
=== SkavenXXI is now known as SkavenXXI-[OFF]
* husnainlatif has started learning how to develop for ubuntu touch :p03:04
mdrjrHello, I'm porting Ubuntu Touch for my platform, however I couldn't find instructions or where to set the correct framebuffer device to ubuntu-session.04:42
mdrjrMy platform has multiple fb's and I need to set a specific one (fb6)04:42
kakashi__where can i find instructions to install ubuntu touch from windows05:51
wilee-nileekakashi__, I found this, have not used it, be backed up. http://www.webupd8.org/2013/02/how-to-flash-ubuntu-touch-from-windows.html05:56
* snwh is away: Away06:16
gnuluhey all, what's the best device to trying this out... most support, widely used?07:23
AskUbuntuIs there a way to gain superuser access from a Qt app | http://askubuntu.com/q/30877408:09
zghello, I'm trying to run `phablet-flash -b' and it says < waiting for device >08:51
zgmy tablet reboots, goes to fastboot08:51
swordfishMorning everyone!... I think it's time for me to start contributing to the core apps of ubuntu touch... The problem is where can I start? I know how to work with the launchpad but I have not found any bitesize bug or blue print. Can someone point me in the right direction so that i will make something useful for everyone?...08:54
AskUbuntuUbuntu Touch for my device | http://askubuntu.com/q/30879509:23
nik90swordfish: Hi09:38
nik90swordfish: How familiar are you qml and javascript?09:38
thesignalHi there. I build an cm-10.1 base image yesterday, flashed it on my galaxy note 2, downloaded http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/saucy-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip from daily/current and flashed it to... the only think i'm getting now is a black screen with a green dot (just one pixel) in the upper left corner, sometime (weird) the dot is red09:38
nik90swordfish: or even python for that matter?09:38
thesignalwhere can i start to dig in fixing this problem?09:38
popeyperhaps in /home/phablet/.ubuntu-session ?09:40
thesignali cant even debug it, right? or is there a way to see the dmesg on the phone?09:42
popeythesignal: can you not "adb root" & "adb shell"09:46
swordfishnik90 sorry for the late in the response... I'm decent in both: as a first test for qml I made the minesweeper for Ubuntu Touch which came out quite nicely... I know also python fairly well...09:47
thesignalpopey: was late at night :) didn't even try it. I'm reflashing my phone now. Should I stikc withe the dail/current saucy image or try an older one?09:48
popeycurrent if i were you09:49
thesignalpopey: ty, trying that now09:49
ogra_sergiusens, rsalveti, we still seem to ship some NM/polkit related hacks in the build scripts, i wonder if thats what makes NM fall over09:53
ogra_sergiusens, rsalveti, (vs the new hacks that cyphermox added to the session)09:54
zgI'm getting an assert failed error when trying to install ubuntu touch10:07
nik90swordfish: oh yeah. I was trying to remember where I saw your nick10:08
nik90swordfish: In that case, you don't really need to look for bitesize bugs :P..you can dive in straight10:08
nik90swordfish: Just choose a particular core app that you might be interested in and get started10:09
nik90swordfish: ofcourse my *biased* opinion would be to help with the clock-app :-D10:09
swordfishnik90, ok thank you!... I actuallly like the clock app so its not a problem working there :D ... The problem is what should i do in the application?10:10
popeyswordfish: I'd like to see some more card games like the one Robert Ancell made.. https://launchpad.net/euchre10:10
ogra_solitaire !!!10:10
popeyi.e. more generic games - not ones that have a corporate tie-in like angry birds..10:11
ogra_minesweeper isnt everything ...10:11
popeywell, I like it ㋛10:11
ogra_yeah, but my mpom will never accept a tablet withut solitarie10:12
swordfishGames are even better than the clock app! :D (no offense nik90)10:12
nik90swordfish: hehe :)10:12
popeywell to be fair the clock app is making great progress10:13
swordfishOk... Maybe this afternoon i will start a new project!...10:13
nik90swordfish: looking forward to it!10:13
swordfishNo the clock app is really great! I mean that i prefer to work on games! ;D10:14
nik90swordfish: we are just messing with you :D10:14
nik90popey: that said..how do you get those smiley faces.. (trademark secret?)10:15
* ogra_ hopes we'll soon have a pdf solution for the platform api so the first pdf and ebook readers will show up10:15
popeyirssi macro nik9010:15
swordfishThank you guys for the tips... Now its time to have lunch in italy! ... See you later!10:15
nik90swordfish: see you10:15
