
ahoneybunvalorie: I'm working on getting images on all the pages00:34
ahoneybunjuancarlospaco: ?01:04
juancarlospacojust reading what the girls are up to on the chat ahoneybun 02:12
ahoneybunthe girls?02:12
juancarlospacov alerie sound like female02:13
juancarlospacoi dunno, can be a velociraptor too  :P02:13
ahoneybunvalorie is female lol02:16
juancarlospacoi know thats why i say girl03:30
valorievelociraptors are female as well as male!07:26
valoriethe one I know personally is female07:27
shadeslayeryou personally know a velociraptor?07:41
valoriein Linuxchix07:42
valorieanyway, my point was, I'm not sure what my sex has to do with anything07:43
juancarlospacoit dont07:43
juancarlospacoits a feature not a purpose or bug07:44
valorieI've often found it so, for sure07:44
juancarlospacocan be both07:45
shadeslayereh, why is gnome-keyring being installed on upgrade07:48
shadeslayermakes enosense07:48
juancarlospacochromium is a common reason07:48
shadeslayerdon't have it07:49
juancarlospacodunno then07:49
shadeslayersomehow kubuntu-desktop now wants to pull in ubuntu-sso-client07:50
shadeslayerwhich probably requires gnome-keyring07:51
juancarlospacoubuntu-bug package07:51
juancarlospaconeed sso07:51
shadeslayerRiddell: what happened to kubuntu-meta :(07:52
shadeslayerwhy does adding muon-discover to desktop-recommends pull in gnome-keyring :(07:52
tsimpsonit recommends ubuntu-sso-client07:53
juancarlospacoI always use the kde-full  its a meta07:53
shadeslayertsimpson: yeah07:53
* shadeslayer ponders why it does that07:54
tsimpsonnot sure, I'd have thought it'd be ubuntu-sso-client-qt07:54
tsimpsonah, well that pulls in -sso-client anyway07:55
tsimpsonman that's an ugly mess07:55
* shadeslayer checks packaging07:55
tsimpsonit's python-ubuntu-sso-client which depends on gnome-keyring07:56
tsimpsonand that seems like the base of the sso stuff07:56
juancarlospacotoo lazy to use a try except with wallet i guesss07:56
tsimpsonI don't see why they don't use python-keyring07:58
tsimpsonthat works with kwallet as well as gnome-keyring07:58
shadeslayerwell ... we need to find out why discover depends on u-s-c first07:59
shadeslayeranyway, needs sorting out08:01
* juancarlospaco want to people to use more Nuitka so we got a common code base widely08:04
valorieoh, before I go to bed: happy father's day to all the daddies in here08:05
yofelshadeslayer: last time I checked ubuntu-sso needed the secretservice dbus stuff, only gnome-keyring implements that so far09:21
smartboyhwPhew, finally back on my nice computer.09:38
smartboyhwAny packaging work todo09:40
yofelsmartboyhw: kde sc 4.10.80 ;P09:40
smartboyhwyofel, ah meh, anything not working right now?09:41
yofelsee pad, lots of red on the status page, some packages missing as patches need to be fixed and all of the split packages are missing09:41
* smartboyhw finally got Akismet on his blog09:42
smartboyhwFor kactivities, sounds like the .install files are crapped. 09:43
smartboyhwOld files in there.09:43
smartboyhwLet me bzr branch the packaging of kactivities first...09:43
yofelyeah, files changed09:46
yofelI'm off for most of the day as I'm out of town, happy packaging ;)09:46
* yofel signes off09:46
smartboyhwyofel, :)09:47
smartboyhwHmm, my wget gets stupid....09:55
smartboyhwNow the .dsc file becomes an html file.09:56
smartboyhwProbably need to import the GPG key better...09:56
smartboyhwDamn, it seems like somebody crapped up calligra 2.7 Beta 3...10:26
smartboyhwmurthy, was it you who packaged calligra 2.6.92 or others?10:26
smartboyhwNow I can't do much packaging....10:28
smartboyhwCan someone re-build the newly revised kactivities bzr packaging branch in kubuntu-ninjas, I need to go for dinner...10:31
smartboyhwAnd if better, fix the calligra problem.10:34
smartboyhw^ the error log10:35
QuintasanScottK: ping?11:38
