
balloonssmartboyhw, !?!02:18
smartboyhwballoons: Finished exam, hi!02:18
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, \o02:19
smartboyhwHey SergioMeneses02:19
balloonswonderful.. welcome back!02:19
smartboyhwSeems like I lost yesterday's hackfest eh?02:19
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, hi! how's everything?02:21
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, yes, you did02:21
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: Meh02:22
balloonssmartboyhw, I'm off for the evening, but you can still hack my friend02:42
balloonsI hope everything is going well with you.. Jackson has been missing you :-)02:42
balloonsgood night02:43
smartboyhwballoons: lol at Noskcaj. GN.02:43
pittiGood morning04:04
Noskcajgood afternoon elfy06:14
elfyhi Noskcaj06:15
Noskcajelfy, FYI: The manual testcase format has changed slightly. it's now worded <dd>This happens</dd>06:24
elfyI know06:25
Noskcajjust checking06:25
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smartboyhwwb SergioMeneses13:06
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, hi! Im arriving at office jeje13:07
SergioMenesesand what about you smartboyhw ?13:07
elfyhi SergioMeneses13:10
SergioMeneseselfy, hi13:14
elfySergioMeneses: I've almost finished the thunar test - got a couple of little ones to do - do you want some help with the gnumeric one? if you do - you got some idea of how we can work on the same thing?13:20
elfyor at least close enough to finish to let someone look ...13:21
SergioMeneseselfy, I spent these days working on Audaity testcase, if you want to help with Gumeric, I dont have any problem ;) feel free and I would give you a hand later... I expect to finish Audacity test this week13:22
elfyok - so you've not actually started it yet?13:22
elfyjust so I know :)13:22
SergioMeneseselfy, no I dont :S13:23
elfyok - that's cool - didn't want to redo anything :)13:23
SergioMenesesbut elfy do you know audacity? I'll need some reviews later13:24
elfyI looked at it a while ago - but for specific reasons - I can look13:24
elfythat's something I need to talk to balloons about - perms to merge stuff13:25
smartboyhwelfy: What's your idea for the perms?13:32
elfynothing to worry yourslef about smartboyhw13:34
smartboyhwelfy: I haven't written testcases for a long time, but aren't testcase names supposed to be set for every <dl> element?14:08
elfywho said that?14:08
elfywhere does it say that even?14:08
smartboyhwelfy: In the testcases???14:09
elfywhere is that requirement documented?14:09
smartboyhwelfy: I dunno, but it is just as usual, like in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-testcase/ubuntu-manual-tests/trunk/view/head:/testcases/packages/1422_Gnome%20Terminal%20Tests14:11
elfynone that I've done have been like that and have all been merged14:11
elfyif it NEEDS to be like that then it should be documented as such and not left to people to guess14:12
smartboyhwHmm, balloons needs to set the standard…14:12
elfyand to be frank - the chances of me even looking at an ubuntu testcase are pretty much zero ;)14:13
smartboyhwphillw: Any ideas? ^14:14
elfyI have no interest in them at all at the moment - there are at the moment, 32 ones that affect Xubuntu - guess which I'll look at :)14:14
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balloonssmartboyhw_, elfy most of those testcase names you see are from the old style testcases14:41
balloonsand yes many new cases have been merged with them, but so have many been merged without :-) It's not a requirement at this point14:42
smartboyhw_balloons: ACK sure;)14:42
elfyballoons: when you've got 10 minutes can you ping me in PM - no rush, I assume you're filling up with caffeine ...14:45
smartboyhw_balloons: How did Noskcaj think when many people criticized his mod? (I like it)14:47
SergioMeneseselfy, I saw the change on the bug! thanks for helping ;)14:49
elfythat's ok - thought if I assigned me I'd get on and do it :D14:49
SergioMeneseselfy, perfect14:50
elfySergioMeneses: how much detail did you anticipate for the test ?14:50
