
cccmanWindows still boots when you crash it. Ubuntu sucks i guess00:00
pfifoFOAD, thats a feature of certian programs, i dont think theres a way to enable it system wide00:00
EDocToorcccman.. I feel your pain.. but Windows suck if you ask me00:00
pfifocccman, ohh, type 'exit' at that prompt to continue the boot process00:01
cccmanif I use FAT32 filesystem will Ubuntu be more crash recovery stable?00:01
pfifocccman, no, fat32 doesnt work for linux00:01
FOADpfifo.  Okay.  Sucks.00:01
cccmanyou could convert the system partition using Gparted?00:02
exadfat32 doesn't work for linux....?00:02
cccmanntfs might00:02
cccmani will try it and see what happens00:02
pfifoexad, cccman, no fat32 doesnt have file permissions00:02
cccmanwhat about ntfs00:03
pfifocccman, no, use ext2 its the quickest to repair and the most stable00:03
cccmani have crashed ubunt 3 times trying to get my GTX280 to work, and got initfs prompts each time, had to reinstall00:04
exadEr.. then how come Ubuntu runs live fine on a usb stick partitoned as fat32? :/00:04
EDocToorcccman, why would you not use what Ubuntu uses00:04
cccmanbecasue it sucks00:04
cccmanext4 sucks00:04
pfifoexad, thanks to a filesystem called unionfs (or aufs i think its called now)00:04
cccmanpull the plug out of your power supply right now and try to reboot00:04
exadAh I see00:05
bekksexad: because on that fat32 you will only find everything needed to boot ubuntu from an image, not an entire plain ubuntu installation.00:05
exadI see00:05
cccmanwhat happens is the inode needs cleared in debugfs00:06
cccmanclri <8>00:06
cccmannot sure what it does though00:06
pfifocccman, you just need to check your filesystem, run 'e2fsck -fy'00:09
cccmani will try it but still sucks that you have to boot into a live cd00:10
pfifocccman, if your having todo it all the time something is wrong00:11
pfifoex, failing harddrive00:11
syntroPifor ext3/4 systemstart fs check do something like "sudo touch /forcefsck "00:14
syntroPiand reboot00:15
pfifocccman, on the plus side, youll never have to defrag :D00:18
indierosswindows sees 1GB as 1024MB how does ubuntu see a GB00:19
indieross1000 or 1024?00:19
SonikkuAmericaindieross: It reads in GiB - 1 GiB = 1000 MiB00:20
indierosscool thanks00:20
HelloWorld321if the system is powered down during a crontab event, will it do the event when you turn the system back on?00:23
HelloWorld321... like if you have a @weekly event, but the system is turned off all weekend ... will it do it on monday when you turn it back on?00:23
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto00:24
pfifoHelloWorld321, no00:32
greenhornlinuxhey everyone quick question. I created a folder in my home directory call bin. I added the path to my .bashrc for tab auto complete for my scripts. PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin. This work fine for the terminal but when I hit alt+f2 to run one of my scripts from this folder, it doesn't find it. Do I need to put this path somewhere else too?00:32
fuzzyI have a question about changing the ownership of an entire drive. Is that possible?00:33
yeatsHelloWorld321: read about anacron00:33
pfifogreenhornlinux, did you restart?00:34
fuzzyanacron? Thanks!00:34
greenhornlinuxpfifo: yes00:34
yeatsfuzzy: yes - 'chown -R' will recursively change ownership00:34
pfifogreenhornlinux, n/m that wont work anyway, you need to get your path setup prior to the window manager starting, use rc.local00:35
fuzzyAwesome! I really appreciate the help. I have an external drive from another linux box but Ubuntu can't access the files due to not being the owner.00:35
fuzzyHave a great day everybody!00:37
greenhornlinuxpfifo: Ah, okay. Where is that file? Is it in my home directory or in one of my / directories?00:37
pfifogreenhornlinux, /etc/rc.local00:38
greenhornlinuxpfifo: thanks. I will try that now.00:38
pfifohttp://ubottu.com/y/rn points to the wrong release notes00:42
SonikkuAmericapfifo: Eek! You're right! Where's the webmaster?00:42
=== marlinc is now known as marlinc|away
MrKBhello all00:46
MrKBI'm havng an issue with installing/running live environment of Ubuntu 13.0400:46
MrKBI was wondering what info someone needed to help me out :)00:46
* MrKB is new to Linux00:46
SonikkuAmerica!details | MrKB00:46
ubottuMrKB: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:46
elkythe unity sidebar thing won't retract even though it is set to do so in the settings.00:47
SonikkuAmericaelky: A few reboots didn't help the system config any, I suppose?00:48
=== dragan is now known as Guest99297
summitis it possible to get Skype on 13.04? the website only shows outdated and a multiarch00:48
MrKBI'm working off of a USB with 13.04 on it. Want to install it on this desktop but it won't connect to my home's (open) AP for some reason but it IS however connecting to my phone's (also open) AP00:48
MrKBso I'm going to go for the try it option00:48
pfifosummit, have you tried the outdated package?00:48
MrKBso I can go in the terminal and look up some info on my USB WiFi antenna00:48
MrKBto see what's up00:48
syntroPisummit, its in the partner repos00:48
MrKBbut I get errors when I boot into the live enviroment00:49
summitpfifo: yes, i've tried the multiarch but it won'00:49
MrKBand then...just a blank desktop :-\00:49
SonikkuAmericaMrKB: Can you !pastebin the output of [ lspci ]? (Type in the terminal: lspci)00:49
summitwon''t fully install with Software center00:49
MrKBthat's what I was gonna do on the live environment SonikkuAmerica00:49
MrKBcan I do that from the fancy boot menu?00:49
syntroPisummit why?00:49
summitsyntroPi: not sure, i click Install it goes to 100% and just continues to show the install label, but no skype on the machine00:50
SonikkuAmericaMrKB: You can do that by hitting Ctrl+Alt+F1, installing pastebinit (using [ sudo apt-get install pastebinit ]), then running [ lspci | pastebinit ] and typing the URL word-for-word in your chat windows.00:50
syntroPisummit, hmm maybe try installing it with a terminal "sudo apt-get install skype" and see what errors you get then00:51
summitsyntroPi: odd; it actually installed! it was just in another location than i assumed it would be00:51
MrKBok thanks solid_liq00:51
summitsyntroPi: thanks for the assistance tho!00:51
elkySonikkuAmerica, i would like a solution that doesn involve rebooting00:52
SonikkuAmericaelky: What have you tried so far?00:52
elkySonikkuAmerica, disabling the retract and reenabling the retract00:53
MrKBSonikkuAmerica: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5769519/00:53
SonikkuAmericaelky: Have you tried minimizing everything and clicking on the bare desktop?00:53
* MrKB doesn't see his usb wifi antenna mentioned in the pastebin00:54
MrKB(even though Ubuntu clearly sees it since it's using it for internet access through my phone's AP atm)00:54
pfifoMrKB, use lsusb instead of lspci00:54
MrKBok, one moment00:55
SonikkuAmericaMrKB: Remember to pipe it through pastebinit!00:55
MrKBEdimax EW-7811Un, that looks about right00:55
MrKBand my mouse of course :)00:56
Guest99297my ubuntu 13.04 suddenly started to freez on windows minimize/close. Sometimes Alt+Ctrl combination unfreeze it bu somethimes dont. I have dell 5520 with ati 7670 and inetl hd 4000 graphic. System info shows  taht intel gpu  is used but in additional drivers it shows that radeon driver is intalled. Any idea if ati or intel drivers are causing trouble or maybe kernel? p.s. i used kde(kubuntu) and never had problems only in unity and i00:56
MrKBso what's the next step? googling my wifi antenna to see if there's known issues that would prevent it from connecting to my home AP00:57
MrKB(even though it connects to the one on my phone just fine)00:57
SonikkuAmericaMrKB: Is your access point encrypted? If so, with what?00:57
MrKBno, it's open00:57
MrKBboth the phone and the home00:57
MrKBfor troubleshooting of course. normally they're both WPA2-Personal00:57
MrKBthat's why it's so strange00:58
MrKBdoes anyone know what the stock Android AP software does? is it g? n?00:58
MrKBhome AP is g, maybe the phone one is n00:58
MrKBmaybe the Linux drivers for my wifi antenna don't like g XD00:58
MrKBeven though it can see it :-\00:58
SonikkuAmericaMrKB: Usually it's b/g/n ; what device is your Android (Linux :))-powered thing?00:59
elkySonikkuAmerica, is that actually something that has worked in the past?00:59
MrKBNexus 4, stock00:59
MrKBstock everyting, rom, kernel, etc00:59
MrKBbut it's rooted, if that matters00:59
SonikkuAmericaelky: Yeah; sometimes mine would get stuck (I have a 1024x768 monitor, you'd see why) and I'd have to click off the Unity dash or the menu bar to hide the sidebar00:59
elkyno, i don't see why01:00
MrKBis there any way to hide joins/parts/quits on a per-channel basis in mIRC?01:01
SonikkuAmericaelky: (Screen real estate)01:01
elkyhow does that make the unity bar get stuck out?01:01
SonikkuAmericaelky: Sometimes it thinks for no reason that it should still be active after a user has finished interacting with it... natural occurrence... there was a bug about this in Natty but that was fixed.01:02
SonikkuAmerica!bug 2 (unrelated)01:03
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found01:03
MrKB[08:59:00 PM] <SonikkuAmerica> MrKB: Usually it's b/g/n ; what device is your Android (Linux :))-powered thing? <-- any way to know which one it's using atm? maybe through Ubuntu?01:04
elkySonikkuAmerica, it achieved nothing.01:04
the_drowHi, how do I run a python script on all available python versions?01:04
SonikkuAmericaelky: OK... hmm...01:04
MrKBhow do I go back to the fancy boot menu from the terminal screen01:07
Dr_willisMrKB,  You mean the GRUB menu? or the LOGIN screen to X?01:07
* MrKB wants to poke around to see if he can find a way for Ubuntu to tell him what his AP is (b/g/n)01:07
MrKBI'm assuming GRUB01:07
MrKBthe screen that has two choices, live or install01:07
soussouI need some help01:07
* MrKB is running from USB01:07
Dr_willisMrKB,  reboot the the pc.01:07
MrKBboo :(01:07
soussouI have a microcontroller connected to mu ubuntu machine01:07
Dr_willisMrKB,  and thats NOT grub.01:07
MrKBwhat is it then01:07
soussouI can ssh to the microcontroller01:08
Dr_willispart of the Login/boot sequence the live cd uses.01:08
MrKBOh ok01:08
MrKBno name for it, Dr_willis?01:08
MrKBHenceforth it shall be known as fancy boot menu01:08
soussouand I can issue a command like: echo "5" > /dev/ttyACM001:08
soussouIt works if I am root01:08
Dr_willisNever n3eede a name for it.. it just asks after the system is booted.. most people want to disable it and have it default to Live-desktop from what ive seen in here01:08
elkySonikkuAmerica, nevermind now. i rebooted01:08
SuperLagI wish I could get the touchpad on my ThinkPad to work like the Magic Trackpad gestures does on my Mac. Two-finger swipe left/right is back/forward. Three-finger drag for highlight.01:09
SonikkuAmericaelky: And it works, I presume.01:09
Dr_willisMrKB,  if you want to install.. use the Install icon on the desktop01:09
* MrKB is trying to install it, actually01:09
MrKBI can't get live to run01:09
MrKBit gives me to errors right away and then...blank desktop01:09
soussoubut if I am a regular user, and I do : echo "5" > /dev/ttyACM0. I get the following error message "bash /dev/ttyACM0: device or resource busy"01:09
MrKBI was going to straight up install, but it can't connect to my home's (open) AP01:09
elkySonikkuAmerica, yes, which is beside the point. i knew it would when i'd restarted.01:09
Dr_willisYou did verify the md5 of the download? How did you make the  live usb? MrKB ?01:09
MrKBbut it CAN connect to my phone's (open as well) AP for some reason01:09
soussouAnybody knows how I can issue the same command as a regular user and get a response?01:10
MrKBdid not check the md5, no01:10
Dr_willisYou dont 'need' internet to install. but its handy.01:10
MrKBif I do a check inside uTorrent and it passes, does that count?01:10
Dr_willisI have a $10 Cheap works out of the Box., no hassles USB dongle i use on problem installs.01:10
MrKByes I know. but I figured if it doesn't work now, probably won't work later either XD01:10
Dr_willisMrKB,   You may want to tell the channel exactly what its doing and not doing and what chipset your wifi is.01:11
soussouanybody knows what's happeneing?01:11
varunendraMrKB, torrent downloads are almost guaranteed for integrity if the torrent client reports the download to be finished.01:12
MrKBOk good01:12
MrKBLet me do a re-check with the torrent01:12
MrKByeah it passed01:12
tonesDr_Willis, if my win7 machine won't boot and startup repair won't work, and no win7 disk, is there a way to use ubuntu/linux to boot windows into safe mode a load drivers or repair startup?01:12
MrKBthanks varunendra01:12
MrKBso i don't think it's my iso Dr_willis01:12
arepoany one now how can a i solve the problem with .conf in xxxterm?01:12
varunendraMrKB, what is the problem you are having with the Live boot (came here late, so just to confirm..)01:14
tonesSystemRescueCd booted from usb is the best idea I've come up with, but would it allow me to update Win7 drivers01:14
Dr_willistones,  i recall ages ago a  "legal" way to download a windows 7 recovery iso. Saw it mentioned on Lifehacker. I downloaded them.. but never tried the,01:14
tonesDr_willis I don't have the product key01:15
MrKBvarunendra - when I try to live boot it gives me two errors (actually it might just be the same one twice) and when I hit continue on both of them, I come up on a blank desktop01:15
tonesit was on the pc sold to me01:15
SonikkuAmericatones: What you CAN do is use GParted to shrink a little space and install GRUB to it.01:15
MrKBbut I was mainly trying to do a lspci/lsusb from live boot so I can figure out my wifi problem01:15
MrKBwhich I did already thanks to SonikkuAmerica01:15
Dr_willistones,  well this was a rescue thing I think that 'fixed' broken installs. i dont recall the details. since i never really used it. I just downloaded it and kept the iso on my 'recovery tools usb' ;)01:15
MrKBNow I need to figure out why the hell Ubuntu can connect to my phone's AP but not my ome AP01:15
MrKBeven though they are both open atm01:15
varunendraDr_willis, I think that 'legal' Win7 recovery ISO was offered by neosmart site, but they removed it later after some objection from MS.01:15
tonesand once grub is installed, what would be the next step01:16
Dr_willisvarunendra,  the one i saw was from digitalriver (perhaps?) where you get the actual Windows ISOS if you buy them I Think.. but this was a year+ ago.01:16
SonikkuAmericatones: Reboot and check to see (a) whether it loads correctly and (b) if it does, if Windows is detected.01:16
MaynardWatershello I am trying to create an raid array01:16
Dr_willisThere are tools to show your windows product key from a window install i recall. I Think that linux-rescue live cd. had such a tool.01:17
MaynardWatersI do no see any md files in dev01:17
TuxBlackEdoanyone here?01:17
MrKBvarunendra - It just doesn't make any sense since it can see both APs. The only thing I can think of is that the Linux drivers for this usb wifi antenna dislike g lol. I'm assuming my phone's AP is n (I know my home's AP is g), but I wanted to confirm so I can continue on my quest01:17
TuxBlackEdothere are people here!01:17
MaynardWatersI get a message mdadm: no raid-devices specified01:17
Dr_willisTuxBlackEdo, several thousand01:17
MrKBhello TuxBlackEdo01:17
SonikkuAmericaTuxBlackEdo, Dr_willis: 153801:18
TuxBlackEdois this any good for ubuntu?01:18
varunendraMrKB, could you show us the error messages? Have you tried various advanced boot options? Especially "nomodeset" : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions01:18
TuxBlackEdocan anyone give me a good recommendation on a nicer newer tablet that works with ubtuntu?01:18
Dr_willisTuxBlackEdo,  define  'works with ubuntu'01:18
MrKBI'm assuming you get to those advanced ones by pressing keys during the keyboard + little man boot sequence01:18
TuxBlackEdoI am looking for some nice new tablet that came out in the past year or so01:18
MrKBI couldn't get anything to appear during that time01:18
tonesDr_Willis, gonna try the lifehacker iso first, then grub...thanks01:19
MrKBi clicked and pressed on everything O_O01:19
Dr_willisTuxBlackEdo,  The New Nexus7 will be the one to keep an eye on. Its due out soon.01:19
* MrKB clicks on varunendra's link01:19
MaynardWatersgot it need to specify --raid-devices=01:19
varunendraMrKB, the linux wireless drivers are usually happier with b or g (can have issues some very rare times with b/g mixed mode). And the driver you need (8192CU) can be funny sometimes.01:19
adieyou knnow what fucking boggles the fuck out of me?01:19
adiesomeone was designing the notifications in ubuntu01:20
TuxBlackEdoDr_willis, I want to buy something today01:20
adieand said "yeah, that's a good place for them"01:20
IdleOne!language | adie01:20
ubottuadie: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:20
Dr_willisadie,  'why people feel the need to curse on irc?'01:20
TuxBlackEdoI also want to be able to use usb ports01:20
adieDr_willis, because cursing is the spice of language01:20
TuxBlackEdodoes the nexus 7 have usb ports?01:20
Dr_willisTuxBlackEdo,  it can use a adaptor and if rooted (or running ubuntu) access usb devices01:20
MrKBvarunendra - so what do you think might be the issue with it not connecting to my home's AP?01:21
Dr_willisVery few tablets have full sized usb these days. I got an Old toshiba thrive tablet with 2 FULL usb ports01:21
tonesno wait, grub first to get the product key :)01:21
MrKBno TuxBlackEdo, just it's microUSB port01:21
MrKBwhich can do host mode, FYI01:21
varunendraMrKB, the options to modify boot parameters are on F6 key on the advanced boot meny. Usually acpi=off and nomodeset can help with system freezing issues.01:21
MrKBI can't get to advanced boot01:22
TuxBlackEdoDr_willis, I'd prefer something with normal USB ports01:22
MrKBwhen I press any key during that, I get nothing01:22
Dr_willisTuxBlackEdo,  good luck finding ANY tablets these days with those.01:22
MrKBTuxBlackEdo, look for a USB OTG cable and get a tablet that supports it01:22
TuxBlackEdoyou'd be wrong01:22
Dr_willisTuxBlackEdo,  and there are micro-full sized adaptors for like $401:22
MrKBlike Nexus 701:22
TuxBlackEdoDr_willis, a lot of the new tablets do have usb ports and run windows 801:22
Dr_willisNexus7 by default 'partially' supports it.01:22
DomaldelHowdy, anyone feel like giving a linux newbie a hand? =)01:22
Dr_willisTuxBlackEdo,  you dident state the OS.. if you want a windows tablet - ask in #windows01:23
pfifoHi Dr_willis01:23
TuxBlackEdoi want to buy a windows 8 tablet and install ubuntu (or any linux for that matter)01:23
Dr_willisTuxBlackEdo,  i would not reccomend a windows tablet at all.01:23
MrKBhe wants just _a_ tablet01:23
varunendraMrKB, during the splash screen? It may indicate that your keyboard is not even detected at that stage :(01:23
MrKBto put linux on it01:23
Dr_willisTuxBlackEdo,  installing ubuntu on one =  most likely will NOT happen01:23
TuxBlackEdoI want a fast tablet01:23
MrKByes varunendra01:23
varunendraIs it a USB keyboard?01:23
MrKBps/2 keyboard01:23
Dr_willisWindows Tablets are very locked down - last i read about them01:23
TuxBlackEdoand windows 8 is such a clunky os that if I could install linux onto it, it would be very fast01:23
* Domaldel raises a hand.01:24
Dr_willisTuxBlackEdo,  asumeing it supported the hardware.01:24
MrKBjust get an android tablet TuxBlackEdo01:24
pfifo!ask | Domaldel01:24
ubottuDomaldel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:24
TuxBlackEdoalso I want to be able to compile random linux tools on it01:24
Dr_willisTuxBlackEdo,  Biggest Hurdle will be getting Any linux on a Windows Tablet.01:24
TuxBlackEdoalso i want at least the hardware graphics acceleration to be supported by ubuntu01:24
MrKByou can do some of that in Android TuxBlackEdo01:24
Dr_willisNexus7 = takes like 20 min to put ubuntu on it from what ive read.01:25
varunendraMrKB, so you can reach the screen where it asks to either install or try, kb/mouse work there. But choosing either option you just get a blank screen?01:25
DomaldelBasically I'm trying to install linux with wubi, first time installation, I do manage to install it apparently, but whatever I do I don't seem to get the password I pick in wubi to work, so I just end up with the guest login, and I don't seem to have root access there.01:25
DomaldelThe question would pretty much just be, what would you recommend doing from there? =)01:26
MrKBkb/mouse work on the fancy boot menu, yes. choosing live gets blank screen after two error messages. haven't gotten too far in install because I want to get my wifi working on it before installing.01:26
Dr_willisDomaldel,  id recommend using Virtualbox and forgeting wubi even exists.. if you cant partion the hd.01:26
MrKBvarunendra - rebooted and pressed F6 during boot sequence01:27
MrKBsuccess O_O01:27
* Domaldel quirks his left eyebrow slightly.01:27
MrKBbut pressing random keys didn't work before01:27
MrKBjust F601:27
* MrKB thinks docs need to be updated01:27
Dr_willisF6 = gets to boot options01:27
MrKBok so01:27
Dr_willisYou may need to try the Nomodeset option MrKB01:27
MrKBacpi=off and what else?01:27
DomaldelSo, what is virtualbox all about?01:27
MrKBnomodeset, got it01:27
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox01:27
MrKBacpi=off and nomodeset then?01:28
DomaldelThat answer told me exactly nothing...01:28
Dr_willisI got Lubuntu in vbox on my windows machine.01:28
DomaldelI'm not a teckie...01:28
Dr_willisso what are you asking.01:28
Dr_willisits a virtual computer.01:28
DomaldelThe reason I'd like linux is that I'm fed up with windows.01:28
varunendraMrKB, did you get cross marks on those options?01:29
DomaldelDon't mean that I have a clue about what I'm doing though =)01:29
Dr_willisDomaldel,  then you dont want to be using WUBI. since that runs 'under' windows. sort of..01:29
MrKByes varunendra01:29
varunendrathen 'Esc' and 'Enter'01:29
arepoany one now how can a i solve the problem with .conf in xxxterm?01:29
MrKBok thanks varunendra01:29
Dr_willisarepo,  clarify the problem.01:29
DomaldelWell, any idea about how to go about this then without CDs and stuff?01:29
varunendraMrKB, does the installation also hang after some particular stage? Sometimes we 'recommend' to keep system disconnected to make the installation fast. You can do everything later once it is installed.01:29
MrKBDomaldel - USB flash drive01:30
MrKBthat's what I'm doing at the moment :)01:30
DomaldelAh, yes that might work =)01:30
arepoi install  a bronser called xombrero and cannot save the general settings01:30
DomaldelI can use my phone as a flashdrive =)01:30
DomaldelThanks for the idea =)01:30
Dr_willisDomaldel,  theres tools for rooted android to boot ISO files01:30
* MrKB doubts Domaldel has a rooted android device01:31
DomaldelUm, you're talking about things that's above my head again, sorry.01:31
DomaldelAnd nope, it's not rooted.01:31
DomaldelAnd it's not the phone I'm trying to install anything on.01:31
DomaldelBut my computer.01:31
Dr_willistime to go buy a $5 usb flash drive01:31
MrKBvarunendra - success. I'm at the desktop page. but it looks WEIRD01:31
Dr_willisthe PHONE works as a usb flash to BOOT the pc.01:31
SonikkuAmericaDr_willis: 8 GB?01:32
Dr_willisseen 8gb on sale for $5 :001:32
Domaldel03:31 in the morning on a sunday =)01:32
DomaldelIn a country with sunday closed shops.01:32
varunendraMrKB, like what?? :)01:32
DomaldelSo not going to happen today at last =)01:32
Dr_willisDomaldel,  guess youa re out of luick then01:32
* Domaldel nods.01:32
SonikkuAmericaDomaldel: Lemme guess... Norway?01:32
DomaldelMight be.01:32
* Domaldel grins.01:32
* Domaldel nods at SonikkuAmerica.01:32
MrKBvarunendra - will take a pic. one sec01:32
MrKBDomaldel - steal someone's USB FD01:33
MrKBthey don't need it O_o01:33
MrKByou can even give it back when you're done, so it's not technically stealing01:33
MrKBflash drive01:33
DomaldelOh, right, flashdrive...01:33
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
DomaldelSorry, my brain tends to shut down at night =)01:33
varunendraOh, MrKB , you may follow this post to create a detailed report on you wifi issue : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1235038501:33
MrKBthanks varunendra01:34
varunendraWelcome :)01:34
DomaldelAnyway, my phone pretty much works like a USB if I set it that way =)01:34
DomaldelI suspect that I can make it work that way if needed =)01:34
varunendraDomaldel, mine shuts down in the morning, which is now :P01:34
* Domaldel grins.01:35
DomaldelWell, night, morning.01:35
pfifoI have a fully functional ubuntu live system on my phone, it works great.01:35
DomaldelWho cares :-P01:35
DomaldelIt's the time when we should both be asleep I suspect ;-)01:35
MrKBDomaldel - that's what Dr_willis was telling you. You can't use your phone's "USB mode" or whatever you want to call it to boot off of so you can install Ubuntu01:35
MrKBunless you have special tools01:35
MrKBwhich require root01:35
MrKByou can use it as a flash drive inside Windows just fine, but this won't be inside windows01:36
DomaldelHum, ok?01:36
DomaldelGuess I'll have to figure out how to get root access then =)01:36
MrKBshouldn't be too hard01:36
switchingdoes anyone know the folder with all the .png files for the "close buttons" are?01:36
varunendraDomaldel, do you know the hot key for your system for boot menu? Try it when the phone is connected. If it shows up, you can certainly use it as a flash drive.01:36
MrKBwhat phone do you have?01:37
pfifoMrKB, I just popped grub2 onto my non-rooted phones storage put an iso image on the phone and wrote a grub.cfg no special tools needed at all01:37
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone when I load fancontrol it says mandatory settings are missing, how do I know what is missing?01:37
DomaldelSamsung galaxy xcover GT S some numbers01:37
DomaldelDon't remember the details.01:37
MrKBpfifo - tell that to Dr_willis. I was just regurgitating info lol01:37
DomaldelAnd I think I'll try varunendra's suggestion =)01:37
DomaldelOf course, chances are it won't work, but it's worth a shot anyway =)01:38
MrKBindeed lol01:38
MrKBvarunendra - still waiting on my phone to upoad the pic of the weird desktop so I can link you to it01:38
trismswitching: for the default unity theme: /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/metacity-1/01:39
switchingtrism thank you!!01:39
eCurrencyHi - can somebody help me?01:39
eCurrencyI need something to start up wth reboot and I can't seem to get it right.01:39
varunendraMrKB, is it 'workable'? You may try other boot options as well. Many at once if needed.01:40
MrKBsort of workable. you'll see in a sec01:40
* MrKB just turned on WiFi on his phone to upload faster01:40
switchingtrism some of the close buttons are in there, but the one that appears in the top left when you maximize the window isn't01:40
varunendranot in a hurry :)01:40
eCurrencyat the command prompt I type "bitcoind --daemon" and it starts fine... how do I make this start if the system has to reboot?01:40
pfifoeCurrency, add it to /etc/rc.local01:41
Dr_williseCurrency,  rc.local or make a actual service out of it (a bit harder)01:41
DomaldelI'll let you all know if a miracle happens and it works out alright =)01:41
pfifothatll be 0.0015 btc01:41
Dr_willis+ taxs01:41
eCurrencyI tried this and it didn't work:01:41
Dr_williseCurrency,  give us detailas as to what you did EXACTLY01:41
Dr_willisbecause its most likely you did it wrong. ;)01:42
pfifoeCurrency, make sure your rc.local is executable and ends with 'exit 0'01:42
varunendraMrKB, by the way, the F6 = boot options directly was a revelation for me ;) Didn't know of it earlier :) Thanks to Dr_willis too for the confirmation.01:42
eCurrencyoop - one sec. I lost the command01:42
DomaldelThe number of the phone is GT-S5690 btw =)01:42
DomaldelIf that says anything to you folks =)01:42
eCurrency1 second - I show you what i did01:42
trismswitching: yeah that isn't really part of the theme, that's a unity thing, I'll see if I can find it01:43
Dr_willisvarunendra,  I just normally add the grub options by hand. ;) i rarely use F601:43
switchingtrism i think i found it in Ambiance/unity01:44
MrKBvarunendra - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x0gm7qwn8t2pens/YkbUJHIcRJ01:44
switchingty tho rism01:44
varunendraDr_willis, that's sure an option in installed system, but what can we do in a live boot to add those?01:44
pfifovarunendra, add it to your grub.cfg01:45
Dr_willisvarunendra,  i think theres a way to do that also. i rarelyu need them these days01:45
Dr_willisive edited the syslinux.cfgs on live usbs befor for some people.01:45
varunendrapfifo, I know that. But that's only possible in an installed system. Live CD/USB doesn't use grub at all :(01:45
MrKBvarunendra - did the link work?01:46
pfifovarunendra, liveusb uses grub201:46
MrKBdropbox fails often01:46
trismswitching: actually I think it is: /usr/share/unity/6/close_dash.png01:46
trismswitching: plus the various other close_ ones01:46
DomaldelHum, halfway done with the download of the ubuntu installer =)01:46
varunendraMrKB, yep taking a look (indeed looks funny).01:46
MrKBstill can't connect to my home's AP in here BTW01:46
MrKBDo you guys think if it can connect to my phone's AP but not my home AP the problem really could be the usb wifi antenna and/or the linux driver for it?01:47
Dr_willisDomaldel,  installing ubuntu on your phone from one of those Google Play market tools?01:47
varunendraMrKB, most probably it's a result of frequency/resolution out of monitor's range. What graphics card do you have?01:47
MrKBhe's planning on installing Ubuntu on PC using his phone as a bootable USB drive01:47
pfifoMrKB, does you home ap restrict connections based on mac address01:47
switchingtrism ok ty01:48
MrKBintegrated varunendra01:48
MrKBno pfifo01:48
MrKBvarunendra - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5769519/01:48
Saikihello everyone. I am having some trouble upgrading jaunty, how do I fix that?01:48
eCurrencyok, Im back01:48
DomaldelDownloading a ISO from the website.01:48
FloodBot1eCurrency: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:48
DomaldelThen using the phone and trying to run the ISO as from the phone as a flashdrive =)01:49
DomaldelProbably going to fail, but want to try anyway =)01:49
eCurrency(I just got a warning. Newb ya know - kinda)01:49
MrKBlol FloodBot101:49
Saikihello everyone. I am having some trouble upgrading jaunty, how do I fix that? (And yes I know jaunty is ancient, latest I have and no cds)01:50
Dr_willisDomaldel,  you do realize you need to use 'DriveDroid' for that?01:50
pfifo!eolupgrade | Saiki01:50
ubottuSaiki: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:50
varunendraMrKB, wow! Intel 865! Can't be any 'legecy'ier than that :P01:50
MrKBshush varunendra O_O01:50
eCurrencyok, can somebody help with with this so I don't turn in to a staight ubuntu hater... I really want give this os a chance:01:51
MrKBDr_willis - [09:37:16 PM] <pfifo> MrKB, I just popped grub2 onto my non-rooted phones storage put an iso image on the phone and wrote a grub.cfg no special tools needed at all01:51
Dr_willisMrKB,  im suprised that works at all.01:51
MrKBagain, tell that to pfifo. I'm just regurgitating info lol01:51
varunendraMrKB, looks like the nomodeset option didn't work. It should have booted you in the basic graphics mode. Is the monitor an old 14" crt type?01:51
pfifoDr_willis, MrKB, some computers wont boot via flash drives though01:51
eCurrencyall I want it to do is start bitcoind at boot time01:51
Dr_williseCurrency,  so whats your exact rc.local file look like?01:52
MrKBit is old and small, but no, it's LCD01:52
MrKBpfifo - yeah but if that's the case he's SOL either way as his other option was a USB FD01:52
eCurrency1 sec dr_ willis (I know watchu talkin bout)01:52
Dr_williseCurrency,  starting stuff from rc.local is rather trivial. assuming you understand the basics.01:52
pfifoeCurrency, you can NOT run sudo from /etc/rc.local01:53
Dr_willistheres no NEED to use 'sudo' from rc.local01:53
pfifonor do you need to, rc.local is run by root anyway01:53
Dr_willis unless you are switching to a differnt user, but then you use su i recall.01:53
varunendraMrKB, if the system is still on in that mode, try Ctrl + "+" multiple times. It is supposed to change the resolution (maybe "-" instead of "+").01:54
mchlbhmHey guys. I dd'd an iso to a usb so I could install ubuntu. Now I can't use the usb to save files due to permission problems. I assume I caused it to be a read only cd. How do I change it back?01:54
MrKBnot working01:54
Dr_willismchlbhm,  it thinks it is a CD/ISO. if you want convert it back to a normal data flash - you need to repartion it. (ive used dd to 'zero' the flash, then gparted to repartition)01:55
pfifoeCurrency, all you need in rc.local is '/usr/bin/bitcoind -daemon'01:55
SonikkuAmericaCatherine_: Hey!01:55
husnainlatifhi Catherine_01:55
mchlbhmDr_willis, could you point me to a site that would teach me how to do that?01:56
Catherine_i am trying to remove the explorer line "Send files via bluetooth"01:56
Catherine_any idea ? :)01:56
SonikkuAmericaCatherine_: What's the "explorer" line?01:57
varunendraMrKB, you can manually add desired resolution using vga= parameter on the same boot menu where you selected the 'nomodeset' option. I think vga=788 should work for you.01:57
Catherine_when i right click a picture of mine01:57
varunendraMrKB, see : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Common_Kernel_Options01:57
Catherine_it says send via bluetooth01:57
husnainlatifbtw today i tried to send a file to my mobile via bt on ubuntu and it failed01:57
Catherine_i want that option deleted!01:57
MrKBSo again, do you guys think if Ubuntu can connect to my phone's AP no problem but not my home AP that the problem really could be the usb wifi antenna and/or the linux driver for it?01:57
MrKBmy main goal is to get this thing connected to my home AP so I can run the Ubuntu install the way I want to.01:58
MrKBthen once it's install, I can deal with fail video resolution01:58
SonikkuAmericaCatherine_: Are you in Windows though? (Maybe that's why I'm unsure of your terminology.)01:58
sereCatherine_: you mean the nautilus sent to ?01:58
SonikkuAmericaCatherine_: Did you disable your Bluetooth? (i.e. switch it off)01:59
varunendraMrKB, I usually deal with wireless issus (doesn't make me an expert though), but that involves many different factors and can be confusing sometimes. You may post the diagnostics report to give us initial hints about the problem.02:00
Catherine_this one i mean02:00
varunendrahttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=12350385 MrKB02:00
varunendraMrKB, by any chance you are using WP02:01
Saikipfifo: an upgrade to lucid from jaunty is not supported with this tool02:01
sereCatherine_: i believe your nautilus send to scripts are in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/02:01
varunendraWPA/WPA2 mixed mode (typo it was)02:01
MrKBCatherine_-  that looks like mac, not windows.02:01
varunendrain the router02:01
mchlbhmDr_willis, nevermind. found something. Thank you for your help. :)02:01
MrKBno varunendra02:01
MrKBI turned off encryption for the time being02:02
MrKBon both APs02:02
Catherine_its ubuntu02:02
pfifoSaiki, honestly, Ive never heard of an upgrade working properly anyway, just install fresh02:02
varunendraMrKB, then as a wild shot, you can try "swenc=1" option for your driver (on a working system).02:03
sereCatherine_: how did you get your nautilus looking so sexy?02:03
Catherine_hehehe :)02:03
MrKBworking system?02:03
varunendraMrKB, Yep. You need to remove, then reload the driver with that option. But these are really just blind shots. Almost nonsense unless we have solid clues.02:04
MrKBwhat do you mean by working system02:04
Saikipfifo: seems to be working from command line LMAO02:04
stercorHow do I eliminate password prompts for sshfs?02:05
varunendraMrKB, means a system where you can at least get a terminal to enter commands and network manager to handle the connection.02:05
poppingtonicvarunendra: solved. Thank you!02:05
MrKBI'm in the Live environment right now02:06
varunendrapoppingtonic, great. I almost thought I left you in the middle of the things (was too sleepy :P)02:06
MrKBDid Ctrl+Alt+F102:06
MrKBso now I'm in terminal02:06
MrKBTrying to install that wireless_script for your diag info :P02:06
varunendraMrKB, really wanna try random things with the connection? ;)02:07
MrKBdamn, how do I go back to the desktop from this terminal window?02:07
MrKBjust realized I forgot to reconnect to my phone's AP02:07
varunendraCtrl +Alt +F702:07
MrKB[10:07:22 PM] <varunendra> MrKB, really wanna try random things with the connection? ;) <-- what do you mean?02:08
* MrKB is confused02:08
MrKBok so I have a wireless-info.txt file now02:09
varunendraMrKB, I don't know yet the reason (can't even guess) why you are unable to connect. So whatever we try from here would be based on purely guesses, not clues.02:09
MrKBhow do I send it to you guys from this fail live install02:09
MrKBwhen you asked if I wanted to try random things you made it sound like it was dangerous02:10
poppingtonicvarunendra: :D I ended up opening up my laptop and fiddling with the switch from the inside. It turns out that toggling it while the machine is booting up does the trick.02:10
SonikkuAmericaMrKB: Well... random things CAN be dangerous :)02:10
SonikkuAmericaMrKB: You can show them what you have via pastebinit02:10
* MrKB doesn't even know where the hell the .txt file is02:11
SonikkuAmericaMrKB: Which one?02:11
varunendraMrKB, not really. Anything we try here woult persist only as long as you reboot :P02:11
MrKBok then that's fine varunendra. let's dfo it02:11
varunendraMrKB, you need to upload it somewhere of course, but you'll, (oh.. again..) need a working system for that. :/02:11
MrKBaccording to the forum post you guys linked me to, it should be on my home directory02:11
MrKBbut seeing as how I can't see anything... <.<02:11
MrKBwell, I can sort of see. some things.02:11
SonikkuAmericaMrKB: [ ls ~ ]02:12
syntroPiMrKB, find -name 'wireless-info.txt'02:12
MrKBis there some CLI command I can dfo?02:12
MrKBthere we go02:12
varunendrapoppingtonic, that was a huge relief. I thought you may need to reset BIOS (my ultimate shot in these issues ;))02:12
poppingtonicMrKB: run "sudo updatedb" then after the terminal prompt returns, run "locate wireless | grep info | grep txt$"02:12
MrKBI did ls ~02:12
MrKBI see it02:12
MrKBok poppingtonic02:13
SonikkuAmerica!pt | joao_ ??02:13
ubottujoao_ ??: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.02:13
MrKBwhat now poppingtonic02:13
MrKBit returned /home/ubuntu/wireless-info.txt02:14
MrKBwhich is where I thought it was lol02:14
MrKBbut now, how do I pastebin it02:14
SonikkuAmericaMrKB: [ cat /home/ubuntu/wireless-info.txt | pastebinit ]02:14
* MrKB needs to install pastebinit again02:15
MrKBSonikkuAmerica - command please :D02:15
* MrKB forgot he rebooted the live install02:15
SonikkuAmerica[ sudo apt-get install pastebinit ]02:15
MrKBhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5769648 - SonikkuAmerica, poppingtonic, Dr_willis, varunendra02:16
* MrKB crosses fingers02:16
MrKBvarunendra - still need me to do that swept=1 command or whatever it was?02:16
* MrKB hasn't done it yes, was working on getting that wireless-info.txt02:17
varunendraLet's see. wait a mo.02:17
varunendraMrKB, everything seems normal there. Is the "Light" your home ap?02:19
varunendraDoes it have N-channel enabled?02:19
MrKBit's an old router, no N02:19
MrKBI have it on G-Only, in case you were wondering02:19
mogajHi while i am trying update my ubuntu 13.04 with this command 'sudo apt-get update' am getting this error .... http://pastebin.com/4w459Q8p  ... how can i fix this?02:20
poppingtonicvarunendra: thankfully it didn't get to that. I02:20
SonikkuAmericamogaj: Try Method 1 on this page: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-the-ubuntu-gpg-error-badsig.html02:21
poppingtonic've always been terrified of BIOS, for some reason I can't fathom :)02:21
varunendraMrKB, Well, you can try changing the channel to 1 or 11. They're most recommended ones for better connectivity. For the swenc thing, you may try it right now.02:21
MrKBWhat was the command again? And where do I try it?02:21
* MrKB is too lazy to scroll up :)02:21
MrKBnetwork manager?02:22
varunendraMrKB, try - "sudo modprobe -rfv rtl8192cu" then - "modprobe -v rtl8192cu swenc=Y". Enter these in a terminal.02:22
purveshhow to install skype 64 bit version from command line02:23
MrKBfor the second command it says "Module swenc=Y not found."02:23
MrKBis it swenc=1 ?02:23
varunendrapoppingtonic, yep, the BIOS resetting is the last resort.02:23
SonikkuAmericapurvesh: [ sudo apt-get install skype ]. Make sure you have the correct repos enabled.02:23
varunendraMrKB, doesn't matter 1 or Y here. What was the exact command you typed?02:24
MrKBfirst sudo modprobe -rfv rtl8192cu02:24
MrKBthen when terminal came back, the second one02:24
purveshSonikkuAmerica, But it will install 64 bit version by default ?02:24
varunendrasecond one?02:24
MrKBmodprobe -v rtl8192 swenc=Y02:24
MrKBI also tried =102:25
SonikkuAmericapurvesh: One second...02:25
varunendrayou forgot "cu" in the last02:25
MrKBboth say FATAL: Module swenc=Y not found.02:25
varunendranot rtl819202:25
MrKBI didn't forget in the terminal02:25
varunendraMrKB, please show us - "modinfo rtl8192cu"02:26
syntroPipurvesh, afaik there is no 64 bit skype yet?02:26
purveshSonikkuAmerica, It is highly recommended to use the package provided in the Canonical partner repository, not the one distributed from the skype website, as the skype website currently points users to the wrong package for 64-bit systems of Ubuntu 11.10 and above.02:26
purveshSonikkuAmerica, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype02:27
SonikkuAmericapurvesh: Some of that info is outdated... I wanted to test it myself.02:27
SonikkuAmericapurvesh: Which'll only take a second.02:27
purveshsyntroPi, 64 bit is available02:27
varunendraMrKB, just enter the command and see at the bottom of the output. What are the parameters (parm : ) Does it show "swenc"?02:28
* MrKB can't see the entirety of the output02:28
MrKBhow can I scroll up?02:28
syntroPipurvesh, where? there are packages for x64 linux os but they contain x86 binary only02:28
SonikkuAmericapurvesh: It doesn't look like there's an amd64 version... on my PC it wants to pull in a bunch of 32-bit dependencies.02:28
syntroPipurvesh, see output of "file $(which skype)"02:29
purveshSonikkuAmerica, i haven't run installation command yet, above both command i had run and i had also manually check partner repository as per describe in that link02:29
SonikkuAmericapurvesh: Even if I spec :amd64 the :i386 stuff appears.02:29
varunendraMrKB, press a few blank "enter"s ??02:29
MrKBwouldn't that make it worse?02:30
SonikkuAmericapurvesh: However, all isn't necessarily lost: I believe Skype is available as a plugin for the Pidgin chat client... but it may still pull in all those i386 dependencies.02:30
MrKBI want to see what's already passed02:30
MrKBso I can tell you what the output is02:30