QuintasanScottK: unping I just got it11:42
smartboyhwNobody fixed Calligra? I will do it then..........12:07
smartboyhwHmm, the armhf build failed also...12:09
smartboyhwThe weird thing12:12
smartboyhwThe build failed because of KisFixedPoint12:12
smartboyhwWhat IS that!?12:12
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
smartboyhwapachelogger, what is the appropriate way to fix https://launchpadlibrarian.net/142415272/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-armhf.calligra_1%3A2.6.92-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?12:58
* smartboyhw really doesn't know12:59
=== Squt is now known as Sput
BluesKajHiyas all13:08
Sputapachelogger: our core is back up, the server had a rather major hickup13:09
tsimpsonsmartboyhw: looks like buggy code13:32
tsimpsonneeds an explicit cast from double to qreal I'd expect13:32
smartboyhwtsimpson, meh13:33
smartboyhwIt's just failed for armhf13:34
tsimpsonqreal would be float on armhf, double on pretty much !arm13:34
Quintasansmartboyhw: what tsimpson said, it's common ocurrence on arm13:34
tsimpsonso it only errors where qreal is float13:34
smartboyhwhowto fix then?13:35
tsimpsoncast to qreal13:36
smartboyhwI don't really know how to fix code....13:37
tsimpsonwrap any expression that yields double in static_cast<qreal>13:37
tsimpsonit really should be fixed upstream though13:38
smartboyhwI fixed calligra for some needed breaks and replaces in debian/control13:38
smartboyhwtsimpson, what do you mean by wrap?13:43
* smartboyhw seriously hasn't learnt a lot of coding13:43
tsimpsonwell line 135 of krita/image/kis_filter_weights_applicator.h is: KisFixedPoint next_c_in_src = (dst_c_in_src - 0.5).toIntCeil() + 0.5;13:44
tsimpsonthe part after the = evaluates to a double, because 0.5 is a double13:44
tsimpsonso you wrap that whole part after the = in static_cast<qreal>(...)13:44
tsimpsonand it becomes: KisFixedPoint next_c_in_src = static_cast<qreal>((dst_c_in_src - 0.5).toIntCeil() + 0.5);13:45
Quintasansmartboyhw: of course you have to apply it as a patch to the source code, you know how to work with quilt, right?13:45
smartboyhwQuintasan, I know Quilt13:46
Quintasangood, then just use it to generate the patch and it should work, be sure to forward the patch to upstream so they can fix it in their code if they'd like13:46
tsimpsonthey should either fix it or stop using qreal...13:46
Quintasantsimpson: I know that, sometimes it's just better to pitch in the patch instead :P13:47
tsimpsonQuintasan: oh, we should send the patch to them. but there's no "if they'd like" ;)13:48
Quintasantsimpson: Oh, I meant that if they'd like to use that patch13:48
smartboyhwI don't think they'll like my patch...13:48
tsimpsonI could write a patch, but it'd be full of template magic and std::enable_if :)13:49
tsimpsonI doubt they'd like that more13:49
smartboyhwQuintasan, tsimpson the whole bunch of thing for me is just like a one-line fix of line 135, can you guys confirm?13:50
tsimpsonno, there are more13:52
smartboyhwThe reason I'm fixing this thing is that it's just stopping me to try to even build kactivities...13:52
smartboyhwSince I need build-deps13:52
QuintasanI found http://paste.ubuntu.com/577097913:52
smartboyhwSomebody forgot to get a return....13:53
* smartboyhw knows what is return 0 or 1 at least...13:53
Quintasansmartboyhw: join #calligra and tell them13:53
smartboyhwQuintasan, sure13:53
tsimpson302 is due to 30113:54
tsimpsonpixel_l + 0.5; tries to call operator+(pixel_l, 0.5), which tries to convert 0.5 to KisFixedPoint, and we have that error about double != qreal13:55
tsimpsonand the compiler gave up, discarded the statement, and suddenly realized that the function no longer returns anything13:56
tsimpsonyay for informative compiler errors13:57
smartboyhw\o/ :P13:57
