
LupusNoctisAnyone have the cmdline syntax handy for making the default 13.04 Desktop GUI non-3d accelerated?  I think that's why everything but the system elements and TTY are a black blank screen for me00:01
kostkonLupusNoctis, http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/04/no-unity-here-enable-classic-gnome-in-ubuntu-13-04/00:03
zykotick9LupusNoctis: did you install an out-of-repo ati/nvidia driver?00:05
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know winconn? Is it the ultimate solution? or is there any better equivalent?00:07
vfwmojtaba: For what?  (What is winconn?)00:07
mojtabavfw: it is for using windows apps in linux.00:08
mojtabaanybody else?00:08
tylerehomeok, so I put up with unity for 17 hours...which is about 16.9 longer than I thought...e17 time now though00:08
vfwmojtaba: But there are very few windows apps one would need.  Right?00:08
ThothCastelvfw: working now than ks!00:09
elisa87can anyone please help me with this error? libtool: install: error: relink `libpcreposix.la' with the above command before installing it00:09
LupusNoctiszykotick9: this is just a base install from the latest distro, with the internet updates enabled00:09
LupusNoctishaven't done any funny stuff yet, other than enable/disable the "3d accel" setting in the VirtualBox VM00:09
vfwThothCastel: What?00:09
ThothCastelvfw SSH connection00:10
LupusNoctisI'm guessing there are special distro images for use inside VMs, or something.00:10
vfwThothCastel: Oh.  You got it working?00:10
mojtabavfw: Yes, but at the end there is no limitation!00:11
kbooduCan someone point me at a documented source on why it's bad to next mounts on Linux?00:11
vfwkboodu: "next mounts"?00:12
kbooduWhy you should not mount the following drives ( / (/dev/sdc1), /var (/dev/sdd1), /var/data1 (/dev/mapper/vg_data) , /var/data1/info ( /dev/mapper/vg_data_info) as an example.  I need a FINE manual to point to00:12
kbooduErr, nested mounts00:12
kbooduIt's too late on a Friday....and I shouldn't be trying to "prove" this.00:13
Ben64kboodu: what?00:13
vfwmojtaba: I've used wine, but not winconn00:13
kbooduBen64: Nested mounts...00:13
vfwmojtaba: I've also used VB00:13
kbooduShouldn't use the term drives...<sigh>  Mount points.00:14
Ben64kboodu: could you explain what you're saying in english00:14
kboodu the root filesystem / is /dev/sdc100:14
mojtabavfw: please check its website00:14
lenswipehey guys00:15
kboodu then /var is mounted (/dev/sdd1)00:15
kostkonkboodu, what would you want to do that?00:15
kboodubut then they mount /dev/mapper/data1 as /var/data00:15
lenswipefor some reason my girlfriend's macbook (previously running ubuntu) shows the ubuntu loading screen for a split second and then just shows a black screen00:15
lenswipecan someone help?00:15
kbooduand then /dev/mapper/vg_info as /var/data/info00:15
lenswipeI've tried purging the MBR and grub and re-installing both - no change00:15
Ben64kboodu: ok, is there a question related to ubuntu support anywhere in there?00:16
lenswipeand because ubuntu isn't giving me any more detailed info than a black screen I don't really know what direction to go in00:16
lenswipeI do have a log from the boot repair I can link to though if that would help00:16
lenswipedoes anyone have any idea what might be up with this?00:16
Ben64!nomodeset | lenswipe00:16
ubottulenswipe: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:16
kbooduAnd no, I would NOT want to do that.  But I'm not able to convince anyone else it's bad (because if you lose anything in ther you lose everythign underneath).00:16
kbooduBen64: Why would you do that on Ubuntu or ANY linux system?00:16
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lenswipeBen64, it's s macbook00:17
kbooduIs there something in the Ubuntu documentation to NOT do that.00:17
SunTsulenswipe: Google might have been a good start: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen00:17
lenswipeSunTsu, >.<00:17
Ben64lenswipe: ok? the factoid is still relevant00:17
lenswipeSunTsu, Ben64, it worked fine before - this crap started when I tried to upgrade00:17
kostkonkboodu, test it on a vm and observe the results, the scientific way00:17
Ben64lenswipe: upgrade from what to what00:17
RJ45my System Monitor has a network  MB counter, how do I reset it?  (it's the one that comes default with Ubuntu 10.04)00:18
kostkonkboodu, have the other person next to you00:18
lenswipeupgrade from 12.04 to 12.10 so that I can continue to upgrade to the newest one00:18
lenswipeBen64, ^00:18
vfwmojtaba: Interesting...00:18
kboodukostkon: It's doable.  It's NOT a good idea.  I'm looking for documentation explaining WHY.00:18
SunTsulenswipe: yeah, lots of people had that issue. Did you try to do what that wiki page suggests?00:18
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Ben64lenswipe: 12.04 is the latest LTS, but you should still try nomodeset or what SunTsu linked to00:18
kostkonkboodu, right00:18
kboodukostkon: Something I can point.00:18
lenswipeSunTsu, I will look now - it's doubly difficult because the laptop is my girlfriend's and she's in the US and I'm doing this over teamviewer00:19
lenswipeerr google hangout*00:19
lenswipeBen64, okay - thanks00:19
elisa87If you know the answer to this question please answer it http://askubuntu.com/questions/308378/installing-pcre-from-source-make-install-error00:19
checoimgI stopped upgrading some time ago because of this kind of problems00:20
melow01I'm trying to play an audio.wav file out of my headphone jack in Ubuntu Server. suggestions?00:22
EDocToorHelp Please: I have a 3 boot PC; XP, EMC2 Ubuntu 10.04, and a FAILED X issue with my Newly installed Ubuntu 12.04 32bit.. as the grub boots it into a colorful unoccupied desktop; I assume that the Graphic's is the issue as my Ubuntu 10.04 loads the graphics quite fine.00:24
elisa87libpcre3 is already the newest version.00:24
vfwchecoimg: Which kind of problem?00:25
* bellasbells waves at msdaisy00:25
bellasbellsEDocToor: what graphics card are you using?00:25
kostkonmelow01, does it even come with alsa?00:26
vfwEDocToor: "a colorful unoccupied desktop"?00:26
EDocToorvfw... HANGGED / LOCKED.. I don't know..00:27
EDocToorbellasbells, brb.. looking now00:27
vfwEDocToor: How about tty6?00:27
zykotick9melow01: do you have alsamixer installed?  probably in the alsa-utils package.00:27
EDocToorvfw, I don't understand tty600:28
vfwEDocToor: Ctrl-Alt-F600:28
SpaceManiacvfw: removing some several-GB directories still left me at 100%, here's du -sm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5766374/ - nothing seems to be taking up that much space00:28
msdaisylol hi bellasbells00:28
zykotick9SpaceManiac: ncdu might help?  is this ext formatted or fat/ntfs?00:29
wilee-nileeSpaceManiac, There s a root trash, I set mine to delete/bypass this trash.00:29
zykotick9wilee-nilee: root trash?  what?00:30
melow01kostkon, no, I installed alsa00:30
SpaceManiaczykotick9: no ncdu installed, pretty sure it's ext400:30
zykotick9SpaceManiac: ncdu isn't installed by default - but it's mightly helpful...00:31
melow01zykotick9, yes, I verified audio levels with alsamixer but no output00:31
EDocToorvfw, this time the boot stopped with this error: /dev/disk/by-jaljdlsjflsjdf does not exist...00:31
SpaceManiaczykotick9: full disk.00:31
EDocToorI guess I mucked it up for good eh00:31
wilee-nileezykotick9, I believe so, there is a folder for deleted stuff if you gksudo nautilus, I think.00:31
EDocToorthe video card is nvidia00:31
zykotick9SpaceManiac: that sucks... good luck.00:31
EDocToorI have to power down to look at the card00:31
SpaceManiacwilee-nilee: just rm -rf'd them, not nautilus00:31
vfwEDocToor: NOt sure what that means.00:32
zykotick9wilee-nilee: you're right, i'd believe is you do silly thinks like "gksudo nautilus" that silly things will happen...  but hey MUCH better then just using sudo ;)00:32
EDocToorvfw... it means that my grub needs to be updated/reinstalled00:32
kostkonmelow01, as already suggested, check your volume levels and switches in alsamixer.00:32
EDocToordo I have to reinstall ubuntu to reinstall the grub00:32
vfw!grub | EDocToor00:33
ubottuEDocToor: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:33
wilee-nileezykotick9, I rarely gksudo nautilus, mainly to just set that trash closed, like I do in home.00:33
melow01kostkon, thanks, ya i checked those00:33
Eclipsethat reminds me, damn windows 7 overwrote both of my partitions a few weeks ago00:33
msdaisyEDocToor: no. look at the link.00:33
EDocToorAwesome vfw... that should get me going00:33
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EDocToormsdaisy, what? link00:34
EDocToorthe error was Gave up waiting for root device00:35
EDocToordisk... does not exist00:35
wilee-nileezykotick9, Honestly you never know what a user has done, I assume anything. ;)00:35
LupusNoctisYeah, this really just is not working.   Back to using  Win7  in  Windows Virtual PC,  I suppose00:37
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zykotick9wilee-nilee: that's a "safe" assumption ;)00:38
melow01kostkon, my server is command line only, is that an issue?00:40
kostkonmelow01, not really00:40
melow01kostkon, ok00:40
l-sanninnice only commad lin00:40
LupusNoctisHmm, perhaps v12 behaves better inside Virtualbox00:44
melow01using lsmod, how do I know which device is my default audio card?00:44
ultraParadigmPls rescue me!  My startup items don't work, and when I delete the items in ./config/autostart they come back by themselves!00:47
ultraParadigmMy Ubuntu is haunted!00:48
dr_williswhat items00:48
ultraParadigmthings like...00:48
ultraParadigmguake.desktop, gnome-do.desktop, psensor.desktop00:48
ultraParadigmstuff I put in there a while ago00:49
dr_willisbut they dont startup anyway?00:49
ultraParadigmI made a new session that runs compiz and cairo-dock but no gnome shell, and now the start up items don't start.00:49
ultraParadigmand I can't clear them either lol00:49
dr_willisso they dont start.. and thats what you want isent it?00:50
dr_williscompiz dosent read that directory as far as I know.00:51
ultraParadigmI go to .config/autostart and do "rm *"  they all get deleted, but then later on they come back.  Especially if I go to startup applications in setup and remove them from there to, then they come back immediately00:51
ultraParadigmNo I want the start up items to work, but I'm trying to clear them first so I can redo them.00:51
EDocToorEnter rescue mode Question: "Device to use a root file system:" with a TRIPPLE boot XP, Ubuntu old compiled for EMC2, and Ubuntu CURRENT.. what would I select? /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3 /devsda4 or Do not use a root file system00:51
mwalker|here*waves* I've got a 13.04 server that's having some issues; my best thought currently is seemingly related to proc either not being mounted, or somehow being mounted with the wrong permissions. anyone know what is actually responsible for mounting proc? This is the log line I'm currently chasing down "libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:1567 kmod_module_new_from_loaded: could not open /proc/modules: No such file or directory"00:53
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mwalker|hereEDocToor: that would depend on what you're attempting to do -- since you're unsure you might be best just not using a root fs and let it boot to a ramdisk00:55
EDocToornwalker|here thanks00:55
SpaceManiacwhere in the world is my disk space going00:58
Ben64could be open files00:58
SerraphynThis might be OT and if so i'll go ask somewhere else, I just installed 13.04 and was wondering how I could setup the system to work as the gateway for all my internet, basically Modem -> Ubuntu -> my internal router(wifi) that has DHCP already going on it.  My idea is to hookup my android phone to the ubuntu box as a second internet when my cable internet goes down.00:58
msdaisySerraphyn: I dont think you understand how routing works. you could use the ubuntu phone as a second internet connection.01:00
msdaisybut not the ubuntu os on a computer.01:00
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Serraphynmsdaisy, I think you misunderstood what i was wanting to do.  I'm not really super concerned with the phone aspect right now anyways. I'm wanting to setup my ubuntu 13.04 box as a gateway, it has 2 physical Wired LAN cards to accomplish this already installed and working01:02
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Ben64Serraphyn: you have a router.. it does a better job at being a router than your computer would01:02
dr_willis! ics01:02
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing01:02
SerraphynBen64, again not the point01:03
SpaceManiacBen64: I don't think I have >half my hard drive of open files01:03
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Ben64SpaceManiac: restart into single user mode and check free space again01:04
msdaisySerraphyn: then help us understand. what do you want to accomplish by having ubuntu ad the gateway?01:04
Serraphynmsdaisy, partly I want to use it to control the internet connections to the internal system. Right now I just have a Buffalo Router which is fine, but it wont allow for more then one form of internet connection at a time.01:05
DaughainMorning, all.01:05
msdaisySerraphyn: I don't know what that means "to control internet connections to the internal connections." it sounds to me like you just need a better router. can you install dd-wrt on the buffalo router?01:08
Ben64and you can't really use more than one form of internet at a time01:08
SerraphynRedundancy is the reason Ben6401:09
SerraphynIf one internet goes down, I want the other to kick in01:09
LupusNoctisOh, DD-WRT will do that, Backup WAN connections01:09
LupusNoctiseven Load balancing, perhaps01:09
Ben64load balancing requires better hardware01:10
SerraphynLupusNoctis, I wasn't able to find anything about using android phone pass thru for that01:10
msdaisySerraphyn: again, the solution would be to tether your computer to your phone and use the cell data01:10
LupusNoctisSurprised the Buffalo doesn't do that straight off, they are a higher end router far as I've encountered01:10
LupusNoctisOh, hmm,  a USB tethered phone as the backup WAN?  that could be trickier01:10
Ben64some buffalos come with dd-wrt preinstalled01:12
SerraphynLupusNoctis, awesome routers tbh, I'm glad I spent the 250 for it, amazing wif signal, just my isp has gone down a few times lately during the day for a few hours a time and we need our debit machine for credit/debit cards to stay active.01:12
msdaisySerraphyn: then you need a different ISP01:13
Serraphynmsdaisy, thats not a real solution tbh, all ISPs have down time. I'm setting up something for reliability01:14
LupusNoctisSerra: is there another provider you can use, that end up in an Ethernet termination?01:14
LupusNoctisbecause it's easiest to backup/LB two ethernet WAN ports01:14
SerraphynLupusNoctis, I know but I'd rather have my cell phone as the second cause it would only cost me like 20$ if we go down for a few days even once in a bit vs having a perm second recycling bill.  I'll figure it out and make a wiki or something on how to do it.01:15
Ben64Serraphyn: solution is to keep your phone tethered 24/7?01:16
SerraphynBen64, when its down yes, I hate my cell phone anyways.01:16
LupusNoctisoh, this is something You'd manually configure?01:16
Ben64would be easier to get a dialup connection lol01:16
LupusNoctisIf it were manual, then what you could do01:16
LupusNoctisis set up a different, cheap router in Wifi access mode01:17
LupusNoctisand use it to Extend the phone's Wifi net sharing01:17
LupusNoctisand connect the debit terms to that ethernet01:17
LupusNoctisWiFi repeater/Extender mode, rather01:17
LupusNoctisthen, just swap out that router for the Buffalo on the network side01:17
LupusNoctispower cycle the debit terms to get new DHCP, and off ya go01:17
LupusNoctisYou follow?01:18
SerraphynBen64, my phone comes from my internet carrier and the both go down at same time.01:18
SerraphynLupusNoctis, yes I know what you mean but thats not the solution I want. I can make this actually auto switch I juust have to figure out how to setup the tethering01:19
LupusNoctisLook into how to Tether USB modems to the Buffalo01:19
msdaisySerraphyn: lol. get a verizon mifi card. or some other cell data plan01:19
Serraphynmsdaisy, again the plan I'm on is actually cheaper monthly if I max out my cell data as I have LTE service and it works fine.01:20
SerraphynMax I pay a month for 10G of data would be 50$ were as a mifi of the cheatest calibur would be 90$ a month even if I don't use it all01:20
msdaisySerraphyn: i understand. but if you're looking for reliable enterprise-worthy failover then you need a mifi or something.01:21
LupusNoctisThe lowest level plan from an alt DSL provider is probably a better config, Serra.01:22
LupusNoctisor, if your main is DSL, a cable provider01:22
SerraphynLupusNoctis, lowest cost DSL would be about 40 a month, every month01:22
LupusNoctisIs it worth $40 to keep your POS terminals up?  That's a business class decision, not a tech one :)01:23
LupusNoctisbut, there should be a way to get a USB device recognized by the buffalo01:23
LupusNoctisI know they work with USB HDD devices.01:23
LupusNoctisDD-WRT might have more on how USB WAN modems would work01:24
janofcan anyone confimr what the best way to re-import a pgp key is?01:24
SerraphynLupusNoctis, I just want to use a gateway device to manage this01:24
LupusNoctissome buffalo's run DD-WRT stock01:24
janofmy computer crashed on me01:24
msdaisySerraphyn: Crunch the numbers. How much are a few hours of down time worth to you in sales? pay that much for a backup plan.01:24
LupusNoctisOh, hmm, what's that linux distro that tries to virtualize a bunch of networking related components.... hmm01:25
jason_hudsonHello everyone, I'm having some difficulties understanding some "features" of Ubuntu Online Accounts, whenever I try to set an empathy account up I'm taken to the Online Accounts tab where I'm supposed to configure them, now, instead of asking me my data Ubuntu is taking me to a web page within that tab where I'm supposed to log in, whenever I log into a service (let's say Google) I'm told that the data will be handled accordi01:25
jason_hudsonng to Google's and Ubuntu's (Canonical's?) policies. Does that mean that Canonical is going to store my data on their server? I don't seem to understand how it works (there's also a legal notice that's quite confusing); could anyone explain this to me? Maybe back it up with some official documentation IF POSSIBLE, many thanks in advance.01:25
jason_hudsonWall o' text. :S01:25
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husnainlatifjason_hudson, whenever i try to login to facebook on empathy, it opens up the default browser and logs me in there -_-01:28
husnainlatifand xchat, and ubuntu is great so far01:29
husnainlatifhi ccc01:29
ccci installed disk mount utility01:29
cccgnome i think01:29
ccchow do i actually run the application?01:29
vfwccc: Don't use Enter for puncuaton.01:30
jason_hudsonhusnainlatif, I only tried GTalk so far, with Empathy and it also logged Shotwell on Picasa. I don't understand where the data is stored though. Can't seem to understand if Canonical is being a middle-man or just putting a legal notice to tell us that that one app (User Accounts) logs into all of my account's services even if I only use one (and thus the data is stored locally).01:30
vfwccc: What is a "disk mount utility"?01:30
ccci download gnome disk utility from the software center01:31
DaughainHey, are there any kind of time widgets under Unity?01:31
cccbut i do not know ho to lauch the utility01:31
husnainlatiftime widget? isn't the default clock enough?01:31
DaughainI need four timezones.01:31
DaughainOther than local time.01:32
naryfaccc: I think its called disks when it's installed01:32
kostkonDaughain, you can add more i think01:32
husnainlatifyou can do that with the default clock as well Daughain01:32
naryfaccc: hit alt+F2 and type disks01:32
Daughainhusnainlatif, Ok, I need to look into that then.....Still getting used to Unity.01:33
husnainlatifDaughain,  time & date settings > clock tab >  choose locations...01:34
husnainlatifhope that helps01:34
Daughainhusnainlatif, do they all display?01:34
husnainlatifin the dropdown, yes01:35
husnainlatifi'll bbl.01:35
janofwith PGP, if i lost my private key, but i have my public key, revoke.asc, and i have my passphrase, is it possible to get my private key back?01:35
th0rjanof: no, I don't think so01:36
TylerjdIs there a way to do a full disk scan on a hard drive that is reporting bad sectors and it finds that it does not actually have bad sectors it will... re-enable those sectors per say?01:36
DaughainThanks.Thats a strat, at least. =)01:36
janofth0r, since i have the revoke, i can just take it back and make a new key right?01:37
th0rjanof: revoking doesn't actually "take it back". The old key is still out there, but marked as revoked. And yes, that would be how you handle it, revoke the old one and create a new key pair01:39
sesshomaruhey, I'm running 12.04 and I'm looking for an IBM 5250 terminal emulator, and so far the only package I found was for lucid.01:41
elisa87 can I install Windows 8 after I have installed Ubuntu?01:49
vfwsesshomaru:  tn525001:49
dr_willisbest to install windows first.01:49
dr_willisbestest  put both on their own hard drive  B-)01:49
dr_willisless fighting with grub that way01:50
EDocToordr_willis, If one would put both on their own hard drive.. where would the grub be located01:50
EDocTooror be put01:51
dr_williseither hd.. or both..01:51
dr_willisI keep it on the linyx hd.01:51
naryfadr_willis: I agree with the hard drives, I've always done it this way01:51
EDocToorwouldn't it be best to put the grub on the linux01:51
dr_willisthat way windows is totally untouched01:51
EDocToorone.. in case you remove the linix drive01:51
EDocToorthat way winddows is totally untouched01:52
dr_willisive seen people keep grub on a external usb  as a "security" feature01:52
dr_willisgrub is flexible01:53
naryfawell, use another thumb drive and you boot it, where's the security01:53
EDocToorUnderstood.. the grub is flexible... I am wrong01:53
EDocToorthe grub must be on the WINDOWS drive01:53
EDocToorbecause if you remove the linix drive with the grub on it.. the grub won't01:54
EDocToorbe there to load windows01:54
EDocTooris that right01:54
EDocToornaryfa, YOUR OBviously correct01:55
dr_williswith 2 hds.. no01:55
dr_willisgurb and linux can stay on its iwn hd01:55
dr_willisthe windows bootloader stays on the windows hd.01:55
RoDiMuS-XHow does Grub work with UEFI?01:55
vfw!uefi |01:56
ubottu: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:56
EDocToordr_willis, what happens if you remove the linux hard drive with the grub on the Linux drive?01:56
EDocToorwill windows work01:56
msdaisyEDocToor: you understand that grub is in the boot sector, it runs before windows or ubuntu. right?01:59
SpaceManiacThe darn thing won't boot into recovery mode01:59
EDocToorelisa87, I would remove the Ubuntu drive.. and put in a new drive for Windows 8 to be installed on... after the install; put back the Ubuntu drive.. and recreate the grub on the WINDOWS drive.. therefore if you remove the UBUNTU drive the Grub.. will still BE on your computer and it will be able to find WINDOWS... Less headache that way... in my opinion..02:02
sesshomaruhey, I'm running 12.04 and I'm looking for an IBM 5250 terminal emulator, and so far the only package I found was for lucid.02:02
exogenhello, my kernel load only one cpu but I have two. Can I load the second at runtime?02:03
exogennormal loads two CPUs but after last reboot was only one loaded. Don't know why.02:03
dr_willisEDocToor: windows boots normally then. its untouched02:03
dr_williswith a dual hd system. keep grub on the linux hd.02:04
vfwsesshomaru:  tn525002:05
dr_willis!info tn525002:05
ubottuPackage tn5250 does not exist in raring02:05
EDocToor<dr_willis> with a dual hd system. keep grub on the linux hd. ... This didn't work for me in the past.. Thanks for the update02:05
dr_willis!find  tn525002:05
ubottuFile tn5250 found in libwireshark-dev02:06
dr_willisEDocToor:  worked for me for years..02:06
dr_willisbios boots the linuc hd.. grub can then boot the windows hd.02:06
SpaceManiacWell rebooting fixed it somehoe02:06
EDocTooryour an expert.. but02:06
sesshomaruthats the issue, is there another package thats compatible?  All I see is a 3270 emulator, but I don't want a printer emulation.02:06
dr_willisremove linux hd.. windows boots first with its normal bootloader02:06
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EDocToordr_willis, good to know02:07
vfwdr_willis: sesshomaru http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/dapper/man1/tn5250.1.html#contenttoc402:08
ditchwindowsany difference between WUBI and installing linux with an USB?02:09
EDocToordr_willis, one more related question... ONE hard drive with XP pro.. and Ubuntu partitioned... where do you put the GRUB02:09
SpaceManiacAny recommendations for USB wifi adapters for ubuntu?02:09
utusanput in primary bot HD02:09
psusiditchwindows, yes, Wubi installs the system in a file inside the Windows partition... not recommended02:09
utusannetgear or linksys02:10
EDocToorutusan, thanks...02:11
ditchwindowspsusi: i am currently running Win7, i would prefer to have dual boot, if i install ubuntu onto another partition will i have to recover the grub? or will it recognize that i have both and create the boot menu for both?02:11
dr_willisEDocToor: only place it could go normally.. the mbr of the hd.02:11
sesshomaruditchwindows: That's generally how it goes02:11
chrisircI'm trying to help a singer use Ubuntu. He's got a lot of music (mp3, wma, some wav), and I wonder how to help him best organize that.02:11
psusiditchwindows, if you install Ubuntu after windows, it will recognize Windows and add an entry to boot it to the grub menu02:11
dr_willisSpaceManiac:  i read reviews in amazon to see whats ines worked with no hassles.  ;-)02:12
vfwchrisirc: Only he can organize his files.02:12
ignore_meditchwindows: Willl usually work unless you have the damnable software raid. It locks onto windows, hard.02:13
chrisircI'm pretty firm on "organize things in the filesystem", but not being a music collector myself, I haven't had to deal with lots of songs. Also, he's not a very advanced computer user, plus handling files in Ubuntu's file manager isn't perfect, etc.02:13
EDocToorditchwindows, Ubuntu is so easy to install after windows... the updated grub will include windows... but it will default to loading ubuntu.. if your not there to select windows02:13
chrisircvfw, I'm looking for tips on tools to support that02:14
chrisircor approaches.02:14
chrisircSomeone who's done it.02:14
utusanchrisirc: try kubuntu/amarok/nepomuk02:15
utusanEDocToor: you can change default in grub02:16
msdaisypsusi: you can run sudo update-grub to... update grub after the installation.02:16
vfwchrisirc: Put them all in one directory.02:17
DreamPCsHey guys, quick question. Can I use dd to put a Windows ISO on a flash drive?02:17
msdaisyDreamPCs: if it's an exact copy then it should be bootable, right?02:18
SpaceManiacWhat does it mean when apt-get upgrade says linux-generic is 'held back'?02:19
chrisircutusan, why kubuntu? I can't find nepomuk; thanks for the hint on amarok, are you using it with a big collection?02:19
DreamPCsI'd imagine so, I just didn't know if dd was for linux distros or if it works univerally.02:19
dr_willisdd for an windows iso.. depends on the windows version also02:20
DreamPCsXP? SP3?02:20
dr_willis#windows should know what ones work02:20
dr_willisxp i would say no.02:20
dr_williswin7 might. ive heard win8 does02:20
DreamPCsOk, cool, thanks for the info.02:21
utusanchrisirc: amarok is the front end/music player but uses nepomuk and/or strigi for indexing02:21
chrisircvfw, and I told you that the file manager in Ubuntu isn't the best?02:21
dr_willisSpaceManiac:  try 'sudp apt-get dist-upgrade'02:21
vfwchrisirc: Chose another02:21
chrisircvfw, and that he's not very savvy?02:21
vfwchrisirc: I use thunar02:22
dr_willisnautilus does a decent job.02:22
dr_willisdepends on what your needs are, as to what alternatives are better02:22
chrisircgood luck with some 5000 music files that way, and wanting to find things, tagging, grouping in various ways.02:22
chrisircAs I said it clearly seems that the fs without specialized assistance is *not* the way to go.02:23
vfwchrisirc: So, how does he do it now?02:23
utusanDreamPCs: if you want to copy the contents of an iso to usb, I think you need to mount it with the loop option02:23
vfwchrisirc: Again, only he can organize his files.02:23
chrisircWhat are you trying to say?02:23
chrisircYou're making me angry.02:24
dr_williscopying the CONTENTS of an iso to usb will definatly not make a bootable usb02:24
ignore_meCan mediatomb serve files to a ps3?02:24
dr_willisignore_me:  i think so.     most dlna servers can02:24
dr_willisor have options for ps302:24
dr_williswhich may need enabled02:24
vfwchrisirc: Place them all in the same directory and use search optons to find what you want.  If the files are named appropriately, you'll find them.  Not much more to it than that.02:25
Guest18299dr_willis: is there a screen saver incluced in 13.04 or do i need to get one02:25
ignore_meHmm. Must be something weird in the config file. Didn't really want to use ps3 media server, uses java.02:25
dr_willisGuest18299:  never noticed one.. nedeer needed one why to you 'need' one.. there are some in the repos02:25
dr_willisignore_me:  i recall ushare and minidlna having ps3 options in their configs02:26
Guest18299dr_willis: i just have the memory of a dudes laptop screen had an image burned into it02:26
dr_willis!info xscreensaver02:26
ubottuxscreensaver (source: xscreensaver): Automatic screensaver for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.15-2ubuntu1 (raring), package size 261 kB, installed size 852 kB02:26
dr_willisGuest18299:  thats why we have auto-monitor off settings02:27
sereignore_me: yea believe so.. my favorite is minidlna server.. pretty straight forward02:27
chrisircThanks, utusan.02:27
Guest18299dr_willis: so what screen don't need screen savers for that purpose anymore, they are just a privicy thing now02:27
Guest18299dr_willis: is that in display in seattings02:27
dr_willismore of a power/energy saveing thing these days02:28
dr_willislook and see.. im not on a ubuntu box02:28
utusanchrisirc: I think amarok is worth checking into.  It has options to use mysql for your database02:28
ignore_mesere: Thanks. Didn't see those. Tried mediatomb and rygel. Both were duds, although they worked on older installs02:29
Guest18299well i had my lappy on last night and i came back this morning, after a fresh install and my mouse wouldn't respond so i don't know if there is a sleep someware thats causing the harddive to sleep and not wake02:29
Guest18299or the mouse to just stop responding02:29
dr_willissuspend/hibernate can cause issues on some hardware.02:30
dr_willisreboot and see if thr mouse works, suspeend02:30
sereis there a good light weight media player.. i have been bouncing back and forth between rhythmbox and banshee but they so much memory02:30
dr_willisthen resume and see if it stops02:30
dr_willissere:  depends on your needs02:30
jribsere: try mplayer I guess.  Why do you need lightweight?02:31
ignore_mesere: Parole for video or gmusicbrowser.02:31
dr_willistheres a huge varity os music players in the repos02:31
sereignore_me: yea i know what you mean.. xbmc is another good one, but its so heavy02:32
dr_willisplex - is an interesting alternative to xbmc02:32
ignore_medr_willis: Yeah, too many. lol Just need one great one - videos, audio, podcast, streams, purchases, device sync. The works.02:32
dr_willisxbmc runs on my raspberry pi. ;) so ita not heavy.. considering what it does.02:32
Guest18299ok, so removing suspend on power man, and well see  how that does02:33
seredr_willis, jrib, ignore_me : im using an acer mini with 1gb. :x02:33
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bazhang!info audacious | sere02:33
ubottusere: audacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.4-1 (raring), package size 298 kB, installed size 1234 kB02:33
profiler1982elementary files has problem. crash with custom theme. only with default elementary theme works02:33
dr_willis!info mpd02:33
ubottumpd (source: mpd): Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16.5-1ubuntu4 (raring), package size 211 kB, installed size 555 kB02:33
dr_willisprofiler1982:  you may want to check its support/web page/site . since itsa not part of the normal ubuntu repos02:34
ignore_mesere: run xubuntu on a 5y/old netbook. Runs well with those two options.02:34
depestoim having a wierd issue installing 13.1002:35
profiler1982am know. am see then some people not know what is the problem yet02:35
bazhang!13.10 | depesto02:35
ubottudepesto: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:35
ignore_mesere: Even xbmc runs fine on it. Don't use full time yet, need the dlna server. lol02:35
serebazhang: i like audacious but its more of a playlist media player.. i like how rhythmbox and banshee can watch your library and has the artist/album views02:35
bazhangsere, thats not light then02:35
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EDocToorOk, dr_willis .. I just reinstalled Ubuntu 12.04 a second time using ReUse sda3 and I get msg: Gave up waiting for root device... Aleart.. dev/disk/by-uuid/06396d6d50..... does not exits. and a (initramfs) Prompted... What do I do?02:36
dr_willisignore_me:  xbmc can work as a dlna server also ya know02:36
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bazhangdepesto, dont ask here about 13.10 it s #ubuntu+102:36
serebazhang: thats what i was afraid of :x02:36
dr_willisEDocToor:  try the boot-repair tool from a live cd/usb, and make sure you are booting the right hd first in bios02:37
EDocTooronly one hard drive02:38
dr_willisthen try boot-repair02:38
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:38
ignore_medr_willis: Just started using it so haven't explored it completely. Netbook running xbmc needs to connect to desktop with the files I need. Sharing sucks on xubuntu so was looking for server to run on desktop to feed xbmc.02:38
EDocToorwhere is the boot repair option//tool02:38
dr_willisignore_me:  xbmc on pc1 can use dlna to xbmc on pc202:38