* MrKB is operating inside the Ctrl+Alt+F1 mode, whatever that is02:30
varunendraMrKB, what I want to see is at the bottom of the output.02:30
purveshSonikkuAmerica, so how do i install skype on my system on community they said you should install package from ubuntu partner repository only not from skype website02:30
* MrKB hasn't figured out how to open a regular terminal window on his fail live install02:30
SonikkuAmericapurvesh: Right. That's because it needs all those i386 dependencies at present.02:31
SonikkuAmericapurvesh: At current there is no amd64 version of Skype.02:31
MrKBvarunendra - one sec02:31
syntroPipurvesh, SonikkuAmerica i think there is only x86 skype binary and no other possibility to speak skype protocol than this. so even when allowing pidgin to use that skype api you will need the 32bit dependencies on x6402:31
MrKBpicture forthcoming02:31
purveshSonikkuAmerica, so do you recommend this command: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype02:31
purveshsyntroPi, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype02:32
SonikkuAmericapurvesh: Yes. (Make sure you have the Canonical Partner repo enabled in Software Sources/Software and Updates!)02:32
varunendraOh, MrKB , I forgot something v.imp. (silly me... ) did you add "sudo" before the second command like the first one?02:32
MrKBwas I not supposed to?02:33
varunendrathen I'm stumped :P02:33
syntroPipurvesh, what do you want to say with that link?02:33
Saiki12.10 is supported, right?02:33
SonikkuAmericaSaiki: Indeed it is...02:33
varunendranou, it had to be added. You did it right.02:33
purveshSonikkuAmerica, i had done sudo apt-get update but i haven't done sudo apt-get upgrade only one upgrade is remain that i want to do later02:33
SaikiSonikkuAmerica: good02:33
MrKBvarunendra - still have that dropbox album open?02:34
MrKBjust added the picture there02:34
purveshsyntroPi, they had specifically written procedure for 64bit user02:34
varunendraNice name btw, for the album :P02:34
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
MrKBlol thanks02:35
purveshSonikkuAmerica, syntroPi, but as per that link it should also show at ubuntu software center but i am not able to see skype at software center even after sudo apt-get update02:35
syntroPipurvesh, yes sure because you need multiarch enabled on x64 to be able to install the x86 binary dependencies for skype02:36
MrKBvarunendra - from what I can tell, I'm not seeing the entirety of the output. mainly what's all the way to the left02:36
MrKBmaybe I _do_ need to fix this res problem before we can continue -_-02:36
varunendraBy the way, MrKB , this driver has been reported acting silly in recent updates. The only reason for trying is because it is working with your other ap. Otherwise I'd have suggested you to just finish the install and compile the proprietary one (which isn't a guaranteed fix either, but much better recently)02:36
SonikkuAmericapurvesh: I can't help with Software Center issues because mine keeps core-dumping in GNOME 3.8 ... ask syntroPi02:36
MrKBOh I see02:37
MrKBwell I'd like to keep trying a bit more before going that route if that's ok :)02:37
* MrKB really wants wifi working before installing02:37
syntroPipurvesh, i dont use software center i prefer terminal or synaptic02:37
purveshSonikkuAmerica, syntroPi, sorry now i am able to see in software center i had restarted software center02:37
varunendraOh, MrKB the second command is just "modprobe -v", not -rfv02:37
MrKBI knew that <.<02:38
varunendrame too :P02:38
purveshsyntroPi, Yeah that is good but i want to confirm weather multiarch is enable or not02:38
MrKBstill nothing varunendra02:38
varunendrathat's good02:38
MrKBwait hold on02:38
MrKBok now I got something02:39
varunendragot a single (or a few) lines of output (regarding "insmod")02:39
MrKBplenty of lines O_O02:39
MrKBneed pic?02:39
* MrKB really wishes he could open a regular, scrollable, terminal window02:39
MrKBcan't I pipe these commands to pastebinit? XD02:39
varunendraNot necessarily. All of them started with "insmod" ?02:40
MrKBlooks like it, yes02:40
MrKBbut I got some errors at the end02:40
MrKBwhich I will now type in here02:40
varunendraWith no errors? Then it's good. Now return to desktop and retry connecting.02:40
MrKBY invalid for parameter swent02:40
varunendraErrors :-o02:40
MrKBERROR: could not insert 'rtl8192cu': Invalid arguement02:41
MrKBgod I'm an idiot02:41
purveshSonikkuAmerica, syntroPi, Thank you my problem resolved :)02:41
* MrKB misses copy and paste02:41
varunendrawhat was the parameter exactly... oh..02:41
MrKBok way fewer lines now02:41
=== shantorn- is now known as shantorn
MrKBI can see them all in my screen02:41
MrKBI see no errors02:41
MrKBone single insmod line, but gigantic02:42
MrKBor at least that's what it looks like to me02:42
syntroPipurvesh,  "dpkg --print-foreign-architectures" should be i386 and "dpkg --print-architecture" amd6402:42
varunendraNow return to desktop and retry connecting02:42
* MrKB crosses fingers02:42
MrKBdoesn't look like it's working02:43
syntroPipurvesh, otherwise you would need to "dpkg --add-architecture i386"02:43
* MrKB waits02:43
varunendraMrKB, if required, also do a "sudo service networking restart" and "sudo service network-manager restart"02:43
MrKBI might want to try that, seeing as how this didn't work :(02:43
MrKBone moment please02:43
MrKBthe network-manager one is going crazy02:44
MrKBI see the same lines over and over02:44
MrKBmodemanager respawning too fast, stopped02:44
MrKBI think maybe I did sudo service network manager restart02:44
MrKBcan't tell now obviously lol02:45
MrKBhow do I make it stop02:45
varunendrais it running in a terminal? Ctrl +C maybe.02:45
MrKBCtrl+C didn't work02:45
MrKByes, the Ctrl+Alt+F1 one02:45
syntroPisudo service network-manager stop02:46
MrKBit won't give me a chance to type from what I can see02:46
MrKBit's just scrolling crazy02:46
varunendrasyntroPi, he tried "network manager", no hyphen :(02:46
syntroPiother tty then02:47
varunendraOther tricks? Like Ctrl + Z02:47
MrKBoh wow, that worked02:47
MrKB[10:46:12 PM] <syntroPi> sudo service network-manager stop <--02:47
MrKBalso I just looked through my commands02:47
MrKBI _did_ do sudo service network-manager restart02:47
MrKBso...wth just happened lol02:47
varunendra... is not good :/02:48
MrKBI just did it again02:48
MrKBit went crazy again02:48
* MrKB huggles syntroPi for stop command magic02:48
MrKBvarunendra, What could it mean?02:48
MrKBjust went back to desktop, now I see a black screen02:49
MrKBYou blew up my live install O_O02:49
MrKBtime for reboot?02:49
varunendraMrKB, It means there is more than just networking at fault at the moment.02:49
MrKBI see...02:49
MrKBmaybe my iso?02:49
MrKBeven though the iso checked out after doing a re-check through the torrent02:50
varunendraYou did check in the torrent client didn't you?02:50
varunendraIn advanced boot menu, there is another option to "Check for defects". It should verify the integrity as well.02:51
MrKBso let me reboot then02:51
MrKBwhere's check for defect?02:52
MrKBI see "test memory"02:52
varunendraNope , that's a different thing02:53
MrKBok so where02:53
varunendraMrKB, isn't there an option to "test/check cd for defects"?02:53
varunendraOk, "Check Disc for defects" : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Ubuntu_CD_Advanced_Welcome_Page_Options02:54
varunendraIsn't your screen the same?02:54
syntroPiMrKB, just do sudo service lightdm restart02:54
MrKBno, my screen is not like that varunendra02:55
MrKB"Run Ubuntu from this USB" "Install Ubuntu on a Hard Disk" "Test memory" "Boot from first hard disk"02:55
MrKBthose are my options02:55
MrKBsyntroPi - if that was meant to avoid me rebooting, too late XD02:55
syntroPiMrKB, you can do check of your live cd when you hit f2 immediately at the booting into it (grub)02:56
varunendraMrKB, how have you created the live USB? Unetbootin?02:56
syntroPiMrKB, there is also a checksums file at it so you can do md5sum -c <thatfilenamegoeshere>   in the root dir of that iso02:57
varunendraMrKB, I really think you should just finish the installation first. This chip is not known for such big issues. But the driver has suffered some regressions lately it seems. You should be able to make it work anyway, using the proprietary driver if not this one.02:58
MrKBwhere's the md5 hash02:59
syntroPiMrKB, its "md5sum -c md5sum.txt" in the root dir of your iso contents02:59
MrKBI just did the iso - 5d5d1a7da2a0659b163d4f8bd70fbe6f02:59
MrKBoh ok02:59
syntroPihttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes thats fine then03:00
MrKBno I need the md5 for the iso itself03:00
MrKBthat .txt file doesn't have it03:00
* MrKB is verifyig the md5 on his WinXP computer where he dled it03:00
varunendraMrKB, by the way, one way to figure out the 'reason' is to keep an eye on "dmesg" and "syslog" whenever a connection attempt fails.03:01
syntroPithat txt file is inside the iso and in that txt file there is a md5 sum for every other file inside that iso03:01
* MrKB did the md5 hash on the iso file itself03:01
MrKBhow do I do that varunendra, sounds like a great step towards figuring this out :)03:01
syntroPiMrKB, yeah that verifies your download but not that its fine on your usb stick03:01
MrKBthe hash matches with the link03:02
MrKBlet me do it from the stick then03:02
MrKBso let me boot into live03:02
MrKBbut before I do03:02
MrKBwhat options should I try this time03:02
MrKBso that the video doesn't fail horribly03:02
FloodBot1MrKB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:02
MrKBshut up FloodBot1 O_o03:02
varunendraMrKB, "dmesg" and "cat /var/log/syslog" Usually we need to filter those outputs but just take a look at last 20-30 lines whenever a connection attempt fails.03:03
syntroPiMrKB, maybe you can press f2 right after bios post (before grub) and choose nomodeset with f6 ?03:03
MrKBI'm in the advanced options already. nomodeset won't work the same from here?03:04
* MrKB doesn't know what grub is03:04
varunendraMrKB, try manually adding the desired options03:04
MrKBacpi=off and nomodeset right?03:04
MrKBdon't want me to try new ones, seeing as how those failed last time?03:04
HelloWorld321I loaded an anacron job; I ran anacron -T to test it, and got no response (which I think is 0, which means all okay); and then I ran anacron -n -f to get it to run now; but the /var/spool/anacron directory doesn't have an entry for my new anacron job.  How can I make sure it runs?03:05
syntroPivarunendra, hmm maybe acpi=off can cause trouble?03:05
MrKBtoo late. already picked it and booted into live. XD03:05
* MrKB is impatient03:05
varunendraYou may try vga=788 this time, at the boot line. syntroPi yes it can.03:05
MrKBoh right. vga, that's the one I wanted to try03:06
MrKBfudge -_-03:06
MrKBwelp! let's see what happens03:06
MrKBif I get fail video again, I'll reboot and try again03:06
varunendrano problem if there is no problem ;)03:06
MrKBI like you guys! you're super helpful03:06
MrKBand do it for free O_O03:07
MrKBalso, fail video -_-03:07
MrKBok so03:07
MrKBnomodeset and vga right?03:07
MrKBno acpi=off03:07
varunendraMrKB, that's because I couldn't catch someone to play cards with me :-o03:07
Ben64!enter | MrKB03:07
ubottuMrKB: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:07
MrKBI'm thankful for it03:07
pvs_Good night everybody. How coud I restore my resources list that have benn blocked by Ubuntu on the atualization for 13.04?03:08
varunendrapvs_, do you mean the /etc/apt/sources.list file?03:09
pvs_yes. I have aded some new resources manually. But now its not available03:09
pr0teusHey i'm trying to recover a pendrive with a folder corrupted (when i use ls i can see the folder but with no size) i'm using DD to make a image of the pendrive, my pendrive have 8gb, but right now the image is around 11gb , anyreasons?03:09
varunendrapvs_, what is the error you are getting?03:09
MrKBvarunendra - adding the vga line now. Do I do [-vga=788] ? Or [vga=788]03:10
pvs_I cant check the box to activate de resource on the Synaptic03:10
MrKBalso I put a checkmar on nomodeset but I don't see it anywhere in the Boot Options line. is that normal?03:10
varunendraMrKB, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VESA_BIOS_Extensions#Linux_video_mode_numbers03:10
syntroPiMrKB, try adding it manually it wont hurt it its there two times03:11
varunendrayes it is normal, although you can put it manually on the line.03:11
MrKBthanks for the chart. going to do 791 based on that :)03:11
varunendra:) ^^03:11
MrKBok time to try this again03:11
* MrKB crosses fingers03:11
varunendra..and toes too.03:12
MrKBhm...why didn't we go for a 32-bit one?03:12
neytirihow do i setup a router WITHOUT nat on ubunut03:12
varunendrathat would expect a good graphics support, while we are falling back to basic mode to be safe.03:13
MrKBseems it can only go up to 640x48003:13
MrKBgave me some error and gave me a list to pick from03:13
Ben64neytiri: explain what you mean by that03:13
MrKBI picked 640x480, 16-bit I think03:13
varunendrago ahead03:13
* MrKB is waiting for live to boot03:14
* MrKB has high hopes03:14
varunendrapvs_, what is the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" ? (give us its pastebin link)03:15
varunendra!pastebin | pvs_03:15
ubottupvs_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:15
neytiriBen when most people setup a router they use nat 1 public address for all the private, i am wanting to route between private and private address, like what you woudl see in a core network03:15
pvs_ok, just a moment03:15
Saikiany idea why the 12.10 installer is stalling on ym acer aspire 3680?03:16
THE_GFR|WORKhow do you run a startup program as ROOT?03:16
THE_GFR|WORKI can't get it to do it03:16
THE_GFR|WORKI don't know03:16
THE_GFR|WORKI don't know how03:16
Ben64neytiri: then get a router03:16
Ben64THE_GFR|WORK: run what? most things you shouldn't need to run as root03:16
neytiri i want to use an ubuntu system as the router03:16
Ben64get a router instead, it's easier, cheaper, faster, better03:17
* MrKB is still at the ubuntu splash screen. is getting worried03:17
MrKBnevermind, it's coming up now:D03:17
varunendraMrKB, hope it's less horrible this time ?03:17
MrKBstill looks the same as before though. fail :(03:17
MrKBtime to do md5 check03:18
syntroPiMrKB, whats your gpu hardware?03:18
varunendraintel 865 :P03:18
varunendrasyntroPi, ^^03:18
pvs_http://distrib.abntex2.googlecode.com/hg/debian/ testing main03:18
Dr_willisa pastebin url.. when all it takes to answer would be one line.... ;P03:18
* MrKB is lazy03:19
MrKBthat's still one line :P03:19
MrKBwell this is incredibly unusual03:20
infinituxi'm perplexed. i installed gnome 3 using ubuntu software center and it loads gdm fine, but when gnome is selected as the window manager it just loads unity03:20
* Dr_willis is lazy so wont open a browser.03:20
MrKBCtrl+Alt+F1 yields a weird page. all black with green flashing squares on it03:20
varunendrapvs_, that doesn't look like the output to the command. ??03:20
infinituxi want to escape unity, but love ubuntu03:20
Saikiany idea why the 12.10 installer is stalling on my acer aspire 3680? (installing xubuntu)03:20
infinituxand i don't want kde ( sick of it )03:20
pvs_sorry, this is the url of the repository03:20
THE_GFR|WORKhow do I run the script as root when I start up03:20
THE_GFR|WORKm54 ul['t03:21
THE_GFR|WORK utr03:21
FloodBot1THE_GFR|WORK: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:21
THE_GFR|WORK ts03:21
Ben64Saiki: you should install 13.04 or 12.04, 12.10 is old now03:21
Dr_willisinfinitux,  what ububntu release?03:21
varunendraTHE_GFR|WORK, add it to the /etc/rc.local file.03:21
SaikiBen64: I don't think it would matter..03:21
infinituxpangolin i think03:21
RoDiMuS-XIs there a program that shows a visual representation of available disk space in ubuntu?03:21
SaikiBen64: Shouldn't it INSALL no matter what version it is?03:21
THE_GFR|WORKhow do I run the startup program as root?03:21
infinituxit has been saying there is a release upgrade03:21
Dr_willisRoDiMuS-X,  should be several in the repos.03:21
THE_GFR|WORKwithout it asking for a password03:21
infinituxbut i'm leary about it03:21
THE_GFR|WORKso it runs without errors03:21
Dr_willisTHE_GFR|WORK,  depends on what the app  is. and what its doing03:21
THE_GFR|WORKso it actually executes03:21
Dr_willisTHE_GFR|WORK,  give us details.03:21
RoDiMuS-XDr_willis, any recommendation?03:21
Ben64THE_GFR|WORK: first off, relax. have patience. don't spam.03:22
THE_GFR|WORKDr_willis: say for example fancontrol03:22
infinituxDr_willis: any ideas?03:22
Dr_willisRoDiMuS-X,  use the serach feature and look.03:22
THE_GFR|WORKBen64: I've been at this for 5 hours!!!!03:22
MrKBkdirstat RoDiMuS-X03:22
Dr_willisTHE_GFR|WORK,  non gui apps - use rc.local as was said earlier03:22
Ben64Saiki: maybe, but sometimes there are issues03:22
RoDiMuS-XThanks MrKB03:22
varunendraTHE_GFR|WORK, add the script's name (or program's name) to the /etc/rc.local file03:22
THE_GFR|WORKDr_willis: I don't get it!!03:22
Dr_willisTHE_GFR|WORK,  GUI apps. use the autostart directory in the users home03:22
THE_GFR|WORKDr_willis: what do I put in rc.local?03:22
Dr_willisTHE_GFR|WORK,  look at the file /etc/rc.local03:22
Ben64THE_GFR|WORK: what are you trying to start on boot?03:22
Dr_willisTHE_GFR|WORK,  you gave no details.. so whatever command does what you want to start at bootup...03:22
THE_GFR|WORKBen64: just a program that has to run at root03:22
SaikiBen64: any idea how to install rom cd on command line?03:22
THE_GFR|WORKDr_willis: is there a file in there?03:23
Dr_willisTHE_GFR|WORK,  rc.local is ALL ran as root.03:23
Dr_willisTHE_GFR|WORK,  LOOK and see..03:23
Dr_willisit IS a file03:23
THE_GFR|WORKDr_willis: all the scripts in there?03:23
Ben64Saiki: you can use the alternate cd, its a cli installer03:23
Dr_willisread it and its contents03:23
THE_GFR|WORKDr_willis: I looked03:23
Ben64THE_GFR|WORK: what program is it? stop being so vague03:23
pvs_I used the wget and result error 40403:24
varunendraMrKB, so where are we? You have a multitude of options to try (if you are crazy enough like me..) : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Common_Kernel_Options03:24
MrKBcan't I try the, all at once?03:25
MrKBdid you read my last message about Ctrl+Alt+F1? (is there a name for that mode BTW?)03:25
varunendraMrKB, keep a bucket full of water ready to throw on the system, if you try that ;P03:25
Dr_willisMrKB,  those are the CONSOLES and should be showing a simple Text LOGIN: prompt03:26
SaikiBen64: but can that be done from the live cd?03:26
THE_GFR|WORKDr_willis: thanks I'll see if this works :)03:26
Ben64Saiki: i don't think so03:26
xormorI can't join IRCNet, invalid username.03:26
varunendraMrKB, yes they are called virtual tty's (tty 1 to 6, 7 returns to desktop)03:26
xormorthere are no channels #hiphop and #hiphop.fi on this network.03:26
varunendraoops Dr_willis gave better answer before me :P, MrKB03:27
Dr_willisxormor,  perhaps ask in a general IRC support channel.03:27
Dr_willisxormor,  and check the ircnet web site03:27
xormorDr_willis, ok...03:27
xormorDr_willis, I think I am not K-Lined or G-Lined, and I am not even banned on any or many of those channels.03:28
husnainlatifis this a known bug: http://i.imgur.com/9zuuk6Z.png03:28
MrKBDr_willis: when I used Console-1 before, it just showed me a terminal-looking screen. no login prompt (I'm running a live install atm)03:28
MrKBnow it's showing fail03:28
MrKBneed to reboot I guess? try new boot options?03:28
varunendraMrKB, missed the earlier message you referred to. But that indicates a messed up graphics in my opinion.03:29
MrKBCtrl+Alt+F1 yields a weird page. all black with green flashing squares on it03:29
MrKBthat's the message03:29
MrKBbut yeah, that makes sense03:29
MrKBseeing as how the only thing we really changed was the vga option03:30
MrKBtime to reboot :)03:30
varunendraMrKB, yes, that happens with a misconfigured graphics or a memory issue.03:30
MrKBok so what options to try now?03:31
MrKBnomodeset and some other vga number?03:31
kostkonhusnainlatif, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-bluetooth/+bug/114803303:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1148033 in gnome-bluetooth (Ubuntu) "GDBus.Error:org.openobex:Error.Failed: Unable to request session" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:31
MrKBshould I try enabling acpi=off again?03:31
MrKBmaybe that caused the visual glitch?03:31
varunendraMrKB, don't try nomodeset and vga simultaneously03:31
varunendraacpi=off, nolapic, vga=<different mode>03:32
varunendraMrKB, it's basically a try and error thing. Nothing is guaranteed to work :(03:32
varunendrasounds good.03:33
MrKBhere we go!03:33
husnainlatifkostkon, is there an easy solution?03:33
MrKBacpi=off, nolapic and vga=80203:33
varunendrawith fingers and toes crossed again ?03:33
MrKBlol indeed03:33
MrKBhopefully I get a useable tty1 at least so i can do the md5 check03:33
MrKBand then proceed03:33
kostkonhusnainlatif, you could try this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-bluetooth/+bug/1148033/comments/9  according to this comment it will magically work after installing blueman03:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1148033 in gnome-bluetooth (Ubuntu) "GDBus.Error:org.openobex:Error.Failed: Unable to request session" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:34
MrKBI feel like we're in russian dolls03:34
MrKBevery problem gives us another one03:34
kostkonhusnainlatif, it will start working after installing blueman03:34
MrKBand as we solve one, we come out of one russian doll lol03:34
husnainlatifi'm gonna try it03:34
varunendraMrKB, got another one? :P03:35
varunendrathe problem?03:35
MrKBno, I'm just saying XD03:35
silv3r_m00n1i put , ip  domain_name  www.domain_name  in /etc/hosts   on ping domain_name    the ip is pinged, on ping www.domain_name         the real ip from dns is pinged and not the hosts file ip ........ how to fix ?03:35
MrKBdesktop is still a visual fail03:35
MrKBtty1 is good though03:35
MrKBtime to try mda check03:35
MrKB[10:59:26 PM] <syntroPi> MrKB, its "md5sum -c md5sum.txt" in the root dir of your iso contents03:36
husnainlatifkostkon,  should i apt-get install blueman?03:36
MrKBhow do I get to the correct dir to pull this off? :-\03:36
kostkonhusnainlatif, yes03:36
husnainlatifokay thanks03:36
varunendraMrKB, maybe /cdrom ? If "ls /cdrom" returns the iso contents.03:39
MrKByep that worked03:39
MrKBI think they all say OK03:39
MrKBbut I can't see the entire list XD03:39
MrKBbut the ones I can see say OK03:39
MrKBcan I pipe that command to pastebinit?03:40
varunendramaybe you can pipe the output to "less" to see entire output. MrKB03:40
MrKBthat would be a yes lol03:40
HelloWorld321Is it okay to load Unity2D on 12.10?03:40
varunendralike "a command | less"03:41
MrKBwhat does that do03:41
MrKBbut doesn't matter, I piped it to pastebinit03:41
MrKBit passed03:41
MrKBso the Ubuntu on my USB drive is fine03:41
varunendraHmm... all ok there.03:41
MrKByep :)03:41
MrKBhow do I get out of less lol03:42
varunendraMrKB, where did it get stuck while installation btw ?03:42
varunendraoh "Q"03:42
MrKBI didn't try to install03:42
MrKBwanted to get wifi working before03:43
wilee-nileeHelloWorld321, http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTE2MTQ03:43
MrKBok so where did we leave off? XD03:43
MrKBtrying something with swept and restarting some services, IIRC03:43
varunendraThat's a real pain if the usual suspects don't work (the wifi). MrKB03:43
MrKB(we just came out two russian dolls. md5 check and visual glitches on my TTY)03:43
husnainlatifkostkon, it worked03:43
kostkonhusnainlatif, nice03:44
MrKBwell let's try the whole swept thing again03:44
HelloWorld321tx wilee-nilee03:44
MrKBand the restarting services03:44
MrKBwe didn't get to finish all that, varunendra.03:45
wilee-nileeno prob03:45
MrKBrestarting the network manager kinda blew up in my face remember? XD03:45
varunendraMrKB, "swenc=Y", but it didn't work. We can start analysing the dmesg and syslog thing. But that may be too tedious for IRC.03:45
MrKBright right03:45
MrKBis there a way to turn on a vnc server through CLI?03:45
MrKBI'll let you in and you can do it :P03:45
varunendraSo... we can try without "service network-manager restart" this time.03:46
MrKBok that's fine03:46
MrKBso what was the command again03:46
MrKBbefore the service restarts03:46
varunendraMrKB, hehe.. I'm on a super, blazing fast "GPRS" connection ;P03:46
MrKBoh God O_O03:46
MrKBhow and why03:46
varunendratakes just a couple of minutes to open a few KBs ;)03:47
MrKBhow do I get the wifi list to update with new APs03:47
MrKBnot seeing my home AP03:47
varunendraMrKB, that's the only connection type we have available where I live.03:47
MrKBI see03:47
MrKByou should move03:47
varunendrasudo iwlist scan03:47
MrKBthat's no way to use the internet03:47
MrKByeah it's still not connecting03:48
varunendraMrKB, to scan your ap "sudo iwlist scan"03:48
MrKBgot it03:48
varunendradoes it show the ap?03:48
MrKBlet's do the swenc thing and then monitoring syslog03:49
MrKBfeed me commands my master03:49
HelloWorld321unity_support_test says "GLX is not available on the system".  How do I make GLX available on the system to unity_support_test?03:49
varunendraMrKB, as soon as it fails to connect, run these two immediately - "dmesg | tail -40 > dmesg.txt" and "cat /var/log/syslog | tail -40 > syslog.txt"03:50
varunendraI hope to see some clues in them03:50
MrKBwhat's "as soon as it fails to connect"? When it finishes trying to connect (or what I assume is "trying to connect", which is the WiFi symbol flashing) and it pops up a message saying "You are now offline" or something along those lines/03:51
varunendraWhen it tries then as soon as it gives up.03:52
MrKBcan I run the commands now so I have them in my history? or will that mess up the logs?03:53
varunendraMrKB, by the way, the commands for swenc option were - "sudo modprobe -rfv rtl8192cu" then.. "sudo modprobe -v rtl8192cu swenc=Y"03:53
MrKBwant me to run those now too?03:53
MrKBbefore the logs03:54
varunendraMrKB, those commands would have created two txt files in your home.03:54
varunendrano that was just informatory (note it down)03:54
MrKBbut if I run them again, will it add to those two longs or rewrite \them?03:54
varunendraMrKB, I need to see those text files now (the log outputs)03:54
varunendrait will overwrite them03:55
MrKBthat's what I needed to know, if it would overwrite them03:55
MrKBso I'm gonna run them now, just to have them on my history of commands03:55
MrKBand then I'll do it for real03:55
MrKB(enables me to do it way faster)03:55
MrKBpermission denied on that first one03:56
varunendrawithout sudo?03:56
MrKBdmesg | tail -40 > dmesg.txt03:56
MrKByeah, no sudo03:56
varunendraoh that doesn't need sudo03:56
MrKBI didn't use sudo. :P03:56
MrKBso why permission denied? :-\03:56
varunendraanother issue :(03:57
MrKBstupid russian dolls03:57
varunendrals -l03:57
varunendrais the file read-only?03:57
MrKBwhat file is it03:57
MrKBit's not there03:58
MrKBthis was my first time trying the command03:58
varunendrawell, it means you can't create a file in your own Home!03:58
MrKBand why is that? :-\03:58
MrKBit worked before with wireless-info.. :-\03:58
MrKBso can I just pipe it to pastebinit instead of a file?03:59
MrKBdmesg | tail -40 | pastebinit ?03:59
varunendrasure. But that would assume a working internet connection03:59
varunendrawhile you have to run it immediately when the connection fails :(03:59
MrKBcan I send you a pic of the result of ls -l?04:00
varunendracan you really not create a file in your home? Try "touch tmpfile"04:00
MrKBmaybe you can see some dir there that I can write to04:00
MrKBon that touch tmpfile04:00
MrKBI can do touch tmp though. didn't return anything04:01
varunendratry "touch Desktop/tmpfile"04:01
MrKBno such file or directory04:01
MrKBisn't it home?04:01
MrKBtouch home/tmpfile permission denied04:01
varunendraWhat is your terminal prompt?04:02
varunendrathat's okay.04:02
MrKBdo I need to elevate myself to root?04:02
varunendraShouldn't be needed. but yes you could (sudo su)04:02
MrKBnow I'm root@ubuntu:/#04:02
MrKBnow I lost my command history -_-04:03
* MrKB scrolls up04:03
varunendrabecause you are using "root's" history now.04:03
MrKBboth commands worked that time :)04:04
* MrKB was half-expecting root to be broken too04:04
MrKBok so04:04
MrKBgonna run them while it's trying to connect and then again when it stops trying?04:04
MrKBwon't it overwrite the files though?04:04
MrKBI can change the filenames when I run it a second time if that's the case04:05
varunendranou, you are in root's directory now. and besides it doesn't matter04:05
varunendrayou have to run those two as soon as it gives up04:05
MrKBoh ok04:05
MrKB[12:05:18 AM] <varunendra> nou, you are in root's directory now. <-- why does that matter?04:06
varunendrayou said "it will overwrite the files" I thought you were worried about any previous ones (in Ubuntu's home). Got it wrong, I know :/04:06
MrKBthis would have been an issue before anyway :P04:07
MrKBsince you were wanting me to run the commands twice back then too04:07
varunendraMrKB, all I need is to look at the logs AFTER it fails to connect. Just go ahead with whatever way suits you to show it to us.04:08
MrKBso ok I'll do dmesg.txt and syslog.txt for when it's attempting to connect and dmesg2.txt and syslog2.txt for when it gives up04:08
MrKBI thought you needed both04:08
varunendranou, not when attempting to connect (although it will help, but I hope it will be included in the messages when it gives up)04:08
MrKBI'm thinking of having the commands queued up in two different ttys04:09
MrKBwill that work?04:09
varunendragood idea. Although over kill IMO :P04:10
MrKBor will switching between ttys get logged somewhere and possibly ruin the logs?04:10
MrKBwell I want to make sure yuo get what you need :P04:10
MrKBah screw it. one tty it is04:10
varunendra40 lines should be plenty to cover important messages.04:10
varunendraonce you have them, you can connect to the other ap and upload their contents.04:10
MrKBthat was the plan :P04:11
MrKBhow do I do that though?04:11
SPV2008I'm using Ubuntu 13.04 (upgraded today, but still had the problem with 12.10) and my touch pad keeps not responding to clicks (tapping or clicking the buttons), it will respond to moving the cursor, but not actually clicking it. Can anyone help?04:12
varunendraMrKB, The dmesg and syslog commands should save the relevant log messages in text file. Then just connect as you normally do and upload them?04:12
reisioSPV2008: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad04:13
MrKBhow to upload from text files was my question04:13
* MrKB is a linux and CLI n00b04:13
MrKBi'm guessing using some type of open command and pipe it to pastebinit04:13
varunendraMrKB, "cat dmesg.txt | pastebinit"04:14
MrKBbtw when it fails to connect, it reverts to my phone's AP right away04:14
varunendraNot a prob.04:14
MrKBso I could have piped the commands straight to paste bin :P04:14
varunendraMaybe, if it connects instantly04:15
SuperLagMrKB: one word of warning... don't send a text file to a pastebin that contains sensitive info, like username/password credentials04:15
MrKBit shouldn't have any of those things. it's a live instance of ubuntu trying to connect to an open AP04:15
MrKBbut thanks SuperLag :)04:15
SuperLagMrKB: I know what you're telling them to paste doesn't have sensitive info... but that mistake has been made before. (raising my hand) :(04:17
varunendraMrKB, unfortunately, the messages are from a successful attempt with the other ap :(04:17
MrKBdamnit O_O04:17
MrKBok how do I make it "forget" the other AP04:17
MrKBI'll re do04:18
varunendraMaybe we need to make it 80 instead of 40? and yes, do pay attention to what SuperLag cautioned about. :)04:18
* SuperLag wonders how long paste.ubuntu.com keeps history. :/04:18
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MrKBI don't know. tell me when this incident was and I'll go check the pastebin ;P04:19
varunendrayou can also just disable the other ap for the time being.04:19
MrKB[12:19:03 AM] <varunendra> you can also just disable the other ap for the time being. <-- too much work04:19
SuperLag MrKB: that's the only thing that's kept me sane, is that I realized what I had done.... and never published the URL04:19
MrKBdamnit, it connected again04:19
MrKBok fine, turning off AP04:19
MrKBwhat did you throw on the pastebin SuperLag04:20
SuperLagMrKB: varunendra: I was trying to get help with mutt, and pasted my .muttrc.... which had my creds for my work email on there04:20
varunendraMrKB, you can change 40 to a larger number.04:20
MrKBit's fine04:20
MrKBturning off other AP is not that hard04:20
MrKBit's just a click away on my phone lol04:20
varunendraSuperLag, I wish I had been there (but you didn't publish it then.. :/)04:20
MrKBwant me to raise it to 80 lines anyway varunendra?04:21
sereMrKB: whats your andriodAP?04:21
MrKBthe stock one04:21
SuperLagvarunendra: I've tried to find out if someone could delete it for me04:21
varunendraMrKB, yeah, makes more sense now.04:21
sereMrKB: I didnt know adriod made access point :)04:21
varunendraraise it to 8004:21
MrKBsere - virtualAP -_-04:22
sereMrKB: oh ok04:22
MrKBit's part of the OS04:22
MrKBsince like 2.3.704:22
MrKBit's just that manufacturers and carriers remove it or hide it04:23
MrKBso people don't tether-crazy04:23
sereMrKB: i thought you might have been using your phone or something else :)04:23
MrKBwait, what?04:23
MrKBI am using my phone04:23
MrKBthat's the AP this Ubuntu box is connecting to04:23
MrKBvarunendra - http://paste.ubuntu.com/576984204:24
zoradall Brazil?04:24
sereMrKB: oh ok cool :) I love my driod, you can do so much with them04:24
MrKByep :)04:24
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MrKB[12:21:45 AM] <sere> MrKB: I didnt know adriod made access point :) <-- I thought you were trying to be a smartass04:25
MrKBsorry lol04:25
aeon-ltd!brazil | zorad04:25
ubottuzorad: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.04:25
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lotuspsychjemorning to all04:25
SuperLagvarunendra: ugh... I see stuff still on paste.ubuntu.com from February. :(04:25
MrKBhow do you browse the pastebin? >:)04:26
varunendrame wonders too :P04:26
MrKBSuperLag - that should make you feel better. not everyone knows how to browse through it04:28
SuperLagit's not rocket science04:28
MrKBbut still, not everyone knows how to04:28
MrKBalso what are the odds someone runs into yours?04:28
MrKBalso, change your credentials. ta-da!04:28
MrKBhow's it looking varunendra?04:29
varunendraMrKB, your wireless is successfully connecting to the ap "Light", but is not getting IP from it. Is DHCP enabled on it?04:29
MrKBand no MAC address filtering04:30
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MrKBmaybe my router is racist <.<04:30
tr0ndont irc as root04:30
varunendraPerhaps :P04:30
SuperLagMrKB: I did that *IMMEDIATELY*.04:30
MrKBvarunendra - PM you the info to my control panel04:30
MrKBSuperLag - then what's the worry? just embarassment?04:31
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SuperLagMrKB: yes, extreme04:31
varunendraMrKB, make sure that IPv6 is set to "Ignore" in Network Manager for that connection.04:31
MrKBin Ubuntu?04:31
varunendraWhat pm? Yes in ubuntu04:31
MrKBhow do I do that? (CLI please)04:31
MrKBI was asking if you wanted me to PM you it04:31
varunendraOooh you'r not in GUI?04:31
MrKBso you can look at my settings04:31
MrKByes I'm in GUI04:32
MrKBbut it's all retarded remember?04:32
varunendranot recommended and not required (pm)04:32
MrKBone less thing I need to do. (turn on remote management on my router's control panel) :P04:32
varunendralet me dig out a post of mine to tell you the command line. (better)04:33
KrisHansenI am still having a ton of weird internet activity on my pc, i have done screen capture and nothing seems to be going on. but whenever i click the wi fi logo and disconnect. my other devices on that wi fi work ok again. why cant Ubuntu share my internet with my iPhones like windows could only last week = not a hardware or any other explanation. something inside of Ubuntu is working overtime on my wi fi . what is it ?04:33
MrKByou sure you don't want to look through my router's control panel? you might see a setting that's causing it not to give an IP to the Ubuntu install04:33
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SuperLagMrKB: you *say* that you're new to Linux and CLI... but you don't talk as if you are. :)04:34
MrKBI am lol04:35
MrKBWhat am I saying that says otherwise04:35
MrKBI'm not new to CLI, but I'm in no way well-versed in it. Linux I'm definitely new to.04:35
varunendraMrKB, you should never trust someone you don't know so much to give them access to your router.04:35
MrKBI'm just knowledable about computers SuperLag04:35
KrisHansenI actually purged Wireshark , i hate that app. I had an app on my Mac Mini called Little Snitch. that thing was a live packet capture that was worth the money for it . for real04:35
MrKBvarunendra - you've spent the past couple of hours troubleshooting my problems. i think you're ok04:36
MrKBplus I can just as easily turn off remote management or worse comes to worse, re-flash the firmware and be done with it :P04:36
varunendraMay be I'm just trying to win your trust to misuse it? :D04:36
MrKByes because people offer up access to their routers all the time04:37
KrisHansenwhat about NetTools for Ubuntu ? why does wireshark suck so bad ?04:37
MrKBNo one's that trusting04:37
varunendraAnyway, MrKB , here's an alternate way to turn IPv6 off : "echo -e "\n# disable IPv6\nnet.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1\nnet.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1\nnet.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf"04:37
Dr_willisKrisHansen,  ask in the wireshark channel perhaps?04:37
MrKBJesus. I'm having to type all that. fuuuuuu04:37
kumarat9pm1hi, I have some frequent WIFI disconnections.. in one of my laptop connected to router. I have other laptop which never disconnects..04:38
kumarat9pm1Any suggetions?04:38
Ben64KrisHansen: wireshark works fine04:38
KrisHansenDr_willis: lol, i just cant seem to figure out what is blasting my wi fi all to hell even when Firefox and everything on my desktop is closed , Ubuntu is still deraining my wi fi and nothing is showing up on my live packet capture , what the hell is going on , i know its Ubuntu because when i disconnect from the router, my iphones can use the wi fi full force again ? what the hell is this ?04:38
varunendraMrKB, there is a way to do exactly what you'd do with nm in gui, but that is a risky command (actually the output, it contains sensitive data)04:39
tr0ncall ur isp's tech support, shounds like its ur router04:39
KrisHansenBen64: I hate it , because it is not user friendly and i dont understand the whole run from root /gksudo whatever ... man this Ubuntu thing is hard work for real .04:40
Ben64KrisHansen: it's really not difficult04:40
Dr_willisKrisHansen,  could be a bug with the wifi chipsets driver. try some differnt disrtos, and kernel versiond and see if its the same in all of them as a test.04:40
KrisHansentr0n: not my router read my first post =not a hardware issue04:40
varunendraMrKB, Can you give us an IP that you are sure is available on your router (not in dhcp pool)04:40
varunendraand not taken by another device on the network04:40
MrKByeah sure04:40
varunendrawe can try that.04:40
MrKBbut hold on a sec, let me try this04:40
Dr_willisYou dont understand run from root/gksudo?    err.. users are locked down to things they should be allowed to do.. root can do anything. :)04:40
MrKBecho -e "\n# disable IPv6\nnet.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1\nnet.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1\nnet.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf04:41
KrisHansenDr_willis: hmmm. well i did try 13.04 and then i sudo apt-get install lubuntu desktop over the 13.04 install , and nothing04:41
MrKBI'm typing it in just like that?04:41
MrKBall one command?04:41
Dr_willis'and nothing'  meaning?04:41
KrisHansenDr_willis: no i get it , but its a lot of work is all .04:41
Dr_willisKrisHansen,  Cant say i find it much work at all...04:41
KrisHansenDr_willis: no change i mean . still drains my wi fi , i wonder if its the driver for my wi fi card ?04:41
varunendraMrKB, yes, that's one command. We can split it if you wish04:42
MrKBno it's fine04:42
KrisHansenI am currently using a propeitary driver for my si fi could be the issue ?04:42
Dr_willisKrisHansen,  see what module the wifi card is using and what kernel versions you are using, then try a radically differnt disrto  like tinycore linux, or slitax to see if it affects other versions04:42
MrKBit listed 3 entries, all have =104:42
varunendraMrKB, that's fine then04:42
KrisHansenDr_willis: okay , that is the best explanation i have heard yet , even though i am not going to do that now , i will keep that in mind thank you .04:42
* MrKB tries to connect to Light again04:42
MrKBdoesn't seem to be working, but I'll wait a bit04:43
varunendranow you can check "ifconfig -a" to make sure IPv6 is not in it.04:43
Ben64KrisHansen: does it happen if you connect with ethernet?04:43
MrKB[12:39:00 AM] <varunendra> MrKB, there is a way to do exactly what you'd do with nm in gui, but that is a risky command (actually the output, it contains sensitive data) <-- Hm?04:43
MrKBisn't nm already gui04:43
varunendraMrKB, yes. But we can change its settings (all of them) from cli04:43
MrKBdidn't work btw. reconnected to AndroidAP04:44
KrisHansenBen64: havent tried that as i , well have not tried that yet , have no ethernet cable right now , should try that though and only run the i devices wirelessly and keep my pc wired up to my router , good idea , i should go get a cheap ehternet cable today and try that thank you04:44
varunendraas anticipated. What is the IP that is available ?04:44
MrKBoh so that's what you were saying? that we can change nm settings through CLI but that the ouput would have sensitive data?04:44
MrKBwhat sensitive data could it possibly have? XD04:45
varunendraMrKB, your saved wifi password (besides your mac id, which you are already sharing with us here)04:45
MrKBthere's no saved wifi passwords04:46
MrKBI opened up both APs before even booting into this liveUSB for the first time04:46
MrKBbut ok04:46
MrKBnext step, here we come04:46
varunendraMrKB, disable your android ap, then try - "sudo ifconfig wlan0 xx.xx.xx.101" (where xx.xx.... is the IP pattern applicable to your network)04:47
varunendraThen try to connect again.04:47
varunendraMrKB, create (only) the syslog again if it fails again. Then post it back.04:48
varunendraOh, MrKB you may have to do "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down" before trying the IP addressing one.04:48
MrKBit threw up 3 lines when I did the second command (the one with the IP)04:49
seratwohi there, fresh install of ubuntu, pc is running really slowly. Noticed in `top -i` that there are three processes called `ps` which are using 100% of 3/4 cores of my machine. Last i checked ps was used to monitor processes not process anything. I can't kill them using `killall ps`, `sudo killall ps` or `sudo kill - 9 <pid>`.04:49