zgI'm getting an assert failed error when trying to install ubuntu touch on my nexus 7 (i've tried saucy and raring thus far)10:18
ogra_zbthats not very informative ... pastebin a full log somewhere10:19
ogra_zg ^^10:19
zghow do I pastebin a console output from a boot screen10:21
zgi'll take a photo with my phone10:21
ogra_did you use phablet-flash to install ?10:22
thesignalpopey: i can adb root & shell on it :) but dmesg tells me nothing. where are the session logfiles kept?10:23
zgi'm doing a manual recovery mode installation10:23
popeythesignal: /home/phablet/.ubuntu-session10:23
* ogra_ would try that first ... and use the raring/monthly-06 build, thats definitely known to work10:23
zghow do I get phablet-flash to use raring and not saucy10:24
ogra_thesignal, if you get a black screen: adb shell logcat -d > logcat.out (from your PC)... and pastebin that file10:24
ogra_zg, see the help ...10:25
ogra_you should be ablet to give it a version like raring/monthly-0610:25
thesignalogra_: thanks for helping, here's the paste: http://pastebin.com/h2yTD3Bp10:27
zgogra_: http://i.imgur.com/CzQ2B4a.jpg10:28
ogra_thesignal, hmm, your android side looks fine, the issue must be on the ubuntu side10:28
ogra_(surfaceflinger and ubuntu appmanager seem to run properly)10:29
thesignalogra_: I'll try the monthly06 build, maybe the daily/current is the problem10:29
thesignalthanks for having a look10:29
ogra_zg, hmm, that doesnt look like the ubuntu recovery ... also if you want it to auttomatically install the file on the target device should be named /sdcard/autodeploy.zip (see the manual instructions on the install wikipage)10:31
zgogra_: same error..10:33
zgdifferent filename10:33
ogra_where is that recovery from ?10:33
zgclockworkmod recovery allows me to select zip from any location10:33
zgthat recovery is from cdimage.ubuntu.com10:33
ogra_so does the ubuntu one10:33
zgand no, it is not invalid, the md5sum is fine10:34
zgthat's been the only support for this issue on askubuntu.com10:34
ogra_weird, the ubuntu recovery has a violet wallpaper10:34
ogra_and phablet-flash -b should have put that into place properly10:35
* ogra_ would really recommend to use phablet-flash for the supported devices 10:35
zgthere's an assertion error, not a file error10:35
ogra_your recovery mode has no getprop10:35
zgthat could be the reason10:36
ogra_also are you 100% sure thats a grouper ?10:37
zgi'm 110% sure10:38
zgit says on the boot screen product name grouper10:38
zgvariant grouper10:38
zglol manual installation AKA "I don't have an Ubuntu system"10:41
thesignalogra_: i flashed the monthly06 build, but still no luck, what can i do?10:42
thesignalalso, wenn i touch the screen the bottom keys (back and menu) light, they shut off after some time10:44
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morphisogra_: with the flipped container model are you still flashing phablets boot.img to boot partition or the kernel build by ubuntu?10:55
ogra_morphis, the kernel is the same for both (coming from the kernel package), i use an ubuntu initrd in the bootimg though10:56
morphisah ok10:57
ogra_thesignal, look at syslog and as popey said at the logs in /home/phablet/.ubuntu-session/ something on the ubuntu side fails10:57
morphisas I am playing with modifications to the android init daemon and wondered where it is now10:57
ogra_morphis, we use the android initrd as / of the container10:57
ogra_pulling it from /boot/android-ramdisk.img10:59
zgogra_: sending autodeploy.zip to the device isn't going to overdo clockworkmod10:59
ogra_morphis, if you want to replace androids init, just put your binary into /var/lib/lxc/android/overrides/ ... it wil be copied over the android one before firing up the container11:00
morphisogra_: ah, thats pretty nice11:00
ogra_yeah, helps a lot when playing with init.rc files :)11:01
ogra_zg, well,  your recovery does definitely not look like an ubuntu one11:01
ogra_zg, i would pulll the recovery img again from the server and flash it again with fastboot11:02
ogra_you should see an ubuntu logo instaed of the android and have a violet bg11:03
zgi think i got it working now..11:09
k1li see some guys with a x86tablet asking if ubuntu touch will ever run on their devices. as long as u-t depends on surfaceflinger there is no chance, but when mir is the base and its merged into the regular ubuntu this will be possible, right?11:10
ogra_k1l, well, depends ... the flipped container images will surely improve the possibilities, but currenly the platform-api fully depends on the android layer .... i doubt you will see support for non android x86 tablets before the 14.04 cycle11:12
ogra_(and for x86 android tablets someone needs to port them to CM10.111:12