dr_willisignore_me:  i dont  use samba shares for my videos these days02:39
sereignore_me: im on lubuntu with fluxbox as my window manager02:39
dr_willisplex can work as a dlna server in the background also02:40
ignore_medr_willis: Gonna try xbmc now. Samba - bah. One of these days we'll get a great out of the box experience.02:41
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dr_willissamba is not even consideed worth installing by default02:41
sh_thi everyone. I am new to building packages and trying to build my own nginx deb. My understanding is that deb-buildpackage uses the debian/rules file as the Makefile to build the package.. however when I run deb-buildpackage -rfakeroot it's not actually compiling my already ./configure'd source, and the package is built containing only a /usr/share/doc folder within it and no binaries. Any02:42
sh_tsuggestions on what could be wrong herE?02:42
dr_willisi basically use plex for things these days02:42
* sere hides while removing samba02:43
ignore_mesere: Sounds speedy. I've tried lu in the past, blazing fast, needed more polish. Really dig xubuntu.Voyager on another box for testing. Precise on a third box.02:43
sereignore_me: i have a dell mini right now im working on and think i will put xubuntu .. it does look sexy :p02:45
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ignore_mesere: Oh yeah. Can't beat some built-in compositing while still remaining lightweight. Flat out gorgeous with a tiny bit of work.02:49
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LinuxuserHi. My suspend mode is broken in Xubuntu. It also was like this in Ubuntu. Whenever i suspend I go to this black screen with some error messages and I have to shutdown and power back on02:54
bazhanghow much ram Linuxuser , how much for swap02:55
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dr_willischeck the forums and askubuntu.com for your exact hardware also Linuxuser . your  swap does need to be equal to ram plus a bit more. i recall02:57
bazhangand give us the exact errors Linuxuser ------> paste.ubuntu.com and give us the URL02:57
Linuxuserhow do I check swap? I have only 2gb of ram on the computer02:57
dr_willissome hardware may need special boot options to suspend and resume properly02:58
arooni-mobilehey folks after making a change to my hosts file, im trying to run: "/etc/init.d/networking restart"... but when i do; unity seems to crash.  any ideas on how to do this differently?02:58
dr_willisarooni-mobile: what are you changeing02:58
Linuxuserwould I need to edit some files?02:58
arooni-mobiledr_willis, adding sites to redirect to localhost02:59
Linuxuserhow do I find how much ram and swap I have?02:59
dr_willisLinuxuser:   the    free command  shows swap02:59
EDocToorapt-get install qparted02:59
dr_willisarooni-mobile:  i dont recall needing to restart networkung for that03:00
Linuxuserit says i have 1963004 free03:00
arooni-mobiledr_willis, ahh really?03:00
dr_willistry a ping test and see.03:00
arooni-mobiledr_willis, i made changes to the /etc/hosts file... and yet those sites are still resolving03:01
EDocToorLinuxuser, I use the HBCD 15.2 live disk03:01
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info03:01
EDocToorhas tons of tools on it Linuxuser03:01
dr_willisarooni-mobile:  i dont recall needing to03:01
arooni-mobiledr_willis, must the istes to resolve to be above all other parts of the hosts files?03:02
Linuxuserthe free command isn't really good03:02
LinuxuserI converted it to gigs and ti says I only have total 1 MEM03:02
vfwLinuxuser: 1 MEM ?03:03
ditchwindowsa mem stick?03:03
dr_willisfree shows a lot if info03:04
Linuxuser? I'm trying to figure out how much ram03:04
dr_willisit has a line  labled   swap03:04
dr_willisfree -h    for numbers in mb. i think03:05
vfwLinuxuser: Pretty obvious, isn't it?03:05
berderquentinHi everybody, I have an issue with the setup of my LVM, when I want to mount back I get "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on". Thoughts?03:05
berderquentinI put all the information https://hackpad.com/My-issue-with-LVM-setup-ZTCnumSssaB03:06
Linuxuserdr_willis yeah I know. I did free -g and it said only 103:06
vfwLinuxuser: You can also look at /proc/meminfo03:06
dr_willisLinuxuser:  so? it rounded to the nearest gb03:07
dr_williscat /proc/swaps    shows swap partitions03:07
EDocToorMy girlfriends says .. Her or my Ubuntu!!! What is the nice Ubuntu way of letting her go?03:15
seronissudo apt-get remove gf03:15
EDocToorha ha03:15
seronisoh..   s/remove/purge   you dont want her leaving her makeup and bras at your place03:16
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ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:16
bazhang!ot | EDocToor03:16
ubottuEDocToor: please see above03:16
EDocToorThe topic was Ubuntu... and a choice03:17
bazhangEDocToor, its not for here. take it elsewhere03:17
EDocToorI am Re-installing a third time.. this time I deleted the sda3 partition..03:20
citricIs there a way to make it so when you are charging your laptop the brightness goes up and if you are unplugged it drops down automatically, instead of doing it manually?03:20
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elisa87histo: do you know how I can umount /mnt/mount_x86 ? it says it03:23
elisa87histo http://paste.ubuntu.com/5766670/03:23
GrivvelHello! When I attempt to ssh to my ubuntu box via the ip address I get one host key (an ssh-rsa key), but when I attempt to ssh to it via my domain name, I get a different host key (ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 key) and my client machine complains about the difference. Does anyone know why I might be seeing these two different keys?03:27
GrivvelI checked with nslookup and it appears that the domain name *is* tied to the correct ip address03:28
jribGrivvel: and you're sure it's the same machine?03:28
Grivveljrib: If the ip address given from nslookup is the same, is it possible that it's actually connecting to a different machine? My credentials work, but could there be a mitm?03:29
GrivvelIt seems a little weird that a mitm would only intercept by domain but not by ip address03:29
jribGrivvel: can you verify you actually connect to the same machine?03:30
elisa87jrib umount: /mnt/mount_x86: device is busy.         (In some cases useful info about processes that use          the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))  do you know why I can't umount it?03:30
Grivveljrib: How would I do that?03:30
jribGrivvel: you could log in and look around03:30
Grivveljrib: Yeah, it's definitely the same machine03:31
jribelisa87: might you have a terminal open whose cwd is inside its mount point?03:31
jribGrivvel: how do you know?03:31
Grivveljrib: Exact same file system.03:31
jribGrivvel: and it's not vanilla?03:31
Grivveljrib: There are a couple empty directories03:32
elisa87jrib: no that's the only terminal and the only tab in terminal I have now http://paste.ubuntu.com/5766688/03:32
GrivvelOther than that, should be vanilla03:32
jribGrivvel: you're probably just seeing proper ssh behavior (my guess).  I don't know offhand the details of how host keys are setup, but if no one here can help, try #openssh03:33
Grivveljrib: Will do, thanks!03:33
EDocToorjrib, https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/openssh-server.html03:34
jribEDocToor: what am I looking for?03:34
elisa87http://paste.ubuntu.com/5766692/ do you think if it's safe to kill those processes jrib?03:35
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EDocToorjrib, The very first line ssh-keygen -t dsa ... read what it does.. It might be what your looking for03:36
elisa87jrib I binded proc to /mnt/mount_x86/proc ...can I unbind it by any command?03:36
jribEDocToor: thanks but that's not exactly what's going on here03:36
EDocToorjrib, Ok,, my bad03:36
jribelisa87: should be able to umount as usual I believe03:37
elisa87omg by mistake I kill gnome-set! :|03:38
elisa87gnome-settings-daemon this fixed it03:39
jeremiah_Is it possible to root /home into a separate partition, that windows can view/read/write to?03:39
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trismelisa87: I think the issue is you didn't mount /proc/ to mount_x86/proc, you mounted it to mount_x86/ and then mounted /sys/ inside there03:40
trismelisa87: try umount /mnt/mount_x86/sys/; first then try to umount /mnt/mount_x86/03:40
elisa87trism I mounted /proc to /mnt/mount_x86/proc is it wrong? the same with dev and sys03:40
trismelisa87: your pastebin says otherwise03:41
jeremiah_Is it possible to root /home into a separate partition, that windows can view/read/write to?03:41
citricjeremiah_, why would you want to do that?03:42
elisa87trism you are right before umounting /mnt/mount_x86 I should have umounted /mnt/mount_x86/dev and sys and proc03:42
EDocToorYes... the third install was successful.. I had to QParted and delete partition before I was able to re-install.. I guess there was a previously corrupted partition and Ubuntu refused to install on it... Thanks guys.. I have now successfully installed Ubuntu 12.0403:42
elisa87it worked now thanks trism03:42
jeremiah_citric,  Duel boot, and i want all my info to be able to be viewed from both oses03:42
citricjeremiah_, /home CAN be a seperate partition.03:42
jeremiah_citric,  I realize. But can it be viewed from windows as well?03:43
citricjeremiah_, yes.03:43
citricjeremiah_, you will need an application to view the partition, for example, Ext2Explorer03:44
citricjeremiah_, google.03:44
jeremiah_citric,  In windows or ubuntu?03:44
citricjeremiah_, what you are asking is very basic, please search google.03:45
jeremiah_I'll google it....03:45
EDocToorIs Ext2Explorer a windows application03:45
jeremiah_EDocToor,  Thank you.03:45
citricEDocToor, no, Ext2Explorer is used to read Ext2 partitions while you are in the Ext2 partition.03:45
EDocToorjeremiah_, does that mean that your /home on separate partition has to be formatted as EXT2 during the install.. or is EXT2 the default format03:47
sesshomaruisnt it ext4 now?03:47
citricExt4 is the default, yes03:47
sesshomaruok, because I see ext2 and the last time I implemented ext2 was on my 48603:48
mp19uyI have a question related to environment variables: I want to be able to write ¨sublime_text¨ on console and open SublimeText2 instead of writing the full path. I know that there are 2 methods to do this, I could edit the environment variable PATH and add sublime_text path, but I also saw that another way to do the same is creating a symbolic link to sublime_text and placing it in /usr/bin. My question is, is one of these be03:48
mp19uytter than the other or it is exactly the same and both are ¨correct¨ ways of doing what I want to do?03:48
citricsesshomaru, that doesn't mean much, I was just on my 486 today :)03:48
sesshomarucitric: SX or DX?  I've got a 486SX/33 in my laptop03:49
kostkonmp19uy, or create an alias? do you think it would work?03:49
citricbrb TIME FOR PUDDING03:49
sesshomarucitric: Very reliable machines03:49
EDocToorsesshomaru, so not the best method... better is to make a separate partition... just for "share" format it as EXT2 ... that way your normal /home isn't outdated03:50
mp19uykostkon, I do not know what alias are but I am reading about it now.  I got both ideas from this: http://bit.ly/IH7OPo and this http://askubuntu.com/questions/141718/what-is-path-environment-variable-and-how-to-add-it03:52
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
EDocToormp19uy, $ env03:55
EDocToorto see list of vars03:55
EDocToorCreating a var... depends on why you are creating it03:56
EDocToormp19uy, to see a var $ echo $var_name03:57
mp19uyMy idea is to modify the PATH var, is for a compiler of modula-203:58
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
mp19uyit has some commands like xc,xd,xcwork... and I want to be able to use these commands03:59
mp19uybut also, I was willing to be able to write in console ¨sublime_text¨ or st2 or something like that to open the text editor sublime text 204:01
EDocToormp19uy, the PATH var gets loaded from many places.. hopefully some here can tell you the best place to edit the PATH=;;;;your_new_path04:02
EDocToorI don't want to give you bad advice04:02
sethjIsn't it supposed to be in ~/.profile?04:03
EDocToorI thought so.. but to see it cd ~   then ls -a04:04
EDocToornot sure04:04
EDocToorI looked and my .profile does not have a PATH statement04:04
mp19uyok, I mean, my problem is not about how to edit the path var, that is something I can google for sure, what I want to know if it is a ¨good practice¨ adding/modifying env vars when I want to do this kind of thing or is better to create symbolic links and place them in /usr/bin.04:05
EDocToorso I don't think so04:05
tsimpson~/.profile is the correct place04:05
sethjEDocToor: Mine has a PATH statement...04:06
sethjtsimpson: Thanks.04:06
EDocToortsimpson, and he would add the line ::: PATH=$PATH;/usr/path;04:06
LinuxuserHey. I just set my computer to boot into the command line but i noticed when I did, the first letter of the first words on the left of the screen were getting cut off. How do I fix this?04:06
EDocToorto add his path?04:06
tsimpson"PATH=/whatever:$PATH" or "PATH=$PATH:/whatever"04:07
tsimpson: is the separator character04:07
tr0nset ur terminal04:07
sethjmp19guy: Personally I think there ins't much difference between the to methods...04:07
tr0nset env term=vt100 or whatever04:07
=== root is now known as Guest35445
tr0numm dont irc as root04:08
tr0nadd a user04:08
Linuxuserdon't irc as root?04:10
tr0nits lame and a security risk04:10
dr_willisLinuxuser:  disable the framebuffer if its in use, or try messing with the fbset command to shift the dispaly to the right if you want the framebuffer04:10
Linuxusertr0n i don't know what your talking about?04:10
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode04:10
tr0nnot u04:11
mp19uysethj: ok, I was asking because maybe is frowned upon one of these ¨methods¨ like in programming when doing something in one way is better and more effective than in other.04:11
Linuxuserdr_willis that doesn't work for me. That gives me some other stuff. What i'm doing is editing /etc/default/grub04:11
dr_williswhat exactly dosent work..  that grub config file has an option i recall to ser grub to use a non graphical menu04:12
elisa87trism:  Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(3,     ...1)  (Do you know why my mounted disk image doesn't work fine?)04:13
EDocToorEasy Question: Ubuntu keeps going to sleep.. and I keep typing in my password.. is there a way to make it stay awake for a hour before it .. causes me to type in a password04:14
tr0nin your system settings04:14
trismelisa87: I do not04:14
tr0nunder brightness & lock04:14
dr_willisit has a 'lock' feature in the settings where you can tweak or disable the password needed i recall04:14
EDocToortr0n, thanks04:15
sh_thi everyone. I am new to building packages and trying to build my own nginx deb. My understanding is that deb-buildpackage uses the debian/rules file as the Makefile to build the package.. however when I run deb-buildpackage -rfakeroot it's not actually compiling my already ./configure'd source, and the package is built containing only a /usr/share/doc folder within it and no binaries. Any04:15
sh_tsuggestions on what could be wrong herE?04:15
EDocToortr0n, wow.. that has been bugging me forEVER.. thanks04:16
Linuxuserdr_willis: how does going to grub help me? I want to log on via CLI04:21
dr_willisgrub has options to disable the framebuffer04:23
dr_willisand its text mode04:23
Linuxuserwhat's that?04:23
dr_willis'noquiet nofb text nodplash’ are the grub options ive used in the past04:25
Linuxuserwhat's the difference of doing that and editing /etc/default/grub?04:25
bazhang!nox | Linuxuser04:25
ubottuLinuxuser: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode04:25
evilrootsi need drivers for my card. gtx 560 ti04:25
tr0ngo to the manufactures website04:26
dr_willisinstall them with the addational-drivers tool¿04:26
Linuxuserdr_willis I already boot to a grub menu without pressing anything04:27
evilrootsthat doesnt show any04:27
dr_willisdont use the ones from nvidia.com if you dint have to04:27
Linuxuserdr_willis well a splash screen04:27
Linuxuserthat allows me to access grub04:27
evilrootswhat commands do i need.04:27
dr_willisLinuxuser:  these are options you give to grub to affect how the system boots04:27
xormorI am happy with xubuntu 13.04 :)04:29
Linuxuserdr_willis those commands didn't work04:30
dr_williswhat did it do differently and how did you use them.04:30
Linuxuseri booted to grub. typed "text" no luck typed "nosplash" no luck04:31
tonesxormor, I couldnt get xubuntu to boot from usb, kept asking me for a password/login04:31
dr_willisLinuxuser:  those are optons you pass to grub.. not commands you enter at the grub shell04:31
Linuxuseri have to go. later04:31
dr_willisLinuxuser:  you can set them in /etc/default/grub also04:31
=== husnainlatif_ is now known as husnainlatif
xormortones: try root, enter and root, root.04:33
tonesdidn't try that combo04:34
tonesxormor, did you stick with xfce?04:35
dr_willisthere is no root  password by default. the live cd has a user called 'ubuntu' with the password 'ubuntu' i recall04:35
xormortones: I think so. how do I see if this is using xfce?04:35
jribdr_willis: password should be blank unless that's changed in the last couple of releases04:36
tonesit looks like mini windows04:36
xormortones: yes, this is version 4.10.04:36
jrib4.10 :x04:36
dr_willisonly time ive seen people need the password on live cd.. was when it wass a bad burn. ;) or currupted iso04:36
xormortones: the laptop is not hot enough to turn itself off automatically right now.04:36
dr_willisso you may be right04:37
xormorjrib: should I update with apt-get upgrade?04:37
tonesdr_willis, I tried several disk downloads and still kept asking for login/pwd04:37
jribxormor: I don't know what we are talking about04:37
dr_willistones:  you did verify the md5? how ae you making the usb?04:37
tonesxormor, if I can get it to work, I'll probably use gnome04:38
tonesdr_willis, made usbs both from unetbootin direct download and iso image from desktop download04:39
tonesboth needed login/pwd04:39
dr_willisi would try tools from pendrivelinux, verify the md5sums04:39
dr_willisand not use unetbootin04:39
toneswhich specific tool from pendrivelinux is easiest04:40
linuxuz3ri got an ubuntu issue after running flash for a while in firefox gnome shutsdown automatically04:40
tonesfor a single iso download04:40
linuxuz3rdoes anyone have experienced this with ubuntu04:40
dr_willislinuxuz3r:  flash causing problems = common issue04:41
linuxuz3rshould i upgrade flash04:42
dr_williswith no common fixs04:42
dr_willisupgrade? what version of flash are you using?04:42
linuxuz3ri cant say cause im back on os x04:42
dr_willisadobe hasent updated flash on linux  in some time i think...04:42
linuxuz3rdr_willis, even in chrome04:43
linuxuz3rchrome has its own flash player right04:43
dr_willisgoogle chrome has its own different flash04:43
dr_williscalled pepper somthing04:43
linuxuz3rit might be ubuntu04:43
linuxuz3rchecking the problem now04:44
linuxuz3rim back04:48
linuxuz3rlets see if it would hang04:48
=== xormor is now known as xormor_
ntzrmtthihu777anyone else here having issue with installing/upgrading to wine1.6?04:57
elisa87how can I create a disk image which when I mount it on /mnt/linux_x86 has these folders? backprop  bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib32  lib64  lost+found   media  mnt  opt  proc  rodinia  root  run  sbin  selinux  srv  sys  tmp   usr  var04:57
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ntzrmtthihu777I was without a connection for 4 days, just did an apt-get update&upgrade, it hangs on wine1.6, suggests running apt-get -f install, but that does not do it either.04:59
optimusprimemhello, my hd no it is listed in /media is a IDE and the gparted not listed how I can ?05:01
husnainlatifLIP, are you a ubuntu user?05:01
husnainlatifwhat flavour :P?05:03
LIPand a BSD, and a OSX05:03
LIPbut eaxactly which, as it isn't Ubuntu, isn't as applicable in here, it could lead to flame wars ;)05:04
tr0nyea especially when u admit to running O$X05:04
LIPI have the Mac so I can check development on it05:04
LIPnot as my primary ;)05:05
ntzrmtthihu777hey, I need someone to assist in my project running on mac osx05:05
husnainlatifi wanna see ur mac desktop :p05:05
husnainlatifi've never seen one before05:05
LIPand I don't want to share it, google image search is good enough for what it looks like05:05
tr0nlots of em on 4chan /g05:05
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ShawnMcCooli have a collection of games and i'd like to have a drawer or something to keep them in, but the unity dock doesn't seem to support drawers or something. any suggestions?05:19
husnainlatifShawnMcCool,  what kinda games :p ?05:21
xormorI like programming small programs.05:21
ShawnMcCoolScrolls by Mojang, Game Dev Tycoon and some other stuff not in steam or desura05:22
thunder1212I am using ubuntu12.04, is there any way i can get the latest kernel with automatic updates?05:25
linuxuz3rthunder1212, why do you want the lastest kernel?05:26
thunder1212linuxuz3r: i don;t know why, but i want it:)05:27
linuxuz3rthunder1212, http://askubuntu.com/questions/187502/how-do-i-use-apt-get-to-update-to-the-latest-kernel05:29
ShawnMcCool*echo* hello? hello? hello?05:30
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digsWhy are these packages not upgradeing? http://codepad.org/IBr2CXd705:33
thunder1212linuxuz3r: but with this i will just get the kernel which is there in the repos, which is already what i am using. I want 3.9.6 latest stable..05:34
digsI ran apt-get update before all of that too.05:34
thunder1212linuxuz3r: https://www.kernel.org/05:34
wolterHi, I'm having problems with my shutdown, my computer doesn't shut down05:35
wolterI read something about using stop and service commands on S15networking, but I don't know what to do05:35
tr0ndo a kill -9 -1 as root05:36
AfgghHi all05:40
AfgghWhat is ubuntu alternative for darmon tools?05:41
zykotick9digs: you need to use "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in order to get NEW packages, like the kernel updates...05:50
EDocToorWill samba share files between two a ubuntu-server and a ubuntu box?05:54
digszykotick9, thanks.05:59
husnainlatifany ubuntu devs around?06:02
akurilinQuick question: does changing the hostname of a machine has the chance of making it potentially unreachable on the network? For example, will I be sad if I change the hostname of an EC2 instance?06:04
lotuspsychjeakurilin: maybe the guys from ##networking know?06:05
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woltertr0n, hm I was looking more of a way of solving the problem06:08
akurilinlotuspsychje, okie dokie.06:08
tr0nshutdown not working?06:09
lotuspsychjeakurilin: or re-ask your question here once in a while :p, or #ubuntu-server might know aswell maybe?06:09
thunder1212latest kenel06:11
woltertr0n, exactly06:14
bhaveshI was installing ccsm from terminal 2 days ago when there was a power cut. Now I cannot connect to the internet on ubuntu, whereas I can on windows 8.06:16
bhaveshTried connecting a new network but didn't help06:16
tr0nu try with -H or -P?06:16
akurilinI think the answers is that at least in EC2 changing hostnames is mostly local to the machine and will not change the name of the server as far as the DNS server is concerned. Supposedly changing the hostname can cause problems down the line when some services start expecting it to match the actual name.06:16
woltertr0n, tried with -h06:16
tr0neww the W word06:16
bhaveshmy network is DSL PPPoE06:16
witheldOkay, I installed pm-utils on my laptop. Bad idea, it crashes on suspend, including when I close the lid. So I removed pm-utils, but now, it still crashes when I close the lid06:17
witheldWhat do I have to remove to stop this06:17
tr0nwhatever dependicies it used06:17
tr0nor tinker with your system settings06:19
dr_willisyou can set what it does on lid close i recall.06:20
witheldI've purged everything, so, I'm lost as to what to do06:20
witheldthe initrd still just turns the screen off without crashing, as I'd prefer06:21
witheldSo it's some setting I don't know of that pm-utils changed and didn't put back06:21
dr_willisir you need to double check the users powersettings fir that user06:23
dr_willistest with a newly made user also06:23
witheldIt's a minimal install, no dbus, no consolekit, none of that weird per-user stuff06:23
dr_willisno idea then.06:24
lotuspsychjehow can i make a terminal icon with links2 jumping open google06:24
wolterterminal icon?06:24
KaidelongI need to disable ACPI because my hardware shuts the screen off when the lid is closed but ubuntu completely screws up in software and thinks the lid is closed even when it is reopened and the system becomes unusable06:24
dr_willislotuspsychje:  make a launcher that runs       xterm -e links2 giigle.com          perhaps06:25
lotuspsychjewolter: well i installed links2, but i want it started from inside terminal, and create an icon for it06:25
lotuspsychjedr_willis: how i make that launcher06:25
witheldHa ha, more ACPI issues, good luck. Well, Kaidelong , pass noacpi to the kernel at boot06:25
dr_willisor make a gnome-terminal profile to do it06:25
bhaveshwhen my DSL internet connection is not working only on ubuntu, how am I supposed to trace down the problem?06:26
dr_willislotuspsychje:  look at the    gedit.desktop  file for an example06:26
lotuspsychjedr_willis: ok tnx06:26
dr_willislotuspsychje:  askubuntu.com  has guides also06:27
tr0nisnt elinks the successor to links?06:27
dr_willisbhavesh:  your power failed while installing packages?06:27
bhaveshdr_willis: yes06:27
witheldThis really is bs though, packages(big name packages at that)  changing system wide settings and not putting things back when uninstalled06:27
lotuspsychje!info elinks06:28
ubottuelinks (source: elinks): advanced text-mode WWW browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12~pre5-9ubuntu1 (raring), package size 574 kB, installed size 1360 kB06:28
lotuspsychjetr0n: well i like links2 :p06:28
tr0nthey look the same06:28
lotuspsychje!info links206:28
ubottulinks2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 1909 kB, installed size 2934 kB06:28
dr_willisbhavesh:  may be some info on how to properly recover from tgat on askybuntu.com  that may be the core of thw issue06:29
strawb3rryj3lly7im new to ubuntu, and i go an external hdd from a friend, and i went to format it and this error popped up, Error creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:06:32
strawb3rryj3lly7Total number of sectors (487725344) not a multiple of sectors per track (63)!06:32
strawb3rryj3lly7Add mtools_skip_check=1 to your .mtoolsrc file to skip this test06:32
strawb3rryj3lly7mkfs.vfat 3.0.12 (29 Oct 2011), what exactly do i have to do to finish the format?06:32
FloodBot1strawb3rryj3lly7: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:32
cristian_cI've installed qt4-qtconfig06:32
cristian_cIf I open the tool and I edit the font settings, clicking on File->Save, this string appears in the statusbar: 'Saved changes.'06:32
cristian_cbut if I close and reopen the tool, there are not the new settings anymore06:33
cristian_cHow can I solve it?06:33
cristian_cAny ideas?06:33
dr_willistest with a newly made user cristian_c06:34
dr_willissee if its tge same way06:34
zw请问如何在live cd里安装软件包呢?06:34
cristian_cdr_willis, ok06:35
cristian_cdr_willis, with guest too?06:35
dr_willistry both06:35
cristian_c!cn | zw06:35
ubottuzw: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:35
cristian_cdr_willis, ok06:36
zwok,i knew it.06:36
zwhi everyone.how can i install the packages in live cd system?06:36
dr_willisclarify what you mean zw06:37
husnainlatifdoes anyone use OneNote?06:38
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lotuspsychjedr_willis: it worked out pretty easy with this1: http://www.howopensource.com/2012/10/create-application-launcher-add-icon-to-unity-ubuntu-12-10/06:41
lotuspsychjedr_willis: i know got a links2 launcher with google inside terminal :p06:42
lvlingliwhy i can't convert a video to mp3 file by "ffmpeg"06:45
Traxie21Hello, I have a permissions issue06:45
EDocToorWhen Ubuntu has a https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/openssh-server.html and it comand fails.. it really bytes .. I have be messing around with trying to get a file from one Ubuntu to another Ubuntu box and nothing.. will anyone help me with my ports and ssh - no identities found issue?06:45
tr0nuse ftp06:46
randor scp06:46
Traxie21Could someone please give me the list of proper permissions for the base system in Ubuntu?06:47
Traxie21My home directory is not owned by me, tmp is messet up, and I think usr is too06:47
EDocToortr0n, rand, thanks... but the port issue would be the same06:47
Ben64Traxie21: well what did you do06:48
EDocToortr0n... chmod 755 to what?06:48
lvlinglito home06:48
tr0n /~ /tmp /usr06:48
EDocToorit is one one machine.. that just might be it... brb06:48
EDocToortee hee06:48
Traxie21Ben64: I have 3 USB's with a persistant session on them.  I tried to copy the casper-rw and home-rw partitions from one to the other, so as to have a backup of some very important files.06:49
Traxie21using gksudo06:49
Traxie21*gksudo nautilus06:49
dr_willismay be easier to use dd to image the whole usb06:50
Traxie21dr_willis: I fresh installed the base partition06:50
Traxie21I hear thats unsafe?06:50
Traxie21Also, I am copying from a 32 GB to a 16 GB06:51
dr_willisif you want backups  you could backup tge whole ysb stick to a file    via dd06:51
Traxie21I want usable backups06:51
HypothesisFrogHi. I clicked on an mp3, and it launched some music app which immediately started playing it. I clicked the close button on the window, which closed the app, but the music's still playing. How do I stop it?06:51
Traxie21I am forever losing my USB drives06:52
randEDocToor, are you trying to setup password less transfer with ssh?06:52
lvlinglior backup by "tar"?06:52
dr_willisHypothesisFrog:  speaker icon at top right06:52
EDocToortr0n, rand, thanks... but the port issue is still there... ummm06:53
dr_willishas player controlls06:53
HypothesisFrogdr_willis that doesn't actually stop it. It just stops me hearing it.06:53
lvlingliHyperbyte: what app06:53
aeon-ltdkill rhythmbox then06:53
HypothesisFrogdr_willis no it doesn't actually. I'm using MATE desktop.06:53
dr_willismate.. good lyck then  not really supported by tgis channel06:54
HypothesisFroglvlingli thankyou!06:54
HypothesisFrogthat's the app06:54
husnainlatifdoes anyone know about the bassboost option in windows, is it available on ubuntu?06:55
* HypothesisFrog does a killall rhythmbox and finds relief06:55
aeon-ltdhusnainlatif: bassboost in what?06:55
husnainlatifin windows; it's in sounds options or something > enhancements tab06:56
husnainlatifits like a driver level feature/option06:56
lvlingliMaybe you can run "top" in the terminal, and find the app06:56
aeon-ltdi'm not sure if there are systemwide eq optoins by default06:56
dr_willissounds like a marketing term for a sound equalizer setting06:56
lvlinglihusnainlatif: windows 7?06:56
husnainlatifi've already searched a lot about system wide eq, no luck yet06:57
husnainlatifthought y'all might have an answer -_-06:57
husnainlatifwindows 7+06:57
dr_willisive seen some articals about sound equalizers for  pulse. but im not sure one is included by default06:57
tr0nno M$ questions in here06:58
aeon-ltddepending on your speakers/headphones you should aim for neutral music is already eq'd, equalizing again should only be used to compensate or color to liking06:58
dr_willisomgubuntu or webupd8  may mention how to get one  husnainlatif06:58
aeon-ltdfullstop after neutral06:58
lvlinglihusnainlatif: I think system wide eq is not necessary06:59
dr_willissome players may have the feature for that  player.06:59
husnainlatify'know why i need it? coz i've low-quality headphones with knows bassboost built in and they give me a headache in ubuntu no matter what i play06:59
husnainlatifon windows however, if i turn on bassboost, everything sounds at least bearable.07:00
dr_willisyou need to unboost them?07:00
husnainlatifwith no*07:00
husnainlatifsorry bout typos07:00
dr_willislack of base = headache? weird07:01
lvlinglihusnainlatif: All right07:01
husnainlatifyou'd understand if you had lower quality headphones -_-07:01
dr_willismine are all of $607:01
dr_willishigh end = $1207:01
husnainlatifmine might be well $10 or something07:02
aeon-ltdthere  is a pulseaudio eq07:02
husnainlatifi know aeon-ltd07:02
husnainlatifi've tried it07:02
aeon-ltdinstall it07:02
husnainlatifit doesn't do any good for me07:02
dr_willisim in a factory with constant noise..  so  bosteing the base is the laast thing i want07:02
aeon-ltdhow can it not? does it not work?07:02
husnainlatifit even messed up the  whole sound driver thingy in ubuntu and i had to switch back to windows8 coz of that07:03
dr_willisi recall some pulse audio ppa that included the feature. but never used it07:04
randI would sell the $10 headphones for $5 and get a pair of $6 headphones07:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:05
husnainlatifwhats a ppa?07:05
aeon-ltdsays the microsoft hater07:05
tr0nim allowed my snarky comments07:05
aeon-ltdpersonal package archive07:06
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge07:06
husnainlatifcool bot07:06
cordelcan someone post me a link to Nvidia ftx-280 driver07:07
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tr0nhatred of window$ is the reason most use ubuntu in the first place07:07
mkquist_so there is no way ... install software on natty?  I know it's old but works like a charm?07:07
lotuspsychjehusnainlatif: you can /query ubottu to trigger yourself aswell07:07
aeon-ltdmkquist_: backports07:07
husnainlatiftrigger myself?07:07
mkquist_aeon-ltd: ill look, thanks07:07
=== Guest88627 is now known as gtxman
tr0npvt msg07:07
husnainlatifunity UI is beautiful07:08
lotuspsychjehusnainlatif: to get information on specific triggers in pvt message07:08
gtxmanwhere do i download nvidia drivers?07:08
* tr0n has a tux wallpaper07:08
husnainlatifon the ##windows channel, someone said it's got some serious flaws -_-07:08
lotuspsychje!nvidia | gtxman07:08
ubottugtxman: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto07:08