MrKBone of them looks like an error04:49
MrKBwlan0: link is not ready04:50
MrKBwhat do you think varunendra04:50
varunendracheck "ifconfig -a" MrKB04:50
varunendradoes it show the IP we just assigned?04:50
MrKByes, for wlan004:51
varunendraSubnet mask is okay?04:51
MrKBit failed, syslog pastebin url forthcoming04:51
varunendrahmm.. funny that you are able to pass the difficult stage (authentication > association) but can't get IP :/04:53
MrKByeah :-\04:53
MrKBSuperLag - why does it sound like I know what I'm talking about? You didn't say XD04:54
varunendraMrKB, looks like avahi-daemon is still messing with IPv6 :(04:55
MrKBjust did that long IPv6 command again04:55
MrKBlet me type up what it outputs04:56
MrKB# disable IPv604:56
MrKBthat's it04:56
MrKBso it looks to be fine :-\04:57
SuperLagMrKB: you're asking intelligent questions, capable of carrying on intelligent conversation, and not afraid to dig in and get your hands dirty with this stuff04:57
MrKBmaybe that last one lol04:57
varunendraMrKB, now the "risky" command - "sudo cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Light" (assuming the connection is saved with name "Light")04:57
MrKBwhich it should be04:58
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MrKBthanks for the compliment SuperLag :D04:58
varunendraMrKB, you are intelligent, no doubt in that :)04:58
MrKBwhy thank you :D04:58
MrKBipv6 method is set to auto04:58
MrKBso is ipv404:59
KrisHansenso I am about to go buy an ethernet cable, it is correct to say that in theory I can connect my laptop to my router via ethernet and then disable wi fi on my laptop, enabling all my i devices to use the routers wi fi seperatley ?04:59
MrKBdo you need me to pipe the output to pastebinit?04:59
varunendraMrKB, hmm.. let me try a few things here first, then I'll give you commands to change it.04:59
MrKBthanks :D04:59
* MrKB wonders about these intelligent questions SuperLag is talking about05:00
MrKBmy questions are based on whatever the consequences were to whatever command I was told to input into CLI05:00
MrKBwhich doesn't seem to smart to me :P05:00
MrKBbut again, I appreciate the compliment05:01
KrisHansenwhat Java should i install for web browsing ?05:01
MrKBnone O_o05:01
MrKBI only install Java if I run into a website that needs it05:01
MrKBwhich is almost never in my case05:01
MrKBand then I uninstall it when I'm done lol05:01
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kostkonKrisHansen, openjdk7 and icedtea plugin05:01
KrisHansenwhat is causing my pc to act slowly on some websites ? do i need some Java, does the iced tea plugin run Java automatically or do  i need to set it up somehow ?05:02
reisioJavaâ„¢ will definitely make anything slower05:02
varunendraMrKB, try this "sudo sed -i '/ipv6/,$ s:method=auto:method=ignore:' /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Light"05:02
KrisHansenreisio: so Java will make my pc run more slowly ?05:03
MrKBok varunendra05:03
MrKByes KrisHansen05:03
varunendraIgnore the enclosing double-quotes, but make sure the single quotes are in place, MrKB05:03
MrKBthats why I keep it uninstalled05:03
MrKByes varunendra05:03
KrisHansenMrKB: ok i just uninstalled all Java iced tea related software05:03
kostkonKrisHansen, i think the culprit is flash, i.e. flash ads rather than java05:04
reisioKrisHansen: for sure05:04
KrisHansenso what codecs do i need to make web browsing faster , i already have flash plugin Adobe latest , are there others ?05:04
reisioKrisHansen: those won't make browser faster05:04
MrKBuninstall Flash XD05:05
kostkonKrisHansen, you may find the following firefox extensions useful: adblock and/or flashblock05:05
reisiothey'll just give you a specific type of access to a specific set of media05:05
MrKBI would say both kostkon05:05
MrKBplus a good HOSTS file05:05
reisioI use CTRL+w instead of adblock05:05
MrKBvarunendra - now what? It didn't give out any output btw05:05
kostkonMrKB, yeah, probably05:05
MrKBlol reisio05:05
varunendraMrKB, when the above is done, do - "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down" then "sudo ifconfig wlan0 xx.xx.xx.101" again05:05
Guest93466Hey guys -  the other day someone here kindly helped me figure out a way to get the features of UbuntuStudio for Ubuntu - one of the things I was told was I needed to be a member of audio group and I gave was given this to type in terminal: sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER - when I did, it spat this back at me:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5769898/  .... now, my question is - what do I do here... I was uncertain if the Username/account05:05
Guest93466was automatically created or if I needed to choose something from the options listed.05:05
MrKBwill do varunendra05:05
KrisHansenso certain websites have a lot of Flash content that slow me down? and i want to run adblock and flashblock then ?05:05
Guest93466Anything you guys could provide moe on that would be amazing, im stuck waiting in terminal to make my movie.05:05
varunendraOh, MrKB check the previous command again for checking NM settings05:05
MrKBI didn't get an ouput out of wlan0 down either05:06
MrKBthat's not normal05:06
MrKBand my prompt is different!05:06
MrKBit just shows >05:06
MrKBno root@ubuntu and such05:06
MrKBwtf is happening lol05:06
varunendrameans you are missing an enclosing single quote or something in the original command :)05:06
varunendrathe sed one05:07
MrKBI wrote this:05:07
SuperLagkostkon: KrisHansen: for Flash, I stick with Chrome.05:07
MrKBsudo sed -i '/ipv6/,$ s:method=auto:method=ignore:' /etc/NetworkManager/system-connection/Light05:08
MrKBoh fudge05:08
MrKBi think I put " at the end after Light05:08
MrKBwhat now O_O05:08
FloodBot1MrKB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:08
KrisHansenSo having the latest Flash plugin is not the issue , i need to add flashblock and adblock , so how to add these extensions ? and would i be better off running chromium ?05:08
MrKBshut up FloodBot105:08
MrKBpeople run Chromium?05:08
varunendraCtrl + C > retry, MrKB05:08
SuperLagMrKB: yessir05:08
MrKBgot no output this time either05:09
MrKBfor the sed05:09
varunendrayou won't05:09
MrKBoh ok05:09
varunendrajust check "cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Light"05:10
varunendrato confirm that IPv6 is set to "Ignore" now.05:10
MrKBok varunendra - did down and then .10105:10
FudgeMrKB ?05:10
MrKBsaying fudge instead of f00k, Fudge. Sorry05:11
varunendranow retry to connect, and post back the syslog if fail05:11
sereKrisHansen: are you using firefox?05:11
MrKBI got some extra lines from the last time I did that command a little while back. Is that normal varunendra05:11
MrKBthey are both set to ignore now, IPv6 and v405:11
varunendraUmm... depends on what it did last time05:12
MrKBit's fine then, don't worry about it05:12
KrisHansensere: yeah05:12
KrisHansensere: i goota go , going to but a ethernet cable . bbl05:12
varunendraokay, it's messed up now :P05:12
sereKrisHansen: you should be able to just add those from the firefox addons05:12
KrisHansensere: how to do that ?05:12
MrKBvarunendra - I'm still connected to AndroidAP BTW which I guess is a good sign05:12
MrKBlet me try Light again anyway05:12
MrKBnope, not working for Light -_-05:13
sereKrisHansen: open up firefox  then search firefox addons05:13
varunendraMrKB, IPv4 should be set to "manual" or "auto"05:13
* MrKB stabs router05:13
MrKByes I realize that. How do we go about doing that05:13
KrisHansensere: yeah i got it . now i have to select add on type05:13
varunendrait'll take effect after a down > up cycle I guess (but nm has its own ways to do things)05:13
MrKBit'll take effect as in it'll D/C me from AndroidAP? XD05:14
* MrKB is still on AndroidAP05:14
KrisHansensere: i found it . which adblock version do i get the latest ?05:14
varunendraMrKB, let's just try the ifconfig commands anyway, we'll see if the syslog returns any errors regarding IPv405:14
KrisHansensere: adblock plus 2.2.405:15
sereKrisHansen: yea i would stay to date as much as possible with those..05:15
KrisHansensere: ok hold up05:15
MrKBI did try the commands though...05:15
MrKB[01:10:43 AM] <MrKB> ok varunendra - did down and then .101 <-- there05:15
sereKrisHansen: ok05:15
varunendrawith no change I guess :(05:15
MrKBdo you still need me to turn off AndroidAP before doing it? Or is the 80 lines enough?05:16
MrKBI think I forgot to turn it off last time, too XD05:16
varunendraleave it on05:16
KrisHansenok i am adding adblock edge 2.0.405:16
varunendra80 is enough05:17
MrKBKrisHansen - edge?05:17
MrKBok varunendra05:17
lotuspsychjeguys lets stick to ubuntu support05:17
varunendraheh, that's yet another version of adblock... :P05:17
varunendraI'm on "Trueblockplus"05:18
lotuspsychjejoin #firefox for addons discuss05:18
lotuspsychjeGuest93466: re-ask your question here once in a while mate05:18
MrKBvarunendra - http://paste.ubuntu.com/576992705:18
Guest93466MrKB, when the above is done, do - "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down" then "sudo ifconfig wlan0 xx.xx.xx.101" again05:19
Guest93466Hey guys -  the other day someone here kindly helped me figure out a way to get the features of UbuntuStudio for Ubuntu - one of the things I was told was I needed to be a member of audio group and I gave was given this to type in terminal: sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER - when I did, it spat this back at me:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5769898/  .... now, my question is - what do I do here... I was uncertain if the Username/account05:19
Guest93466was automatically created or if I needed to choose something from the options listed.05:19
MrKBlol Guest93466 - nice paste05:19
Guest93466keep it calssy.  :)05:20
Guest93466figured i worded it right the first time... link and whatnot05:20
MrKBno I meant the fact that you pasted one of varunendra's lines directed at me, right before your post05:21
MrKBit made me laugh05:21
varunendraMrKB, it's all AndroidAP again, no references to the "Light" ap. Perhaps we do need to disable it. :(05:23
MrKBvarunendra - I hate you O_O05:23
varunendra(for a moment I jumped with joy when I saw it getting an IP from DHCP)05:23
GeorgeTorwellwhere is the ubuntu server channel05:23
MrKBlol varunendra05:24
bingoboywhat's this05:24
GeorgeTorwelland if anyone knows, does LVM mean the same thing as full disk encryption in Ubuntu server Edition05:24
varunendraMrKB, yeah, I hate myself too .... many times a day. :/05:24
reisio_one_ thing LVM does is help a person utilize full disk encryption05:24
TylerjdFull disk encryption is different than LVM - though they can work in unison05:25
MrKBomg varunendra05:25
reisiobut encryption i sn't really its purpose, right05:25
MrKBthe install just died05:25
GeorgeTorwellwell I didnt see an option for setting up FDE in server edition05:25
GeorgeTorwellhow are they different? Either way you ahve an encrypted system followed by a decrypted boot, right?05:25
MrKBit gave up on trying to connect to Light so I switched over to tty105:25
MrKBgot a black screen05:25
MrKBswitched back to desktop - black screen05:25
TylerjdGenerally servers wouldn't be fully encrypted -_-05:25
MrKB:(:(:(:( varunendra05:25
varunendraMrKB, Do you feel the need for a forum thread now ? :/05:26
varunendrawhere we can make slow but steady progress.05:26
MrKBI mean it's reacting to the shortcuts. I can see it's flashing to different screens when I try to switch screens but I get black on both screens05:26
MrKBhow's that different from this?05:26
MrKBI like IRC better than forums :P05:26
TylerjdThough I did see a slightly relevant - abit advanced - link on reddit on this http://hashbang.ca/2013/06/15/adding-luks-hard-disk-encryption-on-lvm-after-the-fact05:27
* MrKB is genuinly asking05:27
varunendraYeahRight, quick but things get lost sometime, need repetition which is prone to mistakes.05:27
MrKBI'm guessing PM is out of the question?05:28
MrKBwhat about #Ubuntu-Beginners?05:28
MrKBno one talks on there O_O05:28
MrKBvarunendra - what timezone are you on?05:28
varunendraGMT + 5:3005:29
GeorgeTorwellcan someone tell me how to set up FDE on ubuntu server 13?05:29
varunendraMrKB,  forum thread will have the advantage of giving proper time to rethink and come up with something that may probably make more sense. Plus, others (better than me) can participate.05:29
varunendrabut above all, MrKB I think you shouldn't hesitate from installing. As your card itself is working.05:30
MrKB11AM for you?05:30
varunendrafor you?05:30
MrKB<-- 1:30AM XD05:30
MrKBvarunendra - still having major video issues05:30
varunendrausual for guys like us :P05:30
varunendrathe time I meant05:31
MrKBI know what you meant :P05:31
varunendraDid you also try 12.04? MrKB05:31
MrKBI did not05:31
MrKBI mean you did mention something about trying the blob driver...can we do that in live?05:32
varunendraYou should, especially when you are putting so much effort in it.05:32
MrKBor does it have to be a permanent install?05:32
* MrKB wants to have the latest05:32
* MrKB wants the latest even if he doesn't know what's different about it XD05:32
varunendraNot necessarily a permanent install. But since restarting nm service is causing trouble, it may fail on live session.05:32
TylerjdIndeed, MrKB try 12.04. My HTPC is running - and has to stay - at 12.04 because AMD dropped legacy driver support for installs of X later than what is on 12.0405:33
* MrKB stabs AMD05:33
varunendraMrKB, 12.04 will be supported till april 2017, while 13.04 only till Jan. next year.05:33
MrKBI never understood why that worked like that?05:34
varunendraoh march,, not jan.05:34
TylerjdWhy the support worked like that?05:34
MrKBis it cause 12.04 is more of a milestone and 13.04 is a steppingstone release?05:34
MrKBTylerjd - some releases are LTS05:34
MrKB12.04 is one of them05:34
varunendraMrKB, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases05:34
Tylerjd12.04 is a long-term support edition, used for more enterprise support05:34
MrKBmy question was what decides which ones gets LTS05:35
TylerjdEvery 4 releases I believe05:35
MrKBI see05:35
varunendraand 13.04 is indeed dying in jan :/05:35
* MrKB wonders why he needs support though05:35
* MrKB will update to newer version as soon as it's out and stable lol05:35
TylerjdYou don't. Servers and enterprisesdo05:35
MrKB:) ^05:36
TylerjdEnterprises don't want to be re-installing every 6 months05:36
MrKBstop trying to sway me to old software varunendra O_O05:36
TylerjdAnd I like my servers on a stable edition05:36
TylerjdI mean Debian 7 was just released. And it contains practically the same software as 12.0405:37
varunendraMrKB, LTS is meant to provide stability, while a rolling release like 13.04 is meant to provide cutting edge (or bleeding edge) support. Can be more buggy.05:37
MrKBI see05:37
clctovarunendra: 13.04 is not rolling release05:37
varunendraAnd you can always install the latest kernel if necessary.05:37
MrKBvarunendra - what do you want to do next then? 12.04? blob driver? or install 13.04 and continue troubleshooting (which would probably be blog driver install lol) then?05:37
MrKBif I install, my main concern will then turn to video driver05:37
MrKBonce that's done, then wifi05:38
TylerjdWhen I am running 30+ servers. It is a pain in the arse to update and fix all of them every 6 months. I like to do it at my leisure05:38
MrKBso I guess install is a good option. gives us a break from wifi05:38
MrKBTylerjd - I see05:38
varunendraclcto, to be honest, I don't even understand the proper meaninh of "rolling release" yet. So yeah, that could be misleading. Sorry.05:38
TylerjdArch is a rolling release type distro05:38
wheatthinunless there's a major update, then there's no point in a production environment05:38
thechrisIs there any way to have ubuntu avoid using a partition marked as swap for swap?05:38
clctorolling release doesnt have versions, just always the newest packages05:38
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thechrisOr, on a related question, is there anyway to determine why an unused partition is "busy"05:39
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varunendraMrKB, so far I couldn't notice any problem with the driver. It seems more like a configuration or NM issue to me.05:39
Tylerjdlsof /dev/deviceid05:39
MrKBso the blob driver probably wouldn't fix it? :(05:39
eCurrencyok - Im back everybody... still need some help with rebooting and bitcoin daemon - please check out http://pastebin.com/6DTggf5705:40
x5ivesShould install an app with a .deb or tarball binary?05:40
thechrisright now, the installer fails when it tries to bring up the swap partition, and a manual mkswap doesn't work either05:40
varunendraoh, thanks for that clcto ^^05:40
icerootx5ives: deb05:40
x5ivesiceroot: Why?05:40
icerootx5ives: but you should have a look first if the package is in the repos instead of downloading it from the web05:40
x5ivesiceroot: It's not as far as I can tell.05:40
icerootx5ives: because ubuntu is based on deb-files and not self compiled stuff05:40
varunendraMrKB, I don't think so. But we can try that if everything else fails. Not a good idea on a live session 'with problems' though.05:40
wheatthinthechris, and you've created a swap partition?05:41
MrKBI see05:41
Tylerjdthechris: Can you elaborate - swapoff will turn off swapping to a device and swapon will turn it on - unless I am misunderstanding05:41
* MrKB wonders what's causing the problems05:41
MrKBwe already checked the md5 :(05:41
MrKBshould I maybe try another flash drive? You think that's it?05:41
x5ivesiceroot: The tarballs I'm referring too isn't the source05:41
MrKBor once Ubuntu is loaded into memory, it's loaded?05:41
thechriswheatthin: Tylerjd: I just found my issue.  I made a md-raid array from those two partitions, but because they are listed as type "swap" the installer assumes they can be formmated as such05:42
x5ivesiceroot: Just clarifying if you know that05:42
varunendraMrKB, it seems like a network configuration or firmware memory/compatibility issue to me. Nothing else. USB itself is fine as far as I can tell.05:42
wheatthinthechris, I was about to say something like that05:42
Tylerjdthechris: Ah yes. The absolute joy of mdadm and lvm05:42
MrKB[01:42:41 AM] <varunendra> .... USB itself is fine as far as I can tell. <-- Are you refering to usb wifi antenna or usb flash drive in this sentence?05:43
thechriswheatthin: Tylerjd: yes, and really, I don't think I even want swap.  8GB of RAM for a light-use home file server seems like plenty.05:44
varunendrathe flash drive , the one you are booting from.05:44
wheatthinthechris, if you plan on doing live conversions, you still might want it05:44
MrKBthechris - there's no such thing as enough RAM. ever.05:44
Tylerjdthechris: Naw, you need all of your hardrive as swap. What are you thinking */sarcasm05:44
wheatthinthechris, I have 6gb of ram, and still use a bit of swap, depending on which programs are in use05:44
MrKBvarunendra - so what now?05:45
x5ivesiceroot: Did you realize that I meant a tarball binary, and not source? Just clarifying.05:45
Tylerjdthechris: It is always a good idea to have some swap though, like wheatthin said05:46
varunendraMrKB, I'd suggest my regular thing - create a thread on ubuntuforums.org, and pm me (my id is same there - varunendra). I really come to IRC rarely.05:46
Tylerjdalso, wheatthin, you are making me hungry with your username considering that is my favorite snack05:46
varunendraand meanwhile, give 12.04 a spin. Who knows if it magically fixed everything :) MrKB05:46
icerootx5ives: always use the deb instead05:47
eCurrencyIt looks busy in here, and I'm sorry to bother, but can somebody please help me with ubuntu - I get errors witht he instructions at https://github.com/kyledrake/coinpunk/blob/master/docs/install-ubuntu.md - starting with "sudo gem install bundler" - it returns and error...05:47
MrKBvarunendra - as soon as I get 12.04 up and running, I'll want to update XD05:47
varunendraNot a problem.05:47
varunendraupdate is different than "Upgrade" :D05:47
icerootx5ives: because then you can manage the installation and removing part with dpkg/apt-get05:48
MrKBit is a problem, though varunendra. it's gonna cause problems like it is now, won't it? :-\05:48
MrKBvarunendra - which one is which?05:48
x5ivesThanks much.05:48
eCurrencycan someone look at: http://pastebin.com/6DTggf57 - please05:48
icerootx5ives: so you are not using software which is not known by dpkg/apt-get  you can easily update the software, also the dependencies will be checked05:48
varunendraMrKB, since you'll be on a fresh install, trying is better than guessing..05:48
Saikdoes 12.04 install openssh-server by default?05:49
x5ivesI see, thank you.05:49
MrKBok so 12.04 it is. do you recommend I try it before I install it?05:49
SwedeMikeSaik: I don't believe it does.05:49
sereSaik: no05:49
wheatthinsince it's by GIT, I don't think it's covered in this channel05:49
varunendraMrKB, sure!05:49
wheatthin ^05:49
MrKBare you leaving IRC soon? I'm going to try this now.05:49
SaikSwedeMike, sere: it's not openssh-server anymore though?05:50
eCurrency:( - I got sent here by people in #bitcoin05:50
eCurrencybecause it's a ubuntu os install05:50
varunendraMrKB, I can leave it on. Just ping me when you have something (it is past midnight at your part not mine :P)05:50
MrKBthanks for the link varikonniemi05:51
wheatthineCurrency, You'll have to follow their uninstall instructions, and then install it through apt-get or software-manager05:51
eCurrencywhose uninstall instructions? I have not seen any05:52
Guest98535hey guys05:52
Guest98535i need to add a user to the audio group, cant seem to get it05:52
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Guest98535sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER05:52
Guest98535that gives me the following options:05:53
SaikSwedeMike, sere: does openssh-server have a new name? I can't find it in the software manager05:53
SwedeMikeSaik: openssh-server perhaps? "apt-cache search ssh" should make you find it.05:54
wheatthineCurrency, I'm not sure, but I'd look for the launchers and /etc/rc.x and remove all known instances of the bitcoin launcher05:54
eCurrencyThis is the ubuntu channel and know one can tell me how to get a program to start upon reboot ?!?!05:55
wheatthinthen go to the installation directory of bitcoin and delete the root of the installation05:55
reisioeCurrency: once?05:55
eCurrencyIf the server goes goes down - when it goes back up05:55
SaikSwedeMike: searching the package manager ofr SSH gave me a lot of GUI apps for other servers05:55
thechriseCurrency: is this a GUI or CLI application?05:56
wheatthinby deleting the entries in /etc/rc.x it'll stop it from launching at boot05:56
tkingi notice my sound is not as good on ubuntu as it is on windows any solution?05:56
reisiotking: not as good?05:56
wheatthineCurrency, then you can go ahead and delete where you installed it to05:57
wheatthineCurrency, once that happens, then you can install it using apt-get, and it'll setup all the launchers05:57
thechriseCurrency: you should be able to add it to an init script in /etc/init.d/ or such.05:57
eCurrencyWhen I'm at the CLI I type "bitcoin --daemon" - but yesterday I came back and it was not running - seems the server went down - I had to run bitcoin --daemon again - in centos - I had no problem - I even did it with webmin... ubuntu seems to be a problem05:58
wheatthinthat's because you didn't run it as a service05:58
wheatthinwhich installing it as a repository package, will set it up to use05:58
eCurrencycan I uninstall it via webmin?05:58
thechriseCurrency: and yes, if the package has its own scripts for this purpose, those would be preferred.05:59
wheatthineCurrency, I'd first issue updatedb (as root if it's your own server)05:59
wheatthineCurrency, then I'd go and delete the rc scripts, and then delete the main path06:00
wheatthineCurrency, you can find the main path after updatedb and using   'locate bitcoin'06:00
tkingreisio i get some unclear sound06:00
tkingreisio the sound quality06:00
eCurrencyI'll give it a shot06:01
reisiotking: run 'alsamixer' from a terminal, make sure PCM isn't too high06:01
Guest98535anyone have a second?06:01
eCurrencydon't use Anything that says "sudo" if I'm root?06:01
Guest98535i need some help06:01
reisioeCurrency: hrmm?06:02
Sir-Litepoolwhats up06:02
Guest98535hey man06:02
Guest98535i need to add myself to the audio group06:02
Guest98535ive been using the following command06:02
Sir-Litepooljust ask i probably won't be able to help you but someone may06:02
wheatthineCurrency, sudo is so you can become root momentarily06:02
eCurrencyI keep getting told that I didn't have to use sudo even though the instructions say "sudo blah blah blah"06:02
reisioeCurrency: and?06:02
eCurrencyjust askin06:03
reisioGuest98535: I'd use gpasswd06:03
eCurrency  <---- stinkin newb06:03
Guest98535could you explain?06:03
Guest98535not well versed in all this just yet06:03
reisioeCurrency: invariably you are going to see examples of commands that use sudo which don't strictly require it06:03
wheatthineCurrency, just use it if you run into permission problems while trying to delete the files06:03
wheatthinuse 'sudo updatedb' so it can find ALL files within /06:04
wheatthineCurrency, it'll need it, cause with normal permissions, it won't index all the files06:05
reisiowell, you can use the package manager to find files outside of /home/, usually06:05
reisionot that there's any harm indexing them06:06
wheatthinreisio, he didn't use package manager to install06:06
eCurrencyok... what about this command that always errors: gem install bundler06:06
reisioeCurrency: what error?06:06
eCurrency1 sec06:06
eCurrency"gem: command not found"06:06
wheatthinreisio, he used GIT to install06:06
eCurrencyfrom the # CLI06:06
reisiowheatthin: to install what?06:07
reisiowell, obviously he should have used a package manager :p06:07
wheatthinobviously, but he's newb06:07
eCurrencyfollowed instructions at https://github.com/kyledrake/coinpunk/blob/master/docs/install-ubuntu.md06:07
reisioeCurrency: gem is an executable provided by a ruby implementation06:07
eCurrencytheir kinda bogus06:08
eCurrencythey're kinda bogus - I followed step by step - even went out and got the exact OS06:08
wheatthineCurrency, ehh, if you used the package manager, it would have worked06:08
eCurrencyhttps://github.com/kyledrake/coinpunk/blob/master/docs/install-ubuntu.md did explain anything about a package manager06:09
eCurrency*didn't I mean06:09
wheatthinthat's github's version not ubuntu repo06:09
wheatthineCurrency, now do what I said, and then use apt-get or package manager to install bitcoind06:11
eCurrencyok - starting06:11
wheatthineCurrency, then you'll be able to use webmin, or ubuntu's "service" script to stop/restart the daemon06:13
dharthi. any ubuntu cloud users here experienced with resizing filesystems in qcow2 images?06:13
MrKBvarunendra - 12.04 is working fine as far as video. still not getting connection to Light though.06:13
MrKB(live, not installed)06:13
MrKBvarunendra - after failing to connect to Light, I turned on AndroidAP. It didn't show up in the list of APs so I turned off Wifi and turned it back on. Now I see no APs. Not even [ iwlist wlan0 scan ] shows any APs! :-\06:16
Global_Radiois there a way to view a live clock in terminal/cli?06:17
wheatthintype date06:17
Global_Radiothats not live06:17
SwedeMikeGlobal_Radio: "watch date"06:17
Global_Radiothanks for your reply06:17
varunendraMrKB, give me 10 min.. keep tryig in the meanwhile06:17
Global_Radiook swede, going to try it06:17
wheatthinSwedeMike, nice call06:18
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jordanrx123i'am not speak english06:19
wheatthinSwedeMike, learning something new every day :p06:19
jordanrx123i'am from indonesia, where you from ?06:20
Global_RadioSwedeMike, is there a way to view the date and time as a simple line of text instead of a big page in the terminal?06:21
jordanrx123hei wheatthin ?06:21
SwedeMikeGlobal_Radio: not easily that I know of.06:23
MrKBI get what wlan0 and eth0 are, but what's lo?06:23
Global_Radiothank you SwedeMike06:24
wheatthinMrKB, it's for loopback06:24
MrKBok thanks wheatthin06:24
SwedeMikeMrKB: a virtual interface network application can talk over even if there is no active network interface. It's called "loopback".06:24
Limit_When talking about sources.list they mean sources.list.d or sources.list.save because I do not have sources.list file in /etc/apt/ ?06:25
Limit_or is there a sources.list file?06:25
varunendraMrKB, okay I'm back. Good to know you have a working GUI now. That's a progress! (thanks to LTS I guess)06:26
MrKBindeed thanks to LTS varunendra. I didn't do anything special. Just popped in the USB drive and clicked on boot from USB lol06:26
MrKBbtw I just restarted the live install, hopefully wifi is working again06:27
varunendraMrKB, if still no ap in "sudo iwlist scan", Check "rfkill list"06:27
varunendraLimit_, have you lost your /etc/apt/sources.list file? the ".save" file is just a backup of it that you can use in that case.06:28
Limit_varunendra: thanks :) I was thinking same but was not sure!06:29
varunendraLimit_, make sure to keep it as backup. Just create a copy from it.06:29
Limit_varunendra: sure!06:30
Limit_a question though. How was apt-get update working without sources.list?06:30
varunendraLimit_, perhaps through the other files in sources.list.d directory?06:31
Limit_Not sure because those in the sources.list.d are the ppas that I added while those updated were ubuntu sources06:32
MrKBvarunendra - 12.04 fails06:33
MrKBit won't even connect to AndroidAP :(06:33
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Limit_varunendra: sorry my bad! I read it wrong. You are right. It is files from sources.list.d06:33
varunendraMrKB, what does rfkill list show?06:33
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MrKBsoft blocked no and hard blocked no06:34
MrKBI can see the APs, I just can't connect to either of them06:34
varunendraGreat! :D Try saving relevant settings in NM itself.06:35
wheatthinMrKB, Are you using network-manager?06:35
MrKB[02:35:13 AM] <varunendra> Great! :D Try saving relevant settings in NM itself.06:35
MrKB[02:35:22 AM] <wheatthin> MrKB, Are you using network-manager?06:35
sharpshooterhi friends, since I upgraded my ubuntu from 12.10 to 13.04 my web cam is not working ? how can i enable it if it is a hardware problem then how can i check it ?06:35
MrKBI'm using the drop-down menu from the wifi icon on the top-right06:36
MrKBvarunendra - I never tried changing the channel on Light. Should I do that or at this stage have you decided it will make no difference>?06:36
varunendraMrKB, relevant settings like SSID, mac address of the ap in BSSID. You can even try manual IP under IPv406:37
MrKBwhat is BSSID06:37
wheatthinmac address of ap06:37
varunendraMrKB, oh yeah, that's an important factor. I totally forgot. Try 1 or 1106:37
MrKBis it really that important? :-\06:37
MrKBhow do I get the mac address of my IP06:37
varunendraNot necessarily, but it often helps.06:38
MrKBjust changed it from 8 to 106:38
varunendraMrKB, "sudo iwlist scan"06:38
varunendrato get mac id06:38
MrKBno results? WEIRD!06:39
MrKBwtf is happening -_-06:39
MrKBnow I see no APs06:39
MrKBtime to reboot live?06:39
varunendrawhat exactly rfkill list is showing?06:40
MrKBsoft blocked and hard blocked No06:40
MrKBjust like before06:40
MrKBalso how do I use nm?06:40
wheatthinMrKB, so turn the stupid wifi to on in network manager06:40
varunendrafor wlan0 or phy0? NM = Network Manager's GUI06:40
varunendrafor settings.06:41
MrKBwheatthin - why is it off? And how do I turn it on? Where's nm?06:41
MrKB<-- linux n00b06:41
wheatthinMrKB, it should have it under wi-fi06:42
varunendraOkay, MrKB how are you connected now?06:42
MrKBvarunendra - I'm not. the ubuntu install is offline O_o06:42
varunendraI mean how are you talking to us? MrKB06:42
wheatthinvarunendra, he's using a different machine06:42
MrKBwifi varunendra06:42
MrKBI'm connected to Light06:43
varunendraon a different computer or mobile?06:43
MrKBWinXP lapto06:43
wheatthina different computer lol06:43
MrKByes, a different computer06:43
MrKB[02:42:02 AM] <wheatthin> MrKB, it should have it under wi-fi <-- what is 'it' ?06:43
wheatthinit's a button switch06:44
wheatthinwhich toggles the soft blocked06:44
wheatthinin NETWORK MANAGER06:44
MrKBwhich is where06:44
wheatthinomg dude, you said you were using that stupid thing in the corner06:44
wheatthinI told you it was called network manager06:44
MrKBOh, I didn't see that06:44
varunendraMrKB, Can you show us somehow "nm-tool" output? Or even better, the entire diagnostics report as you did earlier?06:44
MrKBanyway, soft blocked is no, like I said. So Wireless is on06:45
MrKBsure varunendra06:45
wheatthinnow under the device itself in network manager06:45
varunendrado it then06:45
wheatthinselect the ap06:45
MrKBwheatthin the APs aren't showing up06:45
wheatthinif soft blocked is off06:45
wheatthinthen it should show them06:45
sharpshooterhi friends, since I upgraded my ubuntu from 12.10 to 13.04 my web cam is not working ? how can i enable it if it is a hardware problem then how can i check it ?06:46
MrKBwell it's not -_-06:46
wheatthinwell then tick it so it's on06:46
MrKBit is on06:46
Dr_willissharpshooter,  see if it works on a 13.04 live cd as a test. also see if it works for a newly made user. How are you testing the webcam?06:46
MrKBI haven't turned wifi off dude. the APs magically stopped appearing out of nowhere. just like before.06:46
wheatthinif soft blocked is on, then it turns OFF the wifi06:47
wheatthinso tick it again, and let it show the ap06:47
varunendrawheatthin, let's just take a look at a summary that he can create with this script : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1235038506:47
MrKBwheatthin - soft blocked is off06:47
MrKBvarunendra - is it safe to unplug the ubuntu usb?06:47
MrKBI need to plug in another flash drive which has the wireless script06:47
MrKBone sec then06:48
varunendraaren't there any spare ports?06:48
wheatthinprobably using mouse with the extra one06:48
sharpshooterDr_willis:  I check it with cheese and camorama cheese is displaying a black screen and camorama is saying that  could not connect to video device (/dev/video0) )06:48
MrKBthere's extra ones in the back, yes06:48
MrKBI just plugged it in06:48
varunendraprobelms-problems.... ;)06:48
MrKBI'm not seeing it though06:48
wheatthin**slaps head06:48
varunendraMrKB, aren't they accessible?06:49
MrKByes they are06:49
MrKBI plugged the flash drive in already06:49
MrKBI can't see it in ubuntu though06:49
wheatthinopen nautilus?06:50
varunendraproblems-prob.... ;) do they show up in "sudo fdisk -l" ?06:50
MrKBnevermind, I see it now. Had it plugged in backward06:50
wheatthinthat's impossible06:50
Dr_willisthats one way to break a port.06:50
MrKBone sec while I run the script06:50
Dr_willisit is possible. ;)06:50
MrKBno it's not wheatthin, it's a microSD-USB adapter06:50
MrKBit's super thing06:50
Dr_willisflash drive can also fit in a Network Cable Port...  :) Took me forever to figure out how the wife did that...06:51
varunendra:D LOL06:51
wheatthinI can't stop laughing06:52
Dr_willisWorse design ever.. got an Android Tablet.. the headphone port.. and POWER ports were identical sized. (almost)06:52
varunendraI just had my lunch Dr_willis please don't make me laugh so loud.. :-o06:52
wheatthinthey should have lil graphics to display what they are for 0.o06:53
clctoDr_willis: which one? i thought most of them were mico usb06:53
Dr_willisclcto,  some noname big-lots $50 one. ;)06:53
Dr_willisactually i think they were using the name Polaroid  they must have bought the rights..06:54
MrKBvarunendra - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5770073/06:54
Dr_willisits just a video player for the 6 yr old.06:54
MrKBbrb, gonna make me some food06:55
MrKBwhatever the 3AM meal is called06:55
clctoMrKB: munchies06:56
varunendraMrKB, your wireless did make a connection (or attempted to). Reboot should make it work again.06:56
clctovarunendra: reboot? what is this, #windows06:57
varunendraclcto, a stuck firmware issue is easily fixed by that. I know it is not necessary, but easy.06:58
MrKBlol clcto06:58
varunendraAnd reboot does miracles more than often. :P06:58
MrKB[02:58:12 AM] <varunendra> clcto, a stuck firmware issue is easily fixed by that. <-- yes but this is the second time it happens. I've had to restart twice.07:00
MrKB12.04 fails07:00
MrKB13.04 is t3h win07:00
MrKBI might have had a fail video driver but at least I had internet XD07:01
varunendraBut doesn't give you a working graphics :(07:01
Dr_willisYou got Intel video i thought? that should work  in most cases?07:01
MrKBues Dr_willis07:02
Dr_willisor is it a dual gpu optimus thing.07:02
MrKBbut not on 13.0407:02
MrKBinternet > useable graphics07:02
varunendraMrKB, yeah, sure. That's your choice. Get a working video and fix wireless or a working wireless then fix video.07:02
MrKBcrappy graphics > good graphics no internet07:02
Dr_willisIntel has a tool/script now for their latest drivers. and theres that ppa that may have the latest.07:02
MrKBwell video is working now on 12.0407:02
Dr_willisits possible  some Updayte/upgrade may fix the video issue. (or both issues)07:02
MrKBso I'm guessing wireless is the issue at hand still XD07:03
wheatthin<-- hugs his ati07:03
* MrKB kicks it07:03
Dr_willisid use 13.04 and run a cable and update and see if it all just 'works' :P07:03
MrKBupdate to what07:03
wheatthinfully updated07:03
Dr_willisa clean install of 13.04 will have numerous updates to fix things.07:03
MrKBoh God07:03
MrKBthis _is_ Windows07:03
Dr_willisMrKB,  err.. you expect  it to never have updates?07:04
wheatthinno, it's open sourced software07:04
MrKByes <.<07:04
Dr_willistime to  go back to your C64 i guess.07:04
MrKBI expect updates, yes07:04
varunendraMrKB, like I told earlier, you may have to resort to the proprietary driver which is easy enough to compile if you have an otherwise fully working system.07:04
MrKBI just figured I was downloading the latest stable release, it would come with the updates.07:04
MrKBBut I guess now that I think about it it makes sense that it doesn't do that07:04
MrKBit'd be a nightmare to maintain mirrors07:05
wheatthinthey do maintain mirrors07:05
Dr_willisMrKB,  if it there IS a 'updated' release. it has a .1 version number adeed to the end.07:05
MrKBvarunendra - blob driver for video right? Yeah but we need to fix wireless first :D07:05
Dr_willis12.04.1  for example07:05
MrKBindeed Dr_willis07:05
Dr_willisI just keep a spare USB wifi dongle that works out of the box. ;) that wya i dont have to fight with wifi at the start07:05
varunendraNope, MrKB you already have a working video on 12.04.07:06
MrKByou said that to me already Dr_willis07:06
MrKBhours ago lol07:06
Dr_willisor run a cable.07:06
wheatthinMrKB, but you make us repeat over and over :P07:06
MrKBwell now it's not the time for me to hunt down this magical $10 dongle that works with all07:06
Dr_willisI have 4 such dongles. ;P07:07
MrKBindeed varunendra but you said blob wireless drivers wouldn't fix anything07:07
MrKBsince you were convinced it was something else07:07
wheatthinme too.. they just don't run at max signal when I'm right next to the wifi ap07:07
MrKBbut ok fine, let's do it.07:07
MrKBhow do I compile the blob07:07
varunendraYes, on 13.04, since it was connecting fine to the other ap07:07
MrKBlol wheatthin07:07
MrKBgood point varunendra07:07
* MrKB bows07:08
wheatthinI'm addicted to the #ubuntu07:09
sharpshooterDr_willis:  I tried with another newly created users account but still its not working and why it is not in /dev/video0 ?07:09
Dr_willissharpshooter,  when a webcam is plugged in, the kernel should load the modules needed and create that device in /dev/07:09
clctowheatthin: try #archlinux07:10
clctoits more fun07:10
Dr_willissharpshooter,   you could see what module its trying to load, and look in 'dmesg' output for any errors when you plug it in07:10
wheatthinlol I'm good.. <-- started out in gentoo07:10
sharpshooterDr_willis:  the webcam is inbuild and my laptop is dell inspiron 152507:10
Dr_willissharpshooter,  you may want to chedk dmesg output then and try to determine the module.  perhaps turn the cam on./off07:11
Dr_williserr.. the cam does have some fn-XX key to toggle it?  My laptop does. ;)07:12
sharpshooterDr_willis:  here is my out put : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5770103/07:13
sharpshooterDr_willis:  in my case there is no fn keys to toggle it !07:14
Dr_willisthat output is the same error messages about the video chipset over and over and over it seems07:15
MrKBcommands O_O07:15
varunendraMrKB, here's a post with instructions to compile the proprietary driver : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2076315&p=12318056#post1231805607:16
MrKBthanks :D07:16
=== mlocher_ is now known as mlocher
sharpshooterDr_willis:  so it means its a hardware failure ??07:16
Dr_willissharpshooter,  no.. it may mean the info we want has scrolled out of the buffer allready.07:17
Dr_willisit could be a hw issue.. test with earlier live cd's that did work.. would clarify if thats the case or not07:17
varunendraMrKB, exact driver to download : http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=21&PFid=48&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true#274207:17
MrKBthanks varunendra07:17
varunendraOnly if it works :(07:18
sharpshooterDr_willis:  sure,  thanks for you help i will check it and comeback with details !07:18
MrKBvarunendra - driver is compiling07:25
varunendraMrKB, post back if you see any errors. Warnings can be ignored.07:26
VectorXhi anyone know where i can download Compat-wireless drivers from, im trying here but the links are down http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download/stable07:26
MrKBCompile make driver ok!!07:26
MrKBERROR: Module 8192cu does not exist in /proc/modules07:26
MrKBinsmod: error inserting 8192cu.ko: -1 device or resource busy07:27
varunendraMrKB, still stuck? Or the terminal returned to prompt?07:27
MrKBapparently it was a driver for both 8188 and 819207:28
MrKBThe Setup Script is completed! was the last thing07:28
MrKBso assuming it worked, what's next varunendra?07:28
varunendranou, 8192cu is the name of the module (driver) it will also handle your card. MrKB07:30
oliver_hello guys. can you give me some hint concerning iwconfig? when i try to set my essid in commandline with sudo iwconfig mlan0 essid gast, i do net get any error, but when i want to see if it worked with iwconfig, i still see that the essid is set to any ....07:30
MrKBoh ok07:30
MrKBso did it fail varunendra07:30
varunendralet's check - "lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net"07:30
varunendrait will show if the new driver loaded.07:30
MrKBall I see is ethernet07:31
oliver_wait ...07:31
MrKBwouldn't it be lsusb?07:32
varunendraoh yeah, my mistake ! MrKB07:32
varunendrabetter yet - nm-tool07:32
oliver_?!? pcilib says that it cannot open /proc/bus/pci .... I must say, that I run the thing on an arm chromebook...07:32