elfyI tend to overdo it perhaps :)14:50
SergioMeneseselfy, all application14:50
SergioMenesesdo you work only on parts?14:51
elfyno - I'd be going through every menu item14:51
balloonssmartboyhw_, I'm not sure I was gone when it happened also14:51
smartboyhw_balloons: Eh…14:52
SergioMeneseselfy, but it depends, now Audacity has a big interface so Im working on all14:52
smartboyhw_Well, at least Noskcaj got on to OMG!Ubuntu faster than most of us here…14:52
elfySergioMeneses: yep understood14:53
smartboyhw_balloons: You should sponsor him a bit;P14:53
elfysmartboyhw_: if I ever get on OMGwtf I will be gone14:53
SergioMeneseselfy, ;) these weekend audacity testcase will be available  :)14:53
smartboyhw_elfy: LOL14:53
elfyok - well weekend I'm in and out - but next week I'm not working till Thursday14:53
smartboyhw_elfy: Speaking about that, jcastro wanted to reinvent the Forums, what will you guys do?14:56
elfyyou just don't stop do you14:56
elfythis is the ubuntu quality channel14:56
balloonslol, I thin k smartboyhw_ is pretty bottled up elfy being gone so long14:58
balloonsplay nice in the quality sandbox smartboyhw_ :-)14:58
balloonssmartboyhw_, I'm only teasing you!14:59
* smartboyhw_ kicks balloons in his butt.14:59
balloonsI am so glad your back again14:59
balloonsbut yes, things change fast around here don't they?14:59
smartboyhw_balloons: Yep14:59
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sir`oGoshsosen, mache mich vom acker, wünsche n schoenes we :]15:29
elfyballoons: he he he - so release schedule has been changed - so cadence schedule is now wrong :p15:37
balloonselfy, I figured15:37
balloonsI didn't get a notice it changed15:37
elfyI just got one15:38
balloonsit's been updated: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseSchedule15:38
balloonsI'm going to juggle our schedule now15:39
elfygood luck15:40
balloonsbut regardless need to get things setup for next week15:40
smartboyhw_balloons: What will the cadence week include?15:48
balloonssmartboyhw_, everything, remember?15:48
smartboyhw_balloons: Ah yeah:P15:49
balloonsI'm going to add all the default ubuntu apps.. then folks like elfy can put out stuff for xubuntu default as well, and so on15:49
smartboyhw_phillw: So both alphas for you guys now?15:49
balloonsphillw, can add lubuntu15:49
=== balloons changed the topic of #ubuntu-quality to: Welcome to Ubuntu Quality | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam
=== balloons changed the topic of #ubuntu-quality to: Welcome to Ubuntu Quality | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam | Cadence Week 1 starts June 15th! | Cadence Week Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Cadence/Saucy
SergioMeneseslunch time... see ya17:03
balloonsenjoy SergioMeneses17:03
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elopioballoons: my test case https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-filemanager-app/fix1188732-test_open_directory/+merge/16934017:52
balloonselopio, cool.. everything worked out then?17:53
elopioballoons: yes. On saucy I can inspect the tree17:53
elopioand with your change on the emulator, now I can click the button.17:53
balloonselopio, heh.. imagine that.17:54
balloonsso something is broken on raring.. did we get a bug filed for it, or could no-one else confirm on raring it was an issue?17:54
elopioballoons: I think I'm the only one running raring :)17:55
elopioI can fire up a vm and try to reproduce it there.17:55
balloonsyea.. I just don't want it to slide under the radar as a potential bug17:55
elfyballoons: while I'm reminded, when I boot I get this " systemd-udevd[337]: NAME="autopilot-uinput" ignored, kernel device nodes can not be renamed; please fix it in /lib/udev/rules.d/61-autopilot-uinput.rules:2"18:05
elfynot done anything about it other than put the kettle on when I reboot18:05
balloonselfy, yes than that's a known issue18:05
balloonslet me find it.. won't hurt anything :-)18:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 1188824 in Autopilot "/dev/autopilot-uinput and udev rules files does not exist" [High,Confirmed]18:06