lotuspsychjetr0n: tinypic me in pm07:08
aeon-ltdtoo heavy there's one07:08
lotuspsychjetr0n: i like user desktopz :p07:08
husnainlatifi dont have enough info bout unity so i cant argue07:09
mkquist_aeon-ltd: what if i just want the old version?07:09
tr0nim ssh'd on a vps, its just a pic of him sitting07:09
mkquist_aeon-ltd: sorry to bother...07:09
husnainlatifthere's just so much that i still need on ubuntu :/07:09
aeon-ltdmkquist_: compile the software yourself07:09
mkquist_aeon-ltd: from the binaries?07:09
mkquist_aeon-ltd: ty again... ill look into it.07:10
tr0nsomeone said win has a backdoor put in by the nsa, not sure if its true, learn to come to ur own conclusions07:10
husnainlatif'learn to come to ur own conclusions'07:10
tr0ni've used win and came to the conclusion its inferior, only gamers really need it, and thats changing slowly07:11
=== nubuntu is now known as noobuntu
mkquist_aeon-ltd: if there are no sources, its time to upgrade?... last question07:12
lotuspsychjetr0n: did you see the alienware ubuntu machines with steam?07:12
aeon-ltdlet's suppose there is a backdoor, and only recently this has become uncovered by snowden. then there's a huge possibiity there are more than one07:12
aeon-ltdmkquist_: yeah guess so07:12
mkquist_aeon-ltd: thanks again07:12
lotuspsychjetr0n: http://www.alienware.com/ubuntu/07:12
aeon-ltdmkquist_: no problem07:12
lotuspsychjetr0n: i think with wine, playonlinux and steam gamers got lots of choices these days07:13
tr0nyea but old habits are hard for some to break07:14
noobuntuanyone with patience to help me get my start up processes working properly (transmission runs before shares)?07:14
aeon-ltdnoobuntu: is this during boot?07:15
tr0nonly 1 machine with ubuntu, no laptops yet, at least its a start07:16
ditchwindowsdamn i love this community, you would never get this using windows lol07:16
lotuspsychjelets take this to offtopi07:16
lotuspsychjeits interesting :p07:16
meLonI just rebooted and now pulse (audio) is all messed up.  Any recent updates that could be causing the issue?  I'm not sure what else it could be07:17
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aeon-ltdnoobuntu: if this is during login you can add the sleep command when launching trans for delays e.g. sleep 2 && transmission ; if this during boot i've no idea where the order is set07:18
* lotuspsychje wonders why there are no 1600 users in #ubuntu-offtopic aswell :p07:19
ditchwindowsi just followed the USB tutorital with pendrive or whatever [ to install linux on usb] - and now i'm getting a Syslinux ERROR: no configuration file found and such.. any idea?07:19
noobuntu@aeon-ltd from what ive googled it starts on boot with init.d07:20
lotuspsychjeditchwindows: what distro you want on the stick?07:20
noobuntuand sleep should not be added to init.d scripts...07:21
noobuntubut i'm in deep water here so.. :D07:21
ditchwindowsi even followed http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows07:21
gtxmanhow do i open a linux pkg1.run package in ubuntu?07:23
lotuspsychjeditchwindows: you could make a live cd(rom) and make an ubuntu stick from there maybe?07:23
ditchwindowsUbuntu 13.04 64bit btw07:23
noobuntudamn it, kids up now. gotta go. thanks07:23
izxWhere do i get ssh logs in ubuntu 12.10 ??07:24
tr0nthey not in /var/log?07:26
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izxtr0n: No it is not there07:29
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lotuspsychjeizx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring07:30
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gotwigWhy is the update-utility not integrated into software-center?07:36
gtxmanwhy is ubuntu so hard to install nvidia drivers07:37
Integratedgotwig, i thought you said my name...07:38
Integratedwoke me up LOL07:38
Integratedand gtxman because nvidia sucks ;d07:39
SikHello. Using Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit. I have been using it just fine, but some hours ago I rebooted and suddenly X won't start anymore. The log says "Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration" and then "Fatal server error: no screens found". Any ideas? Monitor is IBM G74, card is GeForce 7300GS with the Nvidia 304 driver (which actually seems to boot according to the logs). This was all working fine for a long time until that reboot...07:40
gotwigIntegrated, change your name now and leave the country.07:40
ditchwindowsI'm currently having problems with installing Ubuntu 13.04 onto an USB with the Pendrive, i just got an Syslinux Error : no configuriation found. any ideas?07:42
gotwigSik, so have you tried to recreate the xorg files via the nvidia utility?07:42
gotwigditchwindows, which tool are you using to install onto USB key07:42
Sikgotwig: the only thing I have right now is the command line... :P07:42
gotwigSik, I know. There is something like nvidia-xconfig I guess07:42
ditchwindowsgotwig: Pen Drive linux or whichever - http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows07:43
ditchwindowsgotwig: whichever they suggested07:43
gotwigditchwindows, oh ok..07:43
gotwigditchwindows, you could have said that before that you use Windows to create the usb stick ;)07:43
Sikgotwig: Er, I'll check. Um, what was the shortcut to jump to the other terminals? Alt+F2+something, but can't remember the exact shortcut :S07:43
ditchwindowsgotwig: ahh i should've mentioned that hehe07:43
Sik...oh, just Alt+F2, nevermind07:44
gotwigditchwindows, ehm, how do you use the tool, do you select 13.04 from the list, or do you manually select it as an image? Do you know that there are also other tools out there (which you, however have to install)07:44
gotwigSik, CTRL+ALT+F [put tty number here]07:45
gotwige.g CTRL+ALT+F207:45
gotwigSik, you can also try commands like startx07:45
ditchwindowsgotwig: i use the drop down list - i select Ubuntu 13.04 Desktop amd64, then i find the ISO and select the location of the USB drive, then create.07:46
orangerobot"But Ubuntu links /bin/sh to dash! " <- i've just read this on a blog. wasn't bash ubuntu default shell?07:46
gotwigditchwindows, ok.. maybe you should download the image from the website, than select it . I can also recommend Linux Live USB Creator: http://www.linuxliveusb.com/07:46
Sikgotwig: checking the nvidia-xconfig help right now (and given X can't load at all, I doubt startx is going to help)07:46
ditchwindowsgotwig: i downloaded the image from the website, but ill also try the LiLiUSB07:47
gotwigorangerobot, yeah, its dash. strange07:48
gotwigditchwindows, thanks for your efforts :)07:48
SikOK going to try, if I log off this is me testing X (if I don't come back after a while assume I fixed this)07:48
randcan you just dd the iso image of Ubuntu onto a thumb drive and it will be bootable?07:49
Ben64rand: yes07:49
Sik...OK, nope, nvidia-xconfig didn't solve it07:49
randBen64, cool thanks07:49
Ben64Sik: whats the problem07:50
SikOh, um, fun, now the nvidia-xconfig thing prevents the Nvidia driver from loading at all, great07:50
SikBen64: "Screen(s) found, but none has a usable configuration" It was working fine before rebooting a few hours ago :/07:51
gotwigSik, http://alexsleat.co.uk/2011/03/04/how-to-fix-fatal-server-error-no-screens-found-ubuntu/?07:51
gotwigSik, http://alexsleat.co.uk/2011/03/04/how-to-fix-fatal-server-error-no-screens-found-ubuntu/ =)07:51
Ben64Sik: how did you install nvidia?07:51
SikBen64: through the additional driver screen, as usual :v It was working all fine before I rebooted, I guess some automatic update broke it07:52
Beetle559I've just had an incredibly frustrating six hours with secure boot. I took all the right steps but no matter what I did I couldn't get my brand new lenovo p500 to boot from usb or dvd. That was with Mint. I know Ubuntu has uefi support so hopefully I can get this piece of...hardware to work07:52
Sikgotwig: bit.ly that or something? I have to type it by hand and I'm on irssi07:52
gotwigSik, you can also try to just remove the xorg.conf file, so it maybe gets recreated..07:52
gotwigSik, yeah, sry07:52
Ben64you don't need an xorg.conf07:52
jarodvanderhi. is there an german speaking channel for ubuntu help?07:53
SikThat was the default before I ran nvidia-xconfig right now...07:53
Ben64!de | jarodvander07:53
ubottujarodvander: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!07:53
SikOK removing xorg.conf didn't fix anything07:54
gotwigSik, have you changed your monitor setup?07:54
SikI haven't touched anything, in fact07:54
SikWhich is why I assume some security update may have broken it (I have those set to install automatically)07:54
gotwigSik, well.. you can try dpkg-reconfigure packagename to reconfigure the relevant packages07:55
gotwigSik, does nivou* work with your graphics card?07:55
Ben64Sik: can you pastebin lsmod07:56
c3n9Is anyone here familiar with OpenVPN? :-)07:56
SikBen64: on terminal, I can't use the clipboard >.< gotwing: Nouveau? Never tried, but then again the issue seems to be with X itself, not with the driver.07:56
c3n9I'm having a problem with the DNS side of things, thus I can't web-browse when connected to mine (server is Ubuntu).07:56
Ben64Sik: lsmod | pastebinit07:57
jarodvanderhi again07:57
SikBen64: paste.ubuntu.com/576707807:58
Ben64Sik: do you have some sort of weird set up? like dual gpu or something07:59
jarodvanderI wanna activate applets in unity. have to go with "dconf" to "desktop-unity-panel" ... but there isn't an entry called "panel" ... any hints?07:59
SikNo. The most unusual I can think of is having the integrated sound chip and a discrete card, but nothing else07:59
jeevanusis there any package to search a particular file or directory?07:59
jeevanusi don't have the option with my filemanager08:00
SikYou could argue the hardware is old though (again: monitor is IBM G74, though it does seem to support EDID)08:00
Integratedstop saying integrated guys LOL08:00
Integratedi keep coming back here xD08:00
gotwigIntegrated, change your name and leave the country :D08:00
Integratedthis is the best name everr08:00
gotwigbecause its so much more integrated08:00
SikNot my fault you have the same name as some piece of hardware! :P08:01
gotwigcall yourself Integrated®©08:01
Integratedi was just browsing the web for a new mechanical keyboard08:02
ditchwindowsgotwig: hey mate, that USB creater worked well thanks!08:02
Mark___Integrated: lol08:02
jarodvandercan somebody help me please?08:02
Mark___We should get like more integrated circuits with everything.08:02
gotwigditchwindows, no problem :X have a nice weekend =)08:02
SikBase64: also you may want to ignore the "floppy" entry in that list... I outright disconnected the floppy drive XD (not like that should matter)08:02
Integratedi think people are doing it on purpose now...08:03
gotwigjarodvander, what do you exactly want to search , and where?08:03
gotwigjarodvander, have you tried gnome-search-utility08:03
jarodvandergotwig I wanna activate applets in unity. have to go with "dconf" to "desktop-unity-panel" ... but there isn't an entry called "panel" ... any hints?08:03
gotwigjarodvander, oh yeah right. Applets. What do you mean by that? The old legacies from gnome 2 ?08:04
jarodvanderis there any gui, to manage my applets an add this to the panel?08:04
jarodvanderadd them08:05
husnainlatifswitching OS08:07
gotwigjarodvander, there is no support for this08:07
gotwigjarodvander, I dont even know how to do it in 13.04 :/ But IMHO it was a good decision08:07
gotwigjarodvander, it seems there is a whitelist in dconf08:08
jarodvanderohm.. i successfully added sysmonitor to the panel, it works, but i want to have a gui, isn't it possible?08:09
jarodvanderyeah, but where i can find the whitelist?08:09
jarodvanderis there an file anywhere?08:09
gotwigjarodvander, some guys wrote on the internetz that the list is hardcoded08:09
ditchwindowsis it ideal to encrypt your home folder? - this just popped up when installing.08:09
gordonjcpditchwindows: probably not08:09
gordonjcpditchwindows: if you really, really don't want people poking through your files it can help08:10
gotwigditchwindows, when you lose the key, you lose all your data if you forget your password08:10
ditchwindowsgordonjcp: in before NSA? lol08:10
gordonjcpditchwindows: it makes things slower08:10
gordonjcpas gotwig if you forget the key your data is gone08:10
gordonjcpif you have any disk problems, your data is gone08:10
Mark___If you have any disk problems, just email backups@nsa.gov?08:11
gordonjcpwith an unencrypted partition you can usually get *something* back when your disk fails08:11
gotwigjarodvander, http://www.webupd8.org/2013/05/how-to-get-systray-whitelist-back-in.html08:11
ditchwindowsgordonjcp: hmm, i never tend to lose my password[s], what do you mean it makes things slower?08:12
jarodvandergotwig thx, i will look08:12
rigo88hi. if i installed the system with uefi, and i had to exchange the mainboard, than i have to reinstall the system? (the mainboard is just the same typ.)08:14
bekksrigo88: No.08:14
bekksrigo88: You should backup everything, thats "all".08:14
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
rigo88than do u have any idea why my system does not start? i have a secondary hdd what contains an "old" system. and that boots up, no matter that the ssd is set up as primary.08:15
rigo88dont have any clue whats wrong.08:15
bekksrigo88: uefi secure mode enabled.08:15
rigo88in the bios?08:15
weemannmy laptop has AMD 4200 graphic chip. Previous version Ubuntu run fine but latest i cannot use AMD graphic driver due to xorg update.08:15
gotwigrigo88, yeah, you can check it, if its enabled, in the bios08:15
weemannLaptop runs 15c cooler running proprietary AMD driver08:16
weemannare there any laptops that have removable graphics cards at a sensible price sub £400 ?08:18
rigo88im checking it. u mean the old board or in the new?08:19
bekksweemann: There arent even reasonable laprops with removable graphic cards at all.08:21
hotmedalI have a bcm4313 wifi card on my Lenovo G580, I can connect only to unsecured wifi networks. I'm using the "wl" drivers. brmcsmac is blacklisted. Any solutions?08:21
bekksweemann: unload wl, load brmcsmac08:21
spyderon running chroot /mnt/one /bin/bash in live cd i get this error08:21
spyderchroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error08:21
spyderhow do i correct it?08:21
hotmedalbekks: whoah is that for me?08:21
bekksspyder: You are using a 32bit live cd for chrooting into a 64bit environment, which is technically impossible.08:22
bekkshotmedal: yeah, sorry.08:22
rigo88i dont have such a thing.08:22
hotmedalbut using brmcsmac like I was before, I couldn't even see those networks08:22
rigo88gotwig: any ide? if the bios recognises the ssd than it is... definetely plugged in right?08:24
lvlingliWhen I upgrade my ubuntu to the latest release, I can't run my virtual machine by vbox.08:24
MonkeyDustlvlingli  yes, i did it08:24
lvlingliAnyone can help me?08:24
bekkslvlingli: Then reinstall the vbox kernel modules.08:24
gotwigrigo88, maybe the uefi partition is on the wrong disk..?08:24
bekkslvlingli: How to do so, is described in the vbox manual.08:24
MonkeyDustlvlingli  do you have virtual machines now, and you're afraid they'll be lost after upgrading?08:24
lvlinglibekks: THX,I 'll try.08:24
gotwigrigo88, do you know that there is a package called "bootrepair" which can help you to repair your boot setup?08:25
gotwigit works with uefi08:25
rigo88gotwig: like i saied everything is just the same. i pulled out the cables from the old board plugged them in to the new. in the same slots. :)08:25
rigo88ok. if my system does not start up how could i use that?08:25
rigo88live cd?08:25
lvlingliI can't run this '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'08:25
gotwigrigo88, yeah, something like that08:25
hotmedalrigo88: it's called boot-repair and it worked wonders for me08:25
bekkslvlingli: Then uninstall the ubuntu version of vbox and install the official vbox version from the official website. you will not lose any vms.08:26
gotwigrigo88, I think you are just missing the right UEFI boot entry08:26
rigo88can it be damaged somehow?08:26
gotwigrigo88, you can find it out for your own, and add it as an entry in the BIOS... but that is kind of some work08:26
lvlinglibekks: OK08:27
lvlinglibekks: thanks08:27
gotwigrigo88, I dont think so ... :O08:27
gotwigrigo88, do you know how uefi works?08:27
hotmedalbekks: any ideas for my wifi problem?08:27
rigo88i started up the system tomorrow morning, the board just came, i shut down the system, put in the new board and it does not work now.08:27
rigo88gotwig: actually no. i dont.08:27
rigo88but im interested :D08:27
gotwigrigo88, and that is why ubuntu is awesome...08:28
bekkshotmedal: No, sorry.08:28
gotwigunder other systems its such a mess to setup uefi ...08:28
Beetle559I've been having uefi nightmares all night08:28
gotwigrigo88, basicly there is a EFI partition (typically formated as a FAT32 partition with 200 MB of space), which hols different .efi files and such. You start a .efi file from uefi, and that boots the system. You would have to find the right .efi file, and add it as a UEFI boot entry to the bios08:29
Beetle559Gave up on mint in the end and hoping for success with ubuntu08:29
gotwigyou can only start .efi files from UEFI.08:29
MonkeyDustBeetle559  yes, uefi is a pain08:29
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI08:29
praveenhi all..!!! one of my front audio jack  in ubuntu (the right one only)  is working but the left one is not. i have already installed gnome alsa mixer. please help.08:29
gotwigthe funny thing is, that UEFI still calls the setup of the motherboard "BIOS"08:30
gotwigits more a replacement for MBR I guess, instead of BIOS08:30
gotwigthere still is a bios...08:30
bekksgotwig: Because that point is configuring the basic input/output system ;)08:30
bekksthe MBR exists with UEFI too, since the MBR is the first sector of a harddisk.08:31
gotwigif there would be only UEFI... the world would go down =)08:31
gotwigbekks, ok...08:31
gordonjcpUEFI rocks08:31
gordonjcpBIOSes need to die08:31
gotwigrigo88, so, you can try boot-repair (which I believe adds a UEFI entry) or add the entry for your own08:31
Beetle559I enabled legacy, enabled boot from usb, i created a livedvd, I did everything I should + or - 2352352345 Google searches. Ended up in the fetal position rocking myself crying "Why God, why"?08:31
gordonjcpthey were crap 30 years ago and they're crap now08:31
Beetle559That's uefi08:31
gotwiggordonjcp, -..- play somewhere else08:31
gotwigBeetle559, which PC do you got08:32
gordonjcpgotwig: you're fairly new to this whole PC thing, aren't you?08:32
Beetle559lenovo p500 win8 preinstalled08:32
gotwigBeetle559, I think your problem is, that you want it to work, but you dont know how UEFI works08:32
gotwigbecause just MBR was much more easy.08:32
gordonjcpotherwise you'd realise what a shambles the PC BIOS is08:32
gordonjcpoh, sorry, this is not #u-ot08:33
hotmedalBeetle559: I, on the other hand ran boot-repair from the ubuntu liveUSB and solved everything08:33
gotwigBeetle559, at least for my system, I had to do a BIOS firmware upgrade. in the normal firmware which ships with the PC, there was UEFI, which couldnt boot anything different than win8 ...  I found that out at 2 AM in the morning.08:33
gotwigZenbook UX32VD here08:33
rigo88i.c. i check after.08:33
Beetle559Sorry, that was trying to install Mint. I'm downloading ubuntu now08:33
gordonjcpgotwig: buggy UEFI?08:33
hotmedalBeetle559: good luck :D08:34
gordonjcpgotwig: on PC hardware there is no restriction on what UEFI can boot08:34
gotwiggordonjcp, I dont know. Nowadays vendors ship all the time corrupt software, and later do patches to fix the most general things.08:34
SeanHosie54does any one know if you can remove the encryption password on the installation ?08:35
gotwigBeetle559, you need to know how it works, if you want to work with it. So easy.08:35
shadejhey guys08:35
shadejhow do i add rewrite_modulte on apache2 after installation?08:35
gordonjcpgotwig: I guess a PC manufacturer *could* sell a PC without the ability to disable booting non-Windows OSes, but that's possible with the BIOS too08:35
gordonjcpgotwig: IBM tried that about 20 years ago and it nearly sunk them08:35
Beetle559I'm hoping it will be easy with ubuntu. Mint doesn't have much uefi support08:35
gotwiggordonjcp, btw. I am not talking about secure boot here.08:36
gotwigmaybe, there just was no way to boot UEFI via USB08:36
gotwigBeetle559, how do you know that. Its basicly the same08:36
gordonjcpgotwig: aha, no08:37
gordonjcpgotwig: you load a UEFI boot loader and the ISO on to your USB stick, same as you do for a Mac08:37
Beetle559Still, it didn't seem right. I couldn't find an example of anyone else with the same problem. Others have enabled legacy mode and booted from usb/dvd no problem.08:37
gordonjcpgotwig: dead easy08:37
gotwiggordonjcp, ? I dont know whats the context08:37
gordonjcpgotwig: booting UEFI-only hardware from USB08:38
gotwigBeetle559, have you tried to use a new firmware?08:38
Beetle559Did an MD5 check, the file was okay. Double checked with MagicISO, the file was bootable.08:38
gotwiggordonjcp, I told you that my firmware wasnt able to do it.08:38
Beetle559New firmware will be next08:38
bekks"uefi only" doesnt say anything about "secure mode enabled/disabled" at all.08:38
hotmedalQuestion: why is wifi on ubuntu so damned buggy?08:38
bekkshotmedal: Because its not.08:39
=== BJfreeman is now known as Guest22222
gotwighotmedal, because NetworkManager is kind of bad implemented08:39
bekkshotmedal: Did you follow the wiki page to get your chipset running?08:39
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
hotmedalbekks: I always manage to run into trouble with it08:39
hotmedalbekks: which one?08:39
tr0njust disable then re enable wireless08:39
gotwighotmedal, funny that you ask him for the wiki page for your chipset08:40
thesignalhi, i just noticed a mistake on the ubuntu website where i can download an iso file08:40
Beetle559Do you lose your secure boot signatures if you "flash bios" (or uefi equivalent)?08:40
thesignalwho should i talk to, reporting this?08:40
hotmedalgotwig: it's a bcm4313, I already said. And I also told him about the steps I have taken to make the networks appear. But I cnnot connect to secure networks08:40
gotwigBeetle559, no way.08:41
gotwigBeetle559, nowadays Windows 8 serials are integrated into UEFI, you no longer get a key code08:41
bekks!b43 | hotmedal08:41
ubottuhotmedal: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:41
Beetle559So I can update the 'bios' and and won't lose access to win8?08:41
=== deadbot is now known as thesignal
gotwigBeetle559, do you know what a UEFI boot entry is..?08:42
gotwigI think I better go to launch..08:42
hotmedalbekks thanks, I folowed steps in forums08:42
gordonjcpoh great, apt has got itself in a knot *again*08:42
gordonjcpE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).08:42
gotwiggordonjcp, whats the problem08:43
azi`hm.. is there a way to make pipes in paralel? as in foo | bar making foo and bar run as parallel processes?08:43
gordonjcpso, run that, it wants to download and install 121MB of packages08:43
gordonjcpI don't want it to do that though, I want it to uninstall a bunch of stuff08:43
gotwiggordonjcp, lol ^^08:43
Beetle559I'm still stuck in bios think. Is "updating the firmware" analagous to flashing bios?08:43
gordonjcpgotwig: nuke and pave time08:44
thesignalI want to report a problem on the ubuntu-website, who should i talk to, to report the issue?08:44
gotwigBeetle559, To boot windows, you just need the right boot entry08:44
elixirHi, I use Ununtu 12.10 and more often these days, my mouse stops working all of a sudde, any help please, I am not able to fix this.08:44
gotwigBeetle559, all BIOS/UEFI stuff is typically integrated into the BIOS/UEFi thing, or into the UEFI System Partition08:44
=== life is now known as Guest87109
gotwigBeetle559, a boot entry consists of a name for the entry, the device its for, and the path to the right .efi file08:44
icerootthesignal: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+filebug08:44
bekksazi`: a pipe always runs in parallel.08:45
gotwigBeetle559, I dont think that a firmware upgrade is going to delete you the entry, and the system partition08:45
randElixir, wireless mouse? check the batteries?08:45
Beetle559Wait. UEFI software is stored on the hdd?08:45
gotwigBeetle559, Yes it is is stored even on a partition, unlike MBR/BIOS08:45
elixirrand: no, the cursor of mouse, Mousepad nt working08:45
gotwigBeetle559, typically its the first partition on the hdd, its formated as fat3208:45
gotwig(for uefi windows 8 vendor dudes)08:46
thesignaliceroot: ty08:46
gotwigunder macs its formated as HFS+08:46
elixirrand: even right now its fixed at a point on my screen, I've to work with keyboard only08:46
elixirrand: this problem does't occur on Windows08:46
gotwigBeetle559, now, every bootloader should in best case create a directory for his own bootloader, place the relevant .efi files there, and than add a boot entry to UEFI. Thats it.08:46
randelixir, so it's a laptop?08:46
gotwigBeetle559, The path for the ubuntu .efi file is known. You can try to do the boot entry for your own, if your BIOS allows to add bootentries08:47
SikOK, so, still clueless with my problem. Anybody here who can help me? X complains that no screens have an usable configuration :/ Worked fine until I rebooted some hours ago. And no, I didn't change the hardware setup, nor do I have anything unusual there. Monitor: IBM G74. Video: GeForce 7300 GS. Using Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit.08:47
gotwigBeetle559, its a path something like "EFI\UBUNTU\herecomestheefifile.efi08:47
elixirrand: yes08:47
gotwigBeetle559, if you want, I can tell you the proper path08:48
Beetle559Great info gotwig. TIL08:48
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ditchwindowsi just installed Ubuntu 13.04 on my second pc and it's acting REAL slow08:48
gotwigditchwindows, which graphics cards are you using, Sir?08:49
tr0ntry a diverative like linbutu08:49
ditchwindowsgotwig: Nvidia 6150 onboard08:49
Beetle559I'm still downloading ubuntu, my problems were with mint wich has no uefi support right now. Further, why I couldn't boot from legacy mode is still a mystery to me.08:49
Sikditchwindows: ...disable compositing if you can08:49
gotwigBeetle559, the full path for a 64 bit ubuntu should be the following: "EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi"08:50
rigo88i cant apt-get install boot-repair08:50
gotwigBeetle559, you need to select the right harddisk at the BIOS as well08:50
gotwigrigo88, have you read my text?08:50
tr0nu use sudo rig?08:50
ditchwindowsSik:  okay, ill give that a try08:51
rigo88im root..08:51
rigo88gotwig: i think.. :)08:51
gotwigrigo88, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair08:51
Elegantfuck you?08:51
randElixir, I have no idea wish I could help08:52
gotwigElegant, watch out dude o.0 there are kids everywhere08:52
* gotwig asks himself why he has to google everything together.08:52
Beetle559thanks gotwig, I'm copying all this down and getting a better grasp of uefi. I'll make my own boot entry for science. I may as well accept uefi is going to be around for a while08:53
rigo88ohci_hcd hc died08:53
rigo88whats this... :D08:53
EMPHASIS_Some people have no idea of propriety.08:53
rigo88should i send back the board where it came from?08:53
gotwigBeetle559, it basicly is not that easy :/ If you know where the .efi file is08:54
gotwig*dont know ;D08:54
gotwigthere is no file browser in BIOS :( thats so sad08:54
Beetle559Learning that it's all stored on the hdd and not it's own chip helped a lot08:54
Sikditchwindows: if I recall correctly there was a driver regression at some point that made compositing horribly slow (happened to me), so the non-compositing shells turned out to be faster. That's why I mentioned it. Nvidia's fault :/08:54
elixirrand: just found the solution here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/66907/touchpad-not-working-on-msi-u130-after-login-in , thanks for concern ;-)08:55
gotwigBeetle559, yeah.. like I said Fat32 for windows 8 vendors, hfs+ for mac os x (lol, I am a hackintosh dude ^^)08:55
Beetle559That makes updating a lot easier anyway08:55
MonkeyDustgotwig  you have to google it, because you're not yet familiar with it08:55
gotwigMonkeyDust, no, because I know what I need.. but not exactly08:55
gotwigmy brain is very bad at saving info I dont regulary need08:56
gotwigbut who cares :O08:56
=== gotwig is now known as gotwig-afk
ditchwindowsSik:  where would i begin to disable it? i've tried gconftool-2 -s --type bool /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager false08:57
Sikditchwindows: in the login screen, just choose another shell there08:59
SikNot all the shells use compositing09:00
=== marlinc|away is now known as marlinc
ditchwindowsSik: im at the login screen right now, i have my user name top left, password login, guest, remote login, top right corner onscreen keyboard, internet connections, volume, clock, suspend, shutdown, reset - i don't see anything about the shell selection09:02
rigo88well i found the efi file... but it is binary.09:02
opasnostI've been having a problem with facebook ubuntu is not able to gain access09:02
Sikditchwindows: check the buttons, one of them chooses the shell for the current session (and no, I don't think it has a name)09:03
Sikditchwindows: oh right, select your user, then when it prompts the password there it lets you choose the shell09:03
rigo88ill try with live cd if i come back. now i have to go thanks for the support!09:04
ditchwindowsSik: oy vey, lol i don't even see that even when i select it.. fml lol - i swear!09:05
Sikditchwindows: if I could look I'd try to help, but I'm not even using the default login screen :/ (and I'm stuck with the terminal right now because X refuses to boot, so that won't help)09:06
Sikditchwindows: look next to the button that lets you select the keyboard layout and such? Otherwise at a corner of the login prompt... Otherwise no idea, I can't tell what's in your login screen x_x; It should be somewhere there though, I swear. Otherwise you can't change shells.09:07
dementeddemigodSik/ditchwindows. I'm running 13.04 and I don't think the option to change shells is on the screen anymore :( I just tried in a VM and it down't stand out where it used to be09:09
dementeddemigod* used to be there so you could change between unity 2/3d from memory09:09
opasnostlooks like all I had to do was log out of facebook in my web browser completely . Then go through with the log in through Facebook09:10
kostkon_dementeddemigod: it now appears only when youve installed additional DEs09:11
SikSo basically dementeddemigod needs to install the other shells?09:11
dementeddemigodkoston: cheers, nice to know09:11
SikWell, at least that makes more sense09:12
dementeddemigod* make that kostkon_ ;)09:12
praveenhi all..!!! one of my front audio jack in ubuntu (the right one only) is working but the left one is not. i have already installed gnome alsa mixer. please help.09:22
SikWell, since my problem still is not solved: what can make X sudden of all decide that the screen is not usable? I didn't change the hardware nor the drivers and they had worked just fine until today. Any ideas?09:23
dementeddemigodSik: sorry got nothing. I had it happen to me in 11.04/11.10 (can't remember which) and never resolved it. Ended up re-installing :(09:26
ditchwindowsSik:  is it possible to Disable compiz using compiz config manager?09:27
SikNever tried09:27
ditchwindowsSik: is it the Unity?09:28
SikAlso with 11.x the issue I had was compositing would make the shell hang, rather than just slow down... Another reason why I never enable compositing -_-'09:28
SikNever used Unity, sticking to GNOME09:28
ditchwindowsSik: me neither lol09:28
SikBut basically the only fix is sticking to the non-accelerated shells :/09:29
ditchwindowsSik: i personally prefered GNOME over unity.09:29
SikAlso ugh, I'd rather not have to reinstall Ubuntu -_-' (and moreover, first of all figure out why X may stop working sudden of all - I wonder if some update outright made it incompatible with my monitor, in which case I'm completely screwed)09:30
MonkeyDustditchwindows  unity is a shell over gnome, you probably mean gnome209:30
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MonkeyDustGuest77746  it works, you're in09:31
SikMonkeyDust: I said GNOME :P But yeah, though there's also GNOME3, which is why I didn't say a number09:31
ditchwindowsMonkeyDust: i've never had to experience the unity crap, and persoanlly i hate it  already lol09:31
SikDoes anybody know if Ubuntu dropped support for some kinds of monitors?09:32
ditchwindowsawesome disabled Unity to default, now when i rebooted there is NOTHING LOL just desktop.. :(09:32
ditchwindowsso.. 13.04 is lame, can't change shells and such from what i can see09:33
Ben64ditchwindows: yes you can, and what do you mean by "shells"09:34
bekksditchwindows: You can change user login shells as you like in every ubuntu.09:34
SikBen64: do you still have that link you sent me earlier? (shortened please, I need to type it by hand and IRC advances too fast)09:35
ditchwindowswell its a secret on this version cause its hiding on me09:35
Sikditchwindows: I wonder if it uninstalled all other shells >.>'09:35
Ben64Sik: i didn't send you one09:35
k1lditchwindows: are you done with your unity rants?09:35
bekksditchwindows: Define "its" and please state what you actually want to do.09:35
ditchwindowsim running Nvidia 6150 onboard, and its lagging tits09:35
SikOK who did then?09:35
Ben64Sik: if you know anything the url contained i can search my logs for it09:35
SikYeah, why X stopped working on Ubuntu09:36
Ben64Sik: i mean like a phrase or something that was in the url09:36
ditchwindowsk1l: i've ran ubuntu with earlier versions, i was able to change the shell or whatever it's called, but with this one i can't.09:36
SikAck, don't remember the exact phrase, it was from Ubuntu's own site though :X09:36
Ben64ditchwindows: ask a question instead of ranting and you might be able to get an answer09:36
k1lditchwindows: which shell?09:36
bekksditchwindows: You can always change a user login shell. As you can change your desktop environment.09:36
Aceis there any feedback on installing eclipse latest version on Ubuntu 13.04 ?09:37
