
phunyguyhello... I am probably doing something wrong here, but I am trying to get upstart to startx with xbmc-standalone process for my new media PC on a ubuntu server install. I have /etc/init/xbmc.conf set up to run the command, but it never runs... am I missing something?  I don't know much about upstart.00:04
phunyguyI can login as the user that it runs as and type the startx command, and it runs perfectly.00:05
sarnoldphunyguy: servers don't typically have X installed, you may have better luck in #ubuntu00:06
phunyguyyeah I installed it00:06
phunyguyand I doubt it :(00:06
sarnoldhehe, could be :/00:07
phunyguybut in theory, if you just put a .conf in /etc/init, with the proper parameters, upstart should start it, right?00:08
sarnoldphunyguy: I think lightdm can be configured to log in a given user without bothering with password.. that might be easier than dealing with 'startx' manually from an upstart script00:08
phunyguyor am I way off there? I just think I am missing a step somewhere00:08
phunyguysarnold: that's the thing, it works as expected if I type the command manually.00:09
phunyguyso essentially the way lightdm would be started, I just want it to start xbmc instead.00:09
qman__phunyguy, it's going to be way easier to just use a normal desktop manager and configure it to automatically do what you want than to try and make startx run by itself00:19
qman__people already figured out how to start X on boot, no need to reinvent the wheel00:19
phunyguyI didn't think it would be that difficult.... I followed a how-to, but it's just... not working.  I suppose I can have lightdm call xbmc for it's session.... no?00:20
phunyguyWOW lightdm pulls in a TON of dependencies....00:22
phunyguythat was what I was trying to avoid.  :(00:22
phunyguyand sarnold, I asked in #ubuntu and got what I expected.  "Why not just use XBMCbuntu".  Ugh...00:23
phunyguyI don't want the easy way out, I want it to be what I want it to be.  :)00:24
qman__try with --no-install-recommends00:24
phunyguythat's better00:25
phunyguy3 packages is better than 30/00:25
qman__being a desktop manager, it's going to recommend a lot of desktop stuff00:25
phunyguyyeah it was all unity related poop.00:25
qman__and if lightdm won't do what you want, there's always xdm00:27
phunyguyWOOHOO!!  Got it.  Thanks!00:31
phunyguythis is pretty.  Got it using a custom xbmc boot splash screen, then when it launches xbmc it uses the same logo as the boot splash for the app splash, just the dots dissappear... that looks neat.  Then xbmc pops up!  Thank you for your help.00:32
sarnoldphunyguy: nice :)00:33
EDocToorHello sarnold , I think that I have to put "export LS_COLORS=$LS_COLORS:"di=01;34":"di=01;33"" into my ~/.bashrc ... but where?00:38
EDocToorto change the BLUE to YELLOW00:39
EDocTooror do I ~# dircolors -p > ~/.dircolors00:40
EDocToorand edit the di=01;33 and somehow edit the bashrc to read the file00:41
EDocToorI get so close.. but too afraid to muck up00:41
sarnoldEDocToor: note the bit in your ~/.bashrc near # enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases00:42
EDocToorI am there..00:43
dacdaveAnybody using landscape to manage ubuntu servers?00:43
dacdaveI have a server running natty (11.04). Having trouble installing landscape-client. "Failed to fetch..." serveral times.00:46
dacdaveWorked fine from server running precise (12.04 LTS).00:47
sarnolddacdave: natty reached end-of-life about seven months ago: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases00:49
sarnolddacdave: natty's replacement reached end of life about one month ago00:49
EDocToorsarnold, add this line within the # enable if statement... maybe .... """  alias di='di --color=01;33'   """00:51
sarnoldEDocToor: heh, probably easier would be to modify your ~/.dircolors file00:51
EDocToorsarnold how do I run the .bashrc to see if a change has occurred00:54
sarnoldEDocToor: "source .bashrc"00:55
EDocToorit seems man uses too many words that I don't understand00:55
sarnoldEDocToor: but 'source' gets old, you can also run ". .bashrc"00:55
EDocToorI have YELLOW directories01:02
dacdaveSo I have to manually install precise before I can add this server to landscape?01:02
dacdaveThat's what I did on my first server, but was hoping for a better path for the other four. :(01:03
sarnolddacdave: you -might- be able to use the old-releases to install landscape, and -that- might be able to help you upgrade..01:03
