
Kilosmorning all06:20
magespawngood morning06:20
Kiloshi magespawn `06:21
Kilosgotta laugh at telkoms efficiency06:22
magespawnWhat have they done now?06:22
KilosKindly be advised that we are still waiting for Networking to confirm optimization on your serving tower. We are aiding the process and we will give you feedback once they given us a response.06:22
Kilosthey been waiting for 3 months now06:23
Kilosbut now i got their email addy too, ty birdie06:24
Kilosnever got replies from them before06:24
Kiloson twitter that is06:24
magespawnSo they are making some progress then06:24
Kilosthe birdie woke them up06:24
Kilosya they waiting06:24
Kilosthats good i spose06:25
magespawnBirdie tweeting in your will do that06:25
Kilosactually my connection isnt too bad anymore06:26
magespawnMaybe some people moved away06:26
Kilosthey actually l posted to me to put my cell number addy and query in a mail to service@8ta.com06:27
Kilosso i musta tweeted them some time back already from pidgin06:27
Kilosseems like birdies tweet better than pidgfins06:28
magespawni had somebody pm latelast night looking for help06:30
magespawn<eshietweb> hello06:30
magespawn<eshietweb> pls am having some issues with my ubuntu06:30
magespawn<-- eshietweb (c42ef633@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)06:30
Kiloswhat help06:30
magespawnthat is all they said06:30
Kiloshi kbmonkey 06:30
magespawnhey kbmonkey06:30
Kilosthey left nothing on here magespawn ?06:31
magespawnwill have to wait to see if they come back]06:31
magespawnnot that i saw06:31
magespawnlet me scroll06:31
Kilosyeah will try keep an eye open06:31
magespawnnot around the time they pm me anyway06:32
magespawnlooks like the wireless card on my older laptop just dies06:33
Kilosdo you know what wireless cards cost?06:33
magespawnone of those things06:33
magespawnthe laptop is too old to get a replacement, will have to be an external06:34
Kilosi tried googling but get all kindsa lappy and pc adds with wireless in06:34
magespawnanything from about R80 upwards06:34
magespawnthere was one i was looking at that has an external removable antenna06:35
Kilosare there good and bad ones, like the more they cost the better they are06:35
magespawnlets me see if i can find a lnk06:35
Kilosyeah i would need to attach an outside aerial to it06:35
Kiloshaha did you see that info about free internet with 8ta was old06:38
Kilosthe pro told me look at the date06:38
Kilosbattled to find it but was in 201206:38
kbmonkeytired -.-06:38
Kiloshe always tells me i dont read properly06:38
Kiloswhy kbmonkey ?06:39
Kiloshey how come you here onna week day?06:39
kbmonkeymaybe my bedtime too late06:39
Kilosif thats what you do when tired stay tired06:39
Kiloswe score06:40
kbmonkeyyar we switched to dsl backup at work, it does not block ssh, so I can get on here now :)06:40
kbmonkeyhope it stays like this ;)06:40
kbmonkeywork till 2-3 am each day this week06:41
kbmonkeysleep till 6 or 7, repeat06:41
Kilosgood overtime pay06:41
kbmonkeynope. this is for my personal projects06:41
kbmonkeyalso started noline course in programming06:42
kbmonkeyonline == noline? lol yes very much indeed06:42
kbmonkeykilos I can make a little app and also run it on my phone too.06:43
magespawnwhere you doing it kbmonkey?06:43
kbmonkeylong weekend too hey06:43
Kilosto do what kbmonkey 06:43
kbmonkeycoursera.org magespawn06:43
magespawnnice i had a look there too, busy with codacademy at the moment though06:44
Kilosapps must do helpful stuff06:44
kbmonkeyKilos, its called "Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps"06:44
