
FOADHi, how do I automatically add selected text to the clipboard?00:02
FOAD(In konsoles, Firefox, etc.)00:02
BigWigmy twitter client, Choqok, never updates..01:30
BigWigI still have the same feed from 4 days ago, anyone know what's going on?01:31
juanchihow do I use ktorrent?02:23
kdefcan someone tell me why I have to go to 'settings' to get sound?  lol   and it just gets me to another layer of kmixer?02:47
kdefvolume really quiet although equalizer is at half...02:48
kdefuse a kde distro and have no sound! ;)02:53
goddardhi does kde have something like synapsee or gnome do?04:55
tsimpsonyou mean like krunner? (Alt-F2)04:59
goddardthats exactly what i mean05:00
stack_Hi, I recently installed kubuntu 13.04 ,it works fine some hours ago when I build kdelibs,kde-runtime,kactivities,kde-wrkspace .Now it is displaying error data directory for applet not found *Please help !*06:37
Tm_Tstack_: you built what exactly?07:12
Tm_Tstack_: from git?07:14
Tm_Tallright, if you plan to develop KDE, I recommend asking help in #kde-devel, in other cases I recommend avoiding building those components (:07:16
stack_@Tm_T is not a good option to use git on kubuntu 13.04??07:22
Tm_Tstack_: more like it's not a good idea to build core KDE components unless you know what you're doing (:07:25
Tm_Tneeds some practicing to get working system, that07:25
stack_then what do you suggest07:25
tsimpson!neon | stack_, try this07:38
ubottustack_, try this: Project Neon provides set of daily builds of KDE and releated modules | See https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ProjectNeon | More support in #project-neon07:38
cahirSo when i  upgrade to 13.04 i lose all the activites, special window  settings etc.?08:07
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avihaycahir: you shouldn't lose it, that data is stored in your home folder, that doesn't get changed during upgrade. there might be incompatibilities between a specific settings file and the program that loads it, but most programs handle the version incompatibilities gracefully09:54
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ivan_I LOVE KUBUNTU 13.04!!!11:45
ivan_It's perfect11:45
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Guest51203After years with Unity i am happy as never11:46
Ivan_Ukrainegood wishes to all users of Kubuntu11:48
FOADHi, how do I change the bindings of the mouse buttons?  I want mouse-6 to do what the middle mouse button is supposed to do (paste_.11:51
cahirivan_: I heard it's pretty buggy. I am using this right now but ...11:54
bendersteedHello everyone.12:01
bendersteedWhat do you people use for twitter identica12:01
bendersteedcause now with the new api choqok and microblog plasmoid dont seem to work.12:02
kdefI'm back12:31
kdefany advice for fixing sound?12:31
kdefthe problem is I have to go back and forth with external speakers and a headset that has a mic12:31
kdefand the settings show at half or 50% or even higher but it's still very faint, the sound12:32
kdefI tried setting in system settings -> Multmed. -> Phon and switch the priority but nothing changes12:33
=== Heis_ is now known as Heis
Belial`anyone having issues using a mixture of plasma themes? trying to use caledonia with an ember panel but it's not taking. this is on a fresh install of 13.04 and i never had the issue before.13:07
Belial`used to mix and match fine.13:07
BluesKajHiyas all13:07
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bendersteedBelial`: try and mix them manually13:08
Belial`yeah, that's what i'm doing.13:08
Belial`i didn't think there was any other way.13:08
bendersteedby copyning the panel background etc in the folder of the other theme13:09
Belial`i got you.13:09
bendersteedthis way works for, mixing them through the options never worked for me13:09
Belial`bendersteed, it's weird. i never had an issue before with 11.10 - 12.10 but now it's all off.13:21
Belial`doing ember theme with just a caledonia task items and icons gives me almost an air look.13:22
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Belial`if i install a certain icon set to /usr/share/icons that matches my kde icons, will gtk programs use that icon set?13:49
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lordievaderGood afternoon.14:06
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alsitnetpcokay all packets, thank you, goodbye all...15:23
pussyhow to make linux based operating system?15:45
pussyhow to make linux based operating system?15:45
pussyhow to make linux based operating system?15:47
pussyhow to make linux based operating system?15:48
pussyhow to make linux based operating system?15:48
pussyhow to make linux based operating system?15:48
FloodBotK1pussy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:48
avihaythat's not a trivial question15:49
BluesKajavihay, this isn't the placeto ask15:50
avihayI know15:50
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therazrHey. If the kubuntu-desktop is 'to be removed' in apt, that's a bad thing right?17:04
therazrand kde-workspace too17:04
gits1225therazr, yes, its a bad thing. Were you un-installing a KDE application which triggered the whole removal of KDE?17:06
gits1225like okular for example17:06
therazrgits1225: No. I was trying to install the LTS enablement stack in Kubuntu. But it has that "little" side effect xD17:06
therazrgits1225: You see. The Quantal hardware stack, in Kubuntu 12.0417:08
gits1225I was reading on it.17:09
