
Tex_Nickeshietweb:  i would suggest trashing windoZe & keeping ubuntu ... sorry a bit of bad humor there ;-)00:02
TheteDoes anyone know by chance how I would go about compiling an ethernet driver from source and getting ubuntu to use it?00:03
b14d3Hi all. Having an issue where I can't boot into the GUI on my Ubuntu machine. LiveUSB I can boot just fine and works as normal. I've just installed the ATI drivers, but it does not appear to be working anymore. I know those are generally recommended against, and if so could someone direct me to a set up guide to an open source one?00:03
Thetenevermind, got it I think00:03
Tex_Nick!nomodeset | b14d300:07
ubottub14d3: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:07
b14d3Thanks Tex_Nick, but I actually have GRUB set up to boot nomodeset already00:08
Tex_Nickb14d3:  ahh ok ... i probably can't help you then, however you need to provide more specifics ... graphics adapter, driver etc ... in order for the channel gru's to be able to hyelp you :-)00:10
ShariffHi there00:11
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Tex_Nickchannel guru's ^00:11
b14d3Fair enough. The graphics card is an ATI, I honestly don't remember the specifics about it. The driver was run by just installing fglrx, I haven't really done anything else. Although interesting enough, the problem manifests the same way as what the nomodeset fixes.00:12
ShariffI've set up a dnsmasq server, but for some reason the hosts from /etc/hosts are not resolved on other systems on the network. Am I misunderstanding the use of dnsmasq or is there something I might be doing wrongly?00:12
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MrDyneOK I got 3.8 to boot once threw recovery and selecting run but when it reboots the top of the screen is all pixel color garbage and it doesn't do anything. No network or hard drive activity.00:12
MrDyneNever boots.00:12
ShariffThis is my conf file: http://pastebin.com/SCx2MmMS00:13
Tex_Nickb14d3:  in terminal ... sudo lshw -c display ... will provide info00:13
eshietwebthanks tex and t1l00:15
b14d3Thanks Tex_Nick, I always forget those commands. Need to learn them. Result: product: Turks [Radeon HD 6670]00:15
Tex_Nickeshietweb:  you're welcome :-)00:16
eshietwebcan we chat later together?00:16
we6jboIs there a way to run one command and then another command after the first one finishes?00:16
phunyguyHello, I did a minimal ubuntu 12.04 install with xorg and xbmc, and I just want it to start xbmc from the getgo.  I created a config in /etc/init/, but for some reason I think it is being ignored.  Any ideas?00:16
Shariffphunyguy: why not install xbmcbuntu?00:17
phunyguyBecause I wanted to do it the hard way.00:17
Tex_Nickeshietweb:  i'll always chat/help if i can00:17
Shariffphunyguy: I get that :D00:17
TheteYay, ethernet00:18
TheteI'm surprised e100e isn't included in 13.0400:18
bindihttp://www.unifiedremote.com/ is there anything like this but for ubuntu? I want to control youtube specifically..00:19
MrDyneDoes anyone have any ideas of stuff I can try to fix this unbooting upgrade.00:19
dacdaveWhere do I ask questions about connecting servers to the canonical landscape application?00:20
geniidacdave: Probably #ubuntu-server00:21
Tex_Nickb14d3:  great sir ... as i stated i'm just not good enough to help with graphics problems ... you'll need to provide that info someone who can help ... keep asking in this every so often ... i know you want the problem resolvedquickly ... sometimes just need for the right person to come along00:21
b14d3Yeah, I used to come in here all the time. Definitely a novice at best though. I'll keep trying :) It still functions via ssh and whatnot. There are just some utilities that I have that need the gui, unfortunately.00:21
wotuy04204t420tunick whjgoiwrhgowirhgw00:22
wotuy04204t420tuNICK wofhwofjwoifjqwofjwof00:22
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fkingallofyourignice nick00:23
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fkingallofurmomsmuch better00:24
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mehworkwhere is the DNS zone file in ubuntu?00:25
TheteIs there a tool to configure network hardware settings in ubuntu?00:27
Tex_Nickb14d3:  also remember that google is great ... you might have to use a dozen or more search terms ... but google usually answers about 90% of my issues00:27
dwxreaperThete: ethtool?00:27
b14d3Yeah, I'm trying something out right now. Scatter-shotting a potential solution :)00:28
TheteThat's what I'm using, was wondering if there was a gui version00:28
bindihttp://www.unifiedremote.com/ is there anything like this but for ubuntu? I want to control youtube specifically..00:28
TheteThat or if there's a way to get ethtool to save settings so I don't have to keep resetting it every time I boot00:29
Tex_Nickb14d3:  lol ... go for it man ;-)00:29
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super1234Sign the petition to add Liteceoin to MtGox. If you can, post it on a forum. https://www.change.org/petitions/mtgox-add-litecoin-to-mtgox00:34
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leonidas__hola gente alguien de Argentina?00:38
TheteI don't think ubuntu is an option on haswell at this point00:42
leonidas__hola gente00:42
MrDyneI can get 3.8 to boot through the recovery menu with no problem but on a clean boot the screen dos blinks 3 times, the top of the screen goes all pixel corrupted and then nothing happens. I've done apt-get update/upgrade, regenerated the inifram.img? file for 3.8 and still wont clean boot.00:46
MrDynelinux 3.8.0-2300:46
DrekiCan someone point me in the direction of the xubuntu channel? #xubuntu didn't work.00:47
geniiDreki:  /join #xubuntu00:48
MrDyneDoes it really matter which channel? Ubuntu has more users and xubuntu just has a diffrent interface?00:48
MrDynemore users in this room..00:48
DrekiMrDyne: not really, I just like to sit in that room so If i have an XFCE related problem.00:49
Drekior one that i can help someone else with00:50
xkernelis there a similar solution like ActiveIdentity USB authentication for Linux?00:58
asharashi all01:02
asharasI need some help to configure an authentication on apache201:03
elisa87when I am installing any software I am receiving a bunch of error regarding NVidia graphic card setting ...can you please check here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763251/01:03
dewwasharas: bacis stuff with .htaccess?01:03
dewwer. basic01:03
asharasyep deww01:03
dewwasharas: what do you need to know or where are you stuck?01:04
yofunhello im running ubuntu 13.04 and i cant seem to use the flash settings diallog01:04
yofunit wont let me click anywhere01:04
asharaswell, I have a 500 error when accessing my server01:05
dewwasharas: check the apache error logs, but look in the .htaccess file, the AuthUserFile line, put in the full path to the .htpassword file01:06
asharashum... okay, gimme a few minutes01:06
asharas(where is the apache error log?..)01:06
yofunhttp://screencloud.net/v/h9Fa <---- i cant seem to be able to use that dialog i cant click anything01:07
dewwasharas: you can define it, but my guess is /var/log/apache2/error_log or similiar. i haven't used apache's default setup before so i'm just going by some general rule01:08
dewwer.. have't used ubuntu's default apache setup01:08
unsignedintguys guys guys halp01:08
unsignedintjust kidding01:08
unsignedinthas anyone had any experience installing ubuntu 13.04 on a late 2012 iMac?01:09
unsignedintim wondering if my computer will still boot or if it will screw up the EFI boot partition01:09
asharasdeww: I'm in real trouble, I haven't touch apache since years :(01:09
yofunnoon3  :(01:10
unsignedintasharas: whats your apache issue?01:10
asharastrying to add an authentication01:10
unsignedintasharas: what kind, basic auth?01:10
asharasyeah, but I don't know where is the problem..01:11
dewwmost of the 500 errors with the basic auth stuff is the wrong path to the .htpasswd file01:11
ShariffI've set up a dnsmasq server, but for some reason the hosts from /etc/hosts are not resolved on other systems on the network. Am I misunderstanding the use of dnsmasq or is there something I might be doing wrongly?01:11
ShariffThis is my conf file: http://pastebin.com/SCx2MmMS01:11
unsignedintasharas: can you please post your config file01:11
unsignedintasharas: yep thatll do01:14
samgabbayhow do i stop the weired skype sounds01:14
elisa87Hi I am having this error no idea how to fix it : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763272/01:14
asharasunsignedint: pastebin.com/H863EN3001:15
tking_hello guys please how do i access  /root/.local/share/Trash/ and delete files there?01:15
dewwasharas: what? you didn't like my answer? :P01:15
asharasI tried, but I have a very low skill on apache01:16
asharasI'm a newbie :)01:16
asharasand I used apache only once in my life, a few years ago and I don't remember anything01:16
geniielisa87: Looks like the problem is the 43 kernel. Did you just run dist-upgrade and new kernel installed, but haven't rebooted yet?01:17
b14d3While I'm still working on my GUI issue, I have another problem that I can't seem to fix either. Everytime I reboot, the system mounts a 1Mb "Overflow" drive to /tmp. Fortunately I have a spare hd that I can mount to it manually, but I'm not sure why it isn't using the OS hd. Any ideas on that one?01:17
elisa87genii I rebooted01:17
voidrayelisa87, paste /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current-updates/304.88/build/make.log01:18
asharasunsignedint: everything went wrong when I added the auth lines and the scgi part01:18
geniielisa87: What says result of uname -r    ?01:18
voidrayWe need more info.01:18
geniiProbably no kernel headers for the 43 one.01:18
asharasany idea unsignedint or deww ?01:19
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genii( seeing as it says the 44 kernel headers are obsolete and can be removed, but no such for the 43 yet it tries to build for it, indicating 43 kernel is installed )01:20
stevePage129anybody have any experience with UPS's?01:21
elisa87genii voidray http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763284/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763281/ thanks01:21
dewwasharas: look at /var/log/apache2/error.log (cat, more, less)01:21
elisa87genii: 3.2.0-43-generic01:21
samgabbaySomeone help mehttp://askubuntu.com/questions/307951/how-do-i-fix-the-weired-skype-noises01:21
geniielisa87: Odd, since later kernels than that are installed.01:22
elisa87genii: they are not working that's why I am using version 4301:23
elisa87please let me know if there might be a solution to this genii01:23
tgm4883Running into a weird issue here, my wireless disconnects until I turn it off and on again (via keyboard keys). The last message in syslog when this happens is " wpa_supplicant[1383]: wlan0: WPA: Group rekeying completed with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx [GTK=CCMP]"01:23
tgm4883This is on 13.0401:23
tgm4883Are there any other logs I should be looking at?01:24
asharasdeww: can't access the passwd file, maybe because my home is encryptfs?01:24
dewwasharas: well what are t he file permissions of your directory and that file?01:25
sethjtgm4883 : Does /var/log/wpa_supplicant.log exist?01:25
geniielisa87: I would suggest, to make sure all the proper stuff is installed:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dkms linux-headers-generic build-essential linux-source   ...then to try again with: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current01:26
tgm4883sethj, nope01:26
geniielisa87: Actually, the last command would be: sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current  ...since it's installed, just not correctly01:27
asharasdeww: where can I put the htpasswd file? my home is encrypted and /root is unreachable to the apache user01:27
tgm4883sethj, I seem to have wlan0 entries in kern.log, I'll check that log again the next time the wireless dies (give it about 5 minutes)01:28
craigbass1976Anyone know why an ssh session to GoDaddy stays open fine, but an sshfs mount dies after a couple of minutes?01:28
dewwasharas: /var/www would be ok01:29
sethjtgm4883: Humm. OK. I suppose you're configuring your wireless through the network connections manager? (GUI method)01:29
tgm4883sethj, yes01:29
tgm4883sethj, it's WPA2 Enterprise01:29
dewwasharas: i dont think it's the encryption, but most likely the proper permissions. also you look into how to prevent people from  being able to read your password file.01:29
Mark_craigbass1976: Some kind of a timeout?01:30
Mark_craigbass1976: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1263543 (?)01:30
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sethjtgm4883: OK. Do you know what wireless card you have? (lspci -nn)01:31
tgm4883sethj, 07:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 2230 [8086:0887] (rev c4)01:31
EpoxxHi everyone. I'm trying real hard to install Ubuntu on my desktop but all I run into are issues. I was able to get it installed with EFI, but now I can'T connect to internet with neither my wifi card nor my ethernet card, any ideas?01:33
asharasdeww: I found the problem: accessing the htpasswd file01:33
asharasit works :)01:33
craigbass1976Epoxx, but it's installed?01:33
sethjtgm4883: What is the output of:01:33
sethjls /sys/class/net/wlan0/device/driver/module/drivers01:33
Epoxxyes it's installed. I first thought it was an issue with version 13, but now I have v12 and its the same dead01:33
Epoxxdead -> deal01:33
Epoxxgive me a second (this is my laptop :) )01:34
tgm4883sethj, pci:iwlwifi01:34
dewwasharas: also look here http://www.askapache.com/htaccess/security-with-htaccess.html#Prevent_access_htaccess_htpasswd_files, i'm pretty sure your config as is, allows people read your password file if they figure out the name.01:34
sethjtgm4883: Interesting. We're both using similar network cards and the same driver..01:34
EpoxxI don'T even have wlan0 , I only have eth0, so I'm assuming I don't have the proper drivers for my wifi card. Still can't connect using ethernet though :(01:35
asharasdeww: should I chown my .htpasswd file? and then chmod it?01:36
craigbass1976Epoxx, kind of stupid, but have you disabled wifi with the Fn +whatever key combination?01:37
Epoxxits a desktop, so no01:37
geniiEpoxx: If it's connected to some dhcp server like on a router, maybe try:  sudo dhclient -r eth0 && sudo dhclient eth0   ... then see if it got a number with: ifconfig01:37
craigbass1976Epoxx, ah.  Wow, that's really weird then01:38
Epoxxits connected to my laptop using a network bridge (might be the culprit, although I used this often with windows)01:38
dewwasharas: most apache default setups restricts people from actually being able to read files start with .ht, so you should probably just rename it from .rutorrent-htpasswd to .ht-whatever-you-want. just make sure to change it in your config and restart apache01:39
sethjtgm4883: Unfortunately I need to go. You might consider asking a question at askubuntu.com with the debugging details.01:39
elisa87genii: nothing gets installed :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763329/01:40
tgm4883sethj, thanks for looking01:40
asharasdeww: the file actually belongs to root:root and has 664 rights01:40
geniielisa87: Ah, fail because the nvidia is failing, etc. So first:  sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current   ... then run the other command again01:41
* genii needs more coffee01:41
asharasbtw the way deww , I'll be the only user accessing the server01:42
Epoxxugh, apparently ubuntu doesn'T like network bridges01:43
dewwasharas: well then you don't have to be so paranoid :)01:43
elisa87genii:  I even can't remove it http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763331/ I am really going crazy! I tried many manual in web none helpful ...01:43
aamerhello room, my problem is I don't know how to increase GNOME application menu's height, please take a look https://imageshack.com/a/img694/9596/ri6.png01:46
aamerplease don't redirect me to another room because I think I've already asked everywhere01:47
geniielisa87: sudo rm /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current-updates/kernel-3.2.0-43*     ... then try the sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current   ..command again please01:47
geniielisa87: I need to go get a coffee, back shortly :)01:47
tylere_I'm getting ready to install 13.04 on a machine with 2 identical drivers, and my motherboard has Fake raid support. What is the least painful way to set things up... fakeraid, sw raid, or lvm?01:48
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craigbass1976Mark_, No go.  I just tried it out and have lost connection.  Further down the comments there was another unhappy camper who's also having this trouble with GoDaddy.  On my own server, I have have sshfs up all night from home.  Not sure what gives at GD, and I'm sure they'll tell me it's my fault...01:49
blockworksdoes /etc/rc.local run with root privs?01:51
blockworksor which startup script does?01:51
* genii sips his coffee01:54
geniielisa87: Any joy?01:54
elisa87genii: total failure01:54
geniielisa87: Can you pastebin please?01:55
elisa87genii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763357/01:55
geniielisa87: You forgot to put the *  at the end of the sudo rm command01:56
geniielisa87: eg:  sudo rm /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current-updates/kernel-3.2.0-43*        <- exactly, with the sar at the end01:57
craigbass1976Mark_, http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/14143/what-is-a-better-way-to-deal-with-server-disconnects-of-sshfs-mounts  Giving the -o reconnect a whirl now...01:59
DrekiCan anyone tell me what libnotify1 is?01:59
DrekiI am getting it as a missing dependancy for a package02:00
NimbleDreki: it's the library responsible for popping notification bubbles up in your top right corner02:00
Nimblewhat package?02:00
somsip!find libnotify | Dreki02:00
ubottuDreki: Found: libnotify-bin, libnotify-dev, libnotify-doc, libnotify4, pidgin-libnotify02:00
Nimbleyou should have it installed02:00
aameragain, using 12.04 fall-back gnome classic, my problem is I don't know how to increase GNOME application menu's height, please take a look https://imageshack.com/a/img694/9596/ri6.png02:00
Drekiits likely not installed for me because im using xubuntu.02:01
Nimbleit's not unity specific02:01
Nimblemost distros use it02:01
geniiDreki: Looks like it wants something from 3 generations ago of libnotify since it's up to libnotify4 now02:01
Nimbleand that ^^^02:01
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DrekiIts pidgin-gfire an xfire plugin for pidgin02:02
DrekiI still have a couple of old friends i keep in touch with on xfire02:02
elisa87genii: any though on that?02:02
geniielisa87: So you ran now the correct command with the * at the end as I described?02:03
NimbleDreki: you can try installing libnotify102:03
NimbleE: Package 'libnotify1' has no installation candidate02:04
Nimblemaybe not02:04
DrekiNimble: do you think that will mess up anything with my current setup?02:04
Nimblecan't say for sure02:04
geniielisa87: Because in your paste, it said: rm: cannot remove '/var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current-updates/kernel-3.2.0-43': No such file or directory     because you wrote: sudo rm /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current-updates/kernel-3.2.0-43  instead of: sudo rm /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current-updates/kernel-3.2.0-43*02:04
DrekiNimble: and would 4 conflict with 102:04
NimbleI don't think so because the packages have different numbers02:05
elisa87genii: is this ok?02:05
Nimblebut I'm not an apt expert02:05
elisa87is this ok? genii http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763370/02:05
Drekiwell thanks for the advice02:05
geniielisa87: Yes.02:05
Nimbleyou might have to find it outside of the repos somewhere, maybe there is a ppa with it02:06
Nimblegood luck :V02:06
geniielisa87: So then now: sudo apt-get install dkms linux-headers-generic build-essential linux-source ...then to try again with: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current02:06
elisa87genii: I tried again but yet I have errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763372/02:07
geniielisa87: Ah, you also have nvidia-current-updates installed02:08
elisa87genii: I couldn't remove it using this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763373/02:08
geniielisa87: You forgot the "s" ... is updates  not update02:09
geniielisa87: So did the command:  sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current-updates       ...complete successfully yet?02:13
genii( with the s at the end ;)   )02:13
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elisa87genii: yes done without error now I should install nvidia? how was the command?02:14
geniielisa87: First, make sure you have all the right pieces02:15
geniielisa87: So then now: sudo apt-get install dkms linux-headers-generic build-essential linux-source ...then to try again with: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current02:15
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geniiIt will say dkms is already installed, etc, thats all fine. Should continue on to set up the other stuff if it's not there.02:16
IsaacLewisMy software manager isn't working, when I try to download/install something it doesn't work02:17
Ari-Yang@ IsaacLewis sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?02:17
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.02:17
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elisa87genii:  do you know about bootstrap?02:18
elisa87I mean debootstrap02:19
max1whats that?02:19
geniielisa87: Yes, but we are wandering off topic now :)02:19
akurilinQuick question: is there an up-to-date list of Ubuntu friendly hardware components out there? I've seen the list of pre-made machines on the official Ubuntu side, but that doesn't help me too much if I'm building my own.02:19
max1I'm going to be Building a Computer this summer. would you choose intel or AMD02:20
geniielisa87: Did the commands I gave you finish yet?02:20
max1for my Ubuntu Machine02:20
boink__hi everyone. I have a clean install of 12.04 that doesn't recognize my network cable as plugged02:20
genii( I want to go watch last half of the third period of Chicago-Boston hockey soon)02:20
boink__ifconfig only shows lo, no eth0. any ideas?02:20
IsaacLewisI use amd and my computer is pretty slow, I think you should use intel02:20
elisa87isn't debootstrap related to Ubuntu? I have created a disk image and mounted on /mnt/mount_x86 by using sudo mount /dev/loop0 /mnt/mount_x86 but it just created the lost&found folder and not the rest of the folders...somebody told me that I shoudl use debootstrap for creating those normal folders like bin , lib, lib64 ,opt, etc...anyway what's your idea genii?02:21
max1IsaacLewis: okay thanks02:21
elisa87genii: no unfortunately not http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763389/02:22
geniielisa87: I'm not going to get sidetracked into discussing debootstrap with you, because I intend to leave soon, assuming your nvidia situation becomes resolved. I'm missing watching a hockey game which is not on for much longer.02:22
elisa87ah ok that's alright02:22
max1I wish Ubuntu had more users than Mac OSx02:23
IsaacLewisAri-Yang: it says E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)02:23
geniielisa87: Before you ran the sudo apt-get install nvidia-current... did you run the other command I gave? eg: sudo apt-get install dkms linux-headers-generic build-essential linux-source02:23
elisa87yes genii and it was successfull without any error02:24
geniielisa87: If so please pastebin the result from that02:24
geniiAh, OK.02:24
max1I have a question sorta off track. What is a Floodbot?02:24
Ari-YangIsaacLewis, not sure... perhaps hang around here and someone will get to you and google the error code?02:24
boink__max1 a bot that floods a channel?02:24
yofunhello im kinda stupid but do i include passwords in ftp:// like this? ftp://user:pass@host ?02:24
max1im a bit confused02:24
max1like Monitoring?02:25
elisa87genii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763391/02:25
GuilhermeCunhaelisa87 apt-get install -f02:25
max1Im new to the whole thing02:25
boink__hi everyone. I have a clean install of 12.04 that doesn't recognize my network cable as plugged02:26
boink__ifconfig only shows lo, no eth0. any ideas?02:26
max1i dont think it shows eth002:26
geniielisa87: It's a bit of a puzzle.  I have to leave now, but am in here every weekday. So if your situation is unresolved tomorrow, we shall continue02:26
IsaacLewisMy software manager isn't working, when I try to download/install something it doesn't work\02:26
yofunhello im kinda stupid but do i include passwords in ftp:// like this? ftp://user:pass@host ?02:26
geniiyofun: Yes, that's the syntax02:27
boink__yofun, I am no guru but try it without the password and it will ask for it upon connection02:27
elisa87GuilhermeCunha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763395/02:27
elisa87thanks genii good night02:27
IsaacLewisMy software manager isn't working, when I try to download/install something it doesn't work02:27
max1Is Raring Ringtail 13.04 a nightly build?02:28
yofunah thanks boink__ :P im useing my ftp web server as a back up :p02:28
SonikkuAmericamax1: Nope, it's stable. Head for cdimage.u.c and get yours today02:28
boink__glad i could help02:28
ubottuYES! It's out!02:28
uwHI i'm using 12.04 and running cmus v2.4.3.  that is an old version and would like to update.  do you know how to do this?02:28
max1alright thanks02:28
boink__maybe a dumb question but can i just edit /etc/network/interfaces and add eth0  and dhcp to it?02:31
kde185is anyone aware of what might cause gdisk to say that the gpt table is corrupt after I just used gdisk to create a new table?02:33
Cpudan80Hey --- how can I setup a folder so that all files created in the folder take on the permissions associated with the folder?02:34
kde185this might be happening on 2 identical drives02:34
Cpudan80Ex. If folderX is owned jsmit:users -- i want all files created in the folder (by anyone) to be associated with the users group02:35
Cpudan80obviously the user will be difference02:35
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restingso..i'm going to upgrade a remote system…can anyone advise me how to backup the current system to my local computer so that if anything goes wrong i could easily restore it?02:37
kde185Cpudan80: you'll want to look into using acl's to accomplish this.  I'd give more information if I had any but I haven't really used it.  Link: http://superuser.com/questions/151911/how-to-make-new-file-permission-inherit-from-the-parent-directory02:38
excalibrIs there way to run text based installer on from the regular desktop iso?02:41
felixonmarshi, three of my ubuntu box suddenly got permission 754 for /etc, which made many services failed. i didn't do it myself and i didn't find anything else changed, no clue in auth.log etc02:42
winegoddessis there a good resource for setting up my ubuntu server for multiple domains?   tools, security, best practices?02:42
felixonmarswinegoddess: all domains owned by you?02:42
Sinful_PancakesHow would I go about installing Ubuntu from my hard drive?02:44
winegoddesshi felixonmars - yes. it is on a backspace server that i have02:44
winegoddessso, my question is really set up of server, as well as setup of domains. ny tolls to help make this easy if i have 20+ domains i wish to setup which are all similar setups (wordpress, php database)02:45
felixonmarsuse something like cpanel?02:45
winegoddesshi felixonmars - i didn't setup cpanel.  but something script wise, that lets me set up domains quicker/easier.   and then 2nd question, general setup concerns for security...02:46
winegoddessi just heard of http://tuxlite.com/about/ today02:47
DarkAceLaptophow do I install a .deb via command line?02:47
somsipDarkAceLaptop: sudo dpkg -i *.deb02:48
DarkAceLaptopdpkg-deb (subprocess): cannot copy archive member from '/home/justin/Downloads/steam_latest.deb' to decompressor pipe: unexpected end of file or stream02:49
DarkAceLaptopperhaps a corrupted download?02:49
DarkAceLaptopthe steam install popped up; should I continue, or redownload?02:49
felixonmarswinegoddess: or something like openpanel, zpanel, webmin, ajenti ... all free02:50
alexandros_cgood night, I am using ubuntu 13.04 amd64 and I have installed Java EE 7. I am having a problem getting glassfish updatetool to work. Everytime I run updatetool, it tells me that my os is 64 and not configured for 32. However, the multiarch packages are installed. Can anyone help me resolve this problem?02:50
somsipDarkAceLaptop: doesn't sound good. I'd suggest downloading again02:50
felixonmarsDarkAceLaptop: i'll recommend a redownload02:50
winegoddessfelixonmars: of those do you have a preference? also any good sites for resources such as this?02:51
winegoddessother than wikipedia? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_hosting_control_panels02:51
felixonmarswinegoddess: not really, as im not running php sites :p they all have homepages and demos, if you gonna try02:51
winegoddesstrying to understand would this be one per domain? or can i set it up somehow (using some tools) so that i can create a new domain in the server and have it automatically install a cpanel with it?02:52
winegoddessI'm interested in both sides, the server setup in general (security as well) and then making it easier to setup new domains with a standard setup02:53
winegoddessrather than individually02:53
mopany picture manager to find images by resolution?02:54
marcelomauroI need some help. Accidentaly I have installed grub on /dev/sda instead of /dev/sdb. There is how to unistall grub without loose my windows system?02:55
somsipmop: google images search tools has a size dropdown02:55
somsipmop: or do you want a scraper?02:55
mopsomsip, I mean a native app02:55
mopfor my picturds02:55
fowl_hi i cant find out how to setup the keyboard hotkeys for a Gateway LT4009u02:55
fowl_anybody know02:55
felixonmarswinegoddess: no, you will just create & manage websites (incl. domains) on cpanel itself, if your server have cpanel installed02:55
winegoddessso it is more like a Web Host Manager (WHM) than a cpanel used for individual domains?02:56
felixonmarsmarcelomauro: you need your windows recovery disc to fix the boot record02:56
winegoddesssorry i only have used cpanel for one domain, not a server02:56
felixonmarswinegoddess: cpanel is multi-user program02:56
felixonmarswinegoddess: and it's fine if you want all your domains in one user02:57
somsipmop: I missed the obvious. For a local search or internet search?02:57
mopyou know like image files on my hard drive02:58
felixonmarswinegoddess: https://blog.cpanel.net/managing-multiple-domains-from-a-single-cpanel-account/ \official blog02:58
fowl_hi i cant find out how to setup the keyboard hotkeys for a Gateway LT4009u02:58
marcelomaurofelixonmars, I have no disk because I upgrade my windows from win7 to win 802:58
