[00:40] bkerensa, you need to review this https://www.system76.com/laptops/model/galu1 [01:00] tgm4883: I agree. I asked Emma Marshall when she is going to send me one. [01:00] :) [06:44] slangasek: is it possible to accurately time to boot (lightdm) and also time to shutdown in a measureable way? Is there any tool that does this already [06:50] bkerensa: 'bootchart' for time to boot, though you will need to adjust the default config if you're measuring boot-to-lightdm vs. boot-to-desktop; and no for shutdown, because by definition at some point your filesystem gets remounted read-only, leaving you nowhere to write timing info === slangase` is now known as slangasek [21:25] bdmurray: We should have working firefox-lp-improvement by end of day [21:26] bkerensa: neat, what is happening? [21:27] bdmurray: I'm just making a new add-on the way the Firefox AMO people suggested