dacdaveThanks. I just started my trial of landscape, and I have a support ticket in with Canonical. I'll wait until I hear something from them.01:05
sarnoldah cool, they'll probably know better than I will :)01:05
EDocToorsarnold, it turns out to be : dircolors -p > ~/.dircolors ::: edit .dircolors DIR 01;33 # directory ::: and . .bashrc ::: After Reboot the DIRECTORIES are in fact YELLOW01:18
sarnoldEDocToor: well done :)01:18
sarnoldreboot wasn't strictly necessary, you just needed to source the ~/.bashrc in whichever shells you still had open01:18
sarnoldbut still, that was a few steps :) hehe01:19
EDocToordid I understand the man... not very well... but I'll watch this channel to learn the words.. REBOOT was my way of saying perminint without admitting that I can not spell it.. to tell the truth01:20
sarnoldEDocToor: haha :) a new command to learn; install the bsdmainutils and wamerican packages, and you can use the 'look' command to look up words by the first few letters :) 'look perm' returns only 47 words, which makes it easy to see how to spell the word you're after. :)01:23
EDocToorsarnold.. is that on a command line server... or install on the GUI client01:25
sarnoldEDocToor: whichever one is most convenient.01:26
EDocToordo you know why my "locate" doesn't always seem to locate?01:26
EDocToorI guess I have to learn to grep01:27
sarnoldEDocToor: the locate database is rebuilt only occasionally01:27
EDocToormakes sense01:27
EDocToorI am so pleased with my yellow directory01:28
EDocToorbbl have to stand for a bit.. thank you very very much01:28
sarnoldwhen I first started with linux I actually went to the effort of using a full-text indexing engine to index the entire hard drive for keywords. I could recall the keywords I wanted to change, just not where the files were located. ;) I don't thnk I'd recommend it, but I do recall spending forever trying to remember file locations.01:28
EDocToorI read the MS-DOS 3.1 front to back three times... and wrote batch files that were 5 to 7 pages long...01:30
EDocToorSo I am very old01:31
EDocTooris what I am saying01:31
EDocTooras I see I am dating myself01:31
sarnoldnice. when I started with dos, 5.0 had just been released and was the shiny new thing. :)01:31
* genii gets nostalgic for dos 3.301:32
* thumper remembers cpm01:33
geniithumper: Me too :)01:33
hallynthumper: .01:40
thumperhallyn: oh hai01:40
thumperhallyn: I have a couple of lxc questions, but nothing urgent01:40
thumperso I'll put them into an email01:40
thumperOTP right now01:40
hallynthumper: ok, thanks :)  ttyl01:40
EDocToorYes, bill figured out that an end user OS that didn't require a degree in programming would make him rich.. thats what I like about UBUNTU... it is exactly what the end users are looking for...01:41
EDocToorlike Sheldon Cooper 'big bang theory' says, "I ammmmm back"02:33
adam_g_jamespage, zul needed for CA http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/ca/folsom/keystone_2013.1.1-0ubuntu2.1~cloud0/02:53
EDocToorI am lonely03:41
EDocToorI am tall03:58
EDocTooranyone home... hehe03:58
airtonixis there any way to disable screen lock on byobu? (on aws ubuntu instances the default ubuntu user doesn't have a password)06:31
thelamestany Piwik users here, does the database grow linearly forever or does it more or less stabilize after 4 months when old archives are removed?08:37
lifelessthelamest: whats Piwik?08:38
thelamestlifeless: website statistics, somewhat fancier than webalizer/awstats08:39
progre55Hi guys. When I do a "grep -a <some_pattern>" on the entire device in /dev/sda, I find some matching text, but when I do a recursive grep on the mounted partition, it finds nothing. Is there a way of finding that data and getting rid of it? Are there any tools that clean the deleted sectors of a disk?08:39
lifelessthere are08:40
lifelessprogre55: apt-get install secure-delete08:40
progre55lifeless: but how do I find what I want to delete? I mean, I don't have a file-pointer to the data.. or does secure-delete take care of that, too?08:42
lifelessprogre55: I understood your question :)08:42
lifelessprogre55: read the description of secure-delete if you're not sure, but it's small.... install it, read the man page, enjoy.08:43
lifelessprogre55: note that secure delete on SSD's is actually ridiculously hard.08:43
lifeless[and secure-delete is probably not going to be effective at it, even though it will fix it for the simple case of grep]08:44