winegoddessso sorry felixonmars - for my misunderstanding.   i have a server, and i wish to have ~20 domains setup. i was just going to have ssh and ftp, but perhaps a cpanel will be good to allow others a UI for access.   are you saying i setup 1 cpanel for the server and everyone access it (not what i want) or that setup 1 cpanel, and someone then further configure to setup the domains? (i justhavent seen a cpanel like that if i a02:59
winegoddessunderstanding correctly)02:59
DrekiDoes anyone know of an application that could be used to make a professional looking pdf like this one?:http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6781003/EvE/Quick%20Reference%20Sheet%20by%20Korgan%20Nailo.pdf02:59
DarkAceLaptopam I supposed to build tar.gz's myself, then?02:59
felixonmarsmarcelomauro: if i recall correctly, you could download a tool from microsoft's website to create a usb stick to recover this02:59
DarkAceLaptopalso, the download was corrupt, somsip, felixonmars03:00
DarkAceLaptopit was missing 1/4 of itself03:00
NovimundusHi everyone. I can't for the life of me figure out how to update my OpenGL drivers past 1.4. My understanding is that these drivers for Intel HD 4000 integrated gpu's come with the kernel...yet there's a later release? How do I get said later release?03:00
winegoddessfelixonmars: thanks for that link - i did not know about this approach03:01
felixonmarswinegoddess: you setup a cpanel, then everything's up to you. if you want different guys to control different sites and domains, just register them individual accounts on your installed cpanel03:01
felixonmarsDarkAceLaptop: just redownload the deb file and install the not corrupted one03:02
DarkAceLaptopare tar.gz files packages, or just compressed files that you don't install?03:02
DarkAceLaptopinstall like .deb files, that is03:03
somsipmop: find will do that. eg: find . -type f -size +1G03:03
somsipmop: you just need to adapt to only find files ending in jpg|png|gif etc03:03
itsnotlupusHi. are there ways to tweak how ubuntu thinks my battery is charging/discharging?03:03
somsipDarkAceLaptop: you extract then with tar zxf filename03:03
felixonmarsDarkAceLaptop: sorry i didnt catch it. deb files are just compressed archive in a normative way03:04
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itsnotlupusAlright. I'm going to try playing with TLP. still open to suggestions though.03:07
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KatronixHi all, I have a laptop that I installed Ubuntu on, during the install phase it detected my wireless nic fine, however now it keeps asking me for the wifi pw even though its been put in correctly. Any suggestions?03:13
boink__Katronix, is it the right kind of password set (WEP vs WAP, etc) ?03:15
Katronixboink__ I'm assuming so it never asked03:16
boink__no idea then :)03:16
boink__i am noob :P03:16
boink__why is my ifconfig only showing lo and no eth0 ? clean install of 12.0403:17
boink__i am lost03:17
Katronixboink__ would assume it doesn't see your nic03:17
boink__nic as in network information center?03:18
boink__a dns problem you mean?03:18
Katronixnic = network interface card03:18
boink__so updating the drivers of my NIC should do the trick?03:19
nevynboink__: ifconfig only shows up interfaces03:19
nevyntry ifconfig -a or (better) ip link03:19
boink__uplink 1: lo: <LOOPBACK>   blhalhblahbalhba and then 00:00:00 all zeroes03:20
boink__ip link03:20
boink__i read on google a lot of people having this problem but couldn't really fix it with any of the suggestions03:20
penoshello comrades03:32
zivesteranyone know how to restore reFind on a Macbook after upgrading OSX ?03:36
Katronixcan anyone offer any suggestions? during installation had no issues finding wireless nic, now it keeps asking me for my wireless pw not accepting the correct pw03:37
itsnotlupusOk, my /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/power_now contains a stupid high value when my laptop is charging. Is there a known way to change that? It's causing ubuntu to think I'll have a full charge in 3 minutes rather than the two hours it actually takes.03:40
servvsso I haven't been able to use my TTY terminals since I upgraded to 13.04, is this a common issue and if so, how can I fix it?03:44
Katronixservvs what happens when you try?03:46
somsipzivester: probably, a channel for OSX support. Not here03:46
servvswhen I log in, it logs in just fine but instantly goes back to requesting a login03:46
boink__is there a way to connect ossx and ubuntu via USB cable?03:47
zivestersomsip, eh, its not.. reFind is used to boot ubuntu... but i figured it out, just had to run install.sh again03:47
boink__no pen drive, no network in ubuntu, no cd-r on the osx :(03:47
somsipzivester: so it is. I never heard of it before. now I have :)03:47
histoservvs: sudo service tty1 status03:48
servvshisto: tty1 start/running, process 374603:49
itsnotlupushaha. I have an ideapad, but this could be related http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/drivers/acpi/battery.c#L9903:49
Katronixcan anyone offer any suggestions? during installation had no issues finding wireless nic, now it keeps asking me for my wireless pw not accepting the correct pw03:49
histoservvs: do you have anything goofy in your .profile or .bashrc ?03:50
servvsalias ls="ls --color=always"03:50
servvsalias l="ls --color=always"03:50
servvsjust those 2 lines03:50
histoservvs: do you have .bash_profile  ?03:51
servvsyes, same lines in it03:51
histoservvs: and a .profile?03:53
AdventureTimeDoes anybody here use Ncmpcpp, I'm having some troubles getting it to work !03:53
AdventureTimeanyone ?03:53
servvshisto: I don't have a .profile03:54
histoservvs: interesting.... regardless I have no idea what is causing the login to restart.  Let me poke around a bit hold up.03:55
|kiraI'm having a hard time choosing mint cinnamon... or ubuntu with cinnamon... I'm not sure will be more stable.03:55
marcelomauroI accidentally installed grub in /dev/sda instead of /dev/sdb. Can I remove this without erase my windows system? I found something on internet but it needs a install cd. I have no one.03:55
histomarcelomauro: you'd have to use a windows disk to fixmbr c:  or whatever their command is03:56
|kirayou could just leave the grub there and put another where you want03:56
histomarcelomauro: doesn't really matter. If you want grub to work it needs to be installed to the bootable disk of your computer.03:56
histoservvs: did you try searching askubuntu.com ?03:57
marcelomaurohisto: I installed ubuntu on extern hd...03:57
histomarcelomauro: how do you intend on booting to it?  just selecting the external from bios?03:58
grimetonmarcelomauro: the later windows versions use the bootrec tool03:58
marcelomaurohisto: I have used like this without problem, but I should have installed grub on /dev/sdb instead /dev/sda. It was my mistake03:59
histoservvs: could be something goofy with pam.  Have you checked dmesg or /var/log/messages ?03:59
digsSo, I installed #29-Ubuntu SMP on AWS. I log in and there are 68 processes running and 226MB of ram already being used! What can I disable or uninstall to lower those numbers drastically?04:00
|kiracli ubuntu sing 226MB???04:00
digsI only need to be able to run apache and varnish on this, but I want as much resources free for those as possible.04:00
nevyndigs: used?04:00
histomarcelomauro: well /j #windows they will be able to explain the process of restoring your MBR on /dev/sda  You need to boot to a windows disk or system repair disk to fix it.04:00
digsKiB Mem:    603840 total,   225608 used,   378232 free,     8676 buffers04:00
nevyndigs: what does the second line of free say?04:00
digsThat is from top.04:00
elisa87what's the solution to this? warning: can't open /etc/mtab: No such file or directory04:01
nevynscrew top. what does free say?04:01
digsMem:        603840     225632     378208          0       8676     17049604:01
digs-/+ buffers/cache:      46460     55738004:01
nevynso 46meg used.04:01
nevynmeh. seems legit04:01
digsgotcha. I didn't realize that. Thanks for the clarification. That seems _much_ better to me :/04:02
nevynso you could start by interpeting the data correctly also http://www.linuxatemyram.com04:02
tones /join #wikipedia04:02
digsStill, 68 processes, surely some of those could be knocked off.04:02
nevynpossibly. but probably not.04:02
somsipdigs: seems about right. I have about 80 with apache and a few other things running on Ubuntu EC204:02
digsI know it is right.04:02
nevyndigs: so lots of stuff is running..04:03
digsI am saying, there has to be a way to lower it. FreeBSD can run on half this on a base install.04:03
Safa_[A_boy]Hi, I have more than one kernel on my computer, but I can't select witch one should boot.... the menu has disappeared!04:03
nevynyou've got a bunch of gettys cron, upstart syslog etc04:03
|kiraIs there an ubuntu iso that is free software only and no legal BS for distribution?04:04
elisa87histo: do you know why am I receiving this  ? mounting filesystems...152 warning: can't open /etc/mtab: No such      ...file or directory04:04
elisa87 04:04
digsI was simply asking if any gurus in here knew of a few things that are not really needed that could be killed off.04:04
histoelisa87: what command are you using to mount?04:04
histo!atemyram | digs04:04
ubottudigs: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html04:04
xangua|kira: http://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.html04:04
GunArm1/etc/rc.local is supposed to run at startup right?  why does the inside of it say it "executes at the end of each multiuser runlevel" what does that mean?04:05
b-otGunArm1: I am not in it.04:05
histoGunArm1: yes it runs at start.  There are different runlevels04:05
somsipGunArm1: it doesn't run at some runlevels, such as single user04:05
elisa87histo: can you please look at this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763549/ ? I used sudo mount /dev/loop1 /mnt/mount_x86  and then used debootstrap and binded dev , proc and sys04:06
|kiraxangua: tris is a nice distro, but i need a bs-free ubuntu iso... hmmm....04:06
histoelisa87: what are you trying to do?04:07
histoelisa87: mtab is just a status file btw.04:08
histo|kira: The main iso contains only free software.  You could not enable the other repos if you want.04:08
histo|kira: http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/licensing04:09
|kirahisto: Ah, good, stock image should be ok then.04:10
elisa87I have created that bootable linux disk and I am trying to run the binaries inside it using the simulator but the binaries are not found from within the simulator inside the disk! histo04:10
histo!free > |kira04:11
ubottu|kira, please see my private message04:11
histoservvs: I got nothing I would search askubuntu or in the forums.04:12
histoelisa87: why are you creating /dev/loop1?04:12
histoelisa87: and what simulator?04:12
elisa87histo gem5 I will show you the log now soon04:13
elisa87I created a disk image formated with fs ext2 and put it in /dev/loop104:13
histoelisa87: I would ask here http://gem5.org/Mailing_Lists04:15
elisa87they answer so late,..sometimes they don't answer at all!04:15
histoelisa87: when you say you "put it in /dev/loop1"  with what procedure?04:16
elisa87histo:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763563/ everything regarding boot of linux works fine except that it doesn't find the binaries ...my mount point is /mnt/mount_x86 and binaries are in /rodinia/openmp/backprop folder ...please let me know how is your idea04:17
servvsthanks for the help histo, will search around some more04:17
histoelisa87: are the binaries in /mnt/mount_x86  ?? I'm confused I know nothing of gem504:18
elisa87histo the binaries are in /mnt/mount_x86/rodinia/openmp/backprop folder but my mount point is /mnt/mount_x8604:18
histoelisa87: This is an issue with whatever software you are using.04:19
histoelisa87: what does any of this have to do with ubuntu?04:19
elisa87because it's about mounting ... I have created the disk image using ubuntu04:19
BabyCathey guys, I'm on ubuntu 12.04.. I go to a specific site, called Eli the Computer guy.. and for whatever reason, the site damages my web browser from using the internet.. this happens only with that site.. then I have to restart ubuntu to get back my internet connection.. this happens with no other site.. anyone have any ideas what this might be? I have my DOM storage on the browser turned to false and I use privoxy as a system wide proxy and that seems to04:19
BabyCathave something to do with it.. all my other network connections like the software center seem to work but firefox seems to clunk out before needing to reboot the entire system. This look familiar to anyone???04:19
histoelisa87: there are also help files on the gem5 website http://www.m5sim.org/Ubuntu_Disk_Image_for_ARM_Full_System04:21
BabyCatIt's like the site works for a couple minutes then kraps out the web browser all together before having to be restarted completely to get it back.. and it only happens with this site.. how strange is this..04:21
elisa87histo: I was already following that!04:23
histoelisa87: I have no idea. Perhaps try in ##linux04:23
Sir-Litepooli did some updating04:26
Sir-Litepooland now my mysql is messed up04:26
Sir-LitepoolWarning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'04:26
KrisHansenI still cant find the file i need to edit in order to get my links in irc to open Firefox browser, when i click a link it opens abiword blank doc. anyone know of this or how to fix?04:27
histoSir-Litepool: sudo service mysqld status04:28
Katronixmy boot disk can connect wirelessly successfully but the installed version can't is there anything I can do with the boot disk that would tell the installed version how to work? anything I can save to a usb stick etc?04:28
Sir-Litepooli tried manually connecting04:28
Sir-LitepoolERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run04:28
Sir-Litepoolhisto, sudo service mysqld status04:29
Sir-Litepoolmysqld: unrecognized service04:29
somsipSir-Litepool: anything in /var/log/mysql/error.log ?04:29
theadminKrisHansen: Make sure System Settings -> Details -> Default applications is set to Firefox, like this: http://i.imgur.com/k0FXKm1.png04:29
histoSir-Litepool: do you have mysql-server installed and is it running?04:29
Sir-Litepoolyeah i do, error log has a lot of things like 4985 lines04:30
KrisHansentheadmin: checked that already it is not the issue.04:30
somsipSir-Litepool: anything that tells you the problem? Maybe if you pastebin the last few lines?04:30
somsip!pastebin | Sir-Litepool04:30
ubottuSir-Litepool: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:30
theadminKrisHansen: Hm, what is of your IRC client?04:30
KrisHansentheadmin: Konversation04:30
histotheadmin: /version KrisHansen04:31
Tex_NickBabyCat "Eli The Computer Guy" is that the guy with little head hair, a beard and a ear to ear mouth full of white teeth ... if so ...he's supposed to be a network type guy, you might ask him that question ... orview his videos on youTube04:31
Sir-Litepoolthe thing is, i did sudo apt-add-repository ppa:purplekarrot/ppa04:31
Sir-Litepoolsudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade04:31
theadminhisto: Eh, easier to ask :D /version can sometimes fail04:31
KrisHansentheadmin: it might have something to do with that i ran the sudo apt-get lubuntu-desktop, once that it changed04:31
Sir-Litepooland recently it was stalling so i rebooted it04:31
somsipSir-Litepool: and what that that install? /var/log/apt/history will tell you04:31
theadminKrisHansen: Ah, hm, I think that has it's own browser preference somewhere, Konversation that is04:31
histo!ppa | Sir-Litepool04:31
ubottuSir-Litepool: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:31
Katronixmy DVD boot disk can connect wirelessly successfully but the installed version can't is there anything I can do with the boot disk that would tell the installed version how to work? anything I can save to a usb stick etc?04:31
kde185anyone know why webmin is showing available partitions for a new software raid device as FAT32?  I just cleared the mbr and gpt tables and create a new partition on the driver as "linux raid"04:32
histoKatronix: you need firmware04:32
walltenderWill some one take a look at my problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/306920/networking-prevents-system-to-shutdown?04:32
theadminKrisHansen: http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/extragear-network/konversation/webbrowser.html04:32
histoKatronix: lspci | grep Network     What is your wireless chipset?04:32
Katronixhisto rtl8723ae04:32
Sir-Litepoolsomsip, http://paste2.org/DddsIsU204:32
histoKatronix: iwlist scan04:33
somsipSir-Litepool: no mysql from what I can see. So what's in the error log?04:34
Sir-Litepoolsomsip, http://paste2.org/ZPn4yOZ904:34
Katronixhisto its not installed :( I don't have a way of giving it a wired connection :(04:34
histoKatronix: what version are you running?04:35
KrisHansentheadmin: it was a Konversation settings issue , damn i almost checked that last night when i was stoned, but then i woke up today and havent fired up yet so my brain is still in the bad dreams mode. need my spliff for this morning and thank you i got it .04:35
somsipSir-Litepool: is there a file at /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock? who is it owned by?04:35
Katronixhisto 13.0404:35
histoKatronix: your card should work in any 3.8+ linux kernel04:35
Katronixhisto it sees the card, but I get caught in an endless loop of "what's the pw"04:35
Sir-Litepoolsomsip, no such file and the directory is symlinked to /run/mysqld04:36
histoKatronix: so the issue isn't with your card.04:36
histoKatronix: make sure you are typing the password correctly04:36
Katronixhisto possibly not, I just know it worked fine during the installation, checked the pw several times04:36
histoKatronix: http://askubuntu.com/questions/131919/wireless-keeps-asking-for-password04:37
somsipSir-Litepool: you have something to work with now. I'm getting lots of google results with that error. I can sit here and say 'try this, try this' but it might be easier if you see if anything fits04:37
histosomsip: Sir-Litepool sounds like he has ppa hell04:37
KrisHansenSo here is what happens, you install Ubuntu 13.04 and then you install Konversation irc. then you apt-get install lubuntu-desktop, something in that install will change your settings in Konversation to default web browser "not clicked"=nothing, and it will open an abiword doc.04:38
somsiphisto: indeed. I think it's time for him to research more, and if it all goes pear shaped because of the PPA...well !ppa and all that04:38
histoelisa87: may I ask what you are trying to use gem5 for? Perhaps there is a better tool out there.04:38
Sir-Litepoolsomsip, any way i could backup the database and reinstall mysql04:38
histoKrisHansen: so change you default browser04:39
BabyCatis anyone here04:39
KrisHansenhisto: i did and theadminalready helped me and it solved the issue04:39
somsipSir-Litepool: you could try reinstalling mysql-server. If you backup /var/lib/mysql you will have all of the data files in there. But YMMV and all that04:39
BabyCatis this working04:39
somsip!test | BabyCat04:39
ubottuBabyCat: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )04:40
Sir-Litepoolsomsip, i will do that then, what do you mean by YMMV?04:40
somsipSir-Litepool: Your Mileage May Vary, eg: don't expect a successful result04:40
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Sir-Litepooloh, damn this is just my luck04:40
Katronixhisto no luck04:41
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histoKatronix: did you try the multiple answers there?04:43
histoKatronix: if so perhaps try using another method for connecting other than network-manager04:43
Katronixhisto from the install dvd can I install that tool you recommended since I can see the net from it?04:44
histoKatronix: or the nm-cli command04:44
histoKatronix: sorry nmcli04:45
Sir-Litepoolhisto any idea what i should do04:45
Sir-Litepooli think i run out of luck04:46
histo!ppapurge | Sir-Litepool04:46
ubottuSir-Litepool: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html04:46
Jesse_VI have a question about package naming conventions, which I found confusing. If (theoretically) I coded up a project, which I call "derp", and it's version 0.05, and the package doesn't exist in either Debian or Ubuntu, how do I name it? "derp-0.05-0ubuntu1" is my current guess04:46
meatmanekJesse_V you're building your own .deb for it?04:47
Jesse_Vyeah meatmanek, I will but I need to get the naming right04:47
meatmanekso everything after the - is pretty much up to the distro maintainer04:47
Jesse_Vdh_make generates a changelog file, which has a version number in it04:48
meatmanekso the ubuntu project might have -0ubuntu104:48
Jesse_Vand I want to get that right, along with the correct name of the package folder04:48
Sir-Litepoolthanks histo giving it a shot04:48
meatmanekwhereas debian may have -0debian104:48
Sir-LitepoolWarning:  Could not find package list for PPA: purplekarrot ppa04:48
Sir-Litepool histo04:48
Jesse_Vright. I'm running Mint 14 at the moment, and if I build for that, I'm building for quantal. Do I need to say that?04:48
histoSir-Litepool: what were you trying to use a ppa for btw?04:48
histoSir-Litepool: also what are you doing when the mysql error happens?04:49
Sir-Litepoolto install libbost1.47 and over histo04:49
Jesse_VI just created my own PPA yesterday, and I'm in the process of working on correctly building things and uploading them to Launchpad :)04:49
Sir-Litepoolwell i did update after ppa04:49
Sir-Litepoolwell it worked fine, and someone ddosed me04:49
Sir-Litepoolthen i rebooted and it messed up04:50
histoSir-Litepool: Ahh well you failed to mention that.04:50
histoSir-Litepool: what do you use mysql for?04:50
histoSir-Litepool: sudo service mysql status04:50
hejkiohai guys, i'm trying to compile stuff with -m32 on 13.04 (amd64), i seem to be missing all .so's from /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu, e.g. my libSM http://dpaste.com/1237581/04:50
meatmanekJesse_V: no, you don't need to specify. It's generally a convention that indicates who made the package. I'd maybe use "jessev" instead of ubuntu04:50
Sir-Litepoolhisto sudo service mysql status04:50
Jesse_Vmeatmanek: why's that?04:50
Sir-Litepoolsorry histo mysql respawn/post-start, (post-start) process 1004804:50
histoSir-Litepool: yes I told you mysqld before.04:51
hejkiif i manually symlink the .so.x as .so, the linker works04:51
meatmanekJesse_V: because you aren't an official package maintainer for the ubuntu project04:51
Jesse_Vmeatmanek: oh right, I see04:51
histoSir-Litepool: sudo service mysql restart    then what were you doing when you get the sock error?04:51
Jesse_Vmeatmanek: so then "derp-0.05-0jvictors1" would be correct then?04:51
meatmanekshould be fine, yeah04:51
Aegonjoin archlinux04:52
Jesse_Vwhich would turn into "derp-0.05-0jessev1_amd64.deb"04:52
Jesse_VI just don't want to look like a newb, that's all :)04:52
Jesse_Veven though I am at building packages like this04:53
Sir-Litepoolhisto restarting does not respond just says stop/waiting, i tried connecting through python didn't help, through php didn't help, through command line and it still gave ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) after entering password04:53
Jesse_Vhalf the battle is making it look like you know what you're doing04:53
histo!dev | Jesse_V04:53
ubottuJesse_V: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment04:53
Jesse_Vnot at the moment, I'd like to start with just my Launchpad PPA and work up from there04:53
theadminJesse_V: Launchpad takes care of building the packages itself04:54
Jesse_Vbut I need to upload .changes, so don't I have to build stuff to generate that?04:55
Jesse_Vmaybe I don't understand the procedures04:55
theadminJesse_V: ...Oh. Well... I thought... Uh. I'm not into Ubuntu development myself and Debian packaging is confusing04:55
theadminJesse_V: But I think Launchpad does building anyways04:55
Jesse_Vit does04:55
Jesse_Vwith 40,000 packages you'd think there'd be clear instructions instead of a steep learning curve04:56
Jesse_Vbut anyway, is "derp-0.05-0jessev1" -> "derp-0.05-0jessev1_amd64.deb" good for a package named "derp", of version "0.05", built for Quantal?04:57
Jesse_Vmaintained only by me, and which does not exist in Debian or Ubuntu?04:57
theadminJesse_V: Normally, ppa packages have stuff like 0ppa1 in the name, not 0jessev104:58
Jesse_Vok, so if my ppa was named "testing", then I'd replace "jessev" with "testing"?04:58
theadminJesse_V: No, no, literally the string "ppa"04:59
Jesse_Veven with "ppa:jvictors/testing" as my PPA path?05:00
theadminWell... All ppa packages I've seen have something are named like derp-version-0ppa1 or such, yes, literally "ppa", not "testing" or "ppaname"05:00
Jesse_Vah ok05:00
drhester7quick question05:00
theadminBut I may be wrong. Jesse_V, you may have more luck asking this in #ubuntu-packaging05:00
Jesse_Vdidn't know that channel existed...05:01
drhester7how difficult is it to customize ubuntu?05:01
theadmindrhester7: ...Depends on what you mean05:01
Jesse_Vdrhester7: easy, it's Linux :)05:01
seronisi have chrome-beta installed and the google entry added to sources.list so that it will auto update.  yesterdays update mentions it cant install because of  'unauthenticated dependancies'.  how do i see what those are?05:01
histodrhester7: what's your experience level?05:01
histodrhester7: and what customization do you want to do?05:01
Jesse_Vdrhester7: you can do everything from changing your background to recompiling your kernel. It's Linux after all05:01
theadminseronis: Try updating from a terminal: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:01
theadminseronis: It'll tell you where it has authentication issues05:02
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
drhester7my experience level is beginner but I learn quickly and I'm talking about modifications to the GUI and other stuff like that05:03
Jesse_Vanyone else have any suggestions for my packaging naming question?05:03
Sir-Litepoolhisto you her?E05:04
Sir-Litepoolyou see it says the solution was to merge the two apparmor files05:04
histodrhester7: depends on the "modifications" you are speaking of on how difficult it will be for you.05:04
drhester7histo: basically I'm just trying to personalize it to me. I'm a windows user over mac so I like the minimize and close buttons on the right instead of left.05:06
Jesse_Vdrhester7: you can fix that in Ubuntu. Or you can switch to Linux Mint, which has that by default, and which is based on Ubuntu05:06
* Jesse_V runs Mint 1405:07
histodrhester7: all that stuff is very easy05:07
theadminJesse_V: Please don't recommend unsupported derivatives05:07
drhester7histo: part of  this process is so that I can gain experience in computers all around05:08
theadmindrhester7: Having the buttons on the right in Ubuntu is problematic, considering they'll move to the left when you maximize the window anyway because it merges the titlebar with the top panel05:08
Jesse_Vtheadmin: well Mint isn't supported by Ubuntu, it's supported by the Mint team, so it is technically supported by them05:08
theadmindrhester7: As a Windows user, you may like the KDE desktop better (get Kubuntu or install the kubuntu-desktop package, click: http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/kubuntu-desktop )05:08
theadminJesse_V: I mean those not supported by this channel.05:09
Jesse_Vdrhester7: there's a setting for it, but it's been a while and I forget where it is05:09
Jesse_Vah, sorry then theadmin05:09
Jesse_Vis Cinnamon supported?05:09
Jesse_Vit's in the repos05:09
badicaliasup yall05:09
theadminJesse_V: Is in the Mint repos, not Ubuntu's05:09
drhester7theadmin: again more of it is for the experience. I like to figure stuff out but I need somewhere to start05:09
theadminOh, never mind05:09
Katronixhisto oddly enough I brought my laptop physically closer to the router and it started working05:09
theadminJesse_V: It's in the Ubuntu ones, so I guess it's supported05:09
Jesse_VI thought you could install Cinnamon in Ubuntu from the standard repos, maybe not, sorry05:10
theadminJesse_V: Yeah, is in universe/x1105:10
Jesse_Vthat's what I thought05:10
theadminJesse_V: Just found it. Odd. Well anything in the repos is supported here05:10
Jesse_Vdrhester7: well then Cinnamon should put the buttons on the right side, and the desktop looks awesome IMO05:10
hejkii'm attempting to make a 32bit build on amd64 13.04, however some of the 32bit packages i require want to remove my g++/gcc-multilib and libc6 -stuff, how do i manage around such packages?05:16
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wheatthinhejki, I'm thinking you should look into multi-libs05:33
clctotroll alert05:35
bugtraqhow to setting acces poin in ubuntu ??05:38
scxcan anyone show me result of this command?: find /usr/lib* -iname "libGL.so*" | xargs dpkg -S05:40
histobugtraq: are you just trying to share a connection?05:40
irenicus09how the hell did I end up in this channel lol05:41
histoscx: libgl1-mesa-glx05:41
histoscx: has libGL.so.1 and 1.205:41
scxhisto: thanks05:42
SuperLagI think I created /home on a drive without making a proper partition table on it first. gparted doesn't know what kind of table it is, but my data still exists in /home. I can't great a GPT non-destructively, can I?05:42
histoscx: also the /usr/lib* should be just /usr/lib05:42
histoscx: and apt-file maybe helpful for you.05:43
histo!find libGL.so05:43
ubottuFile libGL.so found in fglrx, fglrx-updates, libgl1-mesa-dev, libgl1-mesa-glx, libgl1-mesa-glx-dbg, nvidia-173, nvidia-304, nvidia-304-updates, nvidia-310, nvidia-310-updates (and 1 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libGL.so&mode=&suite=raring&arch=any05:43
histoSuperLag: have you looked at sudo parted -l output05:44
histoSuperLag: also how are you mounting it?05:44
scxhisto: not on 64-bit system05:44
scxhisto: there is /usr/lib and /usr/lib6405:44
theadminSuperLag: If you created a filesystem on a drive instead of a partition, then I guess you can't exactly create a partition table without losing the data05:45
histoscx: not on my system05:45
histotheadmin: unless the fs starts after the first sector which I doubt05:45
dellerhi guys05:46
delleranyone here?05:46
somsip!anyone | deller05:46
ubottudeller: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.05:46
histodeller: no we are all hiding05:46
* histo loves that people join a channel with 1500+ and ask if anyone is here05:47
histodeller: /who05:47
kit-kathi to enable pseudo terminal (/dev/pts) kernel driver is enough or is it need some more extra packages ?05:47
delleryou guys realize that online doesnt mean actually here05:47
delleranyways, i got a question about socket programming05:48
citric-I have installed "Terminology" and changed a video setting, now Terminology starts but as a blank application (worthless) so I tried uninstalled with apt-get remove --purge terminology but it still keeps the settings when i try to reinstall so it's still worthless for me, any suggestions?05:48
dellertrying to send data from one program to another using UDP on locahost05:48
dellerbut apparently i cant bind two sockets on th same address on the same machine05:48