MrKBrt8192cu is the driver varunendra :D07:33
oliver_On lsusb I see a novatel wireless entry07:33
varunendraMrKB, what is the output of "modinfo 8192cu"?07:34
varunendraI mean does it even return an output or error?07:34
MrKBit's pretty long though. pastebin? Or do you want to know something specific from it?07:35
MrKB(filename, version, author, description, etc)07:35
varunendrano need for that.07:35
varunendratry - "sudo modprobe -rfv rtl8192cu"07:35
varunendrathen - "sudo modprobe -v 8192cu"07:36
varunendrathen check nm-tool again, MrKB07:36
oliver_any idea why the iwconfig is not setting the essid?07:36
MrKBomg it just connected to AndroidAP by itself07:36
MrKBafter doing the -v07:37
* MrKB tries Light07:37
MrKBit connected to light07:37
FloodBot1MrKB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:37
* MrKB hugs varunendra07:37
MrKBstfu FloodBot107:37
varunendraReally !!!!!!!  :-o07:37
MrKByessir (:07:37
MrKByou are the man O_O07:38
MrKBnow time to update to 13.04 lol07:38
MrKBwell I guess I need to install 12.04 first. THEN update07:38
varunendraNow, I won't even bother with the native driver , this one :/ Learnt a lesson today.07:38
MrKBso...time to install 12.04? XD07:39
varunendraMrKB, there is a popular saying - "don't fix it if it ain't broken"07:39
MrKBit's old so therefore it's broken. O_O time for 13.04 I said lol07:39
varunendraIf 12.04 serves your needs, don't bother with 13.0407:39
MrKBmy needs is to have the latest version :D07:40
oliver_hey I just found in the syslig that "wpa_supplicant" says" No network configuration found for this ap"07:40
varunendraMrKB, if the driver compiles fine on 13.04, and the rest of system works better than LTS, then obviously go for it. Otherwise not.07:40
oliver_So I think the kernel module seems ok. Rightẞ07:40
MrKBso try to compile the driver on live 13.04?07:41
varunendraYou may :D07:41
MrKBthen we'll have to deal with video issue. XD Are you up for that?07:41
varunendraI'm not into video issues other than trying boot- time parameters :/07:43
MrKBwhat got you into wifi?07:44
varunendraMrKB, I just 'hoped' that installing > updating would fix it automatically.07:44
varunendraMrKB, maybe the leads..07:44
MrKB[03:44:53 AM] <varunendra> MrKB, maybe the leads.. <-- Hm?07:45
GeorgeTorwellcan someone tell me if its possible to set up full disk encryption with Ubuntu server 13? I tried guided partitioning but it set up LVM encryption instead and I don't think that's what I want07:45
varunendrait is sometimes complex, but almost always contains hints.07:45
varunendraMrKB, ^^07:45
MrKBOh I see what you mean varunendra07:45
MrKBso I'll do this varunendra07:46
MrKBI'll install 12.0407:46
MrKBand then run live 13.0407:46
MrKBif I can get all of the issues with video worked out in 13.04 and I can get wifi driver compiled, I'll install 13.0407:46
MrKBwhat do you think?07:46
varunendraMrKB, live session would have nothing to do with what is "installed". It will be the same.07:46
MrKB"Install this third-party software", should I do it varunendra?07:46
MrKByes I know they're not related. What's your point?07:47
varunendrain 13.04?07:47
varunendrathird party....07:47
MrKBinstalling 12.04, that's where it's asking me that07:47
MrKB(it's for mp3)07:47
varunendraYou can leave it now. can be done safely after installation07:48
nbubuntuhi anyone having hasswell build on ubuntu ?07:48
MrKB[03:46:58 AM] <varunendra> MrKB, live session would have nothing to do with what is "installed". It will be the same. <-- what I meant was if I can _confirm_ that I can get everything working by 13.04 (by using live first) _then_ I'll install it07:49
nbubuntuwould it works on latest haswell ?07:49
varunendraMrKB, that's a good point. It is always recommended to try live before installation. But didn't you already try that?07:50
MrKBwell the only person trying to help me with video issue was you varunendra, and as you said that's not your speciality07:51
MrKBso I'm hoping when I'm running into video problems on live 13.04, someone can help me solved them like you helped me with wifi :)07:51
GeorgeTorwellnbubuntu: lol, haslel07:51
varunendraMrKB, I can't understand why it didn't work in the first place (the 864 graphics) since it uses generic intel driver (i915 perhaps)07:52
MrKBwell generic drivers suck, as we saw with wifi today :)07:52
nbubuntuGeorgeTorwell : ? just wondering , whether it'd be fully support updates on it07:52
varunendraThat's why I *believe it should have been fixed after an update. (trusting luck of course) MrKB07:52
MrKBcan I do updates on live?07:53
varunendraMrKB, Intel graphics have always worked well for me :)07:53
varunendraMrKB, a graphics driver update will require you to reboot (windows?? :P) and the changes will be lost on reboot :(07:54
MrKBwell I'm installing 12.04 now, hopefully that goes well. And if it does, then I'll start fooling around with 13.04 live tomorrow. Hopefully someone can help me fix video issues then :)07:54
* MrKB is tired.07:54
MrKBalmost 4AM07:54
varunendraIf you can, you may try a separate installation on a separate partition.07:55
MrKBtoo late now, I made it one big partition :-\07:55
varunendraSo... should I say good night now?? :P07:55
MrKBlol not yet07:55
MrKBor hopefully soon :-\07:55
thechrisis there a more up to date guide on installing ubuntu on mdraid+lvm+luks07:55
varunendraare you going to stay awake :-o07:55
thechrisright now I can't install grub on either disk07:56
MrKBfor the update to finish? yes varunendra. Why not? Will it take long?07:56
varunendraNot much, Did you choose to have them while installation?07:56
nbubuntu:( no one having haswell build ? too new though07:56
Azorianopinions on Kali?07:56
varunendraMrKB, ^^07:57
Dr_willisWhich Kali?07:57
MrKBhave what varunendra? Updates?07:57
Azorianas I understand it recently made a switch to debian base (or maybe that is what it started with entirely) as compared to backtrack which I am not aware of it's core distro?07:57
varunendraI think it should be around 250 to 300 MB, MrKB , not sure though07:57
MrKBok cool07:58
MrKBdownloading language packs? grr... -_-07:58
MrKBI only need english lol07:58
* MrKB kicks 12.04 installer07:58
varunendraThat's why we recommend to leave them blank ;)07:58
MrKBleave what blank07:59
varunendrathe checkboxes you checked07:59
MrKBI only checked the one for updates07:59
reisioAzorian: backtrack has both ubuntu-based and debian-based versions, IIRC07:59
MrKBhow would I know that brought language packs? That's stupid -_-07:59
reisioAzorian: although IIRC they also rebranded, / another topic :p07:59
varunendrawithout them the installation is usually 15 to 20 minute job :) MrKB07:59
X-Sleepy-Xha! i install with updates in less then 1008:00
MrKBif I remember correctly, Azorian08:00
MrKBX-Sleepy-X, did it install language packs? -_-08:00
Azoriando either of you know why they choose to provide both bases?08:00
varunendraWow X-Sleepy-X must be an optic-fiber connection :P08:00
Azorianespecially from the same chain?08:00
X-Sleepy-XMrKB: Yes08:00
thechrisdoes grub not support XFS?08:00
MrKBI don't understand the need for language packs08:01
X-Sleepy-Xvarunendra: isn't everybody on fiber?08:01
MrKBwhy is it installing them?! grrr...08:01
thechrisI see a stage1.5 for xfs, but grub just reports error 1708:01
MrKBlol X-Sleepy-X08:01
MrKByou should ask varunendra what he's on :P08:01
varunendraMrKB, X-Sleepy-X it also depends on which server you are connected to. Sometimes they can be super slow. :(08:01
MrKBfor you, everything is slow08:01
Azorianalso looking to virtualize some test installations on alternative desktop distros. I have been rocking Ubuntu since 8.04. Any suggestions for alternatives?08:02
varunendraI'm on GPRS (Yay!!) MrKB , X-Sleepy-X08:02
* MrKB can't fathom to think how long it took varunendra to download Ubuntu08:02
MrKBdid you just buy the DVD? XD08:02
AzorianI'm currently prospecting a few, Kali, Debian, Zorin08:02
X-Sleepy-Xvarunendra: nice! :D08:02
varunendraI left it on torrent, checked the other day  :P08:02
thechrisAzorian: archlinux was popular at one point08:02
MrKBwha country is this varunendra08:03
Azorianany special points about arch thechris?08:03
Dr_willisBest feature of Archlinux is its well done wiki pages and docs. :)08:03
varunendraMrKB, country is okay (India), but I'm in a rural village..08:03
Dr_willishandy guide for a lot of general linux issues.08:03
MrKBwell move <.<08:03
Azorianthat is a start but many other factors are very important to me. release stability, graphic environment, organization, third party support, etc..08:03
thechrisAzorian: I'm not entirely sure.  It's been reccommended to me several times.08:04
Azorianwhat is the default WM?08:04
Dr_willisAzorian,  most in here will say stick to ubuntu or one of its desktop-differnt variants..08:04
thechrisAzorian: and given my issues with ubuntu's installer, I might just try it out08:04
varunendraMrKB, I did have 5 Mbps connection and a 10Mbps one when I was in the city. But now I have reasons to stay home.08:04
Azorianwhat issues have you had thechris?08:04
AzorianI may be able to help with some08:04
MrKBAzorian - can yuo help with video issues? :D08:05
AzorianI've got descent experience with it's installation process thus far08:05
MrKBvarunendra - reasons being?08:05
X-Sleepy-Xvarunendra: have u tried signal boosting?08:05
thechrisAzorian: I have a small file server with mdraid set up for the xfs boot partition.  Grub gives error 17 and can't install to either disk08:05
riochWhat is the name of the backup tool in ubuntu?08:05
MrKBnothing will make me stay where there's subpar internet speeds O_o08:05
=== cristian_c_ is now known as cristian_c
varunendraX-Sleepy-X, I am getting max bandwidth that kind of connection can deliver here (22-25 kbps)08:06
histo!backup | rioch08:06
ubotturioch: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:06
X-Sleepy-Xvarunendra: and you can't get anything else by a mast further away?08:06
Azorianthechris: one sec, let me take a peak at the common issues list, I've had some raid issues myself08:06
reisioalso Ubuntu One08:07
Azorianthechris: specifically, you are having issues with the disk order in the part table?08:08
varunendraX-Sleepy-X, nope. No faster connections (except telephone lines) around 20 km from here. And telephone lines tend to be out of order 20 days a month !! :D08:08
thechrisAzorian: no, i've got the arrays up and installed08:08
MrKBvarunendra - what are you reasons?08:08
Azorianhow many raid arrays do you have configured?08:08
thechrisAzorian: grub just won't install08:08
X-Sleepy-Xvarunendra: i see, well then i guess you gotta make due with what you got... :)08:08
thechrisAzorian: during the ubuntu installer, it failed at "grub-install /dev/sda /dev/sdb"08:09
Azorianthechris: have you considered installing grub to a flat partition outside of the arrays?08:09
varunendraNot a problem now. I've got used to it. Guess it'll still take some time to get 3G here. X-Sleepy-X , MrKB08:10
thechrisAzorian: That wouldn't be useful as a single disk failure would take out the single boot partition08:10
riochhisto: none of those tools show the gui that I used in ubuntu. Are there others?08:10
MrKBvarunendra - yeah but why put up with it?08:10
Azoriancan you tell me how grub would/should work if installed to multiple partitions?08:10
X-Sleepy-Xvarunendra: just call customer service and demand it :P08:10
MrKBalso varunendra - trying to compile wifi driver on my permanent install of 12.0408:10
thechrisAzorian: which is what happened the last time I did this -- i had /boot on a raid1 array, but only install grub's bootloader onto the first drive, which then failed.08:10
MrKBit's asking for root password08:10
Azoriani've never done a multi-part grub install08:10
MrKBwhich I don't know what it is O_o08:10
Azoriannvm, I see the point08:11
theadminMrKB: No root password on Ubuntu, use sudo08:11
Azorianone simply takes over upon complete failure of the other08:11
MrKBvarunendra - weird part is, the wifi was working and then all of a suddently it died08:11
theadminMrKB: (with your user password)08:11
X-Sleepy-X!sudo | MrKB08:11
ubottuMrKB: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo08:11
varunendraCustomer services in India :D = joke of the day ! X-Sleepy-X08:11
MrKBgot it, thanks theadmin08:11
MrKBlol varunendra08:12
X-Sleepy-Xvarunendra: haha!08:12
Azorianthechris: i wish I was of more help on this subject, onfortunately my budget is too shitty to have a nice multi-raid configuration which would give me better experience with this specific area08:12
theadminvarunendra: Eh, you have no idea about customer services in Russia... "You're running 'Linux'? Uh, okay, close that and click on your Start button..."08:13
varunendra:D LOL theadmin08:13
thechrisAzorian: well I just get more annoyed at ubuntu when things don't work because it is promoted as something that is easy.08:13
varunendraMrKB, you will have to redo the compilation > installation08:14
MrKByes varunendra08:14
MrKBjust did it. works :)08:14
thechrisAzorian: that and the need to search for year-specific docs because things change every year...08:14
MrKBthanks again for that08:14
Azorianthechris: generally speaking it is very easy but I think that view point is geared more toward tradition configurations08:14
varunendraon every kernel update also. MrKB08:14
MrKBlovely :P08:14
Azorianthechris: I can't disagree with that, the docs change a lot08:14
theadminthechris: Ubuntu changes a lot itself recently, for the better I have to say, though. 13.04 is definetly way friendlier than 8.10 was, which was my first version08:15
varunendrathechris, it IS easy when it is, which is not true for everyone :P08:15
Azoriantheadmin: first person I have heard say that08:15
Azoriantheadmin: I think Unity is crap08:15
Azoriani'm also not a mac fan08:15
theadminAzorian: Some do think that. I hate macs, though.08:15
Azoriani'm more of a gnome fan so unity was a major hassel08:16
Azoriangnome 3 is the closest I like to come to graphical environments like that08:16
theadminAzorian: Xfce provides a classic experience. But I don't mean just Unity, I mean Ubuntu's general app set, Upstart, Software Centre, Update Manager, etc etc08:16
Azorianunity was dumped within a month of getting it08:16
Azorianthose additions have been nice agreeably so08:16
Azoriani like upstart and software center changes08:16
Azorianas for xfce, my experience is still minimal08:16
Azorianlast xfce installation I had seemed really unstable and buggy08:17
MrKBdo UNC paths work on Terminal?08:17
Azoriancould have been a botched install though08:17
MrKBon Ubuntu*08:17
* MrKB is trying to grab a file from another computer in the network08:17
reisiocould have been the package manager or binaries :p08:17
theadminMrKB: Uh, UNC is a Windows thing. Technically, no, you can't "cd //", but you can "mount.cifs // somedirectory -o user=your_user,password=your_password  && cd somedirectory" :P08:18
histoMrKB: yes if you have dns setup properly08:18
MrKBdns? histo08:18
MrKBon Ubuntu?08:18
histoMrKB: Is it a windows network?08:18
MrKBlet's go with yes08:19
MrKBorz X-Sleepy-X08:19
pentanolhello, anyone did client\server with poll\epoll?08:19
theadminAzorian: Xubuntu is awesome. It feels almost identical to GNOME 2 in terms of user experience, except Xfce has more features than Gnome2 ever did.08:19
Em_guys I'm trying to find out what -Wall, -W, and -Werror for the gcc program is for, but it doesn't seem to indicate it in the man pages08:19
MrKBis there workgroups on Ubuntu? If so I need to have this install join my workgroup08:19
theadminAzorian: Yep. Try it out :)08:19
AzorianI downloaded a copy some time ago but never deployed it for testing08:19
Em_Where can I find that information08:19
Azorianmaybe that will be my target tonight08:19
Azorianin fact, yes it will be. thank you :)08:19
histoMrKB: The "easiest" way would be for you to edit your /etc/hosts and just put someip hostname08:20
theadminAzorian: Is what I recommend for "classic Ubuntu" fans08:20
thechrisEm_: they are warnings options.  you can google search for them if you remove the -08:20
histoMrKB: there are other options such as using winbind but I've experienced issues with it.08:20
Azorianwe'll see how it comes out for sure08:20
MrKBI see histo08:20
Em_thechris; 'man gcc | grep '-W'' < is that the right command to display where the -W in the man page?08:20
Azoriani'm mainly a gnome 2 whore because of my excessive use of compiz desktop cube08:20
AzorianI love getting the oohs and awws from friends08:21
MrKBcd smb:// is not working X-Sleepy-X08:21
mesodermReason #723 to use Ubuntu: "Microsoft Waits to Fix Your Software Bugs So the NSA Can Use Them First" --> http://news.yahoo.com/microsoft-waits-fix-software-bugs-nsa-them-first-140237627.html08:21
Azorianyou should see them when I increase from 4 workspaces (a cube) to like 12, their mind gets blown like a fucking 44 magnum through the skull lol08:21
thechrisEm_: if that works, it will probably just display -W, as the description would be on the next line08:22
histoMrKB: you can't cd there you have to mount it08:22
rudolf_I have a portable hard disk that i used in windows 708:22
histoMrKB: mount -t cifs // /some/mount/point08:22
Em_thechris: Well, it doesn't. Hehehe08:22
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historudolf_: good for you.08:22
rudolf_I locked it using the software provided with it and now I am unable to unlock it on ububntu. What to do??08:22
historudolf_: do you need the data on it?08:22
reisioAzorian: what does GNOME 2 have to do with compiz?...08:22
rudolf_histo yeah08:22
MrKBwhat is a mount ponit histo08:23
X-Sleepy-XMrKB: i think you need to install samba first08:23
MrKBoh X-Sleepy-X08:23
varunendraMrKB, maybe relevant - How to fix windows shared browsing issues : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116914908:23
histoMrKB: some directory where you want to look at your files from the network locally08:23
MrKBthnks varunendra08:23
historudolf_: what kind of disk is it and what kind of "lock"?08:23
varunendraMrKB, X-Sleepy-X as far as I know, samba client is already installed on Ubuntu. Only server needs to be installed.08:24
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rudolf_histo, I dont know what sort of lock it was. There was a software that came with the hard disk.08:24
X-Sleepy-Xat work i use cifs-utils08:24
MrKBhisto - getting an error from mount08:24
historudolf_: what type of hard disk is it?08:24
MrKBI did [ sudo mount -t cifs // /Desktop ]08:24
histoMrKB: I missed the part about why you are trying to mount something?08:25
MrKBwant to access shared files08:25
rudolf_histo, portable hard disk that I connnect through usb. What else can I tell about its type?08:25
MrKBon a winxp box08:25
PlastikSporkMrKB https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ComprehensiveSambaGuide08:25
MrKBalso how do I go about installing synergy? dl from their website?08:25
MrKBthanks PlastikSpork08:25
historudolf_: Yes the manufacturer would help perhaps. I can find what sort of "lock" they use.08:25
rudolf_histo, its from Western Digital.08:25
MrKBthat link says it's for old versions08:26
historudolf_: is it a mybook?08:26
PlastikSporkMrKB you are welcome. after you read the wiki and you still have questions feel free to ask.08:26
MrKBpoints me to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba?action=show&redirect=SettingUpSamba PlastikSpork08:26
histoMrKB: don't mount to your /Desktop08:26
histoMrKB: mkdir08:26
rudolf_histo, my passport08:26
rudolf_histo, my passport 500GB08:26
X-Sleepy-Xrudolf_: did you do a "safe dismount" in windows before disconnecting it?08:27
histoMrKB: mkdir ~/mount && sudo mount -t cifs // /home/USERNAME/mount08:27
Em_Oh, I Understand now. -W interfered with the warning messages while -Werror and -Wall will capture them and displkay them as errors08:27
rudolf_X-Sleepy-X yeah08:27
historudolf_: let me check hold up?08:27
MrKBI made a folder called jaime-computer histo, on my desktop08:27
MrKBis that ok?08:27
MrKBor can I not mount to dirs on my desktop either?08:27
rudolf_histo okies08:27
reisioMrKB: you can, if you want to08:29
MrKBit's still giving me an error08:29
reisiowhat is?08:29
rudolf_hey reisio08:29
reisiohey rud08:29
reisioMrKB: mount what?08:29
MrKBI'm doing [ sudo mount -t cifs // ./Desktop/jaime-computer08:30
MrKB ]08:30
MrKBone of my WinXP computers08:30
MrKBtrying to get a file off of it08:30
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tr0nbest to just type rm -rf /windows08:30
X-Sleepy-XMrKB: you need the full dirs i would think08:30
MrKBI tried // as well X-Sleepy-X, didn't work08:31
MrKBbut thanks (:08:31
histoMrKB: because when you use sudo ./Desktop/jaime-computer is not /home/username/Desktop/jaime-computer08:31
rudolf_reisio, You still on ##windows too?08:31
histoMrKB: you can also browse the network in nautilus and just click on your share and mount it.08:31
reisiorudolf_: only when I change my nick :p08:31
MrKBhisto it's not telling me that the mount point doesn't exist like it does when I take out the .08:32
MrKBso it must be fine08:32
rudolf_reisio, you use a different nick for ##windows?08:32
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MrKBhisto - can't browse the network08:32
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MrKBafter some waiting time, I get an error08:32
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tr0ndual booters who still use win arn't true linux users, just paying lip service while continuing to worship the evil M$ empire08:32
reisioMrKB: you might need to give a user & password, too08:32
X-Sleepy-XMrKB: i think it was this guide i used at my workstation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently08:33
reisio-o "username=foo"08:33
MrKBthanks X-Sleepy-X08:33
rudolf_reisio, who banned you there?? And why? I have not been there since months. Switched to ubuntu :)08:33
MrKBok the first thing I want is to install Synergy08:34
MrKBdo I go to their website or do I use the software center?08:34
MrKBor apt-get?08:34
historudolf_: you are out of luck unless you know your password or you want to pay some money for the one company I found that reverse engineered their locking application.08:34
reisioMrKB: software center or apt-get08:34
MrKBwhich one? lol08:35
reisioMrKB: finding things is for Windows & Mac OS users08:35
MrKBI see08:35
reisioMrKB: whichever you please08:35
rudolf_histo, I can try REing it...But i dunno the strength. :| They should have provided linux compatible software.08:35
MrKBreisio - so why do websites include installers for ubuntu and such then?08:36
rudolf_reisio, lol08:36
reisioMrKB: because old habits die hard08:36
MrKBvarunendra :( after rebooting because of some updates, wifi is not working again08:36
MrKBwork your magic O_O08:36
reisiothey'd rather make newbies be silent instead of teaching them the proper way08:36
MrKBwhy is apt-get or software center more proper than visint a website?08:37
MrKBjust cause?08:37
varunendraYou might have got a kernel upgrade :) MrKB08:37
MrKBor is there an inherent advantage?08:37
MrKBreally? -_- varunendra08:37
MrKBok then08:37
historudolf_: REing???  They don't have linux software just windows & mac08:37
varunendraMrKB, it is (apt, USC) a trusted source with all the dependencies in one place.08:37
historudolf_: don't use their locking mechanism. Use something else if you want encryption. Especially since their locking mech has been cracked.08:38
reisioMrKB: both are more accessible than a random website08:38
thechrisMrKB, it prevents every app from needing its own "auto-update" function08:38
MrKBthechris - i see08:38
MrKBreisio - so will it always be up-to-date? as quick as the website?08:39
reisioMrKB: wha?08:39
rudolf_histo, I think WD should provide support in such case. And REing=Reverse Engg.. Yeah you are right.08:39
MrKBthe repos for apt-get and USC08:39
reisioMrKB: I don't know what you're asking08:39
reisioMrKB: links in your browser that install things still use your package manager08:39
MrKBlike if the author of Synergy would release a new version right now on his website08:39
MrKBhow long till it propagates?08:39
MrKBreisio - I see08:40
reisiothey just do it _after_ you waste time opening a browser and finding a specific website08:40
MrKBvarunendra - dependancies?08:40
reisioI should say, links that use apt:// or wtfevr08:40
reisioif you're looking for 'foo', open a terminal, type apt-cache search foo08:40
reisioopen software center, use the search input08:40
reisioit's faster08:40
historudolf_: Do you have the password?08:40
rudolf_histo, yeah I think so08:41
varunendraMrKB, yes, almost all packages need various libraries and support packages that are not included in one package. These package managers take care of that and avoid conflicts/duplicating.08:41
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MrKBvarunendra - re-compiling/re-installing the driver worked. I guess I did have a kernel update :)08:42
historudolf_: then borrow a windows machine or make a vm and unlock and disable that garbage08:42
GinToniCooLdebian can't record boot log,why08:42
MrKBvarunendra - I see08:42
Guest37391люди помогите08:42
histoGinToniCooL: ask in #debian08:42
varunendraHopefully, you won't have a kernel upgrade every other day ;) MrKB08:42
rudolf_But I dnt have a windows pc nearby... :( And I dont have a broadband to download live cd either.08:42
* MrKB saved the appropriate code just in case ;)08:42
MrKBUSC shows two results for Synergy08:43
reisioGuest37391: #ubuntu-ru08:43
histoGuest37391: help with what?08:43
MrKBone is just synergy apparently and the other one is QuickSynergy, which is apparently a GUI for it08:43
ZeevI want to install some package that is not available on software sources08:43
MrKBon Windows, Synergy already has a GUI O_o08:44
reisioZeev: which one?08:44
histoZeev: what package is that?08:44
reisioMrKB: already?08:44
MrKBwell the fact that QuickSynergy exists implies that regular synergy = no GUI08:44
histowth is synergy?08:44
MrKBdo a search for Synergy on USF. What do you see?08:45
MrKBthink of it like a kvm switch, without the m, histo08:45
histoMrKB: no mouse?08:45
MrKBit lets me share a mouse and keyboard between computers, over the network08:45
histoMrKB: then it does have an m08:45
MrKBno video, sorry08:45
reisioMrKB: Windows users explode if they aren't given a GUI, that's why08:45
MrKBwas thinking m = monitor08:45
MrKB<-- almost 5AM08:45
histoMrKB: silliness08:45
FloodBot1MrKB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:45
reisioMrKB: you have the option over here in Unix land08:45
zgwho manages cdimage.ubuntu.com08:45
reisiosynergy takes a tiny text configuration to get working08:45
ZeevI need to compile from sources (./configure && make && make install), and my question is: into which directory in the directory tree do I put the extracted .tar.gz so it would most closely resemble the as if it was installed using package manager, /usr/bin?08:45
MrKBdie FloodBot1, die.08:46
reisioif you want a GUI to do that, go ahead and use it08:46
ZeevI'm kinda a newbie in this really.08:46
MrKBno GUI = scary08:46
theadminZeev: Replace "make install" with "checkinstall" and you're good :P08:46
histo!info quicksynergy | MrKB08:46
ubottuMrKB: quicksynergy (source: quicksynergy): GUI for easy configuration of Synergy. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 24 kB, installed size 172 kB08:46
histoZeev: what package are you trying to compile?08:46
varunendraMrKB, and here are users who prefer cli for even photo touching/ basic editing (imagemagick)08:46
Zeevhisto: opam (http://opam.ocamlpro.com/doc/Quick_Install.html)08:47
reisioimagemagick is much more efficient08:47
Tm_TZeev: when you unpack the source package, it doesn't matter where you do that, what matters is where it will be installed with "make install"08:47
MrKBvarunendra - wow08:47
histoMrKB: sorry miss-understood thought you were saying there is no gui08:47
varunendraI myself am one using a self made script for basic photo touching. Really fast and flexible.08:47
theadminZeev: checkinstall is a wrapper around make install which builds a proper Ubuntu package so that you can uninstall it with APT and update it properly later08:47
histoZeev: http://opam.ocamlpro.com/doc/Quick_Install.html08:48
histoZeev: do you see the debian and ubuntu instructions?08:48
Zeevtheadmin: ok.08:48
MrKBok I installed synergy, the regular one08:48
Zeevhisto: doesn't werk08:48
MrKBnow what? I don't see it anywhere08:48
MrKBhow do I even reference it in CLI08:48
Zeevhisto: otherwise I wouldn't be asking 'bout it here08:48
* MrKB needs a beginner's guide to Ubuntu/Linux08:48
histoMrKB: you could man -k synergy  to see if there is any documentation08:49
Guest37391verlihub ne compile 1.0.0  no compile08:49
reisioMrKB: dpkg -L synergy08:49
reisioMrKB: but use the GUI if you want a GUI, sheesh08:49
* MrKB wants to try to real-man it and do it through CLI08:49
Guest37391hubuntu 12/1008:49
MrKBface your fears! O_O08:49
reisioMrKB: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto08:50
MrKBthanks reisio08:50
varunendraMrKB, the point in using GUI or CLI is what suits you more, It is not about "bravery" :P08:52
MrKBI'm a fast typer varunendra, CLI suits me more08:52
MrKBjust need to learn to use it08:52
* MrKB enjoys the keyboard and keyboard shortcuts more than fail mouse08:53
varunendraGood then ! :)08:53
varunendrasoul, MrKB do you happen to sleep sometime?08:53
varunendraso *08:53
MrKBI'm having too much fun lol08:53
MrKBhave you noticed I haven't even booted into 13.04 live? Having too much fun with 12.04 XD08:54
MrKBreisio - what is dpkg -L synergy supposed to do? I just see a list08:54
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varunendraNope, I'm multitasking atm. :P08:54
histoMrKB: dpkg -L packagename  lists files from packagename08:55
MrKBoh i SEE08:55
MrKBI see*08:55
Zeevtheadmin, histo, Tm_T: should I run those commands from root term? just a newbie q08:59
Zeevroot xterm*08:59
MrKBomg I got it working08:59
MrKBI'm the man09:00
zgi plugged in my Nexus 7 and it's not listed under /media09:00
MrKBall I had to do was [ synergyc -f ]09:00
zgany ideas where it's mountpoint is?09:00
histo!sudo | Zeev09:00
ubottuZeev: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo09:00
varunendraMrKB, Yay!!09:00
varunendraMan of the day!09:00
theadminZeev: checkinstall? Yes, that should be ran under sudo09:00
histozg: just type "mount"   in a terminal will print all mounted items09:00
Zeevtheadmin: thanks.09:01
MrKBvarunendra :D09:01
ggherdovhi all. When I run program like emacs I get a "fontconfig error" , full trascript here http://bpaste.net/show/f3ZNMKrJZz5HlKZSLvAW/ . why so ?09:01
ggherdovhow to fix?09:01
varunendraOkay guys, time to watch some cool movie.. see you later..09:02
MrKBhow do I stop synergyc09:02
MrKBI want to restart it with a new para09:03
MrKBthanks again varunendra, you're awesome09:03
histoMrKB: is it running in the background? or did it take control of your temrinal?09:03
varunendrawelcome (that's what varun was waiting to hear before leaving ;)) MrKB09:03
MrKBI had it running in terminal but once I got the configuration down pat, I made it run in background09:03
histoMrKB: killall synerygc09:03
rudolf_Cant I mount windows boot partition in ubuntu if windows has been hibernated?09:04
histoMrKB: hopefully you don't have to to restart on kill09:04
MrKBthanks histo, that worked09:04
historudolf_: you should be able to yes09:04
MrKBhow would I know if I need to restart? it would tell me?09:04
histo!kill | MrKB09:04
ubottuMrKB: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:04
rudolf_histo, I am trying to but ubuntu is saying "unable to mount, windows is hibernated."09:05
rudolf_and "failed to mount. Operation not permitted.".09:05
rudolf_"The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown09:06
rudolf_Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume09:06
rudolf_read-only with the 'ro' mount option."09:06
MrKBtime for me to retire to bed09:06
historudolf_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/145902/unable-to-mount-windows-ntfs-filesystem-due-to-hibernation09:06
MrKBthank you very much guys, you have all been great and an amazing help09:06
MrKBYou made my fist day of Ubuntu a great one :)09:06
rudolf_histo, that means I cant mount the partition if windows is hibernated. I never knew it.09:08
historudolf_: yes you can09:08
rudolf_histo, but only in read only mode09:08
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historudolf_: it's just silly to do it but Option 3 on that page about deleting the hiberfile.sys is the only way to rw09:09
historudolf_: Why don't you actually shutdown properly next time.09:09
histoor don't use windows09:09
historudolf_: that page explains pretty well why you shouldn't mount rw09:10
rudolf_Yeah, I dont use now...I just installed it to get my portable hard disk back.09:10
rudolf_histo, but the hibernation file also resides in my C drive! So I need to reboot.09:10
rudolf_or no...I can try using that command.09:11
historudolf_: What do you need to do with the data on your windows drive?09:11
historudolf_: copy it out and make changes09:11
histosnpresent: hello09:11
rudolf_Yeah right :)09:12
snpresenthisto hello what's up my friend?09:12
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histosnpresent: not much. Do you have a ubuntu related question?09:13
rudolf_histo, ok thanks....gonna boot into windows btw to unlock my hard disk now.09:13
snpresenthisto yes then who are you,my friend?09:15
histo!ask | snpresent09:15
ubottusnpresent: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:15
snpresenthisto since when ubuntu auto detected bugs,when system auto repot them i do not need to login my launchpad account?09:20
histosnpresent: I have no idea09:21
snpresentthen who knows?09:21
theadminsnpresent: You do need to sign in, it opens a browser with the report page in Launchpad and asks you to sign in09:26
snpresenttheadmin now the system do not open browser to let me login ,seems like auto record bugs to developer's server,why?09:28
histo!bug | snpresent09:28
ubottusnpresent: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:28
theadminsnpresent: Hmm... I dunno, I haven't used Apport for a while, if I find a bug I file it manually using ubuntu-bug, that opens a browser09:28
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snpresenttheadmin yes Apport not open any browser when it auto report bugs any more now!09:31
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newbeehey guys09:52
newbeeI need some help09:52
newbeefor a few weeks empathy asks me for my passwords every time I start it. It does not remember any password at all. And it always claims that the ssl-certificates are self-signed although I have acceptet that on every empathy-session09:54
newbeeI also reinstalled it. Did not help09:54
newbeeAnd I wonder what I can do to get the old compfort of a just working, nice looking multiprotocol IM-program back...09:55
newbeeI would really appreciat some help! :-)09:55
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kiamohi there09:57
kiamoI just installed ubuntu on my ssd alongside an old installation of windows 809:57
kiamohowever, upon restarting, I am just booted straight back into windows.  I never see grub.  Any ideas?09:57
drlectoranyone here ?09:59
kiamodoesn't look like there are any admins about09:59
kiamoonly floodbots... haha10:00
drlectoro nise10:00
drlectoro nose*10:00
drlectori need help please10:01
drlectoror ratherjust advice10:01
drlectorfrom anyone who is awake at least :P10:01
drlectorguess everyone is asleep10:02
newbeeI am not. But I need help, too... . Probably can't help you10:02
kiamojust ask your questions10:02
kiamoif anyone can help, they might10:03
ubottuOltreIrc`6627: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:03
drlectorI made a critical mistake10:03
kiamodon't wait for someone to invite you to ask for help... haha10:03
drlectori installed windows 810:03
newbeeI already did. About Empathy forgetting passwords all the time.10:03
drlectorI know10:03
FloodBot1drlector: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:03
drlectori have all my old windows 7 files and folders still on the hdd10:04
drlectori just need to get a different operating system loaded so that i can copy and rename them10:04
drlectorhere is my problem10:04
drlectorpuppy linux is giving me hassles10:04
lotuspsychjedrlector: install ubuntu 13.04 and loose windows once and for good :p10:05
drlectori downloaded and installed lucid puppy linux10:05
drlectorlol @ lotus if only have to resuce my sheeet first10:06
lotuspsychjedrlector: you can dualboot with win7 at first, recover your files and then do a clean10:06
drlectori cant dual boot dude :(10:06
* drlector facepalm10:06
kiamojust install whatever version of linux you want on a slice of free space, and then mount the ntfs partition to access the data10:07
drlectori would loe to try linux and all but dos like commands = no10:07
drlectorpuppy linux gives me this , and it honestly means nothing to me10:07
kiamodrlector: they aren't dos like... they are waaaaaaaaaaaaay better.10:07
lotuspsychjedrlector: ubuntu changed alot, you can do all gui if you like and many alternatives10:07
drlectorGrub is installed on your computer but the installed cant find menu.1st please manually add the following to it...10:08
drlectorthen it all goes pear shaped10:08
drlectortitle lucid puppy linux 528jp10:09
lotuspsychjedrlector: this is an ubuntu support channel, not puppy10:09
drlectorfind --set-root--ignore-floppies /puppy-linux-528JP/initrd.gz10:09
kiamodrlector: I just followed this to hopefully solve my own dual boot woes10:10
drlectori know lotus it is just nonne of this makes sense to me10:10
kiamoim gonna reboot now and hope I can boot into ubuntu from the windows 8 boot menu10:10
drlectorcua kiamo10:10
drlectorwill have a look at the link thanks10:10
lotuspsychjedrlector: just install 13.04 and choose dualboot with win7 then you will be able to access your hd10:10
drlectorthanks lotus i have got the windows installer downloading a version of ubuntu now10:11
lotuspsychjedrlector: i think they dropped wubi support10:12
drlectoris that good or bad lotus ?10:12
drlectormy first attempt at linux told me to mount my cd in a shell , which sounded kinky but was not pratical10:13
lotuspsychjedrlector: well you can try with unetbooting or burn an ubuntu to dvd10:13
lotuspsychje!dualboot | drlector10:14
ubottudrlector: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:14
praeconiumHi guys, I've got a 200 MB file with text, and I need one particular pattern that occurs, "value=????" .. should I use SED to delete everything except it, or GREP to find only that?10:15
drlectorso 12.04 is crappy then lotus ?10:15
lotuspsychjedrlector: no and plz watch language10:16
drlectorsoz dude10:16
lotuspsychjedrlector: 12.04 is very good aswell10:16
drlectorbut 13 = better10:16
* drlector facepalm10:16
lotuspsychjedrlector: just try any version to recover your data, then i recommend clean install 13.0410:17
lotuspsychjedrlector: you will forget your windows nightmare soon :p10:17
aldur1morning all10:18
drlectorlinux is no good for gaming from what i can remember10:18
drlectorhi aldur110:18
aldur1can anyone help me with an issue im having installing eclipse-rse10:18
lotuspsychjedrlector: there are many alternatives these days: wine, playonlinux, steam10:18
aldur1output here:10:18
lotuspsychjedrlector: check alienware gaming pc's with ubuntu10:19
drlector53 minutes left of the download10:19
drlectorthen i out your words to the test lotus :P10:19
aldur1i tried apt-get -f -force-yes --fix-missing install eclipse-rse10:19
drlector^^^^^ see10:19
aldur1but it cant download the java files10:19
lotuspsychjedrlector: you wont be dissapointed10:19
drlectorapt-get...... = no sense10:19
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aldur1Get:1 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/main libcommons-cli-java all 1.2-3 [39.2 kB]10:20
aldur1Get:2 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/main junit4 all 4.8.2-2 [205 kB]10:20
* drlector shakes fist at code10:20
aldur1Fetched 244 kB in 0s (859 kB/s)10:20
aldur1Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libc/libcommons-cli-java/libcommons-cli-java_1.2-3_all.deb  Size mismatch10:20
FloodBot1aldur1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:20
lotuspsychjedrlector: plz behave, this is a support channel remember10:20
aldur1Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/j/junit4/junit4_4.8.2-2_all.deb  Size mismatch10:20
aldur1i reckon it must be some dodgey reps10:20
drlectori know dude just having fun10:20
aldur1but still fairly new to linux10:20
aldur1so no idea where to start with fixing ths10:21
Ben64aldur1: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:24
drlectorany command lines in the installation of 12.04 ?10:24
drlectoror is it just point and click ?10:24
aldur1Ben64: i tried that last night10:24
aldur1i will try again just in case i did it wrong though10:24
Ben64drlector: alternate cd is cli based10:25
drlectorforgive me ... cli ?10:25
Ben64cli = command line interface10:25
aldur1command line interface10:25
drlectorso i am toast then ....... i dont know the commands10:26
Ben64what are you trying to do10:26
drlectorinstall ubuntu10:26
aldur1drlector: it is very quick to learn10:26
aldur1and it is MUCH easier than windows in many respects imho10:27
Ben64oh, well you don't need to type anything on a console to install ubuntu10:27
Ben64i thought you were asking for a cli cd10:27
fongseiyucHi. I have an Intel HD Graphics 3000. What can do to get it running ?10:27
Ben64fongseiyuc: intel works out of the box10:27
drlectorcall me old , point and click :)10:27
aldur1Ben64: just ran those again10:28
aldur1still no joy10:28
fongseiyucBen64, Strange, we made an Install of Current Ubuntu. And screen blanks when starting X10:28
drlectori tired fedora this morning ......... no joy10:29
drlectorubuntu > fedora ?10:29
Ben64fongseiyuc: some posts on this forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2094279&page=2 say that installing mesa-utils makes intel better/faster10:30
fongseiyucBen64, Thats cool too :-D10:30
drlectorhas anyone here seen or used windows 8 ?10:32
bekksdrlector: Clarify the relevance for ubuntu please :)10:35
drlectorwindows 8 = from satan himself10:35
drlectoraka bill gates10:35
bekks!ot | drlector10:35
ubottudrlector: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:35
fongseiyucAre the Images available here live versions of Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop  And can i put them on USB by doing: dd if=The-IMAGE of=The-Device ?10:36
fongseiyucfound help here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick10:38
fongseiyucThanks anyway10:39
jbertrandanyone here?10:40
bekksjbertrand: several hundreds, according to "/names".10:41
jbertrandi'm new10:41
jbertrandnot a unix newb but an xchat newb10:42
LIPjbertrand: people many times don't talk unless they are answering a technical question in here10:43
jbertrandi'm on freebsd with an ubuntu ios and never tried xchat10:43
jbertrandoh this isn't a chat site then?10:43
jbertrandjust for tech questions for newbies?10:43