progre55lifeless: thanks a lot, will give it a shot08:47
liquid-silencehi all09:56
liquid-silenceI need a tool that can monitor my router for traffic via upnp09:56
liquid-silenceas it does not support snmp09:56
slybootsAfternoon folk10:00
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slybootsIm just thinking about something.. is there any notworthy difference between SATA-150/300?10:18
slybootsLooking at a SAS card for my little home NAS, found something on eBay but its ony SATA150..10:18
slybootswell Im thinking if your just using SATA physical disks10:26
slybootsIn a "home" enviroment, would the different between SATA3 and SATA1.5 be that noticable10:26
mardraumdepends what you do at home I guess10:26
liquid-silenceno one knows?10:28
liquid-silencehmm anyone know of a tool that can do upnp monitoring of network interfaces?10:28
liquid-silenceI need to monitor a router that does not support snmp10:29
slybootsI suppose what Im thinking if if Im moving a 1Tb file to the NAS to a SATA 1.5, what sorta speeds would I be likly to see10:29
_ruben_upnp isn't meant for monitoring afaik10:29
slybootsRight now Im getting about 80/90MB a sec on SATA3 disks10:29
_ruben_you wont get much more out of a single sata disk10:30
_ruben_also, buying a sas card is rather overkill when using sata disks10:31
_ruben_also, the bus usually isn't the limiting factor. in most scenarios at least10:32
slyboots_ruben_: I just need more space.  and I can get a low-grade SAS card for next to nothing10:32
smbzul, libvirt 1.0.6-0ubuntu1 installed on Saucy  fails to give connection from Precise virt-manager (downgrading to 1.0.5-0ubuntu1 makes it work again)10:59
smbzul, Might be because of "virKeepAliveTimerInternal:140 : No response from client 0x7f911c7d2300 after 5 keepalive messages in 31 seconds"11:00
koolhead17jamespage: around?11:33
jamespagekoolhead17, yep11:33
koolhead17found pot of gold today http://techbackground.blogspot.in/11:33
koolhead17nice written blogpost with/around quantum11:33
koolhead17jamespage: see if it helps :)11:34
jamespagekoolhead17, yeah - thats a nice feature11:34
jamespagethe quantum-gateway charm supports that for grizzly11:34
jamespagealthough I prefer config-drive myself11:35
koolhead17jamespage: :)11:35
koolhead17so all charming stuff around quantum is under your belt?11:35
* koolhead17 pokes zul 11:36
liquid-silencefsck this upnp shit11:53
ivoksdoes anyone know mox? :)12:58
pgoetz 13:41
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psivaahallyn: hello, ceph and lxc tests appear to hang with the installations from yesterday.15:25
psivaahallyn: i could not find why except that the kernel version is new from yesterday15:25
psivaahallyn: the VMs are in aldebaran if you'd like to look into it15:25
hallynpsivaa: i'm afraid not right now.  this is saucy?15:32
psivaahallyn: yes, saucy images of yesterday and today15:33
psivaahallyn: both amd64 and i386 and on lxc and ceph tests, when you have some time. ill leave the machines on15:34
hallynpsivaa: actually i'll take a look right now, asssuming my sshconfig is up to the task15:34
rbasaksmoser: good morning! Are you free to chat about netinst2ss?15:41
smbhallyn, psivaa would those tests try using libvirt from a Precise side?15:46
hallynsmb: ?15:47
psivaasmb: the vm hosts is Precise15:47
smbhallyn, Just that I had an issue this morning with connecting from precise to saucy because of latest libvirt on saucy15:47
smbDowngrading the saucy side to previous version solved it for me15:48
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hallynpsivaa: the guests don't seem to have networking15:56
hallynwell, i couldn't ping google15:56
hallynhm i guess they do15:56
hallynzul: ^15:56
* hallyn biab15:57
hallynpsivaa: please leave those vms up if you can15:57
hallyn(need to relocate)15:57
psivaahallyn: sure they will be on15:57
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mopwhy does it seems wget is downloading asynchronously?16:09
cat5any LVM'ers in the house?16:19
* RoyK^ raises a hand16:20
cat5beating my head agains the wall on this one..16:20
cat5vgcfgrestore has the 5 disks I need, and are in the machine..16:21
cat5but, a vgdisplay shows the wrong disk, and of course, won't activate.. I *must* be missing something or a step somewhere..16:21
cat5more info: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5765187/16:22