theadmincitric-: Most apps store settings either under ~/.appname or ~/.config/appname05:48
theadmincitric-: That is, those that run as a regular user05:48
dellerbasically i want full duplex communication over UDP on the same machine05:48
delleris this possible>05:48
histodeller: what language are you writting in?05:49
citric-theadmin, thanks, i will look into it.05:49
histodeller: I would ask in a c channel05:49
theadmindeller: Try ##c05:49
dellerk thanks05:49
citric-What is a preferred app to remotely connect to another ubuntu desktop on the same network ?05:50
theadmincitric-: Eh, depends. Terminal connection? Definetly ssh. Full desktop? You can use VNC. TeamViewer is also an option, and is definetly the easiest to configure.05:50
citric-theadmin, does SSH require any configuration or can I just ssh user@ip and good to go?05:51
SuperLaghisto: when I set it up, I just did mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb105:51
theadmincitric-: Well, you can as long as the server machine (one you're connecting to) has openssh-server installed05:51
theadmincitric-: (and running)05:51
histoSuperLag: then you have a partition of /dev/sdb1   what is the problem you are experiencing?05:52
SuperLaghisto: like this: UUID=ea891955-9dc7-4012-803c-91d561764c83 /home           ext4    nodev,nosuid      0       205:52
SuperLaghisto: I just added a third hard drive. And mSATA SSD. When I started up gparted, that's when it referenced the second drive, and said it didn't know the partition table type05:53
* SuperLag might be a little nuts... 3 SSDs in his laptop. :)05:53
histoSuperLag: are you sure you aren't selecting the wrong drive?05:54
nevynI should get a mSATA drive.05:54
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histoSuperLag: sudo blkid05:54
histoSuperLag: paste the output of that to paste.ubuntu.com also lsblk  wouldn't hurt05:54
citric-theadmin, you run unity? or gnome?05:55
theadmincitric-: Unity, why does that even matter?05:55
citric-theadmin, was just a poll :D05:55
histo!poll | citric-05:56
ubottucitric-: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:56
SuperLaghisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5763710/05:56
murlidharflashplugin-installer: downloading http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.291.orig.tar.gz05:57
murlidharam stuck up here.05:57
murlidharit is not downloading at all05:57
histoSuperLag: well /dev/sdb1 is there so I still don't understand what your problem is05:57
citric-histo, don't remember asking you a question. or your input.05:57
histocitric-: didn't respond to a question05:57
citric-did you read the last part, about your input?05:58
citric-thanks :)05:58
histo!attitude | citric-05:58
ubottucitric-: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:58
IdleOnecitric-: histo was trying to explain one of the channel rules.05:58
citric-it's ok, i ignored him now :)05:58
IdleOneyou might want to read them05:58
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:58
SuperLaghisto: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-06132013-105836pm.php05:59
theadminSuperLag: sudo file -s /dev/sdb, what does that give you?06:00
SuperLaghisto: it just seems odd, that's all. Why would gparted show it as unallocated, when it definitely *is* allocated, and currently in use, even?06:00
histoSuperLag: no idea why gparted is being weird you'd have to have /dev/sdb1 not mounted to mess with it anyways06:00
SuperLagtheadmin: /dev/sdb: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0x83, starthead 1, startsector 63, 1000215153 sectors, extended partition table (last)\011, code offset 0x006:01
theadminSuperLag: ...looks fine, I dunno. GParted is just being weird I guess06:01
theadminSuperLag: It's not a perfect program06:01
histoSuperLag: looks fine06:01
SuperLagtheadmin: What?! not perfection?! :O06:02
yugandharHi, I wish comment multiple lines in /etc/network/interface file at a time.  How can we do it ?06:03
yugandharis there any way to do it at a time?06:04
yugandharplease help me06:04
theadminyugandhar: Uh, well, depends on your text editor. With vi, :11,15s/^/#/06:04
theadminyugandhar: Where 11 and 15 are the first and last line you wish to comment06:04
F_XZand also, for vim, the block visual mode can also do that.06:04
yugandharoh, thanks alot06:04
yugandhartheadmin:  Thanks a lot06:05
theadminyugandhar: Many text editors have a "comment line" option which you can use with selections, too06:05
SuperLaghisto: theadmin: This came up when I was attempting to create a partition table on /dev/sdc http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-06132013-110546pm.php06:06
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theadminSuperLag: Hm...06:07
theadminSuperLag: I dunno, looks like a broken GPT then06:07
SuperLagmaybe I should copy my data off of /dev/sdb, create a new GPT table, and put it back.06:07
Sir-Litepoolim trying to merge 2 app armours like in here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186113606:07
Sir-Litepoolnot sure how to06:07
SuperLagI just don't want to lose data06:07
SuperLagThe ThinkPad W530 is a nice laptop to run Linux on.06:12
SuperLagIt's been great.06:12
SuperLagand being able to take 32GB of RAM... love it06:12
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
histoSuperLag: how did you partition /dev/sdc06:16
histoSuperLag: or I should say with what tool?06:16
histoyugandhar: you could also probably use sed06:17
yugandharhisto : Could you please give me the command?06:19
histoyugandhar: which line numbers?06:21
histoyugandhar: sed '1,10s/^/#/' somefile  would start lines 1 through 10 with #06:22
yugandharhisto: Thanks a lot06:23
JennyBlueBirdhi guys , is there any easy way to force network manager to only use a particular hotspot or do I have to do it manually for that ?06:23
histoyugandhar: you'd have to use -i  to actually do it inline06:23
histoyugandhar: or I should say inplace vs just printing the changes to stdout06:23
anders__Question: I'm wanting to "upgrade" from 32 bit to 64 bit. On the installation type screen, can I choose "Reinstall" or do I have to completely reformat the drive?06:23
we6jboI have a question06:24
histoanders__: format06:24
histo!ask | we6jbo06:24
anders__Thank you!06:24
ubottuwe6jbo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:24
JennyBlueBirdanders__, you can probably keep your user settings if you got them on a separate partition, but the entire system, including all programs, must be reinstalled06:25
we6jboI was wondering if there is a program that would let me run a command and then wait for the command to finish before running a different command06:25
JennyBlueBirdwe6jbo,   if I'm not mistaken && will do that06:25
anders__we6jbo: I think && would work.06:25
we6jboAt later times though06:25
JennyBlueBirdwe6jbo,    i.e  firefox && echo "firefox has finished"06:26
JennyBlueBirdprogram 1 && sleep <lots of time> && program 206:26
we6jboLike for instance if I ran wget http://example.com/file1.zip and then in 5min I wanted to run wget -c example.com/file2.zip but I wanted the first wget process to finish before running the second one06:27
we6jbojust using wget as an example06:27
F_XZwe6jbo: you can try run wget files from a list.06:27
JennyBlueBirdwget 1 && sleep <5 minutes> && wget 206:27
we6jboyeah but i would have already done wget 1 and then hit enter06:28
we6jbolets say it takes 30min to download that file06:28
histowe6jbo: well wget can use file lists06:28
anders__we6jbo: Couldn't you just open a new terminal tab/window?06:28
histowe6jbo: you can add your links to a text file called lets say filelist  and then wget -i filelist06:29
=== NK`_ is now known as NK`
JennyBlueBirdwe6jbo, you basically want a command that checks if another process is running and start if it has finished ?06:29
histowe6jbo: or just wget file1 && wget file206:29
we6jbothat would work06:29
histowe6jbo: using && waits for the first command to finish successfully before starting the next06:29
we6jboI like JennyBlueBird 's idea06:30
we6jboI dont know how to do that though06:30
JennyBlueBirdwe6jbo, it depends what you want to do tbh06:30
JennyBlueBirdwe6jbo, what exactky is the issue with && ?06:30
JennyBlueBirdit seems to do what you want06:30
we6jbocause I would have already entered the command06:30
we6jboI dont know maybe I'm over thinking it06:31
JennyBlueBirdwhy can't you enter the two comands at the same time ?06:31
we6jbothe webmaster gets mad06:31
histowe6jbo: you can use the at command to schedule something to be done06:31
JennyBlueBirdwe6jbo, huh? how would he know ?06:31
we6jboYeah I was thinking using at but I'd need the first command to finish though06:32
histowe6jbo: at 4:30pm cat /your/mom06:32
histowe6jbo: then write a script to monitor the pid of the first command06:32
we6jboyeah that would be good06:32
we6jbohere I'll get one of his emails06:32
JennyBlueBirdwe6jbo, && does not execute the comands simulatenously. It executes the first one, and then runs the second if the first one finishes with a successful termination06:32
we6jbook here's one. He basically says that I'm downloading too much stuff and it's costing him money06:33
histowe6jbo: if you just want to run one command after another regardless of the first one use somecommand ; someothercommand06:33
JennyBlueBirdwe6jbo, so if you want to wait a little between two commands, just do:   wget file1 &&  wait <time>  && wget file206:33
aeon-ltdwe6jbo: what is it hosting?06:34
we6jboYeah I do that for now but sometimes I like to wget the command then wait awhile and I might decided to wget something else06:34
we6jboI think it's on his own server06:34
SuperLaghisto: I was going to use gparted for /dev/sdc, but I used gdisk instead. Created GPT, then one fs using the entire drive... formatted as ext4.06:34
histoSuperLag: No idea why do you need gparted since you used gdisk?06:34
RazLaptopAnyone here buy ZaReason servers before? It shipped with a login and I have no idea what the password or login is06:34
we6jboI might try the at and the pid06:35
we6jbothat might work06:35
SuperLaghisto: I *just* got gdisk. Tried gparted the very first time around.06:35
wheatthinRazLaptop, I dont think that's an ubuntu question06:35
SuperLaghisto: s/Tried/Used06:35
we6jbook I'm going to bed. Thank you all for your help and thank you histo and JennyBlueBird for the idea of using at and pid.06:36
JennyBlueBirdwe6jbo, if you have some foresight you might run wget file1 && ./bashscript06:36
JennyBlueBirdthen just change ./bashscript if you want to do some more stuff06:36
JennyBlueBirdor use ; instead of &&06:37
tones /join #windows06:37
RazLaptopwheatthin, server comes with ubuntu preconigured, and the company card cites the freenode channel, I figured it was worth a shot :\06:38
RazLaptopsucks because I have to configure this server tonight D:06:38
wheatthinRazLaptop, I'd lookup the faq on their website06:38
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RazLaptopwheatthin, I did, nothing :(06:39
anders__wheatthin: As a last ditch effort you could just reinstall the OS.06:40
wheatthinanders_ huh?06:40
wheatthinRazLaptop, If all else fails, you can boot a live ubuntu cd/dvd and chroot into your installation and set the password then06:41
anders__wheatthin: Just reinstall Ubuntu. Or Ubuntu server.06:41
wheatthinanders_ I didn't have any questions.06:42
RazLaptopwheatthin, yeah it ships with the CD, I just was hoping to get the machine and do a few apt-get's for what I needed, I don't even know what raid card they put in there06:42
anders__wheatthin: Oops. :) My bad. I read the wrong nick.06:42
SuperLagWhat are the proper options for /home in /etc/fstab?06:42
SuperLagnodev,nosuid ?06:43
SuperLagor should it be something different?06:43
wheatthinSuperLag, you mounting it as a separate partition?06:43
SuperLagwheatthin: yes06:43
somsipSuperLag: got this here - I think from the installer: defaults,user_xattr06:44
SuperLagsomsip: are you mounting /home on a separate partition, as well?06:44
wheatthinSuperLag,  (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks2)06:44
somsipSuperLag: yep06:44
wheatthinchange the udisk to your appropriate disk06:44
SuperLagwheatthin: what is the last option?06:45
SuperLagthe uhelper=udisk?06:45
wheatthinSuperLag, I believe it just chooses which disk you're querying06:47
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wheatthinI could be wrong tho06:49
Sir-Litepoolhow do i completely remove mysql?06:53
wheatthinSir-Litepool, I believe sudo apt-get purge mysql06:54
Synchronyhi everybody!  I´m trying to getting work my father´s printer on Ubuntu 12.04.....I have installed the 3.13.02 version of hplip ....When I try to print happen that I receive only message on the screen that says : "the document was success printed"06:57
histoSir-Litepool: you're still mucking around?06:57
SynchronyIn the real, nothing was printed....I have tried to upgrade hplip to the 3.13.15 version and seems I could not open the package06:57
SynchronyI am a beginner with ubuntu, maybe i did something wrong.06:57
Sir-Litepoolyeah histo im completely removing mysql06:57
Sir-Litepooli backed up the /var/lib/mysql06:58
histoSir-Litepool: well mysql-server is the package that you are probably having issues with06:58
histoSynchrony: what type of printer?06:58
Sir-Litepoolinstalling dependencies like libdbd-mysql-perl right now06:59
Synchronythis model : hp deskjet f428007:00
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snuffthey guys07:14
snufftstupid question, but when using ssh, out of 2 step password auth vs authorized keys, which wins in security?07:15
snufftbetter yet, can you 2 step authorised keys?07:15
nevynI like keys07:15
nevynsnufft: how good is your password?07:16
snufftcompetely random07:16
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histoSynchrony: let me check something07:17
nevynsnufft: so with good practice. keys are clearly and obviously superior to most passwords07:18
ojasvidoes anybody out here knows how to recover corrupted windows using ubuntu?07:18
histoSynchrony: http://askubuntu.com/questions/24073/how-do-i-install-the-hp-f4280-printer07:18
Synchronyhisto : ok07:18
nevynsnufft: the big advantage of passwords is you have some more policy controls to ensure good practice.07:18
nevynexcept you don't...07:19
theraserHey, is there any linux compatible USB dock which offers audio and video connectors? Somethink like this one: http://blog.lenovo.com/products/dock-is-launched07:19
ojasvim trying to install ubuntu 12.04 alongside windows 8. but no known method is working07:19
histoojasvi: are you using 64bit ubuntu?07:19
auronandace!uefi | ojasvi07:19
ubottuojasvi: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI07:19
woomouse and keyboard functions keep failing on 13.04 x64 3.8.0-23-generic07:19
snufftnevyn, two step should somewhat mitigate crap passwords though07:19
nevynbecause while you can enforce length, complexity numbers etc etc. MyP@ssw0rdisawes0me is still pretty terrible and high on dictionary lists07:20
ojasvi!info ubuntu07:20
ubottuPackage ubuntu does not exist in raring07:20
histonevyn: how'd you guess my password?07:20
Synchronyhisto: ok, I check it. I was looking in this page http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/install/manual/distros/ubuntu.html07:20
histoSynchrony: your printer should work out of the box with ubuntu btw07:21
woohisto: mind = blown07:21
ojasvihisto: yes07:22
histoojasvi: read the instructions from ubottu about uefi07:22
histo!clone > blockworks07:24
ubottublockworks, please see my private message07:24
kalledelDoes anyone know the internals of SYN-blocking in the kernel here? I have a problem with high tcp connection rates on loopback..07:24
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ojasvihisto: thanks. on it :D07:25
Synchrony i log out for a moment07:25
kenzo450Dhi, i was installing zendframework, when suddenly on trying to use the sudo command, i get the error sudo: "effective uid is not 0, is sudo installed setuid root? ", how do I fix it? I cannot run anything as sudo?07:26
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tkingHello guys please can someone advise? I am moving file using from  root directory... i used the command 'gksudo nautilus /' to get to drive but i get this error along the line https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46512205/one.png07:37
Ben64tking: you should just use the command line to move a file instead of opening a root nautilus07:39
hexabitIm here07:42
hexabitoops wrong channel! :)07:43
histotking: what is the filesystem you are copying to?07:44
tkinghisto its fat3207:44
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hd5770hey ppeps07:46
hd5770i installed ubuntu07:46
histotking: fat32 can't hold a 31GB file07:46
nanyaks_hd5770: Good for you!07:47
hd5770heh thanks07:47
hd5770but the boot loader dont work :(07:47
nanyaks_oops...how do you mean?07:47
histotking: 4gb limit07:47
seretking: the max fast32 holds in 4gb07:48
hd5770grub will not install on sda107:48
hd5770win7 boot loader is there07:48
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nanyaks_seems you didnt install it in the master boot record..07:49
tkinghisto, sere -  really, which file system can I use?07:50
hd5770did try but it failed come back withh error like its not aload there07:50
histotking: do you need access to the filesystem on any other operating systems?07:51
tkinghisto yes, or should i create a partition to contain that file itself?07:51
seretking: ntfs if your using windows aswell07:52
nanyaks_can you access your command line?07:53
tkingsere ntfs would work with ubuntu, mac and windows right?07:53
histotking: you can use ntfs or ext3 ... if you are using ext3 you need to add a file system driver to windows though as it doens't support ext3 out of the obx07:53
seretking: i dont know about mac. never used it07:53
histotking: looks like you can add ntfs support to mac07:54
nanyaks_try the suggestions from here .. http://goo.gl/7KQZB07:54
histotking: http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=2009091314002338207:54
seretking: you could split your package into 4.gig files and then just copy that whole directoy over.. but you would have alot of files07:55
nanyaks_hd5770: sure your installation media isn't corrupt?07:56
tkingsere its a backup file and how do i restore backup?07:56
hd5770yeah i used mini core and downloaded the rest meny times07:56
histotking: how'd you make the backup file?07:57
tkingsere  in future since the commands would be tar cvfjz backup.tgz               now with many files it would be a problems07:58
MindSparkHello guys, can someone recommend an open source web based bugtracking tool?07:58
tkinghisto using this command 'tar cvpzf backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys /'    source: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508707:59
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histotking: then split your file up if you want to use fat32 or switch filesystems08:01
histotking: http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=2009091314002338208:02
histotking: sorry wrong link08:02
tkinghisto how to switch file or split any  source?08:02
histotking: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem/TAR#Archive_Splitting08:02
tkinghisto vs sere thanks08:03
seretking: it would still be one command but it would be packaging your backup into 4gb incremental tar files : http://ccn.ucla.edu/wiki/index.php/Tar_Tutorial08:03
nanyaks_hd5770: if you can access the command line on the system, try reinstalling grub08:03
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nanyaks_hd5770: maybe we can start here ... http://goo.gl/9oYXW08:06
nanyaks_if you cant access the terminal, you might need to use a liveCD08:07
dougbbI'm using xubuntu 13.04, and pidgin seems to have lost its ability to connect to servers over IPv6 ... other services work fine over IPv6, any ideas?08:09
hd5770man the live cd does not fit on my 700 mb disks lol08:11
hd5770i will try this but it seems windows 7 boot loaders is allrdy useing the MBR and its not will to let go of it08:12
somsip!find celeryd08:16
ubottuFile celeryd found in maas-region-controller, python-celery, python-celery-doc, python-django-celery08:17
ActionParsnipdougbb: are there any bugs reported?08:20
dougbbwhere would I look for that? launchpad?08:20
nanyaks_hd5570: there is boot repair that can help ..http://goo.gl/VbG2B08:25
dougbbActionParsnip: I did do a search for "ubuntu 13 pidgin ipv6" and it didn't find anything08:25
nanyaks_it should help...08:25
Sir-Litepoolcan anyone guide me to install lib boost 1.47 or something more than that on my ubuntu box plz?08:29
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m0ngrelhell guest08:36
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Pollekeso.. my vps crashed this night. Dmesg showed disk read/write errors, fsck recovered only a very broken journal. The VPS host says there is nothing wrong with the disk. Can he be right?08:40
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wtf911$5 for ZNC compiled for optware/dd-wrt08:47
Ben64wtf911: no, go away08:47
wtf911what are you, some oper on here or something?08:47
wtf911you go away?08:48
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wtf911if my asking that was inappropriate for the channel you could have politely told me08:48
bazhang!ot | wtf91108:50
ubottuwtf911: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:50
bazhang!guidelines > wtf91108:50
ubottuwtf911, please see my private message08:50
ActionParsnipPolleke: if it crashed then the data may be damaged, I'd use your backups etc08:53
PollekeActionParsnip: yes, the backup of 24h before is running (our customers not happy :( ) A fsck on that image revealed only two lost inodes. But I'm more wondering how the hell this happened08:54
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iKillCypheruh is this channel about ubuntu touch?08:55
bazhang!touch | iKillCypher08:55
ubottuiKillCypher: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch08:55
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nanyaks_hd5770: any luck?09:11
hd5770not tryed yet mate i am relocant as i cant see it working09:13
TKingPlease i need help i mistakingly restored backup.tgz which is a backup of my system to my /home directory? now it has folders root, bin, initrd.img svr, etc, home. but when i tried deleting with it failed so i reboot and started getting loop of login screen. ctrl+ alt+f1 goes to terminal and from there i deleted the folders still can't looking even though i changed /home to chmod 75509:13
tux9thhi, what can I do against the RAM hungry compiz and xorg in 13.04?09:13
tux9ththey take up to 1gb of ram :-S09:13
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TKingi mistakingly restored backup.tgz which is a backup of my system to my /home directory? now it has folders root, bin, initrd.img svr, etc, home. but when i tried deleting with it failed so i rebooted and login screen keeps coming back. ctrl+alt+f1 to terminal and from there i deleted the folders still can't get to desktop even after chmod 755 /home? but i can access guest09:19
Tripwire292hey anyone around?09:20
Tripwire292was hoping to get some help with LVM09:21
foobArrra kernel upgrade just failed, i tried uninstalling and reinstalling the kernel manually, I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764109/09:22
foobArrroh, /boot is out of space, nevermind09:23
vicnwhos on09:24
Tripwire292hi, i am09:24
foobArrr(Is there a way to automatically remove all older kernels but the latest two or something like that?)09:24
somsipfoobArrr: I have seen a script on stackoverflow that uses uname in a find/delete to remove them. I shall look...09:25
somsipfoobArrr: NEEDS TESTING http://www.dmwl.net/node/2609:25
Equinox3foobarArrr use synaptic to remove the ones you don't need09:25
Tripwire292any of you know anything about LVM?09:26
somsipfoobArrr: ah - it doesn't keep the last few. Just the active one. It's a start though09:26
foobArrrsomsip: thanks09:26
Tripwire292ive got things setup, that parts fine. im trying to add two more disks but i get "Device /dev/sda1 not found (or ignored by filtering)"09:27
Tripwire292any ideas?09:27
Equinox3i have used synaptic to remove older linux kernels. didn't cause any problems09:27
qursksup guys09:29
tux9thfoobArrr: Why don't you just remove them in synaptics? or are it that many :p?09:29
foobArrrtux9th: because I'd have to do that after every kernel update, and I'm lazy and like to automate things.09:30
tux9thah ok09:31
TKingi created a user without password how do i give the user a password now?09:35
somsipTKing: sudo passwd username09:36
TKingsomsip thanks09:37
TKingsomsip, my user account is messed up, how can i login or switch to root user from terminal since i cant get to GUI09:39
somsipTKing: sudo -i to swicth to user09:40
somsip!text | TKing09:40
ubottuTKing: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode09:40
qurskguys im having problems by installing red hat into virtual box09:42
qurskim on ubuntu and i downloaded red hat iso several times09:42
qurskstill having problems at the installing console09:42
theadminqursk: ...Redhat isn't supported here09:43
qurskwhere can i go for that ?09:43
SixtyFold#fedora would be closest probably haha09:43
theadminqursk: Well, if you did buy it, you can simply consult RedHat themselves.09:43
theadminSixtyFold: Eh, CentOS is closer to RHEL than Fedora09:44
qursknope its actually downloaded iso from the official website09:44
SixtyFoldgood to know09:44
TKingsomsip can i talk private?09:45
theadminqursk: Well, RedHat support is commercial, sorreh. Can't help here at all, way different system09:45
somsipTKing: I don't have time and all ubuntu shat should be in the channel09:47
somsipoops - chat.09:47
Tripwire292can anyone help me with some LVM stuff09:47
theadminTripwire292: Ask the actual question, then if anyone can help they shall09:48
theadminTripwire292: If not, try on askubuntu.com as you don't have to stay online there to get your answers09:48
Tripwire292ive got things setup, that parts fine. im trying to add two more disks but i get "Device /dev/sda1 not found (or ignored by filtering)"09:48
TKingi can login as root@user but cant login as user how can i fix this error since i cant get to gui of user except i get into guest or root from using ctrl+alt+f109:48
Tripwire292i have not changed any of the filters09:48
Tripwire292ok ty theadmin09:49
cloneGhello I would need a dns domain in order to get my openvpn connection working...I was told to use no-ip or dyndns services but...the question is: is not possible to make ubuntu do that task instead?09:49
somsipTKing: maybe rename the dead user, create a new correctly-named user you can log in as, and move the files from deaduser home to newuser home. Some commands may help here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208675309:50
somsipTKing: just a thought. Might not be the best idea...09:50
theadmincloneG: If your Ubuntu machine has a static IP with a domain and you can add subdomains freely, maybe, but if it's dynamic, well that's the whole point of dyndns...09:51
theadmincloneG: Generally, it's too much bother to set up manually. I'm using noip and can't complain, works perfectly09:52
Tripwire292cloneG, you dont /i/need/i/ a domain... just the external ip address. dyndns simply attaches a name to that dynamic ip you get from your isp09:52
Tripwire292i use dyndns, it also works great for what i do09:52
Name141Can anyone (that has one?) comment on how well the Intel HD graphics works on the G2020 in Ubuntu ?09:54
cloneGyeah but as a third party service it is not durable09:54
cloneGyou need to be a regular user to keep it working properly apart from an account in one of those websites09:55
Tripwire292not durable?09:55
cloneGyou're bound to be a client09:55
cloneGI like the independence ubuntu gives09:55
ActionParsnipName141: could try it in liveCD to test09:55
cloneGno it stops working if you are not careful09:56
theadmincloneG: ...Well, if you want to have a domain, you're bound to be a client of some domain service anyway09:56
Tripwire292with dyndns, as a feee user, i have to login once every thirty days and that is09:56
somsipTripwire292: if you have a router, these can often be configured to update dyndns regularly09:56
TKingsomsip i created user and it cant login09:57
cloneGthats the point...does not ubuntu gives that chance? to have your own domain on your own?09:57
Tripwire292i knnow, i just havent set it up yet..09:57
theadmincloneG: ...You can't just have a domain of your own, you need a service09:57
TKingsomsip i mean i created a user and that user cant login09:57
Tripwire292actually idk if mine will do it, running a cisco 2611xm09:57
theadmincloneG: ...Well or you could contact IANA with a very good reason and lots lots of money, I guess...09:57
somsipTKing: what errors do you see in the error logs?09:57
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Name141ActionParsnip: I suppose so.. I mean you can install flash for Hulu/youtube on live I guess?09:57
Name141that'd be the heaviest graphics09:58
ActionParsnipName141: yes, there is adobe flash in the repos, or pepper flash in Chrome :)09:58
TKingsomsip sorry i dont know where error logs are saved09:58
TKingcan u tell me please09:58
somsipTKing: /var/logs09:58
somsipTKing: probably /var/log/auth.log if you have login problems. But maybe best to look around a bit if it's your first time in there. Get a feel for it09:59
Name141ActionParsnip: I got a new machine with windows 8 and it went to killing my bandwidth, just like it did these people http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r27866690-HN9000-Something-on-new-computer-is-draining-my-bandwidth-fast .  Since they don't like Windows 8 , I might can get them to make the swap if Yahoo messenger is native ?09:59
cloneGokay so no-ip or dyndns will do the trick...any other firm?10:00
theadminName141: There are tons of clients for Yahoo. Empathy (built into Ubuntu) has Yahoo support10:00
Name141theadmin; yeah but usually lack all the features10:00
cloneGwhich is the more comfortable gui interface...menu app and so?10:00
theadminName141: Hm, I think Jitsi has support for webcam chats over Yahoo10:00
Tripwire292cloneG, you could also go get a domain from a registrar10:01
Tripwire292its basically the same thing, tell it your external ip10:01
theadminName141: I have no idea, I haven't used Yahoo since, like... uh... uh... I can't even remember the last time I opened yahoo.com for that matter10:01
zoraelNothing conclusive emerged from the musings of a rolling flavor, I gather?10:01
Tripwire292cloneG, i use www.namecheap.com10:02
Tripwire292its good10:02
theadminzorael: Something sort of did, they shortened support for non-LTS releases to 9 months so that people are now forced to upgrade. Not technically rolling release, but "close enough" I guess10:02
Name141theadmin: Anyway, I'll see if the Windows 8 trip is over with after removing the tiles/windows apps.. If not, after it used 500 MBs in 3 hours (with a 10GB monthly cap..) I gotta do something.10:02
zoraeltheadmin: All right, thanks10:02
Tripwire292Name141, doesnt pigeon support yahoo?10:03