LIPno, #ubuntu is a technical support channel for Ubuntu10:44
LIPnot simply newbies, experienced people as well who need to bounce things off10:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:44
jbertrandoh ok sorry10:44
LIPso there is that, there are other off topic/general chat channels on freenode though10:44
aldur1Ben64: i just added a debian rep to my sources10:44
aldur1gonna see once the update is donee10:45
aldur1if that solves issue10:45
* LIP goes back to updating XChat to remove some bugs10:45
aldur130 min remaining >_<10:45
jbertrandok well i have a question then10:45
aldur1xchat euggh10:46
aldur1irssi ftw10:46
jbertrandi have a pc i upgraded from 12.1 to 13.04, but the touchpad settings remain the same from 12.1 and 13.04 won't let me change the settings10:46
LIPto each their own10:46
aldur1xhcat is gui only though right?10:47
jbertrandeven wrote to .conf and even tried deleting it10:47
LIPaldur1: you won't hear me agree to your sentement, I'm quite likely the "biggest" xchat user10:47
Ben64aldur1: thats a very bad idea10:47
aldur1Ben64: ?10:47
Ben64adding debian repo10:48
LIPaldur1: no, there is xchat-text, however I wouldn't recommend using it, only good enough for bot usage ATM, as in, or if you are only ever in just one channel10:48
aldur1should i cancel and remove?10:48
bekksaldur1: Using a debian repo will most likely break your system.10:48
Ben64maybe you messing around with unsupported repositories caused your initial problem10:48
* aldur1 cancels10:48
* LIP somehow missed saying "as in it spits everything to the same buffer"10:48
jbertrandok so is there a chat for ubuntu users for small talk?10:49
jbertrandno one wants to refer to my tech question so what's the point?10:49
drlectorrandom question anyone here from south africa ?10:49
drlectorwho uses ubuntu10:50
aldur1Ben64: would you suggest i just download the soruces and manually install instead for the packages casuing problems10:50
Ben64jbertrand: you just asked for the chat channel... but you don't want it?10:50
LIPjbertrand: I don't even use Ubuntu myself, I couldn't answer, I'm simply in here because i need a large channel for my development ;)10:50
Ben64aldur1: no... stop doing things weird ways and stuff won't break10:51
jbertrandben64>no i asked a question referring to mouse settings10:51
LIPBen64: <jbertrand> i have a pc i upgraded from 12.1 to 13.04, but the touchpad settings remain the same from 12.1 and 13.04 won't let me change the settings10:51
aldur1LIP: yeah i mostly use from a shell10:51
aldur1LIP: so irssi is great with screen support10:51
illusion_hi, i want to use 2 filter with ffmpeg delogo and watermark , please correct my command line10:51
jbertrandi'm not a unix newb, but i'm definitely an xchat newb10:52
LIPaldur1: right, so screen users aren't the target demographic for XChat, and I'm fine with that10:52
illusion_ ffmpeg -re -i file.mp4 -vf "delogo=x=0:y=0:w=170:h=60:band=5" -s 640x360 -vb 600k -acodec copy -f flv rtmp://test.com10:52
LIPjbertrand: this isn't about being an XChat newb, just not used to dealing with support on an IRC network10:52
aldur1Ben64: i havnt done anything weird10:52
aldur1first time i added a rep to sources10:52
LIPyou've yet to ask a XChat specific question, so it isn't about being an xchat newb10:52
illusion_how to add this :  "movie=logo.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:10 [out]"10:53
aldur1issuue is in paste bin: http://pastebin.com/zedyfzx410:53
Ben64this isn't #xchat btw10:53
samba35i have install windows 8 as a guest on 12.04 now i do i access usb drive in windows10:53
LIPBen64: I know, I'm just addressing what is being said10:53
jbertrandlip>i asked a question about xchat and was told it was specifically for tech support10:53
drlectorsamba go to my computer on the desktop10:53
jbertrandi was hoping it was just a friendly chat10:54
aldur1Ben64: would it help if you saw my sources?10:54
Ben64aldur1: you should try a different mirror10:55
jbertrandi'm not going to a/s/l or anything but what is xchat then?10:55
aldur1Ben64: how do i do that?10:55
Ben64for chatting, #ubuntu-offtopic , for xchat support, #xchat10:55
aldur1is there a list somewhere specific to ubuntu?10:55
Ben64aldur1: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/10:55
aldur1Ben64: thanks, I will take a look and try, might be back though ;)10:56
LIPjbertrand: XChat is simply a program to connect to IRC networks, not every channel you can reach with the program is for general chatting10:56
mibofrahi guys10:57
mibofrais there an irc channel for the launchpad?10:57
jbertrandwhat channel am i currently on? i'm on freebsd right now and this is my first gui10:57
Ben64this is #ubuntu ...10:57
jbertrandok so for general chat i go to ubuntu-offtopic?10:58
Ben64you can, but if you're not even on ubuntu, maybe try #defocus ?10:59
aldur1Ben64: that website is awesome, havnt tested results yet11:01
* aldur1 bookmarks11:01
aldur1thanks for that :)11:01
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drlector25175 in mb is that 25175 meg or 25 gig ?11:12
drlectorhow much space does unbuntu need to install ?11:12
MonkeyDust!requirements | drlector11:13
ubottudrlector: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu11:13
aldur1Ben64: looks like that fixed it, thanks a lot man, spent hours last night trying to work that out11:14
=== root is now known as Guest1507
drlectortime to see if this works thanks bye11:16
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jbertranddoes anyone know how to get nautlis to see networks on xfce?11:17
ActionParsnipjbertrand: is gvfs installed?11:18
jbertrandi'm losing my mind11:18
kimmariaAnyone knows how to fix the keyboardshortcuts bug in XFCE?11:18
Asad2005Is there a panel icon for show desktop ?11:19
Asad2005unity panel11:19
jbertrandactionparsnip>omg thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:19
jbertrandi'm fucking dumb11:19
ActionParsnipasad2005: could use SuperL + ALT + D11:19
ActionParsnipjbertrand: no worries dude11:20
jbertrandi thought i'd have to manipulate samba ffs11:20
Asad2005ActionParsnip: SuperL + ALT + D does not showing the desktop i tried it now11:21
ActionParsnipasad2005: http://askubuntu.com/questions/126540/how-to-add-a-show-desktop-icon-to-the-launcher11:21
ActionParsnipasad2005: the workaround way looks great to me :-)11:22
jbertrandi have xubuntu in my bedroom and i've been ftp  mkv's to play locally11:22
jbertrandthanks so much action...so simple11:22
jbertrandomg lol11:22
Asad2005ActionParsnip: I got it from the unity tweak tool app thanks11:23
ActionParsnipjbertand: no worries. i do the same with sftp. i stream to wherever I am as it is secure11:23
ActionParsnipasad2005: cool11:23
Asad2005IF i have 2 terminal windows open what would be the easiest way to switch between both other then alt-tab then arrow keys11:24
bekksAsad2005: Click on the window you want to select.11:25
jbertrandaction>i have raring ringtail on a laptop but hdmi didn't work until i downgraded kernl to 3.2 but apparently 3.8 upgrade has hdmi option for most sound cards...is it safe to upgrade...do you know?11:25
airtonixAsad2005: if you're using default ubuntu then that's it. if you want something faster install another desktop environment like gnomeshell11:25
ActionParsnipasad2005: why have 2 terminals, if you use screen or tmux you can switch between using shortcut key11:25
Asad2005bekks: most of the time they are same sized and one over the other11:25
airtonixAsad2005: you could try using alt + `11:25
k1lAsad2005: if its unity hover the mouse over the launcher and scroll the mousewheel11:26
ActionParsnipjbertrand: did you upgrade direct from Precise to Raring in one jump?11:26
ActionParsnipjbertrand: and do you use propritaryvideo drivers?11:27
Delphinhey does anyone know if 64 bit ubuntu can run 32 bit ubuntu apps?11:27
jbertrandi manually installed 13.04 on one pc that had the hdmi kernl problem11:27
ActionParsnipdelphin: yes, newer versions are multiarCNN11:27
jbertrandi'm having touchpad default reset on the one i upgraded in one jump11:27
Delphinoh? what versions? I'm on Ubuntu right now and it doesnt let me install ia32-libs :(11:28
ActionParsnipjbertrand: thats why. if you leapfrog releases you will get issues and is not how Ubuntu is upgraded11:29
ActionParsnipdelphin: no need, just run: sudo apt-get -f install ,and it will haul in the 32bit deps11:29
jbertrandok so i should just install raring ringtail manually rather than upgrade?11:30
ActionParsnipjbertrand: also, raring is only supported til Jan 2014, why upgrade from Precise which is supported til April 2017?11:30
jbertrandidk why that would make a difference, but i'll do it11:30
jbertrandi agree with that...why fix a car that isn't broken11:30
ActionParsnipjbertrand: upgrading is fine but you needed to upgrade to Quantal first, then to Raring11:31
jbertrandi did it though11:31
N34lOhi, /part11:31
ActionParsnipjbertrand: the only time you can skip releases is when it is LTS to LTS upgrade11:31
jbertrandi upgraded from 12.111:31
ActionParsnipjbertrand: i thought you said you upgraded fron precise in one jumpn11:32
ActionParsnip3.2 is a precise kernel, not quantal11:32
Delphinlooks like I am on Ubuntu 12.10 64 bit, and when I do sudo apt-get -f install it says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 ro temove and 0 not upgraded.11:33
jbertrandi went from 1204 to 1304 in one jump on one (hdmi issues) i have fixed11:33
ActionParsnipdelphin: what are you wanting to install?11:33
jbertrandbut the pc i went from 12.1 to 1304, i have mouse settings from 12.111:33
jbertrandthat cant be changede11:33
Delphinfirestorm viewer for second life11:33
ActionParsnipjbertrand: is it ok as a new user?11:33
ActionParsnipdelphin: is that in playdeb repo?11:34
jbertrandi haven't tried a new user...i will11:34
jbertrandyou misunderstood me11:34
jbertrandi downgraded kernal to support hdmi11:35
jbertrandbut now the update fixed it anyway, but i'm still stuck with the old mouse settings11:35
ActionParsnipdelphin: http://askubuntu.com/questions/155289/how-do-i-install-the-firestorm-viewer-for-second-life try the other viewer named there11:35
jbertrandi will try a new user and see if it works11:35
jbertrandbut even if it does, how do i make it work for my current user?11:36
ActionParsnipjbertrand: it means your settings are the issue if a fresh user with default settings works11:37
jbertrandi just tried it11:37
jbertrandit doesn't work11:37
ActionParsnipdelphin: http://www.playdeb.net/updates/ubuntu/12.04/?q=second has snowsytorm, not sure if thats new. i dont play11:37
superlinux-hphi. this is just one time announcement: for help in Draftsight the AutoCAD native alternative on Linux join #draftsight . thanks.11:38
jbertrandit's because the settings for 12.1 are stuck on 13.04 because they changed the parametres11:38
Delphinawsome thanks!11:38
jbertrandthey merged mouse sensitivity with acceleration11:39
jbertrandyou can't change it in ringtail11:39
ActionParsnipdelphin: you will need this deb to be able to use that repo: http://archive.getdeb.net/install_deb/playdeb_0.3-1~getdeb1_all.deb11:39
ActionParsnipdelphin: lots of apps and games there :-)11:39
jbertrandif you dual boot and upgrade ubuntu and grub does't load, you have to boot to live disc or usb and open terminal and add repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair11:43
jbertrandthen update11:43
jbertrandthen install boot-repair manually11:43
jbertrandyou haven't lost your windows...don't panic lol11:44
jbertrandapt-get install -y boot-repair11:44
ActionParsnipjbertrand: or just chroot in and run: sudo update-grub11:45
jbertrandthen boot-repair and follow the instructions11:45
ActionParsnipjbertrand: what if the user has no web access in the live cd desktop?11:45
jbertrandyeah but what if the user needs a gui?11:45
jbertrandboot-repair is a gui app...no?11:46
ActionParsnipjbertrand: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video11:46
jbertrandi don't need help someone just asked me11:47
jbertrandif you have a better idea...post it11:47
ActionParsnipjbertrand: using chroot is also distro independant so is tranferable11:47
ActionParsnipsee above for the post :-D11:47
jbertrandPdflib is restricted, and gnuplot has a perfectly working pdf output11:50
jbertrandwhen the cairo library is used (which is also the default). It also has X1111:50
jbertrandoutput without wxWidgets, and TeX support is only really interesting for TeX11:50
FloodBot1jbertrand: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:50
jbertrandsorry wrong place11:50
ActionParsnipjbertrand: install cups-pdf and any app which can print can spit out to pdf :-)11:51
jbertrandi put that in the wrong place11:51
ActionParsnipits cool11:51
jbertrandthe floodbot gave me a warning lol11:51
jbertrandno before you have to #wash -i mon0 -C -s11:55
jbertrandthen #aireplay-ng -9 mon011:55
jbertrandthen #reaver -i mon0 -b macaddress -vv or -w11:56
jbertrandthen wait 4 hours11:56
jbertrandyour adapter has to be in monitor mode11:57
jbertrand#airmon-ng start wlan011:58
jbertrandif your adapter is wlan011:58
ActionParsnipwrong channel?11:58
jbertrandifconfig wioll tell you11:59
TomJ616Hey guys11:59
jbertrandomg sorry11:59
jbertrandwrong place11:59
TomJ616Was wondering if anyone could tell me how to install drivers on Ubuntu 13.04.. First time user here11:59
ActionParsniptomj616: driver for what....?12:00
jbertrandtom:what pc do you have?12:00
jbertrandwhat hardware?12:00
mindstormTomJ616: depends on exactly what you're wanting to install12:00
jbertrand13.04 pretty much knows what everything is12:00
TomJ616I have a really REALLY old pc12:01
ActionParsniptomj616: bet i have older, but what do you want to install drivers for...what hardware needs drivers?12:01
jbertrandubuntu 13.04 works on my original xbox12:02
Delphinhey anyone know why after I installed the http://archive.getdeb.net/install_deb/playdeb_0.3-1~getdeb1_all.deb12:02
Delphin I still cant install games?12:02
jbertrandhow old is your pc?12:02
TomJ616I'm assuming my integrated graphics card12:02
TomJ616About 7 years12:02
jbertrandwhat hardware do you need drivers for?12:02
TomJ616Amd 760g12:02
Delphinoh nvm I figured it out12:03
ActionParsniptomj616: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga12:03
TomJ616I'm on windows right now12:03
TomJ616I guess I need to install an ethernet driver too12:03
TomJ616Or something like that12:03
jbertrandubuntu 13.04 won't need drivers12:03
jbertrandit'll work12:04
TomJ616It does work, but it's really slow12:04
ActionParsniptomj616: what ethernet chip do you use?12:04
ActionParsniptomj616: if you run: sudo lshw -C network ,it will tell you the Ethernet chip12:05
jbertrandif it's slow, it's because your fsb and ram don't match your bridge or pci-e ram12:05
jbertrandit's not a driver issue12:05
ActionParsnipdelphin: sudo apt-get update ,after installing the deb12:05
TomJ616Realtek 8168D12:06
TomJ616At least that's what system information tells me12:06
ActionParsniptomj616: is that what lshw outputted?12:06
TomJ616I'm assuming that's a ubuntu command?12:07
TomJ616I'm on windows 7 right now12:07
jbertrandsudo -i dpkg file.deb...then sudo apt-get update12:07
ActionParsniptomj616: yes we need to see what ubuntu sees it as12:07
ActionParsniptomj616: you can edit files so that the system sees it as something different if you want12:08
ActionParsnipjbertrand: dpkg -i, not sudo -i ;)12:08
jbertrandi've been drinking12:09
jbertrandsudo -i lol12:09
LFShow to know the video file format and codecs under ubuntu?12:10
jbertrandtom>i don't believe that 13.04 fails to regard your graphics carr12:10
jbertrandlfs># sudo apt-get install vlc12:11
jbertrandthen right-click the file and choose open with...choose vlc and set as default12:11
jbertrandit'll open anything12:12
ActionParsniplfs: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:12
jbertrandif it was hardy heron maybe12:12
jbertrandit's 213 ffs12:13
ActionParsniplfs: if you enable the partner repo you can install w32codecs (or w64codecs for 64bit OS)12:13
jbertrandaction...the repositories are already there12:13
ActionParsniplfs: i install those along with gnome-mplayer12:13
ActionParsnipjbertrand: yes but partner is not enabled by default. thats the main thing12:14
ActionParsnipjbertrand: it is commented out in a fresh install, user must enable it if s/he wants to use the source12:14
jbertrandi haven't had to do that since 8.0412:15
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »12:15
ActionParsnipjbertrand: then why is there a comand for it there to enable it?12:16
ActionParsnipjbertrand: if its already enabled...12:16
jbertrandyou know more than i do12:16
LFSholy crap! 572.4MB for vlc to take place12:16
LFSwhy is all that space?12:16
ActionParsnipjbertrand: been using linux and ubuntu a while, plus I have ubuntu membership12:17
jbertrandi put my life on the line that if he installs vlc and sets to default his problem is solved12:17
jbertrandthe repo is already there12:17
ActionParsniplfs: its that big. try the restricted extras instead :-)12:17
jbertrandidk ubuntu i'm a unix guy12:17
liquidmetalUbuntu has been updating the linux kernel recently...12:17
jbertrandi don't doubt your knowledge12:17
liquidmetalthat has been messing my setup...12:17
liquidmetalIs there a way to move my setup (drivers, software, etc) to the new kernel versions?12:18
jbertrandlet lfs try what i say and if it doesn't work, i'll buy you a cookie12:18
ActionParsnipjbertrand: yes it is 'there' but its not enabled by default, it is hashed out and the package system ignores it. once you enable it as a source it will then be used and packages on the partner repo will be offered12:18
LFSActionParsnip: the last ubuntu installation were damaged because of installing the clone of FFmpeg12:18
LFSlibva I think was the name12:18
LFSare you sure this w32codecs is ok?12:19
ActionParsniplfs: is the restricted extras package ok. yes the w32codecs package is fine12:19
auronandaceActionParsnip: i think what jbertrand is trying to say is vlc is available in the default repos and should bring in all the codecs a regular user is likely to use (therefore not requiring anything from the partner repo)12:19
ActionParsniplfs: its in the official repo, so yes its groovy12:19
ActionParsnipaurondance: gotcha12:20
jbertrandhe's new to ubuntu and just wants his music to play12:20
ActionParsnipaurondance: jbertrand: vlc doesnt share though, the restricted extras plugons give functionality to all players12:21
LFShow to use those restricted extra?12:21
jbertrandhe doesn't need mplayer to work12:21
jbertrandhe wants music to play12:21
ActionParsniplfs: when you play media, they are used12:21
jbertrandsometimes knowing too much is too much lol12:22
ActionParsnipjbertrand: what about other players? like playing mpe in rhythmnbox and managing an mp3 device. it wont work12:22
ActionParsnipjbertrand: an all encompassing codec set is better than one which only looks after itself12:23
jbertrandmost people that understand filesystems don't want itunes or rythembox that cache libraries...they want to click their files and play12:23
jbertrandthat's it12:23
ActionParsnipjbertrand: you cant assume that for all users though12:23
jbertrandthe posters original question stated he just wants to play his music FILES12:24
jbertrandi'm not trying to argue, i'm just trying to help him...just as you are12:25
jbertrandbut he's a newbie to ubuntu as he said, i think vlc...done12:25
jbertrandhelps most12:25
LFSjust found that vlc installed by default on 12.4 LTS12:25
auronandaceLFS: no it isn't12:25
ActionParsnipjbertrand: for newbies who want things to work the coverall approach is better12:25
jbertrandlfs>and it plays your mkv avi mp3 and mp4?12:26
ActionParsniplfs: in kubuntu i believe it is default installed12:26
LFSbut it's not playing the MSS2 codecs12:26
ActionParsniplfs: did you get the restricted extras?12:26
LFSit's not playing .wmv with MSS2 codecs12:26
LFSauronandace: Yes it's ... I just finished the installation process12:27
ActionParsniplfs: and the w32codecs?12:27
Ben64try mplayer with w32codecs12:27
auronandaceLFS: if you meant kubuntu then i'm sorry, i was thinking of stock ubuntu12:27
ActionParsniplfs: once the new codecs install, close your player and reopen12:27
auronandaceLFS: i've always had to install vlc afterward12:27
LFSActionParsnip: what are the restricted extras and how to get them?12:28
jbertrandimo>you're all confusing a newb for no reason12:28
ActionParsniplfs: kubuntu-restricted-extras then. i assume you changed it12:28
ActionParsniplfs: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras12:28
jbertrandas long as he gets what he wants, it doesn't matter12:28
ActionParsniplfs: use TAB and ENTER to accept the license12:28
=== railsraider_ is now known as railsraider
jbertrandrestricted extras are unnecessary12:30
LFSI'm paranoid about installing huge apps ... what's the approximate size of that?12:30
jbertrandit's 13.04 not 8.0412:30
the_drowHi how do I create a simple package that runs a python script for all installed python versions?12:31
jbertrandlfs>if you want less complicated and less install...let me know12:31
jbertrandother than that...listen to these guys12:31
LFSauronandace: it's ubuntu not kubuntu12:32
auronandaceLFS: then it doesn't come with vlc by default12:32
LFSbut I didn't install anything other than irssi12:32
Ben64jbertrand: whats with your hangup on 8.0412:32
LFSit's a brand new installation12:32
ActionParsniplfs: then you need to change kubuntu to ubuntu in my previous command12:33
jbertrandben64>you guys are trying to get this guy to install repos for totem12:33
jbertrandit's 201312:33
Ben64who said anything about totem12:33
auronandace!language | jbertrand12:34
ubottujbertrand: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.12:34
LFSwell ActionParsnip .. I'm half way through with your command already12:34
jbertrandrestricted extras is for totem 6 years ago12:34
ActionParsnipjbertrand: its totem as well as any media player the user puts on the OS. Pretty sweet right12:34
LFSwhich means that something has being fucked now12:34
ActionParsniplfs: not at all12:34
LFSand I must reinstall this machine again12:35
Ben64LFS: watch the language though12:35
jbertrandok i'm done talking then12:35
ActionParsniplfs: why reinstall?12:35
jbertrandas long as you get him where he needs to be12:35
LFSBen64: you're free to do that12:35
jbertrandi just think you're taking him too far12:35
LFSActionParsnip: because I don't know what happened on my PC now12:35
Ben64LFS: channel rules here, so you need to do that as well12:35
LFSBen64: who are you?12:35
ActionParsnipjbertrand: what? ading codecs so that any player can playbthe vast majority of media files...12:36
ActionParsniplfs: you are installing codecs for media. thats all12:36
jbertrandhe doesn't need every player12:36
auronandaceLFS: use of this channel means you accept and adhere to the guidelines12:36
jbertrandhe said he's new he just wants his wma to play12:36
ActionParsnipjbertrand: he might though, this makes things easier later12:36
jbertrandsudo apt-get install vlc12:36
LFSauronandace: who are you?12:36
jbertrandright-click file choose open with vlc set as default12:37
Ben64LFS: it doesn't matter who we are, it's not a big deal, just watch the language12:37
LFSjbertrand: vlc was found by default but it's not playing the videos12:37
LFSonly audio is comming out12:37
jony_easyriderhow can I find out the connected USBtoTTL device path in Ubuntu 12.04?12:37
ActionParsnipjbertrand: user installs another media player later...then it wont work because vlc doesnt share12:37
LFSBen64: who are you?12:37
ActionParsnipjbertrand: its half a fix12:37
jbertrandsudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:38
jbertrandsudo apt-get install vlc12:38
ActionParsniplfs: try a different video output method in preferences12:38
LFSjony_easyrider: type tye command df -h12:38
jbertrandsudo apt-get update12:38
jbertranddefault vlc12:38
ActionParsnipjbertrand: yes then its done, both packages covers all the bases. doesnt need 2 commands but its the same result :-)12:38
jbertrandwhy the complication then?12:39
LFSActionParsnip: how to try that12:39
jbertrandyou want him to be able to use winamp?12:39
LFSon the vlc app itself?12:39
Ben64LFS: install mplayer or mplayer2, w32codecs, and pastebin "mplayer -identify -endpos 1 file.wmv"12:39
ActionParsniplfs: tools -> preferences12:40
LFSBen64: no but thanks12:40
Ben64so you don't want to watch videos?12:40
jbertrandgive me 5 mins with this guy and if what i say doesn't work, i'll digress12:40
Ben64jbertrand: it already didn't work, stop saying the same things over and over12:40
LFSBen64: I want to watch them without your help12:41
ActionParsnipjbertrand: coukd install audacious if you like winamp12:41
mericI had only a xubuntu 10 iso while offline, and installed it on a pc. xubuntu can't update & upgrade because of 404 error. Any advice ?12:41
the_drowHow do I create a simple package that runs a python script? It's for a PPA12:41
Ben64!attitude | LFS12:41
ubottuLFS: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:41
ActionParsnipmeric: is it 10.10?12:41
jbertrandok ben12:41
merici don't know12:41
mericuname -a didn't give the version12:41
ActionParsnipmeric: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue12:41
auronandacemeric: lsb_release -sd12:42
mericUbuntu 10.10 \n \l12:42
ActionParsnipmeric: uname is for kernel version only12:42
ActionParsnipmeric: maveric is no longer supported12:42
Ben64!eol | meric12:42
ubottumeric: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:42
auronandacemeric: 10.10 is no longer supported12:42
jbertrandget a newb to install windows codecs and players and tell me what wasn't tried won't work12:42
ActionParsnipmeric: grab the ISO for Precise and install a clean install of Precise. It is LTS and supported til April 201712:43
mericWill this delete my files or just change /not_home/ stuff ?12:43
jbertrandnot if you don't chmod12:44
jbertrandyou need permission12:44
ActionParsnipmeric: restore user data from backup,lots easier12:44
auronandacemeric: if you do a fresh install then backup what you want to keep12:44
jbertrandsorry wrong channel again12:44
inkjetunitois it possible to use an usb stick both as an installation source and target at the same time? i'd need a live stick..12:45
merici will backup and try the «deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ CODENAME-updates main restricted universe multiverse»12:45
meric,for fun.12:45
mericthanks #ubuntu !12:46
auronandaceinkjetunito: 2 separate stick yes, the same stick i'm not sure sorry12:46
LFSubottu: who are you?12:46
ubottuLFS: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:46
LFSGood bot12:47
LFSunlike real jerks12:47
inkjetunitoauronandace: ok12:47
Ben64LFS: thats not a good way to get support here12:47
jbertrandubottu>you had me at hello12:47
ubottujbertrand: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:47
LFSBen64: you didn't ask my question12:47
jbertrandubottu>you're more intelligent than most of the users posting here12:48
ubottujbertrand: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:48
Ben64jbertrand: stop12:48
LFSsed s/ask/answer12:48
Ben64LFS: i tried to, but you didn't want to hear it12:48
LFSwhat did you try?12:48
Ben64maybe thats why you've been trying to play wmvs since June 9th12:48
ActionParsnipmeric: itll take a lot of upgrading to get to Precise from Maveric. a clean install will give the OS as intended with no old fluff cloging up procedings12:48
Ben64May 9th*12:48
LFSNo ... I was trying since 201212:49
Ben64LFS: install mplayer or mplayer2, w32codecs, and pastebin "mplayer -identify -endpos 1 file.wmv"12:49
ActionParsniplfs: tried gnome-mplayer? (or smplayer in kde)?12:49
LFSBen64: I already told you NO about that12:49
Ben64well thats the answer, so deal with it12:50
LFSActionParsnip: smplayer did play them but it's crappy12:50
LFSeither the video and audio are not on the same timing12:50
MonkeyDustLFS  don't reject every and any answer and advice you get here, please12:50
jony_easyriderhow can I see which is the USBtoTTL device address?12:50
jbertrandlfs>now that the gods have befuddled you, may i interject?12:51
LFSplease do jbertrand12:51
LFSI see on vlc website that it supports MSS2 while it's not playing them on ubuntu!12:52
jbertrandlfs>wmv's are microsoft files designed for windows media player...many opensource os and ios won't know how to play them12:52
jbertrandyou have to tell them to play them12:53
LFSyeah I know that already jbertrand12:53
jbertrandi'm just starting from the beginning12:53
jbertrandbear with me12:53
LFSok the questin is how to tell them to do so12:53
jbertrandvlc is the best player that will play anything12:54
inkjetunitoauronandace: looks like virtualbox would support passing real usb devices to the virtual machine. installation to usb stick solved :)12:54
auronandaceinkjetunito: awesome, well done12:54
jbertrandhowever; some windows files that are really old may not be supported12:54
jbertrandin order to find out12:55
MonkeyDustLFS  try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras12:55
jbertrandbear with me here12:55
jbertranddon't listen to anyone but me right now lol12:55
LFSfollowing you jbertrand .. please continue12:55
jbertrandlfs>open terminal12:55
LFSit's opened since May 9th*12:56
jbertrandinstall ubuntu-restricted-extras12:56
LFSoh shit no ... that is unknown download file size12:56
LFS53.1 MB no bullshit12:58
LFSI don't want this costly solution12:58
MonkeyDustLFS  mind your language please12:59
jbertrandwhats offtopic?13:01
bekksjbertrand: Everything thats not related to ubuntu support.13:01
reisiojbertrand: where?13:01
jbertrandwhat do i type?13:01
jbertrandor offtopic?13:02
ss_hazeyo everyone13:02
bekksjbertrand: "/j #ubuntu-offtopic"13:02
reisio/msg alis list *ubunt*off*, look for the highest number13:02
ss_hazeI need to know where tramageddon stores output13:02
reisioss_haze: like save games? Probably somewhere in ~/.foo or ~/.config/foo13:02
ss_hazelike video files13:03
reisiojbertrand: hi13:03
reisioss_haze: ah13:03
reisioss_haze: what is tramageddon?13:03
ss_hazevideo converter13:03
jbertrandis this ubuntu off topic?13:03
bekksjbertrand: No.13:03
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jbertrandhow do i get there?13:03
MonkeyDustjbertrand  type /j #ubuntu-offtopic13:04
bekksjbertrand: I just told you.13:04
ss_hazeI am converting the future of weed to mp3 :>>13:04
reisioss_haze: the only likely places would be the current directory, /tmp/, or some hidden or unhidden directory in ~/13:04
reisioss_haze: and you can't find where it put the converted files?13:04
ss_hazemust search13:05
reisiosounds like a poor app, then :p13:05
DarkAceZo my13:05
DarkAceZwhat happened here13:05
ss_hazeI found13:05
reisioss_haze: what version of Ubuntu are you using?13:05
ss_hazeit stored it in music13:05
ss_hazeproblem solved13:05
reisio~/Music/ ?13:05
reisioss_haze: still, tell me what version13:06
reisio13.04 has mp3fs :)13:06
ss_hazeI don't like 13.04 I stay lts13:06
* reisio shrugs13:06
reisioyou can probably get it on 12.04, just likely less convenient13:07
jbertrandgdit i can't remember what room i was in to help this guy13:07
BluesKajHiyas all13:08
auronandacejbertrand: lfs was in here and this is where you were helping him, please mind your language13:08
ss_hazeI would use 13.04 but it is supported for small time, and there can be hustle to move to next level things13:08
ss_haze14.04 could be a try13:08
jbertrandwhat language? i didn't type a profanity at all13:08
jbertrandand lfs left?13:08
jony_easyriderhow can I see which is the USBtoTTL device address?13:08
reisiojbertrand: nobody knows what you're talking about13:09
ss_hazeit's when you shout at PC, for not doing what you want, but thats straight offtopic13:09
mogajsome websites are not opening on ubuntu 13.04 but opening in other windows sytems connected in same network .... for example twitter.com is one of the website13:09
auronandacejbertrand: i can still tab-complete his nick13:09
LFSfuck them jbertrand13:09
ss_hazeyou don't get twitter mogaj?13:09
jbertrandwell if he left, i guess he doesn't need me13:10
LFSthey think I give a fuck13:10
ss_hazehow f**** is that13:10
jbertrandoh lfs13:10
reisiomogaj: what happens when you try to open them?13:10
jbertrandwhere was i?13:10
LFSMonkeyDust: kiss my ass13:10
LFSBen64: suck my dick13:10
LFShow about this language?13:10
ss_hazedamn Ubuntu, you don't do twitter, firefox is getting lazy13:10
LFSstupid cunts13:10
reisioLFS: :D13:10
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!13:10
mogajreisio, ss_haze the mr=essage shown is ... Error 137 (net::ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED): Unknown error.13:10
ss_hazeLFS thats a way to get ban13:10
LFSwho cares about the ban?13:11
reisiomogaj: where?13:11
ss_hazefirefox or IE?13:11
reisiowhichever isn't working13:11
mogajreisio, what do you mean where .... the browser is chrome13:11
jbertrandlfs>some people try to look like they know everything and they complicate things for new users trying to look oh so important13:11
reisiomogaj: what URI?13:12
ss_hazeso chrome doesn't do twitter anymore13:12
ss_hazehow sad, google13:12
mogajreisio, https://twitter.com/13:12
auronandacejbertrand: he was just kicked13:12
reisioss_haze: ...13:12
jbertrandopen source has no freedom of speech...how hypocritical13:12
reisiomogaj: what version of Chrome? (or is it Chromium?) What version of Ubuntu?13:13
ActionParsnipss_haze: my chrome browser 'does twitter'13:13
reisiojbertrand: it's an IRC thing13:13
Ben64jbertrand: stop ranting, make your own channel for that13:13
ss_hazefreedom of swearing is in forrest13:13
ActionParsnipjbartrand: its channel policies13:13
auronandace!guidelines | jbertrand13:13
ubottujbertrand: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:13
jbertrandi don't rant...i was simply trying to educate a unix newbie13:14
ss_hazeopensource allows you to stole the code, make it your own, but you have to give reference to every change you do13:14
ActionParsnipmogaj: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue13:14
reisioss_haze: sometimes, sometimes not13:14
ss_hazehe is in some public network, where Linux is blocked, however lol13:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:15
ss_hazein school I had to log in to some shi**** network, maybe he also has to13:15
jbertrandwe could've helped but instead we pushed him away13:15
k1lss_haze: jbertrand , lets stick to technical support in here. we got the offtopic channel for chatter13:15
jony_easyriderwhen I launch this command: sudo dnsmasq –enable-tftp –tftp-root=/code.bindirectory13:16
jony_easyriderit gives me the following: dnsmasq: junk found in command line13:16
jbertrandif i said the open source thing to do would be to help him would be classified as a rant?13:16
jony_easyriderplease help13:16
jbertrandok iwill stick to tech sorry13:16
ss_hazeI just try variations of what could be wrong, if he doesn't want to..13:16
mogajreisio, ActionParsnip :  http://pastebin.com/4sTrwQAJ13:18
ActionParsnipmogaj: tried renaming your config folder for chrome in ~/.config ?13:19
mogajActionParsnip, no... do i have to?13:19
Ben64mogaj: sounds like a network problem13:19
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reisiomogaj: do you have 'dig'? (run 'type dig')13:20
jbertrandare you on a router or server?13:20
mogajBen64, but it is opening in another windows sytems in same network13:20
ActionParsnipmogaj: no but it will give the browser default setings and will mean it runs as intended before setings and addons were added.13:20
mogajjbertrand, router13:20
Ben64mogaj: so? still seems like a network problem.13:20
jbertrandstatic or dhcp?13:20
reisiowireless, or just a switch?13:20
ActionParsnipmogaj: you can always rename back after the test13:20
Ben64mogaj: open up a terminal and type "host twitter.com"13:21
mogajBen64, Host twitter.com not found: 2(SERVFAIL)13:21
Ben64theres your problem then13:21
Ben64get better/different dns servers13:21
mogajBen64, its all greek to me ... what should i do .. do i need change my net connection?13:22
jbertrandmogaj>what is the issue exactly? what can't you do?13:22
mogajActionParsnip, should i  rename ~/.config?13:22
Ben64mogaj: open up your network config and add a dns server13:23
ActionParsnipmogaj: no no need, ben64 has your issue13:23
Ben64i'm not sure how to do it with unity though13:23
Ben64and i also don't know of a good dns server in india13:24
ActionParsnipmogaj: run:  echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null13:24
ActionParsnipmogaj: then try the web13:24
mogajActionParsnip, now that worked13:25
jbertrandi don't mean to be a buttinsky AGAIN, but you guys start at the most comlicated issues rather than working from simplest to complicated13:25
mogaji am able to open twitter.com13:25
Ben64jbertrand: it worked very quickly, whats the problem?13:26
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ActionParsnipmogaj: the dns you are getting via dhcp sucks. that command switched you to google's public dns server13:26
mogajActionParsnip, do i ahve to echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null for all my sytems if i get this problem13:26
Fieldydhcp will just override your manual settings eventually13:26
praveenhi...how to use ubuntu 2d  desktop environment to control flash player? please help.13:27
Fieldythe solution si to have the dhcp server hand out a good dns server13:27
inkjetunitodid the samsung laptop bricking feature get fixed in 12.04?13:27
auronandacepraveen: what do you mean?13:27
jbertrandben64>no problem...just...it's dhcp13:27
Ben64you can have dhcp with a custom dns server13:27
jbertrandthere are several simple things to troubleshoot first13:27
Frustrateddoes anyone know how to set the default filetype if the program u want isnt in recommended OR other?13:28
Frustrated*default program13:28
jbertrand20 mins of convo has passed yet we know nothing about his host13:28
ActionParsnipmogaj: if you add it to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head ,it will apply in all cases13:28
Frustratedhow do i change the default program for a file type if it's not in recommended OR other13:29
mogajActionParsnip, i don't mind to pester but what exactly was the problem and will this solution work in all such situations?13:29
mac_hy all13:29
auronandaceFrustrated: there should be an option to browse for what you want to open it with13:30
jbertrandfor all we've learned so far, although we know his filesystem (don't we all) he might just be able to reseat his ac for all we've learned so far13:30
brian__123Hi everyone - I have Googled for a solution but without sucess (many hits but all a bit different from what I am seeing).  I have just got a USB hard drive caddy attached to 12.04LTS server on USB2.  I am rsync'ing files to the drive in the caddy for backup.  In the syslog, I am seeing everying 3-10 seconds a lot of "usb 2-3: reset high-speed USB device number 4 using ehci_hcd" messages.  Ideas?13:30
Frustratedi dont see thatr13:31
auronandaceFrustrated: can you show us a screenshot please13:31
k1ljbertrand: you are free to help if you know a simple solution which suits the ubuntu way.13:31
Ben64auronandace: they removed that option13:32
Frustratedhow would i do that?13:32
Frustratedive got a screenshot but how would i upload it?13:32
jbertrandwell first...ubuntu aside...does the isp dictate the gateway and password?13:33
Ben64Frustrated: the way to do what you want is by making a .desktop file for it13:33
jbertrandwhat router is it?13:33
Ben64jbertrand: none of that really matters, its just a dns problem13:33
jbertrandhow many devices are connected?13:33
auronandaceBen64: looks like they just moved it over a tab, not removed13:33
mogajjbertrand, are talking about my issue?13:33
auronandace!screenshot | Frustrated13:34
ubottuFrustrated: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.13:34
Ben64auronandace: dunno, i don't have that option at all13:34
jbertrandif it's a dns problem, what's the server?13:35
Frustratedtheres my screenshot13:35
auronandaceBen64: 13.04: http://imagebin.org/26156813:36
Ben64auronandace: yep, i definitely do not have that13:36
Frustratedthat will do it, but where do i get that dialog box?13:36
auronandaceBen64: ah, sorry, i use pcmanfm (never liked nautilus)13:37
Ben64Frustrated: for minecraft you should just make a script to launch it13:37
Frustratedyeah but thing is, i do java development, so i need it to be set for jars13:37
ActionParsnipfrustrated: omgubuntu has a ppa that makes a launcher for minecraft13:38
Frustratedi have another problem now.13:40
ActionParsnipfrustrated: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/minecraft-installer-for-ubuntu13:40
mogajjbertrand : It is a home network ... now there are one ubuntu 13.04(mine)two windows systems,3 android phones connected to same network router is NetGear N150 JNR1010 by doing what ActionParsnip , said i am able to open websites normally ... but i would like to know what the problem was and how can i fix if this problem arises again13:41
Frustratedive made the script. now i need to know how to make it work right13:41
Frustratedwhen i doubleclick on it it opens gedit, not terminal...13:41
Frustratedive set executable bit.13:41
ActionParsnipmogaj: add the line to the head file, it will be ok13:41
k1lmogaj: maybe the dns delivered from the router or isp is down. so the the solution with the other dns works now13:42
jbertrandmogaj>what was the initial problem?13:42
mogajActionParsnip, but it says "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN" ... how should i do it?13:42
Tomassodoes anyone know of a free proxy list in a txt file ?13:43
ActionParsnipfrustrated: right click the file. open woth. then set the file to open with /usr/bin/java13:43
mogajjbertrand, some websites were not opening while they were opening in other windows and android sytems and mibiles13:43
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.13:43
jbertrandi appreciate ubuntu support but sometimes people know so much, they forget how new people can be...so they forget to help with...plug in the ethernet cable type problems13:43
ActionParsnipmogaj: that is because it is used to make /etc/resolv.conf ,so it will make users not edit the file13:43
jbertrandmogaj>some websites on which os? ubuntu 13.04?13:44
mogajjbertrand, yes13:44
mogajjbertrand, but now after following ActionParsnip instructions they are working fine13:44
ActionParsnipmogaj: if you add in that file it will be the first dns server every time :-)13:44
jbertrandmogaj>if you have hdmi plugged in, does hdmi come up as an option in sound settings?13:45
jbertrandoh so now it works?13:45
jbertrandi had the same issue and i had to install the previous kernal13:46
mogajjbertrand, thanks to you all it works13:46
jbertrandok well don't thank me lol thank action13:46
jbertrandbut fyi 3.2 and 3.88 work with acer and toshiba, but 3.5 doesn't13:47
jbertrandfor network and hdmi13:48
jbertrandwhen i first upgraded to 13.04, i couldn't access my network from nautalis13:49
jbertrandi had to downgrade kernls13:49
Asad2005I am not happy about the fonts used in 13.04 in browser and liferea can someone please suggest a good theme or font to install or is this a rendering issue in display setting the resolution is 1920x1080 and rotation is normal13:51
