
=== trander is now known as trender
Kilosmorning all06:26
magespawngood day08:22
Kiloshi magespawn can08:22
magespawnhey Kilos, he left already08:23
magespawnbit of nerve racking game yesterday08:24
Kiloswhat game mage?08:27
Kilostoo cold to think08:28
Kiloseish only 30 and half are away08:29
magespawnKilos: the bokke and scotland08:32
Kilosoh ya08:32
XethronMorning ZA09:44
Kiloshi Xethron 09:46
Kiloshi nlsthzn 09:47
XethronHeya Kilos 09:47
magespawnhi Xethron10:04
kbmonkeyhello all10:10
Kilosohi kbmonkey 10:23
kbmonkeyman i am hugnry, time for breakfast!10:26
magespawnhey kbmonkey10:27
magespawnit is almost lunch time in the 'normal' timeline10:27
magespawnhey superfly10:43
Kiloshi superfly 10:43
superflyHi magespawn and Kilos 10:44
Kilosnice to see you10:44
magespawnhow goes it down in the cape?10:44
superflycold. and without internets10:49
superflyI think a storm knocked out either my modem or my line. In addition to that, my routing server is also dead10:50
magespawnouch about the internets10:51
magespawnand the hardware10:54
magespawnsuperfly was it a new machine? the server?10:55
superflyNo, it's my old P210:55
superflyWhich is worse. I'm sentimentality attached to that old box, it had been the most reliable machine I've ever owned. 10:56
magespawnthe old ones were a lot more robust10:57
magespawnlater you two, home time for me11:01
Kilossuperfly, if you got someone travelling i can send you a p3 and an early p4 if you like11:15
nuvolarihi oom Kilos :)12:06
Kiloslo nuvolari 12:06
nuvolarigelukkige vadersdag oom Kilos 12:06
Kilosdankie seun12:06
nuvolarihappy Fathersday to all the dads in here12:06
Kilosya from me too12:06
Kilosespecially the pro and fly and magespawn 12:06
Kilosarme vlieg se internet dooi12:07
nuvolarimeh :-/ heartache12:07
Kilosstorm het sy goed getref12:08
Kilosaltyd iets12:10
Kilosgaan dit goed met jou nuvolari 12:10
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie oom kilos!12:16
nuvolarivier vadersdag saam my pa en ma12:16
nuvolarihulle het my kar terug gebring, maar nou gaan Hyundai van my hoor. Hulle steel my geld12:16
kbmonkeyhello nuvolari 12:35
Kiloskbmonkey, what can one do for a connection that keeps dropping someone here13:31
Kilosi dunno how clued up Xethron_  is13:31
Kilosbut it seems better today13:31
Kilosis it the isp's fault13:32
KilosXethron_, did you find anything to get it better?13:32
superflyKilos: the list of things that could cause a disconnection is almost endless13:46
Kilosoh my13:46
superflybtw, Kilos, magespawn: I had an idea. I'm going to see if my insurance will pay out for lightning. if so, I may be able to get most of the costs covered to replace both my servers and my router13:47
Kiloslets hope superfly 13:47
superflyyeah. the contents of my home is insured13:48
superflyjust seeing if I can find out whether or not they cover lightning too. I've heard so13:48
Kilosgood luck13:49
kbmonkeyKilos, not much you can do if the connection keeps dropping. you having troubles?13:51
kbmonkeymine constantly keeps dropping, sometimes for an hour or more13:52
Kilosnot me kbmonkey 13:52
Kilos8ta doing well here13:52
Kiloslo Squirm 14:16
kbmonkeyconencting irc through a shell account, so even if i disconnect here irssi keeps going :]14:17
kbmonkeyoh my, my mouth-words sure are conbobulated today14:17
kbmonkeyI need a transorbital bolotomy14:18
superflykbmonkey: Quassel FTW too :-)14:30
kbmonkeyI tried that ninja-ide for a little, back on geany now. it did to much :p14:37
kbmonkeyit felt slow and laggy. ide's should not have to render so much all the time.14:38
superflyas I've said before, so far the IDE that seems to suck the least is PyCharm. It still sucks, but not quite as much as the others14:39
kbmonkeysuperfly, game level 1 screenshot: http://darknet.co.za/aliverpg/posts.images/gameplay-level1.png14:39
superflyNinja-IDE was one step more sucky than PyCharm14:39
kbmonkeyPyCharm hey? I'll look that up...14:39
superflyit's a commercial IDE14:40
kbmonkeyoh jetbrains make it14:40
superflybut I got an open source license for one of my open source projects14:40
kbmonkeythey make resharper too?14:40
superflynuvolari is a big jetbrains/intellij fan14:41
kbmonkeyI prefer to stay close to the tools, git command line and a text editor. makes one feel the structure of code more14:41
superflyhonestly, i see no difference between using Kate and PyCharm, other than PyCharm includes some really nice tools, like their refactor tool14:42
superflywhen you deal with a project that is several thousand lines long, using a text editor just doesn't cut it14:42