TKingsomsip http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764199 this is the log from auth.log10:03
Name141Tripwire292: lack of features.10:03
Tripwire292Name141, ah10:03
theadminTripwire292: It does, but without VV (voice/video, not the white-haired immortal evil guy)10:03
Name141theadmin: They also like clicking their email icon and it going directly to it..10:03
Tripwire292Name141, true10:03
theadminName141: Hm. I honestly don't know if Yahoo! has an official messenger for UNIX-like systems. Check, and if not, try running it in WINE, it may just work10:04
antwortcould anybody tell me how to install a higher version of software using apt-get10:05
somsipTKing: at what point in the login process is this failing?10:05
Name141theadmin: Anywho, best case is that Windows 8 stops eating the bandwith.. I'd hate to call Lonovo and tell them I don't want the system because of an OS..10:05
Tripwire292antwort, are you trying to do updates?10:05
antworti don't want to update my disti10:05
Tripwire292antwort, just a single package?10:06
TKingsomsip when i get to screen of entering password in GUI. I enter password screen goes black for 1 second or less and return back to login screen10:06
TKingso it is a loop of login screen10:06
antwortyes only a single10:06
theadminantwort: Generally speaking, if "apt-get install" pulls in an older version of software than what's currently released, it means the version apt-get pulls is the recommended one for your Ubuntu version (newer versions may even fail on your Ubuntu version in this case), but you can search your favorite search engine for "softwareNameHere ppa", for example "pidgin ppa"10:06
antwortbut it depends10:06
somsipTKing: this is the same thing you had the other day still? It was you wasn't it?10:06
antwortinstall curl depends on libcurl10:07
antwortso it woun't work10:07
theadminantwort: Well, again, search for a ppa or in the worst case build it yourself from source.10:07
TKingsomsip this is different: because i had problem the other day, i formated and reinstall this time made backup.tgz file containing my full system backup. stupid me i wanted to extract archieve to see if it works i mistakenly extracted in my /home directory10:08
TKingsomsip the whole files meant to be in / are in /home -- immedaitely using sudo nautilus / i wanted to quickly delete it and it failed, so i rebooted and couldn't login any more10:09
somsipTKing: so login as root in text mode and tidy up. I thought that was your intention with the questions you've been asking.10:10
Ben64TKing: don't do sudo nautilus10:10
TKingsomsip how do i tidy up? i have already remove the folders from /home i mean root boot etc folders that were created in /home10:12
theadminTKing: You may want to remove config folders such as ~/.gnome and ~/.gnome2 and ~/.config and so on and so on since they were likely ruined with this "sudo nautilus" thing of yours10:13
cloneGTripwire292 does namecheap.com manage both dns and domain for same price? I bought a domain a couple of years ago and they only gave me the name...Y would need an ip public for this computer aswell!10:13
freakynlHi, I have some issues after upgrading kernels and running out of space: http://pastebin.ca/239839010:14
freakynlany ideas? apt-get install -f doesn't fix it :(10:14
TKingtheadmin  how do i go about remove this? in which directory?10:15
freakynlwhilst on the subject - when will it finally clear up old kernels? Had over 2GB in /lib/modules alone - auto update bites in the ass like this10:15
theadminTKing: ~10:15
theadminTKing: ~ is your home folder, normally /home/username10:15
theadminfreakynl: Old kernels aren't automatically cleaned, you have to apt-get remove them yourself10:16
walltenderWhat's a good screen video cast GUI program in ubuntu, tried recordmydesktop, conversion is too slow.10:16
freakynltheadmin: I know, hence the q, it's a pita10:17
theadminwalltender: Try Kazam10:17
TKingtheadmin am in there apart from ~/.gnome and ~/.gnome2 and ~/.config what else? or should i remove all . files10:17
theadminTKing: I think those 3 are enough, but not 100% sure.10:18
TKingtheadmin another problem, i created a new user and that user cant login10:18
theadminTKing: Hms. Is there anything weird under /etc/skel/?10:19
TKingtheadmin if i remove those would and reboot would everything restore it self? or how do i get them back to reload properly10:19
theadminTKing: Eh, they'll just reappear anyways, apps will recreate them10:20
TKingtheadmin so far in sel i can see .bash_logout .bashrc and .profile with a a directory Exampls10:21
chenli_hello everyone10:21
TKingtheadmin so far in sel i can see .bash_logout .bashrc and .profile with a a directory Examples10:21
AfgghWhy does my software centre stuck on updating cache while installing vlc?10:22
theadminTKing: Those are fine then. Well, just try rebooting10:22
AfgghAnd even any other software.10:23
AfgghIt is just stuck man.10:23
AfgghMy Bluetooth also doesnt work.10:24
mat619Hi guys! I'm working on building a network sniffer for diagnostic purposes with Wireshark - what I have is a 12.04 machine with two NICs. I want to configure those in a way that allows packet monitoring without interfering.10:24
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TKingtheadmin i only saw .gnome2 and .config no such dir as .gnome ?. but i saw .compiz, .gconf and .gnome2_private should i remove any of this?10:25
theadminTKing: Hm, probably do want to get rid of .gconf and .gnome2_private, yeah10:25
theadminTKing: Dunno about .compiz10:25
mat619My goal is to have that box between the switch port and the device to be monitored, let's say a network printer. eth0 comes from the switch, forwards all packets unmodified to eth1, which forwards them to the printer. Is that possible without declaring the monitoring box as a gateway for both the router and the device behind?10:25
babyswizzI keep getting this error whenever i start my ubuntu vm any solutions? Error mounting system-managed device /dev/fd0: Command-line `mount "/media/floppy0"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device10:26
mat619Because I don't want to alter the communication path at all, I just want to monitor what's flowing through that cable from the switch to the target device10:26
TKingtheadmin did as you said, cant login still, i cant login new user created either10:28
theadminTKing: Damn :( Well I dunno then10:28
TKingtheadmin i can only go to terminal and do sudo -i to get to root10:29
TKingtheadmin anyway thanks? the only place i can login is Guest and root in Gui10:30
lesslessguys, I did sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose but there is no /etc/init.d/vboxdrv and I got a  No suitable module for running kernel found error10:30
[Gentoo]TKing: can you log in on console10:30
mat619babyswizz: does your VM have a floppy drive, with a good floppy image loaded?10:30
theadminlessless: Install virtualbox-dkms10:30
TKingGentoo yes with ctrl+alt+f1 right?10:31
[Gentoo]yeah or whatever way10:31
ActionParsniptheadmin: gksudo nautilus    will run a file browser as root....10:31
[Gentoo]outside the gui10:31
theadminActionParsnip: Right, but "sudo nautilus" is no good10:31
ActionParsniptheadmin: oh god no10:31
=== ace is now known as hs366
babyswizzmy system itself does not have a floppy drive mat61910:31
theadminActionParsnip: Which is what TKing did10:32
TKingtheadmin ActionParsnip its a mistake i did gksudo10:32
TKing[Gentoo] i can login user from console10:32
[Gentoo]no idea10:32
lesslesstheadmin, no use10:33
mat619babyswizz: it's a VM, right?10:33
lesslessvboxdrv: unrecognized service10:33
babyswizzmat619: yes10:33
TKingtheadmin am thinking since its possible to login as root@user can i login as root@root and then delete user@userPC but then i would have backed up /home10:35
krypto%sy in top output is almost 100% what can be the issue?10:35
TKingtheadmin and create new user and restore everything back10:35
Tripwire292mat619, afaik... wireshark wont interfere with the packets, it just simply siffs them. in order to see just your printer, or whatever :P, you need to set up a filter for that device, whether it be protocol, ip, mac, etc10:36
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TKingSeriously system restore to last know good configuration will do well in Ubuntu or system repair10:37
Tripwire292babyswizz, have you checked your settings in the vbox manager? under the entry for your vm >> storage  you might find a floppy drive10:39
[Gentoo]TKing: system restore?10:40
TKing[Gentoo] system restore as it is in windows10:41
[Gentoo]that wont touch ubuntu?10:41
babyswizztripwire: I actually dont have a floppy hardware on my system but i think the vm was set to capture a floppy hence the error10:41
Tripwire292well with vbox you can actually set up a virtual fdd, just like you do with the hdd and install img10:42
Tripwire292babyswizz  ^10:43
Tripwire292babyswizz, you dont need to have a fdd physically in your computer10:44
[Gentoo]vbox does all the fake hardware10:44
babyswizzTripwire: I use vmware not vbox and i actually understand what you are saying now but why the error10:45
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BluesKaj'Morning folks10:46
Tripwire292babyswizz, ah. well vmware is pretty much the same, ive used both. and sounds like ubuntu is trying to mount the drive, but nothing is there to mount (just guessing here) maybe check your fstab. also i would check the virtual machine settings to ensure there isnt a ffd being virtualized10:47
babyswizzTripwire: how do I go about this, am actually a newbee10:49
Tripwire292babyswizz, well i would do in a terminal sudo gedit /etc/fstab10:51
Tripwire292babyswizz, i assume your using the desktop edition with a gui10:51
babyswizzTripwire: desktop edition of what10:52
somsip!gksudo | Tripwire29210:52
ubottuTripwire292: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)10:52
ActionParsnipTripwire292: sudo is not suitable for GUI apps10:52
Tripwire292babyswizz, look for an entry that has to do with /dev/floppy010:53
Tripwire292haha well TIL....10:53
[Gentoo]so much easier to just use sudo vim10:53
theadminTripwire292: Don't you mean /dev/fd0?10:53
ActionParsnipTripwire292: il it changes the owner of a file in $HOME and sudo won't work10:53
theadminI don't think floppy* even exists, though unsure10:54
Tripwire292just using what he said10:54
Tripwire292i assume its /fd010:54
Tripwire292<babyswizz> I keep getting this error whenever i start my ubuntu vm any solutions? Error mounting system-managed device /dev/fd0: Command-line `mount "/media/floppy0"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid10:54
Tripwire292oh miss read10:55
walltendertheadmin: Kazam introduces lots of nosies.10:56
Tripwire292and actually ive never ran into an issue with just sudo gedit10:56
theadminwalltender: Huh, odd, worked fine for me10:56
babyswizzTripwire: I have something like this "/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       0"10:58
[Gentoo]Tripwire292: it should work fine its just a bad habit10:58
og01Hi there im getting "debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process"10:58
[Gentoo]you shouldnt ever need to run much graphical stuff as root anyway10:58
theadmintithan: Don't caps. Is it a Windows 8 preinstalled PC?10:59
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Drretro_greetings - i've got some cpu-peak-problems with xubuntu 12.04 on a IBM Thinkpad X61s - it seems there is a kworker problem - how can i resolve that?10:59
minimectithan: DON'T shout.. ;) Press F9 or F12 to 'change boot device' during BIOS screen.10:59
ace_strikerog01: get it's pid and issue kill comand10:59
og01ace_striker: there is no pid, and nothing to kill10:59
og01ace_striker: fuser -v /var/cache/debconf/config.dat shows no processes10:59
minimectithan: You may have to activate that option in the BIOS first.10:59
og01ace_striker: ignore me11:00
ace_strikerogo1: use sodu11:00
og01ace_striker: i wasnt running as root11:00
theadmintithan: If it came with Windows 8, go to right panel -> Settings -> Change PC Settings -> General -> Advanced boot options -> Boot from CD or removable media -> Boot from CD11:01
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lotuspsychje!caps | tithan11:01
ubottutithan: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:01
minimectithan: You may have to activate that option in the BIOS first.11:02
theadmintithan: That's what you need to do to boot from the Ubuntu CD11:02
theadmintithan: Windows 8 messes with the EFI somehow with these boot options11:03
dawkirstHi. Any decent Google Drive clients for Ubuntu?11:06
DJonesdawkirst: Its not in the repo's, but the only one I've found is Insync11:07
theadmindawkirst: Try InSync11:07
Tripwire292[Gentoo], ah ok, like i said TIL :P11:07
mat619babyswizz: remove the floppydrive from the VM then. your virtualization tool must have given it a virtual floppy drive by default11:07
randomUser13Hi, i'm currently fixing a pc where /boot got full, so i manually deleted the old kernels and initrds, but now i think i accidentally deleted some files i shouldn't have... what's the correct way to tell apt-get to reinstall the relevant packages?11:07
mat619Tripwire292: i know how wireshark works, but I'm not sure if I can setup a transparent network bridge in linux11:08
xakerhi all11:08
minimecrandomUser13: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure yourpackage'11:08
randomUser13And on a related note, is `sudo apt-get autoremove` sufficient for cleaning up in the future?11:08
mat619Tripwire292: that will just forward the packets like on osi layer 011:08
mat619Tripwire292: in through eth0, being monitored there, and out through eth1 to the target11:09
mat619Tripwire292: and same thing backwards. without eth0 and eth1 being really a TCP/IP part of the network11:09
dawkirstDJones, theadmin thanks.11:10
Tripwire292mat619, yeah i really have no idea about that, somethong ive never done :P11:10
mat619Tripwire292: that makes two of us. :D11:10
randomUser13minimec: How do i find out which package owned /boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-XX-generic after it no longer exists? :P11:10
mat619Tripwire292: but thanks for trying to help anyway :)11:10
theadminrandomUser13: That'd be linux-image-3.8.0-xx-generic11:11
minimecrandomUser13: linux-image-XXXX.deb. For example: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=raring&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=linux-image11:11
theadminrandomUser13: In general, apt-file can find files in packages regardless of their install state11:11
SKiTZOI am trying to change the permissions given to some usb device files in my udev rules but the changes won't take effect. I use udevadm controll --reload-rules after saving my changes. im on 12.04 what gives?11:13
minimecrandomUser13: If you can reinstall or reconfigure the linux-image-XXX-deb package, I would do a 'sudo update-grub' afterwards, just to be sure...11:14
randomUser13minimec: dpkg-reconfigure gives me: Internal Error: Could not find image (/boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-23-generic)11:18
tithanTHEADMIN:WHAT IS THE MEAN OF 0x0000211:19
minimecrandomUser13: So try to install the package again.11:21
randomUser13minimec: sudo apt-get install ... gives me: "linux-image-3.8.0-XX-generic is already the newest version." and exits without doing anything.11:23
SKiTZOare the rules found under /etc/udev/rules.d ALL that are used on my systyem or is there another batch of rules someplace?11:24
brainwashrandomUser13: sudo apt-get install --reinstall <package>11:24
TKingplease isn't lsmod suppose to show type of drive in grub?11:25
randomUser13SKiTZO: There might be some in /usr/lib/udev/ too if i remember correctly.11:25
brainwashSKiTZO: /lib/udev/rules.d11:26
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tithanwhat the mean of 0x000000000411:26
minimecrandomUser13: So you can boot on one kernel, as I see. Remove all linux-image packages of the vmlinux files you removed. Do a 'sudo update-grub' (to be sure)... and never just remove some files in a filesystem, that is managed by a package manager ;)11:26
ActionParsnipTKing: lsmod just shows the loaded kernel modules11:27
letoHi, I'm going to install ubuntu 13.04 on a 128Gb ssd, no multiboot. I used to crypt at least my seperate home partition, and I'm discovering new (?) install options: lvm and full encryption. What do you advice? And is hibernation possible now with an encrypted home?11:27
ActionParsniptithan: its '4' in hexadecimal11:27
randomUser13minimec: so in future doing "apt-get autoremove" is enought to keep /boot clean?11:27
ActionParsnipleto: I believe the issue was with encrypted swap.11:27
ActionParsnipleto: is the system a desktop?11:28
letoActionParsnip: indeed. No a laptopt11:28
minimecrandomUser13: NOt sure about that. Just check and remove the 'redundant' linux-image packages.11:28
ActionParsnipleto: I see, just dont encrypt swap, alternatively don't use any encryption and life will be easier11:28
dawkirstDJones, I get a "W: Failed to fetch http://apt.insynchq.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'non-free/source/Sources' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)" error, any ideas?11:29
letoActionParsnip: I need encryption of my datas11:29
randomUser13brainwash, minimec: thanks a lot for the help! :) Hope i can reboot...11:31
TKingam trying to run the command " root=(hd0); configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg " in grub since i cant boot from liveUSB but its not working any reason why?11:32
SKiTZOthanks randomuser13 & brainwash11:33
TKinghisto are you there?11:37
gryTKing: Yes.11:37
TKinggry, you helped me yesterday with booting liveUSB from grub, please what are the commands given11:38
gryI didn't, sorry, must have been someone else. Please ask again in full details.11:39
gryhisto: ping.11:40
riqdiizgry: hi11:43
gryriqdiiz: Hi.11:43
riqdiizgry: what commands u looking for?11:44
gryI'm not looking for commands, no. :)11:44
riqdiizgiven what ...? Up there ..:-)11:45
rudolf_hi everyone11:51
rudolf_I have now started liking ubuntu.11:51
rudolf_Its pretty cool.11:51
replaceitsSo after a reboot of my comp, flash decided to not play out of my primary device (plays out of a diffrent one), I've been googling around and haven't found anything thats fixed this, any know how to fix this?11:52
replaceitsI haven't had a problem with it for the last few months <.<"11:52
rudolf_Bit difficult to learn in the starting though. :|11:52
babyswizz1I cant seem to install synaptic package manager , am getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764428/11:52
rudolf_And My bluetooth isnt working.11:52
TKinghow do i boot my liveUSB from grub menu?11:53
rudolf_Its not ready to turn on I dunno why. :( Any help??11:53
replaceits@TKing you should just be able to enable loading from usb in the bios11:54
replaceits@rudolf_ does your computer have a switch or button (like a fn one) to turn it on and off? I've found turnning it off and on helps11:55
walltenderIs this normal that I take a screen recording for around 12 mins and the 3.8 GiB swap is fully occupied, freezes the system while memeory is not fully loaded?11:55
ActionParsnipwalltender: tried a different application?11:56
walltenderActionParsnip: Tired two recording app, mydesktoprecord and Kazam11:57
TKingrepaceits i cant access bios uefi problem11:58
TKingreplaceits i cant access bios uefi problem11:58
SteveBellhi all. I'm trying to find out if a harddrive that took a dive from my living room table is ok. I did "sudo e2fsck /dev/sdb1 and here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764468/ . what does this mean? is the drive damaged? What should I do? reformat? or just keep it like it is?12:06
ActionParsnipwalltender: how much RAM do you have?12:07
walltender3.6 G memory, 3.8 G swap. memory was only occupied less than 1/4 but swap is full.12:08
walltenderwas full.12:08
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
babyswizzcant seem to download synaptic package manager, am getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764428/12:16
auronandacebabyswizz: do an apt-get update first12:17
hounddoghi guys, i am having a problem that my wireless is block due to rfkill, when i try to unblock it, my system freezes completly12:18
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babyswizzcant seem to download synaptic package manager, am getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764428/12:22
Walexbabyswizz: add the default APT sources.12:23
babyswizzwalex: how ?12:24
Walexhounddog: buggy WiFi chipset driver, they are often buggy. Get another WiFi chip or get a newer backported kernel12:24
Walexubotu sources12:25
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.12:25
Walexbabyswizz: if you installed from CD/DVD probably the only package source configured is that CD/DVD.12:26
MonkeyDustbabyswizz  what's the outcome of    cat /etc/issue ?12:31
babyswizzmonkeydust: what issue12:32
MonkeyDustbabyswizz  type cat /etc/issue and paste the output here, you may be using a !eol version of ubuntu12:33
babyswizzmonkeydust: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764543/12:36
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MonkeyDustbabyswizz  ok, good, now type    sudo apt-get update      and then install synaptic12:37
ActionParsnipwhy synaptic when software centre is in a default install?12:38
babyswizz1monkeydust: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764543/12:39
dhs227How do I install a standalone .deb package in ubuntu? 13.0412:40
MonkeyDustbabyswizz1  ok, it seems you lost connection when i answered12:40
ActionParsnipdhs227: double click it12:40
babyswizz1yes I did12:40
MonkeyDustbabyswizz  now type    sudo apt-get update      and then install synaptic12:40
ActionParsnipdhs227: or:  sudo dpkg -i /path/to/filename.deb12:40
dhs227where to verify its default location before I install?12:41
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dhs227e.g. to confirm /usr/bin will be used rather than /usr/local/bin12:41
ActionParsnipdhs227: it will be the file structure in the files, you can extract the deb if you want, then extract data.tar.gz12:42
ActionParsnipdhs227: most debs add a launcher12:42
dhs227a launcher? like a initial script?12:42
ActionParsnipdhs227: like a binary, that goes in /usr/bin  it should also make a launcher in /usr/share/applications like your other apps12:43
ActionParsnipdhs227: it may not though12:43
dhs227what tool I can use to look into .deb? preferably in shell.12:43
ActionParsnipdhs227: ar x filename.deb12:43
ActionParsnipdhs227: then extract the data archive12:44
babyswizzmonkeydust: do I run sudo apt-get update before install synaptic?12:45
MonkeyDustbabyswizz  yes12:45
dhs227a control.tar.gz and a data.tar.gz extracted.12:45
dhs227I love the fish shell 2.012:48
dhs227it's convenient and looks fancy.12:49
ActionParsnipdhs227: the data archive has the files, you will see familiar folders12:51
babyswizzmonkey dust: this is the output after i ran sudo apt-get update http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764574/12:51
babyswizzand sudo apt-get install is still the same output12:51
ActionParsnipbabyswizz:  wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage12:52
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MonkeyDustbabyswizz  ignore that error for now, install synaptic first12:53
babyswizzactionparsnip: dont get you12:54
babyswizzmonkeydust: still give the same errors12:54
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dhs227Shell login keeps nag me like `# packages can be updated. # updates are security updates.` and it takes seconds before prompt.12:56
ActionParsnipbabyswizz: its a command, copy it as one command and run it in the terminal12:56
dhs227How to ignore the check or display?12:56
MonkeyDustbabyswizz  can you install anything else? there may be an issue with the local server12:57
ActionParsnipdhs227: in /etc/update-motd.d/12:57
ActionParsnipdhs227: http://semiaccurate.com/forums/showthread.php?t=571612:57
ActionParsnipdhs227: took me about 60 seconds to find12:58
dhs227ActionParsnip, :)12:58
* ActionParsnip shrugs12:59
b-otActionParsnip: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯12:59
babyswizzactionparsnip: what exactly does the command do13:00
ActionParsnipbabyswizz: its a script to remove all packageknowledge online then redownload. Its the commands from the official package repair how-to but in a script because I'm lazy13:00
SteveBellhi all. I'm trying to find out if a harddrive that took a dive from my living room table is ok. I did "sudo e2fsck /dev/sdb1 and here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764468/ . what does this mean? is the drive damaged? What should I do? reformat? or just keep it like it is?13:00
ActionParsnipbabyswizz: it will delete the hash mismatched file then recreate it but not broken13:01
ActionParsnipSteveBell: sounds like corrupted data, I'd just use backups, much easier13:01
cristian_cI've installed qt4-qtconfig13:02
cristian_cIf I open the tool and I edit the font settings, clicking on File->Save, this string appears in the statusbar: 'Saved changes.'13:02
cristian_cbut if I close and reopen the tool, there are not the new settings anymore13:03
cristian_cHow can I solve it?13:03
SteveBellActionParsnip: not sure what you mean. so the harddrive itself is ok? then I'd just reformat and copy all data onto it again from a backup.13:03
cristian_cAny ideas?13:03
babyswizzactionparsnip: in other words i have a problem with my software sources?13:03
espereguanyone knows howto restart pulseaudio properly? it is running in system mode. 'service pulseaudio stop' or 'service pulseaudio restart' does not seem to work13:03
Kurzaoops wrong channel.13:04
ActionParsnipbabyswizz: yes but the script fixes them13:05
ActionParsnipesperegu: killall pulseaudio13:05
MonkeyDustActionParsnip  i'm testing the script in a chroot :)13:05
ActionParsnipesperegu: it will then autorestart13:05
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: as soon as I see 'hash mismatch' in apt-get I deploy that script13:06
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: step 5 here, is all it is: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PackageManagerTroubleshootingProcedure13:06
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MonkeyDust"Step 2 Disable all PPA repositories" :)13:09
demonoid_mehello to all13:11
demonoid_mei need some help13:11
SteveBellActionParsnip: could you elaborate on what you meant by "I'd just use backups"?13:11
demonoid_mehow can i create bootable usb with  acronis disk?13:11
demonoid_meacronis disk file (iso file)13:12
ActionParsnipSteveBell: your data is backed up, right?13:12
SteveBellActionParsnip: yes, I can erase that disk. my main question is, if that drive should still be fully operational. don't mind re-formatting13:15
SteveBellalthough that would be the third time I go through the 2 day process of cloning 2TB :P13:16
bgardnerSteveBell: You might want to do a surface test on the drive if it took a sharp impact as you describe.13:16
ActionParsnipSteveBell: there are tools on the ultimate boot cd, it will test the drive extensively using the manufacturers tool13:17
ActionParsnipSteveBell: they have the tols from the main drive manufacturers13:17
SteveBellbgardner: ActionParsnip thanks for the hints. don't have a boot cd. but have a bottable USB. but since it's an external drive wouldn't be booting up the "normal" ubuntu on the machine be sufficient to access those tests?13:18
SteveBell* bootable13:18
squigim trying to find a way to make my computer stop trying to use the wireless connection available on my phone over the inbuilt ethernet13:22
espereguActionParsnip: killing it does not seem to work properly13:23
TomJ616Hey guys13:24
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VictorCLhi I need urgent help13:31
VictorCLI ge this error when running tideSDK13:31
VictorCLlibstdc++.so.6: version GLIBCXX_3.4.15 not found13:31
VictorCLstrings /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 | grep GLIBCXX only shows up to 3.4.1413:32
VictorCLhow can I get the .15 ???13:32
MonkeyDustVictorCL  what ubuntu version? if you want something newer than what's in the repos, you need a ppa, but that's not supported here13:34
MonkeyDust11.04 is !eol13:34
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:34
user82hi. i connected a ps3 controller with usb and now it moves my mouse cursor. does someone know where to disable this?13:41
Left_Turncan ubuntu read .doc files13:42
auronandaceLeft_Turn: libreoffice can13:43
PiciLeft_Turn: Yes, LibreOffice can open .doc and docx files.13:43
Left_Turnoh ok thank you guys13:43
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b14d3I'm having some issues with getting my gui to load at boot. It boots to a blank screen. I have the nomodeset fix implemented in grub, so that shouldn't be the problem. I have a Radeon HD 6670. Every time my computer boots it inflates my .xsession-errors file until it takes up the rest of the space on the HD. This is far beyond my current skill level with Linux. I can access the machine via ssh still, so I should be able to get any i13:48
zahoryb14d3 : say it again for the recently joined13:51
oskar-hi all, could you name me a git code review tool, that is in the repositories?13:52
MonkeyDust!find git13:52
ubottuFound: git, git-core, git-doc, git-man, gitk, jigit, python-setuptools-git, 4digits, bzr-git, digitemp (and 82 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=git&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all13:52
tithansome capacity of my HD is hidden13:54
b14d3I'm having some issues with getting my gui to load at boot. It boots to a blank screen. I have the nomodeset fix implemented in grub, so that shouldn't be the problem. I have a Radeon HD 6670. Every time my computer boots it inflates my .xsession-errors file until it takes up the rest of the space on the HD. This is far beyond my current skill level with Linux. I can access the machine via ssh still, so I should be able to get any i13:54
bgardnerb14d3: Show us (paste.ubuntu.com) the result of tail -n 100 .xsession-errors13:55
SteveBellbgardner: would this work for a ext2 drive? sudo apt-get install badblocks13:56
SteveBellsudo badblocks /dev/sda13:56
SteveBellor more like fsck.ext2 -c ?13:57
bgardnerSteveBell: Those actually work out to be the same thing13:57
SteveBellbut since I saw all that messy output from the e2fsck wouldn't a re-format be appropriate?13:58
bgardnerSteveBell: But yes, do that.  You can include the -w parameter if you are sure you don't need the contents of the drive.13:58
b14d3bgardner: Can't currently. In order to get it to save anything I had to delete it. It was no longer saving my irssi configuration. But, I'll return in just a second with that. Will only take a minute or so.13:58
SteveBellbgardner: so I'd reformat maybe to ext4 then do fsck.ext4 -c -w ?13:59
bgardnerSteveBell: If you want to call it from fsck, then it's -c -c, not -c -w14:00
bgardnerSteveBell: Otherwise yes.14:00
SteveBellok perfect.14:00
* SteveBell wanders of to a long drive test and then mirroring the backup drive :)14:01
b14d3Hi. I'm back. I'm not really sure what happened, but I rebooted and now it appears to be working just fine. In the future, I'll look at the .xsession-errors file and try and figure it out. This is really weird.14:03