k1lyes, i thought about the 14.04 merge. i recall it was the target to have "one ubuntu" and the different unity desktops that fit to the device its installed.11:13
ogra_well, it will actually be the same desktop/shell ... but differently set up11:14
k1lthats what i mean :)11:14
zgfucking finally11:15
ogra_please mind your language :)11:16
zghaha, the ubuntu recovery is clockworkmod based11:16
ogra_yeah, it is :)11:16
ogra_in fact the whole android layer is11:16
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ogra_to make porting easier11:17
zgis the "Deploying Ubuntu Touch..." stage supposed to stall for a bit11:18
zgIt just kind of froze up11:19
ogra_well, the image is a few 100M big ... give it some time11:19
ogra_and adb push doesnt really give much feedback11:19
zgits nice to see ubuntu on my tablet.. six hours later11:21
ogra_well, phablet-flash would surely have made it easier :)11:21
zgif I had ubuntu desktop :(11:22
ogra_ask your distro to package it ;)11:22
zgno keyboard for network password input?11:24
zgoh man... is raring really buggy? :(11:24
ogra_specifically monthly-06 saw quite some testing11:25
ogra_if you now had phablet-tools in your distro you could just use phablet-network-setup to set it up from your PC11:26
ogra_try if it works after a reboot ... might be a race condition (i know we have something like that in saucy, raring should work though)11:27
zgi'll install saucy11:27
ogra_thats more buggy, mind you11:28
zgfor science (and testing!)11:28
zgoh man11:37
zgthis is so unusable :/11:37
zg>Developer Preview11:37
zgi'll come back to it in a few months :p11:38
ogra_funny, given that many people already use it as their daily driver11:43
ogra_especially raring11:44
ogra_(saucy images are only a week old, will still need a few days to shake out the bugs)11:44
cdesaiogra_: raring images aren't flipped, right?11:46
ogra_... and flipped only works on the phones yet ... not on the tablets11:54
codinhois there any tool to make a androids snapshot of my nexus4 filesystem in order to restore android in future?12:05
thesignalogra_: where is "/home/" located? is in a container?12:06
thesignali got /data/ubuntu/ but theres no /home/12:06
thesignal* in the data/ubuntu/ direcctroy i meant12:06
Jeroenwhich files do I need to install it on my Nexus 4? And in which order do I flash?12:06
codinhothesignal, just check /etc/passwd file12:07
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thesignalcodinho: what do you mean?12:08
codinhothesignal, users home directories paths there usually12:09
thesignalcodinho: i don't even have a passwd file in etc12:09
codinhothesignal, may be there should be some another etc directory somewhere then12:14
ogra_thesignal, if /data/ubuntu/home/phablet doesnt exist, there is definitely something wrong12:17
ogra_this dir is in every ubuntu touch rootfs ... guaranteed12:18
ogra_sounds like the flashing of the armhf zip didnt work12:18
thesignalogra_: but i don't get any errors while flashing12:22
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AskUbuntuLarge amount of scrollable text in Ubuntu touch | http://askubuntu.com/q/30885912:49
penguin42how does ut deal with power management?  Is it just the same components as desktop or do you have some magic for keeping it really low? (Says he playing with an e-ink device that has wonderful power usage)13:17
ogra_penguin42, ^^^13:26
penguin42ogra_: Perfect! thanks13:26
penguin42ogra_: Nice (I'm not too familiar with them - but it sounds a bit similar to wake locks?)13:28
penguin42it's got to be said the ereaders do magic on their power usage; months of idle with intuitive instantaneous wake up13:29
ogra_well, if you mean that suspend is the default state and an app can ask to bring the device ito running state, yes, thats similar13:29
ogra_ereaders use epaper ... thats quite different HW (only requires power while the content changes, not for displaying)13:31
penguin42ogra_: Yeh, but the way they bounce into suspend most of the time as well is more what I meant13:31
penguin42(epaper is weird stuff)13:31
* penguin42 has been running X on his Nook ST and wondered about trying to get it's power back down to something sane13:33
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urbanslugHey you guys what do I need to learn so as to port ubuntu touch to GT-S530015:35
urbanslugI have knowledge of C C++ and python but I don't know where to start. I'm a noob.15:35
mhall119urbanslug: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting might be a good place to get started16:17
javierbuilderhello i have one  usb panel multitouch ,, how do for  use coordenate exacts in ubuntu touch?16:18
