasn't counting that because it's so easy to fix up08:25
cjwatsonThese days I'm fairly strongly of the opinion that the net best answer is to b-d on dh-autoreconf, use that, and fix things up for newest automake where necessary; just because that frees you of having to patch generated files08:27
cjwatsonBut it does rely on the maintainer being awake :)08:27
xnoxI'd be ok with parallel test harness (it is quicker), if dh_auto_test would somehow sort and echo the tests logs into the buildlog. Often there is useful and/or non-fatal output that can be relevant.08:39
pittiyeah, that's my main gripe with it08:40
pittiit spits out "3 failures", and nothing else, which is ridiculously unhelpful08:40
pittiso in every package you then had to go ahead and find and cat the test logs of failures -- a test runner just ought to do that by default08:41
xnoxpitti: just check the relevant.log file, oh wait the buildd has deleted that already =)08:41
pittixnox: but even locally, if I do "make check", it's an annoying extra step08:41
cjwatsonxnox: I think Automake itself should do that on failures, not dh_auto_test.  Could you ask upstream about that?08:42
cjwatson(If it's not already a FAQ somewhere ...)08:42
xnoxcjwatson: I would want that to happen on success as well. But yeah, upstream should provide a facility to do so (display logs) and/or provide relevant targets to achieve that.08:43
tvosscjwatson, ping08:43
cjwatsonVariable to choose whether you want it on success, perhaps.  I wouldn't normally08:43
cjwatsontvoss: No need to ping when I'm already talking08:43
cjwatsonI'm clearly here :)08:44
pitticjwatson: +1 (on being silent on success)08:44
tvosscjwatson, fair point :) quick one: do we have NITZ support, yet?08:44
cjwatsonWhat is NITZ?08:44
cjwatsonhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NITZ ?08:44
cjwatsonFirst I've heard of it08:44
tvosscjwatson, let's discuss in #ubuntu-touch, sorry for the noise08:45
cjwatsonjibel: Sorry, apparently I hadn't had enough coffee when I was looking at adt-britney's behaviour with upstart; I was looking at the dependencies from the previous package in the loop instead ...08:58
cjwatsonSo if you're scratching your head over that, you can stop :-)08:58
* xnox now knows that NITZ is the thing that gets my time wrong in Latvia09:00
jibelcjwatson, thanks, I'm at my 3rd cup of coffee to find where the error was. Enough caffeine for today :)09:01
jibelmeanwhile, I'm adding support for an arbitrary level of reverse dependencies.09:01
cjwatsonjibel: Does http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764067/ look right to you?  Without that, is_newer_dependency never finds anything since self.depends hasn't been set09:03
seb128hum, some other automake1.11 depwaits: jack-audio-connection-kit jbig2dec ijs09:03
xnoxok about optional on success. E.g. procenv package want to display its output even on success, cause it's more or less the sole purpose of the package. I was more thinking along the lines of "how do I check that particular test did run, and which branch if it's conditional" in case of upstart it only has 17 test binaries, but for test_conf the output can be "no inotify available skipping half of test_conf.c"09:03
cjwatsonxnox: I get the impression that the preferred way to handle the latter in current automake is to use TAP09:05
jibelcjwatson, with that change it would compare the version from the request file to the latest version in the archive. What we want is compare the version in the request file to the last version tested (i.e version in the status file)09:50
jibelI think is_newer_dependency should return True when self.depends is empty, that'd mean this is a new package.09:50
jibelWe could even completely skip the version dependency check if the package has never been tested09:50
jibelcjwatson, do you agree with this?09:51
seb128@pilot in10:03
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: infinity, seb128
shadeslayerogra_: stgraber android-tools are broken10:03
shadeslayeron saucy10:03
ogra_whats broken10:04
shadeslayerthe upstart script to start adbd10:04
ogra_works fine here10:04
ogra_oh, thats a packaging error i think10:06
* ogra_ checks10:06
ogra_shadeslayer, you are in a chroot i assume ?10:07
shadeslayerogra_: nope10:07
shadeslayersaucy install on my laptop10:07
xnoxogra_: i can fix it.10:07
ogra_shadeslayer, ugh, you *never ever* want to install that package on a non android device10:08
ogra_android-tools-adbd is the daemon10:08
ogra_needs kernel support10:08
shadeslayermaje it unavailable on x86 then?10:09
ogra_why ?10:09
ogra_if we ever support x86 android devices we want to be able to use it10:09