Ben64<Sik> Ben64: do you still have that link you sent me earlier? (shortened please, I need to type it by hand and IRC advances t09:37
k1lditchwindows: what do you want to achieve?09:37
ditchwindowsanything that wont lag09:37
Ben64uh... wrong paste... Jun 15 2013 00:51:38 <gotwig>Sik, http://alexsleat.co.uk/2011/03/04/how-to-fix-fatal-server-error-no-screens-found-ubuntu/09:37
k1lditchwindows: you mean you want another desktop?09:37
ditchwindowsi just want to use ubuntu without it lagging, that's all09:37
MonkeyDustditchwindows  lxde and xfce are fast and popular09:37
ditchwindowslike when you're navigating it's VERY SLOW, but once your in an application and such it works fine09:38
MonkeyDustditchwindows  http://i.imgur.com/3N5f6.jpg09:38
SikOK managed to copy it somehow XD09:38
k1lditchwindows: so install lubuntu-desktop or the xubuntu-desktop09:38
ditchwindowsGnome2 would be ideal09:38
MonkeyDustditchwindows  fallback-session is very similar to gnome209:39
k1lgnome2 is dead, ditchwindows09:39
k1lyou should have gotten the memo09:39
ditchwindowsk1l: why's that?09:40
k1lditchwindows: ask gnome why they stopped with it.09:40
SikDamn, the backup xorg.conf is broken too :(09:40
SikEr failsafe09:40
Ben64Sik: what version ubuntu?09:40
Sik12.04 64-bit09:41
Sik(yes, the LTS one :P)09:41
dementeddemigodditchwindows: there is a gnome DE installable directly from ubuntu software centre. I presume it's v309:41
Ben64Sik: are you on another computer right now, or what?09:41
dementeddemigodditchwindows: you've probably already answered this but, what version are you running and how much RAM do you have?09:42
ditchwindowsdementeddemigod: Ubuntu 13.04 - 64bit, 4GB09:42
SikBen64: on this one! Stuck with the terminal :(09:42
dementeddemigodlol, fair enough09:42
dementeddemigodnot a memory issue then. I've only had unity crawl when it's been in a VM with way too little memory09:43
SikThat's also why I can't copypaste links and see images :/09:43
Ben64dementeddemigod: rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf to something else, then do "sudo service lightdm start"09:43
Sik(also that this is the only system in the entire house connected to internet is not helping)09:43
Ben64wrong tab, sorry dementeddemigod09:43
Ben64Sik: that one's for you09:43
dementeddemigodBen64, no worries ;) I'm running 3 different 13.04 boxes and don't have any DE problems ;)09:44
ditchwindowsEXFCE doesn't look too shabby, if it will work with my current system09:44
Ben64xfce works with everything09:44
SikBen64: erm... and then? (startx still fails, mind you)09:44
statlditchwindows: If gnome 2 is ideal for you, take a look at mate.09:44
Ben64Sik: startx isn't the right way to start x, don't listen to it's name09:45
Ben64mate isn't supported here09:45
SikWell I'm using it to tell if X is even able to boot at all09:45
SikIt keeps throwing out the same error09:45
Ben64thats not really a reliable test09:45
Ben64sudo service lightdm start09:45
SikAlready did09:45
Ben64thats the correct way09:45
statlBen64: But we can at least tell him about its existence?09:45
SikStuck at after starting MIDI emulation09:46
Ben64gnome 2 is dead. just let it die09:46
k1lstatl: which doesnt help him, because he wopnt get help in here with it09:46
SikGNOME Classic is GNOME3 behaving like GNOME2, right?09:46
k1lSik: yes, but its not the full old behaviour. some parts like configuration of the panel are missing09:47
SikBut it's similar in use :|09:47
SikThe only serious change I noticed was the system settings being moved elsewhere09:48
k1li see most people complaining because its not a full gnome2 desktop. i suggest to use xfce instead09:48
statlk1l: aye09:48
xwalkWould anyone know how to use these color codes in the PS1 variable? I think I've tried every wrong way and can't seem to find the right way syntax-wise or otherwise. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizingBashPrompt09:48
martin__hi. Please help me with pulseaudio. I've great problems with skype. Echo on microphone input (headset) and the output is fixed to HDMI! I cannot change it to the headset!09:49
energizerI noticed some network usage on my indicator, ran nethogs, and it told me that in addition to dropbox, chrome, etc, this program was running: "20.27:22-"09:49
xwalkI don't really understand expansion in bash even though I've read on it a lot and I think that's the reason I'm having problems.09:49
energizerwhat is that?09:49
ditchwindowssorry brb09:49
Sikmartin__: I'm not sure Skype uses PulseAudio, I think it's talking to ALSA directly *sigh* (does somebody know for sure?)09:49
bekksenergizer: Thats no program at all. Looks like a malformed IP address.09:49
energizerbekks it appears in the PROGRAM column of nethogs, though without a DEV like eth009:50
martin__Sik: I'm using skype version 4.2 which talks to pulseaudio directly09:51
dementeddemigodenergizer: run "netstat -plantu" to see all your open network connections. It will tell you each of the processes (by name) that are connected or waiting. Then you can do some research on each one09:51
bekksenergizer: Can you upload a screenshot of that output somewhere?09:52
energizerlooks like it disappeared and the network activity dropped...09:53
bekksenergizer: I guess it was just some malformed output of nethogs.09:54
Sikmartin__: OK :S I just know that Skype is doing something weird because it constantly messes up the sound of all other programs09:54
energizeraite thanks bekks09:54
SikBen64: what was that command you told me to run actually do...09:55
SikAlt+F8 shows an empty screen09:56
bekksSik: On tty8, usually, there is nothing.09:56
Siktty7 has a wall of text09:57
bekksSik: The "normal" x server runs on tty7, reachable with alt+f709:57
Ben64Sik: starts up the gui stuffs09:57
SikAlt+F7 should send me to the GUI?09:57
SikNope :/09:58
SikI just get the wall of text from when Ubuntu boots09:58
bekksalt+f7 doesnt start up anything. It changes the tty to be displayed.09:58
Ben64something is messed up pretty good09:58
dementeddemigodSik: whats the last few lines about?09:58
bekksIf the X server isnt running, there is nothing to display.09:58
SikEr... OpenArena and Timidity09:58
Sikbekks: X complains that the screen is not usable09:59
bekksSik: So the X server isnt running.09:59
Ben64did you rename the xorg.conf09:59
SikBen64: removed, used nvidia-xconfig, used the failsafe, neither thing worked so far09:59
SikIt looks like X is decided to reject my monitor09:59
Ben64which video card, and which driver?09:59
SikGeForce 7300GS, Nvidia 304.8810:00
Ben64ok, 304 is the latest that supports that card10:00
SikBen64: there are several 304.xx drivers10:01
Noskcajis there a planet ubuntu challenge10:01
SikBut in any case it was working just fine until today :|10:01
M-WiGBoldGood afternoon10:01
M-WiGBoldis their anybody who knows how to use pidgin together with the TOR network?10:02
bekks!broadcom > bekks10:02
ubottubekks, please see my private message10:02
Ben64Sik: do you see any nvidia stuff if you type "ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/dkms"10:03
Siknvidia_current_updates.ko nvidia_experimental_304.ko10:03
SikBen64: if this helps, even when forcing Ubuntu to boot with the VESA driver X *still* refuses to work...10:04
Esokrateshi, does anyone know if google hangout plugin is open source? Because I have read so, but never found the code :(10:04
Ben64Sik: grep -i nv /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist*10:05
eltigreHey, stupid question: if I have /dev/usb0, what command do I need to stream the input from that into a file?10:06
Sik/etc/modprobe.b/blacklist-framebuffer.conf:blacklist nvidiafb <newline> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-local.conf:blacklist nvidia_17310:06
eltigre/dev/ttyUSB0 actually10:06
dementeddemigodeltigre: cat /dev/ttyUSB0 > filename10:07
bekkseltigre: You can do so using cat, minicom, etc.10:07
dementeddemigodeltigre: note the ">" means you OVERWRITE the file if there is anything in it already10:08
Ben64Sik: ok... run sudo nvidia-xconfig again and pastebin the config it creates10:09
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bekks!rootirc | Guest4206110:10
ubottuGuest42061: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.10:10
Guest41711hey all, I'm having a problem with installing gdm themes.  I've tried using gnome-tweak-tool, ubuntu-tweak-tool, and nothing works.  I tried going to system->preferences->login window and there is nothing of the sort there.  Am I missing something?10:10
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bekksGuest41711: That rootirc paste was for you.10:11
Sikjcporter you mean...10:11
SikBen64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/576734010:11
Ben64Sik: and that doesn't work? (try the lightdm thing)10:13
Sik...wait a second, is it me or did nvidia-xconfig generate something different this time?10:13
jcporterSo what am I missing?10:13
Sik(33Hz horizontal refresh rate sounds like it can't get to 1024x768...)10:13
Ben64Sik: whats the resolution of the monitor10:14
SikCRT! :P10:14
SikI use 1024x768 but it can do higher10:14
SikVESA mode tries to force 1280x1024 :v10:15
hotmedalI have a bcm4313, I cannot connect to secure wifi connections using the wl driver and I can't see any connections using the brcmsmac driver.10:17
hotmedalbekks: I rtfm, still no luck10:17
SikNow not even the Nvidia driver wants to boot10:18
SikEither that or I did so much stuff in this session that processes are fighting over each other10:18
Ben64Sik: try replacing these two sections of the xorg config with these http://pastebin.com/6jnLxqD610:19
Ben64Sik: and what do you mean nvidia driver ... boot10:20
SikBen64: looked at Xorg.0.log, now the Nvidia driver aborts :/10:20
MonkeyDust!bcm | hotmedal is this useful10:20
ubottuhotmedal is this useful: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:20
hotmedalthat's what I read10:20
Ben64Sik: with what error10:20
Sik"Failing initialization of X screen 0"10:21
Ben64well try my xorg.conf modifications10:21
hotmedalMonkeyDust: the only thing I haven't tried is the ndiswrapper. I don't want to try it, the other drivers should work.10:22
Ben64hotmedal: you could always try getting a different wireless card : /10:22
hotmedalBen64: but this is a new laptop, I don't want to butcher it10:22
MonkeyDusthotmedal  i don't use wifi myself, but you should also explore rfkill10:23
Ben64hotmedal: usb wireless?10:23
SikBen64: will take a while, I have to copy by hand -_-'10:23
Ben64Sik: wget!10:24
hotmedalBen64: I'm hoping for a software solution10:24
Ben64hotmedal: its not a very supported chip, blame broadcom10:24
SikBen64: do I need to copy all the ModeLines? '-'10:24
hotmedalBen64: lol, true10:25
Ben64Sik: you can remove some, but you have to remove them on the lower section too10:25
SikTwo sections? Ow10:25
MonkeyDust!info rfkill | hotmedal10:25
ubottuhotmedal: rfkill (source: rfkill): tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4-2ubuntu1 (raring), package size 8 kB, installed size 63 kB10:25
Esokrateshotmedal: usually if things don't work out of the box in ubuntu  (at least in terms of wifi drivers) this is not a good sign10:26
hotmedalMonkeyDust: yeah, it says everything is unblocked10:26
hotmedalEsokrates: umm, well of course not. What's your point?10:26
Esokrateshotmedal: us10:27
Esokrateshotmedal: sry ... that was by mistake ....10:27
hotmedalKaidelong: hi there10:27
Kaidelonghello hotmedal, long time no see, you can PM me if you want to talk, this is not really the place for that (or head to #haskell-blah)10:28
hotmedalKaidelong: yeah, I'm just strugling with my wifi card atm10:29
SikBen64: there's an Options "DMPS" here10:32
SikWhat do I do?10:32
Ben64leave it, or take it away, shouldn't affect anything10:32
z3n0psI installed the Transitional package for driver management GUI , but where can i find it ?10:34
SikBen64: what now?10:35
SikAlso is it OK to up the Gamma? (screen is a bit dark >.>)10:35
Ben64well see if you can even get a gui up first10:36
SikOK how?10:36
Siklightdm again?10:36
Ben64stop it first, then start it10:36
k1lz3n0ps: which ubuntu exactly?10:36
Sik...how do I stop it10:36
Ben64sudo service lightdm stop10:36
SikThrows me an error10:36
SikI guess lightdm wasn't even starting up10:36
k1lSik: sudo service lightdm stop #but this will kill the desktop with all programs10:37
z3n0psubuntu 12.04?10:37
Sikk1l: I can't even start X10:37
Ben64k1l: there is no desktop, thats the problem10:37
SikOK I'll start it then10:37
k1ldont try to startx start the lightdm. startx will cause root issues when starting with the correct lightdm afterwards10:37
SikAaaaaaaaaand same as before10:38
Ben64k1l: so is that part of the problem now? he did startx before10:38
Ben64i haven't had x problems for years10:38
SikAnd startx promptly failed10:38
SikI don't think X is running at all10:38
k1lBen64: it could be. depends on the errors that appear10:39
SikThen again I issued so many commands I should probably reboot *anyway*10:39
bekksSik: startx failing is expected, since the correct way to start X is using lightdm.10:39
Sikk1l: X refuses to boot, it claims the screen doesn't have an usable configuration10:39
SikUgh, I'll just reboot and try again with this Xorg.conf10:39
SikIf I don't return in a while, it got fixed10:39
k1lif the driver doesnt find the right resolution try to set up a proper xorg.conf10:40
z3n0psk1l , Ubuntu 12.0410:41
k1lz3n0ps: that should have a driver option in the system settings overview. since 12.10 its in the software-sources section, iirc10:41
lotuspsychjeBen64: ive had few users last night having issues with X after updates and reboot, max res 1024x76810:42
sikWell... that didn't do anything :|10:43
z3n0psk1l, can't find it there.10:43
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z3n0psHow do I install BCM43142 wireless drivers , i have i686 arch ?10:45
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:46
k1lz3n0ps: ^10:46
raven_traffic bonding: who has done that already? upstream to one device, downstream from another10:46
sikShould I just get the minimal installer and try to install 13.04?10:47
sik(and then hope that works)10:47
lotuspsychjesik: did you check your additional drivers?10:48
siklotuspsychje: I'm stuck with the terminal!10:49
z3n0psmy Chip id is not displayed there ?10:49
lotuspsychjesik: did you try failsafeX from grub recovermode?10:49
sikAnd nvidia-xconfig10:49
sikAnd custom Xorg.conf10:49
sikAnd no Xorg.conf10:49
sikNothing works10:49
FloodBot1sik: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:49
lotuspsychjesik: did that happen to youy after an update?10:50
bekks!enter | sik10:50
ubottusik: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:50
hotmedalz3n0ps: you need the bcmwl-kernel-source10:50
BluesKajHowdy all10:50
siklotuspsychje: no, suddenly earlier today after a reboot. Unless a security update broke it, I suppose (those install automatically).10:50
lotuspsychjesik: i had few users with same issues last night having this prob after a reboot/update10:51
arminhi, the "disable while typing" option in the touchpad preferences has no effect on my setup. anyone else experiencing this?10:51
z3n0pshotmedal, I did the sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source10:51
lotuspsychjesik: anything usefull to see in your logs?10:51
hotmedalz3n0ps: if that didn't help you thwn you and I are in the same boat.10:52
ditchwindowsfixed my issue with the lagging with unity, thank god for gnome-session fallback!10:52
hotmedalI have a 4313, doesn't work10:52
z3n0psI got couple of errors :- ERROR: Module b43 does not exist in /proc/modules10:52
z3n0psERROR: Module b43legacy does not exist in /proc/modules10:52
z3n0psERROR: Module ssb does not exist in /proc/modules10:52
z3n0psERROR: Module bcm43xx does not exist in /proc/modules10:52
z3n0psERROR: Module brcm80211 does not exist in /proc/modules10:52
z3n0psERROR: Module brcmfmac does not exist in /proc/modules10:52
z3n0psERROR: Module brcmsmac does not exist in /proc/modules10:52
z3n0psERROR: Module bcma does not exist in /proc/modules10:52
FloodBot1z3n0ps: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:52
dementeddemigodditchwindows: how did you access it?10:52
ditchwindowssik: 13.04 never had the shell DE to change, i had to install gnome-session-fallback then it added the option to the login screen.10:53
siklotuspsychje: could have been a security update that broke it...10:53
siklotuspsychje: it says that the screen doesn't have an usable configuration so it refuses to use that (and since it's the only monitor it won't boot X afterwards)10:53
sikUgh, so not installed by default? ._.'10:53
ditchwindowsz3n0ps: please use http://paste.ubuntu.com/  for your error spam10:53
connetccunity ........... you will scream............if you have a few browser window open10:53
bekkshotmedal: The 4313 works fine. What exactly did you do, and what "doesnt work" in detail?10:53
lotuspsychjesik: maybe xrandr can help?10:53
ditchwindowsz3n0ps: sorry, floodbot beat me to it! haha10:53
connetccyou just can't navigate to each windows easily10:53
siklotuspsychje: how?10:53
ditchwindowsdementeddemigod: 13.04 never had the shell DE to change, i had to install gnome-session-fallback then it added the option to the login screen.10:53
lotuspsychje!xrandr | sik10:53
ubottusik: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1210:53
hotmedalbekks: I tried wl, it shows me the connections and I can connect to open networks, but not secured ones10:54
lotuspsychjesik: not sure if this will work10:54
siklotuspsychje: ...I mean what do I do with it >.>'10:54
ditchwindowssik: nope, apparently they took it out ; http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/04/no-unity-here-enable-classic-gnome-in-ubuntu-13-04/ was a useful link10:54
z3n0psWhat should i do  to install my wireless driver ? I tried everything ?10:54
hotmedalbcmsmac doesn't show anything10:54
connetccwhy ubuntu come with the default "remote login " and " guest login" ?10:54
bekkshotmedal: Doesnt show - when doing what?10:54
lotuspsychjesik: maybe adding the resolution you need10:54
connetccit's mind blowing10:54
moose-machinehi. i am thinking of buying the Microsoft Surface Pro. Does anyone know if I will be able to dual boot it with Ubuntu? It is really important for me else I won't buy.10:54
hotmedalin the dropdown menu of the tray after I modprobe it10:55
MonkeyDustconnetcc  to improve the remote login experience10:55
lotuspsychjemoose-machine: what does that program do?10:55
siklotuspsychje: that's what I did with the custom Xorg.conf, the problem is that it outright won't even try the screen, period (and the Nvidia driver uses XRandR). Also X refuses to boot with the VESA driver too.10:55
hotmedalit does recognize the chip and allows me to soft on or off the wifi10:55
the_eye_I need to see ram speed from terminal. No root user. Any help ?10:55
hotmedalbekks: this is bcmsmac that I'm talking about10:56
bekksthe_eye_: Without root user - no chance.10:56
lotuspsychjesik: how about booting into previous kernel to fix current issue10:56
dementeddemigodmoose-machine: can't say for sure, but since there is now secure uefi support for linux boot it "should"10:56
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moose-machinelotuspsychje: it is the Microsoft tablet10:56
bekkshotmedal: "doesnt recognize the chip" - how do you see that it doesnt do that?10:56
raven_traffic bonding: who has done that already? upstream to one device, downstream from another10:56
moose-machinelotuspsychje: ok. yes i haven't found much information to this effect online10:57
hotmedalbekks: I said that it does10:57
lotuspsychje!touch | moose-machine10:57
ubottumoose-machine: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch10:57
moose-machinelotuspsychje: fair enough. but it is not available yet and i need a tablet now.10:58
dementeddemigodlotuspsychje: the Surface Pro is the full x86-64 version10:58
dementeddemigodshouldn't need phablet version :)10:58
lotuspsychjedementeddemigod: yes but it wont have touch support10:58
dementeddemigodlotuspsychje: true10:59
lotuspsychjemoose-machine: so if you plan to access the tablet by keyboard and mouse you can dualboot yes10:59
siklotuspsychje: those people you said had problems last night, is there any pattern in common with their hardware?10:59
moose-machinedementeddemigod: yes. i also hear that the Surface Pro allows access to disable UEFI and is open as compared to the Surface RT. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with it. As it seems like an awesome tablet.11:00
lotuspsychjesik: i think it was only nvidia, and all got the problem after a reboot11:00
z3n0psBCM43142 , guess it won't work argh >.<11:00
sikIn case you wonder, my monitor is an IBM G74 (yes, I know, very old, but my last one broke and I needed a new one ASAP - I have this one since years by now though...)11:00
dementeddemigodmoose-machine: do you mean disable secure uefi? or disable uefi entirely?11:01
hotmedalbekks: It's a weird problem, wl *almost* works. Just not the encrypted networks. Do you have any idea why that might be?11:01
siklotuspsychje: probably after a reboot only because that's when X reconfigures itself :S11:01
lotuspsychjesik: i would go dig in /var/log to see whats happening11:01
siklotuspsychje: that's how I found the message about the screen not having an usable configuration11:01
moose-machinedementeddemigod: i am not sure of the difference as I have no experience. I think it means disable secure uefi.11:01
lotuspsychjesik: can you still hit F1 after grub, or does it go blank before?11:01
siklotuspsychje: more specifically?11:02
lotuspsychjesik: to see ubuntu booting messages11:02
k1lz3n0ps: http://askubuntu.com/questions/175104/how-do-i-install-bcm43142-wireless-drivers-for-dell-vostro-3460-356011:02
siklotuspsychje: Not very helpful, Ubuntu loads garbage as the font charset :(11:02
sikOnly in recovery mode it doesn't11:03
moose-machinelotuspsychje: any idea if it performs just as well, i mean any news of hardware incompatibility on the Surface Pro?11:03
lotuspsychjesik: but recoverymode goes blank aswell hmm11:03
sikEh, I'll try, though it does show some messages11:03
sikUm... ¿ :S ?11:03
lotuspsychjemoose-machine: try ##hardware channel :p11:03
dementeddemigodmoose-machine: if it is disable secure uefi then you don't need a signed (as in certified by a signing authority) uefi boot. If it is disable UEFI entirely then it reverts to BIOS style booting and you can install anything you like on it.11:03
moose-machinelotuspsychje: thanks for that. is ##hardware a linux specific room, or a generic hardware room? thx11:04
siklotuspsychje: wait, doesn't recovery mode just show all the messages by default anyway?11:04
lotuspsychjemoose-machine: hardware room11:04
z3n0psk1l, i tried it :(11:04
sikIt goes too fast for me to read anyway11:04
lotuspsychjesik: its fast :p11:04
moose-machinelotuspsychje: ok thx11:04
lotuspsychjesik: better dig logs11:04
k1l!details | z3n0ps11:04
ubottuz3n0ps: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:04
lotuspsychjesik: how about booting previous kernel in grub ?11:05
sikThe "previous" kernel I have is a broken 10.04 install that can't get past the login screen >_<'11:05
raven_traffic bonding: who has done that already? upstream to one device, downstream from another11:05
sikUnless there's some other update11:05
siklotuspsychje: I'll try to see what I can find but the issue seems to be in X itself :/ BRB11:05
lotuspsychjesik: what was your ubuntu version again?11:06
bhaveshSuddenly internet stopped working on ubuntu, I thought its because of some failed package install.. But then I formatted Ubuntu partition and installed Linux Mint, still cannot connect11:06
z3n0psI got Ubuntu 12.04 , I can't use my wireless card , it's not shown anywhere.11:06
bhaveshand astonishingly, internet speed is doubled on windows...11:06
z3n0psCHIP ID : BCM4314211:07
gotwigYES. Out of the box Optimus support for ubuntu 13.10!11:07
bekks!mint | bhavesh11:08
ubottubhavesh: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:08
Siklotuspsychje: welp, guess what, that was it :X11:08
SikGuess I should wait for the next kernel and use this one meanwhile?11:08
lotuspsychjesik: did that work for you?11:09
LorraHi guys, I'm a happy Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS user and I use Enlightenment 17, everytime I log in I get some notifications (network connectivity & volume) not via the cute e17 notification popups, but via the one's you can see in Unity which are slow and awful (in e17). If I logout and log back in, I get e17's notifications. Does anybody know how can I get e17's from the very first moment?11:09
lotuspsychjesik: what ubuntu version you on again?11:09
SikEr 12.04 64-bit11:09
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SikWas considering yesterday about whether to update to 13.04 or wait some more, for the record11:09
lotuspsychjeSik: how would you like clean install 13.04, its rocketfast on 64bit11:09
lotuspsychjeSik: im running it on ssd11:10
wadiecan someone please come on teamviewer to try and fix my never solved problem. it's network related.11:10
lotuspsychje!ask | wadie11:10
ubottuwadie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:10
Siklotuspsychje: I wish I had a SSD :P I only have a160GB hard disk :(11:10
raven_traffic bonding: who has done that already? upstream to one device, downstream from another11:10
yeatswadie: the way it works here is that you ask questions about what's not working for you and people answer in the main channel11:11
lotuspsychjeSik: 128g ssd isnt that expensive anymore, and real boost on your ubuntu box :p11:11
Siklotuspsychje: Argentina :P And I barely have any money anyway :/11:11
wadieI can't load most of the sites while being able to load for example facebook. I have a router and a modem but this computer is wired.11:11
lotuspsychjeSik: oh ok my bad mate11:11
SikMaybe when I start making some money for real I'll change the computer :P It's from Dec 2007!11:11
lotuspsychjeSik: at least you got a free Os :p11:11
lotuspsychjeSik: my desktop is still an old amd 3000+ and also rocketfast on ubuntu 13.0411:12
lotuspsychjeSik: ubuntu rebirths your hardware :p11:12
SikAnyway, I'll see later, problem fixed for me at least11:12
lotuspsychje!yay | Sik11:13
ubottuSik: Glad you made it! :-)11:13
Siklotuspsychje: if somebody else comes up with the same issue remember the kernel thing11:13
lotuspsychjeSik: i will tnx11:13
SikAlso I got forced to learn vim >.>' That was NOT fun11:13
SikAnyway *whoosh*11:13
NickeehIs there really no lldb for ubuntu? http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=lldb&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all11:14
lotuspsychje!info gvim > lotuspsychje11:14
lotuspsychje!find lldb11:15
ubottuFound: haskelldb-doc, libghc-haskelldb-dev, libghc-haskelldb-doc, libghc-haskelldb-hdbc-dev, libghc-haskelldb-hdbc-doc, libghc-haskelldb-hdbc-odbc-dev, libghc-haskelldb-hdbc-odbc-doc, libghc-haskelldb-hdbc-odbc-prof, libghc-haskelldb-hdbc-postgresql-dev, libghc-haskelldb-hdbc-postgresql-doc (and 6 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=lldb&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all11:15
NickeehI did the search, but perhaps the name is wrong or in some other package..11:15
wadieI can't load most of the sites while being able to load for example facebook. I have a router and a modem but this computer is wired.11:21
dementeddemigodwadie: what is the exact error you get?11:22
wadiethe page keeps loading for a long while then I get a timeout error11:23
wadieboth on chrome and firefox11:23
Abus56hi all11:23
streulmaoh yes :) I can run a mailserver at home with a dynamic ip :)11:23
the_eye_wadie, try a router power off/on11:24
wadietried,it doesn't help at all :\11:24
lotuspsychjewadie: what chipset has your ethernetcard11:24
dementeddemigodwadie: two things you could try to help narrow down the problem - in a terminal type nslookup followed by the web site you can't access. Then if that gives you an IP address try ping followed by the web site.  Let us know how they go11:25
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the_eye_try an other network. To define problem source. Your pc or router ?11:25
lotuspsychjewadie: did it ever go fast on previous ubuntu versions or other Os?11:25
wadiethe_eye_ it's probably something with my pc because I can connect to this router from another computer without any issues11:25
wadiedementeddemigod, one second!11:26
dementeddemigodwadie: tried one of those IPs and it happily opened google, so your DNS isn't the problem. could you ping it?11:28
Esokratesmy display flickers randomly (sometimes every few hours, somtimes ever few minutes). i don't have to do sth. to make it flicker. I have tried various boot parameters and also tried enabeling nvidia brightness control . The problem does still occur. To be sure it is no hardware issue, I tried windows and the problem does not seems to appear there. any suggestions?11:29
Esokrates(it is a brightness flicker)11:29
Esokrates(and there is only a single flicker)11:30
lotuspsychjeEsokrates: what ubuntu version?11:31
Esokrates13.04 but i am experiencing this since a long time and on different distributions11:32
lotuspsychjeEsokrates: did you clean install or upgraded every time?11:32
MagicarpIt seems my intake case fans RPM is stored in /sys/devices/platform/it87.552/fan2_input. If I change the value will it change the speed of the fan?11:32
lotuspsychjeEsokrates: thats odd indeed, what graphics card?11:32
Esokrateslotuspsychje: nvidia quadro 1000M11:33
Esokrateslotuspsychje: using prop. drivers11:33
streulmaEsokrates: on Mac the same problem, on Mountain Lion flickering, Lion not11:33
lotuspsychjeEsokrates: ever tryed the other drivers?11:33
streulmaEsokrates: I think it's a driver problem11:34
Esokrateslotuspsychje: different versions don't change the issue (have tried everything from 300.x nvidia drivers)11:34
streulmaEsokrates: try installing bumblebee11:34
Esokratesstreulma using the same card the mac issue?11:34
streulmaEsokrates: no, but it's also Nvidia11:34
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Esokratesstreulma: what should bumblebee change?11:35
streulmaEsokrates: hmm I think nothing, it just installs the nvidia 310 driver11:35
Esokratesstreulma: i have nvidia 319 drivers11:36
Esokratesstreulma: but as i said, the problem is version independent11:36
wadiedementeddemigod, ping the dns ?11:36
summiti'm trying to install Skype but under distro selection it only displays 10.04 32bit, 12.04 multiarch, would either of these work on the 13.04?11:37
dementeddemigodwadie: nope ping www.google.com. If that doesn't work try traceroute www.google.com. If ping does work there is something funny going on and will be a bit harder to diagnose11:37
wadieseems to be working11:38
streulmasummit: activate your Partner repo in /etc/apt/sources.list11:38
lotuspsychjesummit: or choose from skype website11:39
summitstreulma: i'm quite new to ubuntu.11:39
lotuspsychjesummit: 12.04 multiarch works on 13.04 aswell11:40
Esokratesso there is nothing that can be done, apart from hoping the bug disappears in the future?11:40
summitlotuspsychje: thanks mate11:40
z3n0psError: "Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.5.0-17-generic (i686)"11:40
dementeddemigodwadie: weird. you can't browse to it but you can ping it? have you installed a firewall at all?11:40
wadieno firewall11:40
lotuspsychjeEsokrates: trying other drivers..opensource maybe?11:41
streulmaEsokrates: yeah, think a driver problem, maybe you can try beta drivers? at your own risk11:41
Esokratesi am trying beta drivers already11:41
Esokratesopensource driver is not really an option11:41
Esokratesbut it is completely independent from the window manager, that's for sure11:42
Esokratesand also ubuntu independent11:42
lotuspsychjeEsokrates: i would go dig for similar bugs, and checkout solutions11:42
Esokrateskernel does not report any errors, backlight=vendor does not change anything, same for similar boot options11:42
Esokrateslotuspsychje: i have tried solutions of similar problems11:43
Esokrateslotuspsychje: none of them worked11:43
dementeddemigodwadie: being able to ping a site but not browse it is a pretty weird problem in a home network. In a corporate or other large network it'd make more sense. You can definitely get to it from other compters on the same network?11:43
Esokrateslotuspsychje: and i have to wait hours sometimes for the problem to appear11:43
wadiedementeddemigod, yes I can..11:43
Esokrateslotuspsychje: upgrading bios did not help11:44
dementeddemigodwadie: have you made any changes to the configuration of the router? (other than changing the username/password of course)11:44
wadieno I haven't11:44
dementeddemigodwadie: can you paste the output of sudo route and sudo ipconfig?11:45
lotuspsychjeEsokrates: http://askubuntu.com/questions/263996/fixing-the-nvidia-graphics-screen-flicker-issue11:47
wadieI get command not found for sudo ipconfig11:47
dementeddemigodwadie: sorry brain fart sudo ifconfig11:47
dementeddemigodipconfig is a windows command :/11:47
spexihah, so many times did that mistake myself too :D11:48
wadiedementeddemigod, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5767571/ && http://paste.ubuntu.com/5767558/11:49
dementeddemigodwadie: thanks, just looking11:50
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dementeddemigodwadie: can't see anything obvious. Your ifconfig suggests you're getting plenty of data trasmitted (1.4GB) so the connection isn't completely hosed. I'd want to start doing things like watching tcpdump or wireshark from here, and that's a little hard to diagnose without sitting and watching it. I'm sorry but you may have reached the limits of what I can do :(11:52
wadiethanks for your help dementeddemigod. I appreciate it!11:53
dementeddemigodwadie: no worries, sorry I wan't any help11:53
SP33Dhi can some one plz point me to a easy way to turn of graphical booting11:54
SP33Di would love to turn it on when needed11:54
SP33Dso easy restart or enable x booting would be nice11:54
k1l!text | SP33D11:55
ubottuSP33D: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode11:55
SP33Dehm is there a other way11:55
NoskcajIs anyone online a planet ubuntu mod? one of my posts broke11:55
SP33Di should say my case i think11:56
SP33Di setuped some virtual servers with ubuntu11:56
SP33Dand now i simply wanna boot em so they are running without x11:56