smartboyhwI think it really is a one-line fix. Now that we put line 155 as qreal, line 301 can call the qreal function, and 302 is fixed (am I wrong?)13:58
Quintasansmartboyhw: You have to fix all the ocurrences of that, I didn't look at the code but I think the problem might occur more than once13:58
smartboyhwQuintasan, agree....13:58
QuintasanDunno much about arm as NCommander or tsimpson but most of build failures I had was due to that QReal magic13:59
Quintasantsimpson: arms don't have double in general, right?13:59
smartboyhwarms float:P13:59
smartboyhwI would rather wait for upstream for better instructions:P14:01
smartboyhwI think I should really go and do testing instead now...14:02
lordievaderGood afternoon.14:06
smartboyhwHey lordievader 14:06
lordievaderHey smartboyhw how are you? How did your tests go?14:07
smartboyhwlordievader, 1. that's exams and 2. :) 14:07
lordievaderGood to hear :)14:08
smartboyhwDo we have a package that only installs the KDE desktop without extra applications like Libreoffice?14:13
lordievadersmartboyhw: Let me check if the kde-base package installs l.o.14:14
smartboyhwAh, kde-base14:14
lordievadersmartboyhw: It was kde-standard that I had installed, didn't add L.O.14:15
smartboyhwlordievader, er kde-base is actually k.o.14:27
lordievadersmartboyhw: Yeah I saw that so I used kde-standard instead.14:27
tsimpsonQuintasan: they have double, they just can't process double in hardware14:37
BluesKajtsimpson, I had to enable the proposed repos to install a missing lib that i needed to fix my desktop mess . I guess it was a result of the deb being enabled in the pst until I was warned to comment it . Now I'm wondering what course to take to prevent futher muckups if I have packages that require  dependencies from the proposed deb. Is there a method to purge the packages installed from proposed like "ppa-purge" ?14:57
tsimpsonI don't think so, generally a packages gets in -updates after being in -proposed15:03
BluesKajok , then I'll just have be more careful 15:04
tsimpsonthere's the apt pinning stuff from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed too, but I think it's still a bit hit and miss15:04
tsimpsonI'd advise only enabling proposed to install a specific package, and then immediately disabling again15:05
BluesKajtsimpson, I created a preferences file as suggested in the URL you posted , I'll run with that for a while15:18
BluesKajtsimpson, thanks btw 15:22
volkanhello. have you noticed that clicking on a .deb file only installs dependencies, but not the program itself?16:33
volkanthis happens since 12.1016:34
volkani havent tried this on prev. versions actually16:34
shadeslayerworks on saucy 16:37
shadeslayerinstalled Google Chrome that way ...16:38
volkanshadeslayer: tried google chrome on 13.04 again, no success. how does the installation log look like? I see only one horizontal line strings17:04
volkansaying that DONE but there is no chrome on applications17:04
volkanneither google-*17:04
ahoneybunHello 17:11
volkanhello aaron17:15
=== alvin_ is now known as alvin
ahoneybunhowdy guys18:30
BluesKajhey ahoneybun18:32
ahoneybunBluesKaj: hello18:32
BluesKajany idea when Qt5 will become default  ?18:38
BluesKajreceiving a few questions about it lately18:38
ahoneybunBluesKaj: Qt5?18:44
ahoneybunI believe they will start working on Qt5 and QML in Plasma Workspaces 218:45
ahoneybunBluesKaj: http://notmart.org/blog/2013/06/plasma-workspace-present-and-future/ some talk about it here18:45
* yofel realizes that we need to put 4.10.4 into raring-proposed till thursday20:20
soeeisn't it already available for raring ?20:24
soeeit was tested like 2 weeks ago ?20:24
ahoneybunsoee: I believe it is in a ppa20:25
yofelit's in the updates ppa20:27
yofelsoee: this is about the official updates20:28
soeeah i see20:29
ahoneybunpalasso: hello21:44

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