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Asad2005ii suppose these are documents font which are set as sans 1113:52
brian__123sorry - I've not used IRC very much - how do I join the queue for help?13:52
acerimmerbrian__123, no que.  ask your question.  those who know will jump in.13:53
auronandacebrian__123: you can simply state your issue and anyone will help if they want13:53
Tm_Tbrian__123: there's no queue, just explain your problem with details and someone who can will try help you13:53
ubottubrian__123,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:53
ActionParsnipasad2005: i know of this http://www.webupd8.org/2013/06/better-font-rendering-in-linux-with.html never user it though. Could be what you need13:55
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brian__123 I have just got a USB hard drive caddy attached to 12.04LTS server on USB2. I am rsync'ing files to the drive in the caddy for backup. Whilst files copy, in the syslog, I am seeing every 3-10 seconds "usb 2-3: reset high-speed USB device number 4 using ehci_hcd" messages. From what I see on Google, the suggestions are confusing.  One of them is to disable USB2 support but I have TV tuner...13:59
brian__123...cards that 'look like' USB devices to the system and I don't want to break something that's working fine when tyring to fix something else.  I'm concerned about the messages - are they actually important as, if the files don't copy on to the backup hard drive OK, then the backup isn't worth anything.  (Sorry that this is quite long but I have looked at this myself a bit using Google and...13:59
brian__123...got very confused.)13:59
FloodBot1brian__123: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:59
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krzi see .profile, but no .bash_profile in ~. is that normal?14:01
ActionParsnipkrz: not really, i suggest you copy them from /etc/skel14:02
zykotick9brian__123: this doesn't "help" but, i believe that's common with buggy usb2 drivers/hardware.  good luck (YEARS ago, a friends computer had a similar issue, and compiling to kernel without usb2 support solved in that case)14:02
DexterFcreating a raid on 12.04LTS with this command: http://pastebin.ca/2400319  I get in dmesg that it is only using 5 of the 6 drives: http://pastebin.ca/2400320  -- why is that?14:02
krzActionParsnip: what?14:03
GinToniCooL1after dist-upgrade ,it show mounting local filesystems ....failed ,help please14:04
ActionParsnipbrian__123: try a later kernel14:04
ActionParsnipkrz: copy the fmissing files from /etc/skel they will be hidden14:04
zykotick9GinToniCooL1: is this with debian or ubuntu?14:04
brian__123thanks zykotick9 - I didn't want to recompile the kernel as this seems quite tricky - and not a route I really wanted to go down.  I've seen a few bits on Google about disabling the high-speed USB support but I was worried about any impact on my TV/Satellite tuner cards14:04
GinToniCooL1zykotick9 ,it is with DEBIAN14:05
zykotick9brian__123: usb1 would be very slow...14:05
zykotick9GinToniCooL1: so, don't ask in #ubuntu then14:05
ActionParsnipgintonicool1: debian is supported in #debian14:05
GinToniCooL1HE GAI LE14:05
GinToniCooL1I KNOW ,I KNOW14:06
ActionParsnipgintonucool1: then why ask here when debian is not supported here....14:06
GinToniCooL1BUT debian's problems are more similar with UBUNTU14:06
Tm_Tdoesn't matter14:06
krzActionParsnip: where is /etc/skel does not exist14:07
krzwhere is it normally?14:07
brian__123Action Parsnip: I think that I'm on the latest available - uname -a output is:  Linux MINERVA 3.2.0-48-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 6 19:43:26 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:07
AienaGreetings everyone !! Can someone please tell me how to add the ppa of this url? https://launchpad.net/~philip5/+ppa-packages14:07
ActionParsnipgintonicool1: its still not supported here14:07
GinToniCooL1in DEBIAN,this problem maybe mostely the same with UBUNTU;;why can't i question here ?14:08
chadk_I was upgrading to ubuntu 10.04 but i got this error message. 'E: couldnt't configure pre-depend jre for openoffice.org-writer2 latex, probably a dependency cylce.' Any suggestions?14:08
ActionParsnipbrian__123: try 3.8 or 3.9 to test, the newer versions may be better14:08
GinToniCooL1NO REASON !14:08
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ActionParsnipchadk_: lucid is no longer supported on the desktop14:08
GinToniCooL1I DO NOT CARE debian or ubuntu14:09
ActionParsnipgintonicool1: because this is ubuntu support only. even non-canonical distros arent supported here. you arent using ubuntu,you are using debian so your support is in #debian and not here14:09
ActionParsnipgintonicool1: its that simple14:09
brian__123ActionParsnip: Sorry to be dim but I don't understand your reply - I'm at that dangerous stage of knowing a bit but not a lot!  How do I try 3.8 or 3.9 to test?14:10
GinToniCooL1why dont you give a little answer ?or little ,less ,,,,NOTHING ---now14:10
ActionParsnipbrian__123: there are guides, you'll find them14:10
ActionParsnipgintonicool1: i answered. the answer is ask in #debian14:10
ActionParsnip!ops | gintonicool14:11
ubottugintonicool: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!14:11
Asad2005Do i have to logoff/login after changing document font style/size or just quit the app and restart it to see the effect14:11
brian__123ActionParsnip: Thanks, but I'm not sure what I'm looking for.  What is 3.8 or 3.9 - is it something to do with the USB support?14:12
LjLGinToniCooL1: don't SHOUT. it's easy really. Debian is supported in #debian and Ubuntu is supported in #ubuntu. Please stick to that.14:12
chadk_is there a way to ugprade ubuntu, then?14:12
Tm_TGinToniCooL1: let's make this clear and simple: this is Ubuntu support channel, this channel support Ubuntu (along its flavours) and no other distributions.14:12
ActionParsnipbrian__123: its a kernel version. the newer ones may make your usb better14:12
LuxuryModeDo I need to download a specific version for a macbook pro with retina or the vanilla download should work?14:12
ActionParsnipluxurymode: default should work14:13
LuxuryModeActionParsnip, thanks14:13
brian__123ActionParsnip:  Thanks for the clarification - I'll go and do some searches.  Cheers14:13
GinToniCooL1OK OK ,GUYS ,thank you;MY FAULT ,THE RULE ,AGREE14:13
GinToniCooL1THANK YOU14:13
auronandace!mac | LuxuryMode14:13
ubottuLuxuryMode: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages14:13
GinToniCooL1GOD ,BAD, TROUBLE14:14
LjLGinToniCooL1: are you done? we understand lowercase. don't use UPPERCASE.14:14
ariefgembizI am Newbie14:14
LjLariefgembiz: hi14:14
LjLariefgembiz: don't flood please14:15
ariefgembizoke sory14:15
ariefgembizI am newbie :314:15
ariefgembiz<< From Indonesia14:15
ariefgembizLjL Do you From .?14:15
* ariefgembiz LjL Do you From .?14:16
Luyinhello everyone! After Suspend To RAM my graphical interface is gone, I can see only a black screen and my mouse cursor. Anyone any ideas on this?14:16
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LjLariefgembiz: i am from Italy, but this is not the right channel to talk about this. Here is Ubuntu support only. You can join #ubuntu-offtopic for chat.14:16
DexterFLuyin: distro version, video hardware, desktop?14:16
AienaGreetings everyone !! Can someone please tell me how to add the ppa of this url? https://launchpad.net/~philip5/+ppa-packages14:17
LuyinDexterF: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Unity desktop. video: intel onboard14:17
LuxuryModeI'll be able to try out Ubuntu with live mode first right? No need for a special download in order to get that functionality?14:17
cyrano_So I currently have sound but no sound devices are showing up in the sound manager. It appears that pulseaudio isn't loading and when I try to start it I get this error "E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Daemon startup failed." then when I try to run pulseaudio -k I get "E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Failed to kill daemon: No such process" might any one have any suggestions on how to get that going again?14:17
Aienasudo add apt-repository ppa:philip5/ppa-packages does not work14:17
LuyinLuxuryMode: just download the image, burn it to dvd and on first boot, click "try ubuntu"14:17
LuxuryModedvd? uh oh…I planned on using a my 2GB usb stick. that wont be enough?14:18
LuyinLuxuryMode: yes, that's possible, too14:18
DexterFLuyin: does switching to a tty with ctrl-alt-f1 and back with ctrl-alt-f8 help? (or was it f7..?)14:18
LuxuryModehehe phew, thanks Luyin14:18
LuyinDexterF: yes it dows14:18
DexterFLuyin: hmm. so the video buffer is not refreshed. in short: file a bug report.14:19
LuyinDexterF: thank you :)14:19
GinToniCooL1after dist-upgrade ,it show mounting local filesystems ....failed ,help me please14:20
auronandaceGinToniCooL1: /join #debian14:20
* DexterF joins #debian to watch the show14:21
ActionParsnipluxurymode: remeber to md5 test the iso14:21
LuxuryModealready dd'ing it :)14:22
DexterFI should go there and ask ubuntu questions just to equal thing14:22
ActionParsnipluxurymode: you can use the cd iso if you want14:22
LuxuryModeActionParsnip, no i cant. no cd drive on rMBP14:22
LuxuryModebut thank you :)14:22
mac_hy all.. my gnome is in fall back version.. it looks like ubutnu 2d.. any idea how to fix errorrs'14:24
mac_ps: i am newb14:24
root-gnei need your help14:25
mac_and please prvt msg me14:25
root-gnei cant install joomla in ubuntu 13,0414:25
mac_cant work and follow all rows14:25
brian__123ActionParsnip:  Thanks again for the pointer to search on the 3.8 or 3.9 kernel.  If I understand what I've found correctly, as I'm using 12.04LTS server - and installed that when it was new - even though I am upgraded/dist-upgraded and am now on 12.04.2LTS, the kernel wasn't changed from 3.2.x.  Is that right?14:26
auronandace!dist-upgrade | brian__12314:27
ubottubrian__123: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.14:27
auronandacebrian__123: 3.2 is default for 12.04 lts14:27
brian__123There are some warning about upgrading the kernel as whilst it might fix the USB problem I've got, it might break something else14:27
auronandacebrian__123: there is also 3.5 backported to 12.04 from 12.1014:28
brian__123This was part of the reason for choosing an LTS14:28
brian__123as I didn't want ot ahve to change once I got it working OK14:28
brian__123Auronandace: Thanks for the hint to look at the 3.5 abckport - I will check on that.14:28
mac_any solution for me yet?14:30
ActionParsniproot-gne: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Joomla14:33
ActionParsnipmac_: do you have 3D accelleration in your OS?14:33
ActionParsnipmac_: 3D accelleration. not dri specifically14:34
=== urban_ is now known as urbanizator
mac_am.. how do i know if i have 3d acceleration?14:35
ActionParsnipmac_: if you run: sudo lshw -C display  ,what driver and chip are you using?14:35
ActionParsnipday1: hi14:35
mac_pci (sysfs)14:36
mac_paste page, please14:36
DAY1Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)14:36
DAY1 ?14:36
ActionParsnipmac_ give it time your pci bus is slow14:36
=== BJfreeman is now known as Guest12984
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
ActionParsnipday1: what are you doing to cause that messagen14:37
ActionParsnipday1: also please give the output of: cat /etc/issue14:37
DAY1BackTrack 5 R3 - 64 Bit \n \l14:38
ubottuDAY1,: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)14:38
mac_it  worked a few days back.. so it is not hardware, or?14:38
ActionParsnipday1: ask in #kali-linux or #backtrack-linux14:39
ActionParsnipday1: backtrack's support is completely separate from ubuntu's14:39
ActionParsnipmac_: in a terminal, run: gnome-shell --replace14:40
ActionParsnipmac_: if you get any warnings etc then search the web to see what needs to happen14:41
mac_and wich line do i need to google?14:43
ActionParsnipmac_: try the whole thing...14:43
ActionParsnipmac_: also look through /var/log/Xorg.0.log for issues14:47
mac_ActionParsnip, i have log and log old14:48
krzhow do i set an $EDITOR env variable to vim14:50
OinsAfter clicking on an encrypted partition, there is a window opening "Enter a password to unlock the volume". Is there an alternative gui where I can set a key file for opening the volume? Key is already set on one keyslot. I use 12.04.2 LTS.14:50
Nikko1962ciao a tutti14:52
FoxTrotHi, can anybody help me with programing at QT14:52
ubottuNikko1962,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:52
acerimmerFoxTrot, this isn't really a programming channel.  QT probably has a channel of it's own.  Check the support options.14:53
mac_ActionParsnip,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5771104/14:54
the_drowHello, I'm packaging multiple python libraries into a debian package. I typed bzr dh-make python-bootstrap 2.6 python-bootstrap-2.6.tar.gz and now I'm getting Type of package: single binary, indep binary, multiple binary, library, kernel module, kernel patch? I'm not sure which one is it.14:54
ActionParsnipkrz: export EDITOR=vim14:54
EaglemanIs there a way to do incremental backups of a vmdk file ( vmware disk ) and encrypt it automaticly?14:55
the_drowIs it multiple binary or library?14:55
ActionParsnipkrz: could put it in ~/.bashrc14:55
mac_can any1 help me over this??? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5771104/15:00
EaglemanIs there a way to do incremental backups of a vmdk file ( vmware disk ) and encrypt it automaticly?15:04
mac_can any1 help me over gnome fall back and error inside this??? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5771104/15:06
DAY1Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:07
DAY1 help me15:07
pawel__hi everyone15:08
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pawel__i'm here because i have a problem with my wifi, and looking for help... wifi in my laptop is ok, router is ok, but together they don't work, what can it be?15:10
urbanslugwhy are there no channels all about stupid shit like porn and being dumb and drugs and weed and getting high?15:10
MonkeyDust!language | urbanslug15:13
ubottuurbanslug: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:13
=== mpmc_ is now known as mpmc
urbanslugI just asked don't kick me out of here.15:14
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
urbanslugSo uh why isn't there a channel for such?15:14
auronandaceurbanslug: ask in #freenode15:14
MonkeyDusturbanslug  switch off your pc, go outside and discuss those things with your friends15:15
urbanslugOkay I'm out thanks though.15:15
krzanyone use tmux? where do i find the config file so i can edit it?15:18
m4st3r_n1ghtm4r3hey guys15:19
auronandacestraw men15:19
urbanslugauronandace I am an expert in straw men what question might you have?15:20
Charmletso, anyone know if there's a way of secretly installing ubuntu behind windows?15:21
auronandaceCharmlet: what do you mean by behind?15:21
Charmletso that default boot with no screens or anything is windows, but boot settings allow for ubuntu15:21
gordonjcpCharmlet: yeah, dead easy15:22
Charmletas in a dual boot, but the default and automatic is windows?15:22
gordonjcpjust grub up to boot Windows15:22
Charmletand I'll be right back, I need a water15:22
gordonjcpand set it so you hit a key to display the grub menu15:22
EaglemanIs there a way to do incremental backups of a vmdk file ( vmware disk ) and encrypt it automaticly?15:23
Charmletk, gordonjcp I'm going to come in on my phone so I can alk to you while I do this. I'm stupid :P15:23
mac_can any1 help me over gnome fall back and error inside this??? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5771104/15:23
Celebigordonjcp: so i shouljust boot from the usb?15:26
WeirdEnthusiastanyone here knows how to dual boot ubuntu and windows 8?15:27
auronandace!uefi | WeirdEnthusiast15:27
ubottuWeirdEnthusiast: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI15:27
narothepharohhow do i enable mp3 on k3b?15:27
WeirdEnthusiastThanks, ubottu.15:27
WeirdEnthusiastRead that,mate.15:28
WeirdEnthusiastBut Ubuntu doesn't boot.15:28
WeirdEnthusiastMy machine's UEFI acts up weirdly.15:28
WeirdEnthusiastNo clue why,whatsoever.15:28
theadminWeirdEnthusiast: In short: disable fast boot, disable safe boot, insert Ubuntu CD, go to Settings -> Change PC Settings -> General -> Advanced Boot Options (Windows can mess with EFI to configure boot parameters) -> Boot from removable media -> Boot from CD or DVD15:28
theadminWeirdEnthusiast: Then install normally15:29
narothepharohhow do i enable mp3 on k3b?15:29
razzledazzleanyone have experience with clonezilla?15:29
razzledazzleI need to know how to recover image files backed up from sda3 to sda515:29
razzledazzlevery urgent.15:29
WeirdEnthusiasttheadmin: thanks,I'll try that. =)15:30
SPV2008I'm currently running ubuntu 13.04, although i still had the issue with ubuntu 12.10. My touchpad keeps not responding to clicks, whether it is tapping the touchpad or clicking the button. If i leave it a while, it sometimes keeps responding and if i restart the computer it starts responding again. Its an old laptop (about 6-7 years old), so i think its probably a driver issue. Does anyone have any solutions?15:31
SPV2008does anyone have any solutions for me?15:33
SPV2008does no one have a solution?15:36
theadminSPV2008: When noone answers, noone knows, typically. Try on askubuntu.com15:36
X200I just joined, what is the problem?15:36
gchristensenwould anyone be so kind as to provide me their fstab? I hosed mine by mistake, and want to verify I restored it properly.15:36
DAY1Setting up se-toolkit (4.2.1-bt0) ...15:36
DAY1Errors were encountered while processing:15:36
DAY1 se-toolkit15:36
DAY1LOG:  received SIGHUP, reloading configuration files15:36
DAY1E: Sub-process usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:36
FloodBot1DAY1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:36
Akuwwhere can i get graphics.h ?15:36
SPV2008i just thought everyone had went inactive.15:36
SPV2008I'm currently running ubuntu 13.04, although i still had the issue with ubuntu 12.10. My touchpad keeps not responding to clicks, whether it is tapping the touchpad or clicking the button. If i leave it a while, it sometimes keeps responding and if i restart the computer it starts responding again. Its an old laptop (about 6-7 years old), so i think its probably a driver issue. (thats the issue)15:37
SPV2008any idea then X200?15:37
=== WeirdEnthusiast is now known as WeirdEnthusiast|
Akuwi am learning http://www.programmingsimplified.com/c/program/draw-shapes15:38
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=== WE|Afk is now known as WeirdEnthusiast
MoPacHello. I think my question is a very quick one. When I unlock a secondary keychain in 13.04, which I do at every login, I always have to untick the box asking to auto-unlock it at login, which would store the secondary keychain password under the primary login one.  I never want to do this.  Is there some way to make that box unchecked by default?15:38
X200SPV2008: You should test it with older versions of Ubuntu (Live CD) to make sure that it's realy a driver issue. It's possible that the laptop is old and just broke down. Other than that, ican't help you, sorry.15:40
MoPac[sorry, unexpectedly going AFK for a while now.  Any reply to the above is much appreciated]15:40
DAY1help me15:42
DAY1Setting up se-toolkit (4.2.1-bt0) ...15:42
DAY1<DAY1> Errors were encountered while processing:15:42
DAY1<DAY1>  se-toolkit15:42
DAY1<DAY1> LOG:  received SIGHUP, reloading configuration files15:42
FloodBot1DAY1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:42
raven_is there any tool like projectx for h264/hd? i need to cut hd tv files with 5.1 ac3 sound - without reencoding would be nice15:44
ikoniais mysql_connect depreciated ?15:44
ikonia(in 5.4 or later)15:44
l0p3nHello! Can anyone tell me where I can find the documentation for /etc/ufw/sysctl.conf?15:44
ikoniaoops, wrong channel15:44
ggherdovhi all. When I run program like emacs I get a "fontconfig error" , full trascript here http://bpaste.net/show/f3ZNMKrJZz5HlKZSLvAW/ . why so ? how to fix?15:46
=== BlackoutIsHere|O is now known as BlackoutIsHere
raven_is there any tool like projectx for h264/hd? i need to cut hd tv files with 5.1 ac3 sound - without reencoding would be nice15:48
vltHello. Can anyone tell me the correct "AlsaDevice = hw:1,?" line for an NI Komplete Audio 6? (I'm trying to get it working with mocp.)15:51
vltI tried hw:1,0 and hw:1,1 but always get a "can't send() int to server" error message from mocp15:52
wheatthinreisio, actually newb's need to start out with looking at man pages, and reading documents, and then come here if all else fails. Plus, it gives you the tools to be self sufficient15:53
ratek_1raven, doesnt ffmpeg do that with -acodec copy -vcodec copy15:53
reisiowheatthin: you responding to something from hours ago?15:54
wheatthin<reisio> they'd rather make newbies be silent instead of teaching them the proper way15:55
wheatthinI don't know if it was hours ago15:55
ratek_1check the time :-P15:55
doomlord__is there a compatability list showing which windows 8 touchscreen & hybrid laptop-tablets Ubuntu is known to work well with.. (my current laptop has fan-control issues - would be nice to check on things like that before choosing a next laptop)15:55
reisiolast msg I sent was over two hours ago15:55
wheatthinahh yeah15:56
reisiono idea what you're talking about :D15:56
wheatthinI guess so15:56
reisiodon't care enough to lastlog :D15:56
wheatthinit's xchat, I guess it saved it15:56
wheatthineither way, telling other people that we don't like to help is stupid, cause that's why most of us are here15:57
reisioif you say so15:57
ratek_1its an option in xchat15:57
reisiobut I'm sure I've never said that15:57
reisioso again, no idea what you're talking about15:57
wheatthinit was 1:36 this morning15:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:58
soupahi all16:00
soupaanybody from new delhi16:01
reisiosoupa: some people are, yes16:01
* reisio wins16:01
malimbarcan rm look through the contents of all foldres in a directory? I'm trying to get rid of mp4 files in my music folder16:03
drlectorlotus......... you here ?16:03
wheatthinmalimbar, yes with the -r16:03
wheatthinit means recursive16:03
reisiomalimbar: find start/path/ -iname '*.mp4'16:03
reisiomalimbar: find start/path/ -iname '*.mp4' -delete, etc.16:03
EaglemanI am using duplicity and ghettovcb to backup my virtual machines on esxi16:03
reisioEagleman: :)16:03
=== Fuchs is now known as el_mustachio
Eaglemanreisio, ow i pressed enter before completing my message xD16:05
malimbarah, thanks guys16:05
drlector<=== windows user16:06
drlector<==== loving ubuntu16:06
reisio<== :)16:06
reisioEagleman: ow16:06
Tm_Tdrlector: hi, this is not social channel but technical support channel, please refrain from chit chat16:06
drlectori am not chit chatiing want help16:07
reisiomalimbar: find start/path/ -iname '*.mp4' -exec mv -n {} ~/.Trash/ \; etc.16:07
drlectori have both ubuntu and windows on the same drive16:07
drlectorhow can i see all hidden files on the drive on the windows section of the drive16:08
malimbarreisio, used "find -iname '*.m4p' -delete" and it seems it did what I wanted16:08
malimbarand I meant m4p, silly me16:08
drlectori need to find the autoexec.bat16:08
drlectorand the config file16:08
reisiomalimbar: :)16:08
reisiofind does it all16:08
theadmindrlector: "hidden" files aren't hidden in Ubuntu, they just show up as normal files16:08
drlectorI cant see to find them :(16:09
MonkeyDustdrlector  autoexec.bat and config.sys sounds "très" windows 3.11 to me16:09
=== Ricardio_ is now known as Ricardio
drlectorthey are simply not there16:09
malimbarreisio, seems I'm going to fall into a find man page, I was barking up rm when that doesn't do it apparently16:09
reisio#windows will know about where they are16:09
reisiorm does stuff, but find does more stuff16:09
drlectorfirst time using ubuntu and really loving it16:10
drlectorwine good for gaming ?16:10
EaglemanI am using duplicity and ghettovcb to backup a virtual machine with a 20GB vmdk disk on esxi, however when running duplicity for a second time it should do an incremental backup, which it does but the incremental backup is the same size as a full backup, and i am pretty sure that only 500 mb of changed occured before the backup, any idea why duplicity is making the incrmental backup so large?16:10
reisiothere are even some reports of better performance than using Windows16:10
reisioEagleman: try #duplicity16:11
reisioEagleman: I'd just use rdiff-backup, though, myself16:11
reisiono GUI, no fuss16:11
drlectordoes ubuntu have a "taskbar" for all opened tabs ?16:11
MonkeyDustEagleman  use rsync -a to make an incremental backup16:11
Eaglemanreisio, that channel is dead, i just moved on from my own script to duplicity becuase it does everything my old script did, and more16:12
reisiomaybe should've checked it did it properly first? :/16:12
EaglemanMonkeyDust, the backups also need to be encrypted, and split into small archives16:12
reisiothey do? Why?16:12
Eaglemanreisio, becuase it is going to be send to a remote site, incremental saves me uploading and encrypting makes it safe16:13
icerootEagleman: deja-dup is encryptin and splitting the backup16:13
wheatthindrlector, if you're using a recent version, then the taskbar of opened programs is where you launched the program from. instead of using a new taskbar, they integrated it into the launcher16:13
Eaglemaniceroot: Déjà Dup is a simple backup tool. It hides the complexity of backing up the Right Way (encrypted, off-site, and regular) and uses duplicity as the backend.16:13
reisioEagleman: rsync is already incremental16:14
Eaglemaniceroot, not sure how that is going to help me16:14
reisioand rdiff-backup uses rsync16:14
reisioand each can use ssh, making the transfer secure16:14
reisioif you want the end result encrypted, I'd probably use encfs or ecryptfs16:14
icerootEagleman: didnt get your initial question just that you need splitting and encrypting16:14
MoPacHello. I think my question is a very quick one. When I unlock a secondary keychain in 13.04, which I do at every login, I always have to untick the box asking to auto-unlock it at login, which would store the secondary keychain password under the primary login one.  I never want to do this.  Is there some way to make that box unchecked by default?16:14
drlectori just installed "Wine" where does it install to?  :s how do i get to run it ?16:14
reisioMoPac: there is, but I don't recall the specifics :)16:15
reisiodrlector: it doesn't do much on its own16:15
reisiodrlector: try running a .exe from your file manager16:15
Eaglemanreisio, the remote site does not have a file system and does not have ssh support16:16
wheatthinEagleman, it has a filesystem, just not one you can manage16:16
chimlachi all16:17
reisioEagleman: is it ftp?16:17
reisioI wonder what the overhead of ftpfs and encfs would be :p16:17
Eaglemanreisio, rackspace cloud files, using an api16:17
reisiochimlac: hi16:17
reisioan api, ew16:17
MoPacreisio: Know where I might be able to look?  Not sure what kind of search terms to use for the issue16:17
reisioMoPac: http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu%20keyring%20all%20users ?16:18
raven_is there any tool like projectx for h264/hd? i need to cut hd tv files with 5.1 ac3 sound - without reencoding would be nice16:18
drlectorreisio where doi filnd file manager ? :(16:18
EaglemanBut anyway, i came here for a solutions, not replacements, if rsync uses the same as duplicuty, then i will have the same problem16:18
reisiodrlector: the GUI that shows you your files is called a file manager16:19
reisioif you see a .exe file you can click on, you're using a file manager16:19
reisioraven_: maybe mp4box from gpac16:19
reisioraven_: ffmpeg can do stuff, too, but the more complex it gets the more likely you'll need to reencode16:20
raven_reisio, i need to cut on frame size16:20
reisiopotentially, for example, ffmpeg -i input -ss 00:10:00 -t 00:01:00 -vcodec copy -acodec copy output16:20
reisioraven_: to do what?16:20
raven_reisio, i need to cut on 1/50 second16:21
reisioraven_: cut on?16:22
raven_reisio, its easy to understand16:22
raven_reisio, so obviously you have no idea about video editing - tnx bye16:23
drlectorWine Windows Program Loader16:24
drlectorit shows as installed on the webpaged that was opened16:25
drlectorcant find it16:25
auronandacedrlector: what do you want to use wine for?16:25
drlectorWorld of Warcraft16:25
auronandacedrlector: then install world of warcraft16:26
drlectorit is already installed on my driver .... under windows16:26
drlectorthus the need for Wine to run it from there16:26
auronandacedrlector: you need to install it under wine16:26
theadmindrlector: To use Wine, you just double-click any .exe file16:26
theadmindrlector: And it runs16:26
reisioyeah it might not work without reinstalling it16:27
reisioor a lot of effort16:27
drlectorjust double lick16:27
reisioI think I said that :p16:27
* drlector facepalm16:27
reisioat the outset16:27
Eaglemandrlector, can you see the files?16:27
drlectoryeah all the wow files16:27
Eaglemandrlector, so you did mount the ntfs partition under linux?16:28
drlectorjust thought it would have to be told to use Wine16:28
theadmindrlector: You *may* need to also specify that you want them to be opened with WINE in Properties -> Open With..., because Ubuntu's archive manager sometimes thinks they're archives and tries to load them16:28
drlectoryeah that was what i feared16:28
theadmindrlector: But I didn't have to do that for a while now, might have been fixed16:28
drlectorjust doublle clicked and run like a thief16:28
drlectori can see myself using Ubuntu a lot16:29
drlectori can see myself dropping windows like a bad habbit16:30
reisioyeah WoW has a platinum rating via Wine, IIRC16:30
reisiomeans it runs perfectly16:30
drlectori would love to grab the music that is now playing on this musicbox thing16:30
reisiomusicbox thing?16:30
drlectorrhythmbox :P16:31
reisiois it streaming or what?16:32
drlectoryeah streaming16:32
icerootwhat is the correct way to scan an iso-file for viruses with clam-scan? do i need to mount the iso? or should an iso be readable directly and i just have to start the scan on the iso-file?16:32
reisiodrlector: search the package manager for 'streamripper'16:32
reisiodrlector: or mplayer16:32
reisiomplayer -dumpstream URIhere -dumpfile foo16:33
reisiopotentially with -playlist16:33
drlectorreisio = legend am on it16:33
reisioiceroot: clamscan -ir top/dir/16:33
drlectornot sure about package manager though16:33
reisioiceroot: mmm, I'd be more confident about mounted16:33
drlectorerm? google ?16:33
icerootreisio: and the question about the iso?16:33
reisioiceroot: mount -o loop path/to/image /mnt/point16:33
reisiodrlector: software center16:34
reisiodrlector: etc.16:34
drlectorubuntu making computing easy16:35
drlectorafter soo many years16:35
icerootreisio: thx16:35
drlectork reisio now to find that streamripper16:37
drlectorinstall but where... ??? grrrrrrr16:37
reisiodrlector: find software center's search input box16:37
reisiodrlector: oh, probably in your menu16:37
drlectori did got it installed it16:37
reisioif you've got a terminal, you can run dpkg -L streamripper | grep bin16:37
drlectordude ...terminal ?16:37
reisiodrlector: it's more reliable for finding out such things16:37
=== drkokandy_ is now known as drkokandy
drlectori am a windows person16:38
reisiodrlector: you might have wanted gstreamripper or kstreamripper, t hough16:38
theadmindrlector: Just press the Super key and search for "streamripper"... The search ain't there for nothing16:38
reisiofor the GNOME or KDE GUI frontends16:38
auronandacedrlector: if you are in unity just press the win key on your keyboard and start typing what you want16:38
drlectorso windows key = terminal ?16:39
auronandacedrlector: no16:39
theadmindrlector: No, Windows key (or how it's properly called, Super key) just opens the main Ubuntu menu, Dash, where you can search for anything you like16:39
drlectorseems legit16:39
auronandacedrlector: ctrl + alt + t will launch a terminal16:40
drlectorok have terminal now16:40
theadmindrlector: You might just want this: https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/kstreamripper/16:40
theadmindrlector: Is a graphical version of Streamripper16:40
theadmindrlector: Would work better for a Windows user16:41
drlectorthank you sire16:41
* drlector bows16:41
theadminHm this is odd...16:41
theadminThe last version of it was packaged in Lucid16:41
reisioecho in here16:42
theadmindrlector: Sorry, probably won't do :/ Seems to be an outdated software as it's not in any of the current Ubuntu releases16:42
theadmindrlector: I'm looking for alternatives now, give me a while :D16:43
drlectorsilly question do ATI make drivers for UBUNTU ?16:43
auronandacedrlector: yes16:43
k1l!fglrx | drlector16:43
ubottudrlector: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto16:43
mamedhello . i have a problem with adobe flash in my ubuntu 12.04 32 bit system  .i cannot set the webcam ettings16:44
theadmindrlector: Yes, open up System Settings -> Hardware Drivers or System Settings -> Software and Updates -> Additional drivers (depending on your version) to install extra drivers for your hardware, if at all available16:45
theadminmamed: Yeah, that's a bug that persisted for ages. Go here: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager06.html and set your webcam settings there16:45
moondoggyCan someone give me any advice about getting a bluetooth headset to work in 12.04?16:45
moondoggyI can pair it, but it doesn't show up in sound settings.16:46
mamedtheadmin, it is no working either16:46
Guest68691can someone help me with bash, I want to recursively make compressed files of files with defined filetype works on js and css files and images but html files aren't compressed | http://pastebin.com/cy5rfzbC | manualy it works gzip -9 -c testgzip.html > testgzip.html.gz16:46
theadminmamed: That one works -- find the website to allow cam for (you need to visit it first, of course) and then click it and choose "Always allow"16:46
auronandaceGuest68691: #bash could help too16:47
drlectorwooooooooooot my first terminal and i got a reply16:47
drlectorlspci -nn| grep VGA 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Barts XT [Radeon HD 6870] [1002:6738]16:47
daftykinsdrlector: they do, although under the name 'AMD' since AMD bought ATI now. are you trying to game, or?16:48
JamesfromThamesHey guys, I'm trying to install amd drivers, but installer tells me this: "/lib/modules/3.8.0-19-generic/build/include/linux/version.h cannot be found on this system."16:48
drlectorjust want to make sure all drivers are updated16:48
JamesfromThamesEven though I have it on my system16:48
daftykinsJamesfromThames: i assume you tried to download the ones from the AMD website to install?16:49
auronandaceJamesfromThames: you really should stick to installing the drivers from the repos16:49
daftykinsJamesfromThames: that doesn't tend to be the best way to install graphics drivers on Ubuntu16:49
theadminJamesfromThames: sudo apt-get install fglrx to get ATI drivers16:49
JamesfromThamesI'm a first time Linux user :/16:49
theadminJamesfromThames: Or simply go to System Settings -> Software and Updates -> Additional Drivers and install from there16:50
theadminJamesfromThames: (or System Settings -> Additional Drivers on 12.04)16:50
daftykinsdrlector: if everything you needs works, don't try and install a driver. the Windows style approach doesn't do you any favours in Linux land16:50
JamesfromThamesAdditional drivers doesn't show anything16:50
moondoggyAny idea about bluetooth headsets in Ubuntu?  I see lots of complaints on the forums, but no answers.16:50
mamedtheadmin, i did wht you told . when i enter the website i still see the adboe flashplayer settings window and set nothing16:50
daftykinsmoondoggy: i think bluetooth tends to be a mess. i'd avoid it16:50
* drlector bows understood daftykins16:51
moondoggyUgh.  I knew this would happen.  :(  I'm on Mac hardware, which can't help the situation.16:51
theadminJamesfromThames: Hm, well, try the command I gave and if it works you're lucky, if not well, probably best not to try. ATI drops support for old video cards too quickly and adds support for newer ones too slowly16:51
mamedcan we use gnash16:52
mamedin debian with xfce . it was working16:52
theadminmamed: Gnash is in the repos, yes16:52
theadminmamed: Not sure how well it works nowadays16:52
auronandace!info gnash | mamed16:52
mamedso i wll try it16:52
ubottumamed: gnash (source: gnash): GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.11~git20120629-1ubuntu2 (raring), package size 197 kB, installed size 629 kB16:52
mamedit was working debian xfce wheezy16:53
mamedafter i installed flash it didnot work in debian16:53
JamesfromThames"unable to locate package fglrx"16:53
theadminJamesfromThames: It's in restricted, do you have that enabled?16:53
JamesfromThamesIDK haha16:53
JamesfromThamesHow do I enable it?16:53
JamesfromThamesLike I said, newb here16:54
p17xhello. i need the header files for btrfs in /usr/include/btrfs. for ext2 exists the package e2fslibs-dev, but I dont see one for btrfs16:54
daftykinstheadmin: i seem to recall there being some extra step to make additional drivers notice what hardware you have -?16:54
theadminJamesfromThames: System Settings -> Software Sources (or Software and Updates) -> Check the box that has "blah blah blah (restricted)" next to it16:54
drlector$#@@ $@  if only i could the software that i installed   :(16:54
theadminJamesfromThames: Can't remember the description it provides16:54
* drlector shakes fist16:54
k1ldrlector: you accidently sentence16:55
theadmindaftykins: Uh, never had to do anything like that, usually just worked for me16:55
JamesfromThamesIt was already enable16:56
theadminJamesfromThames: Hmms.16:56
theadminJamesfromThames: What Ubuntu version is this?16:56
daftykinstheadmin: ah thought i read something along these lines recently but can't remember. nm16:57
theadminJamesfromThames: Odd. It's definetly in raring's restricted repo16:57
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prakaHola maigos17:00
drlectorOuch i just removed a programe from the taskbar ...17:01
drlectorIs there and "undo" ?17:01
prakaTengo un problema con ubuntu 10.04 alguien me podría auxiliar?17:01
Kester__need help was on automatic upgrade from 12.04 to 13 through network connection and it crashed half way through.17:02
k1l!spanish | praka17:03
ubottupraka: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:03
Kester__It bbots up into the splash screen with the Ubuntu Logo and dots then go blank17:04
auronandace!nomodeset | Kester__17:05
ubottuKester__: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:05
Kester__nothing to do with the fact it was updating online and it crashed?17:06
Kester__I am using a USB flash on the same hardware17:06
=== gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers
SlartHi, I'm having some problems running Wuala in 64 bit ubuntu 12.10, I get the following output when I try running the client http://paste.ubuntu.com/5771485/ . I'm not really sure what the problem might be.. bad java version? corrupt wuala application? something else?17:10
daftykinsSlart: you might have open java installed instead of Oracle's Java?17:10
Slartdaftykins: yes, that's correct.. but I've been running wuala for over a year with openjdk without problems.. and from googling it doesn't seem like anyone else is having these problems17:12
bradley_can anyone here help me with mysql?17:13
daftykinsbradley_: they have their own channels17:13
bradley_what is it?17:13
Slartdaftykins: perhaps I'm wrong but it seems that if openjdk would be the problem there would be lots and lots of posts about this on their forums... but I can try with oracles java.. just to check17:13
daftykinsidk, at a guess #mysql or ##mysql?17:13
EaglemanI am using duplicity and ghettovcb to backup a virtual machine with a 20GB vmdk disk on esxi, however when running duplicity for a second time it should do an incremental backup, which it does but the incremental backup is the same size as a full backup, and i am pretty sure that only 500 mb of changed occured before the backup, any idea why duplicity is making the incrmental backup so large?17:13
daftykinsSlart: would there be? i don't know the program to know what the users' would be like, but surely they'd all consider to use official Java just to make it work17:14
Slartdaftykins: perhaps you're right.. I'll give it a try17:14
daftykinsSlart: let me know how it goes!17:15
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Guest6396hello,some people online?17:23
bekksGuest6396: Several hundreds.17:23
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crack - -17:23
crackI want to ask a question,can you help me?17:25
SyriaPlease help me with this !  E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)17:25
Slartdaftykins: well.. what do you know.. installing oracles jre worked.. wuala is working again. Thanks!17:25
subz3r0!ask | crack17:25
ubottucrack: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:25
SlartSyria: you're trying to run apt? try using sudo to make it run as root17:26
SlartSyria: or make sure you're only running one installation at a time17:26
drlectorubuntu just crashed17:26
crackabout netgames,you konw?17:26
SyriaSlart: Even If I am a root I get this "E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)"17:27
=== marco is now known as Guest4509
SlartSyria: are you running Synaptic, Software center or something else in the background?17:27
SlartSyria: or did you run some kind of install that crashed before it finished? tried rebooting?17:28
BluesKajmake sure your software center isn't open ,or a terminal is updating your packages at the same time , Syria17:28
SyriaSlart: Nope, I have the same problem since few days and shutting the computer down did not solve it.17:28
SlartSyria: what command are you running when this error pops up?17:29
cracksubz3r0: hello?17:29
BluesKajSyria, in the terminal , sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a17:29
SyriaSlart:  BluesKaj When I try to install anything using"sudo apt-get install package" E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).17:29
subz3r0crack: if you are not able to ask in a decent way. get lost and do no disturb me. thanks17:29
EaglemanI am using duplicity and ghettovVCB to backup a virtual machine with a 20GB disk ( vmdk ), however when running duplicity for a second time it should do an incremental backup, but the incremental backup is the half oe the size as a full backup, the virtual disk did not changed that much, any idea why duplicity is making the incremental backup so large?17:30
drlectorwhy is my rythemox suddenly gone from the taskbar ?17:30
daftykinsSlart: my pleasure :) as it goes, looking at your logs further looks like it was making use of a method that open java didn't have, namely the 'Caused by' line from your pastebin17:30
SomelauwIs it true that ubuntu is both more stable and faster than debian testing? (or should this be in offtopic?)17:30