SP33Dso i need to do it without hiting keys on restart11:56
SP33Dor such tasks11:57
chrisircWhere can I find musicians online using Debian or Ubuntu?11:57
SP33Di need to edit a file or such and then save and then reboot11:57
SP33Dchrisirc simply do open a browser and google11:57
chrisircfind musicians who are using Debian/ubuntu11:57
k1lSP33D: you can boot into textmode and do a "sudo service lightdm start" to start x afterwards11:57
SP33Dworks well in ubuntu11:57
Ben64SP33D: read the link that you were given, it shows what to edit11:57
SP33Di did11:57
SP33Dthe link points to a different type of info11:58
jribSP33D: read what ubottu said11:58
k1lchrisirc: if its a technical  support question ask here. other way ask in #ubuntu-offtopic11:58
Ben64you did not read it in 26 seconds11:58
SP33Di read it it shows what keys to hit11:58
tsimpsonSP33D: simply create a file /etc/init/lightdm.override with the contents "manual" (without quotes)11:58
SP33Don boot to enter grube menu11:58
k1lSP33D: i just told you some way it would work11:58
tsimpsonthat will stop lightdm from loading bt default11:58
tsimpsonyou can still start it manually11:58
Ben64SP33D: continue reading, there is more11:58
chrisircI'm looking for a community link.11:58
SP33Dtsimpson:  ill try11:59
SP33Di hope it works that sounds nice and k1l you told me good way to start it then thx11:59
jribSP33D: no, read more carefully even just what ubottu said in this channel.  There are two alternatives, you can hit keys and edit grub during boot or just configure the option in grub's configuration files.  The details are in the link.  Stop pressing enter so much11:59
tsimpsonSP33D: just "echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/lightdm.override" should do it12:00
jribSP33D: ubottu's way will be more general (in case you install a different dm than just stopping lightdm)12:00
SP33Djrib:  the solution with creating a override is cute12:00
jribSP33D: sure, but it's specific to lightdm12:00
SP33Di am on lubuntu12:00
SP33Dso thats well12:00
SP33Dits realy well for me thx12:00
jribSP33D: most DMs will check if you booted with the "text" option and not start if so12:00
SP33Ddon't wanna use other dm's12:01
SP33Di am sure :D12:01
SP33Dlubuntu is realy well12:01
Ben64SP33D: you should learn to do things the proper way12:01
jribSP33D: ok, well configuring grub is a better, more general, solution imo; but do what you want12:01
NoskcajOne of my posts to planet ubuntu has broken. can someone help?12:01
Ben64Noskcaj: go find a support avenue for whatever "planet ubuntu" is then? this is for ubuntu the operating system12:02
k1lNoskcaj: maybe its better to contact the planet admin/mods direct?12:02
Noskcajk1l, i don't know how to. the rt@ubuntu email just gives an automated responce12:03
NoskcajBen64, i've tried12:03
SP33Djrib: thx for that advice i understand why you do it but i am not a geek i wanna code my stuff and be happy :D i am a one person company12:03
floogyHi, I get on showmount -e12:03
SP33Dso it is ok12:03
floogyclnt_create: RPC: Port mapper failure - Authentication error12:03
jribSP33D: ok, but it's not coding stuff; it's just editing a different file12:04
floogyOn, sudo rpcinfo -p localhost12:04
floogyrpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: RPC: Authentication error; why = Client credential too weak12:04
SP33Djrib right that but i do run this virtual machine coz my coding stuff12:04
floogyI already did : echo 'OPTIONS="-w -i"' | sudo tee /etc/default/rpcbind12:04
SP33Dits a simply mysql server and such stuff12:04
floogyand restarted the service12:04
SP33Di run it as vm and then transfer it to amzon ^^12:04
jribSP33D: ok.12:05
SP33Dhas some one a easy way to decrypt the complet file system?12:07
SP33Di installed one time encrypted and forgotten that i will need to start the machine remote12:07
SP33Dand automated12:07
Esokrateslotuspsychje: okay thank you ... i have already found this thread but never tried the solution12:08
SP33Dso it can be a realy insecure method12:08
jribSP33D: please stop using enter as punctuation.  Try to keep your messages to one line12:08
Esokrateslotuspsychje: i will do it now12:08
SP33Dsome one knows a insecure method to turn of or decrypt or autologin on boot into a crypted file system from basic install?12:09
Wiz_KeeDhey guys12:11
Wiz_KeeDhow do i download a file via ssh?12:11
Wiz_KeeDthe ports 80 and ftp are blocked :(12:11
k1lWiz_KeeD: use scp12:11
SP33Doh when i boot into text only don't i should get after login a normal bash prompt12:12
SP33Dor the same as terminal?12:12
k1lSP33D: it goes to tty login12:12
jribSP33D: you should get a login prompt in a tty12:12
SP33Dya thats right and then?12:12
k1lSP33D: and then what?12:12
SP33D coz i can enter text after login i got a message about warenty and then12:13
SP33Di can do nothing12:13
SP33Dno ls12:13
FloodBot1SP33D: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:13
k1lSP33D: that is a regular tty12:13
SP33DFloodBot1: sorry right sorry12:13
SP33Dk1l how to switch to something usefull :D12:13
SP33Dlike bin bash or else12:13
Wiz_KeeDk1l, to actually download not push from a server to another?12:13
Wiz_KeeDi can't make it out of this12:14
k1lyou wanted textmode. so there it is. its the dash. dont you know how terminal commands work?12:14
k1lWiz_KeeD: you can use scp like cp on your own system12:14
SP33Dah took time12:14
SP33Dmaybe i setted to low resorces now i get a normal prompt with user@pc12:15
Wiz_KeeDthat was so easy, thanks k1l12:15
Wiz_KeeDi really didn't except to finish so fast :))12:15
k1lWiz_KeeD: no problem12:15
garoif i would install a MTA that would just send everything it receives ( mails to *@mydomain.com ) to my gmail account, would gmail keep filtering it or will it block my server after a while if i don't start filtering out spam12:15
SP33Dgaro: nope it will not12:16
garogood :)12:16
SP33Doh i am so happy that the server now starts in text mode12:17
SP33Di only hope it starts all services without login :D12:17
k1lSP33D: if its a server you could have tried server install from the start12:18
SP33Dnope i whanted to try to get a minmal system but that fail12:18
SP33Dsince my expirence is to less12:18
SP33Dmy dream would be a realy little linux with only mysql-server running12:18
shadejwhen i enable the ssl mod on apache it is httpd is stoping12:19
SP33Dbut thats still a dream :D12:19
k1lSP33D: you dont need all that desktop stuff fopr that12:19
SP33Dshadej: what do you mean if you enable a mod it needs restarting yes12:19
SP33Dk1l i know but i don't knowed how to remove all that stuff12:19
shadejI did restart it12:19
hasenjwindow manager not working on 13.04, tried `sudo start lightdm` in tty1, said already running12:19
SP33Dlike i sayed my dream would be to know whats the minimal usefull system12:19
k1lSP33D: you dont need to remove that12:20
SP33Dso i can simply use sshd and a shell prompt and mysqlserver12:20
k1lSP33D: ubuntu ships server installs (minimal isntalls)12:20
SP33Dhow big are they?12:20
shadejSP33D: during restart it says port in use but status is ok12:20
shadejwhen i issue the command "nmap localhost"12:20
shadeji can not see port 8012:20
SP33Dshadej simply turn apache of and start it12:21
SP33Dif port is still in use then maybe the ip is wrong12:21
k1lSP33D: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/install-ubuntu-server12:21
SP33Dk1l: 700mb looks as big12:22
shadejSP33D: which ip ?12:22
SP33Das my lubuntu alternate install12:22
shadejthe server is on my localhost12:22
SP33Dshadej: it gets bound to ip:port12:22
k1lSP33D: its not about the size of the iso12:22
k1lSP33D: its about the stuff that gets installed12:22
SP33Dk1l:  how big is such a install do you know it?12:22
k1lSP33D: the whole desktop stuff is not needed for a server which only is supposed to run mysql12:23
SP33Dk1l i know i only used it coz i installed lubuntu coz i liked the distri12:23
shadejSP33D: WAIT ME A SECOND12:23
SP33Dbut i think there could be a way to have like only 300 mb or maybe less big linux12:23
SP33Donly for sshd and shell prompt and mysql12:24
k1lits like driving a truck just to carry shoebox12:24
SP33Di tryed often this realy small linux editions but all wasn't useable in production12:24
k1lSP33D: i like trucks. but its not about liking trucks when you dont need a truck12:24
SP33Dk1l but in the truck is engout space if something is needed12:24
jerry5How can I modify Ubuntu to auto shutdown if the password entered in the screen unlock is wrong?12:24
k1lSP33D: "extra space" is just weight that is not needed at all.12:25
=== artpicre is now known as Artpicre
SP33Dk1l yes thats what i am talking about but you still don't answered12:25
SP33Dhow big is such a server install12:25
k1lyou can install the "stuff that is needed" if you want on top of that server install. but its way more lightweight from the start12:25
k1lSP33D: i dont know exactly. that depends on your needs. but a desktop install has alot of services installed and started that you dont need for just running ssh and mysql12:26
k1lthat is what i tried to say from the beginning: if you want a server, dont install a desktop12:27
kakihello everybody! i have an issue with grub and luks+lvm. is there anybody who can help me?12:27
Esokratesjerry5: that would be insane12:27
cameordo they have toilet paper in romania?12:27
Esokratesjerry5: you could loose all your data, as all applications would get killed12:28
k1l!ot | cameor12:28
ubottucameor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:28
cameork1l: where can i ask it12:28
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:28
jerry5Esokrates, It's OK I won't leave apps open.12:28
cameork1l: where can i ask it12:29
cameordo they have toilet paper in romania?12:29
k1lcameor: enough of that in here12:29
cameork1l: where can i ask it12:29
WILLdudeHi. I can't add-apt-repository. I've installed python-software-properties and software-properties-common though12:31
k1lWILLdude: what is the error you get?12:31
WILLdudesudo: add-apt-repostory: command not found12:31
tom95hi, are there any docs on writing indicators with libindicator3 (not appindicator3)? I can't get it to work, not even when copying the code of the existing indicators exactly12:32
k1lWILLdude: which ubuntu is this exactly?12:32
k1lWILLdude: there is a typo12:34
k1lWILLdude: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:    not repostory12:34
Guest50775hi all,12:35
Guest50775once I look an account, will any user currently connected get looged out ? if not, other then resart is there a way to disconnect any user  from the now locked account12:37
SP33Doh my god12:38
WILLdudeWell spotted.12:38
SP33Di found a tutorial to use damn small linux with mysql server :D12:39
jerry5Where can I get the Ubuntu source code?12:39
hotmedalbekks: I finally solved my problem12:39
SP33Djerry5: via git svn?12:39
SP33Dwhat do you whant?12:39
hotmedalI'm writing a blog post about it12:39
k1ljerry5: archive.ubuntu.com12:40
jerry5I want to  modify Ubuntu to auto shutdown if the password entered in the screen unlock pw is wrong12:40
jerry5ty k1l l12:40
spyderis there some equivalent of wgetpaste on ubuntu12:41
k1lspyder: you mean: pastebinit ?12:41
spyderis there some equivalent of wgetpaste on ubuntu?12:48
raven_traffic bonding: who has done that already? upstream to one device, downstream from another12:48
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EaglemanAfter installing some git packages, apt-get is whining about something missing, however i do not want turbolift to be uninstalled, but there seems no other option, what could i do?  http://hpaste.org/8995412:54
shadejapache saying port in use12:57
shadejany help12:57
SP33Draven_: http://serverfault.com/questions/22253/ubuntu-linux-multiple-nics-same-lan-arp-responses-always-go-out-a-single-n12:57
SP33Dthats what you a searching for12:57
SP33DShade when you do: ps aux | grep apache12:58
SP33Ddo you get a result that apache is running?12:58
SP33Dyes or no?13:00
SP33Dif it says yes simply to kill -9 and the pid number ^^13:00
shadejSP33D: no13:00
SP33Dif it don't do "sudo lsof -i"13:00
SP33Dlook if port 80 is opened and by what13:01
SP33Ddo sudo lsof -i :8013:01
SP33Dthen you see only what is on port 8013:01
natrixnatrix89what is the best way to add a daemon to be launched on system boot?13:02
SP33Dnatrix system service or init.d script13:02
shadejSP33D:  is not this simple13:02
shadejnmap localhost13:02
EaglemanAfter installing some git packages, apt-get is whining about something missing, however i do not want turbolift to be uninstalled, but there seems no other option, what could i do?  http://hpaste.org/8995413:02
SP33Dno nmap needed13:02
SP33Dsudo lsof -i :8013:02
SP33Dand past the result any where13:03
SP33Dif it shows no result port 80 isn't open or in use13:03
SP33Dit is so easy13:03
shadejthere is a result13:03
natrixnatrix89should I write init.d script?13:04
shadejnatrixnatrix89: no13:04
natrixnatrix89for example if I want to launch a node.js app..13:04
IsololEagleman, have you tried reinstalling python entirely?13:04
natrixnatrix89and run 'forever' on init..13:04
shadejthere many init scripts there13:04
shadejinit.d is a folder13:05
natrixnatrix89well apache for example.. It runs on system startup because of it's init.d script, right?13:05
shadejyeah, there is a script that will make apache run at start up under the folder init.d13:06
natrixnatrix89shadej: How do I add my script to service?13:06
SP33Dsudo ln /opt/beispielapp/apache-tomcat/bin/catalina.sh /etc/init.d/catalina13:07
SP33Dsudo update-rc.d catalina defaults13:07
shadejnatrixnatrix89:  do you want only to make it start up at boot time?13:07
shadej or you want the controls like start stop reload ?13:07
darkbonjour :-)13:08
natrixnatrix89basically yes.. What else could I want? like adding service controls like "reload".. I think just start will suffice13:08
SP33Dthis example adds catalina.sh <- the script to start to /etc/init.d directory and then adds it with update-rc.d catalina defaults t13:08
shadejok if start is enough13:08
shadejthere is simpler way i think13:08
SP33Di think most simply is to have a shell script in init.d dir13:09
EncryptHi everybody! :)13:09
shadejnatrixnatrix89: do you know .deskto file13:09
SP33Dand then add it with update-rc.d13:09
EncryptI'm tring to configure Gwibber for my new twitter account on Ubuntu 12.0413:09
shadejSP33D: for beginner just putting .desktop file is easy13:09
natrixnatrix89well I need it on ubuntu server13:09
SP33Dshadej: but what if he don't logs into desktop don't know what he exactly whants13:09
EncryptBut everytime I configure y account, an internal errors occurs :(13:09
EncryptSo, I couldn't get t working :(13:09
SP33Ddesktop file gets readed after login13:10
shadejSP33D: sure that is another question13:10
natrixnatrix89so then I guess the most appropriate way would be SP33D s suggestion13:10
SP33Dright i would think that too13:10
shadejnatrixnatrix89: yeah, and if you are using a server13:10
natrixnatrix89so basically catalina.sh could contain just 2 lines: #! /bin/bash13:11
natrixnatrix89forever myscript.js13:11
EaglemanIsolol, is that a serious request?13:11
NeozonzCan someone help me? Just installed ubuntu but when I try to watch a video I get alot of choppyness13:11
Neozonzscreen tears and what not13:11
shadejnatrixnatrix89:  am telling to open one of the start up scripts and have a look at them13:11
SP33Dwhere catalina.sh was a example script13:11
natrixnatrix89another issue.. I just compiled ffmpeg..13:12
SP33Dyou can simply if you don't got any run script make a text file with your start stuff put it into /etc/init.d13:12
narcosHi all. I want to update my timezone - most tutorials suggest using 'dpkg-reconfigure tzdata', but is there a non-interactive method?13:12
natrixnatrix89But the weird thing is.. when I try to run it, I get this error: The program 'ffmpeg' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:13:12
natrixnatrix89also whereis ffmpeg doesn't say anything13:12
SP33Dand then run "sudo update-rc.d yourfile"13:12
SP33Dand it gets startet13:12
IsololEagleman, python-datetime (your missing dependency) installed w/ python on my VM w/ no problem. So I don't know why you are being sarcastic.13:12
natrixnatrix89and which doesn't help too13:13
SP33Dya install ffmpeg soo13:13
SP33Dapt-get install ffmpeg13:13
SP33Dsudo apt-get install ffmpeg i mean13:13
natrixnatrix89nope.. I want my compiled version13:13
EaglemanIsolol, how can it be installed when it is not in the repository?13:13
SP33Dthen simply put it into the path13:13
Neozonzhow can i fix screentears during video playback?13:14
SP33Dor simply use /full/path/ffmpeg13:14
SP33Din your script13:14
SP33Dsure that is right :D13:14
SP33Di wanna help you13:14
natrixnatrix89it's just weird that make install didn't put it the right path..13:14
SP33Dit did13:14
kakihello everybody! i have an issue with grub and luks+lvm. is there anybody who can help me?13:14
natrixnatrix89in the local directory..13:14
SP33Dbut probally in a user  profil that is not loged in13:14
SP33Dat this starting point13:14
natrixnatrix89basically I can use it in /home/janis/ffmpeg_sources/ffmpeg13:15
shadejSP33D:  lsof -i:80 is giving this result13:15
shadejfirefox 24135 ubuntuhx   51u  IPv4 1177241      0t0  TCP mitDesktop.local:58153->par03s03-in-f1.1e100.net:http (ESTABLISHED)13:15
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theosi cant use my usb mouse. i get the error: Cannot enable port 1.  Maybe the USB cable is bad?13:16
theosit used to work in 10.04. isnt working on 13.04. i need help!13:17
SP33Dshadej: that says that port 80 is free13:17
SP33Dso you configured anything wrong13:17
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SP33Dsearch you conf file for  listen13:18
SP33Dand make sure there is only listen *:8013:18
SP33Din it13:18
shadejis it httpd.conf?13:18
SP33Djep that should it be13:18
natrixnatrix89SP33D: if I'm on ubuntu server.. And I have some executables in ~/bin/ folder.. Why don't they run when I'm in home directory?13:19
checoimgkaki : Does this help ? http://citizen428.net/blog/2011/10/17/fixing-grub-on-a-luks-encrypted-disk13:19
natrixnatrix89It looks like ffmpeg installed in ~/bin13:19
natrixnatrix89Why do I have to make a symlink to /usr/local/bin ?13:20
SP33Dhmmmmm good question at all what do you mean with not run13:20
SP33Duse on terminal: /home/user/bin/ffmpeg13:20
SP33Ddoes that work?13:20
natrixnatrix89sure it does..13:20
SP33Dwhat do you then mean?13:20
SP33Dwith it don't runs?13:20
EaglemanAfter installing some git packages, apt-get is whining about something missing, however i do not want turbolift to be uninstalled, but there seems no other option, what could i do?  http://hpaste.org/8995413:20
natrixnatrix89bare ffmpeg doesn't run..13:20
natrixnatrix89it runs if I add a symlink to /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg though..13:21
SP33Dmaybe wrong permissions of the home dir13:21
SP33Dand the running user13:21
SP33Dso the symlink is a good idea13:21
kakichecoimg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5767819/13:24
shadejSP33D:  I think the problem is with ssl mod13:24
shadejwhen i disable this module it is working13:24
SP33Dshadej then do with ssl port13:25
SP33Dor disable ssl13:25
SP33Dyou don't need it13:25
SP33Di don't think you own a cert that is accepted so13:25
SP33Dit don't matters13:25
shadejSP33D: oh no my aim is to set up virtual ssl13:26
ben__aw fhuck13:27
SP33Dshadej oh then you need to check whats blocking the ssl port13:27
SP33Din the ssl conf13:27
ben__i have one question13:27
SP33Dit is maybe a extra file13:27
SP33Dben__: ask13:28
ben__when you download ubuntu, Does it remove you existing os13:28
SpawnnyHi guys, i need some help regarding ubuntu, i deleted a user thru the command line, but its still showing up in webmin as #100x , and it has used some diskspace, how do i completly remove it ?13:28
shadejSP33D: where is ssl conf?13:29
SP33Dmost times if you use standart it is in /etc/apache2/13:29
SP33Ddepends even on where your httpd.conf ist13:30
SP33Dbut your in wrong channel go to #httpd13:30
SP33Dthey will help you this is ubuntu and should be ubuntu related13:30
EaglemanAfter installing some git packages, apt-get is whining about something missing, however i do not want turbolift to be uninstalled, but there seems no other option, what could i do?  http://hpaste.org/8995413:31
checoimgkaki : file a bug. Have you googled the terminal output ?13:32
symptomhow do i start sshd on a headless liveusb-system?13:34
checoimgkaki : I have to go AFK now so good luck if you google it.13:34
kakichecoimg: thanks13:35
jerry5how can i disable services in ubuntu?13:37
titouanhello !13:41
contrapunctusGuys, my trackpad enable button doesn't seem to work in Ubuntu (oddly enough used to work in Mint 12). Please help :(13:41
yeats!init | jerry513:41
ubottujerry5: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto13:41
ripthejackerhi every one13:42
ripthejackerjust installed raring 64bit version13:42
ripthejackerand i'm getting this error on boot: error: file '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found13:42
ripthejackerplease help13:42
jerry5yeats, TY. What's !init ?13:42
titouanripthejacker: you uses grub2 ou just grub ?13:43
ripthejackertitouan: I did not specify any version13:43
EncryptI'm back!13:43
ripthejackertitouan: I installed using liveusb13:44
EncryptI tried to apt-get purge gwibber and reinstalling it...13:44
titouanripthejacker: you install the grub by default or manually ?13:44
EncryptBut I still get an internal error :(13:44
titouanripthejacker: ok13:44
ripthejackertitouan: by default13:44
EncryptI can't get twitter working :(13:44
EaglemanAfter installing some git packages, apt-get is whining about something missing, however i do not want turbolift to be uninstalled, but there seems no other option, what could i do?  http://hpaste.org/8995413:44
titouanripthejacker: ripthejacker you have try to boot whith the cdlive ?13:45
ripthejackertitouan: i completed installation and when I try to boot into that newly installed system i'm seeing this error13:45
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ripthejackertitouan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/115599313:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1155993 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "GRUB error after Ubuntu Raring desktop amd64 install" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:46
EncryptHas anybody an idea for me? :(13:46
ripthejackertitouan: it says to update grub13:46
titouanripthejacker: yes, but, when you boot using a livecd there are  an option : boot with an existant operating system13:46
titouanripthejacker: look about grub-update13:47
ripthejackerI didn't see any option like that13:47
ripthejackertitouan: ok thanks i'll try that13:47
jerry5Does Ubuntu need an antivirus?13:47
titouanripthejacker: or grub install with options13:47
titouanjerry5: no13:48
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titouanjerry5: you can, but your don't need it13:48
ripthejackertitouan: yes that is probably what I want13:48
ripthejackertitouan: can you give me a link to the procedure?13:48
titouanripthejacker: yes but in french :D13:49
titouanripthejacker: http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/grub-pc13:49
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:50
titouanripthejacker: you should be able to find an english equivalent13:50
ripthejackertitouan: thank you for your troubles :)13:51
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titouanripthejacker: your welcome13:51
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EncryptNobody experiences a bug while configuring twitter on Gwibber?13:55
OerHeksIs there an Ubuntu-fake-PAE to install on an Intel Pentium M ? like this one for lubuntu >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu-fake-PAE13:56
Asad2005I have the evolution folder from my arch linux, i copied it and chown its content to my ubuntu home but it did not bring my messages is there away to migrate from these folders?13:56
shadejapache error message13:57
shadejapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName13:57
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: You need something in /etc/hosts13:57
shadejX-Sleepy-X: something?13:58
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: like (this would be your IP) domain.com computername13:58
EaglemanAfter installing some git packages, apt-get is whining about something missing, however i do not want turbolift to be uninstalled, but there seems no other option, what could i do?  http://hpaste.org/8995413:58
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: You just need to add the domain name infront of the computer name13:58
shadeji have computername13:58
EncryptWell... I think the best I have to do is to forget about using Gwibber and use Twitter's web interface...13:58
user____hi. I fail at mounting a swap partition and have no clue why13:59
user____this is what i get when i click on swap parttion icon http://pastebin.com/XuLG5hd213:59
user____blkid GIVES http://pastebin.com/nCs6CdDM13:59
user____sudo mount /dev/sda5 says /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 does not exist13:59
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: then enter my.domain.com computername13:59
OerHeksi never use swap with encrypted partitions14:00
shadejX-Sleepy-X: thank you14:01
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: yw14:01
CreepyAnimalHey everyone ;) SO i go to https://panopticlick.eff.org/ to check how rare is my browser fingerprint, and i saw that i using many system fonts... How that happen how, they get there ? And how can i remove them ?14:06
shadejX-Sleepy-X:  i am having a trouble with setting ssl mod14:06
shadejhelp please14:06
BronzeOerHeks: so do you zero out the swap area as you release/free it?14:07
BronzeOerHeks: if you don't, your info is sitting in tghe swap area in cleartext...14:07
OerHeksBronze, i never use swap with encrypted partitions, so no need to clear/protect it anyhowe14:07
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: isn't it activated by default? oterwise a2enmod ...14:08
BronzeOerHeks: ah, I misread your initial statement. My apologies. :-)14:08
shadejX-Sleepy-X: no it is not enabled by default14:08
shadejyeah i sued a2enmod ssl14:08
OerHeksBronze, i wonder if swap is enabed by default for encrypted filesystems14:08
shadejbut when i do that14:08
shadejhttpd is stoping14:09
BronzeOerHeks: excellent point. I don't know.14:09
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: what do you find in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled ?14:09
EaglemanAfter installing some git packages, apt-get is whining about something missing, however i do not want turbolift to be uninstalled, but there seems no other option, what could i do?  http://hpaste.org/8995414:10
ubottuame: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:10
hitewHello, I  want to do some beta testing14:10
shadejssl.conf and ssl.load are there14:10
hitewWhat bet should I download14:10
hitewWhat beta version should I download14:10
superlinux-hphi. I cannot shift any icon up or down in the applications menu of gnome. the move-up and move-down buttons are not responding to me at all . what should i do?14:11
shadejX-Sleepy-X:  ssl.con and ssl.load are there14:11
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: that's good, hang on for a minute and i will check an existing server which has it activated14:11
user____someone knowin solution for my problem?14:12
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hotmedalFor future reference: http://hotmedal.blogspot.com/2013/06/bcm4313-wifi-driver-on-ubuntu-1304.html14:16
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: seems like you have ssl activated, most likely there's just some information missing in a conf14:16
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: i'm still looking around14:16
shadejX-Sleepy-X: ok14:17
shadejX-Sleepy-X: btw, i did not add anything to the conf.14:17
hotmedalSince I don't lurk here much and since many people have problems with Broadcom, let them know of this possible solution14:17
minimecuser____: THe fs type is wrong I guess. The line in /etc/fstab should look something like this: UUID=c4e278cb-6f1b-3592-ad38-169ca77368df none            swap    sw              0       014:18
user____minimec: EXACTLY what i tried14:18
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: do you have a file called /etc/apache2/ports.conf ?14:19
user____i try again for you and tell the result14:19
shadejX-Sleepy-X: yes14:19
X-Sleepy-Xin it, does it say something like "ifmodule... listen 443!14:19
shadejX-Sleepy-X: i do have this too14:20
shadejNameVirtualHost *:8014:20
shadejListen 8014:20
shadejis it necessary to put both of them14:20
shadejmay this could be the problem14:20
minimecuser____: So I don't knoe why the system is not recognizing the fs type. I you used a swap file as option. 'They' say, that there shouldn't be a difference in speed and handling.14:20
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: do you want to force ssl?14:20
user____minimec: i tried much14:21
shadejX-Sleepy-X: no14:21
user____but thx for your suggestion14:21
ThothCastelI am trying to check my dns caching server by using the dig command14:21
ThothCastelwhat do I have to look at?14:21
shadejX-Sleepy-X: wht i mean isn't  NameVritualHOst *:80 enough ?14:21
ThothCastelI'm trying this https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/dns-troubleshooting.html#dns-testing-dig14:21
shadejwhy do we need to add listen 80?14:22
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: have you tried sudo a2ensite default-ssl ?14:22
ThothCastelbut I see no difference betwen first and second dig command14:22
shadejX-Sleepy-X: yes14:22
shadejit is already enabled14:22
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: have you created a certificate?14:23
=== marlinc|away is now known as marlinc
EaglemanAfter installing some git packages, apt-get is whining about something missing, however i do not want turbolift to be uninstalled, but there seems no other option, what could i do?  http://hpaste.org/8995414:26
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: apache and ssl isn't my strongest side, have just played around with a few times. my best suggestion would be to read as many guides about it as possible, like https://help.ubuntu.com/13.04/serverguide/httpd.html#https-configuration or so14:27
shadejX-Sleepy-X: ok14:28
X-Sleepy-Xshadej: also, check out #ubuntu-server14:29
RELOLhi i have slow internet an latency with atheros 928514:31
Asad2005I have the evolution folder from my arch linux, i copied it and chown its content to my ubuntu home but it did not bring my messages is there away to migrate from these folders?14:31
RELOLubunti 12.1014:32
X-Sleepy-XRELOL: I have 03:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)14:32
ThothCastelI'm trying this https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/dns-troubleshooting.html#dns-testing-dig  but I see no difference in the output between the first and the second dig commands14:32
X-Sleepy-XRELOL: in 13.04 and i have no problems14:32
RELOLi disabled ipv6 hwcypt14:33
RELOLi'm unable to install or "apt-get upgrade" anything with a 12Kb/s connection14:33
X-Sleepy-XRELOL: how does you AP settings look?14:34
RELOLX-Sleepy-X, g mode + no encription14:34
RELOLDhcp enabled, no mac filtering14:35
contrapunctusCan someone please help me get my touchpad enable/disable key working? It worked on Mint 12, but isn't working on Xubuntu 12.04 :\14:35
X-Sleepy-XRELOL: and you get good speed with cable?14:35
RELOLyes, and also with a Suse-based distro14:36
theosi cant use my usb mouse. i get the error: Cannot enable port 1.  Maybe the USB cable is bad? it used to work in 10.04. isnt working on 13.04. i need help!14:38
purezenHey guys..! What's the best way to install nVidia proprietary drivers..?14:38
bekksapt-get install nvidia-current ?14:38
purezenI am using 12.10 x64 on 630M..14:38
purezenbekks: Thanks.. but I read something about 'ubuntu-x-swat'..14:39
purezenShall I use that..?14:39
bekks!ppa | purezen14:39
ubottupurezen: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:39
Asad2005am i out of lock, i need my messages from evolution, i have the old home folder back up14:39
purezenbekks: oh well.. I am fine with ppa s.. but what is the advantage with it..? And which package should I install from there..?14:40
bekkspurezen: I dont know which packages are in there.14:41
purezenbekks: Ok.. and in case I want to shut down my nvidia discrete graphics card.. what shall I do..?14:42
bekkspurezen: what do you mean by "shutting it down"?14:43
purezenbekks: I mean.. like switch off.. and save power..?14:43
bekkspurezen: Never tried to do someething like that.14:44
purezenbekks: Thanks though.. :-)14:44
anonymous_anyone know how to install bluestacks in xubuntu?14:44
MonkeyDust!find bluestacks14:45
ubottuPackage/file bluestacks does not exist in raring14:45
anonymous_i know i know im trying to install it through wine14:45
auronandace!appdb | anonymous_14:46
ubottuanonymous_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:46
pfifoHi everyone14:47
purezenAnyone here can tell me how to 'switch off' my Nvidia card.. GT 630M..?14:47
pfifopurezen, maybe just take it out of the computer14:48
purezenpfifo: Oh well..:D :D .. Looking for a saner way, though..14:49
pfifopurezen, is this an onboard card?14:49
marzI reinstalled ubuntu 12.04 (I had ubuntu 13.* before and windows 7 on different partitions) and now it seems my bootloader is messed up, it goes straight to grub 2 prompt saying file not found14:49
purezenpfifo: No.. discrete.. on a laptop..14:49
marzcan anyone please help me out with this? thankz14:49
pfifopurezen, why do you want to turn it off anyway?14:50
purezenpfifo: Save power..!14:50
purezenBattery life.. ie..14:50
pfifopurezen, shouldn't use anything excessive unless your using the gfx acceleration14:51
auronandacepurezen: can't you disable it in the bios?14:51
minimecpurezen: Did you check your BIOS? There may be an option to disable the discrite card. That would be a nice way...14:51
purezenauronandace: Seems not..14:51
pfifo!grub | marz14:52
ubottumarz: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:52
purezenminimec: Will check for that again.. Still would like to know how to do it form Ubuntu..14:53