mhall119javierbuilder: sorry, I don't know.  You should try posting it to askubuntu.com16:29
javierbuilderother question?  how can use component of ubuntu touch  write in qml  in my proyect. in qml16:31
javierbuilderis easey do this ?16:31
mhall119yup, as long as you have the packages installed, Qt will know where tofind them16:34
mhall119have you installed the Ubuntu SDK and followed the currency converter tutorial?16:34
javierbuildermm nop i have qt5 compilated16:35
javierbuilderbut not the sdk  ubuntu.16:35
javierbuilderubuntu touch use qt4 ?16:35
mhall119no, qt 516:36
mhall119javierbuilder: follow the setup instructions at http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/16:36
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javierbuildermhall119,  i have write  lot of interfaces UI in qml,  but mi app dont run in mobile else in one  pc desktop with one panel usb multitouch of 32 inch16:42
mhall119I'm sorry, I didn't understand that16:43
JoseAntonioRmay I help as a translator?16:45
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javierbuildermm ok try explain better.. , i write one application in qml  for run in one pcdesktop with 32inch monitor.  JoseAntonioR  please if can help .16:48
JoseAntonioRoh, you say you've written many apps but none for mobile yet, and the only apps you have run in QML but are designed for 32-inches touchscreen monitors16:49
javierbuilderJoseAntonioR, yes i write one application in qml for 64bits, buts this app need run in desktop not in mobile but with similar skins and moviment similar to smartphone16:53
JoseAntonioRyou still can port the app and re-design it for the ubuntu phone os16:54
javierbuilderthem i buy one panel multitouch  usb but the i can rotate the desktop ubuntu but the  panel usb not changes the coordenates16:54
javierbuilderfirts i ant run my app in 32 inch pc 64bit and  after port16:55
javierbuildernow i have intalled ubuntu 12.0416:55
javierbuilderand add utouch witn apt-get16:56
JoseAntonioRjavierbuilder: hablas español? :)16:56
mhall119javierbuilder: so we are currently working on some layout components for QML that will let your app change depending on the amount of room it has16:56
javierbuilderands write bad englisjh16:56
mhall119so your one app can work on small moble screens or large desktop screens16:56
mhall119and it will just show/hide/move components based on available space16:56
mhall119you can currently do that yourself with QML, but we're working on making it much simpler16:57
javierbuildernice !!16:57
javierbuilder i can help.16:57
javierbuilder 16:57
mhall119javierbuilder: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/sdk-layouting-implemention is where the work is detailed and where progress will be tracked16:58
mhall119there should be some initial code landing later this month or early next what app developers can start using to give feedback on what works well and what needs to be changed16:59
javierbuilderok i can help  in this.!17:01
mhall119javierbuilder: you can get a sneak peak at the code in progress here: https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/layouts17:03
javierbuilderi want built menus in qml , this can do with the  sdk for utouch ?17:08
mhall119kind of, are you talking about simple drop-downs, or like a desktop windows' menus?17:15
javierbuildersimilar at one  menu on footer of smatphone17:22
javierbuilderand  other with gesture wipe.17:23
Orangerjavierbuilder: The toolbar ?17:23
Orangerjavierbuilder: Yes you can do it with the ubuntu sdk :)17:24
Orangerjavierbuilder: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/overview-ubuntu-sdk.html17:24
javierbuilderi write qml   much code . without  sdk17:24
mhall119javierbuilder: there is work being done to unify the toolbar actions, HUD action, and desktop window menus17:25
javierbuilderOranger,  but my app run in pc of 64bit with one panel usb multitouch of 32 inch17:26
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Orangerjavierbuilder: This api work for pc too, but yes the main is for phone. But like mhall119 said, the api will be unified for pc and mobile17:27
javierbuilderok ..17:33
javierbuilderi buy this panel17:33
javierbuilderok i work very ahrd for help.17:33
mhall119javierbuilder: we appreciate any and all contributions17:34
javierbuildermhall119,  i have downloades the ubuntu-sdk , now how start to write code ?17:50
mhall119javierbuilder: follow this tutorial: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/cookbook/mobile/currency-converter-phone-app/17:50
mhall119it'll go through starting with creating a new Ubuntu Touch project in Qt Creator17:51
javierbuilderi have 2 machines one with parabola and other with ubuntu17:52