IdleOneSomelauw: off topic please17:30
bekksEagleman: Because the file changed meanwhile?17:31
SyriaBluesKaj:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5771540/ ... please see this17:31
Eaglemanbekks, not 5GB ( a bit more becuase it is compressed )17:31
bekksEagleman: How do you know that? vbox doesnt use change block tracking, so you cant tell that.17:32
SomelauwIdleOne: ok17:32
cracksubz3r0: what?17:32
daftykinsSyria: sudo dpkg -remove libkdeclarative5 && sudo apt-get -f install17:32
Eaglemanbekks, it is just my OS on that disk, the data is placed on another partition ( mariadb, website )17:32
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Eaglemanbekks, it is also esxi, not vbox17:33
Syriadaftykins:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5771550/ .... something is wrong with the command.17:33
drlectoranyway i can get rythembox to stay on the taskbar so that it there each time i load ubuntu ?17:34
bekksEagleman: So you could easily investigate whats actually going on your ESX, using vSphere e.g. - I bet the vm changes that much.17:34
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BluesKajSyria, have you run , sudp apt-get -f install ?17:34
BluesKajer sudo17:34
cracksubz3r0: Can i ask you something about network ganme algorithm for the problem? For example, the probability of equipment to strengthen the17:34
SyriaBluesKaj: It did not work before! But now it seems to be working ! the package is being installed. let me see.17:35
Eaglemanbekks, what i could do is making a backup, then after that i make another backup ( 10 sec between them ), and then run duplicity17:35
EaglemanBut that process will take about 12 hours, just to make an incremental backup17:36
BluesKajsyria , sometimes dpkg --configure -a sets the packages correctly for installing with -f17:36
SyriaBluesKaj:  daftykins Slart Thank you guys . :)17:37
bekksEagleman: duplicity doesnt use block changes, but file changes only, as far as I can see. So Incremental backups wont save you that much.17:37
Eaglemanbekks: i found this:  Duplicity uses the rsync algorithm so only the changed parts of files are sent to the archive when doing an incremental backup. For instance, if a long log file increases by just a few lines of text, a small diff will be sent to and saved in the archive. Other backup programs may save a complete copy of the file.17:38
bekksEagleman: Text - not binary files like a vm disk image.17:39
bekksEagleman: And a small change will cause a different checksum and the whole file will be transferred.17:39
reisioEagleman: I said that at the outset :p17:40
T31337so how can i fix broken acpi?17:40
T31337fn+F8/F9 for brightness won' work17:41
ix_I've changed the file permissions of a file but after reboot, it resets17:41
ix_how can I keep file permissions after reboot?17:41
T31337:( what file?17:41
ix_T31337: /sys/devices/platform/s3c24xx-pwm.0/pwm-backlight.0/backlight/pwm-backlight.0/brightness17:41
raven_thunderbird: importexporttools only exports up to 14 messages every try - any idea/solution?17:42
Eaglemanbekks, not sure but the text is only an example so only the changed parts of files are sent to the archive when doing an incremental backup, do you have a source for the binary part?17:42
bekksix_: There is no way to keep the permissions on a volatile filesystem.17:42
T31337did you change permissions with root? or standard user? (should be root)17:42
bekksEagleman: "rsync" - it just checksums, and transfers the whole file in case of a change.17:42
bekksT31337: That doesnt matter. /sys is not a persistent filesystem.17:43
ix_bekks: ok, is there any way to do the echo command with sudo instead of root?17:43
user_tryingin linux how to know what files is needed by an application, example  we want to know what files is needed by "ls" command, ??17:43
bekksix_: echo ... | sudo tee ...17:43
bekksuser_trying: What do you mean by "which files"? "ls" is a shell builtin command.17:44
MonkeyDustuser_trying  start with apt-cache depends ls17:44
Eaglemanbekks, i am still not convinced, only the part that changed is included in the diff, so if i have a file with text in it, and add "Hello" to it, Hello will be included in the diff, and not the rest of the text in that file17:44
T31337what is default file manager on xubntu?17:44
MonkeyDustT31337  pcmanfm17:45
reisioEagleman: did you just describe what you want?17:45
reisioMonkeyDust: really?17:45
user_tryingbekks, ok if we put example not builtin , such as gufw, how to it17:46
MonkeyDust!info pcmanfm17:46
ubottupcmanfm (source: pcmanfm): extremely fast and lightweight file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.0-0ubuntu2 (raring), package size 163 kB, installed size 1346 kB17:46
reisioT31337: it's probably Thunar17:46
bekksuser_trying: What do you mean by "which files" are needed? What are you really trying to investigate?17:46
reisioXfce's file manager17:46
MonkeyDustisnt thunar for kde?17:46
bekksMonkeyDust: Thats dolphin.17:46
drlectorno luck with stream ripper17:46
th0rreisio: I thought thunar also...at least in 12.0417:46
Eaglemanreisio, yes but then for vmdk files, also in combination with encryption, archiving, incremental possibility's17:46
reisioI feel like "that's dolphin" should be slang for something17:46
MonkeyDusttrue, pcmanfm is for lubuntu, my mistake17:47
reisioEagleman: I still suggest starting with rdiff-backup17:47
reisioMonkeyDust: yeah that sounds righter17:47
user_tryingbekks, no. i want just to learn about depends of one application17:47
raven_thunderbird: importexporttools only exports up to 14 messages every try - any idea/solution?17:47
reisioEagleman: you can talk to #linux about generic backup stuff, bigger audience17:47
MonkeyDustuser_trying  apt-cache depends [package]17:47
Eaglemanreisio: The duplicity package also includes the rdiffdir utility. Rdiffdir is an extension of librsync's rdiff to directories---it can be used to produce signatures and deltas of directories as well as regular files. These signatures and deltas are in GNU tar format.17:47
bekksuser_trying: Then run "ldd `which gufw`" to see the dependencies.17:48
subz3r0T31337: try this: http://crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=752817:48
reisioEagleman: okay, so what's the problem?17:48
user_tryingbekks, monkeydust thank you17:48
user_tryingi will try it17:48
Eaglemanreisio, the big size of the incremental backup17:48
linuxuz3rcan you install wayland on 12.0417:49
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seydarI've got a VPS, and I can only access it through ssh. How can I reinstall Ubuntu on it?17:50
MonkeyDustlinuxuz3r  must be possible, but i guess MIR is the future for ubuntu17:50
Eaglemanseydar, use the control pannel from your vps provider17:50
MonkeyDustlinuxuz3r  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wayland17:51
linuxuz3rMonkeyDust, what is mir17:51
bekksseydar: How do you want to access it anyways?17:51
Eaglemanreisio, this is the problem: http://hpaste.org/9001517:51
MonkeyDustlinuxuz3r  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/17:51
T31337thanks for the link will now reboot to test17:51
seydarEagleman: I didn't see any option for it, so I sent them a ticket on it. I'm just checking other ways.17:51
bekksseydar: There are no other sane ways. :)17:52
user_tryingmonkeydust apt-cache depend [packages] is success,thx17:53
seydarbekks: hmm... I should have guessed.17:53
user_tryingbekks but for ldd file is not success17:53
user_tryingbekks is it must with file path?17:54
bekksuser_trying: yes.17:54
user_tryingthx , will try it now,17:54
reisioEagleman: what is?17:54
seydarbekks: I've got some fantasy where I run some command and then the computer goes away and then it comes online and has sshd running17:55
Eaglemanreisio, seen the size of the diff files?17:55
thelionroarsanyone know what's going on here? http://askubuntu.com/questions/308940/cant-access-my-raring-installation-after-adding-a-quantal-install/308946?noredirect=1#30894617:55
user_tryingbekks, when i try >> ldd -v /usr/bin/gufw     , result is : not a dynamic executable17:56
reisioEagleman: what about it?17:56
Eaglemanreisio, only a few MB's changed between the full and incremental backup, but the incremental backup is a few GB's of size17:58
reisioEagleman: sounds like you should use rdiff-backup :p17:58
Eaglemanreisio, http://duplicity.nongnu.org/rdiff-backup.html17:59
Sazpaimon_is it possible to make ubuntu install the grub files, kernel, initrd, etc in the efi system partition?18:00
reisioEagleman: you don't say18:00
reisioAkuw: hi18:00
Akuwi need conio.h and graphics.h to develop using gcc18:00
Skymontwhat do you think is a good Ubuntu firewall with a nice GUI?18:00
Akuwhow can i get18:00
Akuwreisio: hi18:00
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.18:01
Eaglemanreisio, troll much?18:01
reisioAkuw: ask apt-file18:01
SkymontIdleOne, do you recommend others?18:02
IdleOneSkymont: nope18:02
SkymontIdleOne, is that built in lubuntu also?18:02
IdleOneSkymont: yes18:03
user_tryingbekks, when i try >> ldd -v /usr/bin/gufw     , result is : not a dynamic executable18:03
trismAkuw: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8792317/why-cant-i-find-conio-h-on-linux18:04
=== Subo1978_ is now known as Subo1978
NedMan74Used terminal to install a program, then ubuntu wouldnt load up... missing folders... needed to reinstall fresh... lost all files and personal settings... now having flash problems eurgh18:07
daftykinsNedMan74: is there a question in and amongst that? :)18:07
NedMan74sorry lol... flash based browser game... wont load up..18:08
daftykinsNedMan74: what happens? empty box where it should be?18:08
NedMan74used firefox and chromium18:08
SkymontIdleOne, is gufw built-in also?18:08
nurvxxhow to set up android kitchen for samsung phones ?18:08
daftykinsnurvxx: that's more off-topic talk than ubuntu support18:09
Eaglemannurvxx, we dont cook and do android here18:09
IdleOneSkymont: you may need to install gufw18:09
daftykinsNedMan74: have you installed the free or non-free flash player?18:11
Guest4509Hey guys I need a bit of advice, hoping someone can help me.18:11
daftykinsGuest4509: ask away18:11
daftykinsGuest4509: on a single line if possible :)18:11
Guest4509I just installed all of the studio apps for ubuntu18:11
AraneidaeI'm finding the old "mouse sticks at the edge of the screen" problem is back, this is playing Bioshock.  Ring any bells with anyone?18:11
NedMan74dafty. the flashplayer in software centre18:11
Guest4509namely i am concerned with the audio production apps18:11
Guest4509lots of them18:11
AraneidaeI'm running wine-1.5.31 on xubuntu 13.0418:11
daftykinsNedMan74: can you go back to it and confirm its' exact name?18:11
NedMan741 sec18:12
daftykins!wine | Araneidae18:12
ubottuAraneidae: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:12
johnrosscan anyone help me on installing wine from terminal?18:12
Guest4509In studio these were organized nicly by what was a mixer and recording andsound generator, effects.... I would very much like to create a system to organize these by18:12
daftykinsAraneidae: my bad, i think they have a channel #winehq18:12
NedMan74Adobe flash plugin18:12
Guest4509but i am clueless as a way to go about it.18:12
Araneidaeoops, sorry, wrong channel!18:12
IdleOnejohnross: sudo apt-get install wine18:12
AraneidaeThought it was a bit lively for #winehq!18:12
daftykinsAraneidae: XD18:12
user_tryingif we wine , is it safe for our linux if exe file is infected by virus?18:13
user_tryingif we use wine , is it safe for our linux if exe file is infected by virus?18:13
Guest4509I'd be fine with icons in folders, or a list with the commands to open each... but ive not clue how to figure out how to open each of these apps to create that list - or how to create shortcut ions to all of them to organize in folders18:13
Guest4509ah sorry about that, usually do, i wil be sure to from now on.18:13
daftykinsuser_trying: depends what that virus does. probably is the answer, but ask in #winehq18:13
=== mauro is now known as Guest39093
johnrossany hacker here?18:14
Punk5n07d34di'm kind of struggling to get my camera to display the image correctly for example on camorama it's upside down i've read about a workaround for skype is there a way to fix this permanently for every app?18:14
johnrossyo any backtrack user here?18:14
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)18:14
daftykinsNedMan74: hrmm that sounds like the right one, does it show the package name is 'flashplugin-installer' ?18:14
user_tryingdaftykins, thx.18:14
NedMan74daftykins yes.. installer18:15
amarsaininot able to start STARTUP  disk creator on 11.0418:15
amarsainiwant ti install 12.0418:15
johnrosswell any hacker here? wanna link up wid them18:15
user_tryingjohnross for what?18:15
M4d3Lafter add a script into /etc/init.d/ how I run it at each start?18:15
daftykinsNedMan74: hrmm, definitely the right one then. you could try reinstalling it whilst all browsers are closed, although that one will only apply to firefox and not chromium18:15
johnrossto combine ideas18:15
Guest4509My issue is fairly simple.  After installing the UbuntuStudio apps in full on Ubuntu, I find myself in need of a way to organize them.  Audio is my concern.  On Studio they were arranged by  Sound Generators, Mixers Effects and than the recording wares... I'd be fine making a list and organizing  them this way but I do not know how to figure out the commands to open each of these apps to do so.... or, a folder with shortcut icons18:15
Guest4509would work - no concern either way, just that I am unsure of how to accomplish either.18:15
IdleOnejohnross: We don't support cracking, I assume that is what you mean.18:16
amarsainiStartup Disk Creator.18:16
daftykinsjohnross: this channel has nothing to do with backtrack.18:16
johnrossyeah cracking18:16
IdleOnejohnross: not in this channel.18:16
johnrossi hear ya18:16
user_tryingit must be ethical hacker18:17
johnrossyeah ethical hacking18:17
user_tryingi'm not hacker18:18
OerHeksIs there an Ubuntu-fake-PAE to install on an Intel Pentium M ? like this one for lubuntu >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu-fake-PAE18:18
johnrossi am one though18:18
daftykinsGuest4509: oh so you want one clickable link to run several programs at once?18:18
Guest4509no, no - although that sounds intreaguing for some things, but first things first...18:18
johnrosscurretly working on some cool ubuntu exploits18:18
Guest4509I just installed a LOT of stuff, for audio18:18
Guest4509from Studio18:19
daftykinsjohnross: i somehow doubt that18:19
johnrossoh u think so ha18:19
IdleOnejohnross: This is an ubuntu support channel. We don't support or condone any sort of exploits. Please take the chit chat elsewhere18:19
Guest4509I want to organize these things either in a folder with shortcut icons to EACH app - OR - in a file by name - with the command to open each one - so - for the folder option, I just need to see how to make these links - or - for the list option - i need to know how to find out the command to open each of these apps... which, isnt listed in the software center descriptions.18:20
johnrossyo idleone or whatever am jux making conversation18:20
johnrosswhats your problem18:20
IdleOnejohnross: this isn't the channel for conversation.18:20
IdleOnewe have #ubuntu-offtopic for that18:20
johnrossyo set ya ass somwhere18:20
daftykinsGuest4509: 'sudo updatedb' then 'locate <appname>' might give you a binary name for such programs18:21
Guest4509ok let me try this, thanks for the info, brb18:21
Guest4509i got nothing from that.18:22
daftykinsGuest4509: it depends on what you type for the program name really18:22
=== jinie_ is now known as jinie
LeChacalhello all, I have a daemon that isn't starting automatically. I noticed that in the rc folders that the script for starting the daemon always starts with a K and i can't remember what the K means verses the S. I thought K meant don't run. Is this ture?18:24
=== launch is now known as Guest52051
jribLeChacal: « man update-rc.d » though I urge you to give more details since a lot of services uses upstart scripts now instead of sysv init18:26
jribstyle scripts18:26
=== MistaMike is now known as MistaMike|away
jribLeChacal: if you do verify that your service is indeed still using an old sysv-init style init script, use "sysv-rc-conf" to manipulate when it starts and stops instead of using update-rc.d directly. The man page for update-rc.d does have the details you asked about though18:28
LeChacaljrib: I am trying to get tt-rss running, in its config file there is an option for enabling daemon and I have it set, when rebooting the service never starts I have to issue "service tt-rss start"18:28
=== BlackoutIsHere is now known as BlackoutIsHere|O
serecan i please get a few ipinions with syncing/backing up notes.. i have been using tomboy and dropbox but thinking there might be a more logical way of doing this18:33
Asad2005I am having this error in evolution "This address book cannot be opened" can someone please help, the evolution folder was copied from my old home folder18:34
sereand if i could sync tomboy and freemind or something else with freemind would be a plus18:34
=== tones is now known as pong
=== brandon is now known as Guest2154
Asad2005It is giving this as a sulution "Please check that the path /home/user/.local/share/evolution/addressbook/system-address-book exists and that permissions are set to access it"18:36
andi__whats up?18:36
daftykinsAsad2005: ok sounds like you need to adjust permissions on that folder18:37
Asad2005i haved chown -R user folder name but still same18:37
daftykinsAsad2005: can you pastebin 'ls -al ~/' ?18:37
netlarSo is Mir going to be the default display server for 14.04?18:38
daftykinsAsad2005: or just check each folder's permissions to be sure they have your username and also read+write permissions18:38
SkymontIdleOne, does ufw show a live activity log18:38
IdleOneSkymont: I don't use it, not sure18:38
Asad2005daftykins: you mean the evolution folder in local/share18:40
daftykinsAsad2005: not for my pastebin request no, but yeah the entire folder tree beneath ~ you need to check yeah18:41
Asad2005daftykins: only this in my home folder different "drwxr-xr-x  8 root root   4096 Jun 15 14:40 ..18:45
daftykinsindieswag: yes we're alive18:45
Asad2005the two dots folder18:45
indieswagdoes anyone here know how to get windows 7 for free?18:45
daftykinsAsad2005: yeah that's gonna break things. chown your entire /home/user/18:45
gordonjcpAsad2005: that means "the directory above"18:46
kostkonindieswag, wrong channel18:46
M4d3Lload average: 0.16, 0.45, 6.82  what mean the last load average value?18:46
indieswagthen what channel should i be in -.-18:46
gordonjcpdaftykins: Asad2005 "directory", not "folder" ;-)18:46
gordonjcpindieswag: ##windows maybe?18:46
indieswagfuck if i know, alright. later18:47
Asad2005gordonjcp: do youmean it is normal to have root permission ?18:47
gordonjcpindieswag: there are various trial editions of Windows that run for some amount of time18:47
gordonjcpAsad2005: yes18:47
daftykinsgordonjcp: potato... tomato...18:47
gordonjcpAsad2005: without going into the deep guts of how Unix filesystems work, "." refers to "this directory" and ".." refers to "the parent directory"18:48
Asad2005so its not a permission issue18:48
gordonjcpAsad2005: so right you've got /home/asad/Desktop for example18:48
=== achernya_ is now known as achernya
Asad2005What files do i need to remove from evolution folder in order to start with new addressbook18:49
Asad2005I think the evolution folder is located in more than one place ~.config/evolution and ~/.local/share/evolution and maybe someother places18:52
Asad2005but at least i checked the permition of the above two locations18:53
sereAsad2005: more than likely its the ~/.local/share/evolution you need to change18:53
husnainlatifi need to add Zend Studio to the Dash, how do i do that?18:54
SlartM4d3L: those numbers are just the average load for different time ranges.. it's something like 1 minute, 10 minutes, 30 minutes ... although the exact numbers are just guesses.. check the manpage for uptime for more info18:54
M4d3Lload average: 19.91, 7.22, 3.71  how I can know what is going on on my server?18:54
=== marlinc is now known as marlinc|away
SlartM4d3L: check top/htop , sort by cpu %18:55
M4d3Lin top, the cpu is at 4% and memory usage is at 3%18:55
SlartM4d3L: I'm not sure if there is a difference if you run top as root18:55
DexterFwhen creatign a raid5, is it normal that at first one disk is disabled? mdstat says [UUUUU_], I think on creation all disks should be aboard?18:56
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
SlartM4d3L: it's possible that you have some processes waiting for disk i/o as well.. I think those are counted in the system load as well18:58
M4d3Lis there a way to check disk error or something because writing to disk is very slow18:59
SlartM4d3L: try fsck18:59
SlartM4d3L: if it's the root partition you might want to do it at boot up19:00
M4d3LI only have a ssh connection19:00
M4d3Lmy host say the disk are fine! but I am sure it is not and they play me.19:01
=== marco is now known as Guest18490
M4d3La simple php script that normaly run in 0.1 seconde take more than 30 second to run on the apache server.19:01
SlartM4d3L: well.. you might be able to run fsck in read only mode.. just to see what it says.. check the man page for that but make sure you know what you're doing first, running a fsck on a live system is a bad thing19:02
peckhamspringthat doesn't sound like a good idea19:02
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
saviohello all19:06
SonikkuAmerica!help tux_19:06
SonikkuAmerica!help |tux_19:06
ubottutux_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:06
Asad2005gordonjcp: i have killed evolution then renamed ~/.local/share/evolutio/addressbook folder and then restarted evolution with out error19:06
Asad2005Thanks to all19:07
FDMLTDHello everyone!!19:09
FDMLTDHappy Fathers Day to all you dads out there.19:09
Saikiok,everyone is going to love this question: Is there any way to downclock my CPU inside ubuntu?19:11
FDMLTDI have no idea. I just installed it and I'm getting used to it.19:11
FDMLTDI love it.19:12
=== marlinc is now known as marlinc|away
FDMLTDI wiped out my Win8 and replaced it with Zion Linux19:12
FDMLTDZorin rather.19:12
SlartSaiki: there are some powersaving features you can use from ubuntu but I haven't seen anything that will replace the options you have in your BIOS settings19:13
FDMLTDIt took me a while to figure some things out.19:13
DJonesFDMLTD: Thats great, but be aware that this channel is for Ubuntu support, Zorin have their own discussion channels19:13
M4d3Lanyone know a good tech support company to fix server on ubuntu and proxmox?19:13
Asad2005How can i install skype amd64?19:14
=== marlinc|away is now known as marlinc
DoverMoAsad2005, download the .deb from skypes website, then open it with ooboots software center19:14
SlartAsad2005: I think there is a deb either from the skype site or from one of the repos19:16
SaikiSlart:it just needs to do that while ubuntu is on, cause the fan on the laptop is bad so I want to downclock the CPU some19:16
Asad2005DoverMo: on skype.com there is 32bit and mutliarch but no 64bit to be specific. Which one to chose19:17
DJones!skype | Asad200519:17
ubottuAsad2005: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga19:17
SlartSaiki: depending on what kind of laptop it is you might use difference tools.. cpu frequency scaling is what you're looking for but there are several tools.. some work on some models, others work on others19:17
DoverMoAsad2005, there is no 64bit skype avaliable. so you either choose the 32bit19:18
husnainlatifskype is buggy on ubuntu, it keeps running in the bg when you close it and doesn't even display notifications19:18
SlartSaiki: have a look here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerManagement19:18
SlartSaiki: or wait.. that was an old page19:18
DoverMohusnainlatif, that sounds more like an OS problem19:19
husnainlatifhow'd i know if it's a OS problem?19:19
husnainlatifi'm new to ubuntu19:19
SlartSaiki: this looks better https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PowerManagement/ReducedPower19:19
SlartSaiki: what you're trying to do is to make the cpu use the lowest frequency it can use.. that setting is usually called something like "power saving" as compared to "performance" or "balanced"19:20
SaikiSlart: yea, where is that in ubuntu?19:21
daftykinsSaiki: have you confirmed that the processor is clocking itself down?19:21
Saikidaftykins: I am TRYING to downclock it19:22
daftykinsSaiki: right but have you seen if it is downclocking based on load already?19:22
Saikidaftykins: and how would I do that?19:22
daftykinsSaiki: watch -n 0.1 'grep -i mhz /proc/cpuinfo'19:23
gordonjcpbah, 40 minute ADSL outage19:23
gordonjcpthat's it, I'm going back to 3G-only19:23
Saikidaftykins "mhz no such file or directory"19:25
daftykinsSaiki: sure you typed it right?19:25
Saikidaftykins: yes19:27
lapsaim experiencing frequent crasy of ubuntu 13.04. here's a crash log from /var/crash. can anyone point me in right direction? what's happening? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=fZfBmH2P19:27
Saikidaftykins: unless that is an L and not an I19:27
daftykinsSaiki: works perfectly here. lower case 'i'19:27
Saikidaftykins: bah.. ok, my l aand i look similar on ym screen19:28
Saikidaftykins: cpu mhz : 1866.72519:29
daftykinsSaiki: ok so depending on load you should see it change19:30
Saikidaftykins: I want to throttle tha down to like 1024.00 mhz or so19:30
daftykinswhat processor type is it?19:31
Saikidaftykins: I have no load on it19:31
Saikidaftykins: that is 1.86mhz, it's max speed19:31
Saikidaftykins: you know what I meant lol  it's a celeron M19:31
daftykinsis the idea to preserve battery life?19:31
Saikidaftykins: http://panam.acer.com/acerpanam/notebook/0000/Acer/Aspire3680/Aspire3680sp2.shtml19:32
Saikidaftykins: no, the idea is to throttle it down so it doesn't run so hot19:33
Saikidaftykins: the fan on the laptop is bad19:33
ZINGhas anyone tried out the new voice recognition software19:33
daftykinsSaiki: sounds more like you need to disassemble it and clean out the dust19:33
Saikidaftykins: I did clean it out19:34
Saikidaftykins: I used a can of compressed air right into the cpu fan, it got completely clean19:34
daftykinsSaiki: oh? was it like: http://imgur.com/I0S4eQx,fltsuLc,wxXYnh9,EMgCl0k,EbNTLJZ,BT8Gssv,Z3WI3n6,JqEf3c0#419:34
daftykinsyou can't really do this with compressed air ;)19:34
ZING4/20 away19:34
sere Zing no, whats it called?19:34
Saikidaftykins: nope, it was nowhere near that bad19:35
sereSaiki: what temp are you running at19:35
Saikisere: how can I check that?19:36
ZINGhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfrQrjH3AGw I am using it right now and have had it for 2 days and love it19:36
ZINGI can control most of ubuntu with it and can even type what I say19:36
daftykinsSaiki: i bet the real reason it's ramping up the fans is due to poor ACPI support, but i have no idea how to do anything with that19:36
DoverMofirst time i built a computer, i put the heatsink on with stock paste, and it got up to 90+ C19:36
ZINGTexas Station Road19:37
DoverMoZING, brah, where's your app launcher D: ?19:37
ZINGmy what?19:37
DoverMoZING, oh that's you i think19:37
Saikidaftykins: I don't think it has bad acpi support. the laptop is just 8 years old19:38
daftykinsSaiki: i mean the OS you installed isn't utilising the ACPI properly19:38
DexterF[==>..................]  recovery = 11.3% (332213828/2930264576) finish=2626.7min speed=16484K/sec  <- anyoen ideas how to speed this up? cpu is at 50%19:39
sereSaiki: psensors19:39
Saikidaftykins: it was doing it on win 7, win 8 and now xubuntu 12.0419:40
daftykinsSaiki: if XP did it too, then i'd be concerned :>19:40
Saikisere: in grep?19:40
sereZING: pretty cool :)19:40
Saikidaftykins: um.. it did..19:40
Saikidaftykins: which is why I am trying to downclock it19:41
sereSaiki: no, run this command : sudo apt-get install psensors19:41
Saikisere: ah..19:41
Skymontfirestarter is a good program, why is it no longer being maintained?19:41
daftykinsSaiki: maybe we speak different languages, nm19:41
daftykinsSkymont: they're waiting for you to start work on it i expect19:42
DoverMoSkymont, you could go compile it on debian and maintain it19:42
Saikisere: uable to find19:42
Saikisere: unable to find *19:42
Saikidaftykins: Now you have confused me..19:42
sereSaiki: psensor.. sorry19:42
Saikisere: no worries, it hapens19:43
Saikisere: 47C19:44
=== crond- is now known as crond
sereSaiki: you should be ok with that.. im at 55c19:46
Saikisere: putting a load goes from 46-4819:46
sereSaiki: is it a mini?19:47
Saikisere: I'd still like to downclock the CPU some, save power and lessen the fan19:47
Saikisere: mini?19:47
Saikisere: http://panam.acer.com/acerpanam/notebook/0000/Acer/Aspire3680/Aspire3680sp2.shtml19:47
=== BlackoutIsHere|O is now known as BlackoutIsHere
arminwhile it's pretty nice that unity displays tweets in notification popups when connected to the twitter account: any way to configure this? possible to show that it actually was a twitter tweet that was causing the popup would also be nice.19:49
jacklk!fi | nha19:50
ubottunha: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)19:50
sereSaiki: try this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88493419:51
jacklk!se | PeterEH19:51
ubottuPeterEH: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntustöd hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack!19:51
jacklk!no | sere19:51
ubottusere: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!19:51
nhaI think you intended to pipe that somewhere else.. my Finnish isn't that good19:51
jacklknha, where are you from?19:51
serejacklk: what19:51
jacklk!ot | sere19:52
ubottusere: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:52
=== florin is now known as Guest27312
Biomechdhey guys, i'm trying to install lmms but the "install" file says to use cmake for part of the process. apparently i don't have cmake and apt-get can't find it.19:52
serejacklk: and ??19:53
jacklksere, keep it on topic please19:53
jacklk!ot | sere19:53
modernbobBiomechd: apt-get install cmake19:53
Guest27312hy. is there a program for xubuntu that showes the coputer info! i don't know if my video driver is installed.19:53
[twisti]hey, are there like virus scanners for linux or something of that sort ? i have received a complaint that supposedly a spambot is running on my server, but obviously i didnt install anything like that19:53
[twisti]any suggestions on how that could be tracked down ?19:53
jacklkro ! [twisti]19:54
Biomechdmodernbob: i tried that. it just says the package isn't available but is reffered to by another package, etc19:54
Saikisere: I use xfce19:54
jacklk!ro | [twisti]19:54
ubottu[twisti]: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro19:54
serejacklk: if you are going to use the bot i would appreciate it if you actaully pay attention.. anyone can pull a trigger19:54
modernbobBiomechd: what version ubuntu you running19:54
Biomechdthen says "E: Package 'cmake' has no installation candidate"19:54
[twisti]!gulagurni | jacklk19:54
serejacklk: i was on topic please dont interrupt me19:54
[twisti]dsfk hsdj newrwe19:54
Biomechd12.10. i haven't migrated wubi yet.19:54
[twisti]is that just random gibberish ?19:54
[twisti]if its a language, i dont speak that19:55
jacklk!ee | [twisti]19:55
modernbobBiomechd: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+package/cmake19:55
Saikisere: is there an xfce version of that?19:55
[twisti]jacklk: are you just spamming me with weird stuff ? im afraid i dont speak whatever language youre trying to communicate in19:56
jacklkPici, sorry my dear darling.19:56
jacklk[twisti], do you need help or are you just here to troll?19:56
[twisti]i need help19:56
[twisti]but i dont speak whatever that was19:56
[twisti]if it was a language19:56
[twisti]so i dont know what youre trying to say19:57
jacklk[twisti], well, ask your question instead of being rude19:57
jacklkRomanian is a language19:57
Biomechdmodernbob: do i want 0ubuntu4 or 0ubuntu1? they're a 2.8.7 and 2.8.9, respectively.19:58
Saiki[twisti]: if you have a spambot oon your server check for extra shell scripts19:58
IdleOnejacklk: Did they speak in Romanian? There was no need for you to spam them with the bot.19:58
sereSaiki: sorry i got interrupted, anyway you should be able to underclock it with cpufreq-info and cpufreq-selector utilities. They should allow you to change how the CPU frequency scaling happens.19:58
modernbobBiomechd: go with the highest version.. or newest...2.8.919:58
jacklkIdleOne, are you KindOne?19:58
MrKBanyone here run into any problems with synergyc constantly crashing when you do Ctrl+T? -_-19:58
IdleOnejacklk: no.19:58
[twisti]jacklk: i did ask my question. do you want me to repeat it ? i didnt know that was rumanian, or why you talked to me in rumanian, sorry19:59
Biomechdalright, thanks.19:59
sereSaiki: i have never done it myself but it shows examples with link i gave you19:59
amarsaininot able to create bootable usb19:59
amarsainican anybody help19:59
jacklk[twisti], repeat it19:59
amarsainistartup disk not working19:59
LFSMonkeyDust ubottu ... did you suck my dick or not yet?19:59
[twisti]<[twisti]> hey, are there like virus scanners for linux or something of that sort ? i have received a complaint that supposedly a spambot is running on my server, but obviously i didnt install anything like that19:59
jacklkand it is ROMANIAN not "rumanananani"19:59
[twisti]<[twisti]> any suggestions on how that could be tracked down ?19:59
modernbobamarsaini: install tuxboot19:59
jack_ubntuhello, folks!20:00
jacklk[twisti], you don't need a virus scanner in Linux20:00
Saiki[twisti]: it is a prblic web server?20:00
Saiki[twisti]: it is a public web server?20:00
jack_ubntuany FS experts out there?20:00
[twisti]it is20:00
jacklkjack_ubntu, yes20:00
Saiki[twisti]: pm me the url?20:00
[twisti]Saiki: done20:01
Saiki[twisti]: saw it20:01
jacklkjack_ubntu, hello, just ask your question already20:01
seretwisted`: actaully linux can host windows a windows virus.. it may not effect you but if you are transferring stuff to others you can give them20:02
jack_ubntuoops, sorry!20:02
jack_ubntui got issues with grub (grub rescue)20:02
jack_ubntutried to fix it but in vain20:02
jack_ubntuthen tried fsck from live usb20:03
seretwisted`: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus20:03
Saikisere: neither package exists20:03
jack_ubntuas i recall i used fs type switch (i think ext3)20:03
jack_ubntuor was it ext 2 don't remember20:03
jack_ubntuit resulted in corruption of all the directories20:03
jack_ubntunow i have empty directories like home and so on...20:04
[twisti]sere: that seems mostly windows related20:04
jack_ubntucan i recover my data?20:04
wilee-nilee! testdisk20:05
wilee-nileejack_ubntu, Take a look at testdisk20:05
jack_ubntualready tried it, nothing recovered20:05
sere[twisti]: it is. it explains why you would need one.. check out clamav20:06
wilee-nileejack_ubntu, Not sure then, good backups always fix this.20:06
[twisti]i dont think i need one20:06
Biomechdmodernbob: "dependency is not satisfiable: libxmlrpc-core-c3"20:06
[twisti]none of those cases apply20:07
jack_ubntuso should i run fsck again?20:07
DJones!recover | jack_ubntu20:08
ubottujack_ubntu: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel20:08
jack_ubntuany other idea(s)20:08
jack_ubntuthanks a lot!20:08
jack_ubntuDJ, there is gratitude 4 ya!20:09
jack_ubntubut i did not delete anything!20:09
DJonesjack_ubntu: I've no idea if any of them will work, but you may get some return with one of the suggestions20:10
jack_ubntui mean tried to fix fs (foolishly)20:10
jack_ubntulet me explain again20:10
[Gentoo]jack_ubntu: what type of data are you trying to recover?20:10
jack_ubntui took my hd out of my puter (laptop) and connected it as a usb storage20:10
jack_ubntui suppose problem was inintiated due to this20:11
jacklkjack_ubntu, oh god20:11
jacklkit might fail complely now :(20:11
MJaounehi guys20:12
jack_ubntuthere were some warnings (as i can recall something abt hda parameter)20:12
MJaouneis there a way i can install ubuntu minimal with wubi?20:12
Saikijack_ubntu: are you using an external enclosure for that hard drive?20:12
MJaounei dont like desktop environments20:12
daftykinsMJaoune: nah, also WUBI has been retired20:12
MJaouneplus they take much space20:12
jack_ubntuthen grub rescue upon boot showed up20:12
[Gentoo]MJaoune: might as well use a vm20:12
SaikiMJaoune: install a server on a virtual machine then?20:12
jack_ubntuyah, but afterwards i put it back into my notebook20:13
jack_ubntutried best to get out of grub rescue without luck20:13
jack_ubntuand finally ran fsck from live usb20:13
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MJaounemy cpu doesnt support virtualization20:14
jack_ubntuin interactive mode20:14
Saikisere: neither cpufreq package exists..20:14
MJaounei cant use a VM20:14
MJaounecan i?20:14
[Gentoo]why not20:14
[Gentoo]install virtualbox on windows20:14
[Gentoo]and install ubuntu minimal on it20:14
MJaounedoes virtualbox need a CPU with VT-x or VT support?20:15
jack_ubntuchanged all the inodes as were recommended by fsck20:15
MJaounei got an old CPU20:15
[Gentoo]try it20:15
jack_ubntunow have empty directories20:15
Saikisere: found them, diferent name on 12.04 aparently20:15
savrwhat is the apt command to show package recommend's/20:15
[Gentoo]MJaoune: if not you could dual boot on a seperate partition it would be cleaner20:15
jack_ubntuhowever, filesystem is full (both linux partitions i destroyed )20:15
SaikiMJaoune: what cpu?20:16
[Gentoo]or seperate drive would be better20:16
MJaouneIntel Pentium 4 650, I want to use this pc for programming20:16
MJaounei still need Windows though20:16
sereSaiki: ahh ok .. sorry about that got alittle busy. but yah that should be able to help you out20:16
SaikiMJaoune: that will run a virtual machine20:16
[Gentoo]MJaoune: looks like that dont support vt so might not work20:17
[Gentoo]i would rater dual boot though with an older cpu20:18
SaikiMJaoune: do not msg me.. use query if you absolutely MUST..20:18
keegznopis there small tools to write uml in ubuntu?20:18
Biomechdokay, soooo i'm trying to use the "universe" source from the software center and when i click "use this source" it just does something for a few seconds, then gives me the "use this source" button again and won't let me install cmake from the software center.20:19
Biomechdi'm using ubuntu 12.10.20:19
Biomechdso far the alternative seems to be manually downloading all the dependencies myself.20:19
keegznopand any flowchart tool ubuntu (small size)?20:20
SaikiMJaoune For a typical host system, we recommend that you have a 1 GHz or faster processor (2GHz recommended) and 1GB RAM minimum (2GB RAM recommended). You must have enough memory to run the host operating system, plus the memory required for each guest operating system and for applications on the host and guest. See your guest operating system and application documentation for their memory requirements. VMware Player require20:20
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trainerdad_I have an Ubuntu One question.20:22
savrwhat is the apt command to show package recommend's??20:22
JoseAntonioRtrainerdad_: mint is not supported here :)20:23
DJonestrainerdad_: Probably best if you ask it in #ubuntuone thats the main support channel for that20:23
AndreasErHow can i change let's say the firefox icon to only run with optirun instead of going to the terminal?20:23
trainerdad_ok  thanks20:23
savrapt-get cache show20:24
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keegznopand any flowchart tool ubuntu (small size)?20:24
BigWig_anybody experience with network booting using bootp and tftp-hpa?20:25
lshknhi all, i create ext2 fs in file and mounted it in loop device with - mount ... -o loop=/dev/loop0. But when i want to umount this, i get "/dev/loop0 no such file or directory". Why?)20:25
bekkslshkn: You dont need to use loop= ... -- you can just use loop20:29
BigWig_What does this mean : start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.42" (uid=1000 pid=2606 comm="start tftpd-hpa ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init")20:29
lshknbekks: thanks, there is no error message any more) But why i can't use loop=... ?20:33
bekkslshkn: Because -o loop is sufficient.20:34
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Mack10does anyone know about GNUnet?20:34
bekks!anyone | Mack1020:34
ubottuMack10: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:35
lshknbekks: okay, tnx)20:35
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Saikisere: cpufreq kernel modules failed20:36
MyNickIsLongerThI'm trying to get grub2 working properly on an external USB hard drive.  I've installed Ubuntu raring onto the drive from within an ubuntu VM, using Debootstrap, but I don't seem to be able to get grub2 to point to the correct location for booting.  The configuration is shown here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5772031/ .20:38
Biomechdthis is what i get when i try to run "cmake ../" for the build process of lmms: http://www.pasteall.org/4322020:40
rohitI deleted a non boot partition using gparted live cd and now I am not able to boot into ubuntu. I gives me error "No Such Partition" and grub rescue> prompt.20:40
rohitCan anybody help me please20:41
HelloWorld321I have an encrypted home directory, and I'd like to run an anacron job to download data into it @weekly.  Will this be as simple as it sounds?  Will it be completely impossible?20:41
bekksHelloWorld321: As long as the user is loggged on - yes.20:41
HelloWorld321bekks: so I need to put in a beefy delay in the anacron job settings, to give the user time to login?20:43
HelloWorld321anacron waits for the system to power on, but it doesn't wait for the user to login?20:43
bekksjack_ubntu: There is no need to contact me outside this channel.20:48
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jack_ubntubekks, thanks.20:50
jack_ubntuhello all, is any FS guru out there?20:50
wNjack_ubntu: fs? file-system? which file-system?20:51
wNjack_ubntu: what do you need to know?20:51
jack_ubntuabt data recovery after grub recue errors20:51
jack_ubntu(unknown fs type)20:52
wNjack_ubntu: usually that occurs because the file-system superblock has been damaged. when creating the file-system, several of these superblocks are created. you can attempt to mount, or fsck, with a backup superblock.20:52
jack_ubntuas a last resort, ran fsck.ext3............20:52
xclusive585hello, on a server with two network interface cards: how packets can be leaving from IP xxx.xxx.x.111 when they are coming only from the interface with IP xxx.xxx.x.222?20:52
jack_ubntuthe directories are back but empty!!!20:53
wNjack_ubntu: that means that your data was damaged and the machine wasn't able to make sense of it on disk. you'll probably find (some of) it in lost+found on the root of the file-system20:53
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jack_ubntui ran fsck from live usb and fixed all the errors as it recommended20:53