magespawnKilos: i am not sure what chip is in that card yet, so it might not work with linux06:45
magespawnwill need to do more research06:45
Kilosoh the wireless cards chip magespawn ?06:46
magespawnyup the one inside the tp-link adapter06:47
kbmonkeywill you replace it with a pcmcia card magespawn? are those still in laptops btw?06:47
Kilosmagespawn, with that quad antenna you wont need a high gain card06:48
magespawnthis is the thing, the laptop is a compaq nx6110 and i think the internal card has stopped working so i was lloking around at new externals06:48
magespawnlooking too06:48
Kilosthe antenna wil give you what gain you need06:48
magespawnindeed and i can make my own to boost it even more if needed06:48
Kilosthat is a potent antenna that06:49
Kiloshi Squirm 06:49
Squirmno electricity since 7:406:49
magespawnhi Squirm06:49
Kiloseish Squirm 06:49
kbmonkeyhi Squirm 06:49
Kilospower is a big issue in za06:50
kbmonkeyah well I have a morning meeting then work. laters all06:50
Kilosk kbmonkey 06:50
kbmonkeygood luck with that card magespawn 06:50
Squirmit just came back on06:51
SquirmI almost had a day off06:51
Kilossay yay06:51
magespawnhow is the price differance between the two06:51
SquirmI could have gone back to sleep Kilos.06:52
Squirmnot yay06:52
Kilosmassive diffs mage06:52
Squirmbbiab. need to shutdown to take my PC of the geni06:52
Kiloshow would you connect that to a lappy06:52
Kiloseth socket06:52
Squirmwantitall is insanely expensive06:53
Squirmrather... buy it off ebay06:53
magespawnso i see, how are they staying in business?06:54
Kilospoor fly and trains06:54
Kilosno rest for the wicked Squirm 06:55
magespawnhere is the actual company product page http://www.tp-link.com/en/products/details/?model=tl-wn722nc#over06:56
Kilosi just want a plain wireless card06:58
Kiloswill use a gain antenna06:59
Kilosa diectional aerial has always been stronger than one that is omnidirectional07:00
magespawnyes i have an idea to use a dish to make a wifi  aerial, works over about 2kms07:04
Kilosno man07:04
Kilosa good aerial should do about 25 ks07:04
Kilosdishes are good07:04
Kilosthe important thing is nothing in between07:05
Kilosline of sight07:05
Kiloslook at satelite tv dishes07:06
Kiloswork very far07:06
magespawnyes indeed and this is passive and home made07:07
Kilosthe sky is the limit07:07
Kiloshi trender 07:10
magespawnbrb restart07:16
Kiloshi drussell hows things?07:23
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:31
Vince-0Hi Kilos, hoe is die skape 07:32
Kilosgoed dankie07:32
Kilosnet qal die water is geys07:32
Kilosho superfly 07:32
Kilosbad train day?07:33
Vince-0wot's qal die water is geys07:33
Kilosall the water is iced solid man07:33
Kilosoh sorry al die water07:33
Vince-0"al" is geys07:33
Kilosya skuus man07:33
Vince-0a new word for me: geys07:33
superflyKilos: you don't mean grys?07:34
Kilosi dunno what the right way of doing it is07:34
Vince-0it is pretty cold here I think it was 6C at night this week07:34
Kilosge ys07:34
Kiloswe musta been under 0°c07:34
Kilosthats why we gave the transvaal to the van der merwes way back then07:36
Vince-0So for the past couple days I've been trying to get Ubuntu to preseed a ldap client install07:36
drussellKilos: good!07:36
Vince-0what a hack07:36
Kilosworking Vince-0 ?07:37
SquirmKilos: http://www.ebay.com/itm/TP-Link-TL-WN722N-150Mbps-High-Gain-Wireless-USB-Key-/360609502926?pt=UK_Computing_USB_Wi_Fi_Adapters_Dongles&hash=item53f60056ce07:37
Vince-0meh, stupid dpkg-set-options part isn't doing what it's supposed to and documentation are thin07:39