minimecpurezen: You could black list the drivers, btu I don't know if this has a huge influence on power consumption. For ATI cards there's a tool called vgaswitcheroo, that does that. There might be a similar tool for nvidia.14:53
theosre:i cant use my usb mouse. i get the error: Cannot enable port 1.  Maybe the USB cable is bad? it used to work in 10.04. isnt working on 13.04. i need help!14:53
purezenminimec: Ok.. shall see for that..14:54
marzubottu, I did not lost grub after installing windows, i lost it after installing ubuntu the second time14:54
ubottumarz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:54
pfifopurezen, you can try removing the kernel module, but it might not work as expected14:54
minimecpurezen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics14:54
marzpfifo: can i fix it via the terminal og the live usb stick that I'm currently using?14:54
pfifomarz, sure can14:54
marzpfifo: I'm a total noob, can you walk me through it please14:55
purezenpfifo: Well.. shall look for that..14:55
purezenminimec: Thanks..:-)14:55
pfifopurezen, I bet a dollar it crashes the system when you try :(14:55
purezenGoing through..14:55
minimecpurezen: I read now that vgaswitcheroo will work for nvidia cards, if you use the opensource driver.14:55
purezenpfifo: Of course..:D14:55
contrapunctusCan someone please help me get my touchpad enable/disable key working? It worked on Mint 12, but isn't working on Xubuntu 12.04 :S14:56
purezenminimec: Hmm..14:56
pfifomarz, can you pastebin info in your current situation?14:56
marzpfifo: sorry, I don't follow14:57
minimecpurezen: Put this line once in /etc/rc.local 'echo ON > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch' and reboot... If you are lucky, the card if 'off'... again, using the 'nouveau' driver.14:58
minimecpurezen: OFF ... ;) I am stupid ;)14:59
purezenminimec: Well.. shall do that..:-)14:59
marzpfifo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5768100/14:59
pfifomarz, Ill need to see the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' you have to use a pastebin such as http://paste.ubuntu.com to pass the info, it might be hard for you todo that if you are stuck on the command line and even harder if theres no networking14:59
purezenminimec: Ah.. well.. that's fine..:D14:59
ovrflw0xdoes ubuntu work well with "envy 14 HP laptop 2010 model"?15:00
auronandaceovrflw0x: tell us the specs15:01
marzpfifo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5768108/15:02
ovrflw0xauronandace, http://www.pcworld.com/product/592841/envy-14-1110nr-notebook.html15:03
pfifoovrflw0x, even if it dosent work well at first, ubuntu will continue updating until it does15:03
ovrflw0xpfifo, ?15:03
ovrflw0xwhat do you mean continue updating15:04
pfifoovrflw0x, what didnt work yesterday may work tomorrow15:04
ovrflw0xpfifo, it is 2010 model we are in year mid 201315:05
auronandaceovrflw0x: would be nice if it mentioned the graphics card, but yeah it should be just fine15:05
ovrflw0xauronandace, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Madison [Radeon HD 5000M Series]15:06
ovrflw0xauronandace, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)15:06
ovrflw0xi have hybrid graphics15:07
auronandaceovrflw0x: oh, have fun with that, i don't touch those15:07
pfifomarz, i need the output of 'mount' too15:07
ovrflw0xauronandace, what do you mean15:07
engrampurezen, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee15:07
marzpfifo: can you tell me the command, I'm pretty new to Linuxl I'm sorry.15:08
auronandaceovrflw0x: i mean what i said, i don't use hybrid graphics15:08
ovrflw0xbut will ubuntu work?15:08
ovrflw0xwit them15:08
pfifomarz, i did, i put commands in quotes for easy copy pasting... 'mount'15:08
auronandaceovrflw0x: yes but hybrid graphics might give you some headaches15:09
ovrflw0xeverything else should work right?15:09
pfifoovrflw0x, you should be ok, try a live cd to get a good feel for the system before commiting to anything15:09
ovrflw0xincluding multitouch touchpad15:09
minimecovrflw0x: You might have to switch off the ATI GPU, to have a decent Linux experience. This is quiet easy, but you will not have the full GPU power provided by your machine.15:09
auronandaceovrflw0x: yes15:09
marzpfifo: you did not provide me with the link15:10
ovrflw0xminimec, what do you mean by full gpu power15:10
ovrflw0xused to do what'15:10
marzpfifo: oh i get it, sorry give me a sec15:10
pfifomarz, no you need to run 'mount' pastebin the output and then pass the link to me :)15:10
ovrflw0xshould i got for ubuntu or kubuntu since i have a "Laptop"15:10
pfifoovrflw0x, lubuntu is very lightweight, good for older machines sometimes15:11
auronandaceovrflw0x: both would work just fine, they have the same base15:11
marzpfifo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5768131/15:11
ovrflw0xpfifo, this is no old machine it is i515:11
minimecovrflw0x: Well you are 'only' running on the internal Intel GPU, which is fine for daily use. I have a dual screen desktop, running like that. But you will obviously not have the power of the ATI card.15:12
ovrflw0xauronandace, gnome or kde which one better supports latest hardware laptops15:12
ovrflw0xminimec, i usually use discrete card for external monior15:13
auronandaceovrflw0x: neither, they are desktop environments, the hardware makes no difference15:13
pfifoovrflw0x, well technically you can have ubuntu and kubuntu at the same time, 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop'15:13
ovrflw0xpfifo, but then there is mix up of similar gnome and kde softwares which is annoying15:13
minimecovrflw0x: The internal Intel card can handle two screens (Ivy bridge even three).15:14
rosco_yNoobie here:  How do I use virtual desktops?15:14
ovrflw0xminimec, but display port is not connected to intel card15:14
peetais there a way to automatically set a window's X property when a window is created, similar to how it is manually set using xprop -f?15:14
pfifomarz, why is all your drives mounted in /mnt15:14
minimecovrflw0x: Well it is on my desktop motherboard...15:15
ovrflw0xbud we r talkin bout laptops15:15
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Guest77172hello, is this where I can get help with my bodhi linux?15:16
marzpfifo: I don't know, I was following some step by step procedures off the Internet15:16
marzpfifo: let me restart my laptop to begin a new session15:17
DJonesGuest77172: No, this channel only deals with the Official releases of Ubuntu15:17
pfifomarz, yes do that please... what livecd are you using?15:17
aaron_how can i disable the unity from ubuntu 12.04?15:17
marzlive USB ubuntu 12.0415:17
marzpfifo: Live USB Ubuntu 12.0415:17
DJones!alis | Guest77172 This link should help you find the right channel though,15:17
ubottuGuest77172 This link should help you find the right channel though,: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:17
pfifomarz, when your ready to continue, pastebin the output of this, 'sudo fdisk -l && mount && sudo os-prober'15:19
contrapunctusCan someone please help me get my touchpad enable/disable key working? =|15:21
davewhats up ?15:23
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contrapunctusCan someone please help me get my touchpad enable/disable key working? It worked on Mint 12, but isn't working on Xubuntu 12.04 :S15:24
Guest2430are you german?15:24
pfifoGuest2430, ubuntu support :)15:24
Ari-YangGuest2430, go to #ubuntu-offtopic for discussions15:24
Guest2430ist jemand deutscher=15:24
pfifo!de | Guest243015:25
ubottuGuest2430: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!15:25
marzpfifo: I managed to fix it via the boot-repair program, however now both my Windows partitions are listed on the grub15:26
pfifomarz, well thats hardly a problem, you could get rid of it, but its not really supported here.15:28
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marzpfifo: okay, another question, I went to System Settings > Details  and the Graphics says Unknown. Does that mean that my video card is not yet installed?15:29
pfifomarz, I dont know much about the GUI side of things, you should direct your question to the room15:30
marzpfifo: is there like a command to display all drivers installed on my computer? Much like the device manager of Windows?15:31
zephyr28Any hardware gurus here able to help me get my Power A Air Flo xbox 360 controller working in Ubuntu?15:31
humboltI need some help with IEEE 802.3ad channel bonding. I have set up everything, but /proc/net/bonding/bond0 does not seem to say, that I actually have a bond0 consisting of two physical links. The aggregator does not have a MAC address and "Number of ports" is only "1". Can somebody have a look at this: http://pastebin.com/jhBXEG0Z15:32
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=== Sir-LItepool is now known as Sir-Litepool
marzIs there like a device manager in Ubuntu so I could install or verify that all my drivers are installed?15:33
zephyr28I have my 3rd-party Xbox controller plugged in and lsusb lists it (although not under a correct name).  Can't figure out how to configure linux to recognize it as a joystick... anyone?15:33
pfifomarz, you might find any of these useful... 'lsmod' for running drivers, 'lspci' and 'lshw' for a list of hardware and 'dpkg -l' for a list of linstalled packages (thats a mile long)15:33
marzpfifo: thanks15:34
ThothCastelwhy is my caching nameserver not working ? https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/dns-configuration.html15:34
pfifohi hanner15:35
hannerwhat is the corresponding xorg conf in ubuntu 13.04 to adjust the mouse sensitivity?15:35
ThothCastelI am using the google puglic dns inside the forwarders clause15:35
hanneranyone? :(15:36
auronandacehanner: there are mouse and touchpad settings in system settings15:36
hannerthese are bugged, i am already at MAX, and it is still to slow15:36
hannerand the UI just allows altering acceleration and threshhold15:36
hanneri want the linear sensitivity15:36
rosco_yI just upgraded to 13.04;  One of my displays doesn't use all of the width of the panel, can I fix this?15:36
pfifohanner, I want to say /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/ but im not sure with 13.04 and Im not sure if the directory even exists by default15:42
hanneryup, there are several .confs inside that dir15:42
hannerwhich one is for mouse settings?15:42
pfifohanner, just create a new file with your preferred settings15:43
pfifohanner, like 99-custom.conf15:44
marzDoes Ubuntu have a device manager like Windows?15:44
pfifohanner, then youll need a input section for the mouse15:44
Yamakasisomeone using netapps here ?15:45
irgendwer4711 hi, which group has a user belong to, to join a wlan?15:46
hannerthanks pfifo :)15:46
pfifoirgendwer4711, you shouldn't need any15:47
irgendwer4711it asked for the pass of the user, which installed it15:48
pfifoirgendwer4711, then perhaps you need to be in the 'sudo' 'admin' or 'wheel' group(s)15:49
irgendwer4711thats for bash...15:49
pfifoirgendwer4711, it applies to 'gksudo' program too15:50
irgendwer4711the network manager asks for more rights15:50
irgendwer4711but not for root.15:50
pfifoirgendwer4711, there is only root and not-root in linux15:51
irgendwer4711maybe group plugdev?15:51
pfifoirgendwer4711, That doesnt seem right, but it wont hurt to try.15:52
irgendwer4711which group is right?15:52
pfifoirgendwer4711, on my computer its 'sudo'15:53
pfifo... yo use the unlock button15:53
irgendwer4711this group is empty here15:53
irgendwer4711the unlock asked for the wrong user15:54
pfifoirgendwer4711, I may have customized my sudoers file, so 'wheel15:54
pfifoirgendwer4711, I may have customized my sudoers file, so 'wheel' and 'admin' come to mind15:54
irgendwer4711in which group a user have to belong to, to use unlock?15:54
shadejwhen i enable ssl mod httpd is stoping15:55
shadejany help15:55
SP33Dshadej: simply look into the error.log15:55
SP33Dit will tell you why it is stopping15:55
SP33Dlittel other question from me: any one knows how it would work to setup a dns server for all my Virtual Servers? on the host system?15:56
pfifoirgendwer4711, are you trying to avoid letting this uswer have sudo access?15:56
SP33Dah solved my question self simply using bind and enter it an all virtual machines as dns server sure sorry15:56
raven_thunderbird: how to export to eml with custom filenames?15:56
irgendwer4711pfifo: the user should be able to join a wlan net15:57
SuperLagIf your laptop has a camera, are there packages/apps that you can take a picture with?15:58
SP33Dya there are15:58
SP33Dguvcview can take cam pictures15:59
pfifoirgendwer4711, yes, but the user needs to be able to configure the network before hand15:59
irgendwer4711does by networking-manager16:00
pfifoSuperLag, I love 'cheese'16:00
irgendwer4711nevermind, bye16:01
raven_thunderbird: how to export to eml with custom filenames?16:01
shadejSP33D: `does erasing the log hurt16:03
SP33Dya it hurts16:03
SP33Dyou then need to restart apache16:03
SP33Dcoz if you del log if it running16:03
SP33Dit will simply log nothing so del it and start it then again16:03
shadejSP33D: i am doing that but it is saying unable to open log file16:04
pfifoshadej, SP33D, if the log file doesnt exist, that turns off logging, make it a blank file16:04
SP33Dpfifo: the main problem is i don't know all about his system :D16:05
SP33Dits sometimes a bit wirred16:05
snkcldi am not seeing the memtest option in my grub menu... i have ubuntu 13.04. is memtest something i need to install, which isnt installed by default?16:05
shadejpfifo:  i deleted the whole content16:05
shadeji mean the file error.log is now empty16:05
Guest50775is there a away to check statust of a file transfer from ubuntu16:06
pfifoand its modssl ontop of it, modssl is particularly weird16:06
[diablo]Good afternoon #ubuntu … Everytime I install Ubuntu (even with only one HD in) upon boot I get 'Loading Operating System' and below 'Read Error'16:06
[diablo]AHCI is on16:06
Guest50775for example user abc is connected via filezilla and i want to see what they are transfering16:06
[diablo]no EFI16:07
[diablo]totally lost as to what BIOS setting is causing this :-/16:07
[diablo]it refuses to boot GRUB216:07
pfifoshadej, good, check file ownership too, might need to 'chown www-data:www-data error.log'16:07
[diablo]I've done a grub-install via live cd also, still no joy16:07
shadejpfifo: yeah16:08
pfifoGuest50775, fuser16:08
TriesteHi, is there somewhere a compiled ffmpeg with mp3 encoding enabled?16:08
=== peeta is now known as repeeta
pfifoTrieste, sure is, like 20 different ffmpegs exist in PPAs16:09
OerHeksFor mp3 encoding you need the lame codec package, AFAIK16:10
Guest50775pfifo: thx, i don't see a relevent switch16:12
pfifoOerHeks, you still need './configure --with-lame' during the build16:12
Triestepfifo: right, the ppas, I completely forgot about them16:14
pfifoGuest50775, fuser is hard, so is 'lsof' but might help too... Let me check the manual real quick I might remember how todo this.16:14
=== akshay__ is now known as akshay_r
pfifoGuest50775, try 'lsof | grep <PID of filezilla>'16:17
shadejpfifo: SP33D http://pastebin.com/K3UjcuPq16:18
shadejthe error log16:18
pfifoGuest50775, if your tyring to snoop on them you can use 'tcpdump' or wireshark16:18
contrapunctusCan someone please help me enable my trackpad under ubuntu 12.04, and also make the key that enables/disables it work? None of the wiki and forum solutions seem to work :(16:19
Guest50775pfifo: would i grep the file name with tcpdump or would there be somthing better to grep16:20
pfifoshadej, shutdown apache and wait a few minutes for the socket to become available, port 80 is in use according to this log16:20
shadejpfifo: yeah  at first i thought waiting for few minutes will make the socket available16:21
pfifoGuest50775, its been a long time since I used tcpdump, if you have gui, go with wireshark16:21
shadejbut it is not working16:21
samsamsamI installed netbeans by downloading its file and its not listed in software centre . how do i uninstall it?16:21
pfifoshadej, something else might be using port 80 then, maybe another instance of apache or even a different httpd16:22
shadejpfifo:  i checked that the whole day16:22
shadejit is free16:22
shadejmay be my doubt is with the ssl configuration16:22
pfifoshadej, ohh i just noticed it did a graceful restart and it didnt wait long enough. So yeah its modssl causing then segfaults.16:24
shadejpfifo: it is saying port is in use twice16:24
shadejlook at the second one16:25
shadejunable to bind to
shadejwhere can i find that16:25
pfifoone for on IPv4 and one on ::80 IPv616:25
Guest50775pfifo: got it just listen to port as sudo16:25
contrapunctusCan someone please help me enable my touchpad under ubuntu 12.04, and also make the key that enables/disables it work? None of the wiki and forum solutions seem to work :(16:25
shadejpfifo: where can i get that16:27
pfifoshadej, is an address that means all adderess available on your machine. changing to an actual address might help with the troubleshooting effort16:27
pfifoand disable IPv616:27
shadejpfifo: on which config file can i get it?16:27
pfifoshadej, should be in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf16:28
shadejpfifo: i can not locate it there16:29
raven_thunderbird: how to export to eml with custom filenames?16:30
Rukany1 here ?16:31
pfifoshadej, the file or the directive in the file todo the binding?16:31
shadejRuk: just ask your question16:31
bazhang!ask | Ruk16:31
ubottuRuk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:31
contrapunctusRuk - 1600 people, ll16:31
shadejpfifo: not clear16:31
=== mosaic is now known as enhansed
pfifoshadej, are you saying /etc/apache2/apache2.conf doesnt exist?16:32
shadejpfifo: i search for and i can not find it?16:32
Rukthanks, .... Can I play Diable3 on ubuntu ?16:32
bazhang!appd | Ruk16:32
pfifoshadej, yeah, you need to add it yourself, heres the relevant manual page http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/bind.html16:33
bazhangcheck out the appdb ruk16:33
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:33
bazhangRuk, ^16:33
pfifoshadej, ill be right back16:33
Rukok thanks, I'll check it later16:33
raven_thunderbird: how to export to eml with custom filenames?16:33
=== fego is now known as Guest84875
gustav___Hey, did you know ncal -w doesn't show the right week?16:34
bazhanghttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/importexporttools/   raven_16:35
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pfifoshadej, keep in mind at some point here we need to listen on port 443 as well16:39
ltxdahi all.  have a partition problem.  Hope someone's been through this and can help.  I cloned a server with Clonezilla.  Then restored it to a virtual machine with a larger HD.  The original was approx 200GB.  The new virtual disk is 1TB.  Everything went well and the server boots but for some reason it's only recognizing the original hard disk size.  Any way to have it extend to the rest of16:42
ltxdathe free space?  I used GParted  but can't figure out how to get it to do that.16:42
pfifogustav___, it seems the year started with week 53, cal -wy16:44
WILLdudeHi. I have a DVB-T usb stick plugged in but no /dev/dvb has been created.16:46
redpillSystem program problem detected16:46
redpillYes hi I was just wondering what the utility is in haveing ubuntu tell me 7 times that it is messed up on boot. Is this to make me wish I havd arch installed on this comuter as well?16:46
Guest50775is there a good s script in anyone's opinion that will color code or color th output16:46
IdleOneWILLdude: should be in /media/16:47
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MonkeyDustGuest50775  you mean a bash script? if yes: ask in #bash16:47
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Guest50775MonkeyDust: yes, thank you16:48
WILLdudeBJfreeman: Do I know you from somewhere? Are you a wikipedian?16:48
pfifoltxda, resize2fs might help16:48
ltxdaok let me give that a go...thnx pfifo16:48
WILLdudeMaybe I'm thinking of someone else.16:48
WILLdudeIdleOne: Nothing in there either.16:50
WILLdudeAFAIK, it should be in /dev/dvb16:50
ltxdapfifo, i think it's sized up properly but just not being recognized by Ubuntu.  I say this because when I boot to GParted i can't resize and it shows up as one drive.16:50
raven_bazhang, importexporttools does not export more than 14 files in my case - several times16:52
gustav___pfifo: Doesn't work. First week is still 53.16:53
pfifogustav___, my command just showed the whole year... it IS week 2316:55
pfifonot 2416:55
pfifoltxda, sounds like its the partition table then, not just the filesystem, I think fdisk or parted can repair it16:56
ltxdapfifo, ah ok.  I see what you mean.  I'll give that a try.  Thank you again.16:57
ltxdapfifo, when you say parted you mean gparted or is that another tool?16:57
pfifoltxda, parted the cli version of gparted16:58
ltxdathnx again16:59
mbnoimiHow can I add an application so system path? I tried to modify "ld.so.conf" but it seems work for .so files only, is it?16:59
pvl1hey there i got an ubuntu server box, and grub doesnt seem to be loading the cfg, bc i can manually boot17:00
pfifombnoimi, thaats not what ld.so.conf is for, you can either put your program in /usr/bin or modify your $PATH to include something like /home/user/bin17:01
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know winconn? Is it the ultimate solution? or is there any better equivalent?17:01
zykotick9pfifo: actually ~/bin is in PATH by default (but you need to log out/back in after creating the directory).  mbnoimi17:01
bazhangwhat is winconn mojtaba17:01
mojtababazhang: Take a look at its website17:02
mbnoimipfifo: OK, how can I modify $PATH ?17:02
bazhangmojtaba, just tell us here17:02
samsamsamjoin #dota217:02
danielrm26Hey guys.17:03
mojtababazhang: http://stanev.org/winconn/17:03
pfifombnoimi, edit your ~/.bashrc, I think there is already an entry for it at the bottom, but see what zykotick9 said above, seems ~/bin is already there17:03
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know winconn? Is it the ultimate solution? or is there any better equivalent?17:04
mbnoimipfifo: I don't want to change system path for the current user only, I want to the whole system17:05
pvl1mojtaba, not using windows. maybe wine17:05
IdleOnemojtaba: try it and decide for yourself17:05
mbnoimipfifo: I want to add a new path to $PATH17:05
mojtabaany idea better that IdleOne?17:05
pfifombnoimi, system wide bashrc is /etc/bash.bashrc17:06
IdleOnemojtaba: technically it is not supported in this channel.17:06
antoine__french ?17:06
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:06
pfifombnoimi, but if your aiming for system wide, then just put your program in /usr/bin17:06
lshknhi all17:07
mbnoimipfifo: in case I added ln to folder into /usr/bin... can I call the applications in that folder?17:08
pfifombnoimi, you need to link the program itself, not the directory17:08
pfifobut a link will work just fine17:09
mbnoimipfifo: thanks it works:)17:09
pvl1i cant seem to get grub to boot ubuntu17:13
clem_guys i am trying to do LinuxFromScratch17:14
clem_please help me17:14
bazhang!ot | clem_17:14
ubottuclem_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:14
rlntelhas anyon had the problem where they tried to reset their pw...received on in email...entered it and the correct uname and ubuntu tells you the pw is wrong?17:14
clem_ok thanks17:15
contrapunctusclem_ - Try ##linux. You'll need to register your nick, though17:15
bazhang!patience | ring017:16
ubotturing0: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/17:16
bazhangsorry ring017:16
OerHeksrlntel, reset ubuntu password by email? you probably mean ubuntu-forum?17:16
bazhangrlntel, see above17:16
shadejpfifo: ok i was away17:18
shadejpfifo: the ports.conf file is imported in the httpd.conf17:18
MariachiACooops sorry accidently closed the channel.17:19
MariachiACHERe was the question. Hello I'm going to be installing ubuntu on my mac. If I delete OSX and install ubuntu on its own do I need to install refit before I do anything?17:19
pfifoshadej, yes seems ports.conf is where to edit17:20
shadejpfifo: yeah on ports.conf the content i suspect for error is17:21
shadejNameVirtualHost *:8017:21
shadejListen 8017:21
GreyganMariachiAC: If you are dumping OSX and running Ubuntu as a stand alone OS there is no need for Refit.17:22
MariachiACGreygan: thank you17:23
MariachiACGreygan: Do I need to format the disk for efi support or will it boot via grub automatically17:23
pfifoshadej, you can do 'Listen w.x.y.z:80' to get it to bind to just a single addy, the NameVirtualHost is something different and should be left alone17:23
shadejpfifo: yeah i did , i made it to be
GreyganMariachiAC: I would suggest a reformat anyway... but grub should take over either way17:24
shadejwhich my addres17:24
pfifoshadej, now just need to figure out the original problem17:24
MariachiACGreygan: ok thanks. I'll go do the instalaltion.17:25
pfifoshadej, Look over the config for modssl, Id ask you to pastebin it but it might contain sensitive info17:26
shadejpfifo: no it is not sensitive17:27
shadejam working on a local server17:27
pfifoshadej, then lets take a look17:27
shadejpfifo: i lost the path17:30
shadejtell me please17:30
shadeji got it17:30
pfifoshadej, /etc/apache2/mods-enabled17:30
pvl1ubuntu installed but it wont boot the cfg, i have to manually boot ubuntu. and this is a server box, so its a bit of a hassle17:34
mbnoimihow can I run .sh file GUI without need to run it from the terminal (double click on it to see the terminal output)?17:35
pfifombeierl, run a terminal emulator with the script as its command.17:36
pvl1mbnoimi, right click on it and make it executable, then u can double click it17:36
pvl1in properties17:37
mbnoimipvl1: I already did that but I can't see the output unless I manually opened the terminal17:37
gustav___pfifo: No. Check out http://www.vecka.nu/ vecka means week in Swedish. Also http://www.kalender.se/2013/Juni17:38
pfifopvl1, sounds like you need to run 'update-grub'17:38
pvl1mbnoimi, do what pfifo said17:38
Esokrateshi, my proprietary nvidia driver has an issue (the brightness flickers randomly (only on flicker every few minutes/hours) ) This does not happen with opensource driver. What sould I do?17:39
pvl1pfifo, did that twice17:39
Esokrateshi, my proprietary nvidia driver has an issue (the brightness flickers randomly (only on flicker every few minutes/hours) ) This does not happen with opensource driver. What sould I do?17:39
mbnoimipvl1: didn’t work!17:39
mbnoimipvl1: Do I've to add some line into .sh file?17:40
pvl1mbnoimi, no, uh add an app to the bar up top17:40
pvl1do u want it on ur deskstop17:41
pfifopvl1, is the resulting grub.cfg setup as expected?17:41
pfifombnoimi, you can add a shebang, but shouldnt make a difference, the code is "#!/bin/sh"17:41
marciohi all! anybody with Radeon HD 6600M working in 13.04?17:41
pvl1pfifo, quit so. ironically if i do install-grub it works17:42
pvl1its confusing17:42
mbnoimipvl1: I just add this line into my .sh "ldd myapplication"17:42
pfifombnoimi, that doesnt make any sense, ldd list the libraries a program uses17:43
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pvl1mbnoimi, i agree with pfifo17:43
mbnoimipvl1: I know... I just want to double click on that .sh file for seeing the output of ldd instead of opening the terminal manually17:44
pfifogustav___, you should notify the administrators of those sites that there code has bugs, its week 2317:45
mbnoimipfifo: I know... I just want to double click on that .sh file for seeing the output of ldd instead of opening the terminal manually17:45
pvl1double click from where17:45
pfifombnoimi, then create a shortcut to rxvt or any terminal emulator of your choice that allows you to supply a command or script to run17:46
pfifopvl1, are you using EFI17:46
korisnickoimei have ati 4650 and when i install fglrx drivvers what i need for 1 game to work my other game slows down from and lags17:46
korisnickoimei have ati 4650 and when i install fglrx drivvers what i need for 1 game to work my other game slows down from and lags, are ati still shit shoud i buy  f nvidia?17:47
pvl1pfifo, lol no, this is a p317:47
mbnoimipfifo: I know that I can fix it by a desktop shortcut... I need a solution without shortcut (I believe I've to add some line into .sh file)17:48
pfifopvl1, are you using a seperate partition for /boot17:48
pvl1pfifo, nope. im also confused about, grub says 1.99, is that grub 2?17:48
pfifombnoimi, you could try a shebang like so '#!/usr/bin/rxvt'17:48
auronandacepvl1: yes, that is grub217:49
pfifopvl1, yes, 1.99 is 2 somehow17:49
korisnickoimei have ati 4650 and when i install fglrx drivvers what i need for 1 game to work my other game slows down from and lags, are ati still shit shoud i buy  f nvidia???17:49
IdleOne!language | korisnickoime17:49
ubottukorisnickoime: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:49
pvl1hm maybe im following grub1 directions17:50
pfifopvl1, did you make your own grub.cfg17:50
korisnickoimei have ati 4650 and when i install fglrx drivvers what i need for 1 game to work my other game slows down and lags, are ATI cards  still bad shoud i buy   nvidia???17:50
pvl1pfifo, no sir. i will try update grub again just to see what happens17:51
mbnoimipfifo: I added "#!/usr/bin/rxvt" to the top my .sh file but it didn't change anything!!!17:51
bazhang!repeat | korisnickoime17:51
ubottukorisnickoime: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:51
pvl1pfifo, should i use update-grub or update-grub217:51
pfifopvl1, same file17:51
pfifopvl1, did you edit any of the files in /etc/grub.d17:52
korisnickoimeare ATI card still bad drivers for linux?17:53
pvl1pfifo, nope. i uninstLLED A buncha stuff, then did a dist upgrade17:53
pfifokorisnickoime, im under the impression that nvidia is crap and ati is cool17:53
pvl1pfifo, still goes to a grub terminal17:53
switchingjust got a new system76 lemur ultra!! it is fantastic17:54
* pfifo is jealous17:54
korisnickoimei dont want to istall windows17:54
switchinghaha pfifo17:54
switchingkorisnickoime why do you need to?17:54
pfifoput unix on it please17:54
switchingpfifo on my system76? why lol17:55
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pfifobecause you can17:55
BluesKajkorisnickoime, depends on the card , some run fine some don't17:55
korisnickoimebad gaming on ubuntu  i think it hes to do whit driwers17:55
korisnickoimeso what card runs fine17:55
switchingpfifo good enough for me17:55
sam113101why does my window manager keep crashing17:55
korisnickoimei have 4650 and it sux expecial for gaming17:55
switchingkorisnickoime you can get steam and minecraft has excellent support :D17:55
switchingoh you're talking about cards17:56
korisnickoimei dont play thet game i play Heroes of Newart and Path of Exile17:56
clem_hi guys, i am pushed back to this channel from #lfs-support , now plz if there are any developers plz help me17:56
korisnickoimeso what card is good tested for games17:56
switchingwine?  lol probably too unstable17:56
pfifopvl1, It seems you know how to get grub working without ubuntu's help, maybe you should just install manually instead of the automated way17:56
bazhangclem_, lfs is NOT supported here17:56
sam113101why does my window manager keep crashing17:57
pfifoclem_, LFS has their own irc network, hop onto irc.linuxfromscratch.org port 666717:57
clem_don't u support ubuntu buider??17:57
clem_don't u support ubuntu builder??17:57
bazhangclem_, that has zero to do with LFS17:58
clem_what is the difference??17:58
switchingthis laptop is completely silent for basic tasks, but i fired up openshot and started rendering a 3d title with blender and now it's noisy :P17:58
bazhang!details | sam11310117:58
ubottusam113101: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:58
switchingbut whaddaya expect, right?17:58
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sereswitching: how does that run? is the intel card anygood? I like the little ubuntu keyboard button :o17:59
sam113101WELL, I get no border around windows17:59
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pfifoclem_, why dont you ask your question and if we need to send you to another channel then so be it.17:59
sam113101I can't open the dash, the unity bar sin't there17:59
clem_pfifo: how to install a icon theme??18:00
switchingsere it's going well, about 1 frame rendered every 12 seconds, but i'm doing other stuff like x-chat at the same time18:00
switchingand firefox is open18:00
switchingprobably should close that18:00
pfifoclem_, under ubuntu?18:01
clem_pfifo: yuo18:01
clem_pfifo: yup18:01
bazhang!themes | clem_18:01
ubottuclem_: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:01
pfifo!theme | clem_18:01
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clem_and then??18:02
bazhang!changethemes > clem_18:02
ubottuclem_, please see my private message18:02
bazhangclem_, and then, read the links18:02
HelloWorld321I've just installed a fresh ubuntu (12.10) on a fresh virtual box; installed guest additions.  unity_support_test -p says that "GLX is not available on the system".  Should I worry about that?  How can I make GLX available?18:03
clem_sorry but i am gonna  build gnome version18:03
nightflyHow can I cause /usr/share/locale/en_US.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/libc.mo (or one of it's varients) to be generated/installed?18:03
bazhangHelloWorld321, does vbox support 3D?18:03
switchingsere does that sound fast? i can only judge against my old computer which froze when i tried to render a 3d title in openshot :P18:03
HelloWorld321bazhang: Yes, I believe so.  I've checked the "Enable 3D Acceleration" in the display configuration.18:04
bazhangclem_, why would you compile the gnome version for ubuntu; is this really about LFS?18:04
clem_i am wanting to install the icon-theme in a ubuntu builder18:05
clem_bazhang: i am wanting to install the icon-theme in a ubuntu builder18:05
bazhangHelloWorld321, if you dont get a satisfactory answer here, there is also #vbox18:05
bazhang!remaster | clem_18:06
ubottuclem_: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility18:06
korisnickoimeso what card is good tested for games?18:06
clem_i have already read that all, no answer for icon-theme18:07
pfifokorisnickoime, to be honest, linux isnt a good gaming platform. I highly recommend windows for any serious gaming.18:08