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bgardnerb14d3: No problem, let us know if you need help14:03
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phillyjhas anyone tried to use okidata laser printers in linux? In the market, and just learned of this brand14:14
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SteveBellbgardner: sorry to bother again. I tried ejecting the drive then re-formatting to ext4 resulting in the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764834/14:28
Esokrateshi, when i change a boot parameter in /etc/default/grub is it necessary to run update-initramfs -u too?14:28
bgardnerSteveBell: What was the command that you issued that resulted in that error message?14:30
ActionParsnipesperegu: no, just run:  sudo update-grub14:31
SteveBellbgardner: no command. I used the disk-utility and clicked format drive14:32
EsokratesActionParsnip, "no, just run:  sudo update-grub" sounded as it would have been an answer to my question ... did you write the wrong name by mistake?14:32
ActionParsnipEsokrates: yes, it answers you. You don't have to run update-initramfs, you simply need to run:  sudo update-grub14:33
SonikkuAmericaEsokrates: It is :) Usually only an app or process that needs an updated initrd will do it itself.14:33
ActionParsnipEsokrates: your question was 'do I need to run update-initramfs' was it not?14:33
GreatEmeraldIs there a way to change/hide the "Ubuntu Desktop" string that you see in the Unity panel when no program is open? This is with 12.0414:34
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EsokratesActionParsnip, yeah, i asked if it does sth. when i run it after sudo update-grub14:34
ActionParsnipEsokrates: i replied 'no' as in 'its not needed'..14:34
EsokratesActionParsnip: okay thanks, because i have read it very often14:34
jeevanushai, my entire system crashed14:34
ActionParsnipEsokrates: it doesn't hurt to run it, just doesn't change anything :)14:34
bgardnerSteveBell: I'd suggest doing it (mke2fs) at the command line and checking the results from there.14:34
jeevanushow to get data from dump?14:35
jeevanusi want to restore my entire system14:35
jeevanusplease help me14:35
EsokratesActionParsnip: so update-initramfs does not look at grub at all?14:35
SteveBellbgardner: mke2fs /dev/sdb1 ? just to make sure I don't ruin things even more :P14:35
jeevanusanyone there?14:36
ActionParsnipjeevanus: reinstall then restore data from backup14:36
ActionParsnipEsokrates: to my knowledge, no14:36
jeevanusbackup means?14:36
EsokratesActionParsnip: thank you sir14:36
ActionParsnipEsokrates: np :)14:36
jeevanusdo i have to live boot again?14:36
jeevanusactualy i gave chmod -R 755 to all folders in file system, which made the problem, no other possible way?14:37
Frosh"sudo apt-get install lm-sensors" is not available? is there a new name?14:37
bgardnerSteveBell: If you want to do the surface test beforehand: sudo mke2fs -t ext4 -c -c /dev/sdb114:37
Esokratesjeevanus: simply boot an live cd, mount the harddrive and copy your data14:38
Esokratesjeevanus: then reinstall everything and play back the backup14:38
jeevanusbut all the applications will be gone right?14:38
jeevanusEsokrates: ^14:38
brian234Hi guys, how would I go about partitioning a usb so that partition 1 would be a bootable startup disk and partition 2 would be for ordinary data?14:39
Esokratesjeevanus: of course you have an new system ... you could backup the application settings from /etc and /home14:39
Esokratesjeevanus: simply reinstalling everything and using the old config files should do it14:39
jeevanusI think the commands like restore or dump - will help - won't it?14:39
Esokratesjeevanus: to be on the safe side: copy the whole /home and /etc14:40
Esokratesjeevanus: including hidden folders14:40
TomJ616Hey guys, quick question14:40
SonikkuAmerica!ask | TomJ61614:40
ubottuTomJ616: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:40
Esokratesjeevanus: but be careful: miconfigured stuff could ruin your new install too14:41
Esokratesjeevanus: and i suppose sth. is not right with the configs when your system does not boot anymore14:41
jeevanusif i take /etc directory and /opt14:42
Esokratesjeevanus:why opt?14:42
jeevanuswill i be able to relink all the applications to the menu automaticaly14:42
Esokratesjeevanus: to waht menu?14:42
TomJ616I made a bootable USB with pendrive, but everytime I try to install Ubuntu, my monitor goes out of range. Is there a way to set a resolution for the install process?14:42
jeevanusXfce Desktop Menu14:43
jeevanusI have made lots of configurations, all will vanish if i do your process14:43
jeevanusthats y thinking of it14:43
Esokratesjeevanus: i don't know xfce specific config file, but the menu config file has to exist somewhere (or maybe it is not a file, i dunno)14:43
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Esokratesjeevanus: but in the worst case simply reconfigure the stuff manually14:44
jeevanusis it no other possible way to restore my system?14:44
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Esokratesjeevanus: depends on what you have done14:45
jeevanuswill things be in as dump files?14:45
jeevanusso that i can restore?14:45
Esokratesjeevanus: what exactly is the problem? what have you done?14:46
jeevanusi gace chmod -R 77514:46
jeevanusto all directory in /14:46
Esokratesjeevanus: what do you mean by dumb files?14:46
jeevanusincluding ./root14:46
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jeevanuswhen i reboot, the system is stoped in loginscreen14:47
jeevanusand not proceeding if i give password14:47
Esokratesjeevanus: okay ... what have you done before the last reboot?14:47
jeevanusdump is a package, if u install, it will have backup of all file changed14:47
jeevanusya before last boot i gave chmod -R 77514:48
jeevanusto all directory14:48
Esokratesjeevanus: and you did nothing else?14:48
jeevanusto give permission for admin user to access all system files by default14:48
jeevanusi did nothn else14:48
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Esokratesjeevanus: that's very stupid ... it is logical you can't login as a normal user anymore14:49
Esokratesjeevanus: btw: root has access to all files and folders14:49
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jeevanusis it possible to convert chmod for all directory to default rather than 755 ?14:50
Esokratesjeevanus: change to a virtual terminal (Strg+Alt+F1)14:50
jonno11Hi guys. How can I graph memory usage over a day?14:50
Esokratesjeevanus: only problem you have: ubuntu does not support logging in as root :( so i guess you have a problem14:50
jeevanusim in virtual terminal right now14:50
Esokratesjeevanus: yeah but logging in there might not work if it does not work graphically14:51
jeevanusok i shall try recovery form live boot14:51
Sovereignhich printer company has good Linux support?14:51
jeevanusya not working graphicaly14:51
Esokratesjeevanus: sorry i have to quit now as I have a meeting in 10 minutes ... I am online in the evening an willing to help you ...14:52
jeevanusok bye14:52
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bgardnerSteveBell: Have a meeting in ten minutes, I'll be back on in an hour or so.14:52
RalliasIs there an equivelant to thin_dump for ubuntu?14:52
jonno11Hi guys. How can I graph system memory usage over a day?14:53
jonno11sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential14:53
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jonno11wow… wrong channel. My apologies...14:53
cloneGhello I am using no-ip how could I find the dns-domain is working?14:55
Froshwhat does it mean to have service --status-all with a dash?14:55
cloneGifconfig doesnt show it14:56
somsipcloneG: nslookup maybe?14:56
somsipcloneG: erm...or dig14:56
ActionParsnipcloneG: dig yourname @
cloneGnslookup throws this :                 >14:57
lasindiThe Software Updater window is not displaying even though I can see the program is running in the launcher. I can even right click on the launcher icon and install updates (with a progress bar appearing on the launcher) but still no actual window. Anyone else experiencing this?14:57
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gkimballI have some weirdness happening on my prompt. Whenever I change directory it does this. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764931/  Any ideas where this could be coming from?14:58
parkd_i just installed ubuntu 13.04 alongside windows 8, (not with wubi) and when i shut off and turn on my computer, it does not give the option to boot to ubuntu, any solutions?14:58
auronandace!uefi | parkd_14:58
ubottuparkd_: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:58
ActionParsnipgkimball: what if you run:   cd /opt14:59
cloneGokay dig worked and my dns domain too14:59
ActionParsnipcloneG: sweet14:59
gkimballActionParsnip: Same thing no matter what directory i move to14:59
cloneGI want it to use a vpn connection with a windows machine14:59
cloneGis it possible to remote desktop in another ubuntu session?15:00
parkd_okay do i have to make a uefi partition then?15:00
gkimballActionParsnip: It's almost like there is an alias setup somewhere that is running something everytime i do CD15:00
ActionParsnipcloneG: session or system (physical or virtual)?15:00
gkimballActionParsnip: But I have ruled out my home directory15:00
RUCKERHi all, I'm in serious need of help :(.  not sure what has happened but i get the feeling my HDD may be broken.  When i try to log in the computer spits out a heap of errors and freezes.15:01
ActionParsnipgkimball: run:   env     and you will see aliases etc15:01
cloneGopenvpn on ubuntu 12.04 and with a w7 openvpn client15:01
RUCKERi am dual booting with windows 7 and thats not working either15:01
somsipActionParsnip: env or alias?15:01
cloneGI would like to use w7 to remotely login another ubuntu session15:01
T-DeskTopDoes anyone know that ReviewBoard can be installed on solaris or not?15:01
ActionParsnipsomsip: why not both :)15:01
ActionParsnipcloneG: to achieve what ?15:02
somsipActionParsnip: why not indeed :) cloneG15:02
PiciT-DeskTop: Perhaps you should ask some channel that deals with reviewboard or solaris... not #ubuntu15:02
ActionParsnipcloneG: there may be a sleeker solution15:02
cloneGmultiple ubuntu logins15:02
cloneGthats what I want to achieve15:03
gkimballActionParsnip: It must not be an alias, I don't see anything in my env that would be doing this15:03
ActionParsnipcloneG: you can use vnc I guess, or ltsp15:03
KI7YYcloneG Ubuntu, as is all Linux, is multi-user by design15:03
KI7YYany ssh client for w7 can do that15:04
T-DeskTopPici, yeah i should have15:04
gkimballIf I type cd by itself it takes me to the home directory with the same messages15:04
MonkeyDustgkimball  cd is one way to go to your home folder15:05
gkimballMonkeyDust: yup, just saying that no matter what form of cd i type i get this message. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764931/15:05
cloneGvnc ltsp¡15:06
cloneGand why not vpn?15:06
ActionParsnipgkimball: what is the output of:   type cd15:06
gkimballActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764952/15:07
KI7YYcloneG you can use a simple app such as teamviewer if you want a remorte gui15:07
gkimballActionParsnip: Hmmm, could it be something to do with rvm?15:08
cloneGyep but teamviewer uses servers I dont need15:09
cloneGI want a secure connection between two computers15:09
ActionParsnipgkimball: you have defined that somewhere, it should say 'cd is a shell builtin'15:10
KI7YYwell the problem is xwindows sharing with w7 cloneG. W7 does not have the safety and inherent multi-user capability of Linux. For a secure connection use SSH it is very secure15:10
ActionParsnipgkimball: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue15:10
gkimballActionParsnip: Hmm, is there a way to see where function definitions are defined?15:10
gkimballUbuntu 13.04 \n \l15:11
ActionParsnipgkimball: I'd look in /etc/environment and ~/.bashrc15:11
gkimballActionParsnip: .bashrc and all the stuff in my home directory will be fine. I use Git to keep the same setup across multiple computers. Just this ssh server is being silly and i think it's something a co-worker messed up on.15:13
ActionParsnipgkimball: check ~/.profile   too15:14
gkimballAction ahh true15:14
gkimballActionParsnip: I believe this is default .profile? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5764974/15:15
gkimballActionParsnip: Nothing weird in environment15:17
gkimballActionParsnip: bash.bashrc is default15:17
ActionParsnipgkimball: looks fine, you could always grep the entire file system for those lines from the type output15:22
gkimballActionParsnip: When I do declare -F I can see all defined functions15:25
SerpienteI configured my server to use a proxy server in our local network with setting http_proxy variable, how can I bypass the use of the proxy for internal network traffic?15:25
gkimballActionParsnip: grepping cd returns declare -f _cd, declare -f _cd_devices15:26
gkimballI think the offender is this _cd15:26
gkimballActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5765022/15:29
mopdo I have to update apt to have a newly added ppa usable?15:29
TKingsince i cant access desktop i did a reboot using boot repair and this is the output even though i still cannt login  to user desktop http://paste.ubuntu.com/5765018/15:30
bazhangsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade mop15:30
mopwhy the upgrade?15:30
bazhangto upgrade all packages15:31
bazhangthen install whatever you wish from the ppa, there's sometimes more than one package mop15:31
mopbut is the upgrade necessary to install a pckg from the ppa?15:33
Picimop: Doing 'upgrade' will not upgrade you to a new release of Ubuntu.15:34
mopI know, it just that i'm making a script and making it upgrade the packages will make it take longer15:35
mopI just want to install a package form the ppa15:35
orestishello I have a problem.... I installed nvidia drivers but i cannot use the drivers. I run nvidia-xconfig but it says the command was not found15:36
Picimop: Then just the 'update' and 'install' steps are needed.15:36
mopis there a way to install directly from a ppa without having to add it?15:37
mopso I don't even have to update15:37
MonkeyDustmop  a ppa is a source, so you have to add it first15:37
Picimop: You can download .deb files directly, but without knowing what exactly the dependencies are and if they require new versions that are only on the PPA, its really not a good idea.15:38
mopcan I get the .deb file address from any ppa?15:39
mopany ppa's packages15:39
manikiranmine is Dual boot system with windows vista and ubuntu 12.0415:43
manikiranI upgraded to 12.10 and now I cannot install ndiswrapper-dkms15:43
manikiranplease advice me., now the wireless in the windows too is not working15:43
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minimecmantovan1: If it's not working on both OS, the device is hard/software blocked. Swich the device off/on with the hardware switch (if you have one) and type 'rfkill list' once in a terminal, to check if it is software blocked.15:50
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Sirisian|WorkIf I have an apt-get install -y then like a 100 packages, what's a simple way to verify they all installed correctly?15:52
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minimecmantovan1: Oh. Is that a Lenovo device maybe? I had once, where I had to reset the BIOS to default from time to time. http://askubuntu.com/questions/143208/unable-to-enable-wireless-on-lenovo-3000-v20015:53
dhcicheck if the retval for apt-get is zero then presumably everything went ok15:53
minimecmantovan1: ... hade one once ... ;)15:54
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Guest27439has anyone gotten tmuxinator installed on ubunu?15:57
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wheatthinGuest27439, is that program supported by ubuntu?16:00
bazhang!info tmuxinator16:01
ubottuPackage tmuxinator does not exist in raring16:01
MonkeyDustGuest27439  it's called tmux16:01
MonkeyDust!info tmux16:01
ubottutmux (source: tmux): terminal multiplexer. In component main, is optional. Version 1.7-3 (raring), package size 229 kB, installed size 513 kB16:01
MonkeyDusti guess tmux is similar to screen16:02
mweltinI'm working on PCI compliance and (addressing CVE-2012-2687).  http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/USN-1627-1/ suggests I need apache2.2-common 2.2.22-6ubuntu2.1 installed.  When I look at the update instructions https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Upgrades, I have already taken these step.  How do I verify that I have the correct versions of the aforementioned packages? Will using dpkg -s <package name> and looking at the "status" be sufficient?16:02
ubottuMultiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the make_variant_list function in mod_negotiation.c in the mod_negotiation module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.4.x before 2.4.3, when the MultiViews option is enabled, allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a crafted filename that is not properly handled during construction of a variant list. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-2687)16:02
Guest27439MonkeyDust: tmux is. tmuxinator is something else16:02
mweltinfor example dpkg -s apache2.2-common  Status: install ok installed ?16:03
wheatthinGuest27439, I'd suggest googling for the ppa and install in there (completely off ubuntu grid)16:03
mopis wget asynchronous?16:06
mopit looks like it's acting that way16:06
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wheatthinmop, wget is like any transfer program, it's just not a sync program if that's what you're asking16:08
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TomJ616Guys, is there a way to tell Ubuntu what resolution to use during install?16:09
TomJ616I've been going nuts trying to find a solution online16:09
ActionPa1snipTomJ616: you could edit the session config file to set the res using xrandr16:10
wheatthinmop, git or subversion is more what you're looking for16:10
TomJ616I'm a first Linux user BTW16:12
TomJ616Actually, seeing how I haven't been able to install it, I'm not a user yet lol16:12
TrackWhat ??16:12
wheatthinTomJ616, Umm do you have a specific question?16:13
auronandaceTomJ616: why do you need to change the resolution during install? surely you'd want to change it once installed16:13
kiss_killTomJ616:you can see wiki16:13
kiss_killwiki is very importent16:13
TomJ616I can't install Ubuntu at all, seeing how my monitor goes "out of range"16:13
cat5we got any LVM experts kicking around in here, or a good room recomendation? #lvm seems "quiet"16:14
kiss_killubuntu wiki16:14
kiss_killyou can have a look16:14
TomJ616I've spent the last IDK how many hours reading wikis and what not lol16:16
TomJ616No luck16:16
kiss_killyou can use 2 cumputers   one see wiki  another install ubuntu16:17
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Guest91716I have xubuntu. When I want to send someone something from another online site, it says I have to sign up for some blog or something. I forget exactly what it says. But how can I send a friend a site to look at without having to do that?16:20
MonkeyDustGuest91716  i guess it's question for the site's maintainer16:21
MonkeyDustnot really ubuntu related16:21
kiss_killMonkeyDust is right16:21
TomJ616So, any ideas?16:22
Guest91716umm so, it depends on the site? There's no easy way to send something to someone from an online site?16:22
Guest91716I've noticed that on different online sites. They ask for you to sign up for some blog so that you can get e-mail. I don't get it.16:23
auronandaceGuest91716: still has nothing to do with ubuntu16:23
kiss_killsign up16:23
kiss_killknow it?16:23
Guest91716oh   O.K.16:23
Froshpastebin.com/HG2qQsJa then I do sudo service kmod start and kmod stop/waiting16:24
FroshIs that normal? running16:24
kirankumarhow to install a software in ubuntu ? what Syntax for insall software.16:27
auronandace!software | kirankumar16:27
ubottukirankumar: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents16:27
kirankumarthanks ubottu sir,16:28
kiss_killor sudo apt-get install your soft16:28
LupusNoctisAnyone aware of some special tricks, or guides, on how to get 13.04 installed inside  Windows Virtual PC  VMs?16:29
auronandaceLupusNoctis: why not use virtualbox?16:30
MonkeyDustLupusNoctis  in this channel, you'll find more support for virtualbox16:31
ubuhaha I'm running dapper drake :D16:31
sim642After upgrading from Ubuntu server 12.10 to 13.04, the network configuration doesn't work properly on boot: "waiting more than 60 seconds ...." and when it finally boots, no network, but after "service networking restart" all works. How can I fix this?16:31
auronandaceubu: long since unsupported16:31
MonkeyDustubu  thou art a brave man :)16:31
LupusNoctisHmm, might have to fiddle with Virtual Box, then.  it pretty  simple to get it installed?16:32
ubuJust wanted to experience a little ubuntu history16:32
kiss_killgo to bed  88  china now time is 00:32  gaga16:32
LupusNoctisThe real goal is to find some way of getting specific apps to use a VPN tunnel, by exe/ProcessID,  rather than by route16:33
ubuLupusNoctis: very easy16:33
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LupusNoctisbut for now, I'm settling for running those apps inside a VM, and giving the all the VM traffic to the VPN route16:34
ububhmvirtualbox is a little too fun to play with. Been up all night with it. lol16:35
edward__Hello is there a way to script around the fact that a standard postgres install needs conf file editing?16:38
babyswizzI would like to know what happens when you have a disrupted network while having an update, does ubuntu go back and try to install the updates it skipped while the network was disrupted?16:39
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TKingerror: unknown filesystem grub rescue> please how do i fix this?16:41
MacuserHi. If the dhcp is reset on my Mac by going to sleep. Will that cause me not to be able to ssh to my Linux box?16:41
Macuseroriginally I ssh'ed from my Macbook Pro to my Linux desktop. Then I took the wificard out of my linux box and also closed my Mac laptop. Then the next morning, I opened my Mac laptop and also plugged the wificard back into the linux box and then I tried the same command and it didn't work16:41
MacuserFinally, it worked after I turned my wifi off and on again on my Mac. I'm not sure if that's why it started working again16:41
TKingerror: unknown filesystem grub rescue> please how do i fix this? i do not have any other windows16:41
MonkeyDustbabyswizz  most probably, you can repair / continue with dpkg -a --repair or with apt-get -f install16:42
bkfitzAnyone here use sublime-text?16:43
bazhang!find sublime16:43
ubottuFound: libsublime-dev, libsublime616:43
rti^I'm trying to install libimobiledevice-1.1.5 and I run ./config an it goes through it's process but it does not produce a makefile. The README says to run make after I ./config but since there is no makefile produced, it can't be found. Help!16:44
trismrti^: pastebining the last few lines of ./configure output might help16:45
TKingplease how do i fix this? error: unknown filesystem grub rescue> please how do i fix this? i do not have any other windows16:47
subz3r0!grub | TKing16:49
ubottuTKing: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:49
TKingsubz3ro i get unknow commands no matter what i type? ls -l , rescue, help, update-grub, sudo update-grub nothing all i see is grub rescue >16:54
LupusNoctisHmm, VirtualBox does nice drive sharing with the host OS?16:55
subz3r0LupusNoctis: depends what you mean with "nice drive sharing". but yes it is possible to share data between host and guest easily16:56
rachidhi everyone, i would like to install gnome-shell on my ubuntu 11.1017:01
rachidanyone to help?17:01
LupusNoctisJust trying to transfer bulk files out and in, renders and whatnot17:01
Macuserfind gnome-shell17:01
Macusersudo apt-get install gnome-shell?17:01
ripplebitguys how do i format an SD card?17:01
MonkeyDustrachid  you won't find 11.10 sources, it's !eol17:03
adamkMacuser: Do you have an actual question there?17:03
xanguaripplebit: use the Disk utility, search it in the dash17:03
Macuseradamk Woah! Dude is your name adam and last name start with a "k" ??17:03
adamkMacuser: Yes...17:04
kenshiroHi, I use Ubuntu 12.04 with Gnome Classic Desktop. I need a CPU temperature indicator to put in a panel. I don't want to install external repositories. Is there someone in official repositories? Thanks !17:06
MonkeyDustkenshiro  try conky or grell17:07
Macuserquery adamk what's the second letter in your last name?17:07
Macusersince when do queries not work anymore?17:07
adamkMacuser: i17:08
geniiSince you forgot to put a / before the command17:08
Macuseradamk OMG! same17:08
kenshiroMonkeyDust thank you ! :)17:08
Macuseradamk: third letter?17:09
MonkeyDustkenshiro  it's gkrell, i mistyped17:09
adamkMacuser: Seriously?  It doesn't matter.17:09
MacuserAh. you can tell it's been a while since i've been on irc. Actually not really. I should have known that17:09
kenshiroMonkeyDust ok, installing ... thank you ! :-)17:10
tiltedHi -- is there any utility to securely wipe the free space of a drive, while leaving existing partitions alone?  I want to preserve a recovery partition, but wipe everything else off the drive. Something similar to DBAN but as I understand, that will wipe the whole drive including the recovery partition.17:10
Macuseradamk answer the pm17:10
rhizomeis there anything more reliable than ntop for friendly local network monitoring? rather not wireshark, but will if i have to.17:11
subz3r0tilted: dd17:11
subz3r0rhizome: yes17:12
subz3r0rhizome: vnstat17:12
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tiltedsubz3r0: Hmm, hadn't thought of that.  That could work if given randomized input.  Will do some research, thanks.17:13
subz3r0searched a while for a tool like that. it can show you the realtime tx and rx. also you can see month,day,hour.... up/down17:13
rhizomesubz3r0: swank, thanks a lot17:14
rhizomentop used to be so nice17:15
bandit22Does anyone have a problem with firefox crashing frequently in 12.04?17:16
LiquidDemocracyWhat is the name of the offtopic channel again?17:16
Marvin_Leoubuntu 12.04.2 LTS not connecting to internet via linksys e900 wireless-n300 router. Any ideas?17:17
subz3r0Marvin_Leo: maybe tell us what you did to troubleshoot the issue?17:18
LiquidDemocracyI mean offtopic for all channels.17:18
subz3r0--> /quit17:18
llutz!alis | LiquidDemocracy17:18
ubottuLiquidDemocracy: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:18
Crowlerdoes 13.04 support logical partitions?17:20
llutzCrowler: sure17:20
=== Zou is now known as Gurty
* genii sips his coffee and ponders the booting from extended partition problem17:22
Orange_Hey, can anyone help me with a Ubuntu problem?17:24
JermakoviGood evening :)17:24
adamkOrange_: Only if you ask a real question.17:24
jerry5Hi. How can I modify Ubuntu to auto shutdown if the unlock screen password is incorrect?17:25
Orange_Haha, fair enough; I was installing my driver for a Radeon Hd 4200 on Ubuntu and after I installed it and restarted eveyrthing has fucked up.. The resolution on my monitors is now veyr low ad says "laptop" instead of two monitors with 1920x1080 and such and the menu bar is gone, the info in th etop of the screen is gone, etc..17:26
Orange_Not sure how to fix it17:26
adamkOrange_: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.  How did you install the driver?17:26
subz3r0Orange_: buy a decent gfx card.17:27
subz3r0means nvidia ;)17:27
tithanmy computer  HD som capacity is unlocated how i can do?17:27
Orange_I downloaded the file from the AMD website, then ran it with sudo ./amd-whatever17:27
Orange_Working on the log file, hold on17:27
adamkOrange_: sigh...  Bad idea.17:27
adamkOrange_: What version of Ubuntu?17:27
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poeehas seamonkey been removed from ubuntu repositories?17:28
ubottuSeamonkey, formerly known as "Mozilla Application Suite", is available at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey/ with install instructions for ubuntu at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18601117:28
subz3r0adamk: why bad idea? The drivers of the repos are hardly outdated17:28
subz3r0especially for ati cards...17:28
adamksubz3r0: He didn't use the driver in the repos.  He used a driver from AMD, which will not work with Xorg on 13.904.17:28
adamkOrange_: Your only options with that GPU on 13.04 are to use the open source drivers, or use the legacy fglrx driver, which requires downgrading all of Xorg.17:29
GGGI need to boot from a USB with Ubuntu on a Razor Blade - on power up I'm able to press F12 and set the boot drive to generic USB and then the screen goes black with white blinking curser -- nothing can be done at this point besides a power down --- the usb only has the Ubuntu ISO on it  (ver 13.x 32bit)    what gives?   Thanks17:29
subz3r0omg... thats why I would never buy ati/amd again ;)17:29
Orange_So would it just be a better idea to reformat?17:29
adamkOrange_: Remove the driver you installed.17:30
CrowlerGGG you forgot to make it bootable17:30
Orange_How do I do that? (Sorry I know it's a stupid question but I'm new to Ubuntu)17:30
CrowlerGGG and you need content of iso on it, not iso itself17:30
Orange_adamk: How do I uninstall the driver?17:32
adamkOrange_: Check in /usr/share/amd/ for an uninstall program...  This is another reason to to download and install drivers like this.17:32
GGG@Crowler   hrm... I followed the directions and watched someone else do this --- the Ubuntu download is an ISO file   if this isn't what is needed where do I get Ubunto's ISO content?17:33
* sere_ looks for a ubuntu coffee mug for genii, since they drink coffee so much.17:34
CrowlerGGG how about unpacking iso?17:34
m8conoscete qualche soluzione hardware\software per realizzare un piccolo thin client?17:34
subthalamus_can somebody confirm that "nanny" is no longer available or has been replaced by something? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ParentalControls17:34
bekks!it | m817:35
ubottum8: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:35
GGGCrowler -- and to make it bootable?17:35
CrowlerGGG get syslinux17:35
melow01I'm planning to install Android Studio. Since I already have Eclipse, does that mean I already have the needed JDK?17:36
Orange_Found "amd-uninstall.sh" and "fglrx-uninstall.sh" Thanks Adam17:37
GGGCrowler -- the only machines I have working are OSX, I'm repairing my Win7 ...  know anything on OSX to make the USB bootable?17:38
* GGG googles17:39
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mkquiststill using 11.04 Natty, cannot download software through the software center or synaptic...  is that from no support or just a glitch?17:40
geniimkquist: It's past End Of Life17:41
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:41
Ari-Yangyep, it's dead17:41
mkquistgenii: ty17:41
geniimkquist: You're welcome.17:42
m8bekks, xchat has faked me! amsg :|17:42
CrowlerGGG never used it17:43
