
ballpfred1: JoeBlacken Sometimes you can just specify that on the command line (or menu option) that launches a program.00:00
ball...using "-geometry"00:00
* ball wanders off in search of some daps.00:01
JoeBlackenheoyea, yes I tried and it worked, however, there is only one issue, is that everytime I add a configuration for an application, I have to stop and start the service, but it does work, thank you all00:07
JoeBlackenball, thank you, I sure will need that soon00:07
ballJoeBlacken: You can have shell scripts for certain tasks or workflows, that spawn your selection of apps right where you want them.00:09
ball...so that's nice.00:09
Quix86fix join spam pls01:04
* genii sips01:08
DrekiHas anyone gotten pidgin-gfire from the gfire repo to work with xubuntu? I get a missing dependancy (libnotify)01:34
toothpickhello friends. i need some help with samba share on xubuntu03:21
toothpickis anyone available at the moment?03:21
clear`just ask03:23
toothpickclear, ok here goes03:31
toothpicki installed samba using apt03:31
toothpickand also install samba-config (allows me to add shares and users in one window which i really like)03:31
|kiraSooo.... is xfce going to gtk3?03:31
toothpicki can see my xubuntu server now in windows machines03:31
toothpickbut, i dont think i configured the users correctly since i cannot access it03:32
toothpickfrom windows machines03:32
|kiraI wish windows worked with sshfs... windows file sharing is soo convoluted.03:33
clear`ports setup?03:33
clear`file share, i always setup ftp's03:33
toothpickno this is a local server03:34
toothpickinternet dhcp, and no router involved03:35
clear`what error do you get when you try to access it03:35
toothpicki get a prompt in windows to enter user name and password03:36
toothpickwhen i enter that, it just says login credentials incorrect. i am putting the right user name and password03:36
toothpickthere is only 1 user right now on xubuntu03:37
AienaHow do I tell the printer to continue a print job in xubuntu when it runs out of paper ?06:18
dougbbI'm using the latest xubuntu and pidgin seems to have lost the ability to connect to servers on an IPv6 address08:07
dougbbany ideas what could be causing that?  Other services work fine on IPv608:07
xubuntu793please help me09:30
xubuntu793== Xubuntu [~Xubuntu@ubuntu/member/noskcaj] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]09:32
lderanxubuntu793 what is your issue?09:39
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:40
xubuntu313Hello, i am attempting to install xubuntu 13.04 on an old compaq 6720s, it's only giving me errors back and i don't know what step to take next, anyone help?10:55
xubuntu313nobody reply?11:06
baizonxubuntu313: what errors?11:09
xubuntu313dev/sda errors, chroot errors11:13
xubuntu313right now i'm trying to install an earlier ubuntu version though and it seems to be working so far11:13
TheDexter1111whats with 13.10? is it ready?11:15
xubuntu313i tried it earlier and didn't have any luck11:16
TheDexter1111xubuntu313: fair enough11:17
xubuntu313TheDexter1111 No wait, i tried 13.04, sorry my misstake11:18
elfyTheDexter1111: works 'ok' there are some bugs - I've a shutdown issue, but it's not even reached alpha1 yet ;)11:20
TheDexter1111yeah, its a bit early to update11:22
TheDexter1111whats the major differences between them?11:23
xubuntu313this is very weird to me, my compaq 6720s accepts an older ubuntu version but not 13.04 xubuntu11:23
Sysijust run 12.04 LTS if it works11:24
xubuntu313could you link me to the download?11:24
xubuntu313Sysi thank you, which would you recommend for me to use? the normal PC (Intel x86) desktop CD or PC (Intel x86) alternate install CD11:29
Sysidesktop has graphical installer, alternate gives some custom options (that you're unlikely to use)11:30
xubuntu313Alright, thanks for the help11:30
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xubuntu596Hi! this posible install xubuntu in tex mode? friend from forum can t use live from 13.4 , he have black screen with amd radeon hd7670m14:38
Sysihe should try nomodeset and xforcevesa boot options14:39
xubuntu596ok :)14:40
xubuntu596yyy Sysi nomodest is option in bootloader when I run from live-cd ?14:45
elfyxubuntu596: press any key when you see the man and keyboard at boot - F6 - you'll see some choices14:46
xubuntu596ok :)14:50
xubuntu518hi i install dconf-editor and i can see nothing in the table when i open to change something there ,what is that ?15:22
brainwashxubuntu518: you have to expand the entries in the left panel first, click on the ▶15:26
xubuntu518nothing happend in the right panel15:29
xubuntu518i expanded all15:29
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Aienais there a way to tell the printer to resume printing when it runs  out of paper in xubuntu 12.04?16:33
