
=== kentb-oout is now known as kentb
=== kentb-oout is now known as kentb
antarus_cjwatson: qq for you or anyone else17:12
antarus_preseeds for d-i for precise17:12
antarus_we are preseeding apt-setup/use_mirror boolean false17:12
antarus_but apt-setup's 50mirror is still calling choose-mirror17:12
antarus_I'm curious if the type matters...should it be string false and not boolean false?17:13
antarus_in 50mirror, it definitely calls db_get apt-setup/use_mirror and checks for $RET = false17:13
antarus_it looks like in https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt it is 'boolean false' there as well :/17:14
antarus_but for some reason choose-mirror is not being skipped for us17:14
=== antarus_ is now known as antarus
cjwatsonType doesn't matter17:17
cjwatsonGet an installer syslog with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer as a boot parameter and I can have a look at that17:17
antaruscjwatson: yeah it looks similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/choose-mirror/+bug/60078917:18
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 600789 in choose-mirror (Ubuntu) ""d-i mirror/*" does not work on presseding" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:18
antaruswe don't actually preseed the mirror17:18
cjwatsonI'd rather look at a syslog independently17:18
* antarus nods17:19
cjwatsonI don't think that bug is related and it contains some misinformation by way of guesses17:19
antaruswill DEBCONF_DEBUG tell me what RET contains in 50mirror? :)17:19
antaruswell that I will go that route next ;)17:19
cjwatsonIt's a trace of all debconf activity17:19
cjwatsonCan take practice to read though, much like (say) strace - feel free to just hand me the log17:20
antarusdoes it log all the stuff to syslog?17:20
antarusor to the console?17:20
cjwatsonnote that it will include passwords, since it's analogous to strace and doesn't sanitise things17:20
cjwatsonso don't use anything sensitive in the preseed file17:21
antarusI'll use my best judgement ;)17:21
=== danjared_ is now known as danjared
* antarus sighs at d-i18:51
antaruscjwatson: hrm, my pxe tool is apaprently downcasing the DEBCONF_DEBUG line to debconf_debug=developer, do you know if that will break that feature?20:27
antarusaha, fixed it20:47
antarusI hate d-i so much21:07
antarusIs it possible to force d-i to skip steps?21:36
=== kentb is now known as kentbout

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