xnoxshadeslayer: android is available on x86, despite _us_ not making an x86 android images yet.10:09
shadeslayeroh good point10:09
xnoxogra_: i guess, it should just not start gracefully.10:09
ogra_that apt-get install is pretty blindly just installing everything10:10
ogra_xnox, yeah, dh_installinit --no-start is surely needed10:10
ogra_and probably a more verbose description ... i dont think it says that  you need android kernel support10:11
xnoxogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764221/ ?10:12
ogra_shadeslayer, note that there will soon be more packages prefixed with android- that will ship actual bionic based binaries10:12
shadeslayerogra_: ack, will keep that in mind10:12
ogra_xnox, yeah, looks good10:12
ogra_we should still have --no-start though ... in case you roll a rootfs on an Ubuntu phone/tablet10:13
ogra_(or check if we are running inside a chroot or some such)10:15
ogra_xnox, btw, while i look at that job, do you know a way to have the pre-start script run as root but have adbd starting as an unprivileged user ?10:16
ogra_using setuid also makes pre-start run as that user10:17
xnoxogra_: can I just pretend that people that "roll a rootfs on an Ubuntu phone/tablet" or run "inside a chroot or some such" can figure out what they need to run where & properly use .override and/or not start any daemons =_10:17
ogra_well, we could tell them if they complain for sure :)10:18
ogra_i agree its a corner case10:18
xnoxogra_: often requested feature. atm setuid is for everything. One can use two jobs adbd-setup and adbd. Do you think adbd should be allowed to set those variables unconditionally? in that case next upstart has apparmor support and one could allow non-priviledged process write into those files (unless my apparmor understanding is horribly wrong)10:20
ogra_xnox, well, i'm not sure yet how we want adbd to be used at all ...  it would theoretically be good to have it start as nonprivileged user and if you call adb root on the host PC have it switch to root ... but i'm not sure if thats possible at all in our setup10:22
ogra_i'm not sure if we will keep adbd in a final image ...10:22
* jdstrand is lacking context, but apparmor can't be used to elevate privileges beyond what DAC would allow10:22
ogra_if we do it would be good to mimic android behavior so exiting documentation works for us as well10:23
xnoxjdstrand: ack, thanks.10:23
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ogra_the bit i fear is that this works only  for a certain system user with a certain hardcoded PID (android uses such a scheme all over the place)10:24
ogra_(usually the kernel has such stuff hardcoded)10:25
jdstrand@pilot in10:25
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: infinity, jdstrand, seb128
xnoxogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764247/10:25
xnoxogra_: but, if you want "adb root" to work that means adbd will have root/sudo privileges. In that case you can simply do "echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/class/.../enable >/dev/null" and use setuid/setgid =)10:26
ogra_xnox, yeah, well, that patch would also need user creation and i fear the kernel has a PID or GID hardcoded for accessing that sysfs node10:28
ogra_so the user creation would have to force a UID ...10:28
seb128jdstrand, hey, what items of the queue are you looking at? (just to avoid conflicts)10:28
seb128jdstrand, I'm doing the qt4x-11 one atm10:28
ogra_seems to actually be 101110:28
jdstrandI am planning on looking at 'security' ones first, then there is an iptables merge that will be added to the list shortly10:29
seb128jdstrand, ok, no conflict then, thanks ;-)10:29
ogra_hmm, touch there is also 2000 (shell)10:29
jdstrandseb128: not atm, no :)10:29
jdstrandbut if I move on I'll be sure to coordinate10:29
seb128jdstrand, thanks10:30
shadeslayerogra_: just to make sure I have the right scripts, this is the live-build script used by the ubuntu-touch images for saucy right? https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/touch-preview-images/ubuntu-build-phablet-saucy/view/head:/configure10:34
ogra_this is the jenkins live build script, right10:34
ogra_(will be dropped soon)10:34
shadeslayernewer script?10:35
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ogra_the ones we use for the official images (not called -preview) are in lvecd-rootfs10:35
shadeslayerI see10:36
ogra_(note that the hack scripts in the ubuntu-touch subfolder will all go away as well)10:36
ogra_xnox, want to upload the first fix ? i thing the user/privilege handling is a thing for later, once we know what we want10:40
xnoxogra_: ack.10:41
