=== A is now known as Guest60391 [03:53] Did you folks have any plans to do anything with epubs? I remember talk a bit back about sigil, but pretty sure that didn't go anywhere... [04:04] hey Unit193, akgraner and silverlion were the ones on that stuff [04:10] Unit193: Convert the MoinMoin markup to Markdown or HTML and then turn "pandoc" loose on it and you'll get epubs generated. It would need some fine-tuning but it could be done. [04:10] skellat: Not what I was asking. [04:11] JoseeAntonioR: Yeah, know what came of it? [04:11] nope, at all [04:12] Ok, thanks. === G4MBY is now known as PaulW2U [06:49] good morning [12:31] JoseeAntonioR, no time on my schedule at the moment for the epubs [12:32] Ah, alright. I was looking at the nightmare they call sigil, and updated the packaging (such that it is) for the new release (based on qt5, which isn't fully functional in raring but builds in saucy.) [12:35] Unit193, I think there are some other ways we can do an epub, but I won't have anytime until after 13 July when I get back from Dublin (Linaro Connect Europe) [12:37] No problem at all, if you want to look into pre-built debian install... (non-official quality) === g4mby is now known as PaulW2U [22:20] pleia2, hey [22:20] are you around? [22:22] jono: hey [22:22] pleia2, hey, about set to announce the certificates [22:22] if I send a post would you mind putting it on the fridge? [22:22] jono: sure [22:22] thanks, will be 2 mins [22:24] pleia2, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5766151/ [22:24] thanks! [22:24] oops [22:24] need to fix it [22:24] missed the end of a line [22:25] pleia2, ok, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5766157/ [22:25] sorry about that [22:27] jono: done http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/06/14/certificates-for-ubuntu-members/ [22:28] thanks pleia2!