cat5if your not sure, let me know..16:22
RoyKcat5: no, not sure. I'd try #lvm16:22
cat5yeah.. I'm in there..16:23
cat5no one seems online16:23
hallyn_psivaa: seems to hang on unpacking initramfs16:30
mopanybody knows how I can wait for wget to finish before going to the next line in a bash script?16:31
* hallyn_ confused - are you backgrounding it?16:34
mopnope I'm just wget -O16:35
psivaahallyn_: ok, curious how you found it16:37
hallyn_psivaa: i just did strace -f -p `pidof debootstrap`16:40
hallyn_i don't know why it's hanging though16:40
hallyn_sorry got sidetracked with email :)  manual debootstrap works fine.  what on earth...16:41
mopok adding some & fixed it16:43
mopI think ...16:43
mopthe problem seems to be that the script exists as soon as the wget finishes16:57
mopI don't know why16:57
mopI'm doing https://dpaste.de/hYx1w/16:58
mopok the & probably shouldn't be there in any case17:00
mopok it's doing it async that's why17:02
hallyn_waait a minute17:03
mopbasically I just want to install the deb after downloading it17:04
qman__mop, why do you have & on lines 2 and 3?17:10
mopyeah that was wrong17:11
mopI removed them17:11
qman__mop, use single quotes around the URL17:12
qman__it has ampersands in it which are being parsed17:12
mophmm good catch17:13
moplet me try17:13
mopthat was indeed the problem, cheers m817:16
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hallyn_psivaa: what's the simplest utah command for running a test on a new machine by hand again?17:34
psivaahallyn_: sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:utah/stable17:35
psivaa   sudo apt-get update17:35
psivaa   sudo apt-get install utah17:35
hallyn_did that :)17:35
psivaasudo utah -r lp:ubuntu-test-cases/server/runlists/ceph.run17:35
hallyn_oh, that's it?17:35
hallyn_it'll grab its own iso?17:35
psivaahallyn_: ahh sorry this is to run the tests on an installed vm17:36
hallyn_that's helpful as well17:37
hallyn_in fact i'll start with that17:38
psivaahallyn_: run_utah_tests.py -i /abs/path/to/saucy-server-amd64.iso -p lp:ubuntu-test-cases/server/preseeds/lxc.preseed lp:ubuntu-test-cases/server/runlists/lxc.run should work as well17:38
psivaahallyn_: i mean the second one will install the vm and run the tests17:39
hallyn_psivaa: thanks17:39
psivaahallyn_: im going EOD for now :)17:40
hallyn_psivaa: have a good weekend17:40
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bradley__ok, so i connected to a wifi network and iwconfig tells me im on but im not connected to the internet and i cant even ping it says network is unreachable18:43
bradley__how would i fix this18:44
hallyn_psivaa: fwiw a custom saucy server install on my precise server passes lxc tests.  maybe it *is* related to the libvirt bug smb was mentioning.  /me needs to scroll up19:10
adam_g_zul, http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/ca/grizzly/keystone_2013.1.1-0ubuntu2.1~cloud0/ + http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/ca/folsom/keystone_2012.2.4-0ubuntu3.1~cloud0/ pweeeease19:27
Logos01Greetings, folks... I'm using an lxc container to communicate w/ my company's private network (I.e.; isolated network-stack vpn client). Trouble is, lxc defaults to using the network for containers and that's where my prod servers live for my current project... (but not inside the lxc instance).19:32
Logos01Anyone have any info on changing the subnet lxc assigns?19:32
sarnoldLogos01: check /etc/init/lxc-net.conf for details; /etc/default/lxc can override those values.19:34
Logos01File's non-existent.19:35
Logos01Or... not.19:35
koolhead11hallyn_, hey there19:35
Logos01O_o maybe I mis-CNP'd. Odd.19:35
sarnoldLogos01: or I may have mis-typed. I'm lazy enoug hto not cnp :)19:36
Logos01No, I'd done so from elsewhere.19:37
hallyn_hey koolhead1119:38
hallyn_you've been demoted?19:38
hallyn_(you used to be 17 right?)19:39
koolhead11hallyn_, yeam man. its about time. getting younger19:40
Logos01So ... I found defaults in lxc-net.conf... changed them... and yeah, /etc/default/lxc overrode it19:40
Logos01But... changes made. Awesome, thanks much!19:40
sarnoldLogos01: excellent :) have fun :)19:41
Logos01We have about 5 different cisco vpns here... none allow split tunnelling.19:42
Logos01Guess what my work-around is.19:42
koolhead11hallyn_, how have you been man?19:43
Logos01Thanks, again!19:44
hallyn_koolhead11: all right.  having a blast.  hwo about yourself?19:44