superflyyou need something with the concept of a project14:42
kbmonkeyPyCharm is not FOSS?14:42
superflyit's based on IntelliJ, but that's as close to FOSS as it gets14:43
kbmonkeybeen playing in processing (.org), very nice. deploys your apps to android seamlessly.14:43
superflyhave you had a look at Android Studio?14:44
kbmonkeyis that the google ADT?14:44
kbmonkeyyes I have that too14:44
superflythat's Google's joint project with JetBrains to make The One True Android IDE14:45
kbmonkeyI see they bundles the ADT into the studio14:46
kbmonkeyno I dont have the studio per se, it got released after I downloded ADT14:46
kbmonkeyI will save up some data to get it 14:46
kbmonkeyKilos, did you end up trying crunchbang?14:47
Kilosyes kbmonkey but it didnt want to connect as usual14:47
Kilosworked with fone but not modem14:47
Kilosso gave up\14:47
Kilosits tto muxh like xubuntu14:48
Kilosdidnt even have right click open with optiuons14:48
Kilosso ide stick with unity and kubuntu 12.04 for as long as possible14:49
Kilosits also debian hey kb?14:50
Kiloskbmonkey, 14:50
kbmonkeyyes, debian base. defaults to thunar for file browser14:54
kbmonkeyI dont use that one though14:54
Kilosthats where the nm weakness is then14:54
kbmonkeyi'm going back to coding a bit, not as productive today as I could be :)14:56
=== bender is now known as koedoe
Kiloswhew noisy bunch17:47
Vince-0reading: http://www.linuxpromagazine.com/Online/Blogs/Off-the-Beat-Bruce-Byfield-s-Blog/What-makes-for-a-community-distribution17:49
Kiloshi Vince-0 psydroid smile4ever 17:50
smile4everhi Kilos :)17:50
smile4everyou were gone yesterday17:50
Kilostoo far back to remember17:51
psydroidhi Kilos18:01
psydroidhoi smile4ever :)18:02
psydroidhi Vince-018:02
psydroidI was having dinner18:02
smile4everKilos: you were sleeping :D18:02
smile4everor you just left18:02
smile4everpsydroid: hoi ;)18:02
Kilosmaybe smile4ever 18:02
smile4everanyway, we missed you, Kilos :)18:02
* Squirm looks around18:02
Kilosaw sorry18:03
Kiloshi Squirmy18:03
Kilostoo cold to sit by the pc18:05
Kilosserious winter in the transvaal18:06
Kilosgoogle weather in pretoria18:11
Squirmit's colder here18:11
KilosMaaz, weather in pretoria18:11
MaazKilos: In Irene, South Africa at 5:54 PM SAST on June 16, 2013: 12°C; Humidity: 51%; Wind: North at 6 km/h; Conditions: Clear; Sunrise/set: 6:51 AM SAST/5:24 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 11:50 AM SAST/18:11
SquirmMaaz: weather in Mooi River18:12
Kilosits gonna be zero here tonight18:12
MaazSquirm: City not found18:12
SquirmMaaz: weather in Howick18:12
MaazSquirm: Too many places match Howick: Howick, Quebec and Howick, South Africa18:12
SquirmMaaz: weather in Howick, South Africa18:12
MaazSquirm: That didn't go down very well. Burp.18:12
Squirmshows what a hole I live in18:12
SquirmMaaz: weather in Estcourt, South Africa18:12
MaazSquirm: That didn't seem to agree with me18:12
Kilosits maaz thats sicker18:14
KilosQA, weather in Estcourt, South Africa18:15
QAKilos: In Estcourt, South Africa at 2:00 PM SAST on June 16, 2013: 6°C; Humidity: 84%; Wind: West at 3 km/h; Conditions: ; Sunrise/set: 6:52 AM SAST/5:10 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 11:43 AM SAST/18:15
smile4everKilos: summer here! :D18:25
smile4everThey predict 34 degrees celsius for the coming days :(18:25
Kilossmile4ever, try hitting your control key and o twice 18:27
Kilosoh my i forgot how18:28
Kilosless work than degrees18:28
KilosQA, die18:29
Kilosnight all. sleep tight. much warmer in bed18:29
smile4evergood night everyone18:36
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
nuvolarioh hi Trixar_za :>22:21
Trixar_za(everybody bitching about first poster)22:21
Trixar_zaHey nuvolari22:21
nuvolariit's not lke it's happening every day22:22
* nuvolari eyes the wall clock22:23
nuvolarisomething is wrong22:23
nuvolariok, mebbe not. Im off22:23
Trixar_za[00:13:57] [Trixar_za] Anyway, it's at http://trixarian.net/atrk-bu2.zip if anybody else wants to mess with it. I also made it randomly select between Piano, Guitar or a mix of both (harmonized).22:23
Trixar_za^--- pasted in a different channel22:23
nuvolariwhat's that Trixar_za ?22:23
Trixar_zaIt's a python script that generates impulse tracker songs22:24
Trixar_zaWhich is MOD compatible, so most media players on Linux can play them22:24
nuvolarirosegarden will work I guess22:25
nuvolariok, I'm off now really22:25
nuvolarinight Trixar_za 22:25
Trixar_zanight nuvolari22:25
Trixar_zasleep well man22:25
nuvolarithanks, you too!22:25

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