Kilosi dunno about this stuff Squirm i will need one that has a plug for an external cable to an antenna on a pole07:41
magespawnSquirm there are suppliers here with it07:42
magespawnKilos:  these are only for wifi networks not for cellular07:42
magespawnSquirm: http://www.dbg.co.za/product_info.php?cPath=1_55_63&products_id=38007:43
Kilosya well the quad is also for wifi07:43
magespawnwho wifi are you going to use? is the a network near you07:44
Kilosya ptawug07:44
Kilosand other hotspots all over07:45
magespawnnow that would be cool07:45
magespawnone like this then http://www.dbg.co.za/product_info.php?cPath=1_5_48&products_id=16507:46
magespawnif/when i get back into/near a city that would be top of the list: joining a wug07:48
Kilosonly prob with ptawug is the dont supply internet07:48
Kilosbut lots of those with uncapped will download for you07:49
Kilosthats what they said anyway07:49
magespawnif the supply internet then they come under the icasa regulation and need a licence07:51
magespawnnow this looks like a cool toy http://is.gd/la0hTg07:51
Kilosmagespawn, you can build that quad easy man07:57
Kilosyou can even build a tower up near the game reserves garage or where the workers stay07:58
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 07:58
ThatGraemeGuyit's a longish weekend07:59
Kilosthere used to be a guy on cb there that spoke to half of natal from there07:59
ThatGraemeGuyi only found out yesterday :-o07:59
Kilosis tommorow a holiday?07:59
magespawnno monday07:59
superflyohi ThatGraemeGuy07:59
superflyThatGraemeGuy: me too08:00
magespawnhi ThatGraemeGuy08:00
magespawnhey superfly08:00
superflyhi magespawn08:00
magespawnnice surprise hey?08:00
Kilosmagespawn, also you can find the ptawug guys on irc08:00
Kilosthey sell all the equipment08:00
Kilosand give advice on what to do where08:01
magespawni think they have a site up too08:01
Kiloswb Vince-0 did you crash it?08:02
SquirmKilos: quad?08:12
Kilosits a serious aerial Squirm  i think i got the plans from magespawn 08:13
trenderits not so serious for an external earial man08:14
trenderthe quad cant handle wind08:14
ThatGraemeGuyyou shouldn't buy any wug stuff before consulting with a wugger08:14
ThatGraemeGuythat stuff is crazy complicated08:14
ThatGraemeGuyand sometimes there's a cheaper option you had no idea about depending on a number of factors08:14
SquirmThatGraemeGuy: It's not that complicated08:15
Squirmand it's actually not *that* expensive08:15
Squirmwe use the equipment around our school08:15
magespawnthat was just some stuff i pulled from youtube08:16
ThatGraemeGuyit isn't terribly expensive, but if i can spend R700 instead of R2,000 i'm not exactly going to say no08:17
magespawni was looking to build my own as an experiment08:17
Squirmmagespawn: if you want to build long range wireless networks. Look at the Ubiquiti equipment, Miro sells them08:17
SquirmKilos: do you know where the closest point of connection to you is?08:18
magespawnSquirm: i have done and uniterm as wel08:18
Kilosyou turn it like a tv antenna 08:18
Kilosand watch signal strength08:19
SquirmKilos: for about R800 you can buy the Ubiquiti Nanostation - we're running it at about 2.6km08:20
Squirmwell, 3 of them to a highsite, then about 500m from the highsite to our office08:20
magespawnbbl got a non reading cd drive to sort out08:22
Squirmthose are fun08:23
charlgood morning08:41
charlMaaz: coffee on08:41
* Maaz washes some mugs08:41
SquirmMaaz: coffee pease08:41
MaazSquirm: Sorry...08:41