koolhead11alive/kicking can`t complain :)19:45
hallyn_played any good volleyball lately?19:47
pgoetzI'm working with the 64-bit 13.10 server, but have seen this behavior with previous OS server versions.  Does anyone have any idea why when you set up a software RAID 1, some times it shows up as /dev/md0 and other times as /dev/md127, seemingly randomly; and/or why it will switch from one to the other between the install and the first reboot?19:48
koolhead11hallyn_, no man that was the last game i played :(19:49
hallyn_all right test is running, i need to step afk to clear my head and come back to check results later - bbl19:51
ThothCastelwhat is the difference between user@server:/# and user@server:~# ?20:28
ThothCastelif type       sudo su   then I get the       user@server:/#20:29
ThothCastelif I type sudo su -     then I get the      user@server:~#20:29
ThothCastelif I am on the   user@server:~#      and type     ls       then nothing comes up20:30
ThothCastelwhat is the diference between one and the other pls?20:30
pgoetzOne is the root directory and the other the user's home directory.20:31
pgoetzNothing comes up because the directory is empty.  Type `pwd` in each case and you will see the difference.20:31
pgoetz`su -` means load the root user's environment20:32
ThothCastelhow do I kill all processes to use the shutdown command?21:11
geniiThat question doesn't make any sense.21:11
geniiThothCastel: The shutdown command will kill everything, yes. Like: sudo shutdown -h now     ...for halt, and: sudo shutdown -r now   ...for reboot. Is that what you were asking?21:14
ThothCastelgenii: yes, thank you!21:17
geniiThothCastel: You're welcome21:17
ThothCastelgenii: I am to install ldap for the first time on a virtual machine with ubuntu server 12.0421:18
ThothCastelI would like it not to use my network interface cards (wifi) so if I configure a master dns on the main virtual machine, will that be ok?21:19
ThothCastelI would like my vms to connect to each other but not to my host machine hence a dns install on the vm, right?21:20
ThothCastelam I doing it right?21:20
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geniiThothCastel: Sorry, that's not my area of knowledge.21:31
bekksThothCastel: Hmm, not that right, actually.21:41
bekksAs long as your host doesnt use the DNS vm, everything is ok. Just use intnet adapter types for your vms.21:41
submanI'm getting the following when trying to use apt-get:  dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-generic-pae:22:14
subman linux-generic-pae depends on linux-image-generic-pae (=; however:22:14
subman  Version of linux-image-generic-pae on system is
submanI've tried to fix with apt-get -f install and apt-get autoremove.  Still this issue.  Any ideas?22:17
ThothCastelis it possible to install the GUI only for selected applications? e.g. firefox  -   on a linux server without the GUI22:18
ThothCastelwhat is the default browser installed on the ubuntu server 12.04?22:23
submanThere is no default browser22:28
submanYou would need to install a command line text browser.  Like lynx22:28
submanI stand corrected, w3m is.22:29
submanw3m -v http://www.google.com for example.22:29
submanThothCastel, here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145974222:30
submanThothCastel, I just tried w3m on my server and it worked fine, I just don't remember if I actually installed it or it came default!22:31
EDocToorHowdy, everyone22:38
ThothCastelsubman: thank you22:46
submanThothCastel, no problemo22:48
ThothCastelis an LDAP in linux like having the Active Directory in Windows?23:34
Patrickdksince AD does a lot more than ldap, no23:36
ThothCastelPatrickdk: so if a company is a solution that Windows provides (AD) but with Linux, then the LDAP packages be the way forward or there are other better solutions?23:37
Patrickdklinux cannot provide AD23:38
Patrickdksamba 4 is suppost to do AD though23:38
Patrickdkldap is just one part of AD23:38
Patrickdkit's like saying, an smtp server is a email solution23:39
Patrickdkyou missing all the other parts23:39
ThothCastelPatrickdk: I see, so let's say that windows disappeared for good and we have to use linux to provide that, then Samba 4 would be the way forward or LDAP?23:40
sarnoldcan you glue together an ldap and kerberos on linux to fake up an AD today?23:40
ThothCastelor does Samba use LDAP?23:41

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