javierbuilderi can see the qtcreator custom for utouch!17:53
javierbuildernice work friends17:53
javierbuilderstart them with simple ubuntu ui ? or is i have designed  maybe 16 uis in qml create the project for included mys uis17:56
javierbuilderwhere can found applications building with utouch ?18:19
javierbuilderwhere can find examples completed  for  guide18:25
mhall119javierbuilder: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps has a set of apps being developed by a collaboration of Canonical and Community members18:30
mhall119and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Collection has a longer list of 3rd part development18:30
javierbuildernice , one question the gestures work in one device  mutitouch by usb ?18:32
user82popey, you are on a nexus 4 aren't you?18:32
user82is the 3g data gui config already working? i did not manage to find information18:33
popeyno. i use a script18:33
mhall119javierbuilder: I've never had a multi-touch USB device, so I don't kinow18:34
mhall119in theory they should though, as long as your device has property driver support18:34
javierbuilderyes  the kernel have all supprt18:34
user82ok thanks popey18:35
javierbuildermhall119,  i need one keyboard on screen .. hoy can use  this  ?18:41
mhall119javierbuilder: on Touch the on-screen keyboard will appear whenever a component that takes keyboard input gets focus18:44
javierbuilderbut remember that i dont use one mobile application else desktop18:52
mhall119javierbuilder: if you use the Ubuntu SDK components, the on-screen keyboard will "just work" when a physical keyboard isn't pluggedin18:53
mhall119do you need an on-screen keyboard on the desktop?18:53
mhall119there are some available, I don't know which is more like the Ubuntu Touch keyboard though18:54
husnainlatifi want a touch keyboard18:54
AskUbuntuHow can I run a command from a qml script? | http://askubuntu.com/q/30896819:03
javierbuilderhusnainlatif,  jaja yes i build hybrid system19:15
javierbuilderand geo location maps how do   ?19:16
husnainlatifjavierbuilder,  really?19:16
husnainlatifi love hyrbrids19:16
husnainlatifspecially sliders :))19:16
mhall119javierbuilder: use Qt Location's APIs to get long/lat data, that will use the GPS on the device when it's available19:18
mhall119and I think it falls back to usig geoip when no GPS is available19:18
javierbuilderremember i use one 64bits.. not mobile dwevice i just use panel usb multitouch of 32 inch19:19
nofear33anyone here familar with the ubuntu on a nexus 4 device?19:59
nofear33I have a question reguarding it..19:59
nofear33can you use 3g/4g or any data connection other than wifi on it?20:00
nofear33I cannot seem to connect to web outside of wifi.  tho, I am abe make phone calls20:00
mhall119nofear33: it's possible to use the 3g, yes, but there isn't a graphical way of enabling it just yet20:02
mhall119there is, however, a way to do it from the commandline20:02
nofear33okay, there a site i can read up on that that'll help me enable it?20:03
mhall119nofear33: try http://theravingrick.blogspot.com/2013/06/dog-fooding-success-sort-of.html20:03
nofear33thank you20:04
mhall119there rick shows a screenshot of him enabling it from the terminal ap20:04
popeythat G+ post details how to, as well20:04
mhall119yeah, use popey's link20:04
mhall119popey: this should go in the faq20:04
nofear33ook thanks20:04
mhall119or release notes20:04
popeyif nobody has tomorrow we can tidy it up and do it then20:06
nofear33sorry for so many questions lol20:07
nofear33i just installed it on my nexus 420:07
popeyoh dont be sorry20:07
popeywe need to highlight these things20:07
popeyit's all good :D20:07
nofear33dosnt look like sound is working on it.  I'll have to make 100% sure but so far havent heard any system sounds or anything like that... is there system sounds?20:08
nofear33il try a video in a sec from youtube20:08
popeysound works for me on nexus 420:08
popeyi added a bunch of apps, one is a game called Animal Farm20:08
popeymakes lots of noise ☻20:08
popeythat script is what I run after flashing20:09
popeysets UK timezone, adds a load of apps to play with20:10
nofear33ok sweet.20:12
nofear33now, next question and is probally dumbest one of em all lol20:12
nofear33is it possible to use apps from the market20:12
nofear33like netflix20:12
popeynot yet20:12
popeywell, when you say "market" you mean "Google Play store"?20:13
nofear33okay soon then hopfully?20:13
popeyWe're not currently planning to support adding native android applications20:13
nofear33i perodiacally use netflix20:13
nofear33maby netflix might make an app for it then? lol20:13
popeymaybe ☻20:14