jdstrandstgraber: hi! around? if so, can you change the status of https://code.launchpad.net/~sdeziel/ubuntu/raring/openvpn/fix-for-lp1184223/+merge/165760 to 'Rejected'10:44
jdstrandstgraber: and https://code.launchpad.net/~sdeziel/ubuntu/raring/mysql-5.5/fix-for-lp1185573/+merge/166379 as Merged?10:45
pittijdstrand: can do10:49
jdstrandpitti: ah, thanks! :)10:49
jdstrandstgraber: nm10:49
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cjwatsonjibel: Ah, yes, I think that makes more sense - the thing I was observing was that adt-britney was never actually scheduling any requests.  It makes sense that adt-britney should be the thing that keeps track of what's last been tested11:07
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seb128pitti, can you mark https://code.launchpad.net/~jm-leddy/ubuntu/precise/x11proto-core/micmute/+merge/167620 as merged?11:27
seb128pitti, can you mark https://code.launchpad.net/~le-businessman/ubuntu/raring/libcommoncpp2/fix-for-1176058/+merge/166377 work in progress as well?11:44
pittiseb128: bien sûr11:45
pittiseb128: let me consider it :)11:47
pittiseb128: hm, hang on, you can't set to WIP? that sounds wrong11:47
seb128pitti, I can't edit MRs targetted to stable series11:48
seb128pitti, danke11:48
pittioh, for stables11:48
seb128pitti, that one is for raring11:48
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jdstrandseb128: fyi, I plan to look at https://code.launchpad.net/~le-businessman/ubuntu/raring/libcommoncpp2/fix-for-1176058/+merge/166377 later11:52
seb128jdstrand, ok11:58
jibelcjwatson, r191 fixes a bug when a request file is provided. It processed all the packages with a testsuite not only those in the request file leading to a very weird list of dependencies in the generated request file.12:01
cjwatsonjibel: Thanks12:17
pittitseliot: FYI, I'm uploading a new u-d-common; it'll depwait, needs someone to review bug 1190926 first12:26
ubottubug 1190926 in umockdev (Ubuntu) "[MIR] umockdev" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119092612:26
pittitseliot: this fixes the test suite again12:26
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tseliotpitti: ah, good, I'll have a look at the code, more out of curiosity as I'm not familiar with umockdev12:28
pittitseliot: argh, forgot to port debian/tests/, will do that now12:29
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seb128pitti, could you put https://code.launchpad.net/~pataquets/ubuntu/precise/avidemux/avidemux-bug-1041144/+merge/121341 as work in progress?13:04
argesjdstrand: hi. Just got your email. Thanks for the feedback, revewing the debdiff. Did you want me to run the QA tests on it now?13:15
pittiseb128: s4re13:15
pittiseb128: d6ne13:15
seb128pitti, th1nks13:15
pittiargh, that was numlock13:16
pittinot a feeble attempt at l33tsp34k :)13:16
seb128I was not sure, it's friday after all :p13:16
seb128pitti, https://code.launchpad.net/~jm-leddy/ubuntu/precise/x11proto-core/micmute/+merge/167620 as merged as well please? ;-)13:19
pittiseb128: done13:20
seb128pitti, danke13:21
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jdstrandarges: feel free to do so for experience sake, but I already did it all and uploaded :)13:28
jdstrandarges: and thank *you* for the merge :)13:29
argesjdstrand: no problem, thanks for the review! i'll look through the QA info since I do want to learn it.13:29
jdstrandarges: I suggest reading scripts/README13:31
jdstrandarges: (for the qrt bits)13:31
argesjdstrand: will do.13:32
jdstrandhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/BuildEnvironment explains how to setup sbuild (which is useful in and of itself) but also umt, which is the tool the security team (and others) use for building packages13:33
argesok I have a set of schroots for each series/arch on my machine, how does umt compare to just using sbuild?13:34
jdstrandit just makes automatable things automated, performs various checks and allows you to do things like compare build logs and binaries easily13:35
jibelpitti, WRT umockdev package test, when run from a source tree, adt-run builds the package in $TMPDIR/ubtree0-ubtree/real-tree/ but when run from a dsc it builds the package in $TMPDIR/dsc0-build/umockdev-0.2.613:36
pittijibel: ooh - that's why it fails in jenkins13:37
pittijibel: thanks for pointing out13:37
argesjdstrand: cool thanks13:37
jibelpitti, IMO adt-run should cd to real-tree when build-needed is set and package is built from source13:37
pittijibel: I agree13:37
jibelpitti, so if you change your hack to [ -d real-tree ] && cd real-tree13:37
jibelpitti, it should work in both cases13:37