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pvl1pfifo, i think i will try that18:08
switchingpfifo unless, of course all the games you want to play are on steam or linux-native18:09
switchingof course, *18:09
zykotick9pfifo: 'if windows is your answer, you're asking the wrong question' ;)18:09
clem_bazhang:  i have already read that all, no answer for icon-theme18:09
bazhangclem_, what exactly is "ubuntu builder"18:10
clem_its a uck type for remastering18:10
clem_i am wanting to remaster, yes\18:10
iderikNot sure why my irssi closed, is there anyway to see what caused it? it doesnt have to be a crash, maybe i did it myself but not noticing it.18:10
bazhangclem_, whats the package name please18:11
pfifoiderik, after the fact you can atleast get an exit code 'echo $?'18:11
clem_bazhang: uck18:11
clem_bazhang: i am wanting to install a icon-theme i created to my distro..18:12
Asad2005The default fonts seems ugly in my system, what am i doing wrong just installed 13.0418:12
iderikpfifo: ah, nice! that might work, but i cant try that now since i closed the shell after, on purpose this time18:12
pfifoAsad2005, is you resolution set correctly, you could be seeing artifacts from scaling18:12
stratfordvI have tried 4 different linux versions but decided on ubuntu 12.04.  I have a laptop with a CD/DVD burner.  In Windows it writes all formats of cd and DVD however in linux it doesn't think it's a burner. When i type cd-drive it says it doesn't write anything.  Is there anything I can do?18:13
Asad2005pfifo: How do i check that ? but in terminal fonts are good18:13
HelloWorld321tx bazhang18:13
pfifoAsad2005, i dont know that part, just the symptom18:14
shadejpfifo: http://pastebin.com/HWa4pz3Q18:14
pfifostratfordv, can you pastebin the output of 'lspci && lshw'18:14
stratfordvsure standby18:15
clem_bazhang: are u there to help me plz??18:15
shadejpfifo: am sorry being late18:15
bazhanghttp://code.google.com/p/ubuntu-builder/   <---- from this?18:15
pfifoshadej, you havent modified this file have you?18:16
bazhangthere's a button called "install deb" on that menu   <---- clem_18:16
ls32How can remove write protection from pen drive in debian?18:16
ls32How can I remove write protection from pen drive in debian?18:17
bazhangls32, #debian18:17
DJonesls32: You'll probably need to ask that in #debian18:17
shadejpfifo: nope18:17
pfifols32, are you sure its write protected? Perhaps only root is allowed to modify stuff18:17
ls32yes its write protected18:18
TheLordOfTimehow do i manually mount an NTFS usb drive as readwrite?18:18
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TheLordOfTime(GUI automount ended up auto-read-onlying it later)18:18
pfifoshadej, is your certificate installed correctly?18:18
shadejpfifo: i dont know18:19
pfifoshadej, did you install a certificate?18:19
stratfordvpfifo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5768639/18:19
shadejpfifo: yeah18:20
ClarkcjI have a question I am trying to install Ubuntu on my laptop using the mini.iso and I am following the instructions for the Netinstall but it doesn't seem to work.18:20
ClarkcjAs I fill out the questions as directed, and it comes up with a like a text box on a blank screen to type things in.18:21
ClarkcjCan someone help me with my problem?18:21
pfifostratfordv, do you have both a dvd reader and a dvd writer?18:21
pfifoshadej, was apache working before you started fussing with modssl?18:22
stratfordvyes it's a very good burner.  It does everything.  I ordered it with the laptop from Dell18:22
shadejpfifo: sure18:22
shadejit is working even now when i disable the ssl mod18:22
pfifostratfordv, yes you do have 2 different drives?18:22
stratfordvOh no sorry, all 1 drive18:22
stratfordvmy bad18:23
ls32my USB Flash drive has been auto mounting as read only but my account and all permissions are set as root...I am unable to make any changes...please help18:23
IveBeenBitI'm running Linux Mint 12 LXDE and trying to install Zbar with "pip install zbar". The computer writes some stuff, then "fatal error: Python.h: no such file or directory. Compilation terminated" How can I get Zbar to install?18:23
DJones!mint | IveBeenBit18:23
ubottuIveBeenBit: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:23
bazhangls32, on debian?18:24
pfifostratfordv, according to this pastebin, its showing up as a reader only. Is this an external drive?18:24
stratfordvpfifo, no its an internal drive18:25
shadejpfifo: i installed the certificates but am not using them18:26
shadejwhy should this matter?18:26
stratfordvThat's my issue, If I run cd-drive, it shows all the data about the drive for for writing, everything shows no18:26
stratfordvI don't understand18:27
=== Gu_______ is now known as Achtwerk
bittyx-desktophi all! i'm having trouble installing/running ubuntu. i've downloaded 13.04 (desktop amd64 version). when i try booting the system (before installation), either from a flash drive, or my dvd reader, i get the same error: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9evADzc2Oweb3psd0M5dkVpczg/edit?usp=sharing - i've figured out that ata8 *is* my dvd reader, so i've tried unplugging it, and successfully install18:28
bittyx-desktoped 13.04, so that was indeed the problem! however, when i plug it back in, ubuntu won't even start - it hangs on a black screen while booting. i've since tried installing 12.04 (also desktop amd64), and i have the exact same problem. anyone knows what's going on?18:28
Asad2005someone please suggest a good theme or fonts for ubuntu 13.04, default dont seem to look good or maybe rendering proplem18:28
zeheex_in_c>>gcc -o myfile myfile.c   (its success), but why if >> gcc -o myfile myfile.cpp  (it is not success?)18:28
clem_bazhang: sorry, but i need to configure from chroot18:29
pfifostratfordv, it seems the burner part requires some special drivers to work properly, what is the make and model of the drive18:30
bittyx-desktopi've bought a new computer a week ago, and everything in it is brand new, including the dvd drive. the dvd drive is this one: https://www.avadirect.com/product_details_parts.asp?PRID=2567018:31
stratfordvpfifo afraid you were going to ask that.  may take me a min or 218:31
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pfifoshadej, im not sure where this is crashing, i would like to run apache in debug mode but google isnt giving me any info on how18:31
jtwaltersif i suspect my ubuntu's apache 2.2.22 has been repeatedly exploited, how should i update it to a more recent version than what ubuntu offers?18:32
jribjtwalters: what would that do?18:32
zeheex_in_cwhy  >> gcc -o myfile myfile.cpp  not success in compile?18:33
jribzeheex_in_c: try g++18:33
jtwaltersjrib: updating to the latest 2.2.x of apache2 might fix this vulnerability i've been experiencing18:33
jribjtwalters: ubuntu includes security patches in its updates.  Is there a specific security patch you believe ubuntu hasn't included?18:33
zeheex_in_cjrib thx. so gcc just for c file?18:34
jribzeheex_in_c: sure18:34
zeheex_in_cjrib thank you18:35
jtwaltersjrib: i believe it's this one: http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2013-1862/18:35
ubottumod_rewrite.c in the mod_rewrite module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x before 2.2.25 writes data to a log file without sanitizing non-printable characters, which might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via an HTTP request containing an escape sequence for a terminal emulator. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-1862)18:35
stratfordvpfifo. Vendor                      : PLDS18:36
stratfordvModel                       : DVD-ROM DS-8D3SH18:36
stratfordvRevision                    : HD1518:36
clem_bazhang: man, i need the codes to apply the icon-theme folder18:37
pfifostratfordv, your not the only one... http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1916289.html18:38
clem_bazhang: currently the default is gnome18:38
jribjtwalters: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/1188069 you can see comments here.  You can either use the workaround suggested or compile your own apache as you wanted (and then you must always keep on top of security updates yourself)18:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1188069 in apache2 (Ubuntu Saucy) "apache2 mod_rewrite CVE 2013-1862" [Low,Confirmed]18:38
bazhangclem_, no idea about that18:38
jtwaltersjrib: thank you18:38
clem_bazhang: ok thanks very much18:39
RickZillaIs this channel for dev support or user support?18:39
pfifoshadej, looked into trying, but it is way to involved to start apache in debug mode on ubuntu. were you following a guide to setup modssl, if so let me have the link18:39
bazhangRickZilla, what did you need18:39
jribRickZilla: this is for ubuntu technical support.  What's your question?18:39
clem_guys, i need the codes to apply the icon-theme folder instead of gnome in chroot, uck18:39
RickZillaNo specific question right now, just making sure I've got right channel to bookmark. Just didn't want to ask user questions if it was dev only.18:40
shadejpfifo: sure http://learnedstuffs.wordpress.com/2011/10/06/setting-up-https-on-apache-web-server/18:40
clem_guys, i need the codes to apply the icon-theme folder instead of gnome in chroot, uck18:40
jribRickZilla: you're in the right place then :)18:40
quantalrabbiti installed package nginx and then removed it and also manually removed /etc/nginx .  Now when I reinstall nginx, the stuff in /etc/nginx does not get restored.  Any help greatly appreciated.  thanks!18:40
jribquantalrabbit: dpkg -S /etc/nginx18:41
GreyganRickZilla: This is User support. #ubuntu-devs is the dev support18:41
SP33DGreygan: psssst don't tell him its ok if he ask dev questions here too18:41
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SP33Dso the people can learn :D18:42
quantalrabbitjrib: thanks!18:42
jribquantalrabbit: that should tell you the package responsible for those files18:42
GreyganLOL... yeah sorry. He was just asking which channel this was...18:42
pfifostratfordv, it doesnt seem the writer is supported in linux :( which is weird for a dvd burner18:43
stratfordvpfifo no drivers from anywhere huh?  Guess I gotta get an external....  Thanks for the help18:44
pfifostratfordv, i would just replace the internal one all together, external ones arent supported any better.18:46
pfifoshadej, can I have a updated version of your error.log18:46
KihokkiHey, anyone else in problems with the new wine? Newest release broke my wine. Tried purging all related packages and installing new release but I get this: "E: Package 'wine1.6' has no installation candidate"18:48
shadejpfifo:  it is the same18:48
jtwaltersany good resources to clean up an apache-related compromise? my server sent out thousands of emails in a perl script running as www-data18:49
pussyhow to make linux distro based on ubuntu?18:49
bazhangKihokki, the #winehq PPA?18:49
DJones!remaster | pussy18:49
ubottupussy: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility18:49
Kihokkibazhang, They told me to go here18:49
jribKihokki: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy wine18:49
bazhangKihokki, is that the one?18:49
pussyhow to install remaster in ubuntu 13.04?18:49
DiamondBoy1979hello everyone18:50
bazhangpussy, read the links18:50
jriboh sorry, followhat bazhang says first, Kihokki18:50
DJonespussy: Read the links, that tells you what to do18:50
Kihokkibazhang, Yes, I'm using their PPA and asked their channel about this18:51
bazhangKihokki, contact the PPA maintainer then18:51
trismKihokki: looking at the ppa, wine1.6 failed to copy for quantal and raring, so only precise binaries are there at the moment18:51
X-Sleepy-X!cookie | trism18:52
ubottutrism: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:52
pfifoshadej, how much memory does your apache machine have?18:52
Kihokkitrism, So it's possible that this will be fixed soon?18:52
shadejpfifo: i dont know18:52
trismKihokki: yes it is really recent, about 9 hours ago, I'm sure it'll get sorted out in a day or two18:53
shadejlet me see18:53
pfifoshadej, just 'free -m'18:53
Kihokkitrism, Well thanks alot! :)18:53
shadejpfifo:i have free 489 mb18:54
* X-Sleepy-X wonders what to do when everything works18:57
maxagazhow to get this package: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/twidge/saucy-proposed19:02
oalIs it possible to disable the "type to search" thing in nautilus?19:02
bazhang!13.10 | maxagaz19:03
ubottumaxagaz: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:03
maxagazbazhang: twidge is not working anymore because of a change in twitter api, so I need this very new package19:04
pfifoshadej, can you run 'ls -l /etc/ssl/certs/server.crt && ls -l /etc/ssl/private/server.key'19:04
bazhangmaxagaz, thats for saucy. dont mix repos19:04
nyR3dnekhmmm...how can i config my web server to NOT redirect to www.foo.bar instead of just foo.bar?19:04
maxagazbazhang: that would only be for this package19:04
maxagazbazhang: should I better install the tar.bz that's here: https://launchpad.net/debian/sid/+source/twidge/1.1.0/+files/twidge_1.1.0.tar.gz ?19:05
nyR3dnekone of my sites insists of loading the page with www, and i'm not sure why19:05
maxagazbut then, it won't be taken in charge...19:05
shadejpfifo: what -l19:06
shadejdo you mean -la19:06
pussyhow to make linux distro based on ubuntu?19:06
shadejif that is the case yes i cn do19:06
bazhang!reamaster> pussy19:06
pussyhow to install remaster in ubuntu 13.04?19:06
pfifoshadej, -a does nothing in this context as im only intrested in 1 file (-a == all)19:07
bittyx-desktophi all! i'm having trouble installing/running ubuntu. i've downloaded 13.04 (desktop amd64 version). when i try booting the system (before installation), either from a flash drive, or my dvd reader, i get the same error: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9evADzc2Oweb3psd0M5dkVpczg/edit?usp=sharing - i've figured out that ata8 *is* my dvd reader, so i've tried unplugging it, and successfully install19:07
bittyx-desktoped 13.04, so that was indeed the problem! however, when i plug it back in, ubuntu won't even start - it hangs on a black screen while booting. i've since tried installing 12.04 (also desktop amd64), and i have the exact same problem. anyone knows what's going on? the dvd drive in question is this one: https://www.avadirect.com/product_details_parts.asp?PRID=25670 - and it works without any problem19:07
bittyx-desktops whatsoever on win7 (64-bit).19:07
FloodBot1bittyx-desktop: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:07
zeheex_in_ccan we copy manually an execute file from ubuntu to another distro sbin or bin code?(example:gcc we want to copy it to sbin or bin in another distro) is it can?19:07
=== nyR3dnek is now known as nyRednek
zeheex_in_c*can we copy manually an execute file from ubuntu to another distro sbin or bin folder?(example:gcc we want to copy it to sbin or bin in another distro) is it can?19:07
bazhangpussy, Read The Links19:07
auronandace!uck | pussy19:07
ubottupussy: uck is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/19:07
shadejpfifo: then what?19:07
pfifopastebin the results if its more than one line19:08
raven_traffic bonding: who has done that already? upstream to one device, downstream from another19:08
maxagazbazhang: ah, no binary in this package...19:08
bazhangraven_, thats not really an ubuntu question19:08
pussyi dont want to use ubuntu name in my os, it would be the dirrent name like PussyOS19:08
shadejpfifo:  result19:09
shadej-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 944 ጁን  15 09:02 /etc/ssl/certs/server.crt19:09
zeheex_in_c**can we copy manually an execute file from ubuntu to another distro sbin or bin folder?(example:gcc we want to copy it to sbin or bin in another distro) is it can?19:09
raven_bazhang, so where to find an answer19:09
zeheex_in_cand how to know what files that needed by gcc?19:10
pussyhow to make linux distro based on ubuntu?19:10
auronandacezeheex_in_c: no, things will break19:10
DJonespussy: You've been given that information multiple times, please stop asking and read the links you've been given19:11
maxagazcan I install this deb http://packages.debian.org/sid/twidge on ubuntu 11.04 server ?19:11
maxagazversion i386 I guess19:11
auronandacemaxagaz: 11.04 is no longer supported19:11
shadejpfifo: ?19:12
maxagazauronandace: can I upgrade it ?19:12
pfifoshadej, and the other cert too 'ls -l /etc/ssl/private/server.key'19:12
TomJ616Hey guys, is it possible to install ubuntu via netboot but without download anything?19:12
maxagazauronandace: or not anymore19:12
auronandacemaxagaz: better to fresh install a supported ubuntu version19:12
SP33DTomJ616: i don't think so19:12
maxagazauronandace: I have to much stuff installed on this server19:12
TomJ616What I mean by that is, I have the iso file on my computer, but can't install it because my monitor goes "out of range"19:13
shadejpfifo: result19:13
shadej-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 891 ጁን  15 09:02 /etc/ssl/private/server.key19:13
TomJ616And from what I understand, a netboot install is a text install19:13
auronandacemaxagaz: you should have upgraded it while it was supported19:13
pfifoshadej, is that foreign language stuff supposed to be there?19:13
SP33DTomJ616: download the alternate install iso19:13
tableshow can i see all the files for a package?19:13
tablesthat's installed?19:13
maxagazauronandace: I'm always afraid some error occure19:13
SP33Dthere is a iso called alternate19:13
SP33Dthat offers the install you need19:13
maxagazauronandace: and that this remote server doesn't restart19:14
shadejpfifo:  it is a date19:14
auronandacemaxagaz: that doesn't change the support rules19:14
shadeji just copy and paste19:14
TomJ616Yeah, but I think I have to download ubuntu again then19:14
SP33DTomJ616: right19:14
SP33Dfully right19:14
maxagazauronandace: ok, so no way to update it anymore, right ?19:14
SP33Dyou download ubuntu alternate cd iso19:14
TomJ616I'm on a limited data plan :/19:14
SP33Dor server install19:14
SP33DTomJ616: then travel to next internet coffe shop19:15
SP33Dor else19:15
pfifoshadej, when you start apache does it ask for a password?19:15
danielkarlssonmaxagaz: I always fear that the same thing will happen. If you have the resources I would install a newer version on a new server then migrate the services one at the time, that way you can't lose anything.19:15
TomJ616So tgere isn't a way to pull off a text install of some sort?19:15
shadejpfifo: i am using sudo19:15
SP33DTomJ616: nope thats not possible19:15
shadejdo you mean the password for the certificate?19:16
SP33Dthats coz there is a alternate iso it gets used when normal install fails19:16
maxagazdanielkarlsson: I don't have the ressources unfortunately19:16
ubottuThe alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD19:16
pfifoshadej, well sudo itself will ask for a password, then it should ask for another one to unlock the private key19:16
OerHeksSP33D,  use the mini iso19:16
shadejpfifo: i made it to be passwordless19:16
SP33DTomJ616: ^19:16
SP33Ddownload the mini iso19:17
shadejSP33D: pfifo trying to help join us please19:17
auronandaceshadej: that was a mistake19:17
TomJ616Like I said, limited data plan :/19:17
shadejauronandace: which one?19:17
auronandaceshadej: disabling the password19:17
SP33Dshadej: they simply don't understand your problem there is no password for apache19:18
SP33Dshadej:  they try to tell you when you do first time sudo a command19:18
shadejSP33D: they are talking about the certificate password19:18
SP33Dit ask for the sudo password but then you don't get reasked19:18
SP33Dno no the cert isn't the problem19:19
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo19:19
danielkarlssonmaxagaz: Sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns. If you run a dist-upgrade everything should/might work, but best thing to do is a clean install.19:19
SP33Dyou can run apache even without a cert19:19
SP33Din ssl mode19:19
SP33Di am coder from apache and i know such things19:19
shadejSP33D: ok19:19
pfifoshadej, does this fix your problem http://www.clausconrad.com/blog/apache-segmentation-fault-after-enabling-ssl19:19
SP33Dand if it would be a fail with the cert then there would be a other log19:20
shadejSP33D: yeah19:20
SP33Dah ya the link sounds nice19:20
SP33Dtry that19:20
SP33Ddisabling crul19:20
SP33Dlike i sayed maybe its a bug19:21
SP33Dthat would be such a bug19:21
shadejpfifo: what is the use of the curl module?19:22
pfifoshadej, its used to access network from within your php scripts, like you could use curl to make an online ftp client for your webserver19:23
pfifoor spam the crap out of 4chan which has been my main use of curl to date19:23
yofunhow do i check whats running on port 9819:23
shadejpfifo: but i cant get it on the location they specified19:23
bekksyofun: sudo lsof -i19:24
pfifoshadej, rty disabling php all together, but leave ssl on19:24
yofunoh wait...19:24
yofunsocket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use19:24
yofunthats not a port///19:24
* yofun facepalm19:24
shadejpfifo: ok19:25
afancyHi, I have T530 Lenovo Laptop, and in my office I have a big monitor. But I failed to root to the connected external screen when I start the Ubuntu. Could anybody help me this problem? thanks!19:25
shadejpfifo: what is the service name for php19:25
shadejpfifo: how could i do that19:26
pfifoshadej, unlink php5.conf and php5.load from /etc/apache2/mode-enabled19:26
afancyHi, I have T530 Lenovo Laptop, and in my office I have a big monitor. But I failed to boot to the connected external screen when I start the Ubuntu. Could anybody help me this problem? thanks!19:26
BluesKaj!patience | afancy19:27
ubottuafancy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/19:27
afancyok, thanks19:27
shadejpfifo: do you mean i have to remove those files {backup}19:27
Greyganafancy: So, it boots but just doesnt come up on the external monitor. Is this correct?19:28
afancyGranis:i have googled, but not able to find any solution19:28
Greyganafancy: does the external monitor show up in system settings / displays?19:29
raks437i need help to recover my Ubuntu installed in Wubi19:29
afancyGreygan:no, it does not show anything. If i select the menu to boot to windows 7, it can boot to the external screen,19:30
contrapunctusGuys, is there something that shows keyboard input? Like, what command it is sending? I need to debug my touchpad enable/disable key :(19:31
shadejpfifo: i removed the files and there is no change19:31
X-Sleepy-Xafancy: how is the monitor connected to the laptop?19:31
Greyganafancy: booting to the screen is not in question. Does Ubuntu see the external monitor in "system settings / displays"?19:31
afancyX-Sleepy-X:i use a laptop stand19:31
afancyGranis:not, it cannot show any external monitor19:32
jcrzaI need a decent ubuntu laptop19:32
X-Sleepy-Xafancy: and from that stand/dock is it connected by VGA, DVI or HDMI?19:32
jcrzajust for programming and the like.19:32
jcrzaWhat would you guys get?19:33
jcrzaI wanted to put ubuntu on my surface but I heard bad things19:33
pfifoshadej, lets have another look at the error.log file then19:33
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shadejpfifo: the error log file is still empty19:34
afancyX-Sleepy-X:yes, dock is connected to the external screen19:34
shadejit is weired19:34
pfifoshadej, unlink, they should be a link to ../mods-available/php5.conf19:34
AshaelHow can I display my locale settings in a language different from the default one for said locale?19:34
pfifoshadej, ohh, restart apache19:34
shadejpfifo: i did19:35
X-Sleepy-Xafancy: if you connect the monitor directly to the laptop, are you then able to see the monitor in the settings / monitor menu?19:35
pfifoshadej, and it didnt log any errors :D19:35
afancyX-Sleepy-X:i didnt try that19:35
shadejpfifo: yeah19:35
shadejthis is disgusting19:35
pfifoshadej, and when you navigate to
afancyX-Sleepy-X:i only try to dock  my laptop on the stand.19:35
wilee-nilee X-Sleepy-X, Settings-displays19:36
X-Sleepy-Xwilee-nilee: Thanks, I don't have Ubuntu in english...19:36
shadejpfifo: nothing happens19:37
shadejit does not connecct19:37
rhizomeso, apparently dragging files to a blank cdr makes them pending even though they appear to be on the disc. how can i get these to actually burn? brasero etc. will see it?19:38
pfifoshadej, so the server isnt running and it didnt log any errors? is the log file still blank and owned by www-data19:38
shadejpfifo: it is not owned by www-data19:40
TopGearIs there a way to df the external HD on my RPi? The only I get is this: http://pastebin.com/QtN5KiPP19:41
RaifTo anyone...what's the best cpu fan/temp sensor program for Ubuntu 12?19:42
shadejpfifo:  i changed the ownership to www-data nothing new19:42
pfifoshadej, scratch that mine is owned by root:adm19:42
Ashaelanyone: I prefer my display lanugage to be English, but I'm in Israel and my locale settings (coinage, weekdays etc.) show up in Hebrew. I'd like to use Israel's settings, but in English. any idea?19:43
X-Sleepy-Xbrb, something weird has happend to unity19:43
pfifoshadej, go ahead and relink the php5 stuff back into mods-enabled19:43
shadejpfifo: i simple took them back to their position19:43
shadejis it enough?19:43
pfifoshadej, yeah, you didnt need to save the link but its ok19:45
minimecjcrza: I fell in love with lenovo. Got a X230 here. Other machines can be found here http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/19:45
jcrzaI'd like to just install it on my surface19:46
orangeroboti've plugged in a usb stick and nothing happened. ok, so I opened the network dropdown on the top taskbar and checked 'enable mobile broadband'. configured a new connection and all, but still it didn't work. (connection attempt was never successful.). Now I've *un*-checked said option and now it works. what is this devilry? =P19:46
shadejpfifo: this is amazing19:46
shadejas a beginner i start to hate ubuntu19:46
shadejit must be operating system problem19:47
pfifoshadej, yes this is ubuntus bug19:47
SP33Dthis is not a general bug19:47
SP33Di use ubuntu too with ssl19:47
X-Sleepy-Xpff, it's a feature...19:47
SP33Ddon't gut such errors19:48
Ashaelanyone: I prefer my display lanugage to be English, but I'm in Israel and my locale settings (coinage, weekdays etc.) show up in Hebrew. I'd like to use Israel's settings, but in English. any idea?19:48
pfifoshadej, modssl whats a certian version of libssl, and php's curl wants a different version.19:48
minimecjcrza: Ubuntu installation on a surface pro seems possible, but I don't know if it is 100% supported... http://www.geek.com/microsoft/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-the-surface-pro-1539262/19:48
pfifoSP33D, he did a dist-upgrade, that created the mismatch19:48
SP33Dah i understand19:48
SP33Dbad boy :D never update a server if you don't know what your doing19:49
SP33Dnever heard about never touch a running system?19:49
shadejpfifo: when i disable the ssl mod it imediatley works19:49
shadejit does not say port in use19:49
GreyganAshael: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17528/change-the-user-interface-language-in-ubuntu/19:50
X-Sleepy-XAshael: you need to open the settings and go to language and then regional formats...19:50
SP33Dbut i was thinking about incompatiblity with the libssl too19:51
SP33Dis it now working without php5 crul?19:51
shadejSP33D: yeah19:52
SP33Dgood to know19:52
AshaelGreygan, X-Sleepy-X: I'm not sure you got me. The locale settings and the language for the display of the locale settings are coupled, I want to decouple them so I can use an Israeli weekday order, but displayed in English and not in Hebrew.19:53
GreyganAshael: the write up on that page shows how to keep currency and things the same and only change language output.19:53
shadejSP33D:  pfifo what about this one:19:53
shadejConflicting Listen directives19:53
SP33Dthat says that you got to much listen in you configs19:54
SP33Dso it conflicts19:54
FloodBot1SP33D: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:54
AshaelGreygan: thanks, will give it a try19:54
SP33Di use your pearl shell as temp drive FloodBot119:54
shadejFloodBot we are busy19:55
shadejtry to help if you can19:55
IdleOnestop talking to the bot, it won't respond.19:55
pfifoshadej, I think you should compile mod_ssl manually19:56
shadejpfifo:  where is the module btw?19:57
shadeji did not install it19:57
shadeji just loaded it19:57
pfifoshadej, its part of the apache2.2-common package19:57
shadejhow can i recompile it then19:57
pfifoshadej, im looking into it19:58
=== txdv_ is now known as txdv
pfifoshadej, unfortunatly, you have to buid the whole server just to rebuild the one module, but in the end, mod_ssl will be using the version of libssl thats installed on your system... have you ever compiled a package before?20:01
dazeI'm using unity-daily on Arch. When I search for an application (<super> + first few letters) and click on it, it opens a 'details' view with 'no image available', 'rating', and a 'launch' button. I'd rather it launched it directly after clicking. What is this new behavior? Can I change it? :)20:02
shadejpfifo: nope20:02
Flannelshadej, pfifo: Why are we doing this?  Did we manually install something else that wants a different version?20:02
pfifoFlannel, dist-upgrade upgraded libssl, and now his apache's mod_ssl wants one version, while php wants a different version20:03
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Flannelshadej: what version of Ubuntu are you on?20:04
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shadejFlannel:  13.0420:04
pfifoshadej, im going to step out for a moment, Flannel may have a better way20:04
shadejFlannel: have you heard the question/20:05
shadejpfifo: does it take long to recompile the whole apache?20:05
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Flannelshadej: Don't worry, we won't be recompiling anything.  We'll just be fixing things.20:06
Flannelshadej: Can you please pastebin the output of `apt-cache policy openssl libssl1.0.0 apache2.2-common libapache2-mod-php5`20:07
pfifoshadej, hours upon hours20:11
shadejpfifo: am here the whole day20:11
shadejwhat a bad day!20:12
shadejpfifo: i can see i can not be a system administrator20:13
mvalviarHello. I installed win7 in uefi mode then xubuntu 12.04 in uefi mode. But now I can't boot to my win7 install via grub.20:13
pfifoshadej, I think I see where Flannel is going with this his way will be easy20:13
mvalviarI can still boot to the win7 install by via bios boot selection menu. How do I fix grub?20:13
Greyganmvalviar: have you tried "sudo update-grub"?20:15
ultraParadigmwhat window manager still plays well with compiz?20:16
mvalviarI just ran and update after installing i believe that command ran. Let me try again.20:16
ultraParadigmI'm tired of all the problems I'm having with unity, xfce, and now even gnome and cairo-dock seem to be conflicint with compiz20:16
shadejFlannel: here we go20:17
shadejpfifo: ^20:17
mvalviarsudo update-grub can't see the win7 install20:17
mvalviarboth of them are eufi.20:17
mvalviarI don't know why grub can't see the windows install20:18
ultraParadigmmaybe it ignoes rubish20:18
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X-Sleepy-X!cookie | ultraParadigm20:19
ubottuultraParadigm: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:19
Greyganmvalviar: looks like they have a solution here that works...    http://askubuntu.com/questions/110005/windows-7-doesnt-show-up-in-grub-after-installation20:20
Flannelshadej: Ok, I don't see anything horrendously wrong there, but I do notice your php5 isn't up to date.  You said you got into this mess by doing a dist-upgrade?  What was the command you ran?20:21
shadejFlannel: i did not do any dist-upgrade20:22
Flannelshadej: Oh, I thought I saw that earlier.  So what did you do, other than follow that guide?  And what errors are you seeing?20:23
shadejFlannel: there is when i enable the ssl mod20:23
shadejapache2 is not restaring normally20:24
Flannelshadej: with a2enmod ssl, right?20:24
Psycholiquid71I know this is not the correct venu for this but does anyone here use couchpotato20:24
shadejit say port is already in use20:24
shadejFlannel: yes20:24
Flannelshadej: instead of "restart", try stopping and then starting apache.20:25
Flannelshadej: Does the stop work successfully?  (can you verify that you aren't serving anything) and then does the start happen without errors?20:25
shadejFlannel: i did that too20:25
lshknElvira i naidu tebe filmu!20:25
Flannelshadej: and?20:25
shadejFlannel: nothing happens20:26
poppingtonicHi all20:26
Flannelshadej: same means what?  Does it successfully stop?  Can you verify it's not serving?  Does it successfully start?20:26
poppingtonicSo...I'm running 12.04 LTS on an Acer AO751h20:27
shadejFlannel:  just to be sure let me do it again for you20:27
Flannelshadej: wonderful, thanks.20:27
shadeji issued "sudo service apache2 stop"20:28
shadej                                                                                                       apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName20:28
shadejthen it is ok20:28
shadejFlannel: i issued the command "sudo service apache2 start"20:29
shadejresult is :20:29
shadej                                                                                                           apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName20:29
shadej(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:8020:29
poppingtonicAnd whenever I need to search for my Android phone's hotspot, I go to System Settings>Network, turn off the wireless network, turn it on again, and everthing works out.20:29
pfifoshadej, now look at the error.log again20:29
Flannelshadej: Alright.  The FQDN message isn't anything to worry about, but it's easy to fix.20:29
Flannelshadej: Where did PHP come into this?  If you don't mind me asking.20:30
shadejFlannel: what do you mean?20:30
pfifoFlannel, that was part of my researchusing conflicting vversions of libssl, According to his older error.log hes getting a segfault upon starting the server, and google gave me many hits about php's curl and mod_ssl20:31
Flannelshadej: I don't know, when I came in, there was a lot of talk about PHP and SSL not agreeing.20:31
poppingtonicUntil about an hour ago, when I can't turn it back on again, no matter what I do. The slider keeps sliding back to the "Off" state.20:31
