
bellasbellsO_o ubuntulog 18:26
* CompyTheInsane gives ubuntulog all of cortman's haggis collection18:27
Unit193bellasbells: Kick it.18:29
* Canuckian gives ubuntulog all of CompyTheInsane's things... ALL THE THINGS... including Mexican Kitty18:30
CompyTheInsaneTrust me, Canuckian. ubuntulog does not want my laptop18:31
CompyTheInsaneIt likes to slow down on me when I least expect it.18:32
CompyTheInsaneIt will also not want my room.18:33
* cortman lassos ubuntulog 18:35
cortmanHa, nice logoff Unit193 18:37
Unit193bellasbells: Kidding aside, this channel has no notice from chanserv about logging, it is in here by mistake.18:37
Unit193cortman: Thanks!18:37

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