
=== r0bby is now known as robbyoconnor
=== liam_ is now known as Guest63322
JipI have asked already, but does someone have an idea how to fix this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/armagetronad/+bug/119037509:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 1190375 in Armagetron Advanced "bzr repositories are corrupted" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:52
JipI tried to bzr reconcile already09:52
Jipit seems that something went wrong with removing a file when another branch was merged ~800 revisions ago09:52
lifelesshave you tried the bugfix jam proposed for it?10:04
Jiplifeless: how can I do that?11:05
=== thumper is now known as vorpalbunny
mwhudsonwhy can i not control-c a bzr serve process?23:56
* bob2 vaugely blames threads23:56
mwhudsonseems likely, doesn't it23:56
lifelessyou should be able to23:58
lifelessif you can't, thats a bug23:58

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