
OvenWerksMint seems to be installing for me this time.00:28
OvenWerksWith Cinnamon I have to switch the settings manager to "Advanced" just so I can have focus follows mind.... err mouse.03:02
OvenWerksCinnamon has three modes. 3D, which I have never seen :) 2D(3d with software rendering) very slow... like unity on this machine, so prolly the same thing.04:09
OvenWerksThe third mode is "fallback" mode. Which works best for me, but lots of things don't seem to work in the pannel.04:10
OvenWerksLinuxMint also has the mate DE which I tried. It works ok.04:10
OvenWerksNone of the menu config files are XDG compliant (no suprise)04:11
OvenWerksMate seems to ignore any merge files... even when I fix the config file.04:13
OvenWerksCinnamon works if I fix the config file, but does not show submenus.04:14
OvenWerksFallback mode works very well with a fixed config menu.04:22
OvenWerksI am thinking these are based on gnome shell 3 but not the latest one which of coarse no fallback mode. as I found with ubuntu gnome.04:23
smartboyhwzequence, seems like so many flavours are doing both alphas this cycle.10:31
zequencesmartboyhw: Well, perhaps they have a good reason to do that10:33
zequenceI don't see any good reason for us to do that10:33
smartboyhwYep, we only need betas.10:35
smartboyhw(Or single beta?)10:35
zequencetwo betas is probably better10:35
zequence1st beta is feature freeze10:35
zequencebetween betas we fix all bugs10:35
zequence2nd beta could be regarded as release candidate10:36
zequencegives us enough time10:36
smartboyhwzequence: Sure;)10:38
smartboyhwI'm thinking though: Would it be difficult to test after we made multiple DEs?10:39
zequencewell, ardour3 is more or less ready to be released. trying to get some help with that from pkg-multimedia team members12:01
zequenceso, hopefully we'll have it within a week or two12:01
zequenceit also seems like we'll be going forward with splitting up jackd and jackdbus12:28
zequencealso sorting out the dev files12:28
smartboyhwWhat did I miss?12:33
zequencesmartboyhw: jackd2 is going to be repackaged in Debian12:47
OvenWerkszequence: all of that sounds good.14:19
OvenWerksI am hoping to have the new menus ready as well14:20
OvenWerkssmartboyhw: I think menus are one of the first steps for using other DEs14:21
smartboyhwOvenWerks:  Sure14:22
OvenWerkssmartboyhw: I have seen that just having a good menu install in lubuntu or kubuntu really changes the feel of that DE. Add the kernel and one of our metas and it is ready to go14:24
OvenWerksA utility to fix permisions and let the user choose what to install would finish it quite nicely.14:26
zequenceI think our users will highly appreciate the menu working on other DEs14:26
OvenWerksI have had good comments so far.14:26
zequenceWell, I'm hoping we can straighten out the premission problem by changing it14:26
OvenWerksOne of the problems I am seeing is that the freedesktop template is made in such a way that it is difficult to program correctly and so noone does.14:27
zequenceI'll soon propose a new group to be used, instead of audio group14:27
OvenWerksWill there be a problem with getting that new group to be default for users?14:28
zequencebut, what we won't have is a really nice and versitile volume applet/mixer14:28
zequenceno, I don't think so. but using audio group by default on other flavors is not going to be allowed14:29
OvenWerksqamixer looks nice... but no one has kept it up.14:29
zequencesince it's used for other stuff already14:29
OvenWerksYa makes sense.14:29
zequencewould be great to have a volume applet that was jack aware as well, with at least start/stop and settings functionality14:30
OvenWerksqamixer has profiles. So it could be made to work with any card.14:30
OvenWerksThat is a starting point. That IMO is one of the biggest problems with the alsa mixers is that the user has a pile of controls but the names make no sense.14:31
zequence!info ardour20:27
ubottuardour (source: ardour): digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.8.14-2 (raring), package size 5223 kB, installed size 15507 kB20:27
OvenWerkszequence: am I to take it ardour will just become version 3.*? rather than two versions ardour?20:32
OvenWerksProbably the best way.20:32
OvenWerksIf a user _has_ to have ardour2, they can always get it from ardour.20:33
OvenWerksOr try forcing an older version to load with synaptic.20:34
zequenceOvenWerks: until now, ardour has been packaged as ardour321:10
zequenceI mean, ardour3 has been packaged as ardour3, not as a replacement for ardour221:10
zequenceI was just trying out that command earlier21:10

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