nofear33or is it possible down the road to emulate it...20:14
popeyor their newly announced html5 version might work20:14
nofear33i dont have any problems using an emulator.20:14
lenios<popey> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~popey/+junk/phablet-flash-wrapper/view/head:/post-flash.sh > i'm also planning to use that kind of script20:14
nofear33do u know if there happen to be a multirom that works on the nexus 4?20:14
nofear33 that way i can dual boot20:15
popeyi dont know, sorry20:15
nofear33i think they have it for the nexus 720:15
nofear33aight n20:15
AtrixI wanted to ask: How similar is this project to the Ubuntu for Android that showed up on an Atrix 2?20:16
popeyit's not really that similar20:17
popeyUbuntu for Android results in a full Android stack and an Ubuntu Desktop stack on the same device20:18
popeyUbuntu Touch has only got drivers from Android, not the full Dalvik & class libraries20:18
popeylenios: if you have any suggestions for improving that script, do let me know ☻20:19
AtrixWere the Atrix 2 project results ever made public?20:19
popeyWell, the Atrix 2 was only used in the early demos.20:20
popeyWe moved on to other devices.20:20
popeyBut to answer your question, no, Ubuntu for Android is not (yet) public20:20
AtrixWhat other devices have you moved on to?20:21
Minstepopey: You could edit your script for me :P Set Norwegian as language, and get me a Norwegian keyboardlayout with letters æ ø å included :D :P20:22
popeyhaha Minste ☻20:22
AtrixI own an Atrix 4g, and to tell you the truth, I was kinda disapponted when I heard that Ubuntu Phone wasn't as flexible as the Ubuntu stack that came with the Atrix for the Webtop functionality20:22
popeyWell they serve different purposes.20:23
leniosi'm waiting for a way to change keyboard layout, i'm french but i need to write chinese and japanese20:23
Minstesetting Norwegian as language isn't a problem, but I'm stuck with keyboardlayout :/20:23
popeyand the Atrix is quite an aged phone comparatively20:23
AtrixNot that these things don't age in as fast as six months, but I hear you20:24
AtrixRecently bought a Razr, mainly for the Webtop functionality and the Maverick Ubuntu that comes with it20:24
AtrixThe Razr itself is now ages old, but the age on the Atrix is showing20:24
Minstelenios: if you find a way, please let me know. without the letters æ ø å im stuck with Android :S20:25
AtrixI don't own an HDMI monitor so I can't just yet mess too much with the Razr, but it's probably getting LXDE installed and getting repo access this week20:26
leniosif ubuntu touch is using maliit, there are plugins for chinese and japanese input20:32
Minstelenios: check release notes.20:33
Minsteit says you could use maliit :)20:33
leniosi don't remember exactly, but i have a feeling it changed some time ago20:34
leniosnot sure what is used by default today20:34
Minsteokay. maybe thats the reason it wont work when I try..20:34
javierbuildersoem developr  that can help me ?20:36
leniosaccording to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdev-1303-apps-osk , chinese has been tested in may20:36
leniosand maliit replaced nemo20:36
leniosso could be worth giving a try20:37
javierbuildermaliitframework use unity for keyboard  on-screen20:37
Minstelenios: well. there is a step-by-step in release notes. But I'm doing something wrong, cause I can't get it Norwegian even no.xml is listed in the maliit folder20:38
Minstejavierbuilder: hopefully, yes. check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes under Language and keyboard20:39
javierbuilder i maintein maliit frame work in parabolagnulinux20:39
javierbuilderbut the utouch is excelent20:40
javierbuilderand the gestures how implement the utouch ?20:42
javierbuilderMinste,  ?20:42
Minstejavabuilder: i have no idea :/ I'm not into developing or something. just querious and hopefully trying to use it as my daily driver. calender-app sync with google and norwegian is where it stops for me right now..20:49
OrangerMinste: You want it to sync ?20:55
MinsteOranger: yes, both ways.20:56
OrangerMinste: Did you ask it to the calendar-app team ?20:56
MinsteOranger: not yet. have to get Norwegian keyboard-layout first. Calendar-sync will work at a time, and I can wait for that. but not keyboard-leyout :/20:59
OrangerMinste: Oh yes, that's something important !21:00
OrangerMinste: But I think the team is working on that21:00
javierbuilderOranger, in one screen who is the xmin, xmax ymin and ymax coordenate. ? where start the xmin in one screen21:36
AskUbuntuUbuntu touch and iPhone | http://askubuntu.com/q/30903623:17
k1luh, iphone :)23:20
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