Biomechdcould someone look at this and tell me how to fix it? http://www.pasteall.org/4322020:54
narcosHi all. Any idea why lsmod would list mo modules?20:54
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wNBiomechd: it looks like you're missing some qt libraries20:54
wNnarcos: mo modules?20:54
jack_ubntuwN, it (the grub rescue) problem started in my opinion when i took the hd out and tried to boot from it as a usb disk20:54
narcoswN: Zero.20:55
narcoswN: And it's odd, because it was working fine 20 mins ago20:55
BiomechdwN: okay, and which ones do i need? i'm trying to install lmms and i need cmake for the build process.20:55
wNnarcos:        lsmod is a trivial program which nicely formats the contents of the /proc/modules. is that file empty?20:55
rohitI deleted a non boot partition using gparted live cd and now I am not able to boot into ubuntu. I gives me error "No Such Partition" and grub rescue> prompt. Can anybody help me pls?20:55
jack_ubntuwN, seems that I run fsck ext3 on ext4 partitions20:56
wNjack_ubntu: was this your boot disk? grub is intalled to the header of your boot disk.20:56
jack_ubnturesulting in corruption of data?20:56
wNjack_ubntu: yeah, im not sure what kind of problem's that'd cause. i would hope that there would be logic in the program to detect that it was not ext3, but who knows.20:56
narcoswN: it is empty20:56
jack_ubntuyea, it was my boot disk (had ubuntu 12.xx & linux mint on different partitions)20:56
wNnarcos: then thats why lsmod shows nothing. :) heh20:56
jack_ubntuhowever, my new drive with ubuntu 13.0x did boot as usb storage20:57
wNjack_ubntu: im not sure if there is any recovery after running the fsck. it modifies the data on disk.20:57
narcoswN: Why would that file be empty...?20:57
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jack_ubntuwN, thanks for the help!20:57
wNnarcos: uncertain. :s20:58
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rohitwN: what should I do to fix my problem?20:58
jack_ubntuwN, my linux partitions are almost full (as they were before all this)20:58
jack_ubntuwhat does it signify? is data still there?20:58
wNjack_ubntu: yes. probably under lost+found21:00
jack_ubntuyou mean in root of both corrupted partitions?21:00
jack_ubntuwN, lemme see!21:01
ShapeShifter499now with all this NSA stuff I'd like to use something ran locally like VNC instead of teamviewer or splashtop on linux. However vnc is slow and I have yet to find a faster alternative that would allow remote control access from a iPhone or Android device. Any ideas?21:01
HelloWorld321isn't there a command like "once" that you can use to run a script once per day?21:03
Saikiok, so I installed the xfce goodies and the libs, but I can't control my CPU's speed, how do I do that?21:04
bekksjack_ubntu: Check wether you can find your file in /lost+found -- if not, restore your backup.21:10
jack_ubntubekks, no lost+ found directory on either of partitions21:11
jack_ubntuin fact one partition (contains nothing)21:12
bekksjack_ubntu: then you did not run fsck, since that would have (re)created that directory.21:12
jack_ubntubekks, restore backup inodes?21:12
bekksjack_ubntu: No. Restore entire backup from backup device on your shelf :)21:12
jack_ubntui did, one partition (which had ubuntu 12.xx) has directories21:13
jack_ubntuin fact i ran ext3.fsk from live usb21:13
jack_ubntuor was it fsck.ext3?21:13
jack_ubntubekks, i Y'd all the recommendations21:14
jack_ubntuno backup!! the backup disk fell of and is clicking!!!!21:15
HelloWorld321as per: http://askubuntu.com/questions/16160/execute-bash-script-at-startup-but-only-once-a-day21:15
HelloWorld321As Ubuntu uses Anacron by default, you already have this behaviour by putting the script into /etc/cron.daily. Check run-parts --test /etc/cron.daily to check if your script is picked up (importantly, no .sh extension and the +x bit set). See this wiki page and man anacron for more detailed information about why this will work for you.21:15
jack_ubntubekks, my both partitions are almost full as before corruption, so data is burried somwehre deep in the devices :)21:16
HelloWorld321so I've copied the script to /etc/cron.daily, set the ugo+x; and removed the .sh extension; run-parts --test /etc/cron.daily shows it in the list.   Is it good to go?  I'll log that user out, log him back in, and see if the script runs?21:16
jack_ubntubekks, one more thing21:18
jack_ubntushould i make an image of the corrupted partitions and try something else on these?21:19
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RohitAfter deleting a non boot partition from gparted live cd, I am unable to boot into ubuntu. I get error "No Such Partition" with grub rescue prompt. Can anybody help me pls?21:20
malimbarHow would I mark a self-made .desktop file as trusted?21:20
malimbarRohit, which partition did you delete?21:21
jack_ubntugonite, all!21:21
Rohitmalimbar: I think it was /dev/sda521:21
RohitMy boot partition was swap one21:21
Rohitand os was installed on /dev/sda721:22
malimbarhmmm, are you able to boot form a CD still?21:22
budtubaHello, I need help triaging no sound with my Audigy2 card. I had sound working when ubuntu was first installed, but now either nothing or very low sound.21:22
malimbarDisclaimer is that I don't know what I'm doing, but the first thing I would try is to install and run boot-repair21:23
Rohitmalimar, I had a old ubuntu CD and I am here from that only21:23
malimbarRohit, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair might help I'm guessing21:23
BigWigI got it to work! I just reinstalled the tftp server21:23
budtubaCould someone help me to determine if I need to file  a bug report?21:23
Slartbudtuba: have you checked your alsamixer settings?21:23
BigWigIf only I would have known that was the problem earlier, so much time..21:23
malimbarRohit, assumign you still have the MBR and bootable primary partition21:24
BigWigHow long does the server need to run? Once the installer is loaded can I turn of the server?21:24
Rohitmalimbar: Thanks. I will try it out. Yes boot partition shd be there. I only deleted extended non boot21:24
budtubaSlart: Yes, I've maxed all channels in alsamixer, but nothing's changed.21:24
malimbarRohit, hope it helps. If not, you still got others here :)21:25
rhizomehowdy. what's a faster method for copying the files from one large drive to another? file manager (thunar) is caught up on "Collecting files..."21:25
rhizomecp -r ?21:25
malimbarrhizome, that's what I would try21:26
rhizomei doubt rsync would be much faster for raw copies21:27
malimbarI thought rsync was for keeping things in sync21:27
budtubaMy sound card goes through an old pc sound amplifer system, PCWorks FourPointSurround, which works fine when I boot into windows xp.21:28
Slartbudtuba: you're running pulseaudio as well?21:28
malimbarbut if you're just flat out copying, cp shoudl work21:28
rhizomesure. but you can use it for an initial sync, too21:28
rhizomeof directories21:28
budtubaSlart: I think so. I can find Pulseaudio controls through the dash. I'm not certain that Pulseaudio is necessarily working correctly.21:30
malimbarso does anyone know how to mark a file as trusted? trying to test a .desktop file I created but it says I cna't21:30
rhizomemalimbar: what do you mean?21:30
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budtubaSlart: I'll try these commands I found to produce a verbose Pulseaudio log21:31
Slartbudtuba: you can try installing the pavucontrol package, that's the stand-alone volume controller for pulseaudio21:31
malimbarrhizome, when I click on a self-made .desktop file, I get a popup that says "Untrusted application launcher: The application launcher 'Dwarf.desktop' has not been marked as trusted. If you do not know the source of the file, launching it may be unsafe.", and I'm only given the option to cancel21:32
madelAnyone using the Simon speech-to-text application? I have it only spit out a complaint about shadow dictionaries and scenarios and I wonder if I'm missing some necessary software components...21:32
rhizomemalimbar: is it executable?21:33
budtubaslart: when I enter pavucontrol in the dash, a window appears, "Volume Control"21:33
malimbarrhizome, as a launcher for an executable21:33
rhizomemalimbar: no, i mean the .desktop file has to have +x permissions21:33
malimbarrhizome, well, a launcher for a shell script for an executable21:33
malimbarrhizome, ah, thanks. That works21:34
rhizomeeither go through file properties and check/set them there, or chmod 755 on the file from terminal21:34
malimbarrhizome, Now I can figure out how to make it work :)21:34
rhizomecool :)21:34
DoverMorhizome, 0755 D:21:34
SonikkuAmericaDoverMo: 0755 == 75521:35
budtubaSlart: in pavucontrol, Mono volume is at 50% and my output devices are at 100%. Could I have the wrong sound profile selected?21:35
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rhizomewhat will make this fstab entry read-only? /dev/sda1 /media/media ext3 nosuid,nodev 0 021:39
Skymontis ubuntu encrypted by default?21:41
Guest11146hello !21:41
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malimbarSkymont, not by default21:41
Slartbudtuba: sorry, was occupied elsewhere.. so, volume seems ok.. on one of the tabs there are settings for stereo duplex, mono and so on21:42
malimbarSkymont, but you can set it up that way on install21:42
Skymontmalimbar, why not?21:42
budtubaSlart: right.21:42
Slartbudtuba: if you play audio through something, do you see the little bar moving in the pulseuadio window? does anything show up in the playing tab?21:42
Slartbudtuba: sorry, the "playback" tab21:42
budtubaSlart: Yes! I see a grey bar moving when I run this aplay command in a terminal21:44
Slartbudtuba: but you don't hear anything? or you can hear something but very quiet?21:46
budtubaSlart: I have two ports to choose from on Output Devices, and I see the bar move but I hear nothing with either of them.21:46
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budtubaSlart: no, I don't hear even a faint sound.  Though earlier tonight I thought I did..21:47
Slartbudtuba: and you're sure your alsa-mixer settings are correct? both the volume bars but also all the settings which can be turned on and off like "digital out" and such21:47
budtubaSlart: I've raised all the levels in alsamixer to the red zone, of those with bars, and unmuted the on/off ones.21:49
wNextra marinara please21:50
Slartbudtuba: and the configuration tab looks good.. try regular stereo without duplex and then try other things21:51
Slartbudtuba: and it was an Audigy 2 soundcard?21:51
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budtubaSlart: would I change that in this PulseAudio volume Control window?21:52
budtubaSlart: That's correct.21:52
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Skymontis it true that our unencrypted data can be easily accessed from our phone? Can the upcoming Ubuntu mobile version prevent this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVCROjpgCB021:53
SlartSkymont: try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic21:54
Slartbudtuba: yes, you can change that in the volume control app21:55
budtubaSlart:  I see a Configuration tab for multiple profiles. Are you suggesting I experiment changing the profile?21:55
Slartbudtuba: I think I had an audigy 2 soundcard before.. it used to work nicely21:55
Slartbudtuba: give it a try.. in the worst case your sound card keeps on not working =)21:56
budtubaSlart: I'm on Analog Stereo Duplex atm.. I'll start with Analog Stereo Output and go down the list.21:56
murcipilothi, are there any other dvd authoring programs than dvdstyler and bombono?21:56
jhutchins_wkmurcipilot: Yes.21:57
jhutchins_wkmurcipilot: You're talking about creating video DVDs, right?21:57
jhutchins_wkThere's a package called tovid.21:57
Slartmurcipilot: there's devede as well.. I've used that one a couple of occasions21:58
murcipilotI've used it but it encoded only 1 out of three I added21:58
budtubaSlart: I'm on Analog Stereo Duplex atm.. I'll start with Analog Stereo Output and go down the list.21:58
Slartbudtuba: do that21:59
Slartbudtuba: you might want to stop/start the audio playing app between changing profiles21:59
murcipilotI'm relatively new to ubuntu21:59
budtubaSlart: pardon me, I chose the wrong window to repeat my command in, there.21:59
murcipilotI used ConvertXtoDVD in windoze21:59
jhutchins_wkmurcipilot: dvdauthor, mandvd, others22:00
rickswell if i wasnt using linux i would be hanging from a tree22:00
ricksthank god the smart ass people have given me this operation system22:01
murcipilotAm trying to evaluate the idea of keeping ubuntu and ditching windoze for good, everything is pay out, pay out and pay out!22:01
ricksnow i can watch porn without a play button22:01
ricksim so grateful22:01
kostkonmurcipilot, also check devede22:01
rickswell you cant say that windows sucks22:02
ricksthat would be utterly arrogant and shit too22:02
ricksopen your minds22:02
ricksthe world is not flat22:02
budtubaSlart: it's just aplay, it runs for a few seconds then stops.22:02
ricksyou cannot just sit on your linux bleached asses and wait for the apocalypse to come22:02
rickswindows is gonna catch up22:02
murcipilotIt's all about personal choice22:03
rickswell what kind of personal choice do you have if you limit yourself to linux22:03
rickswindows is a mighty fine piece of gear22:03
ss_hazericks, go #ubuntu-offtopic22:03
ricksit has all the tools you need to satisfy a personal computer user22:03
murcipilotno doubt it is22:03
ss_hazethen stay with it, and stfu from tech supported channel22:04
ricksyes but why do you have to crush it always22:04
ivymikebut it isn't free22:04
rickswell it is free for me22:04
ricksbecause my mom works in an office22:04
budtubaSlart: I haven't had any luck with these profiles. Should I file a bug now, or just a problem report?22:04
ss_hazebudtuba ubuntu-bug <application name> If I remmeber right22:05
ricksonce i was using ubuntu and the file manager totally bugged out, same with the audio services22:05
ricksthey are totally mediocre and you have to set up the stuff 5 hours before using it22:05
murcipilotI tried to find mandvd in software centre, no such file :(22:06
murcipilotsynaptic perhaps?22:06
ricksi cannot always make JACK connections before playing with a noobish software22:06
ss_hazericks, what is your actuall problem?22:06
ricksi just hate the arrogance of linux users22:06
ricksthey never support you when you have a problem22:06
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
Slartbudtuba: I would start with writing a post in the ubuntu forums.. there are many smart people out there and someone might have a solution.. but you can also report a bug.. I'm assuming the ubuntu people want the system to work out-of-the-box which it doesn't for you22:07
ss_hazethen you hate yourself, so shut the f*** up22:07
ricksi wont shut up22:07
rickslinux people have told me to do so in the past22:07
ricksi have to stand up for my words22:07
murcipilotIt's not arrogance it's choice22:07
budtubass_haze: oh, I actually did use ubuntu-bug -s audio earlier. But would I learn if there was a response from using that command?22:07
ss_hazeyou can express yourself on offtopic channel22:07
rickswhich choice man22:07
Slartricks: did you have a ubuntu support question or you're just ranting? there's is a channel where you won't get kicked for that you know.. #ubuntu-offtopic22:07
ricksits like an apple and a nutsack22:07
ricksim not even ranting OMG22:07
ricksis writing too much for the poor souls in here22:08
ricksi cannot believe it22:08
murcipilotchill lad22:08
Noskcaj!enter | ricks22:08
ubotturicks: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:08
ricksyoure reading 10000000 lines of code and cannot even read mine22:08
rickswhat the hell is wrong with you, are you going robotic now22:08
kostkonricks, this is a support channel. there is another channels for discussions22:08
ricksbut i want to talk to you guys, the core of the system22:09
budtubaSlart: my father who installed it told me it did work at first, but it since stopped. I don't know what changes to the system had occurred since then.22:09
Noskcajricks, most of us are in -offtopic too22:09
usr13ricks: This is not the core of anything, it's just the support channel.22:09
kostkonricks, we are not the core, just regulars users helping each other. now head to #ubuntu-offtopic22:09
ricksbut what an accusation to declare my words as offtopic22:09
Slartbudtuba: might have been an update or something else.. if it was me I would start with a forum-post and after that a bug-report but the choice is yours22:09
ricksmaybe there is something BIG happening right NOW22:09
kostkon!ops | ricks is trolling22:09
ubotturicks is trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!22:09
ivymikewhat is the difference between putting"eclipse" and "./eclipse" for instance into the terminal ?22:09
budtubaSlart: I'm trying to encourage him to seek help from the community rather than just reinstalling.22:10
murcipilotNo mandvd in synaptic as well..:(22:10
k1lricks: keep this channel clear for technical support please22:10
rickswhy would you say that to me22:10
ricksi need some technical support right now22:10
kingwiZardbonjour a tous , je suis sur ubuntu depuis 2 semaines. J'aimerais gagner de la memoire dans mon pc en suprimmant ce qui reste de windows , la manipulation a faire est vraiment compliquer , quelqu'un d'expérimenté pourrais m'aider?22:10
Noskcajricks, leave before the ops get here22:10
Myrttiricks: did You Have a support question?22:10
budtubaSlart: so post on the forum first, sounds good. Thanks!22:10
Eaglemanhaha sure you do22:10
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:10
ricksmy jack audio server doesnt respond i set the package size to 3222:10
Slartivymike: "eclipse" runs the system app called eclipse, "./eclipse" runs the file eclipse from whatever directory you're currently in22:10
Slartbudtuba: hope you get it figured out22:11
kingwiZard /join #ubuntu-qc22:11
ricksi just wanna run fucking fruity loops on my ubuntu lap22:11
rickswhy isnt it working ffs22:11
usr13ricks: /join #jack22:11
Slartivymike: the idea is that commands you run without the ./ should be system stuff ie things you can't change as a regular user.. if you write something like gedit you don't want to run the file that happens to be in your current folder that's called gedit.. so if you really want to run the local file you have to add ./ in front of it22:12
arminhm, i have some kind of strange problem with the normal unity terminal and irssi: when switching to a tab that has an irssi session running, it will take about 2 seconds or so until the display is proper (hard to describe what's actually going on there), but ONLY if that window is maximized, otherwise everything is okay. anyone else experiencing this?22:12
ivymikeThank you Slart, but why though when I try something like for instance ./opt/lampp/bin/mysql it doesn't work, it doesn't make sense22:12
ss_hazearmin, try other terminal22:12
jhutchins_wk!doesn't work22:12
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.22:12
Slartivymike:  the  dot means the current folder.. so ./opt could be /home/Slart/opt  if that's where I am no22:12
arminss_haze: hm. no?22:12
Slartivymike: try just /opt/  that way you're starting at root22:12
ss_hazethen suffer from effects armin22:13
keegznopwhy 4+4=8?22:13
ivymikei think i've got it, ty22:13
arminss_haze: i'm rather trying to find the bug than live with it.22:13
keegznopwhy 4+4=8  ?22:13
k1lkeegznop: ##math or somewhere else22:13
ss_hazewhy earth is round >22:14
keegznopbut it is in ubuntu terminal ,code that typed22:15
malimbar(probably not the best place to ask bu tpointers are nice) I'm trying to create a launcher.desktop file that has the option to also launch something via unity shortcut via the terminal. Is there a way to make it so just the shortcut opens a terminal? Using this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles#Adding_shortcuts_to_a_launcher , and adding a terminal=true tag below it doesn't seem to work22:16
keegznopwhen i type in terminal 4+4=8, why the background is black?22:16
ivymikebc 4+422:16
Noskcajkeegznop, what are you talking about?22:16
keegznopabout why uts changed?22:17
keegznopabout why its changed?22:17
keegznopin bash22:17
k1lkeegznop: stop this. keep this channel clear for real ubuntu support. thanks22:17
ss_hazeone beer, two beer, twinkle winkle22:18
keegznopbut it is in bash ubuntu?,when i use echo22:18
sereAnyone have any explerience backing up notes, preferrably with tomboy, with andriod would be a plus..22:18
sereoops wait22:19
Slartmalimbar: I've never managed to get that to work.. but you can  run gnome-terminal with a switch to make it run your command there.. that might be easier22:19
malimbarSlart, like "gnome-terminal /home/foo/app" ?22:20
seresorry lost my paste.. looking for a few ipionions on syncing notes whats everyone using to sync notes and possible freemind if possible22:21
Java_JerI have a ? about amd radeon driver22:21
Java_Jerthe catalyst center isn't working correctly saying my amd driver is not installed22:21
malimbarSlart, nvm, figured it out with man page. "gnome-terminal -e /directiry/to/app22:21
keegznopsorry, why i'm kicked from channel?22:22
sereJava_Jer: have you installed drivers?22:23
Slartmalimbar: yes, that's it22:23
Java_Jersere - I tried but it says no properitary drivers are in use22:23
Java_Jerso I can't find the drivers for amd radeon 300022:23
teamcoltraHey ubuntuers -- I am trying to install the latest Ubuntu onto my Macbook Air -- I have followed all the instructions, and I seem to have it installed, however, when I hold alt when booting -- it doesn't show anything in the boot menu.22:25
murcipilotI've downloaded a tarball of 2mandvd and extracted it, what do I do now.22:25
budtubaI've been trying to recover my password for the ubuntu forums, but I get the message "You have not entered an email address we recognize." But I can't contact the forum administrator because I can't login. What can I do?22:25
Ari-YangJava_Jer, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI22:25
Ari-Yangand http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx22:25
sereJava_Jer: i believe you need to install the fglrx driver22:25
Ari-YangJava_Jer, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Installing_upstream_drivers_directly_from_AMD.27s_website start reading from there22:26
kostkonmurcipilot, avoid doing that, if you aren't able to find it in the software centre, then try devede22:26
Ari-Yangand I warn you, flgrx driver is horrible, Java_Jer22:26
Ari-YangI tried it, caused nothing but tearing and glitches22:26
Ari-Yangfeel free to try it yourself though22:26
murcipilotno tanks I'll take yur word matey ;)22:26
Java_JerSo it looks like Nvidia is better compatible with Ubuntu, Linux22:27
Ari-YangJava_Jer, you /could/ say that, but kernel 3.9 gave radeon/ati/amd driver more attention, I heard it's better22:28
Java_JerAri-Yang - I have ubuntu 12.04 LTS22:28
sevencipherprob cuz linus hates nvidia22:28
Java_Jerjust installed it today22:28
Java_Jerswitched from Mint to Ubuntu 12.0422:28
Ari-YangJava_Jer, ah. why you want proprietary though?22:29
murcipilotmy problem is' I add 3 avi's around 500meg and then I chose the menu, then click the forward button, it only encodes 1 of the avi files?!22:29
sereJava_Jer: nvidia has great compatibility, however i have had no problems with the drivers from the repo and my ati.. runs steam and high quality movies as smooth as butter22:29
Ari-Yangsere you're on desktop? or laptop?22:29
Java_JerThe reason is that I wanted to get better driver is because my netflix desktop movie is bit well... clear yes but photo still have some kind of torn images22:29
Java_Jerwhen motion happens the video show some cuts22:30
sereAri-Yang: laptop22:30
Ari-YangJava_Jer, yeah, that's video tearing22:30
Java_JerI'm on ASUS essentio series desktop22:30
murcipilotI use a gtx8800 nvidia and ubuntu loves it!22:30
Java_Jeruse AMD radeon22:30
Ari-YangI myself got minor tearing when I was on cinnamon, switched to E17 and no tearing at all22:30
Ari-YangJava_Jer, possibly compiz's fault on your end?22:30
Java_JerI was on cinnamon as well22:30
Ari-Yangif mint uses that22:30
Java_Jerwasn't happy22:30
Ari-Yangwell, no problem on E17 over here22:31
Java_Jernice GUI and stuff, yes but update messed up22:31
Ari-YangJava_Jer, well if you want, feel free to try fglrx driver22:31
Ari-Yangmaybe you'll be more lucky than me, and be fine22:31
ShapeShifter499hi again22:32
Ari-Yangit's fairly easy installing the driver, took me 8min22:32
ShapeShifter499I set up iRedMail on a Ubuntu 13.04 box for my email server however port 25 is blocked by my ISP thus I cannot receive or send email from my server. I'm not sure if this is the main reason, I believe it is. I figured I could use a smart host to send email but as for receiving email I don't know. Anyone know how I would get around this?22:32
James_EppI'm just going to say that ubottu is my bestest friend.22:32
Ari-Yangthe bot?22:32
Ari-Yanglol ^22:32
James_EppAri-Yang: Yup :)22:32
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James_EppI'm all like, hey bro "samba" and it's like, here's an article. And I'm like, sweet this is what I needed. It works now. Sexy.22:33
Ari-YangI guess Java_Jer got fed up? or intimidated?22:33
budtubamy email address is budtuba@gmail.com, but the ubuntu forum says it can't recognize it when I try to resend my password. What recourse do I have?22:33
BluesKajbudtuba, not good to post personal account info here , there's no need to know your actual email address22:35
budtubaBluesKaj: oops, good point.22:35
murcipilotEureka!!! I actually managed to rtfm lol Devede works brilliant, thanks guys!22:35
budtubaBluesKaj: figured it might help to confirm I wasn't entering gibberish, but the spambots don't need any more help.22:37
BluesKajbudtuba, have you changed ISPs lately , by any chance22:38
budtubaBluesKaj: no22:38
BluesKajor dns service , budtuba , sometimes gmail and forums balk at that22:39
HelloWorld321is the default lubuntu desktop ldxe?22:40
k1lHelloWorld321: yes22:40
budtubaBluesKaj: I don't think so. that wouldn't be a standard feature for pangolin, would it?22:40
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.22:40
HelloWorld321k1l: tx22:41
BluesKajbudtuba, that really doesn't have much to do with the OS22:42
James_EppI am doing a copy of my home folder daily to another location over the network using rsync. I want to exclude multiple directories. What switch should I use?22:44
budtubaBluesKaj: oh well my isp is time warner. Are you suggesting they could be messing with my dns without informing me?22:45
teamcoltrato be fair, you are probably using their dns by default22:46
BluesKajbudtuba, no, I mean have you changed your dns service yourself22:46
teamcoltraactually some ISPs (stupid ISPs) over-ride your DNS selection even if you change it yourself.  :P but I don't know what I am replying to, just inserting useless knoweldge22:47
budtubaBluesKaj: no, I don't think so.22:47
BluesKajteamcoltra, some routers have the option of selecting a dns service other than the ISP automatic dns22:48
armin"The application Terminal has closed unexpectedly"22:48
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
budtubabut how would my dns screw up a forum administration page anyway? I'm just trying to reset my password.22:50
mac_hy all.. i am running a linux 12.04 lts, and having trouble over swap (-has no autostart), launching programs and with original gnome 3 look (has a fallback)22:50
mtfnubif u run an established, illegal website that distributes copyrighted materials and rakes in $$$-$$$$ per month, what would be the best course of action to protect yourself from legal liability / consequences?22:51
wheatthinmtfnub, that's not a topic for here sorry22:51
MagicarpI'm using the 'hardware sensors indicator' and are trying to find the entry for the temp of my video card. What is it likley to be named?22:52
budtubaIs it possible to contact the Ubuntu Forum administrator outside of logging into the forum?  Maybe by email, or do they appear on IRC?22:53
wheatthinbudtuba, You're having trouble logging into a forum?22:54
budtubawheatthin: that's right, ubuntuforums.org.22:55
IdleOnebudtuba: #ubuntuforums22:55
budtubaIdleOne: thanks so much!22:55
valroadieAnyone have a definitive answer on how to completely remove the notification bubbles in ubuntu 12.04?22:56
wheatthinbudtuba, some times if you use tor proxy's, they'll be blocked22:56
budtubawheatthin: nope, not using tor.22:57
wheatthinusing a proxy?22:57
BluesKajbudtuba, I'm not exactly sure , but I had a hard time with gmail after setting up opendns on my router and resolv.conf22:58
mojtabaHi, I am using libre office, ubuntu 13.04; It does not show me the wrong dictation of the words. Does anybody know what should I do to fix this problem?22:58
mojtabaIt does not show the red line under the wrong words.22:58
BluesKajanyway BBL22:58
mac_hy all.. i am running a linux 12.04 lts, and having trouble over swap (-has no autostart), launching programs and with original gnome 3 look (has a fallback)23:00
trismvalroadie: if in unity, install notification-daemon, remove notify-osd, log out, back in23:00
valroadiemojtaba, make sure in the tools->options->Language settings->Writing aids it has a spell checker enabled23:00
antoine__hi all23:00
valroadietrism, not in unity I am using gnome23:01
wheatthinvalroadie, gnome 3 or gnome classic?23:01
valroadieclassic, sorry should have been more specific lol23:01
trismvalroadie: same should work for gnome fallback, just disable notification-daemon from starting in xdg autostart23:01
antoine__ is there a way to install the last version of ubuntu from within an active gnome session ? (comp doesn't have a working CD reader nor can it boot on usb, but can still access the web)23:02
mojtabavalroadie: Check spelling as you type was marked.23:02
valroadiethanks trism, i'll see about that23:02
valroadiemojtaba, did you also check to see if it is using any dictionaries? Below where the  spell checker was in the options, it should have a place for dictionaries....though these come by default I just want to make sure23:03
mojtabavalroadie: everything was marked.23:04
wheatthinantoine__, are you using ubuntu already?23:04
antoine__wheatthin, well it's linux mint 11 but doesn't matter does it23:05
valroadiehmm...well mojtaba I would suggest uninstalling libre office, sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice23:05
wheatthinit does, cause I was suggesting doing a dist-upgrade23:05
mojtabavalroadie: And then how can I install it again?23:06
antoine__wheatthin, I'm on ubuntu right now but the comp i'm trying to fix is an old one from a friend23:06
mojtabavalroadie: Should I do something especial?23:06
goddardhi does the new system76 ultraPro fan sound loud when it is hot?23:06
valroadiesudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove  Then install it using the software center or manually  http://www.libreoffice.org/download/23:07
mojtabavalroadie: How can I install the whole suite again?23:07
valroadie^^ :)23:07
valroadieHope that helps!23:07
mojtabavalroadie: I am a newbie. thanks.23:07
valroadieNp, good luck!23:07
wheatthinantoine__, I dunno.. I'd suggest buying a small usb flash drive, and then downloading the ubuntu iso, and image it over23:08
James_EppI'm having some weird voodoo stuff going on. In any other application except nautilus, I can double-click perfectly. Opening folders requires right clicking on the directory and clicking "Open"23:08
=== hunter_ is now known as pitoow
antoine__wheatthin, that was the first thing I tried but the bios of this old piece of computer doesn't allow to boot from usb23:09
wheatthinantoine__, have an extra hd laying around?23:11
antoine__wheatthin, yes i do23:11
wheatthinantoine__, I'd install it on your computer (or the one you're working on) and image it that way23:12
DualityI am running ubuntu server and can't connect to my website al of a sudden, could someone help me troubleshoot it ?23:12
wheatthinantoine__, then boot from that hard drive23:12
antoine__wheatthin,  hum yes that could do the trick23:13
antoine__well thank you for the hint, thats gonna be my next move23:13
Rave1antoine          does that old computer by chance have a floppy drive23:15
HuggieBeari have a question about changing and disabling  the  keyring and passphrase  because im having trouble with my openPGP key signing the coc inside the terminal.  ive already tried deleting them out and redoing them but the keyring wont cooperate.23:15
antoine__Rave1, let me check23:15
mojtabavalroadie: I used autoremove and I think it uninstalled nemo, and now all of my desktop items are not showing! Do you know what should I do?23:15
antoine__Rave1, nop23:15
mac_hy all.. i am running a linux 12.04 lts, and having trouble over swap (-has no autostart), launching programs and with original gnome 3 look (has a fallback)23:16
Rave1OK   so my suggestion wouldnt help23:16
antoine__anyway where can I buy floppy disk nowadays ;)23:16
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pongrequest one on craigslist $223:17
Rave1antointe_       yes hard to find             i just happen to still have some23:17
mac_i got one at home :)23:17
valroadiemojtaba, you put nemo as your default file manager? What distro of ubuntu are you using?23:17
wheatthinmac_, have a swap partition ?23:17
HuggieBeari have a question about changing and disabling  the  keyring and passphrase  because im having trouble with my openPGP key signing the coc inside the terminal.  ive already tried deleting them out and redoing them but the keyring wont cooperate.23:18
antoine__pong, mac_  thanks guys but I'm in france ... :)23:18
mojtabavalroadie: I am using ubuntu 13.04, but I have installed cinammon, KDE, GNOME to see how are these look like.23:18
wheatthinmac_, and it's not mounting with swapon?23:18
wheatthinyes it is or yes it's not?23:19
mojtabavalroadie: When I shutting down my computer or turn it on, it shows Kubuntu. Do you know how can I revert it back to ubuntu?23:19
mac_also.. gnome 3 aint working correctly, so i cant activate it myself by gpart23:19
mojtabavalroadie: I do not know how I have changed it before! :(23:20
wheatthinuse the terminal, and type sudo swapon23:20
mac_can u please prvt msg me23:20
teamcoltramojtaba - apt-get purge kubuntu && apt-get install ubuntu23:20
teamcoltrait might be kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop23:20
valroadiemojtaba, oh my haha well....you have a bunch of things on there that are probably conflicting with each other. To be honest I do not know why it uninstalled nemo if you told it to specifically libreoffice hmm...mojtaba calm down! lol what you need to do is choose what you want to use...only to make this simpler23:20
mojtabaI like unity and cinammon23:21
HuggieBeari have a question about changing and disabling  the  keyring and passphrase  because im having trouble with my openPGP key signing the coc inside the terminal.  ive already tried deleting them out and redoing them but the keyring wont cooperate. any help would be greatly appreciated23:21
valroadieok, well then you need to remove the gnome desktop...which do you like better cinnamon or unity? You can have both but I am just asking23:21
mojtabavalroadie: I have downloaded "LibreOffice_4.0.3_Linux_x86-64_deb.tar.gz", do you know how can I install libreoffice using this file?23:22
mojtabavalroadie: I prefer to have both.23:22
mojtabavalroadie: I just want to get rid of KDE23:22
valroadiemojtaba: ok...sudo apt-get remove akonadi-backend-mysql akonadi-server akregator amarok amarok-common amarok-utils apport-kde apturl-kde ark bluedevil cdparanoia cdrdao docbook-xsl dolphin dragonplayer freespacenotifier gnupg-agent gnupg2 gpgsm gstreamer0.10-qapt gtk2-engines-oxygen gwenview ibus-qt4 icoutils jockey-kde k3b k3b-data kaccessible kaddressbook kamera kate kate-data katepart...23:23
valroadie...kcalc kde-baseapps-bin kde-baseapps-data kde-config-gtk kde-config-touchpad kde-runtime kde-runtime-data kde-wallpapers-default kde-window-manager kde-workspace kde-workspace-bin kde-workspace-data kde-workspace-kgreet-plugins kde-zeroconf kdebase-runtime kdegames-card-data kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer kdelibs-bin kdelibs5-data kdelibs5-plugins kdemultimedia-kio-plugins kdenetwork-filesharing kd23:23
FloodBot1valroadie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:23
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
valroadiehere mojtaba http://paste.ubuntu.com/5772480/23:24
valroadiepaste that into your terminal23:24
valroadienot the link but whats in the pastebin xD23:25
mojtabavalroadie: Are you sure it will work. :O23:25
valroadieI can't believe it didn't copy my pastebin link lol yes mojtaba it will completely remove KDE23:25
mojtabavalroadie: By the way, do you know how can I install libreoffice using that file?23:26
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valroadiemojtaba: yes give me a sec23:26
linuxnewbhey guys im looking for some help wiht my ubuntu installation23:27
linuxnewbive searched the web, but i haven't been able to find an answer thus far23:28
k1l!details | linuxnewb23:28
ubottulinuxnewb: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:28
linuxnewbUbuntu 12.0423:28
linuxnewblast night i installed the latest drivers from nvidia23:28
linuxnewbnow i cannot boot or boot into failsafe graphics mode23:29
k1llinuxnewb: drivers from the homepage?23:29
TectonicDoes anyone have a recommendation for good laptop hardware to run Ubuntu?  Something light and a couple years old so it's cheap.23:29
linuxnewbi tried moving xorg.conf to xorg.conf.old so it would use the default settings23:29
Duality_a router reboot fixed it23:29
k1llinuxnewb: that was already a mistake. the ubuntu way is to stick to the drivers shipped with the official repos23:29
linuxnewbyeah it was working fine with the drivers before23:30
linuxnewbi just thought it would be good to be up to date, but i realize that was a bad idea23:30
HuggieBearubuntu 13.04 i have a question about changing and disabling  the  keyring and passphrase  because im having trouble with my openPGP key signing the coc inside the terminal.  ive already tried deleting them out and redoing them but the keyring wont cooperate. any help would be greatly appreciated23:30
k1llinuxnewb: uninstall the driver and go with the oficiall one23:30
linuxnewbkk i have to chroot the drive right?23:31
k1llinuxnewb: failsafe textmode should work, too23:31
linuxnewbim already in the live cd so id rather do it from in here23:31
linuxnewbits already mounted too23:32
linuxnewbwhich is nice23:32
valroadiemojtaba: open a terminal and type this in:  cd Downloads  THEN you will need to extract it:  tar -xvzf LibreOffice_4.0.3_Linux_x86-64_deb.tar.gz  THEN you will need to install it:  cd LibreOffice_4.0.3_Linux_x86-64_deb/DEBS    THEN    sudo dpkg -i *.deb  THEN  cd desktop-integration  THEN  sudo dpkg -i *.deb23:32
linuxnewbits giving me permission denied when i try to chroot23:36
linuxnewbits giving me permission denied when i try to chrootsudo chroot /media/8aaf4d8e-a6c6-48d6-b376-cb20884c3a1c /mnt23:36
mojtabavalroadie: The last command generates this: dpkg: regarding libreoffice4.0-debian-menus_4.0.3-3_all.deb containing libreoffice-debian-menus:23:38
mojtaba libreoffice-core conflicts with libreoffice-unbundled23:38
mojtaba  libreoffice-debian-menus provides libreoffice-unbundled and is to be installed.23:38
mojtabadpkg: error processing libreoffice4.0-debian-menus_4.0.3-3_all.deb (--install):23:38
mojtaba conflicting packages - not installing libreoffice-debian-menus23:38
mojtabaErrors were encountered while processing:23:38
FloodBot1mojtaba: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:38
mojtaba libreoffice4.0-debian-menus_4.0.3-3_all.deb23:38
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linuxnewbcan anyone tell me what is wrong with this?23:41
linuxnewbits giving me permission denied when i try to chrootsudo chroot /media/8aaf4d8e-a6c6-48d6-b376-cb20884c3a1c /mntsudo chroot /media/8aaf4d8e-a6c6-48d6-b376-cb20884c3a1c chroot23:41
linuxnewbsudo chroot /media/8aaf4d8e-a6c6-48d6-b376-cb20884c3a1c chroot23:41
linuxnewbmy bad23:41
serelinuxnewb: what exactly are you trying to do by chrooting that drive23:41
linuxnewbso i can uninstall a graphics driver23:42
linuxnewbim booted into a live cd23:42
linuxnewbtrying to fix my actual installation which is on that drive23:42
mojtabavalroadie: Are you there? could you please check the error?23:42
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valroadiemojtaba: yes I am here had to log out, could you post it again?23:42
serelinuxnewb: dont do that.. check your package you downloaded and somehwere there should be an uninstall script23:42
serelinuxnewb: then just simply sudo that script23:43
mojtaba07:38:00 PM - mojtaba: valroadie: The last command generates this: dpkg: regarding libreoffice4.0-debian-menus_4.0.3-3_all.deb containing libreoffice-debian-menus:23:43
mojtaba07:38:00 PM - mojtaba: libreoffice-core conflicts with libreoffice-unbundled23:43
mojtaba07:38:00 PM - mojtaba: libreoffice-debian-menus provides libreoffice-unbundled and is to be installed.23:43
mojtaba07:38:00 PM - mojtaba: dpkg: error processing libreoffice4.0-debian-menus_4.0.3-3_all.deb (--install):23:43
mojtaba07:38:00 PM - mojtaba: conflicting packages - not installing libreoffice-debian-menus23:43
FloodBot1mojtaba: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:43
mojtaba07:38:00 PM - mojtaba: Errors were encountered while processing:23:43
mojtaba07:38:00 PM - mojtaba: libreoffice4.0-debian-menus_4.0.3-3_all.deb23:43
k1l!paste | mojtaba23:43
ubottumojtaba: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:43
valroadiemojtaba: next time use this: paste.ubuntu.com  hah23:43
linuxnewb@sere I am using sudo, also I can't just run an uninstall script because I'm booted to a Live CD.  I can't boot into my reuglar installation reguarly or in failsafe graphics mode.23:43
Greyganlinuxnewb: boot to terminal in the affected load. then run the script23:45
linuxnewbhow do i boot to terminal23:45
mojtabavalroadie: I opened a document and again it is not showing the errors. :(23:45
linuxnewbi can't ctrl + alt + f123:45
linuxnewbit freezes before that point23:45
Greyganat the grub menu23:45
valroadiemojtaba: well shoot man...I have no idea further than that :( make a thread on the forums and see if someone can help you out! :)23:46
mojtabavalroadie: I do not know how to do that, can you give me the forum's URL?23:47
valroadiemojtaba: ubuntuforums.org23:47
seretexas gun laws23:52
sereoops sorry :x23:52
linds6630hey, i just installed gnome-shell on ubuntu 12.10 and rebooted and my usb isn't working? i tried rebooting a couple times, unplugged and replugged, used all my ports. dmesg shows no activity.. any suggestions?23:53
wheatthinmac_,  welcome back23:55
linds6630hrm never seen so little activity in here23:57
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valroadiemust be a sign that ubuntu is getting easier to use ;)23:58
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