SquirmMaaz: coffee pease08:41
MaazSquirm: *blink*08:41
SquirmMaaz: coffee on08:42
MaazSquirm: There's already a pot on. If you ask nicely, maybe you can have a cup08:42
SquirmMaaz: coffee please08:42
MaazSquirm: Okay08:42
SquirmMaaz: coffee please08:42
MaazSquirm: Now now, we don't want anyone getting caffeine overdoses08:42
charlhi Squirm 08:42
Kiloshi charl 08:42
charlhi Kilos 08:42
charlSquirm: ADHD? :)08:42
KilosMaaz, coffee please08:42
MaazKilos: Done08:42
SquirmMaaz: make it a LARGE cup08:43
MaazSquirm: Huh?08:43
SquirmMaaz: big cup08:43
MaazSquirm: Huh?08:43
charlSquirm: ask for a beer mug08:43
SquirmMaaz: beer bug please08:43
MaazSquirm: Sorry...08:43
SquirmMaaz: beer mug please08:43
MaazSquirm: *blink*08:43
charlMaaz: dummkopf08:43
Maazcharl: Sorry...08:43
charlMaaz: du bist ein dummkopf08:43
Maazcharl: Sorry...08:43
SquirmMaaz: coffee in a beer mug08:43
MaazSquirm: *blink*08:43
charlhi tonberryE352 08:43
SquirmI know it's possible08:43
Squirmjust can't remember what to ask for08:44
SquirmMaaz: help08:44
MaazSquirm: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.08:44
MaazAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.08:44
SquirmMaaz: help coffee08:44
MaazSquirm: Times coffee brewing and reserves cups for people. You can use it like this:08:44
Maaz  coffee (on|please)08:44
SquirmMaaz: help beer08:44
MaazSquirm: I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking about. Ask "what can you do" to browse my features.08:44
SquirmMaaz: help mug08:44
MaazSquirm: I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking about. Ask "what can you do" to browse my features.08:44
SquirmMaaz: what can you do?08:44
MaazSquirm: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.08:44
MaazAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.08:44
KilosSquirm, large08:44
* Squirm waits for his cuppa Jo to throw it back at Maaz08:45
KilosMaaz, large08:45
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Kilos08:45
SquirmMaaz: large08:45
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Squirm08:45
charlMaaz: large08:45
MaazIn a beer mug just for you charl08:45
KilosMaaz, with cremora08:45
MaazAh! At last someone with taste08:45
charlgood good now we are getting somewhere08:45
MaazCoffee's ready for charl, Squirm and Kilos!08:45
KilosMaaz, and milk08:45
MaazNow you're talking08:45
charlbah cremorah08:45
charlsynthetic crap08:45
Squirmdon't spoil your coffee with it08:45
SquirmMaaz: cremora--08:46
SquirmMaaz: karma08:46
MaazSquirm: Huh?08:46
SquirmMaaz: help karma08:46
MaazSquirm: Keeps track of karma for people and things. You can use it like this:08:46
Maaz  forget karma for <subject> [[reason]]08:46
Maaz  karma for <subject>08:46
Maaz  [reverse] karmaladder08:46
Maaz  <subject> (++|--|==|ftw|ftl) [[reason]]08:46
Squirmcremora --08:46
Squirmcremora -- Euww08:46
SquirmMaaz: cremora -- Euww08:46
MaazSquirm: Excuse me?08:46
SquirmMaaz: karmaladder08:46
MaazSquirm: 0: superfly (23), 1: cocooncrash (19), 2: tumbleweed (16), 3: maiatoday (11), 4: drubin (10), 5: Kilos (10), 6: Vhata (8), 7: morgs (8), 8: highvoltage (7), 9: confluency (6), 10: nuvolari (3), 11: Symmetria (3), 12: ubuntu-za (2), 13: russell (2), 14: |3o|3 (2), 15: yusuf (2), 16: queery (2), 17: youtube-dl (1), 18: ScorpKing (1), 19: Web Africa (1), 20:08:46
MaazLenovo (1), 21: fnb (1), 22: ibid devs (1), 23: Hodgestar (1), 24: Android (1), 25: doghou…08:46
SquirmMaaz: Squirm++08:47
MaazSquirm: You can't karma yourself!08:47
SquirmMaaz: cremora--08:47
SquirmMaaz: Kilos--08:47
tonberryE352there is karma?08:47
