
paddyi have a complaint19:45
paddynow that rww was invited to the show we can begin - can we, topyli?19:47
rwwyes hello, rww_man here19:47
paddyrww, please try to contribute to the problem or shut up.19:47
rwwpaddy: I stopped contributing to problems a long time ago, that's why I left Ubuntu.19:48
paddyi had a situation with this rww person on #ubuntu-offtopic19:48
paddyand i was asked by IdleOne to stop19:48
paddyand i agreed19:48
paddyafter i agreed topyli came and set a mode without a reason19:48
rwwYou are aware this isn't the ban resolution channel for #ubuntu-ops, yes?19:49
paddypart of the problem was that rww used disrespectful language19:49
rwwfor #ubuntu-offtopic, even19:49
paddye.g. he/she/it used the term "troll" to describe me as person19:49
paddythings like that19:49
rwwI prefer the pronoun "it", no need for the other two.19:49
paddyright now you act like an "it", sorry.19:49
topylipaddy: if rww was a problem, it was fixed when he stopped actively operating our channels19:49
paddytopyli, WHY did you set a mode when i agreed to stpo?19:50
topyliif you believe i set +q for you in #ubuntu-offtopic without a reason, you should bring it up in #ubuntu-ops19:50
rwwpaddy: because you're a persistant nuisance who should be exiled from everywhere you join, probably19:50
paddyi asked WHY.19:50
rwwand thankfully the freenode illuminati is making good progress on that front19:50
IdleOneI saw the entire conversation. What I saw was you trying to bait rww, if anything rww alerted the channel ops to a known problem user. Rather helpful if you ask me.19:50
paddyand what role does this "rww" person play in the ubuntu community to have a word like this?19:51
Myrttiare you one then? it usually cuts the chaff and goes to the point, some trolls acknowledge their trolldom19:51
paddyi ask again, what role does this person havE?19:51
rwwpaddy: I sit outside it and throw rocks at it.19:51
rwwpaddy: I'm like you except not a creep.19:51
paddythis will come to shuttleworth by ding dong i promise.19:51
IdleOneI'm sure he looks forward to reading your email19:52
rwwalso I delude myself that I'm somewhat more sensical19:52
topylipaddy: rww has no official role afaik these days. that makes no difference however19:52
paddyso you guys have a sexual online relationship with rww, is that "it"?19:52
topylinot yet!19:52
rwwpaddy: topyli and IdleOne don't, at least19:52
paddyfor sure?19:52
rwwtopyli: sorry dear, I'm taken19:52
IdleOnenot with rww19:52
paddyyour word on it?19:52
IdleOnehe's cute but not my type19:53
paddyi am not part of a gay mafia game or something?19:53
rwwpaddy: I limit my Ubuntu operator sexchats to heterosexual encounters, sorry. I hope that doesn't curtail your fantasy life too much.19:53
IdleOnewell I think you have just proven why the quiet in -offtopic was a good decision19:53
topylipaddy: if you're not, there's nothing wrong about that!19:53
paddy3 people it takes to troll me. 3.19:53
rwwactually it only takes one, topyli and IdleOne are just bored19:53
paddyand the access as backup19:53
paddymakes 419:54
paddyoh dear.19:54
IdleOnerww knows us so well19:54
Myrttiproblem solved19:54
IdleOneSatisfied customer?19:54
FuchsMyrtti: yes, hi, I'd like to complain about a user, "rww"19:54
topylithis rww person never has twitter sex with me :(19:55
rwwtwitter is bad, it makes you a twit :(19:55
Unit193This user "Fuches" keeps PM'ing me and I don't like it!19:55
rww19:55:37 <paddy> you know they worship and protect you and thats why you beat a little schizophrenic mofo like me. how glorious.19:55
rwwfor my next offering I demand ice cream19:55
rwwthese burned cows you keep sending are not optimal19:56
Myrttitake your flirting to pm, this is a logged channel >_____<19:56
rwwMyrtti: i am fine with that personally19:56
rwwanyways, now that the fun is over, BAI ♥19:59

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