elfyballoons: ok - thanks :)18:38
balloonshey Noskcaj19:29
Noskcajhello balloons19:29
Noskcajyou have merges waiting19:29
balloonsI know it! I'm trying to get cadence week setup done19:29
Noskcajballoons, that could be difficult19:30
balloonsNoskcaj, what do you mean?19:31
Noskcajdon't you have to update a heap of wiki pages too, or is it just send an email?19:32
Noskcajalso, you have a new tester email19:34
balloonsNoskcaj, heap of wiki pages?19:34
balloonsohh.. right, yea all those, heh.. under the new system we won't need a wiki page for each week19:34
Skini151Hi all20:38
Skini151i have a question20:39
Skini151The cadence week 1 will start tommorow and i need to know can i test iso images with "test drive" or need to install on real machine?20:40
samgabbayhi guys i neeed to know if i would still  be able to test on lubuntu cause i have an oldlaptop20:46
Skini151write some specs20:46
samgabbaycasue i wanna do iso and cadence weeek20:46
samgabbaycan i just show you the hp link with computer specs?20:47
balloonsSkini151, you can do cadence testing with just an iso if you wish20:47
balloonsit's easier if you have a full install that your using (it can even be a VM) but you can test in a live session20:48
samgabbaylike guys i love ubuntu trust me its like my lvoe20:48
samgabbaybut my unity is SLOWWWW20:48
samgabbayhere are my specs20:48
balloonssamgabbay, you can test on any flavor you wish :-)20:48
samgabbaybut tell me20:48
balloonsit's rare for a bug to only affect a flavor, but it does happen20:48
samgabbaycan i get like unity 2d20:49
samgabbaycause lookk at my specs20:49
balloons12.04 was the last unity 2d20:49
samgabbaybut can i have it on 13.0420:50
samgabbaycause i wanna keep ubuntu20:50
balloonssadly no20:50
samgabbaybut just cause i have a really old low spec poop pc20:50
samgabbayand my school pc is with windows 7 and UBUNTU CERTIFIED20:50
samgabbaybut i wanna keep this bud running i just want it to go faster20:50
samgabbaycan you take a look?20:50
samgabbayballoons, ..20:51
Skini151i install lubuntu on netbook with old processor with only 1.0 GHZ and 512 Ram with only 4 GB hard drive and it works good20:51
samgabbaySkini151, but did you try testing and all?20:51
Skini151you can do live session test20:52
samgabbayhow do i do that20:52
samgabbaylike what i mean is for cadence20:52
samgabbayand the future20:52
balloonssamgabbay, Skini151 let me link you to the tutorial20:52
samgabbaythank you soo much guys20:52
Skini151you the BOSS20:52
samgabbayi cant wait FOR CADENCE20:52
samgabbayseperatly il put ubuntu alongside20:53
samgabbayon a vbox20:53
samgabbayjust like my xp20:53
samgabbayso that i still have my best friend20:53
balloonsit explains how to do it with an installed version or a livecd20:53
samgabbay<3 ubuntu <320:53
samgabbayany of you guys not running ubuntu like another distro?20:53
samgabbaywhhat are you running?20:54
Skini151only UBUNTU20:54
samgabbaylubuntu kubuntu ?20:54
samgabbayand is it tha same?20:54
samgabbaythan ubuntu20:54
elfyuses xfce20:55
samgabbaywhat does it do?20:55
Skini151Another desktop environment20:55
Skini151wait a sec20:55
elfySkini151: not just that - uses some different apps20:56
Skini151read this for more info20:56
Skini151by default yes20:56
samgabbayis there software center?20:56
samgabbaylike guys20:56
samgabbayheres my issue20:56
Skini151but you can insyall another apps if you want20:56
samgabbayi love ubuntu but my pc is just old20:56
samgabbayand i badly wanna keep it fast and all20:56
samgabbaybut first ati isint supported for mobility radeon:(20:57
samgabbayand yea20:57
samgabbayso i need you guys to tell me what i should use instead20:57
elfyballoons: thanks for your help with those perms - have a good weekend - I'm off now20:57
samgabbayany suggestions? (that will still let me test no matter :))20:58
Skini151use every flavour20:58
Noskcajsamgabbay, use xubuntu20:58
Noskcajor lubuntu20:58
samgabbaywhats faster?\20:58
Noskcajballoons, you have more serges20:58
samgabbayxubuntu or lu20:58
