
Bluefoxicywhat ever happened to the GTK+ stuff that was supposed to give us dynamic themes?17:10
Bluefoxicylike they had a crayon theme that would hand-draw all buttons17:10
Bluefoxicyit used random values generated for each individual control to adjust the parameters, such that each button looked like it was individually drawn--the lines weren't all identical, some were wobbly in different ways17:11
Bluefoxicywhich might be nice for Edubuntu.  Other similar things might make sense in other contexts, instead of this pure sterility.  Something that looks like hand-forged controls.17:12
j4jackjI've heard that Ubuntu might be discontinued after ver. 14.04. Do you believe this to be true?21:24
j4jackjas in for the desktop, which will remain important for decades to come21:26
TheLordOfTimedoubt it, and rumors should be ignored unless stated by an official canonical represesntative.21:42

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