pfifoFlannel, http://pastebin.com/K3UjcuPq20:32
Flannelshadej: Alright, can you please pastebin your /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl ?20:32
shadejFlannel: pfifo was guessing if php curl extenssion was creating a problem20:33
varunendrapoppingtonic, did you try a reboot? Did you have any updates that seem to have done it?20:34
shadejFlannel: ok here we go20:35
Flannelshadej: Alright, thats looks normal.  So again, can you please stop apache, and then point your browser to http://localhost and see if there's something being served there?20:35
MariachiACcan someone tell me how to use mactel-boot-setup? or am I just better off booting via grub on my mac system.20:35
shadejFlannel: i did20:36
shadejand there is no20:36
Flannelshadej: And was there anything being served?20:36
shadejyou fast at everything btw20:37
pfifoFlannel, we adjusted it to 'Listen' so no localhost in this case20:37
Flannelpfifo: What?20:37
pfifoFlannel, never changed it back yet, were only listening on, shouldnt serve anything on whatsoever20:38
shadejpfifo: i did earased that20:38
Flannelpfifo: Where did we change this?20:38
Flannelwhy would you do that?20:38
TopGearIs there a way to df the external HD on my RPi? The only I get is this: http://pastebin.com/QtN5KiPP Even making a new mount for the drive in smb.conf and mounting that on my laptop doesn't help.20:39
pfifoFlannel, general trouble shooting at the begining of the day20:39
shadejpfifo: sure20:39
pfifo(his IP is of course)20:40
poppingtonicvarunendra: whenever I reboot and do the ritual, it recurs. I have no idea what I might've broken since I haven't installed any recent updates...20:40
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shadejFlannel: just go on with your test20:41
shadeji have undo that20:41
Flannelshadej: Alright, can you please stop apache, and then pastebin `netstat -tlp`?20:41
Flannelshadej: and while you're at it, please pastebin your ports.conf, I just want to be sure we're all on the same page.20:41
varunendrapoppingtonic, please show us what card and driver you have in use. The output of "lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net". Also, outputs of "rfkill list" and "lsmod". Paste the outputs to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and post its link here20:43
varunendra!pastebin | poppingtonic20:44
ubottupoppingtonic: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:44
shadejFlannel: the ports.conf file20:45
varunendrapoppingtonic, or you can use this script to generate a detailed diagnostics info report on your wireless : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1235038520:46
shadejFlannel: the netstat -tlp20:47
Flannelshadej: Ok, the latter tells us that we aren't conflicting with any other services.  Your ports.conf, your line 16 (see the pastebin) should be Listen 443 not Listen 80.20:48
* poppingtonic does that20:49
shadejFlannel: so i am changing it to listen 443 ?20:50
Flannelshadej: Correct.20:50
pfifoshadej, careful, he said line 16, the one at the bottom20:50
FlannelThe second one.20:50
FlannelThe third one is already 44320:50
pfiforight, no tls involved here20:51
shadejFlannel:  and pfifo problem solve20:51
Flannelshadej: Good to hear.20:51
shadejFlannel: thank you very much20:51
pfiforeally? that was causing segfaults?20:52
shadejpfifo: you were with me almost the whole day20:52
shadejthank you too20:52
shadejpfifo: yeah who knows20:52
poppingtonicvarunendra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5769034/20:53
Sanjay_Get free traffic for website http://t.co/EP8Z5I1EMu20:53
shadejmay there could be a procedure who is trying to read from a socket where port number is not succesfully allocated20:53
pfifoI hope that line didnt get installed by default, or were going to be facing this problem all the time20:53
Flannelpfifo: That was causing apache to try to listen to :80 twice, obviously the second time it couldn't.20:55
pfifoshadej, now, you need to continue with the guide, it seemed like you got stuck halfway through.20:55
BaribalHi. I want to sync files between  few computers, one of which qualifies as a server. I want syncing to be automagically,  Dropbox-style: Moving a file into a designated folder should replicate it on all involved machines ASAP. What package can you recommend?20:55
shadejpfifo: yeah20:55
shadeji will20:55
varunendrapoppingtonic, it shows "hard blocked : yes", which means wireless is disabled by hardware switch. Do you have a physical switch or a 'Fn' key combination to toggle the wireless on/off? Try toggling it.20:55
shadejbut how could this happen?20:55
Flannelshadej: to fix your FQDN issue: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Troubleshooting_Apache20:56
shadejwho put that listen 8020:56
pfifoFlannel, yeah, but that shouldnt cause a segfault... you can read() and write() to a null socket successfully.20:56
Flannelshadej: Somewhere along the line, you edited that file to make that 80 instead of 443.20:56
Flannelpfifo: What segfaults are you talking about?20:56
pfifoFlannel, the ones in his error.log http://pastebin.com/K3UjcuPq20:56
zykotick9Baribal: my go-to sync is rsync, but with your "requirements" i'd look at unison.  good luck.20:57
zykotick9meLon: try "source ~/.bashrc" perhaps20:58
Flannelpfifo: that's on the shutdown side, not the startup side.20:58
Flannelpfifo: so, I'm not sure what's causing it, but it's unrelated.20:59
pfifoI say we ignore it then and just settle for a working setup21:00
shadejFlannel: a little question again21:04
shadej[Sat Jun 15 18:02:46 2013] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 443, the first has precedence21:04
Flannelshadej: You have more than one virtual host listening on 443.  default-ssl and some other one.21:04
pfifoFlannel, is that FQDN problem something I should worry about? Ive always known howto fix it but never bothered.21:06
Flannelpfifo: It's not something to *worry* about, but there are cases where it helps.  Since it's trivial to fix, I say fix it ;)21:10
shadejpfifo: my .htaccess file is not working as expected it to [or as it was working before enabling https]21:10
shadejRewriteEngine on21:10
shadejRewriteRule user.php admin.php21:10
Baribalzykotick9, unison seems to require manual triggering, too. Which could be done by cron, of course, but do you know whether it handles parallel instances well?21:11
pfifoshadej, you may need to drop a few directives in your 443 virtual host to tell it to use an .htaccess21:11
ss_hazekdenlive bugs me out again with not installed libx26421:11
shadejallowoverride all21:12
ss_hazewhat should I do to get h264 format or avi to work with it21:12
ThePendulumHow do I disable the on-screen keyboard that appears when my screen is locked?21:12
pfifoshadej, yeah, allowoverride all... or whatever is acceptable to overrider21:13
shadejyeah it is working21:13
ss_hazeI have new ubuntu installation21:13
ss_hazeI haven't added kdenlive repo like last time21:14
GreyganThePendulum: Round icon in the upper right of screen (In Gnome anyway) click it and untick onscreen kb21:14
ss_hazewhy h264 doesnt work with Ubuntu in KDENLIVE?21:14
ss_haze32 bit i5 system, standart ubuntu 12.04 I have21:14
GreyganThePendulum: otherwise it is in system settings / universal settings21:15
ss_hazeI run wizard again and it clearly doesn't works21:16
th0rss_haze: have you installed libx264?21:18
ThePendulumGreygan: That's only for the onscreen keyboard when logged in21:18
ss_hazethere is no such named library21:18
ThePendulumI have that disabled21:18
ThePendulumBut for some reason it keeps appearing when locked21:18
th0rss_haze: open a terminal and type 'sudo apt-get install libx264-12021:19
GreyganThePendulum: not sure then. thats where mine is enabled and I only see it at login / unlock...21:19
ss_hazeI have21:19
ss_hazeagain this problem comes21:19
th0rss_haze: have you enabled the universe repo?21:19
ss_hazeok lets see21:20
ss_hazeI guess21:20
ThePendulumGreygan: Ah, wait. I had to enable it, then go to the on-screen keyboard settings, and disable the lockscreen keyboard there21:20
GreyganThePendulum: try this ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/84050/how-do-i-disable-the-on-screen-keyboard-in-the-unlock-screen21:20
ss_hazeprecise-security , updates and backports are there21:21
GreyganThePendulum: ahh21:21
ss_hazeI have standart installation, why the hell on standart you don't get something, even with Ubuntu restricted installed21:21
ss_hazeeven my old PC doesn't give this crap21:21
th0rss_haze: that attitude gets you nowhere21:22
checoimgDoes anyone know how to compile the Linux kernel ? Or get the sources ?21:22
ss_hazeI know21:22
pfifo!mainstream | checoimg21:22
ss_hazebut why I have to struggle with codecs, when I have every package I need21:22
checoimgpfifo : ???21:22
pfifo!kernel | checoimg21:23
ubottuchecoimg: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)21:23
pfifochecoimg, sorry, seems !mainstream doesnt do the same anymore21:23
checoimgI want to learn how to compile it21:24
checoimgpfifo : Ok no problem21:24
pfifochecoimg, actually you want to learn to configure it for compiling, thats the hard part, the actual build part is one simple command21:25
pfifo!mainline | checoimg21:25
ubottuchecoimg: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds21:25
pfifothere we go21:25
checoimgubottu : I want to compile for a i5-480M21:26
ubottuchecoimg: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:26
ss_hazeI have ubuntu-restricted-extras21:27
ss_hazewhy video can't remder in any format kdenlive21:27
checoimglet me see21:27
ss_hazewhy mp4 container doesn't work21:27
checoimg!mainline | pfifo21:27
ubottupfifo: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds21:27
ss_hazekdenlive wizard told me I have all the formats, but why I can't render in them21:29
ss_hazeUnsupported video codec: libx26421:29
labsinss_haze: Had those issue to. Will try and find what I did to solve it21:29
ss_hazeUnsupported video codec: libxvid21:29
ss_hazeI did this once, and never came to reason why21:29
ss_hazeI installed from repos, and the version also came wrong21:30
ss_hazethen removed sunab repo, and again it was working21:30
ss_hazebut now I don't have any repos21:30
SP33Dok i have a neard question :D i wanna learn and  use something new but be save that it don't fails21:30
ss_hazeI have clean setup with brand new ubuntu, and I don't get codecs...21:30
pfifoSP33D, learn nethack21:31
SP33Di am planing to add one line to a existing file via: echo "line text" | tee /etc/bla.conf21:31
ss_hazeSP33D, try python as calculator21:31
SP33Dwill that work?21:31
ss_hazenever fails21:31
ashutoshi have installed ubuntu 13.04...i am getting sound through my laptop speakers but not via headphones ...plz help me21:31
SP33Dwill this add the line?21:31
pfifoSP33D, you want tee -a21:32
SP33Da means append probally thx21:32
SP33Dyes i am not familary with that but i wanna use it :D since i used it yesterday to creat a new file i tought its a good way to create small files21:32
pfifoyes it does, most usage of tee is also combined with sudo too21:33
SP33Dright that i now wanna use it to add a package source21:33
SP33Dto the list file21:33
SP33Dhope it works21:33
ss_hazemiracle happened21:33
labsinss_haze: can you do ´sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev´21:33
pfifoSP33D, if you dont need sudo then you can simply `echo 'myline' >> myfile`21:34
ss_hazeI got codecs back, by third time deleting kdenliverc file21:34
ss_hazeso hardcore21:34
SP33Di need sudo since its the apt package list21:34
jaouidaBonjour y'a t'il des francais ?21:35
crfHi. I am trying build gnubg. I cloned the hg repository from launchpad. Did apt-get build-dep. But It won't build the 3d board. It isn't finding gtkglext . I have libgtkglext1-dev21:35
pfifo!fr | jaouida21:35
ubottujaouida: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:35
pfifocrf, pastebin the buildlog21:36
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jaouidaJe doit taper ou ce code ?21:37
crfpfifo : LOG: http://pastebin.com/FD0Ru4rb21:38
pfifoashutosh, ask here, if you can find the tab21:38
labsinjaouida: c'est ´/join #ubuntu-fr´21:39
trismcrf: it is often useful to check config.log to see what it is actually failing on, sometimes the test programs fail for other reasons21:40
bertiebHowdy folks, quick question- either in eg AbiWrod or the standard print dialogue, is there a way to print 4 copies (ie duplicates) on a single page? I know about the "pages per sheet" toption, but that only seems to apply if you have more than one page. Combining mupltiple pages per sheet and more than 1 copy doesn't seem to have the desired behaviour in print preview. WHere's the secret 'do what I mean' option I'm missing? :)21:41
ashutoshi have installed ubuntu 13.04...i am getting sound through my laptop speakers but not via headphones ...plz help me21:41
jaouidajoin/ #ubuntu_qc21:43
jaouidajoin/ #ubuntu-qc21:44
pfifocrf, i bet you need to add --with-gtkglext=/path/to/lib because of the "1" that is tacked onto the lib's name21:44
ashutoshi have installed ubuntu 13.04...i am getting sound through my laptop speakers but not via headphones ...plz help me21:44
bertiebSure, I could duplicate the page multiple times and use the multiple pages per sheet option, but then when the page is updated I'd have to remember to update the other copies. I'd like to know the Right Way to do it if possible21:44
pfifocrf, this could be related to a missing .pc file in /usr/lib/pkgconfig as well, does `pkg-config gtkglext` say anything useful?21:48
pfifocrf, sorry, `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtkglext`21:49
crfthanks pfifo, there was a clue: it needed the pangox to be installed21:49
crfpfifo, pkg-config gtkglext-1.0 works21:50
bertiebAha, got it, eg: print pages: 1,1,1,1 + 4 pages per sheet has the intended behaviour in case anyone is interested :)21:51
calimero82At the end of lubu-setup, i should shutt down or it s automatic?21:54
crfpfifo, thanks very much for your insight. So I've just built it, and it works with the 3d board. http://pasteboard.co/ntv8y5O.png21:57
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Guest478084when does ubuntu unify across form factors?22:07
Pinguokay is anyone else getting high pitched sound from chrome on ubuntu?22:08
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THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have a system that runs an Nvidia 680i chipset, for SLI with Intel QX9650 CPU.  I have an issue that when mint is loaded it feels like the fans are not being controlled by ACPI and are running at the max.  Ideas?22:13
THE_GFR|WORKI tried to see what was going on, I can't get it to read the fans22:13
Pingufirst thing's first22:13
Pinguwe don't support mint22:13
THE_GFR|WORKwell ok22:13
THE_GFR|WORKit happened on my ubuntu machine too22:14
Pingusecond thing is22:14
PinguNvidia has a LOT of issues with ubuntu22:14
Pinguand all other Linux distros for that matter22:14
Pingudo you have switchable graaphics?22:14
THE_GFR|WORKPingu: yes22:14
PinguI'll asume it's a laptop22:15
THE_GFR|WORKPingu: no22:15
Pinguuse the tweak to config your fan22:15
PinguI sent you the link up there22:15
PinguI'm sure it'll be helpful22:15
THE_GFR|WORKPingu: it indicates there is no pwm capable module installed22:15
Guest478084will ubuntu run on the gnu macbook aur22:16
GunArmi need to verify the data is the same between my primary and backup, what is the best way to recursively scan byte-by-byte each file in the trees and output the filenames of any that are different?22:16
PinguUbuntu/linux will run on any architecture and any hardware Guest22:17
PinguGunArm hmm that's an interesting one22:17
PinguI honestly don't know of a better way22:18
Pinguhow many bytes do you have to verify22:18
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SP33Dif syslog takes 98% cpu22:19
SP33Dhow can i find out whats wrong22:19
GunArmPingu: i was trying to use rsync with the checksum option but am getting results I don't understand22:19
Pingudo you know how to program mate?22:19
Pingucould make your own verification script22:19
GunArmi do, but I'm surprised if there isn't a simple shell way to do it22:19
pfifoGunArm, md5sum22:19
GunArmdiff has a -r but its for textfiles it seems22:19
GunArmpfifo: you mean write a script that runs md5sum on each file and prints them if they are different?22:20
Guest478084aeven with that ms secureboot??22:20
GunArmi had a bad raid failure, which I have recovered form and am trying to verify the primary matches the backup22:20
THE_GFR|WORKPingu: the directions you gave me, didn't work22:20
pfifoGunArm, no script nesscarry, md5sum has the --check option22:20
THE_GFR|WORKPingu: [   17.879595] w83627ehf: Found W83627DHG chip at 0xa1022:22
THE_GFR|WORK[   17.879644] ACPI Warning: 0x0000000000000a15-0x0000000000000a16 SystemIO conflicts with Region \IOID 1 (20121018/utaddress-251)22:22
delacfor some reason Unity is started on fallback mode. How do I stop it?22:30
SP33D what can i do syslog and kern.log22:32
SP33Dalways getting bigger and don't know why22:32
bekksSP33D: Install logrotate and configure it to rotate those logs.22:33
pfifoSP33D, check into logrotate22:33
SP33Dnope thats not the problem22:33
SP33Dsyslogd takes 90% cpu22:33
SP33Dso i watched what he does and i see he edits 3 files22:33
SP33Dall the time22:33
pfifoSP33D, whats it logging?22:33
SP33Ddont know when i for example tail kern.log i get22:34
SP33DJun 16 00:32:29 s16809727 kernel: last message repeated 6945652 times22:34
SP33DJun 16 00:33:30 s16809727 kernel: last message repeated 8825617 times22:34
SP33Drepeated bla times22:34
SP33Ddon't know what that means22:34
pfifowhat was the 'last message'22:34
SP33DJun 16 00:29:19 s16809727 kernel: last message repeated 7025336 times22:35
SP33DJun 16 00:29:19 s16809727 kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped.22:35
SP33DJun 16 00:29:59 s16809727 kernel: imklog 5.8.6, log source = /proc/kmsg started.22:35
SP33DJun 16 00:29:59 s16809727 kernel: Cannot read proc file system: 1 - Operation not permitted.22:35
FloodBot1SP33D: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:35
pfifoSP33D, is /proc mounted?22:35
SP33Dthe dir /mnt22:36
SP33Dis empty22:36
num7 Hi i want to install icq on my linux machine, therefor i have to install the sim package, but this package is not the packagelist. So how can i install sim?22:36
pfifowhats in the /proc directory?22:37
SP33Dcpu and other usefull stuff22:37
SP33Dbut some digit only files too22:37
pfifoSP33D, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rsyslog/+bug/52361022:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523610 in rsyslog (Ubuntu Lucid) "rsyslogd spins CPU on some kernels" [High,Fix released]22:39
num7 Hi i want to install icq on my linux machine, therefor i have to install the sim package, but this package is not the packagelist. So how can i install sim?22:40
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SP33Dpfifo: damn22:41
SP33Dwhy is that page so useless22:41
EDocToorIs there a REMOTE PC, TEAMVIEWER, that lets someone control the mouse remotely ... so that Techsupport can be assisting remotely?22:41
SP33Dcan't there be only one line that fixes that22:41
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SP33Dbut ok i simply wait till the next lts release and turn syslogd off22:42
Hjaxis anyone having issues accessing all software source? i honestly can not connect to any of the mirrors22:42
pfifoSP33D, update your kernel22:42
kostkonEDocToor, teamviewer then?22:42
EDocToorkosthon.. these are windows softwares that allow free tech support.. is there such tool for Ubuntu22:43
SP33Dpfifo can't22:43
SP33Dits a server so how should i remote do that with ssh22:43
kostkonEDocToor, yeah, teamviewer. you can use it on windows, ubuntu, android, ios22:44
SP33Dthere is a high risk that nothing works after that22:44
EDocToorNo way22:44
kostkonEDocToor, :P22:44
pfifoEDocToor, yes there is a program for that, built into ubuntu as well, i forget what its called though22:44
kostkonEDocToor, just visit the download page on their website22:44
SP33Du can use teamviewer.com22:44
pfifoSP33D, you cant update the kernel?22:44
EDocToorlet me know if you figure it out..22:44
SP33Dit works even for linux22:44
SP33Dvia ssh22:44
SP33Dthis is not a good idea22:45
SP33Di could upgrade form precise to raring22:45
SP33Dbut i don't know what happens there22:46
pfifoEDocToor, http://www.howtoforge.com/configure-remote-access-to-your-ubuntu-desktop22:46
pfifoSP33D, you think it will break your system and no longer allow you to ssh in? well then remove rsyslog22:47
SP33Djust did22:47
EDocToorHjax, what did you do... ????? have you made any changes to your Operating Files lately? Try Ping google.com22:47
SP33Dit is ok i think since i only run virtualbox files on that server22:47
SP33Dno other servers22:47
EDocToorHjax, are you saying that you can not apt-get ?22:48
HjaxEDocToor: I did a fresh install (twice) in vmware player with both 10.10 and 12.04 and none of them can update their sources (or apt-get) however their internet connections work fine22:48
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Hjaxi can pop open firefox and browse the web22:48
EDocToorHjax, what are you doing that failed.. what was the result.. I'll try it on my computer22:50
HjaxEDocToor: sudo apt-get update, and every single source 404s (ive tried both ubuntus servers and the kernel.org mirror)22:51
pfifoHjax can you pastebin your sources.list22:52
EDocToorpfifo... exactly22:52
EDocToorHjax, apt-get install pastebinit22:52
EDocTooryou cant to that22:52
ShreddedElementary OS > ubuntu22:52
EDocTooruse a browser22:52
Shreddedcome at me22:52
Shreddedelementary os master race22:54
Shreddeddo you even sudo22:56
pfifono i just login as root, one and done22:57
jalcinelogging in as root is beyond foolish22:57
jalcinebut hey22:57
OerHeksi like the guest option in ubuntu22:57
Shreddedok guys real talk22:57
pfifojalcine, i like to fix stuff22:57
Shreddedi unintentionally lost my gnome-control-center22:58
Hjaxpfifo: here is my sources.list http://pastebin.com/KAq5bwVh22:58
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Shreddedwat do22:58
kostkonShredded, what ubu version?22:58
ShreddedElementary OS :(22:58
pfifo!maverick | Hjax22:58
ubottuHjax: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.22:58
Shreddedlatest version22:58
kostkonShredded, not supported here im afraid22:58
kostkon!elementary | Shredded22:58
Hjaxpfifo: doesnt explain the same problem for 12.0422:59
pfifoHjax, your getting 404's because all the maverick repos are deleted22:59
Hjaxunless 12.04 is dead too22:59
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:59
* Hjax hasnt played with ubuntu in over two years22:59
SonikkuAmericaHjax: 12.04 ain't dead.22:59
pfifoHjax, it would say 'precise' instead of 'maverick' if it was 12.04... unless you pasted the wrong sources.list23:00
SonikkuAmericaHjax: You could do it the Debian way if you prefer, but there is risk.23:00
Hjaxpfifo: i tried both, 12.04 first and then gave up and tried 10.10, both have the issue and i gave you the maverick sources list because i was just testing 10.1023:00
kostkonfound it23:01
kostkon!derivatives | Shredded23:01
ubottuShredded: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)23:01
noob_hi all. i'm having some trouble on a fresh 13.04 install. i've installed a couple of days ago, and since then, only tried installing gnome 3.8 (gnome-shell, gnome-shell-extensions, and something like ubuntu-desktop-gnome, can't remember exactly), as well as gnome-session-fallback. all the installations resulted in an error. now, i can't even start gnome/gnome classic, but gnome fallback works (i'm running it right now). so, i just tri23:01
noob_...exact same error: http://pastebin.com/TyaNE1xz23:01
noob_but i've tried, and vim seems to work correctly23:01
Hjaxwell, 12.04 was spitting out something about broken packages on fresh install23:01
pfifoHjax, jump back to 12.04 and then we can start to trouble shoot... my guess is that your 12.04 sources.list was blank23:01
noob_any ideas what the problem is?23:01
Shreddedwell yeah but elementary pretty much is ubuntu modified23:02
EDocToornoob_ your in the wrong channel23:02
kostkonEDocToor, ?23:02
xanguaShredded: elementary os channel: #elementary23:02
noob_EDocToor: how am i in the wrong channel? is this #ubuntu ?23:02
EDocToorI think it is #ubuntu+123:02
Shreddednobody responds there :D23:03
kostkonEDocToor, 13.04 is the current version23:03
noob_what's #ubuntu+1 ?23:03
Hjaxpfifo: the exact problem i was having with 12.04 was on first boot the update manager comes up and tries to update stuff, after i install those updates and reboot i cant install packages anymore23:03
Shreddedcmon guys we are like brothers from a different mother23:03
SonikkuAmericanoob_: Are you running 13.10 (Saucy)?23:03
kostkonnoob_, you are fine23:03
noob_oh, next version channel. yeah, as i've said, i'm running 13.0423:03
EDocToornoob_, your fine23:03
EDocToormy bad23:04
pfifoHjax, did it update apt? you should have done the infamous 'apt-get -f' too23:04
SonikkuAmericanoob_: You're in the right place then. EDocToor: 13.04 is supported in this channel23:04
Hjaxpfifo: i would imagine it updated apt23:04
EDocTooroops.. I feel bad.. sorry noob_23:04
noob_EDocToor: that's okay :)23:04
Hjaxwhen i apt-get update on 12.04 i get "W: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_main_source_Sources  Hash Sum mismatch"23:05
Hjaxspammed into terminal23:05
kostkonHjax, try again later. to be sure though, do an sudo apt-get clean to clear your cache and a sudo apt-get update23:06
Anonehey guys23:06
pfifoHjax, well 12.04 wasnt giving a 404... which is a good start23:06
AnoneI need help on Backtrack23:06
Hjaxpfifo: yay23:07
Hjaxpfifo: however i still cant install packages23:07
xanguaAnone: this ain't backtrack channel :)23:07
AnoneI cant get Slowloris DDoS23:07
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Anoneanyone know how?23:07
Anonemy backtrack is run on Ubuntu23:07
HjaxAnone: we are not going to help you ddos, get out of here if you want to talk about that kind of thing23:08
kostkon!backtrack | Anone23:08
ubottuAnone: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)23:08
SonikkuAmericaAnone: Also, Backtrack is no longer supported or maintained. Use Kali Linux instead. Support is in #kali-linux .23:08
Shreddedi will help you son23:08
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SonikkuAmericaShredded: Gone23:08
Shreddedlisten carefully brah23:08
kostkonhe/she's gone23:08
Shreddedinstall Elementary OS23:08
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Shreddedyou guys mad i have superior GUI23:10
pfifobacktrack was a pretty cool guy23:10
Hjaxpfifo: when i try to apt-get install anything, this happens23:10
pfifoHjax, run 'sudo apt-get -f' then try again23:10
ShreddedHjax trying to play minecraft ?23:10
HjaxShredded: actually id like to build android23:11
pfifominecraft hates openjdk23:11
Shreddedthen how do you play minecraft on linux23:11
Shreddedis it like non free flash ?23:11
pfifowith oracle's java23:11
Hjaxwith the java package that i think comes with ubuntu restricted extras?23:12
kostkonShredded, runs fine on my 12.04 with openjdk723:12
pfifoHjax, no restric still has openjdk23:12
Shreddedi played a little minecraft while i had windows on a 587023:12
Hjaxpfifo: ah, didnt know that23:12
THE_GFR|WORKPingu: what do I need to do?23:12
Shreddedmy gpu raised up to 70c23:13
Hjaxpfifo: sudo apt-get -f, just displays the help file and informs me that apt has super cow powers23:13
pfifoHjax, sorry, run 'sudo apt-get install -f' then try again23:13
Hjaxpfifo: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.23:14
noob_so i'll try again but more concise: any installation i run on a fresh 13.04 system ends with the same error: http://pastebin.com/TyaNE1xz (i've tried, so far, gnome 3.8, gnome session fallback, and vim) - gnome 3.8 doesn't work (the system hangs), but the session fallback works, and so does vim, despite the error displayed.23:14
Shreddedwould you believe that linux has better audio drivers than windows23:14
pfifoHjax, and now does it work?23:14
Hjaxpfifo: nothing changed, still "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."23:15
Shreddedhow do i install a package ?23:15
pfifoHjax, try 'apt-get install openjdk-6-jre'23:16
Hjaxpfifo: "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."23:16
pfifoHjax, pastebin the output of 'apt-cache policy openjdk-6-jre'23:17
Shreddedi get this when i run a game File or path name not found Error opening resource file Resource Loading Failure (or voluntary quit)!23:18
Hjaxpfifo: http://pastebin.com/PJaCj61z23:18
pfifoHjax, run 'apt-get clean' and then try once more23:19
pfifoHjax, run 'apt-get clean', then 'apt-get update' and then try once more23:19
mouseoverI have an old Xubuntu, and I would like to upgrade to Lubuntu 13.04. If I upgrade without formatting, what happens to (1) packages i've installed via apt-get (2) packages installed via dpkg (i.e. dpkg -i foo.deb) (3) packages installed from source23:20
Hjaxpfifo: when i read though the output of "apt-get update" it appears that only multiverse is broken23:21
Hjaxpfifo: all of my other sources appear to be updating fine, except multiverse23:21
pfifoHjax, let me see that sources.list23:21
SonikkuAmerica!pastebin | Hjax23:22
ubottuHjax: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:22
HjaxSonikkuAmerica: is there a problem that i was using pastebin?23:22
pfifothank you for the info SonikkuAmerica23:23
Hjaxpfifo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5769363/23:23
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SonikkuAmericaHjax: No, just a reminder. :)23:24
SonikkuAmericaHjax: (Besides the Ubuntu Pastebin is much, much cleaner, as you know)23:24
HjaxSonikkuAmerica: i cant disagree with that23:25
mouseoverAny ubuntu experts can help me with this...23:25
mouseoverI have an old Xubuntu, and I would like to upgrade to Lubuntu 13.04. If I upgrade without formatting, what happens to (1) packages i've installed via apt-get? (2) packages installed via dpkg (i.e. dpkg -i foo.deb)? (3) packages installed from source ?23:25
SonikkuAmericamouseover: I assume you're using a Live image to perform the release upgrade?23:26
bekksmouseover: 1) will be updated if applicable 2) will not be updated and might break the update 3) will not be updated and still might break the update23:26
SonikkuAmericamouseover: OK. All the packages you've installed actually disappear and get re-installed only if they exist in Lubuntu.23:26
SonikkuAmericamouseover: If you use the "Upgrade from Ubuntu XX.XX to 13.04"23:27
pfifoHjax, what did it say about multiverse being broken?23:27
mouseoverI am superbly comfortable with the command line... is there a way I can take a "snapshot" of my settings and simply do a fresh install?23:27
pfifo!clone | mouseover23:28
ubottumouseover: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate23:28
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Hjaxpfifo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5769374/23:28
mouseoverbekks: As you rightly guessed, I dont want anything to break... so I dont mind doing a fresh install; however... I dont want to simply format what I currently have23:29
pfifoHjax, http://askubuntu.com/questions/41605/trouble-downloading-updates-due-to-hash-sum-mismatch-error23:29
mouseoverpfifo: thanks... would this work for packages install via dpkg -i  ?23:30
pfifomouseover, yes23:30
mouseoverpfifo: interesting, thanks...23:30
franciahay alguien ah23:31
pfifomouseover, unless... you installed a .deb that isnt in the repos, then you would just have to download the deb23:31
pfifomouseover, to prevent losss from #3 above, look into using the 'checkinstall' program23:32
SonikkuAmerica!es | francia23:32
ubottufrancia: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:32
mouseoverWhen I upgrade, what happens to stuff under /etc , my symlinks in /usr/local , etc?23:33
SonikkuAmericamouseover: They die, unless you're using [ do-release-upgrade ]23:34
mouseoverSonikkuAmerica: thanks23:34
Hjaxpfifo: thank you, that worked :D23:35
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »23:35
SonikkuAmericamouseover: ^23:35
pfifoHjax, great!23:35
Hjaxpfifo: thank you, sorry for being annoying23:35
franciaalguien ahi23:38
ultraParadigmAre there any window environments that still play well with Compiz?  sofar I have had issues this week with Unity, XFCE, and GNOME 3.823:38
pfifoSonikkuAmerica, mouseover, im pretty sure it leaves stuff in /etc alone unless it has to make a change, in which case it makes a backup... that way you dont lose custom configs23:39
SonikkuAmericaultraParadigm: MATE? Compiz is kind of on life support right now...23:39
* ultraParadigm is sad23:39
ultraParadigmMan that sucks.  I love compiz23:39
pfifoultraParadigm, I would attempt using openbox myself23:40
ultraParadigmMaybe I'll try the old Gnome classic first.  and if that doesn't work then openbox.23:40
kostkonultraParadigm, 13.10 will be the last release with compiz as its compositor23:40
ultraParadigmand if that doesn't work I'll just cry tears of mourning23:41
ultraParadigmUnity doesn't use Compiz anymore does it?23:41
pfifotars of mourning fix everything23:41
kostkonultraParadigm, it does23:41
ultraParadigmCompiz + Unity =  too slow23:41
SonikkuAmericapfifo: Tars? Umm... today we use tarBALLS23:41
ultraParadigmYeah I remember now, I had compiz with unity, it was just really slow23:42
ultraParadigmRight now I have compiz with Gnome 3.1 minus gnome-shell, and it's paradise, other than crashing out everything I change something in any program23:43
SonikkuAmerica!GNOME | ultraParadigm: Have you tried GNOME Shell itself?23:44
ubottuultraParadigm: Have you tried GNOME Shell itself?: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.23:44
SonikkuAmericaNO !! WRONG FACTOID!23:44
ubottuGNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.23:45
SonikkuAmericapfifo: thx for the bailout... these factoids need a serious rewrite.23:50
cccmanGentlemen, Why does Ubuntu boot into a initfs prompt and will not boot anytime you have to crash or it crashes23:53
pfifocccman, to give you an opportunity to fix whats wrong23:55
EDocToorcccman, when that happened to me... ti also had an error message.. did you get an error message23:56
FOADHi, how do I automatically add selected text to the clipboard?23:59

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