ARM9no way16:39
ARM9xubuntu 12.04 is just a few MB too big to fit on a CD rom16:40
Unit19312.04?  That one should be CD sized.16:41
Unit193Aiena: Can't you just press the flashing button/power button/etc?16:41
ARM9that's what I thought16:42
ARM9apparently infrarecorder does not concur16:42
Unit193What size CD?  Did you check the md5sum to confirm it's good?16:43
ARM9ye olde regular run of the mill 700MB CD rom technology16:44
ARM9checksum is also good16:44
ARM912.04 is 707MB or such16:45
Unit193Hah, 64bit, right?16:45
ARM9yeah, let me guess, 32 bit version fits?16:45
Unit193Yep, but if you're good with the debian installer: xubuntu-12.04.2-alternate-amd64.iso         14-Feb-2013 00:25  651M16:45
ARM9oh lookielookie16:46
MacuserHi. If the dhcp is reset on my Mac by going to sleep. Will that cause me not to be able to ssh to my Linux box?16:46
Macuseroriginally I ssh'ed from my Macbook Pro to my Linux desktop. Then I took the wificard out of my linux box and also closed my Mac laptop. Then the next morning, I opened my Mac laptop and also plugged the wificard back into the linux box and then I tried the same command and it didn't work16:46
MacuserFinally, it worked after I turned my wifi off and on again on my Mac. I'm not sure if that's why it started working again16:46
SysiMacuser: you need to have network access on both computers and use a right IP address, you could maybe set your linux machine to use static IP16:47
Macuserbut what about the hostname?16:48
SysiI don't know about avahi's bonjour compability, IP is guaranteed to work, usually DHCP server gices same device same IP on reconnect16:49
Macuserthe hostanme is always the same16:49
MacuserLike I sshed yesterday then it didn't work this morning then all of a sudden it worked again16:49
Macuserwhat's what someone else said. black voodoo magic16:50
Macuserany ideas?16:52
ARM9what sysi said16:53
ARM9never owned a mac so can't really chime in with anything here other than general networking16:54
MacuserI mean I don't understand why it would stop working. My only guess is because i took out the wificard then plugged it back in. But why would it stop working if the hostname is the same? And why would it start working again? Maybe it was because I turned the wifi off on my mac and then back on16:55
koegsas long as the wifi card on the linux box is working ok, there is no reason for ssh not to work16:56
Macuseryeah. I have no idea why it wasn't. It's kind of annoying16:57
koegsthe ssh-daemon never stops, so it will immediately accept the connection as soon as the wifi is connected, i think the problem has to be found on the macbook16:58
MacuserI even reset the ssh with no luck16:59
Sysiwhatever provides the hostname is the issue, ssh does no such thing17:05
AienaUnit193 no my printer goes off if I press the power button and there is no other button. are you sure there is no way to tell cups to resume printing?17:05
Unit193Aiena: You check in ?17:06
koegsfrom experience and not a general thing: sometimes a dsl-router-box uses the hostname from the dhcp-client and then provides the IP via local dns, that may take some time17:07
AienaUnit193 I have made a note of it will try it out next time I print.17:10
Aienait is useful even for USB printers?17:11
Unit193Ours has one button, you press and hold/press it, not sure which. :P17:11
Aienaok I haven't tried long presses thanks for the tip17:11
Aienaon windows the hp driver handles it with a desktop pop up17:12
Aienadriver and software17:13
Unit193I don't print often, so can't help much.17:13
Sysiisn't there applet in the notification area that lets you manage print jobs?17:15
Aienabut it does not detect that the printer has run out of paper17:15
Aienaor something like that17:16
Aienait still shows processing but the printer indicator blinks red like expected.17:16
dunpealHi. How do I add a nameserver in Xubuntu 13.04?18:06
dunpealIn (Gnome) Ubuntu, I understand it's done through Network Manager, but I can't find the interface for Xubuntu.18:07
brainwashdunpeal: but xubuntu does also ship with the (gnome) network manager18:08
Unit193The little panel icon, or open it directly with  nm-connection-editor18:09
dunpealOK, thanks, but it doesn't seem to work unfortunately18:09
Unit193what's  nm-tool   show for DNS?18:10
dunpeal    DNS:   
dunpeal    DNS:   
dunpeal    DNS:       DNS:   
dunpeal10.217.20.202 is the one I want18:12
dunpealUnit193: no idea what is18:13
max_hi peeps!!19:20
max_Im a newbie to Linux! How's everyone?!19:20
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:20
max_pleia2, Hi19:21
pleia2max_: this is a support channel so please feel free to just go ahead and ask questions (regular chat is over in #xubuntu-offtopic)19:21
