[02:02] uwn 321 has been sent off to summary writers [04:45] pleia2: correction on certificates article, it's the ubuntumembers team, not the ubuntu-members team [07:29] JoseeAntonioR: good catch, fixed [21:45] hi... correct area? :) [21:45] yes [21:46] let me just format it a bit better [21:46]  20:00 UTC / GMT [21:46] Tue 25th June [21:47] Tue 23rd July [21:47] Tue 27th August [21:47] Tue 24th September [21:47] Tue 15th October  [21:48] .. done [21:49] what happens then? [21:51] they are the monthly meetings of lubuntu that precede each milestone release. We stopped having meetings but there was a request that we re-start them. If the sessions are booked, it is not a major issue as we do have meeting bot on our channel. [21:55] someone will get to it [21:55] JoseeAntonioR: These Tuesdays are during the test cycle that begins on the Monday preceding them, but as re-makes of the ISO's are not uncommon, it still gives Tuesday night to Thursday midday (UTC/GMT) to have any discussions on them. As the wiki / doc / comm / artwork etc. teams hit critical points on and around these dates, they seem to be the best to 'rally the troops'. [21:56] I'm not the right person to ping, but someone will get to it soon [21:57] JoseeAntonioR: don't stress :) we have a meetingology bot if -meeting is pre booked :)