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kenvandinemardy, you mentioned you were going to review seb128's translations branch13:55
kenvandinemardy, are you working on that or do you want me to do it?13:55
mardykenvandine: oops13:55
mardykenvandine: please do it :-)13:55
kenvandinewill do13:55
kenvandinemardy, i plan to do the same for ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts too13:56
seb128kenvandine, mardy: whoever does win a free beer for next time we see each others, that made me waste quite some time since yesterday, I've 4 stacked branches and I screwed a few times keeping them in sync13:56
mardykenvandine: makes sense13:56
kenvandineseb128, yay... i win :)13:56
seb128kenvandine, ;-)13:56
mardyseb128: I don't drink beer, that's why I let Ken win ;-)13:56
kenvandinehaha :)13:57
kenvandinemardy, such a nice guy!13:57
seb128mardy, damn, what drink should I put on the table next time? ;-)13:57
mardyseb128: I'm not fond of any drink in particular. My weakness is ice-cream :-)13:58
seb128oh, that works too!13:58
pittiooooh, ice cream!13:58
pittic'est toujours l'heure du glace !13:58
seb128larsu swapped the beer he owned me for an icecream last time13:59
seb128that was nice as well13:59
seb128pitti, en effet ;-)13:59
pittiseb128: pas de glace à train ici :(13:59
pitti"dans le train"13:59
seb128pitti, ton train s'arrête à quelle heure ? peut être une glace après le voyage...14:00
pittiseb128: je vais arriver à 16:30 -- beaucoup de temps pour de glace :)14:01
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seb128pitti, enjoy ;-)14:06
pittiseb128: I will :)14:06
seb128@pilot out14:17
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: infinity, jdstrand
seb128jdstrand, sponsoring queue is all yours ;-)14:17
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=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
chiluk infinity, jdstrand can I get some love on the precise unity upload?  I'm eagerly awaiting a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/108318614:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1083186 in unity (Ubuntu Quantal) "icaclient windows "dancing" when decorated" [Undecided,New]14:39
chilukit looks like compiz changes might also be needed for that unity sru.14:42
* jdstrand defers to a member of the sru team14:42
jdstrandchiluk: I could help get something uploaded, but a member of the sru team needs to approve it14:43
chilukit's already in the upload queue14:43
Laneyhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/142376050/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-amd64.db5.3_5.3.21-1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ← what is going on here?14:43
* jdstrand nods14:43
chilukjust unapproved.14:43
jdstrandchiluk: yes, you need a member of ubuntu-sru. you happened to ping one a moment ago :)14:44
LaneyThe linker line looks correct... is it to do with the symbols being versioned?14:44
LaneyI tried with gold and it built.14:45
chilukreally?  I thought once it got uploaded it was already approved by the sru team.14:45
Laneydoko: ^?14:45
jdstrandchiluk: no, people can just upload whenever they want, but it goes into the unapproved queue. at that point a member of the sru team can review it and approve it14:47
chilukalright, thanks for the clarification.  I'm still new to this process.14:47
jdstrandchiluk: of course, for them to notice it, the bug needs to be in a certain state. this is detailed in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates14:47
jdstrand@pilot out14:50
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: infinity
=== ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle
jbichaseb128: simplejson is in depwait, can you upload this instead? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764930/14:57
GyrosGeierI have a Debian package that should have different Build-Depends in Ubuntu14:58
GyrosGeier(Ubuntu has Mesa 9, Debian has Mesa 8, so EGL support on Debian does not work, hence a Build-Conflict to avoid the package finding it)14:59
GyrosGeierwhat is the sanest way to handle that?14:59
bdmurrayWho could I ask about how to test a unity-webapp?15:00
seb128jbicha, will do later, I've to run for an hour or so, your diff has a conflict in debian/control and then I can't get debuild -S to work15:02
seb128'build/scripts-3.3' does not exist -- can't clean it15:02
seb128/bin/sh: 1: python3.3-dbg: not found15:02
seb128E: pybuild:245: clean: plugin distutils failed with: exit code=127: python3.3-dbg setup.py clean15:02
seb128if anybody else wants to sponsor the fix feel free15:03
seb128otherwise I will have a look when I'm back15:03