Skini151and choose one that suite you more20:58
Noskcajsamgabbay, similar20:58
samgabbayso there both the same?20:58
elfy!enter | samgabbay20:58
ubot5samgabbay: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:58
samgabbay!bot what the f***20:59
ubot5samgabbay: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:59
Skini151they use low memory than other20:59
elfysamgabbay: xubuntu won't be doing cadence week 120:59
Noskcajballoons, *merges20:59
samgabbaySkini151, witch one do you recommend mostly for cadence and all20:59
samgabbayelfy,  oh like if i have to test do i put it on a vm?20:59
balloonsyes lubuntu and xubuntu are both good choices to run if you need a low-memory machine20:59
Noskcajsamgabbay, if you're running VMs in it, either.20:59
balloonsthe only testing you can't do is on unity20:59
balloonsyou can install and run all the other apps and test them just fine21:00
samgabbayballoons, i ussually just do like iso testing21:00
elfywhy are you fixating on cadence - testing needs to go on between now and release :)21:00
samgabbayand ask ubuntu assistance21:00
samgabbaycause i love CADENCE <321:00
elfyxubuntu always needs testers21:00
elfyright - well I tend not to love things that I can't actually touch ;)21:00
elfyanyway - night all21:00
Noskcajg'night elfy21:00
Skini151Good night21:00
samgabbaymeh i just want a faster linux ubuntu distro21:01
Noskcajsamgabbay, calm down, install xubuntu and then run tests in a VM21:01
Noskcajmostly the calm down bit21:01
samgabbayim sorry21:01
samgabbayloook i feeel in pure love with ubuntu i use it 24/7 i answer question i install it on other machines im literally adicted21:01
samgabbayno joek21:02
balloonsno worries, no worries.. :-)21:02
samgabbayi just love it and im gonna cry if i leave ubuntu21:02
samgabbaynot cry but you see21:02
samgabbayhurt feeelings rofl its my new windows21:02
Noskcajjust try xubuntu21:03
Noskcaji have to go, my parents don't want me on the PC21:04
elfynight Noskcaj21:04
Skini151G N!21:04
balloonsenjoy your weekend Noskcaj21:04
Noskcajballoons, will do, i'll have a big update for my case mod today, watch planet.ubuntu21:05
balloonsNoskcaj, excellent! I like your style on cases21:06
Noskcajfar too many people though that the sketchup was my final plan21:06
balloonsyea, that's ok.. when you finish it completely you'll have to get that post published round21:07
Skini151what post?21:07
Skini151give me link21:08
NoskcajSkini151, noskcaj10.wordpress.com21:08
Skini151nice blog21:09
samgabbaybtw guys do i have to remove ubuntu or can i have just the xubuntu-desktop package installed21:09
Noskcajsamgabbay, take your pick, you can also dual-boot them21:10
Skini151ohh i understand21:10
Skini151the case21:10
balloonssamgabbay, just add xubuntu-desktop if your ok with having both21:10
balloonsyou can then boot into etheir one21:10
NoskcajSkini151, thanks. i'll make a poll to choose what case i mod later today21:10
samgabbayi wouldnt mind but will it be same speed??21:10
Skini151it will be a cool thing if case change color21:11
Noskcajsamgabbay, pretty much21:11
balloonsshouldn't have any real effect on performance21:11
NoskcajSkini151, i might use RGB LEDs21:11
samgabbayballoons, alright sweet il get to it21:11
Skini151Noskcaj, i can say just GOOD LUCK , if i can support you somehow just say21:13
elopioballoons: I think I have something nice with the emulator21:13
elopiolet me upload it.21:13
balloonselopio, ohh..21:14
* balloons waits!21:14
NoskcajSkini151, i wanted to get a crowdfunding thing, but being 14 made problems21:14
samgabbayalright guys i got one last question would i be able to acess my ubuntu files on xubuntu21:14
elopioballoons: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-filemanager-app/ubuntusdk_emulator/+merge/16954221:14
Skini151Noskcaj, find a tutor21:15
Noskcajsamgabbay, yes21:15
NoskcajSkini151, what do you mean?21:15
elopioballoons: let me know what do you think. And you can also hate it, don't worry :)21:15
Noskcajsamgabbay, think of xubuntu as a re-skinned ubuntu21:15
samgabbaySWEET omg21:15
samgabbaycant wait21:15
