
=== Guest26134 is now known as jbicha
jbichafor taking screenshots of menus, a workaround is to open the screenshot app and do a screenshot with a delay of a few seconds00:26
jbichathere's a long-standing bug preventing things like "media keys" or even the screensaver activating when a menu is open00:26
jbichathere's probably quite a few bug fixes (like for GNOME Fallback) that can be backported to 12.04 LTS but since most of us don't run 12.04 any more, we're waiting for somebody to do the patching and the testing00:27
darkxstjbicha, pushed updated panels patch lp branch00:33
aamerjbicha, thank you, an example of a screenshot program that i can use?00:34
aamerand jbicha, I'm using ubuntu 12.04 LTS with GNOME Fallback, I just need to find where to set the Application menu height, this is gonna solve my problem.00:38
jbichaaamer: Ubuntu comes with a screenshot app; I think it's in Accessories00:40
jbichawhat theme are you using?00:40
jbichaand have you changed the font size00:41
aamerit's an emerald's theme and yes, I believe the theme has something to do with that, but I don't know where to fix it, the theme is called professional, it uses vrunner, but the same issue happens when i use the theme "new hope" this one uses pixmap, or any other emerald theme as far as I can tell, I like emerald themes they look so good! :( and I took a screenshot thanks to you, im gonna upload00:54
aamerthat was to jbicha00:55
jbichaas long as it doesn't happen with Ambiance, Radiance, or Adwaita, then the only thing I can recommend is that you contact the theme creators00:55
aamer 01:08
aamerjbicha please take a look, the same problem is happening with the default theme01:08
jbichaaamer: I'm aware of a bug like that that was fixed at some point but I don't remember if it was fixed for 12.04 LTS or not01:09
aamerSonikkuAmerica what do u think? now u c the screenshot01:28
SonikkuAmericaaamer: I told you to ask in #cairo-dock01:28
SonikkuAmericaBecause that's where the issue really is01:28
aamerSonikkuAmerica I did, nobody's answering01:29
aamerSonikkuAmerica I don't think so01:29
SonikkuAmericaaamer: You might ask in the main #ubuntu channel then...01:29
aamerOkay SonikkuAmerica thanx again :)01:29
aamerOMG that room is really full :)01:31
SonikkuAmericaaamer: I'm surprised you didn't show up there first01:32
=== jbicha is now known as Guest85286
=== Guest85286 is now known as jbicha_
aamerSonikkuAmerica I'm surprised that even there, nobody's answering, although i believe many people should be having the same problem.01:59
SonikkuAmericaaamer: Well it is a Cairo-Dock issue; maybe file a support ticket at http://www.glx-dock.org/ ?02:00
aamerSonikkuAmerica, do u know how to get the classic panel back?02:02
SonikkuAmericaaamer: install gnome-panel02:02
SonikkuAmericaaamer: If you didn't already that is02:03
bjsniderhow can he be using an emerald theme at this point? emerald is dead02:12
bjsniderhe's using compiz/emerald and cairo-dock. this isn't 2005 anymore02:14
SonikkuAmericabjsnider: Neither am I in Kansas. So many people still use BackTrack02:14
bjsnideraamer, you're using compiz/emerald and cairo-dock?02:18
aamerbjsnider yes, too much right?02:18
aamerbjsnider I was just thinking there's a conflict between them regarding handling the type of session02:19
bjsnideremerald is dead i think02:19
bjsnidercompiz is on the table with no pulse02:19
bjsnideri dunno about cairo-dock02:19
bjsniderbut this is such old stuff maybe it would be better to use an old distro like lucid or hardy02:20
aameru know I decided to use the unity panel and dash along with compiz and emerald, I think I'm giving up cairo dock.02:22
aamerbjsnider they won't die until someone else brings the same beautiful stuff, and I think nobody will02:23
bjsnideri'm fully satisfied with adwaita/mutter02:24
aamerespecially compiz, it's amazing, and the latest version has a compatibility plugin for unity so the guys are working02:25
aamerdid u c my desktop?02:25
bjsnideri tried compiz for a while back in the bush years, and i decided it was pure nonsense02:26
bjsniderit's glitter02:26
bjsniderno substance02:26
aamerthere's an emerald theme called professional I just changed the font of the title bar, returned it to ubuntu 11 which i think is very beautiful,02:26
bjsnideremerald is the least comprehensible eye candy. it's just the window borders. i care about what's inside the windows, not their borders02:27
SonikkuAmericaI'd say GNOME is enough eye-candy unto itself02:32
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as T_T
aamerwell that depends on how ur eyes r into candy :)02:45
|kiraHeyy, I'm wondering is 13.04 is stable enough for workstation use.03:29
Sz48Hi everyone06:19
Sz48Hi everyone06:19
Sz48I have an issue within ubuntu 13.04 after I installed GNOME 3 Desktop...there's someone who can help me to check why epipany is taking the accounts from the previous Desktop Environment (UNITY) instead of the GNOME ONLINE ACCOUNTS?06:21
=== phoenix is now known as Guest62883
jbichadarkxst: I think we should drop gnome-media (provides gnome-sound-recorder which looks broken here)13:17
jbichaand tracker-gui (provides a search app and a search preferences app) - I think GNOME Shell's search & Nautilus mostly fill that need13:17
Munchorjbicha: tracker-gui has gnome-search-tool?13:19
SonikkuAmerica!de | erle-14:12
ubot5erle-: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:12
erle-SonikkuAmerica, i know, it was a misplacement14:15
erle-its only satire, so never mind14:15
erle-somebody found "arabic chopped pork" in a grocery's advertisement14:16
SonikkuAmericaOh how ironic.14:16
SonikkuAmericajbicha: I'm all set to test; just have to wait for the ISOs to download.20:44
darkxstjbicha, yeh gnome-media seems kind of pointless21:52
jbichaseb128 wants a Sound Recorder app in the default Ubuntu install but I don't see much need for it21:54
darkxsttracker-gui preferences is useful, but hardly needs to in default install21:54
darkxstjbicha, I am sure the few people who want to record sound can find something in USC :)22:04
jbichaI think my trouble logging into Unity earlier was fallout from gnome-menus being a bit broken; that should be cleaned up now23:03
bjsnideri asked cosimoc awhile back why sushi windows would bounce around before arriving at the center of the screen when they appear. he said it had something to do with the borked way gtk calculates screen positioning. that was a couple of cycles ago and it still isn't fixed23:06
bjsniderstill bounces around until it gets to the center23:06

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