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dholbachgood morning06:49
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mfischLaney: you around?14:26
Laneymfisch: yeah14:31
mfischLaney: so I had a SRU I started, and didi uploaded it to "unapproved", but I've been unable to find that queue to confirm it's there14:31
Laneye.g. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+queue?queue_state=114:32
mfischgah, I had that link last week and lost it, thanks14:32
mfischthere's my package14:32
mfischand I assume someone from the SRU team goes through this list every so often?14:33
geserbookmark the page :)14:33
LaneyI sweear that used to be linked from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring14:33
Laneyit's in my address bar history14:33
geserthere are some pages in LP where it's easier to remember the URL than where the link to that page is14:34
ScottKmfisch: That's correct.14:34
Laneyman, if that ever gets wiped14:34
mfischI had the saucy one and thought I had a bookmark14:34
ScottKIt is linked14:34
mfischgood thing the Laneymark service is still working14:34
ScottKLook at "All uploads" to the right of the latest uplaods.14:34
ScottKIt defaults to New rather than Unapproved, but you're on the right page.14:35
Laneyah yes14:35
LaneyI thought it was on the right there14:35
mfischinteresting that armhf is "unofficial"14:36
ScottKIt's not really.14:38
ScottKIt's on ports.ubuntu.com instead of archive.ubuntu.com, which used to map to official/unofficial, but doesn't anymore.14:38
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Eggman2013i installed ubuntu from a netinstall.  I only have to base system with console.  How do I get the desktop?19:17
ScottKEggman2013: What desktop do you want?19:21
Eggman2013I think gnome19:21
Eggman2013do you know why UNetbootin would install just the base system and not full ubuntu?19:22
Unit193You can install ubuntu-gnome-desktop or gnome-shell, but this isn't so much of a support channel.19:22
ScottKYou probably want #ubuntu to discuss this, but sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop should get you what you're after.19:23
Laneyxnox: any reason the db5.3 changes can't go to debian?19:44
lifelesswin 8320:12
Laneycan someone manage to get git-buildpackage -S to produce a source package from git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-db/db6.0.git ? :(21:18
* Laney is failing bad21:18
jtaylorLaney: works for me if you drop the bad patch (or fix it)21:26
Laneyfix it?21:27
LaneyI reverse applied it21:27
jtaylorI dropped it from series and it worked21:27
LaneyI was hoping to keep it there21:27
Laneybut committing the patch -p1 -R breaks weirdly21:28
jtaylorprobably its applied in the orig tar?21:29
Laneyoh is that what happens in that case?21:29
jtaylordiff to upstream shows no modification besides debian21:29

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