Noskcajsamgabbay, remember you can test whenever, not just candence21:16
samgabbayi test iso21:16
samgabbaydont worrry21:16
samgabbayi do tuns21:16
samgabbayand mostly answer on  askubuntu21:16
Noskcaj!enter | samgabbay21:17
ubot5samgabbay: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:17
samgabbay!ubot u mind?21:17
ubot5Yum! Err, I mean, APT!21:17
samgabbay!ubot5 OH HELL NO21:18
ubot5samgabbay: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:18
balloonsit scrolls the conversation and makes it very hard to read.21:18
samgabbaydont start with me bot -_-21:18
Noskcajsamgabbay, stop arguing with the bot. also, you seem to be trying very hard to prove that age doesn't equal maturity (i'm younger than you)21:18
* Noskcaj needs food, will be back soon21:19
samgabbayhow old are ya? and im a fun person too man21:19
Skini151samgabbay use ","  instead of "Enter"21:20
* Noskcaj facepalms again21:20
Noskcajsamgabbay, 1421:20
samgabbayok?, im just a fun person  too man i joke around just chill :)21:21
samgabbayGuys, im done installing the desktop packedge do i reboot|?21:21
Skini151Noskcaj, you use test drive or install iso images on actual machine21:21
samgabbayi guess its a yes alright guys be right back21:22
NoskcajSkini151, you can21:23
Noskcaji read the question wrong. i don't have any real hardware i can test on, i use testdrive21:24
Noskcaji used to have a ibook as well, but it broke21:24
Skini151Noskcaj,will be the results on VM  the same in real machine21:26
NoskcajSkini151, most of the time21:26
Noskcajsamgabbay, yeah?21:26
samgabbayNow, i keep getting crash issues21:26
Noskcajsamgabbay, report lots of bugs, that's our job21:26
samgabbaylike i just got xubuntu it says jockey-common 0.9.7-0ubuntu1321:27
samgabbayand another one21:27
samgabbayoh my goodness21:27
Skini151jockey is tool that install aditional drivers21:27
samgabbayEverytime i click cancel the pop up comes back21:28
samgabbayit stopped21:28
Skini151 you're testing now>?21:29
samgabbayno installing xubuntu=done21:29
Skini151read some forums if you have problems or try google, or askubuntu if you have some bugs21:30
samgabbaydude i think i know why im getting crash, due to ubuntu packedges21:31
samgabbayyea cause i have java and all21:31
samgabbayso its probably porting them21:31
Skini151ok , i i'm off21:33
balloonselopio, I kept waiting and waiting lol21:40
balloonsI see your message now above21:40
elopioballoons: :)21:40
balloonsnice.. but you dropped a few functions21:41
balloonsohh yes maindWindow looks better21:42
balloonsi would really like to cleanup __init__.py a bit more21:42
balloonsmoving more of that out somehow21:42
elopioballoons: I just wanted to show it to you, so I stripped all the things I can't test here.21:44
balloonselopio, so yea overall I think it's an improvemtn21:44
balloonsyou combined it up a bit nicer21:44
elopioballoons: it's not yet usable, because of bug #119116421:45
ubot5bug 1191164 in Autopilot "Can't access the properties of a custom emulator" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119116421:45
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
balloonselopio, hmm..21:45
elopioI found a workaround for my case, but not a real solution. So we'll have to wait for thomi or veebers or somebody that understands about this.21:45
balloonsright that makes sense.. I like the experimentation21:46
Noskcaj10balloons, If you have time, can you approve a few of my manual tests21:46
balloonspeople are going to be able to take this further than I can21:46
balloonsNoskcaj10, it will be tomorrow.. I'm finishing the cadence week 1 stuff21:46
balloonsthen I'll merge your new stuff.. I discovered a problem with my syncing, so i'm holding off21:46
Noskcaj10ok, hopefully howard will be back some time today. i found a problem with us helping testdrive tough21:47
elopioand that's all the autopilot I can do for this week, I'll switch context now.21:48
elopiosee you next week qa community.21:49
Noskcaj10good bye elopio21:51
balloonsenjoy your weekend elopio !21:53

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