orange__adamx: Alright, I restarted my computer, after the uninstall my monitor issue is fixed (I have them both working now with proper resolution and such) but the rest of the issues still remain (The lack of the menu bar on the left-hand side, the time at the top, the top-right settings, etc..) as well as my hotkeys aren't working other than the standard default setups.17:45
adamkorange__: Pastebin your current /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.17:46
orange__adamk: This hurts me to ask it sounds so stupid haha.. But how do I copy and paste the entire log? I'm having trouble selecting all in any normal way..17:48
Neozonzjust installed ubuntu and after initial reboot i get a black screen with a blinking cursor17:48
Neozonzwhat gives17:48
adamkorange__: Install pastebinit and then run 'pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log'17:48
orange__adamk: Thank you so much. :)17:49
orange__adamk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5765455/17:52
freyHello. Do you know of a way to download all available proprietary Ubuntu WiFi drivers to keep them available offline?17:52
adamkorange__: Can you bring up a terminal in X and run 'glxinfo | grep -i direct'?17:55
rudolf_hi all17:55
orange__adamk: One second17:55
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | neoark17:56
ubottuneoark: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:56
orange__adamk: I got "direct rendering: Yes"17:56
wilee-nileeNeozonz, see the bott message^^^^17:56
wilee-nileeneoark, soory17:56
TKinghow can i run grub.cfg file from "grub rescue >" prompt. The command ls  /boot/grub/ shows the file is there and configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg doesnt work17:57
adamkorange__: Can you just run 'glxinfo | pastebinit' ?17:57
orange__adamk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5765475/17:58
CrowlerTKing afaik you cant edit files at stage 1.517:58
wilee-nileeTKing, Are you trying to just get to the desktop?17:58
adamkorange__: You are properly using the open source radeon driver. The fact that unity is not properly started is not related to your video drivers, as far as I can tell.17:59
orange__adamk: .-. I have no idea what else it could be then.. That was the last thing I was doing to my computer..17:59
surjeethi to all18:00
sere_TKing: what are you trying to do, did you lose your grub?18:00
dcopewill this work on ubuntu? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1688010100818:01
dcopei can't find any mentions anywhere18:01
Neozonzwilee-nilee, how can i modify that if the computer doesnt boot18:02
jerry5Hi. How can I modify Ubuntu to auto shutdown if the unlock screen password is incorrect?18:04
rudolf_sorry got dc18:05
rudolf_did anyone reply?18:05
orange__adamk: So do you have any advice how I can fix things18:05
TKingsere i lost my grub18:05
melow01{ubuntu 12.04 64-bit} I'm try to export ENV_VAR="/path/" and its not working18:06
melow01It should be in the .bashrc file, correct?18:06
Crowlerrudolf_  <rudolf_> hi all18:06
TKingsere_ i lost my grub18:06
Crowlerrudolf_  thats all we got18:06
rudolf_oh...sorry Crowler18:07
rudolf_ I am trying to use usb modem on my ubuntu. I searched many sites but couldnt find a way to connect. Is there any application for that?18:07
rudolf_Ubuntu is just not detecting the modem.18:07
TKingwilee-nilee, sere_, Crowler, bootable LIVEUSB doesnt work uefi problem so i cant boot from LiveUSB but i lost my grub and want to reload from usb or hdd to fix my grub18:07
rudolf_Some sites are asking to edit one file and some are asking to edit some others but none is working.18:08
Crowlerrudolf_  you forgot to tell that modem name18:08
adamkorange__: You could try completely resetting your unity preferences: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/how-to-reset-unity-compiz-in-ubuntu-12-10-and-13-0418:09
rudolf_Crowler, 'tis micromax 353G18:09
wilee-nileeTKing, Your best help is at the ubuntu forums qith uefi, find the bootrepair tool run a bootinfo summary and start a thread at the UF and post the url to that script.18:09
sere_TKing: i dont know anything about uefi but i assume you mean this doesnt work https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows18:11
TKingsere_ i dont have windows,18:11
sere_TKing: thats ok ..still same concept18:11
Crowlerrudolf_  been there? http://askubuntu.com/questions/214398/how-to-set-up-micromax-353g-wireless-modem-in-12-1018:11
TKingi wish i can run grub.cfg from grub rescue18:11
TKingsere_ if i can't boot CD then nothing can be done18:12
TKingsere_ cant boot cd or liveUSB18:12
rudolf_Crowler, yeah...I tried that18:13
TKingif it was grub2 i would have fixed it but grub with grub rescue> very limited commands18:13
rudolf_I should try once again with this. I think I forgot something.18:13
sere_TKing: oh i see..hmm18:14
Crowlerrudolf_  where it failed?18:15
rudolf_Crowler, when I entered the command modprobe..... it gave a long list with some wierd name.18:16
BluesKajTKing, have you tried installing grub from the live media to the /dev/sdX , most likely /dev/sda ?18:17
Crowlerrudolf_  can you paste?18:17
rudolf_But still doesnt detect the modem.18:17
rudolf_yeah sure18:17
TKingBlueaKaj? how can i do that?18:17
jerry5How can I modify Ubuntu to auto shutdown if the unlock screen password is incorrect?18:18
rudolf_Crowler, the list is so long that terminal isnt able to display it completely.18:20
rudolf_Can i pipe it to some text file?18:20
BluesKajTKing, from your live-usb , sudo grub-install /dev/sdX , if you run fdisk -l in the terminal on the live-usb , you'll find the assigned device /dev/sdX18:20
Crowlerrudolf_  command | out.txt18:21
BluesKajTKing, X being a,b,c or whatever it lists as.18:21
Crowlerrudolf_  or command > out.txt18:21
rudolf_yeah got it18:22
TKingBluesKaj all i see is grub rescue > i cant boot liveUSB18:22
sere_jerry5: is this the inital boot login screen or gnome-screensaver --lock?18:26
rudolf_The text file created is so huge... 1.1MB18:26
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rudolf_pastie is taking so much time to upload the text. :|18:27
jerry5sere_, it's gnome-screensaver --lock18:27
Crowlerrudolf_  looks like its not what we want, but anyway18:27
TKingBluesKaj i have loaded LiveUSB now how do i boot18:27
TKingwith bootrepair18:28
rudolf_Crowler it shouldnt be this long?18:28
rudolf_it has some lines starting with blacklist18:29
BluesKajTKing, is your machine set to boot from live media in the bios or uefi ?18:29
rudolf_blacklist snd_intel8x0m18:29
rudolf_blacklist snd_aw218:29
rudolf_blacklist i2c_i80118:29
rudolf_blacklist prism5418:29
rudolf_blacklist bcm43xx18:29
rudolf_blacklist garmin_gps18:29
FloodBot1rudolf_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:29
Crowlerrudolf_  unless you trying to cat /proc/mem, or debug something, you usually dont get megabytes of text18:30
rudolf_hmm...I tried that procedure twice but still the same result.18:30
Crowlerrudolf_  maybe you have a typo in your "modprobe" line18:31
rudolf_is the command given on the site correct? I even tried pasting it.18:32
rudolf_Crowler, will there be a "\" after 1c9e??18:33
rudolf_see it.18:33
Crowlerrudolf_  you have japanese keyboard?18:34
rudolf_In the post just below it, it is written that the above answer works on ubuntu 12.04 and I have ubuntu 13.0418:35
Crowlerrudolf_  you can try. i highly doubt there are so many changes in usb stack between 12 and 1318:36
Jeremiah_Good day to all!18:36
rudolf_Crowler, no not japanese keyboard.18:37
Jeremiah_I am having a duel nooting issue.18:37
studmeisterHi everyone. I am trying to find out how to find the ip address for a specific url.18:37
lotuspsychje!dualboot | Jeremiah_18:38
ubottuJeremiah_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:38
rudolf_Crowler, is the command written there correct?18:38
Jeremiah_I originally had ubuntu, and decidedto get windows. So i did. Now i can no longer boot into ubuntu. how do i fix this issue?18:38
llutzstudmeister: "dig hostname"18:38
jerry5How can I modify Ubuntu to auto shutdown if the unlock screen password is incorrect?18:38
Crowlerrudolf_  so, what does correct modprobe line give out?18:38
studmeisterOk, thank you.18:39
BluesKaj!grub | Jeremiah_18:39
ubottuJeremiah_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:39
rudolf_Crowler I dont know which is correct...I tried removing "\" and still the same result.18:39
Jeremiah_lotuspsychje,  My issue is these tutorials explain how to do it when insatlling ubuntu second, not windows second....18:39
Jeremiah_that might help18:39
Fenbwhat's recommended open source or Proitory something?18:40
BluesKajJeremiah_, read above18:40
Jeremiah_BluesKaj,  K thanks. I'll look into that18:40
sere_jerry5: you might be able to do it with your .profile using some sort of if and then script.. kinda like this http://techblog.ribouxj.org/2010/01/27/password-protected-auto-login-on-ubuntu-auto-lock-screen-after-login/18:41
adamkFenb: There is no simple answer to that question.  First, different people recommend different things...  Second, I don't think anyone here has any idea what you are actually talking about...18:41
rudolf_The commands in ubuntu are so complex and difficult to understand!!18:41
bradley__does anyone here have ubuntu server? im connected to a wireless netowrk but i cant get an ip address and google is no help18:41
lotuspsychje!bash | rudolf_18:42
ubotturudolf_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:42
lotuspsychjebradley__: you can try #ubuntu-server aswell18:42
jerry5sere_, TY18:42
Fenbadamk: i talking about everything? but just now im just corious if i should use flashplugin or gnash. Nvidia or Neuaveou something etc?18:44
GGGanyone use Unetbootin on a Mac to make a bootable Ubuntu USB?18:44
sere_jerry5: your welcome18:44
WeThePeopleggg, try ##mac or #mac18:44
GGGor better yet anyone know how to make a bootable USB for Ubuntu via a Mac?18:45
lotuspsychjeGGG: you can download ubuntu livecd and make an usb from there maybe18:45
adamkFenb: Use whatever works best to fill your needs.18:45
lotuspsychjeFenb: maybe you can specify your purpose more? or any package you looking for?18:46
adamkFenb: It's not as if you can't try the options out there and find the one that is best for you.18:46
ninguI'm running ubuntu server, and I have some web apps that are stored in a home directory and run under that user. it would be nice if I could manage starting them up with an upstart or similar script in that user's home directory. any suggestions how that could be done?18:47
ninguI've been using this but it seems to have stopped working in upstart 1.8: http://pastebin.com/rk9u3Zhv18:47
WeThePeopleningu, #bash might be able to help also18:47
ninguWeThePeople: ok, but the issue is not how to write the startup script, it's how to get it triggered on boot without having to add a custom /etc/init/foo.conf18:48
arminany way to change virtual desktops with the mouse wheel on the desktop in unity?18:48
ninguWeThePeople: or rather, I'd like to add one that scans $HOME/.init like the one I linked to, so after that's installed I can just edit $HOME/.init/foo.conf :)18:49
WeThePeopleningu, have fun18:49
Fenblotuspsychje: flash in general, and nvidia for general?18:50
Crowlerrudolf_ the command itself looks ok, its just an init string for usb device. shoud work18:50
Fenbadamk: what's your opinion?18:51
lotuspsychje!poll | Fenb18:52
ubottuFenb: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:52
rudolf_hey Crowler you there?18:52
Fenblotuspsychje: yea, but how do i know the features?18:53
Crowlerrudolf_ the command itself looks ok, its just an init string for usb device. shoud work18:53
rudolf_Crowler yeah I got something. Wait...I am pasting.18:54
Crowlerrudolf_ i found some guy with your modem and 13.0418:54
rudolf_It works?18:54
lotuspsychjeFenb: test them out for yourself, when you install ubuntu defaults workout fine mostly18:55
Crowlerrudolf_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214315818:55
rudolf_Crowler, see this...got this message http://paste.ubuntu.com/5765640/18:55
=== MrGarlic is now known as actualboy
Crowlerrudolf_ usb_modeswitch dies with segfault18:55
rudolf_Crowler, I dont understand these keywords. :|18:56
lotuspsychje!info gnash | Fenb18:56
ubottuFenb: gnash (source: gnash): GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.11~git20120629-1ubuntu2 (raring), package size 197 kB, installed size 629 kB18:56
rudolf_Crowler, that guy has got the same laptop too.18:58
rudolf_What packages did he downgrade??18:59
Crowlerrudolf_ he downgraded modeswitch to 12.0419:00
Esokrates jeevanus: are you here with another nickname? I would be ready to help you19:00
saram_Hi, is it possible to install cinelerra (video editing software) on ubuntu 12.04?19:00
Neozonz|Discis there anyway to set grub.conf to nomodeset by default when installing?19:01
rudolf_Crowler, how to downgrade the version? There is no such option in synaptics for that.19:02
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | Neozonz|Disc19:02
ubottuNeozonz|Disc: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:02
OerHeksNeozonz|Disc, nomodeset is an F6 option when starting the installer, there is no force to do so automaticly19:02
Neozonz|DiscOerHeks, but after installation does it retain the setting?19:03
Neozonz|Discor must i do something again?19:03
OerHeksNeozonz, no, you need to alter grub to get nomodeset after install19:03
OerHekssee the url from lotuspsychje19:03
Neozonz|Discim trying19:03
Neozonz|Discbut i can't get into shift grub editor19:04
OerHeksit is easy, hold stift @ boot, press 'e' to enter grub editor19:04
Neozonz|Discit doesnt go to grub editor19:04
Neozonz|Discwhen i hold shift19:04
Neozonz|Discit just sits at stupid black screen with cursor blinking19:04
Neozonz|Discmaking me want to smack the thing19:05
Crowlerrudolf_ manually i guess. i dont have ubuntu or any linux at hand atm19:05
lotuspsychjeNeozonz|Disc: calm down mate, wich medium you trying to install from?19:05
lotuspsychjeNeozonz|Disc: usb?19:06
lotuspsychjeNeozonz|Disc: did you change bios properly?19:06
Neozonz|Discchange bios?19:06
Neozonz|Discjust copied dvd to usb19:06
Neozonz|Discand made usb active19:07
lotuspsychjeNeozonz|Disc: did you copy ubuntu livecd to an usb?19:07
=== actualboy is now known as MrGarlic
Neozonz|Disclotuspsychje, yes19:07
Neozonz|Discthe install dvd19:07
mmercerlo all.  So, while realizing that 11.04 is EOL now, is there any way of getting to an archive repo of the last known packages so I can at least setup an internal mirror until we can upgrade our servers?19:08
lotuspsychjeNeozonz|Disc: that wont work, you need to make an usb startup disk to an usb19:08
Neozonz|Disclotuspsychje, it works fine for me? it installed? it boots up19:08
DJonesmmercer: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/19:08
Neozonz|Disci set the usb as active to make it boot...19:08
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
DJonesmmercer: However that may just be iso's rather than a repo19:09
lotuspsychjeNeozonz|Disc: so you ubuntu installed finished correctly, but you cant enter grub at startup?19:09
mmercerDJones: unfortunately, yep.  ISOs only :|19:09
Neozonz|Discubuntu finished installing, asked me to reboot- I reboot and see a black screen with a blinking __19:10
* mmercer *just* started this position and did not have a chance to deal with this as it popped up right before he got here.19:10
lotuspsychjeNeozonz|Disc: you got other Os installed next to ubuntu?19:10
ripplebitguys my sd reader isn't working. im getting these errors: http://pastebin.com/562FAHPt19:10
Neozonz|Discon windows atm19:10
lotuspsychjeNeozonz|Disc: wich windows version19:11
mmercerwonder what the chances are of finding a public mirror that hasnt closed down yet....19:11
GGGnotice STEP 3       http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx19:11
Neozonz|Disclotuspsychje, no not next to, this is a different machine19:11
=== timrc-lunch is now known as timrc
Neozonz|Disclotuspsychje, windows 8- this is a different machine19:11
Neozonz|Discthe ubuntu machine only has ubuntu installed19:11
GGGdoes that mean I should remove the .dmg ??? such obtuse directions19:11
lotuspsychjeNeozonz|Disc: so ubuntu 13.04 single19:12
lotuspsychjeNeozonz|Disc: your machine got newer hardware or rather old?19:12
max2I'm using Windows 8 and19:12
ZweiHello, I've installed some xfonts, and it must have messed around with some settings. Now I cannot load acroread, I get this: http://codepad.org/1Twec8qk19:12
Neozonz|Disc2-3 years old maybe19:12
Neozonz|Discgot 2 ati video cards19:12
ZweiI have tried to install all manners of gtk stuff, I really can't get it working.19:13
max2I'm using Widows 8 and I wanna boot a Ubuntu 13.04 from Virual Box19:13
lukecarrierUpdate git from a PPA -> get asked to reboot machine19:13
max2how do you get it to work?19:13
ripplebitguys my sd reader isn't working. im getting these errors: http://pastebin.com/562FAHPt19:13
lukecarrierWho on earth designed this pitiful excuse for an update manager?19:13
lotuspsychjeNeozonz|Disc: well if you installed correctly single, it should work..19:13
max2Can I please get help19:14
Neozonz|Disclotuspsychje, thx19:14
lotuspsychjemax2: for windows help join ##windows19:14
lukecarriermax2, download VirtualBox, download a 32-bit Ubuntu Desktop image, follow the new VM instructions in VBox19:14
max2I'm gonna try thatg19:14
elisa87my ubuntu desktop is totally weird after rebooting ...icons are very big...do you know what's wrong?19:15
ripplebitguys can i please get help?19:15
lotuspsychje!patience | ripplebit19:15
ubotturipplebit: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/19:15
lukecarrierbut seriously, is the person responsible for Update Manager in here so I can educate them in how not to annoy power users?19:15
Esokratesripplebit: you have a couple of file system corruptions, btw19:15
ripplebitdidn't think you guys had seen, thanks19:16
lotuspsychjelukecarrier: this is a support channel mate, discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic19:16
ripplebitEsokrates: anything i can fix?19:16
Esokratesripplebit: it seems your fs is mounted read only19:16
Esokratesripplebit: can you save files on /sda2?19:16
lukecarrierlotuspsychje, it's on topic; or does Canonical no longer interface with the community it intends to profit from?19:17
lotuspsychjeelisa87: what happened before your reboot, did you update stuff?19:17
elisa87I just did a normal rebot19:17
DJoneslukecarrier: You said you've installed from a ppa, you'll probably have to contact the ppa maintainer about a problem with that, the update manager will only do whats been set up to do in the ppa19:17
ripplebitEsokrates: er not too sure... im new to linux, so you'll have to forgive my ignorance19:17
ripplebithow can i check?19:17
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lukecarrierDJones, not the PPA's fault, I already checked the packages19:17
elisa87lotuspsychje: I don't know what I should do to bring it to previous setting ...even the fonts are much larger19:17
lotuspsychjeelisa87: what ubuntu version?19:18
elisa8712.04 lotuspsychje19:18
lukecarriersame as the moronic issue with partial upgrades screwing the update manager; the UX flow is hilariously poor19:18
Esokratesripplebit: dmesg only says: [23293.036502] mmc1: error -110 whilst initialising SD card    ... this is not particularly useful to me19:18
lotuspsychjeelisa87: maybe a failsafeX might recover graphics problems19:19
ripplebitwhat can i give you thats more useful?19:19
elisa87lotuspsychje: how should I do that? I can't browse web very properly ..19:19
lotuspsychjeelisa87: reboot and hold shift at boot to enter grub, then try recoverymode19:19
elisa87what should I do in recovery mode?19:20
elisa87what should I do in recovery mode lotuspsychje19:20
lotuspsychjeelisa87: try to reset your graphics19:20
Esokratesripplebit: the sdcard issue is complex ... there could be so many reasons19:21
elisa87I have no access to browser so if you are aware of the commands let me know! lotuspsychje19:21
lotuspsychjeelisa87: its graphical for you to choose from there, no worries19:21
lotuspsychjeelisa87: you might wanna check your logs aswell to see whats happening19:22
Logos01Howdy folks. I'm running an LXC container to connect to my company's internal servers via VPN. Everything's fine there -- just have one complication: my container has a 10.0.3.x address... and that is preventing me from reaching the company's subnet. I've googled but cannot seem to find instructions/insight on how to assign specific subnets to an lxc container.19:23
Logos01Anyone familiar with this, or can point me to docs?19:23
Logos01Oh -- Ubuntu 12.04 amd6419:24
lotuspsychjeLogos01: maybe the guys from ##networking can help aswell19:24
Logos01lotuspsychje: I'm pretty sure this is specifically an lxc-configuration thing. Just need to know how to change the subnet lxc uses to assign addresses to containers.19:25
Logos01And that's often specific to the distro19:25
lotuspsychje!info lxc19:25
ubottulxc (source: lxc): Linux Containers userspace tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.0-0ubuntu3.2 (raring), package size 110 kB, installed size 473 kB19:25
lotuspsychjenever heard of them before :p19:25
vfwLogos01: That is a basic network problem, but the bottom line is that one or the other has to change.  I'm pretty sure that is the case.  You'll need to change the LAN's subnet, (or the other one, the destination).19:25
Logos01vfw: Yes, that's exactly right. And that's what I want to do.19:26
Logos01But I can't figure out how to do that for an lxc container on Ubuntu.19:26
Esokratesripplebit: please post output of sudo fdisk -l19:26
vfwLogos01: That will be done on your router.19:26
Logos01No it will not.19:26
vfwOh, lxc container... well yea,19:26
Logos01LXC is invisible to the router.19:26
Logos01(Well, it is in the default, NAT, configuration.)19:27
Logos01Was hoping someone was using LXC on Ubuntu here and could point me to the info/documentation I needed.19:27
Logos01Guess I should try #ubuntu-server19:27
lotuspsychjeLogos01: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LXC19:27
vfwNot sure what to do with the LXC container. Maybe someone else can help. Yea, maybe #ubuntu-server19:28
biaxIs it possible to setup ubuntu in legacy mode, setup the necessary UEFI partitions or whatever tahts necessary and then tell the bios to boot the hdd in UEFI mode?19:28
mps-andruxaназывается поставил Линуху чё теперь да как никто не подскажет? а то я здесь впервые (19:28
lotuspsychje!uefi | biax19:28
ubottubiax: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:28
lotuspsychje!ru | mps-andruxa19:28
ubottumps-andruxa: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:28
Logos01lotuspsychje: lotuspsychje I've been going over https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/lxc.html but it doesn't seem to have any info on my issue.19:28
Logos01Unfortunately /etc/init/lxc-net.conf is a non-existent file.19:29
biaxso, its not possible then?19:30
ripplebitguys my laptop isn't reading my sd card, how can i fix this?19:31
vfwLogos01: Are you sure?  sudo find /etc/ -name lxc-net.conf -type f19:31
lotuspsychjeripplebit: did you try gparted to re-format your sd?19:31
lotuspsychjebiax: try the url, got good info on uefi19:32
mps-andruxaесть кто из русских?19:32
lotuspsychje!ru | mps-andruxa19:32
Logos01vfw: It's an upstart job19:32
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Logos01So it'd have to be in /etc/init/lxc-net.conf ... and it's considered an "optional" job at that.19:32
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ripplebitlotuspsychje: im not sure. i can't reformat because the SD isn't being read. this is the error that's being thrown: http://pastebin.com/562FAHPt19:33
Logos01That states that lxc defaults to the but doesn't give info on changing that. <_<19:33
lotuspsychje!info gparted | ripplebit19:34
ubotturipplebit: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.12.1-2 (raring), package size 531 kB, installed size 1840 kB19:34
lotuspsychjeripplebit: if gparted cant see your sd, there might be another problem, but try it first19:35
ripplebitah ok, ill check19:35
lotuspsychjeLogos01: maybe this can help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/293275/what-is-lxc-and-how-to-get-started19:35
NvveenOkay, I'm trying to replace Ubuntu's grub2 with Arch's, but Ubuntu keeps overwriting the data if I'm trying to reinstall the kernel images. How can I install these images without grub2?19:35
GGGokay I followed http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx  and made a bootable Ubuntu USB19:36
vfwLogos01: "Container networking in LXC is very flexible. It is triggered by the lxc.network.type configuration file entries. If no such entries exist, then the container will share the host's networking stack."19:36
vfwLogos01: Is that the case?  ^^^\19:36
GGGI started my PC laptop and choose the USB as the boot disk Ubuntu started to to run19:36
GGGand then the computer shut off19:36
lotuspsychjeGGG: is that a mac laptop?19:37
GGGit won't boot with the USB and it won't boot with it out19:37
GGGno it's a PC laptop19:37
GGGRazor Blade19:37
ripplebitlotuspsychje: hmm okay, not too sure if it's listed19:37
XaroHey all19:37
ripplebiti dont think it is19:37
GGGnow my laptop is bricked19:37
vfwLogos01: "lxc.network.ipv4 and lxc.network.ipv6 set the respective IP addresses, if those should be static."19:38
lotuspsychjeGGG: did you change bios to startup usb first boot?19:38
lotuspsychjeripplebit: you can scroll drives at top of gparted, your sd dont show?19:38
GGGbios doesn't let me change the startup -- I have to press the f12 and choose it --- but now I can't even do that19:38
ripplebitlotuspsychje: ah ok, yeah its not showing. do i need to restart?19:39
vfwLogos01: What is the subnet range of the gateway router you are on?19:39
ripplebiti had to install gparted btw19:39
NvveenIn other words, how can I install the kernel images without also installing the removed grub package in Ubuntu?19:39
tkingplease anyone experiencing same? I have done sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping and amazon search still shows up after turning it off in privacy. Ubuntu 13.0419:40
lotuspsychjeripplebit: if its not showing it might be your sdcard slot drivers not installed properly19:40
GGGwhat to do now?19:40
lotuspsychjeripplebit: did you check additional drivers section?19:40
vfwLogos01: What is the host's IP?19:40
Logos01vfw: So it turns out there's another place that needs to be modified besides /etc/init/lxc-net.conf19:41
lotuspsychjeGGG: you cant enter bios anymore?19:41
DMAHello. How can I find out the date of installation on an Ubuntu Server?19:41
Logos01DMA: That's not entirely possible.19:41
lotuspsychje!server | DMA19:41
ubottuDMA: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server19:41
ripplebiti've looked at a few sites, apparently people have been having issues with the RTxx209 realteck driver or something. where is the official page to check?19:41
Logos01The best you can do is see the oldest logfile.19:41
GGGnope the machine powers up and then goes 'clink' and shuts off -- I can't get into bios19:42
DMALogos01: which depends on log rotation settings, so is not for sure19:42
guest_zehexxhow to see open port in my ubuntu using bash?19:42
lotuspsychjeripplebit: try software&updates last tab additional drivers19:42
Logos01DMA: Indeed.19:42
Logos01Why does the date of installation matter?19:42
lotuspsychjeguest_zehexx: nmap yourself for open ports19:43
GGGanyone know what to do?19:43
ripplebitit says "no proprietary drivers are in use"19:43
lotuspsychjeGGG: try ##hardware maybe these guys know19:43
elisa87what should I do if "Size 1024x768 not found in available modes"??? all the items are too large after rebooting ...failsafex failed also19:44
lotuspsychje!xrandr | elisa8719:44
ubottuelisa87: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1219:44
GGG##hardware channel won't let me send to channel19:44
guest_zehexxlotuspsychje sorry, i can not installed caused caused for download it my connection speed is low19:44
guest_zehexxbut i have gufw.19:45
* GGG wants to know what to do now19:45
elisa87lotuspsychje: cat: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory19:45
elisa87 19:45
ripplebitlotuspsychje: it says "no proprietary drivers are in use"19:45
mmercerDJones: apparently old-releases does work as an actual repository, ty19:46
thelamestDMA: this could give you some idea maybe: find -type f -printf '%T+ %p\n' | sort | head -n 100019:47
lotuspsychjeGGG: if you cant enter bios, its a hardware fault, ubuntu support wont be able to help you further with this19:47
DJonesmmercer: You're welcome, when I looked, I thought it was just iso's19:47
mmerceron the http side, it does look that way19:47
mmercerbut just for s/gs i tested changing archive.ubuntu to old-releases in sources.list and sure enough, it worked19:47
elisa87Fatal server error:19:48
elisa87Server is already active for display 019:48
elisa87If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock19:48
elisa87and start again.19:48
FloodBot1elisa87: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:48
mmercera happy unexpected result19:48
lotuspsychjeripplebit: might check the vendors website indeed for sdcardslot drivers19:48
GGGso... the bootable Ubuntu USB borked the hardware?19:48
* GGG is confused19:48
rudolf_hi guys19:49
lotuspsychjeripplebit: does the sd card worked on other Os?19:49
rudolf_Crowler you still there?19:49
lotuspsychjeGGG: no ubuntu cant brick your laptop, what was default Os from laptop?19:49
ripplebitto be honest i've never tested it before, but i can only assume that it does19:49
rudolf_Well I finally got my usb modem working.19:49
GGGwin 719:49
rudolf_I am feeling good now. :)19:49
rudolf_Bluetooth is the last thing left.19:50
rudolf_Can anyone help me in fixing the bluetooth please?19:50
lotuspsychjeGGG: you see POST booting msges?19:50
rudolf_It is not detectting any new devices.19:50
newoki'm try to use gufw19:50
lotuspsychje!ufw | newok19:51
ubottunewok: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.19:51
rudolf_I try to search for new devices but it doesnt find any.19:51
newokthere is, incoming and outgoing, how to setting to deny another computer copying our file?19:52
newokin gufw?19:52
ripplebitlotuspsychje: this is what i need, but i don't know how to install it: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201106-8229/components/19:54
* GGG dreped it was an ID10T error19:54
* GGG plugged it in and it powers up -- VERY ODD timing on the USB boot and the battery to die19:55
DMAWhat happened to Logos0!19:55
newokcurrent,i'm just use browsing and chat, what are port that they use?19:56
newokbrowsing =  port?   ,chat = port ?19:57
OerHeksnewok, freenode uses port 8001 in Xchat, in stead of the standard 666719:57
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OerHeksnewok webchat uses port 80 i think19:58
newokoerheks,if i'm using xchat its mean it use 8001?,and is true (in gufw) if i'm deny all outgoing ,then i'm add allow for 8001??19:59
OerHeksnewok yes20:00
mmercerwhats the best guide for learning how to build packages on ubuntu ?20:01
lotuspsychje!build | mmercer20:02