nicolacortiHi to everyone15:04
nicolacortiJust one question, i'm looking for some information on PyGTK but i think that http://www.pygtk.org/ is down15:06
jbichaseb128: yeah I don't know what's up with that, I had to install python2.7-dbg and python3.3-dbg outside mychroot for the clean step to work (and python-distutils-extra & sphinx-common)15:07
cjwatsonGyrosGeier: Since it's in the .dsc, there's no real way to handle that dynamically if the package is precisely in sync; there'll have to be an Ubuntu-specific patch to the package which gets merged as you upload new versions to Debian15:07
cjwatsonAssuming there's definitely no way to express the Build-{Depends,Conflicts} in a way that works on both15:07
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dokoLaney, link the library with -ldl15:09
dokoafk now15:09
Laneyit is15:09
dokono, that's the executable15:10
GyrosGeiercjwatson, if mesa 9 is available, use mesa 9 and libgbm 9; otherwise, conflict with libgbm15:17
GyrosGeiercjwatson, it could be done with | constructs, but I'm not sure whether buildds will stumble over that15:17
cjwatsonGyrosGeier: One thing that's useful to know is that Debian's buildds (AFAIK) only ever look at the first entry in an |-list, while Ubuntu's buildds will attempt alternatives15:18
pitticjwatson: btw, haskell-yasod is failing again; does "cabal: At least the following dependencies are missing: clientsession ==0.8.*" sound like a missing dependency or are packages out of sync?15:18
ScottKGyrosGeier: You could use a versioned conflicts perhaps.15:19
cjwatsonIt's sometimes possible to construct something that works both ways using that trick15:19
* GyrosGeier tries15:19
tvossseb128, ping15:20
cjwatsonpitti: Looking15:21
pitticjwatson: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-adt-haskell-yesod/11/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/ FYI15:22
cjwatsonpitti: I think it's fixed upstream - I'll see if it's possible to upgrade15:22
cjwatsonpitti: Yep, there was an upstream release that fixes just this and doesn't pull in other major stuff.  I'll package that in Debian15:30
pittinice, thanks15:30
pittiI was just wondering because it succeeded a few days ago15:31
cjwatsonYeah, we had to upgrade haskell-clientsession in the interim15:32
cjwatsonAnd the scaffolding stuff in haskell-yesod is unusual enough that it isn't caught by our scripts that check for coherency15:32
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GyrosGeierGet: 87 http://ftp.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring/main llvm-3.2-runtime amd64 3.2-2ubuntu5 [30.7 kB]15:59
GyrosGeierGet: 88 http://ftp.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring/universe llvm-runtime amd64 1:3.2-16~exp1 [2388 B]15:59
GyrosGeierthat smells fishy16:00
infinityGyrosGeier: What's fishy about it?16:01
GyrosGeierinfinity, parts of llvm in main, parts in universe, and some with epoch (as in Debian), some without16:04
infinityGyrosGeier: Parts in main, parts in universe, is par for the course.16:04
infinityGyrosGeier: The epoch-and-not is because those come from two different source packages.16:04
infinityGyrosGeier: The bits that are in main are the bare minimum for the other things in main that require certain llvm bits.  We don't even pretend to support the entire clang/llvm toolchain.16:06
GyrosGeierah okay16:06
* GyrosGeier is going to have fun watching beignet burn then16:06
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chilukinfinity what needs to happen in order to get the latest precise unity upload accepted?  I see you are part of the SRU team.  The bug I care about is https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/108318616:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1083186 in unity (Ubuntu Quantal) "icaclient windows "dancing" when decorated" [Undecided,New]16:14
chilukbut the unity team bundles bugs together into sru releases https://launchpad.net/unity/+milestone/5.20.016:15
infinitychiluk: It just needs a queue review.  We'll get there.  I wasted a bunch of time reviewing raring unity SRUs yesterday that LP then rejected, so once I get over that grumpiness, I'll hit up the precise ones, which shouldn't suffer the same problems. :P16:16
chilukthanks ...16:17
chilukah you probably approved the fix to mesa yesterday, that I finally have... thanks for that too.. It was getting annoying not being able to use the dash or alt-tab16:18
barryxnox: hi, are you around?  you were the last one to upload emacs24.  wondering if you had any problems building it locally? both the saucy version and my branch with a small fix fail16:23
GyrosGeierevil hack, but works16:25
