=== jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x | ||
faflatas | Hello, "preferred applications" seems to fail to recognise chromium browser (only shows firefox and chrome), any way to fix that ? | 00:30 |
ArchBeOS | So I've heard some FUD surrounding Lubuntu and Mir. Should I, as a user, be concerned? | 02:15 |
Unit193 | Too early to tell. | 02:38 |
leludallasmultip | I am using Lubuntu 13.10 as a live booted OS from a USB key. Is there any way that I can save my preferences/ application settings so that the next time I boot up using the live usb function that I can have all of my setting like the last way I used them? Thank you. | 03:44 |
Unit193 | qwebirc8925: 13.10? Or 13.04? .10 is very early development... | 04:09 |
Unit193 | !persistence | 04:09 |
ubottu | To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence | 04:09 |
qwebirc8925 | thank you | 04:10 |
qwebirc8925 | and .04 my bad | 04:10 |
Unit193 | Sure, and that makes more sense. :) | 04:10 |
qwebirc8925 | :) | 04:10 |
=== jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x | ||
CrazyRussianBear | Can any body tell how to add VPN PPTP in lubuntu? | 17:12 |
holstein | !vpn | 17:13 |
ubottu | For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN | 17:13 |
holstein | CrazyRussianBear: it'll be very similar in all the buntu's.. though the gui's may vary | 17:13 |
CrazyRussianBear | In GUI I tried, but there isn't any field or smt there I can choose PPTP | 17:14 |
holstein | CrazyRussianBear: you are referring to the link i gave? | 17:16 |
CrazyRussianBear | Is it can be installed without Internet& | 17:17 |
CrazyRussianBear | I mean Can It be installed without Internet ? | 17:18 |
CrazyRussianBear | Sorry for my English | 17:18 |
holstein | CrazyRussianBear: you'll need the internect to access a VPN | 17:19 |
holstein | CrazyRussianBear: i would say , the easy way would be to connect temporarily and sort it out | 17:19 |
CrazyRussianBear | As for xubuntu is there already installed all these vpn features? | 17:20 |
holstein | CrazyRussianBear: everything is easily installable | 17:21 |
holstein | CrazyRussianBear: i would refer to the link i gave | 17:21 |
holstein | !vpn | CrazyRussianBear this should give you all the information you need for *any* ubuntu version | 17:21 |
ubottu | CrazyRussianBear this should give you all the information you need for *any* ubuntu version: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN | 17:21 |
CrazyRussianBear | I got it. But as you mentioned above I need an Internet to make this command "sudo apt-get install network-manager-pptp" ?Was I understand you clear? Or maybe I wrong | 17:23 |
holstein | CrazyRussianBear: you will need internet to access a VPN, so why not just have the connection to install the packages? | 17:24 |
holstein | CrazyRussianBear: there are ways to install packages by downloading them onto another machine... | 17:24 |
holstein | what would i do? just plug in, if only temporarily.. so the "easy way" commands work | 17:24 |
holstein | i cant imagine needing a VPN connection when not having an internet connection | 17:25 |
CrazyRussianBear | My provider use simple network connection and automaticly send me all settings (ip, gateway and etc) in according to my MAC. And then to access to INternet I need to make an VPN connection you know. | 17:27 |
holstein | sure.. *over* an internet connection | 17:28 |
holstein | so, over that internet connection, install the packages | 17:28 |
CrazyRussianBear | Surely I'll donwload packege in this computer and install on another | 17:29 |
holstein | sure | 17:30 |
holstein | that would be "the hard way" | 17:30 |
holstein | if you can only temporarily hook up to the internet that you *must* have for the VPN to work anyway.. that will make things easier | 17:31 |
CrazyRussianBear | The problem is that the computer there I have to set VPN is in another place and there isn't any other Internet connections | 17:33 |
holstein | then, you will *not* be able to connect to the vpn | 17:34 |
CrazyRussianBear | http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/NetworkManager/0.9/ I have to download that? | 17:35 |
holstein | CrazyRussianBear: whatever the link suggests you need | 17:37 |
CrazyRussianBear | The link that you gave or mine? | 17:39 |
holstein | !vpn | 17:40 |
ubottu | For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN | 17:40 |
CrazyRussianBear | i don't have internet connection to get that plugin | 17:42 |
holstein | CrazyRussianBear: then, you dont have a connection to connect to a VPN | 17:43 |
CrazyRussianBear | It's like coterie. I need the internet to install plugin to have internet. Cool shit | 17:44 |
holstein | !language | 17:44 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 17:44 |
CrazyRussianBear | Man, thank you for your help, I'll try to set this VPN. That for you help | 17:46 |
holstein | sure.. good luck! | 17:47 |
jxshxx | Howdy! Just installed 13.04, then removed a few things I did not need and updated. On reboot, my mouse pointer is working ... but invisible. | 20:37 |
jxshxx | I'd like to be able to see it. How can I bring it back? | 20:44 |
phillw | jxshxx: what did you remove? | 20:45 |
jxshxx | I remember taking out a Simple Scan, a video player, a couple Open Box somethings, Bluetooth configuration ... | 20:47 |
phillw | jxshxx: the openbox ones will be the one that made the pointer invisible :) | 20:49 |
jxshxx | Okay. Thought that was a totally separate UI | 20:50 |
phillw | open box looks after the screen stuff (amongst other tasks) | 20:51 |
phillw | jxshxx: if it were not needed, it would not be in lubuntu :) | 20:51 |
jxshxx | I am gratefully chastised | 20:52 |
phillw | lol, heck, breaking things is the best way to learn (So I keep telling myself :P ) | 20:53 |
jxshxx | Then I shall learn many things, indeed ... | 20:54 |
jxshxx | Manged to find my way into the software center and install openbox. Instant cursor, not even a reboot needed! | 20:56 |
jxshxx | Many thanks! | 20:56 |
phillw | jxshxx: enjoy your learning, we were all complete newcomers once. It is a delight to see someone start upon that path.... Give it a few months and you will be able to help the newcomers, that's a good day when it happens :) | 20:58 |
calimero82 | Hello | 21:49 |
calimero82 | I m installing lubu 12.10, i should restart manually or is automatic? | 21:51 |
phillw | calimero82: when completed, it should ask you to eject the install media. | 21:54 |
calimero82 | It s on usb | 21:55 |
calimero82 | Not in cd | 21:55 |
calimero82 | It s written: caught signal 15, shutting down | 21:56 |
calimero82 | But nothing happening | 21:57 |
calimero82 | What should i do? | 21:57 |
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