ubottummercer: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:02
newokoerheks thank you.   but if we browing using firefox, and i want to to add allow again in (guifw outgoing) ,what port that i must add for allow firefox ?20:02
OerHeksnewok, as webchat uses port 80, you need nothing to do20:03
newokwhat port we must close to deny another computer access our file in disk?20:06
newokoerheks thxx.20:06
newokis that true if we close ftp port?20:07
theadminnewok: Uh, no other computer will be able to access your filesystem unless you have some file sharing service running20:07
theadminnewok: If you have an FTP daemon running, then it makes no sense to close the port. Simply shutdown the daemon.20:07
lotuspsychjei want to make a links2 startup icon, so it starts in terminal on a specific website, how would i create one like that?20:09
mmercerlotuspsychje: so i realize that we have a checkinstall method on fedora, but those generated packages are *not* treated as "reliable",  does ubuntu treat checkinstall builds differently (especially in ppas ) ?20:09
mmercerie, if you put checkinstall .debs in a ppa, how reliable are they consisdered by the ubuntu community20:09
DJonesmmercer: Pretty much the same, they're not considered suitable for uploading to a ppa20:10
MonkeyDustie, ppa's are not (always) supported by the community20:10
newoktheadmin thx.  but when i'm idle no do anything, why in system monitor-resources-network history in sending value is active??20:10
DJonesmmercer: From https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall CheckInstall is not designed to produce packages suitable for distribution. Do not use it to produce packages intended for the Ubuntu archive or PPAs.20:10
theadminnewok: ...You need to read up how TCP/IP works, obviously some packets will be sent/received all the time just to keep the connection up for that matter20:11
theadminnewok: You can use netstat to determine if something strange's going on, but is highly unlikely. Ubuntu's quite secure.20:11
MonkeyDustmmercer  anyone could make any custom ppa, the community cannot suport all of them20:11
theadminmmercer: Generally, not in the software center = not "reliable" as such. All depends on your trust. If you truly want your software to be recognized by the Ubuntu community, just upload it to developer.ubuntu.com -- those nice guys even do packaging and testing for you ;)20:12
newoktheadmin ok,thx, i will try learning it,.20:13
tgm4883theadmin, I think that is only the case for software that is being sold for profit20:13
mmercerMonkeyDust: sure, but id imagine ubuntu isnt all that different from fedora or centos as regards to the repositories... there are plenty of us that contirbure to well known and "trusted" 3rd party repositories (they arent "official" channels, but they are still considered highly trustworthy, etc)20:13
lotuspsychje!dev > lotuspsychje20:14
ubottulotuspsychje, please see my private message20:14
theadmintgm4883: Nay, they do any software, even free one. Open-source submissions should be done through PPAs, but even so they are still tested20:14
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tgm4883theadmin, I had to package my own software, and it's still awaiting approval20:14
MonkeyDustmmercer  look at android phones, all the custom apps have corrupted the system, now people think the system is bad20:14
theadmintgm4883: Hm, hamsters.20:14
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mmercerlike right now, the company im working for now uses 11.04, and the latest collectd i find in any of the repos for 11.04 is the official package of 4.2 which is *way* behind20:14
lotuspsychjemmercer: http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/20:14
tgm4883mmercer, there is no 3rd party repo I know of for Ubuntu20:15
NvveenDoes anyone know how I can install the linux kernel images without grub?20:15
lotuspsychje!cookie | theadmin20:15
ubottutheadmin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:15
theadminmmercer: 11.04 is way old itself :P It's not even supported anymore20:15
theadminlotuspsychje: Um, thanks? :D20:15
tgm4883theadmin, actually, no you can't do free applications anymore via d.u.c until they roll out the new upload process20:16
mmercertheadmin: i fully realize that, but it is what we have in place here, and i cant just randomly upgrade to 12 or 13 right now without knowing the risk to the systems20:16
tgm4883theadmin, "Thank you for submitting a gratis Free Software application through MyApps. At this time we are unable to process this request, as we are working on the implementation of a new app upload process."20:16
tgm4883theadmin, then it points you to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppDevUploadProcess20:16
theadmintgm4883: Eh, just means you gotta wait :D20:16
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: thats an interesting security topic to discuss20:16
tgm4883theadmin, my app has been in the queue for probably about a year now20:17
theadmintgm4883: Eh. I really wouldn't worry, they are rolling so much new stuff out after all20:17
theadminPhones, tablets, Mir, Unity rewrite...20:17
tgm4883theadmin, yea, that would be the problem20:18
* lotuspsychje is gonna ask an ubuntu tablet to santa this year20:18
skuft68.71.131.66 8888 cxipher:MiY_e5tu9EePhohS20:19
* mmercer fails to translate lotuspsychje on that one...20:19
mmercerask an ubuntu tablet santa?20:20
dhciwhat is the cmd to run in a console terminal so that a text mouse cursor appears and I can copy/paste?20:20
lotuspsychje!touch | mmercer20:20
ubottummercer: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch20:20
soeehi, if i do rm -rf foo (where foo is symbolic link to folder) i see no erros or other message but link is not removed, any idea why ?20:20
jerry5How can I modify Ubuntu to auto shutdown if the unlock screen password is incorrect?20:20
NvveenDoes anyone know how I can install the linux kernel images without grub?20:20
mmercersoee: permissions by chance.  you can also attempt unlink foo20:20
dhcii think its gpm or gpm2 something close to that20:21
soeemmercer, also not working20:21
mjuszczakI don't understand20:21
appamattoDid anyone have trouble after the upgrade today?20:21
mmercersoee:  are you doing it as a regular user or as sudo ?20:21
mjuszczakapt-get autoremove is saying out of space.20:21
appamattoNow Unity won't start for me20:21
mjuszczakcan I manually remove older files?20:21
mjuszczakboot is at 100%20:21
appamattoAnd my resolution is limited to 1024x76820:21
soeemmercer, its a shared hosting and im doing it as a account owner not sudo20:21
mmercersoee: ls -la foo <-- who owns the link ?20:22
soeewhat is strange 2 other links were removed20:22
theadminappamatto: Was a kernel upgrade. Hold Shift during bootup and select the older kernel, see if it helps, if it does stay on that20:22
lotuspsychjeappamatto: hmmm ive just had someone with same issue20:22
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soeemmercer, the group and user is mine20:22
appamattolotuspsychje: were they able to resolve it?20:22
lotuspsychjeappamatto: <elisa87> what should I do if "Size 1024x768 not found in available modes"??? all the items are too large after rebooting ...failsafex failed also20:22
lotuspsychjeappamatto: try what theadmin says :p20:23
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mmercersoee: from here, your options are things like stracing the process to see whats causing issues, and (very slightly chance) that set -x could help with verbosing output issues too20:24
rubswow, a lot of ubuntu users!20:24
SD70ACeHey all, I'm having some video troubles with 12.04 and a Dell Optiplex GX620 ultra small form factor.20:24
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lotuspsychjerubs: welcome to the most popular distro :p20:24
SD70ACerubs: Yes, most popular distro20:24
rubsamazing to see a lot of ubuntu users! thank you!20:25
nimbioticsHello everyone. To begin with, I Know nothing about audio production. I installed ubuntu studio 13.04 because  I need to produce some audios for a radio show and I must be able to make phone calls through GV and record these calls, as well as be able to play some audios to the other party. Can someone please guide me or point me in the right direction? TIA!20:25
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jerry5rubs, yeah and it isn't even th emost popular linux dist20:27
theadminjerry5: It is, technically, at least on the desktop20:27
SD70ACeprobably not in the server market though20:28
DJonesnimbiotics: I can't help with the problem, but you may also get help in the Ubuntu Studio channel, #ubuntustudio It might be a fairly quiet channel and could take a while for a response20:28
jerry5theadmin, according to some sources it's not the most popular desktop. mint is more popular now20:28
MonkeyDustjerry5  no, mint has the most hits in search engines, blogs etc, but is not the most used20:29
lotuspsychjejerry5: i bet there are more boxes running in the world then any distro20:29
lotuspsychjeubuntu boxes that is20:29
theadminjerry5: Eh, I strongly doubt it, considering Mint is a major annoyance and is quite buggy too, at least last I checked broke on me all the time20:29
clctoarchlinux has prolly 1/10th the users of ubuntu, but just about as many in irc. now thats a community20:29
jerry5theadmin, valid points20:29
nimbioticsDJones: i'm also in that channel, but its been dead since this morning at least, nobody seems to awake20:29
DJonesnimbiotics: ok, I thought it might have been a quiet channel20:30
* tgm4883 reminds everyone to keep things on topic20:30
theadminanyways, be right back20:30
appamattoHmm, booted
appamattoBut that doesn't seem to help20:31
ur0plubuntu does not automount my fat32  usb external drive20:31
lotuspsychjeappamatto: did your update change your graphics driver perhaps?20:31
lotuspsychje!polite | ur0pl20:31
ubottuur0pl: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:31
appamattolotuspsychje: I'm trying to reinstall the nvidia driver20:32
lotuspsychjeappamatto: good luck :p20:32
nimbioticsDJones: veeery quite indeed .. more than that, boring. Actually dead. I've beedn there since this morning and haven't received a single answer, except for a comment from someone who left immediately :)20:33
lotuspsychjeur0pl: did you try format your device with gparted?20:33
ur0pli see20:33
ur0plfdisk -l doesn't even list the drive as being plugged in20:33
tgm4883ur0pl, what is the output of 'dmesg'20:34
ur0plnaturally, my usb cable was not plugged into the motherboard20:35
ur0pli was wondering20:35
ur0plis there something  gui that can mount cifs window shares?20:35
ur0plor even list the shares that have a different password20:35
SD70ACeHey all, I'm having some video troubles with 12.04 and a Dell Optiplex GX620 ultra small form factor.20:36
appamattoI'm a little confused why X will start but Unity won't20:36
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lotuspsychjeappamatto: maybe your logs can clear your problem out?20:36
BluesKajur0pl, ntfs-3g installed20:37
MojoPikonSD70ACe: Can you be more specific? =)20:37
SD70ACeMojoPikon: The resolution won't go over 1024x768 with a DVI to VGA adapter.  Also any 3d apps like openarena fail.  Its got an Intel GMA95020:38
lotuspsychjeappamatto: the girl who got same issue, had same trouble after a reboot20:38
appamattoIs there some other driver I could try?20:39
appamattoRight now installing nvidia-current complains about not finding the source20:39
appamattoEven thought the source package is installed...20:40
mjuszczakMy boot is at 96%:20:40
mjuszczak/dev/sda1                    228M  206M   11M  96% /boot20:40
mjuszczakhow can I free up space?  apt-get autoremove doesn't seem to want to do anything.20:40
ur0plis there something to help browse what window shares i have?20:40
ur0plon my other box20:40
ur0pllike the names of them20:41
clctowhat is in /boot?20:41
lotuspsychjemjuszczak: ubuntu-wteak can do some nice system cleanings aswell20:41
clctour0pl: with cifs? idk, i guess samba works but not sure20:41
MojoPikonSD70ACe: I've used in my university some months ago the same computer with the same video hardware using a VGA monitor and it works flawless … And I think it used exactly that driver20:41
MojoPikonSD70ACe: at 1280x102420:42
bgardnerur0pl: smbclient -L servername20:42
SD70ACeMojoPikon: I don't know, its just refusing to work right, I have it hooked up to a display that I used to run hooked to my ubuntu netbook and ran 1360x768, plus both open arena and openBVE won't run at all20:43
appamattoHow can I switch to nouveau?20:43
ur0plbgardner, thank you20:43
lotuspsychjeappamatto: did you check software&updates in last tab additional drivers?20:43
chuy_hi all20:44
appamattolotuspsychje: where is that?20:45
SD70ACeMojoPikon: it won't drive the display past 1024x768, it only shows the generic VGA modes20:45
appamattolotuspsychje: oh okay I found it20:45
samgabbayhow do i make my ubuntu distro faster20:45
mjuszczakclcto: http://pastebin.com/2jbXr9uX20:45
clctodont use pastebin.com20:46
tgm4883clcto, what is wrong with pastebin.com?20:46
chuy_i have problem whit lightdm,i installed webkit theme but show me this can't load directory /usr/share/lightdm/themes/pretty permission denied20:46
clctomjuszczak: you have so many old kernels in there, get rid of them20:46
lotuspsychjesamgabbay: install an ssd drive20:47
MojoPikonSD70ACe: http://askubuntu.com/questions/143151/12-04-is-not-detecting-onboard-intel-gma-950-need-to-install-driver-manually Seems like it needs some tweaking… may be the units on my university have a slightly different version of the chipset, or they manually added a driver package20:47
mjuszczakclcto: thanks.  I figured they'd auto remove.20:47
mjuszczakclcto: what's wrong with pastebin?20:47
clctotgm4883: ads, captcha, adds whitespace, etc20:48
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
clctogist.github.com is my go to, but ubuntu has its own20:48
vfwmjuszczak: Use apt-get to remove them...20:48
tgm4883clcto, I've not seen any evidence of it adding whitespace, everything else you mentioned isn't a reason tell someone not to use it20:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:49
mjuszczakGotcha, thank you,20:49
vfwmjuszczak: There is nothing wrong with pastebin20:49
clctotgm4883: why when there are better options20:49
thatguy37Good evening #ubuntu20:50
appamattolotuspsychje: I guess that didn't work20:50
tgm4883clcto, you haven't shown that there are better options.20:50
bgardnerthatguy37: Hello20:50
chuy_ i have problem whit lightdm,i installed webkit theme but show me this can't load directory /usr/share/lightdm/themes/pretty permission denied anybody help me i really apreciate20:50
clctotgm4883: i clearly said gist.github.com which allows annotating, and that ubuntu has their own20:51
thatguy37I am about to partition and format a new RAID5 array, and am not sure what to set my stride and stripe at. I gather that one should match my RAID striping, but what is the other?20:51
appamattoShould I have KMS enabled or disabled?20:51
lotuspsychje!raid | thatguy3720:51
ubottuthatguy37: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:51
lotuspsychje!fr | foutasse20:52
ubottufoutasse: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:52
vfwchuy_: ls -l /usr/share/lightdm/themes/pretty  #What does it say?20:53
appamattoIs there any way to get back to the original xorg settings?20:54
joelwallisHi. The two-finger scrolling of my Dell Vostro isn't working. What can I do to get it working again?20:54
clctosynclient -h20:55
joelwallisI mean, it never worked with Ubuntu, but in Windows it works fine.20:55
vfwappamatto: What did you have before?20:55
clctojoelwallis: you can enable it with synclient TwoFingerVertScroll=1 or something like that20:56
joelwallisThe Ubuntu 13.04's two-finger scrolling work fine in my other notebook, HP.20:56
joelwallisclcto: synclient is a CLI tool?20:56
clctojoelwallis: yes it is20:56
Spr1ngSo very impressed by the simplicity of UFW :P20:56
thatguy37lotuspsychje: Thanks for the links, but they are all specific to RAID creation, I need help with filesystem layout20:56
lkimmiei'm a bit confused about ubuntu, does anyone have a link to a very simplified tutorial?20:57
vfwlkimmie: About _______________ ?20:57
appamattoHow do I turn on KMS?20:57
lotuspsychjelkimmie: about what20:57
appamattoI think I disabled it for the nvidia blob20:57
joelwallisclcto: I got "Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?". How can I install the Synaptics?20:57
ur0plhow do i list what ips are connected in my lan?20:57
joelwallislkimmie: what are you confused about?20:57
clctolkimmie: what is confusing you, someone here can probably help20:57
thatguy37ur0pl: On your router configuration page, there is usually a way to see connected clients20:58
clctojoelwallis: not sure20:58
joelwallisclcto: ok, thanks. ill search arround..20:58
thatguy37ur0pl: if not, a program called nmap will work to show you hosts that allow ping requests20:58
vfwlkimmie: https://help.ubuntu.com/20:58
lkimmiestarting a new internship, requires very basic knowledge about linux. my advisor told me to download ubuntu20:58
lotuspsychjelkimmie: there are also good Free ubuntu ebooks on the internet20:58
melow01Partitioning a new Ubuntu server and the default is "Use entire disk and setup LVM"20:58
melow01Is that the preferred config?20:59
melow01Or should I just choose "use entire disk"?20:59
lotuspsychje!lvm | melow0120:59
ubottumelow01: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:59
geniilkimmie: https://help.ubuntu.com/ is a good starting point.20:59
SonikkuAmericamelow01: If you wish to blow out the whole hard disk, yes.20:59
joelwallislkimmie: ubuntu is a linux which is easy to use, everything works fine and you have all the goodies of using a linux operational system.20:59
vfwlkimmie: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop20:59
melow01SonikkuAmerica, true21:00
joelwallisforget about antivirus and shits of windows.21:00
appamattodoes anyone know how to change the KMS settings?21:00
SonikkuAmerica!flavors | lkimmie, there are also other DEs you can get stock with Ubuntu21:00
ubottulkimmie, there are also other DEs you can get stock with Ubuntu: !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio,  !Mythbuntu, and !Lubuntu21:00
SD70ACeif your hardware is supported -_-21:00
SonikkuAmericalkimmie: There's also Ubuntu GNOME.21:00
erwinguys how can i remove the 3rd part application whichi sinstalled to opt directory21:00
vfwlkimmie: (I use xubuntu.)21:00
vfwerwin: apt-get21:00
SonikkuAmericalkimmie: (I use Ubuntu GNOME.)21:01
erwini installed it from *.run file21:01
vfwerwin: Oh...21:01
erwini installed qt5.run21:02
vfwerwin: What did you install?21:02
vfwerwin: Why?21:02
erwinwhy not21:02
erwini wanted to try it21:03
vfwerwin: Why not use the package management system?  (A rhetorical question...)21:04
erwinvfw, in package system only qt4 does exist21:04
ur0plsmbclient -L -U myusername mypassword does ntow ork21:05
SpaceManiacdoes the Disk Usage Analyzer tool not report hidden files or anything like that?21:06
vfwerwin: Well, answering your original question is a bit difficult, (there is not a systematic approach to uninstalling software that is not installed via the package management system).21:07
melow01will Ubuntu Server have drivers installed for audio i/o?21:11
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erwinvfw, i removed the whole directory in /opt21:12
vfwerwin: Ok, there you go....21:12
erwini hope the run file did not install aything to other directories21:13
erwinif it did , it is almost impossible for me to trace the installed files21:13
appamattoYeeeeeessss!! I is happy! nvidia driver now works. Now I need to figure out why Unity isn't starting21:15
SD70ACeappamatto: because it unity21:15
vfwappamatto: Do you have a Desktop Evnironment at all?21:16
vfwappamatto: ... If so, which one?21:17
=== AOrlov is now known as AndreyOrlov
Norrinwhat's with this pc & mac images?21:20
Norrinwhy have this and say nothing about what the difference is in the page21:20
zykotick9Norrin: if YOU don't know if you have a mac or a pc.  i doubt any explanation on ubuntu site will help...21:21
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
sam113101is it gray?21:21
Norrinzykotick9, did i ask that?  i asked what the diff is in teh images21:21
sam113101can you open it?21:21
mmerceranyone happen to know what package provides -lkvm under ubuntu ?21:21
* mmercer has tried to find libkvm via apt-cache, auto-apt, apt-file... and is failing21:22
zykotick9Norrin: one is for PCs, the other is for Macs...  ahhh, i'm not sure they can make that clearer...21:22
Norrinzykotick9, there has never been such a distinction before.  so why now?21:22
Norrinin short, what's teh difference?21:22
vfwNorrin: What do you mean?  There has always been a difference.21:23
Norrinnever seen a mac ubuntu image before21:23
MojoPikonNorrin: Mac computers have special requirements for booting ISO images, so they add some tweaks for they to boot Ubuntu correctly.21:23
NorrinMojoPikon, it's meant to run on bare metal or something?21:24
NorrinMojoPikon, any idea which is best for a vm?21:24
vfwNorrin: I do not think anyone understands what you are really trying to find out.  What exactly do you want to do?21:24
Norrinwhat. is. the. difference?21:25
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know winconn?21:25
Norrin"it says mac" is not sufficient21:25
alanwevansanyone ever run into a problem where resolvconf isn't updating /etc/resolv.conf on boot, but manually ifdown/ifup an interface updates it just fine21:25
mojtabaIs it the ultimate solution? or is there any better equivalent?21:25
vfwNorrin: You want to know what the differences between the Mac ISO and the PC ISO?21:25
Norringiven i always installed the basic image before no problems.   so why all of a sudden a mac image?21:25
Norrinvfw, yes21:26
MojoPikonnorrin: For vm's, ubuntu jeos is a good option. It has a smaller footprint than standard ones. https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/jeos-and-vmbuilder.html21:26
sam113101I wish I had a mac21:26
vfwNorrin: Let us ask you this question:  Do you have a Mac or a PC (that you want to install Ubuntu on)?21:26
Norrinvfw, "on" is relative.  i'm installing in a vm on a mac host21:26
Norrinfrom what MojoPikon, sounds like this mac image is for bare metal21:27
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know winconn? Is it the ultimate solution? or is there any better equivalent?21:27
Norrinsure would be nice if it said all this on teh download page.....21:27
BauerI once followed some tutorial to install Java 64bit from Sun and not OpenJDK, but how do I remove it? I wanna try normal java again21:28
MojoPikonnorring: if you don't need the desktop, Ubuntu JeOS is better for vm's, as i've said. It is intended for virtual appliances.21:28
Norrinvfw, why a mac image.   if i know what's diff about it i can answer my own question21:28
Norrinhence i started with "what's different about it?"21:28
vfwNorrin: Simple: If you have a Mac, you use the Mac ISO.  If you have a PC, you use the regular PC ISO.  You have a Mac, so use the Mac ISO.21:28
Norrinvfw, there's nothing simple about that.  what's different in the image?21:28
vfwNorrin: There are a lot of differences, (not just one).21:29
Norrinnotice,  i didn't ask which one to use.   what is teh difference?21:29
MojoPikonNorrin: Drivers. kernel parameters and EFI files. Things like that.21:29
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know winconn? Is it the ultimate solution? or is there any better equivalent?21:29
Norrincool.  so i'm goign with the standard image.21:30
Norrinbare metal ish21:30
Norrinvfw, in the end, so "it's so simple" answer seems to have been wrong.  congratz21:30
vfw!mac | Norrin21:30
ubottuNorrin: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages21:30
MystaMaxNorrin: this link answers your question specifically: http://askubuntu.com/a/40480/85921:31
jerry5How can I modify Ubuntu to auto shutdown if the unlock screen password is incorrect?21:31
zykotick9Bauer: when you install out-of-repo software, you need to use whatever method 'that software' uses to remove... it's a bad idea in general to use out-of-repo stuff IMO21:31
NvveenCan anyone tell me how to install the kernel images without installing grub2 (I removed it)?21:32
Norrinvfw from your own link: "try your VM's support area. Running Ubuntu in a VM is completely different than running Ubuntu "on your Mac". "21:32
zykotick9jerry5: that's a security hole you're asking to open?  i hope you can't!  (that would let non-admin users shut off a machine)21:32
Norrinmy whole point, vfw21:32
Norrinvfw, and, nothing on that page about the mac vs the pc image21:32
jerry5zykotick9, no, i want to code screen lock to auto shutdown21:32
jerry5zykotick9, not looking for a way around Ubuntu, but to modify it21:33
zykotick9jerry5: ya, that that's bad....  cya.21:33
Bauerzykotick9: well I had no choice, I must get Junpier SSL-VPN working in Ubuntu 13.04 64 bit which is not trivial at all :( I still dont have it working21:33
zykotick9s/that that's/and that's/21:33
appamattovfw, I have a unity-looking environment but without any of the panels21:33
vfwNorrin: Show me the link.21:33
appamattoSo I assumed this means unity didn't start21:33
appamattoIs there a log I should look in?21:33
vfwappamatto: I use xfce21:33
Norrin[14:30:51] <vfw> !mac | Norrin21:33
Norrin[14:30:51] <ubottu> Norrin: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages21:33
Norrinvfw, ^21:33
zykotick9Bauer: well good luck with that... if it's not in ubuntu's repo, it's technically OT in #ubuntu... just sayin'21:34
vfwNorrin: Follow the appropriate download link.21:35
Norrinvfw, and, nothing on that page about the mac vs the pc image21:35
Bauer  zykotick9  which is why, I am asking how to get rid of everything from that OT repo, so that I can try the normal java again21:36
NorrinMystaMax, thanks!21:36
vfwNorrin: Well, I suppose they neglected to state the obvious.21:36
NorrinMojoPikon, thanks!21:36
Norrinvfw, if its so obvious why were you wrong?21:36
zykotick9Bauer1: you should be asking whoever you got that java from... but maybe someone here knows?  good luck.21:37
vfwNorrin: About?21:37
MojoPikonNorin: yw =)21:37
Norrinvfw, about the mac image being needed for macs in all situations21:37
Norrinno that fn simple21:37
Bauerzykotick9: well, it should be pretty standard procedure to remove 3rd party PPA stuff, no?21:37
Norrinlike i assumed21:38
MystaMaxNorrin: I'd just use the regular ubuntu image to install ubuntu inside a virtual machine. Only use the mac image on bare metal installs21:38
NorrinMystaMax, yeah that's what i'm going with21:39
zykotick9Bauer: if it was from a PPA use ppa-purge (or something very similarly named!)21:39
zykotick9!ppa-purge | Bauer21:39
ubottuBauer: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:39
WILLdudeHello. I've just installed ubuntu, after Windows 7. My PC just boots to windows 7 though. What can I do?21:41
vfwWILLdude:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub21:41
AndrewEagleWILLdude: try to reinstall grub21:42
zykotick9!ppa | Bauer pay particular attention to the warning here.  good luck man.21:42
ubottuBauer pay particular attention to the warning here.  good luck man.: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge21:42
Bauerthanks zykotick9 , but how do I find out the correct repository name?21:42
WILLdudeI kinda wanted to use the W7 Bootloader, and AFAIK, it sh21:42
zykotick9Bauer: not 100% but check output of "apt-cache policy THEPACKAGENAME" perhaps?21:42
daftykinsWILLdude: i heard once that you can edit the Windows bootloader to pass on to GRUB, maybe there's a guide online21:43
vfwWILLdude:  You can if you want to, but we only have ubuntu support here.21:43
zykotick9Bauer: didn't you say you used a .run file though, or it installed to /opt?21:43
AndrewEagleHave anyone compiled android from sources? I've just compiled and don't know how to launch it in emulator :-)21:43
vfwWILLdude: But it's easier to just use grub21:44
daftykinsAndrewEagle: that's not support for Ubuntu i'm afraid.21:44
Bauerzykotick9:  is that right? 500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu/ raring/main amd64 Packages21:44
zykotick9Bauer: that would "make sense", but i can't really know....  no personal experience in this matter.21:44
zykotick9Bauer: i'd guess ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu/ is what ppa-purge is looking for?  just a guess though.21:45
zykotick9Bauer: if above fails, try just ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team21:46
duelleHi there, I'm trying to set up my old notebook as a server (for testing purposes only). The only problem is that my wifi connection doesn't work. While installing it worked just fine, but now it seems to do nothing at all. I'm using a Intel abg3945 (iwl3945).21:47
AndrewEagledaftykins: what is not support? I've already compiled on Ubuntu. And ubuntu nicely support android develop and emulators. I just don't know what to do with 9GB output folder appeared after compilation :-)21:47
vfwduelle: WHat does iwconfig say?21:48
rubsyou guys are the best!21:48
duellevfw: Nothing at all -,- just displays mac, the rest is empty or zero..21:49
vfwduelle: Nothing at all?  Well, it shows the mac address, right?  Is it only one line of output?  (If not, how many?)21:50
duellevfw: I just meant that there is no more information. The other lines are displayed, but theres no contetn (6 lines)21:50
duelleok, in addition there is UP BROADCAST MULTICAST21:51
daftykinsAndrewEagle: what i mean is, this channel isn't for helping you to use your computer, it's only for supporting Ubuntu users with Ubuntu problems21:51
vfwduelle: So what is the wifi device designated as?  wlan0  eth0 eth1 ....?21:51
duellevfw: wlan021:51
genii!test | Winogronko21:52
ubottuWinogronko: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )21:52
vfwduelle: iwlist wlan0 scan21:52
AndrewEagledaftykins: sure. I hoped someone know about that.21:54
duellevfw: that works too, I can see my and several other APs. The point is, that it once worked fine (eg. while installing)21:54
vfwduelle: iwconfig wlan0 essid <essid-here> ; dhclient wlan0 or ifconfig wlan0 192.168.x.x ; route add default gw 192.168.x.x ; etc. etc.21:54
vfwduelle: In other words, set the essid and the other settings as per your LAN netowrk configuration21:55
duellevfw: May it be a problem when the essid contains special characters (e.g. like the exclamation mark in "FRITZ!Box")?21:56
vfwduelle: Yea, use quotes21:58
vfwduelle: iwconfig with no arguments will show you the essid21:59
Guest38463hi all, need a help with touchpad mouse... just dont works21:59
duellevfw: I just saw in /etc/network/interfaces that all these information are set there (netmask, gateway, wpa-ssid, wpa-psk). and iface wlan0 inet dhcp21:59
Guest38463seems to be something on evdev...22:00
=== gotwig is now known as gotwig-afk
Guest38463problem with touchpad and evdev here... please help22:05
MonkeyDustwhat's evdev?22:07
duellevfw: Even after the install it sometimes worked and after rebooting no connection at all .. at first I thought that it was the installation of bind, cuz it worked after its uninstall. After reboot - same thing again. No connection at all:/22:08