GyrosGeier(until doko uploads clang with an epoch)16:25
* GyrosGeier wonders if there is or should be a package that can be used as a build-dep that takes little space and can never be installed on Ubuntu16:26
sergiusensxnox: hey, just learned that you will package android... my question is what should I apt-get to get the x-toolchain?16:37
xnoxsergiusens: you can use the very dangerous ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test ppa. I would recommend to create a chroot/schroot and enable that ppa inside there. And then you can get the gcc-arm-linux-androideabi from there.16:40
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xnoxsergiusens: be careful with that ppa, as it can have highly experimental / test toolchains which are not supported in any way or shape =)16:40
xnoxit's doko's playground.16:40
infinity@pilot out16:42
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
* infinity coughs.16:42
sergiusensxnox: thanks! Well I wanted to start checking it out to build without the packaging in the middle so you had an easier time with whatever errors may show up16:44
seb128tvoss, hey, pong (was out for some exercice)16:48
tvossseb128, no worries, all good16:48
seb128tvoss, good ;-)16:52
xnoxsergiusens: well, we don't know for sure if that cross-compiler builds anything sane yet =))))))16:57
sergiusensxnox: well, I'll be finding that out ;-)16:57
hallyn_psivaa: arges: Bit of a long shot, but I'm wondering whether the recent precise qemu-kvm precise SRU is causing the test failures in ceph and lxc17:04
hallyn_psivaa: I don't have admin rights on aldebaran, could we build a qemu-kvm package on it with the lastest change reversed, and see if tests pass?17:04
hallyn_arges: maybe i was wrong, and reversing that change *is* urgent...17:04
argeshallyn_: yea would be good to see if that's causing those failures17:05
hallyn_that's bad bad bad ifso17:06
hallyn_oh, no.17:06
hallyn_arges: psivaa: never mind, it's on the previous version of qemu17:07
hallyn_never mind, ignore me, thanks17:07
argeswhat kind of failure is it? corruption?17:07
psivaahallyn_: ack :)17:09
hallyn_arges: seems like an inexplicable hang during testcases17:10
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hallyn_could be python bug?17:14
hallyn_ 2476 root      20   0 21232  11m  960 R  99.5  2.3 526:48.59 python17:14
hallyn_except when i try what it's doing (subprocess.cmd of debootstrap) it works fine...17:14
hallyn_it's just non-stop doing selects17:15
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rsalvetislangasek: hey, would you mind approving https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-1305-phablet-ubuntufication ?18:16
rsalvetidon't think we have anyone in our team that's capable of approving blueprints for ubuntu18:17
slangasekrsalveti: done18:18
rsalvetislangasek: thanks18:18
manishev: ping. please check your mail (@ubuntu.com one)18:26
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mterrypitti, why does umockdev use dh_auto_test || true?19:41
mterrypitti, ah yes, because it uses dep8 for the tests19:42
slangasekmterry: how does that explain?  surely it should still be wired up in such a way that dh_auto_test can pass successfully?19:44
mterryslangasek, well, it's not an explanation, but I believe I remember talking to him about this before.  There are tests that require installation, which are used in dep8.  During build, he runs tests anyway, but doesn't care about results.  It would be nicer if he just selectively ran some of the tests during build, but...19:45
slangasekright, agreed :)19:46
LaneyI bet it's rather because the tests don't all pass on ppc ;-)19:47
Laneywhere's the script to synthesise the .pc directory?19:50
GyrosGeierdoes the import from Debian to universe work automatically, or does someone have to prod something?20:05
jtaylorGyrosGeier: its automatic for apckages without ubuntu diff20:06
GyrosGeierit has a diff, which no longer applies because I've tricked the control file to DTRT on Ubuntu20:17
GyrosGeieri.e. the diff is unneeded now20:18
jtayloruse requestsync20:20
jtaylorand describe why the delta can be dropped in the bug report it will create20:21
jtaylorits in the ubuntu-dev-tools package20:22
GyrosGeierI'm on Debian20:38
GyrosGeierthe only Ubuntu system I have is my pbuilder20:38
GyrosGeierThe package in question is beignet, if anyone wants to do me a small favour :)20:40
jtaylorit works from debian20:40
jtaylorbut you do need a lp account20:40
* GyrosGeier installs20:41
GyrosGeierah excellent20:42
* GyrosGeier goes out, after all it is Friday20:43
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