
PabloRubianesdaker, hello, have a minute for a PM?19:41
dakerhi PabloRubianes19:41
JoseAntonioRpopey: ping20:12
popeyJoseAntonioR: pong20:14
JoseAntonioRhey, wanted to know if you got to do the domain transfer to canonical20:14
popeynot yet, will chase in the morning20:15
JoseAntonioRok, thanks! :)20:17
=== vibhav is now known as Guest18149
=== LordOfTime|EC2 is now known as TheLordOfTime
jcastrobkerensa: I bet they're revving for Haswell22:20
jcastrobut that's a guess22:20
=== TheLordOfTime is now known as LordOfTime|EC2
bkerensajcastro: yeah hopefully but when I asked (I was going to buy one the other day) they said they are no longer selling them in the U.S.23:19
bkerensahopefully it was a confused CSR23:19
bkerensaHaswell would be worth waiting for though23:20

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