max_I've just installed Xubuntu xfce onto an old crappy laptop! hehe19:21
max_pleia2, actually Ive got a question: How do you change drive in Terminal. dont seem to be working for me :-(19:22
pleia2max_: I'm actually at work so I can't help much now, you should ask the whole channel :) but it will help to know what you mean by "change drive"19:23
* pleia2 back2work19:23
max_Actually Ive got a question people please : How do you change drive in Terminal. dont seem to be working for me :-(19:24
Sysiwhat do you mean "change drive"?19:24
max_not only change directory cd but completely change drive19:26
geniimax_: Linux doesn't use the idea of C: D: E:  and so on like Windows does. There is one filsystem that starts everything called the root or /    then all else are inside directories below that. So that a USB drive you plug in is attached to something like /media/USB-name/      and so on like this.19:27
max_ok so if I want to access my sd card >> ?19:27
Sysicd /media/[press tab twice]19:28
max_what does pressing tab twice do?19:29
geniimax_: Tab key does autocomplete ... soo it should tell you the devices it sees under the /media directory. The sdcard should have some name in there, if it's plugged in.19:30
max_Oh I see!19:31
genii( the name it has will vary by manufacturer or the name it was given when formatted, etc)19:31
max_clever!! but what if it sees more than one?19:31
Sysitry to choose the right one19:32
max_touble is if I do: sudo fdisk -l it gives me my sd card with the name:  mmcblk0p119:32
max_how do I access that?19:32
Sysirun "mount"19:32
Sysiit tells path where it's mounted19:32
max_OK I tell you what Ive done, Ive downloaded an image of a version of linux I need to run on my raspberry pi, unzipped it with 7zip, then dd to the sd card but now I would like to actually access it from the sd card o maybe boot from it. How can I?19:34
max_I'm following this tutorial >> http://www.linuxsystems.it/2012/06/debian-wheezy-raspberry-pi-minimal-image/  but only done the 2 first steps. Stuck now :-(19:37
max_any help?19:38
Sysiif you type cd /media and press tab few times, do you get anything?19:40
Sysidoes *anything* happen19:41
nantouterminal and htop19:46
nantouthere are like 5 processes all named java dnetworkadress.cache.ttl=0  that I cannot shut. I mean, I press f9 and confirm, but those processes never die, It consumes 90% of my cpu19:46
nantou-enableassertions freenet appears at the end of the lines19:47
max_Sysi, sorry was on the phone20:14
max_Sysi, yeah it says max$   ?!?!20:14
max_Sysi, is that good?20:17
Sysiehm, does it suggest your username or not anything?20:17
nikolamanyone have some IP telephone switchbox active? (asterisk) so I can try out one VOIP hardware phone? :P20:18
ur0pldoes xubuntu automatically boot ntfs external drives20:18
ur0plor do i need some different configuration?20:18
ur0plcause it aint working20:19
nikolamur0pl, search synaptic for ntfs20:19
nikolamas I recollect, you set it up in gui, to mount it20:19
max_Sysi, it just suggests  /max20:20
Sysimax_: if you keep pressing tab, does it suggest snything more?20:21
max_hang on20:22
SysiI'd guess your card isn't mounted, plug it out and back in20:23
max_already tried that > nothing happened20:23
ur0plit would be nice if it could auto amount20:26
ur0plis there a gui that helps browse a windows share folder?20:27
ur0plit is even fat 3220:29
ur0pland it does not auto mount?20:29
ur0plmy usb flash drive auto amounts20:29
ur0plbut this doesn't?20:29
ur0pli'm going to #ubuntu20:30
max_dunno, :-(20:31
AienaWhen I lock a screen all downloads and apps continue to run or do they stop?22:03
geniiAiena: They continue.22:03
Aienaso I can lock my screen go to sleep and let downloads continue thats good :)22:04
Aienathanls for the answer22:04
lobi_hello, whene i triying to open a fiel or folder it'c automaticaly log mm out23:26
lobi_can someone help me please23:26
holsteinlobi_: opepning what? where? and how?23:27
lobi_holstein: if i click od file or folder to oepn it23:33
David-Alobi_: is it the same if you login as guest?23:34
lobi_David-A: didn't try yet23:35
lobi_I check temp23:35
holsteinlobi_: try as guest..23:35
lobi_acpi -t23:36
lobi_Thermal 0: ok, 55.0 degrees C23:36
lobi_Thermal 1: ok, 33.5 degrees C23:36
lobi_Thermal 2: ok, 54.0 degrees C23:36
lobi_Thermal 3: ok, 63.0 degrees C23:36
lobi_Thermal 4: active, 65.0 degrees C23:36
lobi_but it is ok23:36
lobi_i will try as guest now23:36
lobi_holstein: as guest is OK23:44
lobi_i also over and over agin get a crach report detected23:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1190389 in cpufreqd (Ubuntu) "package cpufreqd 2.4.2-2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 134" [Undecided,New]23:47

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