
geniiThis person who keeps dropping the last character off the end of commands is starting to annoy me02:10
* genii thinks about !prayer and recomposes02:11
elkysince daftykins is insisting on trying to undermine everything i say in -ot, could someone else help me stop this deviation into suicide discussion?02:48
elkyor whatever hateball is trying to do02:49
IdleOneDon't know how much it helped but I tried.02:51
bazhang<wtf911> http://stop-irc-bullying.eu/stop      thats a new one08:51
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bazhangnor will dist-upgrade  I wonder why so many people get that wrong15:35
LjLbecause the name seems self-descriptive?15:42
bazhangwonder if thats a debian thing, or some other distro15:43
LjLit's Debian but it doesn't "upgrade to a new version" on Debian either. it's simply *meant* as a smarter way than simple "upgrade" for when you're doing some big upgrades that shuffle packages around, such as a release upgrade15:43
LjLso yes it's meant for dist upgrades, no it doesn't actually perform dist upgrades unless you change sources.list first15:44
DJonesTo me Update gives the idea that it updates software already installed, Upgrade suggests upgrading to a new version15:44
bazhangdebian still relies on aptitude full-upgrade if memory serves15:44
bazhangyeah fedora has that15:45
ubottuUh, don't you mean !apt ?15:45
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Seveasit's troll feeding time in -offtopic20:12
Seveasif feeding time is over, a kick wouldn't be too bad I think20:12
Seveasnevermind, he left20:13
DJonesHmmh, I think Seveas should be given the job of dealing with HFSPlus next time he trolls20:18
lotuspsychjehi i have a little request20:49
lotuspsychjei know the policy is not a trigger for everything, but a triiger for 'additional drivers' in #ubuntu would be very handy20:50
lotuspsychjeas most users never check that section20:50
geniiHm. http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi doesn't seem to like two word searches. Like for: additional drivers    ...for instance20:55
Unit193There doesn't seem to be anything and Jockey also isn't listed.  Did you know you could pull it up with software-properties-gtk --open-tab=4 ?  Though, it's far less useful than it used to be.21:01
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
LjLDJones: i'm pretty sure Seveas has dealt with HFSPlus a lot in the past21:49

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