BabyCat<duelle> vfw: Even after the install it some22:08
BabyCathey folks, having ubuntu 12.04 networking problems. I've narrowed down to some really strange things having to do with the operating system itself..22:08
BabyCat I use VPN, privoxy, browser plugins for security (no script and ghostery).. so I turn all this off and look to see what the problem is.. I get22:08
vfwduelle: What version of ubuntu do you have installed?  12.04?22:09
Bauerzykotick9: do you know where can I buy paid professional help getting the VPN working in Ubuntu? I really need it for work, and my time is more expensive... I know it is possible to set up, it has to be22:09
duellevfw: 13.04 server22:09
vfwduelle: Is it completely updated?22:10
daftykinsBabyCat: 'problem is.. get' ...?22:10
BabyCathey folks, having ubuntu 12.04 networking problems. I've narrowed down to some really strange things having to do with the operating system itself..22:10
BabyCat I use VPN, privoxy, browser plugins for security (no script and ghostery).. so I turn all this off and look to see what the problem is.. I get full internet until I do 1 of two things.. turn on any of my security.. or go to the site Eli the Computer Guy, and now facebook.. and the later2 knocks out the ubuntu 12.04 networking competely.. so I re-initalize the networking init.d thing, turn off the router then reconnect to get the internet back, then I have22:10
BabyCat to do it again after a few minutes.. Ubuntu kicks me off the internet.. does this sound like anyone's problem? Everyone using windows and Macintosh around me are happy and loving their internet but I'm not..22:10
duellevfw: yes, did an update when connection worked.22:10
FloodBot1BabyCat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:10
BabyCatsorry folks, internet connection's bad and I don't know whether it's working at any point..22:11
BabyCator posting here.. not trying to flood22:11
zykotick9Bauer: no clue.22:12
MonkeyDustBauer  http://www.ubuntu.com/support22:12
vfwduelle: lspci |grep ireless22:13
vfwduelle: (show us.)22:13
daftykinsBabyCat: pastebin it instead or something. pasting an essay isn't going to work22:14
G55321hello guys! I wanted to upgrade my server to 12.04 from 10.04.4 and wanted to know if its safe22:14
duellevfw: 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)22:14
BabyCatso key problem is I get internet connection for a few minutes then I have to turn off and on the connection to get it back and if I go to Eli the Computer Guy, the site that I'm trying to learn linux from, I end up having to restart the entire systm to get the internet back22:14
BabyCatand I have to do this over and over again to keep the connection22:14
BabyCatonly difference, I moved.. but I updated the IP address on everything networking.. and it worked here fine for a few days and now this..22:14
G55321currently server is in production running a Samba file server22:14
BauerMonkeyDust: it leades to http://www.ubuntu.com/management/features which is not quite the professional help I look for to get the VPN up and running...22:14
MonkeyDustG55321  it's safe, or it would be useless22:14
daftykinsG55321: as safe as any upgrades in computing. back up and give it a try if you're sure you want to do it22:14
MonkeyDustBauer  maybe contact Canonical, see below on the page22:15
BabyCatso key problem is I get internet connection for a few minutes then I have to turn off and on the connection to get it back and if I go to Eli the Computer Guy, the site that I'm trying to learn linux from, I end up having to restart the entire systm to get the internet back and I have to do this over and over again to keep the connection only difference, I moved.. but I updated the IP address on everything networking.. and it worked here fine for a few day22:15
BabyCats and now this..22:15
BabyCatsorry again chat master, Ubuntu kicked me off again, not sure what went through..22:16
G55321oh yeah of course I have backup...but since its a file server I wouldn't want to restore a ~1tb backup :D22:16
vfwduelle: How many kernels do you have?22:16
BabyCatand of course, I lose response messages when Ubuntu loses the connection..22:16
MonkeyDustG55321  you can easily upgrade from LTS to LTS22:16
duellevfw: not sure, but I think 2-3 should be there22:17
daftykinsBabyCat: so you're typing from the affected PC?22:17
BabyCatI'm a ubuntu only on my box..22:17
BabyCatthat's what I'm thinking22:17
vfwduelle: Try earlier one(s)22:17
BabyCatI keep getting viruses over and over again on this ubuntu.. I've wiped and reloaded 3 times over the last couple months22:17
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MonkeyDusta virus in linux? how exciting!22:18
BabyCatyes I am22:18
BabyCathmm.. U'd love this box.. ha ha ha22:18
MonkeyDustBabyCat  what makes you think you have a virus?22:18
duelle3.8.(0).23 seems to work for now22:19
BabyCatreason I think it's a virus is because.. why does the networking get permanently harmed off a specific youtube (eli the computer guy) channel22:19
daftykinsMonkeyDust: oh you can totally have this one XD22:20
MonkeyDustBabyCat  i havent read anything anywhere about a virus, so it must be something else22:20
BabyCatotherwise, all I have to do is restart the router.. there's a Mac and Windows computers running here too.. everyone enjoying their computers but me22:20
cheese1756Has anyone had any success with installing Ubuntu on a Vaio Pro?22:20
geniiProbably some horribly encoded video.22:20
daftykinscheese1756: didn't those only just get announced?22:20
BabyCatand also, everything worked fine with all my settings for 3 days here and suddenly stopped.. for no reason..22:20
duellevfw: works for now, but I am quite sceptic whether that is the point.. Sometimes it worked even with that kernel as far as i can remember22:20
cheese1756daftykins, Yes. Unfortunately, I can't find any documentation yet22:20
cheese1756But they're available22:20
BabyCatand it started with Eli the Computer Guy Youtube page22:20
mmercerBabyCat: have you watched the log messages to see whats going on when you lose your networking?22:21
mmercerhave you watched your ethtool and miitool statistics?22:21
mmercer( now granted, youre trying to learn linux, so its actually expected that you have no idea what im talking about ), but to jump to virus.... stop thinking youre on windows. ;)22:21
daftykinscheese1756: i'd imagine you'll come up against the usual Secure Boot UEFI issues?22:21
cheese1756daftykins, That's one issue I found, yes22:22
cheese1756I'm tempted to just flip it into legacy BIOS mode22:22
EDocToorI am backkkkkkkkk ,,,, hehe22:22
daftykinscheese1756: are you trying 13.04 ?22:22
vfwduelle: (I use LTS.)22:22
cheese1756daftykins, Yup22:22
submanWhen trying to upgrade, I'm getting the following errors:  http://pastebin.ca/2399035.  I've tried apt-get -f install to fix and it just spits out these same errors.  Is there a way to fix this?22:23
daftykinscheese1756: are you attempting a dualboot or just nuking - presumably windows 8 - off of there?22:23
cheese1756Still, I just get a blank screen after the "Try Ubuntu" and "Install Ubuntu" menu22:23
cheese1756daftykins, Preferably nuking Windows 822:23
daftykinscheese1756: has that laptop got graphics by nvidia or ATI?22:23
daftykinss/ATI/AMD/ must get used to that renaming22:23
cheese1756daftykins, Nope, integrated Intel, which is a good sign22:23
cheese1756That's also what throws me off22:23
daftykinscheese1756: tried booting with 'nomodeset' for fun?22:24
cheese1756daftykins, I will22:24
cheese1756That's a good call22:24
EDocToorcheese1756, I also have a blank screen on one of my boxes after I installed standard Ubuntu.. I don't recall but.. I think I had to add noapic to the grub..22:24
duellevfw: would you recommend to use a LTS server version? didn't know that there could be such problems (cuz it worked several versions before without any problems)?22:24
tylerehomeIs there any way to get pulseaudio to output to a digital output continuously? I'm playing via SP/DIF and it seems to be dropping the transport stream when nothing is using sound...which is annoying as it then takes several seconds for my receiver to realize there is sound again when I paly something22:25
duellevfw: ok, thanks a lot for your help! Then I'll get a lts version and give it a try :)22:25
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MystaMaxduelle: what about booting off a live cd image of 13.04 (or 12.04) and seeing if its works there? you can test everything without messing anything up22:26
cheese1756Found a problem! "Secure boot forbids loading module" when running "help" in grub22:27
daftykinstylerehome: i've had that issue for years :( unless you had something playing silence in the background constantly i can't see any way22:27
cheese1756I thought the Ubuntu images were signed?22:28
daftykinscheese1756: oh so secure boot is somehow still enabled within your UEFI?22:28
cheese1756daftykins, I guess so. Time to fix that22:28
daftykinscheese1756: tbh every UEFI implementation is buggy as anything i've noticed at the moment. i had to update a friends laptop BIOS just to let it boot its' own Windows version in EFI mode to reinstall it ¬_¬22:28
EDocToorIs there a Whatsmyip command from the command line or do I have to grep ifconfig22:28
daftykinsEDocToor: ifconfig *is* the whatsmyip command ;)22:28
EDocToordaftykins, ok.. just wondering thanks22:29
cheese1756The USB stick is being accessed far more. This is promising22:30
daftykinscheese1756: i'll cross my toes for ya22:30
cheese1756It's a load of BS that secureboot just fails silently, though, rather than giving a proper error for troubleshooting22:30
cheese1756daftykins, I appreciate that22:31
daftykinscheese1756: well, you'd have to boot without 'quiet' from the menu to get proper debug22:31
cheese1756daftykins, I usually disable the splash anyway. I might restart and do that22:31
MagicarpIs it possible to control the speed of a case fan via terminal? So I could put it at X RPM?22:32
daftykinsMagicarp: is your system too old to run it automatically based on temperature?22:34
cheese1756So, I got all the way to conflicting drivers between an EFI version and a non-EFI version. I'll just flip things to legacy BIOS22:34
cheese1756Let's see how this goes22:34
LeonIsNEwokay so idk whatswrong with my new build22:35
LeonIsNEwall of my stuff is powering up but nothing is posting22:35
LeonIsNEwubuntu does not even load and i dont even get a posting22:35
cheese1756LeonIsNEw, If there's no post, that doesn't sound like an Ubuntu problem22:35
LeonIsNEwyeaqh i know but22:35
cheese1756Check your hardware. Maybe something is not connected properly?22:36
cheese1756Is this your first build?22:36
LeonIsNEw\idk what i am suppose to do to make it post22:36
LeonIsNEwand yes22:36
cheese1756LeonIsNEw, Confirm that all components are plugged in properly. Often, a cable being unplugged can really screw things up22:36
LeonIsNEwi have everything plugged in right, all the fans turn on and the hdd spins and stuff22:37
LeonIsNEwand i dont know how to chck if they are in all the right way22:37
MagicarpAsk in #hardware22:37
LeonIsNEweverything powers up but, nothing posts22:37
cheese1756So, I flipped to BIOS boot and that still froze. If I'm debugging something, I'd rather debug UEFI. Onto fixing those issues.22:38
daftykinscheese1756: i know it's a ridiculous thought with such new hardware, but try looking on Sony's site for any BIOS updates anyway?22:39
daftykinsLeonIsNEw: ok the best advice i can give you for your first build that doesn't POST, is to reduce the hardware down to the very bare essentials, you follow?22:39
daftykinsLeonIsNEw: so you don't need any hard disks connected, no CD/DVD, just PSU into motherboard, CPU, RAM and graphics card if you have one. that's all22:40
LeonIsNEwi have no cd and no hdd22:40
cheese1756daftykins, I don't believe there are any yet. Boot sticks at "fb: conflictnig fb hw usage inteldrmfb vs EFI VGA - removing generic driver"22:40
cheese1756That's where it freezes22:40
daftykinscheese1756: hrmm, is that system using a Haswell CPU?22:41
cheese1756daftykins, Yup. Could it be a problem with the integrated graphics?22:41
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cheese1756I think I need to set nomodeset22:42
cheese1756Let me see22:42
daftykinscheese1756: can't say i'm knowledgable in kernel quirks, but i wouldn't put it past there being a surprise. Sony's tend to be mighty quirky to get alternate OS's on to begin with. if you're absolutely committed to getting 13.04 on there, perhaps a text mode installer disc image would be worth a go22:42
cheese1756daftykins, Believe me, I'm committed :)22:42
cheese1756OK, so I set nomodeset and got farther, but still stuck at the SSD config. I think I need to set nolapic too22:45
daftykinsworth a go22:45
submanWhen trying to upgrade, I'm getting the following errors:  http://pastebin.ca/2399035.  I've tried apt-get -f install to fix and it just spits out these same errors.  Is there a way to fix this?22:46
MonkeyDustsubman  3.2... that's ubuntu 12.04 ?22:48
submanMonkeyDust, yes22:48
submanMonkeyDust, Server22:48
MonkeyDustsubman  try dpkg -a --configure      and there's also #ubuntu-server22:49
G55321can anyone provide a one liner for backing up an entire ubuntu server to an external drive? not with dd because I want to keep my current files in there.22:49
submanMonkeyDust, Yes, I tried dpkg, same error.  I've tried asking in #server and other than the sound of crickets, no other responses22:49
MonkeyDustG55321  rsync -avv --progress [from] [to]22:50
MonkeyDustG55321  and -vv and --progress is just for fancy, not really needed22:50
G55321MonkeyDust: thanks...and how to exclude crap like /proc or /sys ?22:51
MonkeyDustG55321  with --exclude22:51
G55321comma separated?22:51
OerHeksG55321,  " tar cvpzf backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys / "  is a good start from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ForumWikiTeam/Sandbox/BackupAndRestoreYourSystem22:52
cheese1756Setting nomodeset worked22:52
cheese1756I have a CLI22:52
cheese1756ls works22:53
mmercerok, thats at least a start.  now to work on converting from checkinstall to a *real* .deb22:54
MonkeyDustcheese1756  now type sudo apt-get install sl;sl22:54
ubuntubhello everyone, i'm trying to get my touchpad to work but it doesn't my laptop model is "Toshiba A500 1GL", I can connect a wireless mouse in an instant, i tried unplugging the wireless mouse, disabling and enabling the touchpad through its personal button but no luck22:54
daftykinscheese1756: :) CLI? so no X at all?22:55
digitalironyso, I am trying to do an apt-get install22:55
submanMonkeyDust, I manged to find my own answer, thanks though!22:55
digitalironyand it keeps telling me E: The package surfer:i386 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.22:56
digitalironyis there a way I can force it to remove that package?22:56
cheese1756daftykins, No, I do want X, it just won't startup22:56
MonkeyDustsubman  for future refernce: how did you do it?22:56
daftykinscheese1756: ah ok22:56
cheese1756It claims that /home/ubuntu/.Xauthority does not exist, yet it does22:56
cheese1756However, it is blank22:56
LUBUNTU-FAILI have a BIG problem with UEFI installation22:56
mmerceris there an equivalent package to packaging-dev for natty?  seems that package wasnt available in that release22:56
LUBUNTU-FAILand also one more question22:56
MonkeyDustuefi is a pain22:56
submanMonkeyDust, sudo dpkg --remove linux-generic-pae followed by sudo apt-get install linux-generic-pae22:56
cheese1756LUBUNTU-FAIL, Join the club22:56
daftykinsLUBUNTU-FAIL: ask away on one line then22:57
submanMonkeyDust, then regular update and upgrade22:57
MonkeyDustsubman  great!22:57
ditchwindowsi'm really interested in ditching that lame microsoft windows junk and upgrade back to linux, which distro is ideal for gaming with wine and such, and skype?22:58
MonkeyDust!ot | ditchwindows22:58
ubottuditchwindows: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:58
cheese1756ditchwindows, Ubuntu works well for anything, really22:59
daftykinsunless you have cheese1756's new laptop22:59
cheese1756daftykins, I knew I was jumping into uncharted territory :P22:59
daftykinsgood fun that, though23:00
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daftykinsLUBUNTU-FAIL: are you still typing?23:00
ditchwindowscheese1756: yeah i find ubuntu pretty good, but i've had some suggestions with debian and/or chakra any thoughts between the three distros?23:00
cheese1756ditchwindows, Unless you want something really stable, don't go with Debian. I've been tempted to play with Chakra before, but it's not for newbies23:01
LUBUNTU-FAIL1ops sorry for caps lock23:01
cheese1756daftykins, It works!23:01
cheese1756Now to test driver support23:01
daftykinsditchwindows: nobody can tell you what is 'best' because there is no 'best'. just try something and see how it goes23:01
cheese1756I can already tell that wireless drivers will be fun...23:01
ditchwindowscheese1756: ahh alright, then ubuntu it is! - which version do you think is ideal23:01
cheese1756ditchwindows, Just go for 13.0423:01
LUBUNTU-FAIL1my first question is> why the hell does ubuntu try to install GRUB before installing the system itself???23:01
cheese1756That should suit your needs23:01
cheese1756LUBUNTU-FAIL1, Because grub is required to boot anything23:02
ditchwindowscheese1756:  sounds good, thanks for the help!23:02
LUBUNTU-FAIL1I mean, it never did it before23:02
G55321ditchwindows: Steam ONLY supports ubuntu, so there is your distro for gaming23:02
G55321steam works on most distros but ubuntu is the only one officially supported23:02
ditchwindowsG55321: i dont use steam games but future proofing wouldn't hurt23:02
cheese1756daftykins, To say that touchscreen support is not great would be an understatement23:02
bjrohanA topic I don't know where to ask, so I will try here. Secnario one is using a laptop to browse the web,  check email etc.  Scenario 2 is using A remote desktop to do the same items on a server. Would using RDP use less bandwidth? My thoughts are that it would use less,. The email data etc is stored on theserver, and you are only seeing an image on th RDP. Is this correct thinking?23:03
G55321also some games are coming out with 100% ubuntu support, take bastion for example...you can even install it form the software center23:03
LUBUNTU-FAIL1cheese1756: It is much smarter to install it after the system installation, for many reasons. Indeed, ubuntu always did this way, just as all the other distros23:03
daftykinscheese1756: hahaha23:04
daftykinsLUBUNTU-FAIL1: the channel is for support, not for you to argue about how it should do things. do you have any real questions?23:04
cheese1756LUBUNTU-FAIL1, Oh, I thought you were new, but I can tell you know what you're talking about. Yeah, Gentoo also does grub install last, and Slackware does LILO. No idea why Ubuntu does it first23:04
LUBUNTU-FAIL1but this time, with 13.04, something changed. or at least this is what I can see23:04
tylerehomedaftykins: I think I might actually have found a solution. Edit /etc/pulseaudio/client.conf, and set autospawn to no, then when you launch your DE fire off pulseaudio --start....it seems to stay up, even when no sound is being played23:05
LUBUNTU-FAIL1cheese1756: ubuntu always did it after * at least until 12.04, the last version that I tried before the 13.0423:05
Integratedi'm trying to install xubuntu to my hp pavilion dv1000, but it's saying i dont have the PAE kernel. is my comp not able to handle xubuntu?23:05
LUBUNTU-FAIL1i explain why I'm asking this23:05
daftykinstylerehome: interesting23:05
daftykinstylerehome: you might want to test that multiple programs can still play at once23:06
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mp19uyHi, Im trying to install dualboot (ubuntu & win8). I just finished installing ubuntu after windows but when I restarted it went straight to windows, no grub no nothing... Can you give me some advice to solve this?23:06
LUBUNTU-FAIL1my grub installation {did at the beginning of lubuntu setup} failed. After just 30 seconds it started. This means that the system was still not installed23:07
LUBUNTU-FAIL1now I would have tried to fix just the boot loader issue, If I just had the system installed23:07
LUBUNTU-FAIL1but I don't23:07
LUBUNTU-FAIL1anyway, the error message happened to other users before me23:08
LUBUNTU-FAIL1as i googled much23:08
daftykinsmp19uy: you can either look up a guide on how to edit the Windows bootloader to point to GRUB to boot Ubuntu, or look up GRUB to find out how to reinstall it and make things work23:08
daftykins!grub | mp19uy23:08
ubottump19uy: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:08
LUBUNTU-FAIL1 "Failed to install grub-efi to /target/ the system will not boot"23:09
mp19uydaftykins: Ok I will try to find something related to my problem there, thanks for the link.23:10
daftykinsmp19uy: np23:11
mmercerif youre going to be hardcore gaming, your choices will come down to:  gentoo, arch, ubuntu, fedora <-- those are really the 4 ones that have the best chance for games23:11
sere_LUBUNTU-FAIL1: what is your actaul boot error or what happends.. why cant you repair grub?23:12
LUBUNTU-FAIL1sere_: there is no boot error, cause grub hadn't been installed23:12
LUBUNTU-FAIL1i wanna be precise.. i **THINK** that I cannot repair grub because of what I've already explained up here23:13
LUBUNTU-FAIL1installation has been too short, the grub error came very early23:13
LUBUNTU-FAIL1so I don't ***THINK*** that it's installed23:14
LUBUNTU-FAIL1anyway, how do you suggest to fix it {supposing that lubuntu has been installed correctly}23:14
sere_LUBUNTU-FAIL1: during your install at the bottom did you pick mount point to install grub and then change it.. if there was no grub being installed, it should have let you know.. anything is possible though23:15
LupusNoctisHmmm.  Anyone know of a guide with the common hangups/problems of running 13.04 desktop  inside VirutalBox?  It seems it installed properly, but all I get is a black screen w/ mouse pointer after logging on.  It shuts down properly, lets me enter password off C-A-D23:15
daftykinsLupusNoctis: running an up to date virtualbox? did you enable graphics acceleration on the guest?23:16
LUBUNTU-FAIL1sere_: I haven't understood what you wrote, sorry23:17
LupusNoctisIt was downloaded today, 4.2.12,  and it says 2d accel for windows guests only, but I've tried with both 3d on and off23:17
antibodyhey people. So when I have a video in fullscreen (nvidia-glx) either with totem or vlc I get the shadow of the top ubuntu desktop bar. (unity) how can I fix this?23:18
antibodyI can't find the bug23:18
melow01I'm trying to get audio working on an Ubuntu Server and I installed ALSA, do I need pulse too?23:19
gordonjcpmelow01: depends what you're trying to do23:19
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gordonjcpmelow01: pulse is great if you've got more than one app trying to play audio at once23:20
melow01gordonjcp, I'm trying to setup a streaming server to pull audio from a radio station via vlc and output the audio to the analog audio output23:20
gordonjcpmelow01: then you probably don't need pulse23:20
gordonjcpkeep it nice and simple23:20
LupusNoctisHmm, I can even switch to terminal mode,  just the GUI/Desktop isn't displaying23:21
daftykinsLupusNoctis: have you tried dropping to a TTY and fully updating the guest?23:21
melow01gordonjcp, that's what I thought but VLC is giving me an error about dbus23:21
melow01gordonjcp, dbus-daemon23:21
gordonjcpmelow01: that's something separate, I reckon23:21
LUBUNTU-FAIL1LUBUNTU-WIN1: during the install I did manual partitioning. of course I chose the mount point for the root partition23:22
melow01gordonjcp, ok23:22
LUBUNTU-FAIL1I don't understand what you mean with '' to install grub and then change it ''23:22
LupusNoctisdaftykins: Fully updating?  the install purported to download and install updates.  Forgive me, it's been a while: what's the CLI commands for running full updates?23:23
daftykinsLupusNoctis: fair enough, worth a go nonetheless 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'23:23
LUBUNTU-FAIL1please, someone, help me23:23
LupusNoctisblerg.  0 counts  updated, seems to have all the latest.23:25
LupusNoctisperhaps I need to install the guest addons?23:25
vfw!grub | LUBUNTU-FAIL123:26
ubottuLUBUNTU-FAIL1: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:26
daftykinsLupusNoctis: have you looked up virtualbox and 13.04 issues?23:26
SpaceManiacDisk Usage Analyzer says my whole 120GB is full, but / is only taking 43GB - where's all that space gone?23:26
LupusNoctishard to limit the results to just 13.04 :)23:27
vfwSpaceManiac: df23:27
LUBUNTU-WIN1LUBUNTU-FAIL1: when you installed lubuntu it should have giving you an option where you want to install grub /dev/bla /dev/bla1.. once when i chose a a destination to install grub and then changed it.. not sure what i did but grub wasnt being installed but it gave me an error letting me know this..23:27
SpaceManiacvfw: /dev/sda1 mounted on / is 100% full, so I guess it's not a mount issue?23:29
vfwSpaceManiac: What size is /dev/sda1?23:30
SpaceManiacvfw: 115217968 1K-blocks (~110G I think)23:30
LUBUNTU-WIN1LUBUNTU-FAIL1: vfw recommendations should fix your probablem but you mentioned your install was cut short.. if it didnt finish then i dont know23:31
vfwSpaceManiac: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit23:31
vfwSpaceManiac: Show us23:31
LupusNoctisThere, giving the Guest Addon installs a try23:31
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LUBUNTU-FAIL1LUBUNTU-WIN1: well yes I'm able to choice whether to install it on a single partition {sdaX} or on the whole disk {sda}23:32
LUBUNTU-FAIL1but there's no option to not install it23:32
LUBUNTU-FAIL1sere ^23:33
SpaceManiacvfw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5766258/23:33
submanHow can I clear up space on my /boot partition?23:34
k1lsubman: delete old kernel packages23:34
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sereLUBUNTU-FAIL1: thats what happend to me too.. i never chose not to install it but still got that error saying i did.. it was odd23:35
submank1l, how to do that properly?23:35
ThothCastelis a reboot needed after installation of openssh-server ?23:35
k1lsubman: look what kernels are in /boot . then remove the "linux-image-....." packages. but let at least one kernel in there :)23:36
sereLUBUNTU-FAIL1: either way you should be able to install / repair it, as long as your install completed23:36
submank1l, but surely I cannot just delete them.....23:37
k1lsubman: ?23:37
daftykinssubman: pastebin 'ls /boot' and i'll show you how to clear up23:37
k1lsubman: dont delete the files in that folder. use apt-get (or softwarecenter etc) to remove the packages23:38
submank1l, like apt-get remove linux-image-x.x.x-xx-generic-pae, correct?23:38
k1lsubman: yes, that is how you remove old kernels23:39
submank1l, keeping in mind to retain the current kernel as shown in uname -r?23:39
vfwSpaceManiac: df | pastebinit #Show us URL23:39
k1lsubman: yep :)23:39
submank1l, got it, thanks.23:40
SpaceManiacvfw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5766284/ -- thanks for the help by the way23:40
vfwsubman: uname -a   #Shows you the one you are using now.23:41
vfwSpaceManiac: So, how long since the install?23:41
SpaceManiacvfw: a long time23:42
vfwSpaceManiac: Do you have recordmydesktop installed?  (Or some similar app.?)23:42
SpaceManiacTeamViewer maybe, but I think it's out of date23:42
vfwSpaceManiac: Well, you just need to do some house cleaning. ls -ltrS    <will list by file sizes, largest last>   du |sort -n   <will show directories sorted by size>23:44
vfwSpaceManiac: If you are collecting audio or vidoe files, you might look in those directores for large files that may need to be placed elsewhere.23:45
vfwSpaceManiac: Maybe you are using streamripper or something like that?23:45
SpaceManiacvfw: not that I'm aware of23:46
ThothCastelwhat is NIS as compared to LDAP?23:47
SpaceManiac"sort: write failed: /tmp/sortUrBu9S: No space left on device" joy23:47
vfwSpaceManiac: Ok.  Just use the tools I mentioned above and look for large files you may not need any more.23:47
Gamahcan anyone help a complete idiot (me) with some slightly advanced wget functions?23:48
vfwSpaceManiac: Free up some space and try again.23:48
vfwGamah: Sure....23:48
zykotick9ThothCastel: i'm under the impression, NIS is old-school unix directory management system...  i've never used it, so i got no details.23:48
daftykinsGamah: type out the full question plz23:48
ThothCastelzykotick9: ok, thank you...  have you used an LDAP?23:49
melow01I'm trying to find the analog output of my system, is lsmod the correct command?23:49
zykotick9ThothCastel: no, but that's the new-school in comparison ;)23:49
tylerehomedaftykins: multiple streams works fine...I have flash audio and Spotify going right now23:50
Gamahi have a bash script that consists of a few thousand lines that look like this: wget subdomainx.somewebsite.com/charstring.jpg to see if i can pull down any of these that are actually JPG's. (i've determined the method for generating them and the subdomains they are hosted at) but obviously a fair number of them aren't actually there... the server then gives me a 302 redirect to the home page and wget downloads the html of that page an23:51
Gamahi'd like to ignore and move on if there is no .jpg at the destination23:51
zykotick9ThothCastel: i've only ever used *nix on boxes i own, so i've never had a need for central user management in anyway (other then making sure my UIDs are the same across all boxes)  good luck.23:51
daftykinstylerehome: nice, where did you find that idea btw?23:52
LUBUNTU-FAIL1I am trying a workaround vfw, sere. I am installing grub on ubuntuàs partition, so that the system is completely installed correctly23:52
LUBUNTU-FAIL1then i will think about mbr23:52
ThothCastelzykotick9: thanks :)23:53
* Gamah paces inpatiently23:53
Gamahimpatiently, even.23:54
ThothCastelI've just installed Openssh-server and rebooted. I am trying to connect using Putty but it is not going through. are there any extra configuration I must apply for it to work?23:55
vfwLUBUNTU-FAIL1: Cut to the chase, just install grub to mbr23:55
=== Guest74323 is now known as n
daftykinsThothCastel: nope, although you need to have the right IP :D23:55
=== n is now known as Guest36215
daftykinsGamah: sounds pretty nefarious what you're up to23:56
vfwThothCastel: You should not have needed to reboot.  Just make sure you are trying the right IP address.23:56
Gamahdaftykins: i'm trying to convince a friend who is adamite that a 13 character random string is not the most secure solution to hosting his content which he deems as private.23:57
vfwThothCastel: If you are on the same LAN [same network, same subnet IP range] it should work for you23:57
elisa87I was installing PCRE and I received this error. Can you please help me how to fix it? libtool: install: error: relink `libpcreposix.la' with the above command before installing it23:58

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