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gits1225therazr, if all the hardware runs fine on the current install, why would you want to install something like LTS enablement stack?17:12
gits1225I am just curious17:12
therazrgits1225: More recent hardware support drivers. But I see we can install the kernel from Raring without trouble, so that's enough.17:13
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MarconMkubuntu 13.04 working very nice on my notebook Dell Vostro 350017:34
bendersteedMarconM: works great on my laptop too17:35
bendersteeda thing that kde really needs is a modern browser17:36
volkanhello. if I do ubuntu install and then install kubuntu-desktop and purge ubuntu-desktop, will it be exactly kubuntu?17:36
bendersteedrekonq is nice but really behind chromium, firefox17:36
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »17:36
BluesKajvolkan, for 13.04 purekde , http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/tag/pure-kubuntu/17:39
volkanubottu BluesKaj thanks for help17:39
ubottuvolkan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:39
volkanit means there will be no leftover from ubuntu?17:40
BluesKajthere will be some apps that you installed yourself perhaps, vol17:41
volkanBluesKaj: aah thats ok :)17:43
grenevHi I have some questions18:05
grenevis there java installed on the os by default?18:05
grenevI want to remove it for security issues18:05
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.18:06
MarconMbendersteed: agree18:06
lordievaderIIRC java is not installed by default.18:06
MarconMi think could be chromium18:06
grenevoh ok thanks!18:07
grenevOk next question is, how do I get Chromium to use the PPAPI flash instead of the antiquated flash plugin available from Adobe?18:08
grenevChrome is not opensource only chromium is thats why i am concerned18:08
MarconMi use chromium18:09
BluesKajgrenev, check in muon search for java , java-common is installed by default afaik18:09
MarconMBluesKaj: are u using 13.04 ?18:09
grenevBlueskaj: ok will do18:10
BluesKajyes MarconM18:10
SharkMa-sanis there any way to get kmail to function properly?18:11
grenevThe other reason is that the PPAPI plugin is sandboxed by Chromium while the separate plugin from Adobe isnt18:12
SharkMa-sanone account just keeps haunting me... I just deleted it fo the 10th time18:13
BluesKajgrenev, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-enable-flash-support-for-google-chromium-browser.html18:13
grenevthanks alot. been looking at guides and so far nothing seemed to work but this is better than the stuff I tried.18:14
grenevIs there a way to set the powerbuttons to carry their function without a countdown timer?18:17
grenevThe last forum topics about this are quite old and haven't led me to the solution18:17
BluesKajgrenev, power buttons ?18:18
grenevyea like for shutdown or sleep, it says shutting down in 30 seconds18:19
grenevinstead of doing it immediately18:19
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grenevThere is one thing I am not sure about. Does Ubuntu's Mir mean the end of compatibility with all the X11 apps out there?18:25
grenevI am really worried if thats the case18:26
BluesKajgrenev, afaik kubuntu is not going to use mir ..wayland is in kubuntu's future tho18:26
grenevOk so Kubuntu could choose then?18:26
grenevWhat I mean you are not tied to Canonical decisions?18:27
BluesKajkubuntu is nolonger supported by canonical , Blue Systems is now supporting it18:28
grenevThats good.18:28
grenevI was thinking that KDE is in a unique position to roll out its vision for multi device platforms. It is the only DE that has a coherent and flexible design as to allow adaptation for different form factors18:29
BluesKajgrenev, http://blue-systems.com/18:29
grenevSo it works on both desktop and mobile without dumbing down anything18:29
grenevBlue-systems made Muon? I am grateful18:30
grenevI missed Synaptic until I saw Muon18:30
grenevvery good stuff18:31
BluesKajgrenev, I used sysnaptic for a long time until muon became mature and stable18:31
BluesKajwhich wasn't very long ago :)18:31
BluesKajno muon has been around longer than Blue Sustems18:32
grenevReally? I thought it was one of the things they worked on. or maybe they contributed to it later on18:33
BluesKajperhaps a, I haven't looked into it18:34
grenevI am curious does moving to Qt5 give performance benefits or what? 4.10 is blazing on my machine18:35
BluesKajstill Qt4 here18:37
grenevYea but I meant is in the future18:37
grenevthanks alot guys you've been helpful18:43
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ovidiu-florinRomanian language is missing on Keyboard layouts. What can I do?19:25
ovidiu-florinit happenes only on that computer?19:25
ovidiu-florinsorry. It's an affirmation, not a question.19:25
stack_may be its xml file is missing @ovidiu-florin19:26
stack_I am getting this error on cmake  Could NOT find XCB (missing: XCB_LIBRARIES XCB_INCLUDE_DIR) what should be done here?19:27
ovidiu-florinstack_: how to fix?19:31
stack_may be try to build it from the source19:32
BigWigI'm trying to install Kubuntu over the network using bootp and tftp-hpa20:19
BigWigI've tried numerous guides to no avail20:19
BigWigproblems I've run into: Trying to get bootp to start by editing inetd.conf is fruitless because I can't find inetd.conf.20:21
BigWigWhen I did get this to work on a different computer, my client computer wouldn't get past searching for a tftp server.20:22
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