
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
smartboyhwJackYu, ping14:30
JackYusmartboyhw: hi14:30
smartboyhwJackYu, I know you guys are trying to develop docs.14:30
smartboyhwThere's one thing you guys should try to consider: Something simliar to the Ubuntu manual project.14:30
smartboyhwNow Lubuntu is trying to make it's own official version of Lubuntu manual14:31
JackYuseems that it's a great project14:32
smartboyhwJackYu, you know the problem is: They have more people than the official Ubuntu doc project (which is seriously undermanpower)14:33
JackYuso, how will Lubuntu do it?14:33
smartboyhwJackYu, make it the way they want:P14:34
JackYuwell, thanks for your information:)14:36
JackYuI think flavors should use their own manual.14:37

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