Squirmbut it's not working!08:47
Squirmreverse karmaladder08:47
SquirmMaaz: reverse karmaladder08:48
MaazSquirm: 0: ubuntuforums (-3), 1: tomtom (-2), 2: empathy (-2), 3: cremora (-2), 4: hal (-1), 5: virtualbox (-1), 6: KnightRider (-1), 7: car services (-1), 8: kde (-1), 9: ucf (-1), 10: virtualenv (-1), 11: drl (-1), 12: wordpress (-1), 13: Nokia (-1), 14: opendns (-1), 15: digests (-1), 16: kspread (-1), 17: --. --- --- -..   -- --- .-. -. .. -. (-1), 18: Nepomuk08:48
Maaz(-1), 19: Virtuoso (-1), 20: Strigi (-1), 21: KDE's Desktop Search (-1), 22: sars (0), 23…08:48
Squirmkarma for tomtom08:48
SquirmMaaz: karma for tomtom08:48
MaazSquirm: tomtom has karma of -208:48
SquirmMaaz: tomtom++08:48
SquirmMaaz: tomtom--08:48
SquirmMaaz: tomtom --08:48
SquirmMaaz: tomtom ++08:48
* Squirm leaves08:48
Kilosdoes the karma thing go up when you ++ someone or thing08:49
Kiloshow did i get to number 508:49
Squirmso it did work at some point08:50
superflySquirm: it still works, AFAIK. Maaz just doesn't reply when you do it08:50
superflyMaaz: tomtom--08:51
superflyMaaz: reverse karmaladder08:51
Maazsuperfly: 0: ubuntuforums (-3), 1: tomtom (-3), 2: empathy (-2), 3: cremora (-2), 4: hal (-1), 5: virtualbox (-1), 6: KnightRider (-1), 7: car services (-1), 8: kde (-1), 9: ucf (-1), 10: virtualenv (-1), 11: drl (-1), 12: wordpress (-1), 13: Nokia (-1), 14: opendns (-1), 15: digests (-1), 16: kspread (-1), 17: --. --- --- -..   -- --- .-. -. .. -. (-1), 18:08:51
MaazNepomuk (-1), 19: Virtuoso (-1), 20: Strigi (-1), 21: KDE's Desktop Search (-1), 22: sars (0), …08:51
Kilosyou the leader superfly 08:51
Kilosfar ahead08:52
superflynot sure why08:52
Squirmoh, I see cremora is -208:52
Squirmthanks superfly 08:53
KilosMaaz, cremora ++08:53
magespawnturns out they were using the wrong drive10:18
magespawnwhatis this about karma?10:18
magespawnit happens10:21
magespawnusually people are too focused in one direction, wood for the trees and all that10:21
magespawnbbl fish time11:10
Kiloswell peeps musta  ++ you when you sorted probs out11:13
Kilosdunno what i did though11:14
nuvolariooh, I haz karma11:34
nuvolariI haz a gurlfriend!11:34
nuvolari(well, you know what they say about karma)11:34
nuvolarieek, might be rude11:34
Kiloslo nuvolari 11:37
charlnuvolari: is she cute?12:12
nuvolaricharl: no clue12:30
charlnuvolari: eh, you have a girlfriend you have never seen?12:32
charleven if it was a waifu you would have still seen a picture :)12:32
nuvolaricharl: Squirm | Maaz: karmaladder12:36
Kiloskarma is his new chick man12:37
charlbah this is even more disturbing than a waifu12:38
charlnuvolari: rather get a waifu, it would be _more_ "normal" lol12:38
Kiloshi magespawn 13:13
magespawnyou people are not normal by any stretch of the imagination13:13
Kilosthem ya13:13
Kilosim innocent13:14
magespawnyou are here by extension ...13:14
Kiloswhatever that might mean ya13:14
magespawnyou know, guilty by association, well here it is mad by association13:15
Kilosya well13:15
magespawnit is not so bad once you are in13:17
charlmagespawn: lol13:25
charlhave a good weekend all13:41
Kilosai! net splits again15:53
=== deegee__ is now known as drussell
magespawnlater all home time16:13
Kiloswhew noisy bunch18:27
Kilosya a dog like that is bad news18:28
Kiloscauses lotsa hard feelings with the peeps there18:28
Kiloshm... too18:29
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:31
inetproMaaz: tell Kilos goeie nag oom19:10
Maazinetpro: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode19:10

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