
=== marco is now known as Guest93466
Guest93466Zequence: Hey man, you helped me the other day figure out a way to get the features of UbuntuStudio for Ubuntu - one of the things you told me was I needed to be a member of audio group and gave me this type put in terminal: sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER - when I did, it spat this back at me:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5769898/  .... now, my question is - what do I do here... I was uncertain if the Username/account was05:01
Guest93466automatically created or if I needed to choose something from the options listed.05:01
Guest93466Anyone who might know something about that, I'd really appreciate it!  :)05:01
Guest93466I'm stuck sitting in terminal waiting to make my move05:07
OvenWerksTry replacing the $user with your user05:20
OvenWerksGuest93466: Say if your user id was joe then:05:21
Guest93466i did that05:21
Guest93466my name on my computer i used05:21
OvenWerkssudo usermod -a -G audio joe05:21
Guest93466yeah, yeah, thats how i did it05:22
Guest93466got those options from the paste. link05:22
OvenWerksYou were answering faster than I typed sorry05:22
Guest93466just was not sure if that completed the process05:22
Guest93466if i was good to go w/ that step.05:22
Guest93466no worries i appreciate the help05:22
OvenWerkstype groups05:22
Unit193No, it didn't.  It didn't exist.05:23
OvenWerksthat should give you a list of groups you are in05:23
Guest93466gave me this:  marco adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare05:23
OvenWerksyou are not in audio then05:23
Guest93466not audio05:23
Guest93466any thoughts?05:24
OvenWerksyou can also sudo nano /etc/group05:24
OvenWerksand edit by hand...05:24
OvenWerksaudio should have pulse in it. add ,user05:25
Guest93466i am not well versed here, is it easy enough?05:25
OvenWerksuser mod shoiuld have worked. did you try it more than once?05:25
OvenWerksYou should not get the usage message05:26
Guest93466just once05:26
OvenWerksshould not hurt to try again.05:27
Guest93466U - unlock user account?05:27
Unit193Not sure about with audio, but you can use addgroup... Anywho, I have to leave again.05:27
Guest93466add group, that gave me some crazy options05:28
Guest93466 sudo nano /etc/group05:28
Guest93466that gave me the crazy ops05:28
OvenWerkssomething else is going on then.05:29
OvenWerksDid you have to type in your password at least once?05:30
OvenWerksWhich command line are you using?05:30
Guest93466my computer pw05:31
=== marco is now known as Guest98535
Guest98535that is what i get from using: sudo nano /etc/group05:40
Guest98535i am not sure why i cant figure out how to join audio group05:40
Guest98535that is what i get from: fgrep -ie 'audio' /etc/group05:44
Guest98535...still lost05:44
Guest98535anyone around?05:49
Guest98535Can anyone help me figure out how to add a user to the Audio Group?05:56
zequenceGuest98535: $USER is a variable06:14
zequenceGuest98535: try doing this: echo $USER06:14
zequenceif you want to replace it with your username, drop the "$"06:15
zequenceanything starting with "$" is considered to be a variable by bash06:15
zequenceFor the change to be in effect, you need to logout and login again06:16
zequenceif you don't misspell, this will work, if you type it exactly so: sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER06:20
raven_is there any tool like projectx for h264/hd? i need to cut hd tv files with 5.1 ac3 sound - without reencoding would be nice15:43
=== al4nc4ds_ is now known as al4nc4ds
holsteinraven_: i would just try some..AFAIK h264 support is available to be added to any of them17:05
jeevanusis there a way to change the image behind the login screen?17:06
holsteinjeevanus: its all open, so the answer is almost always yes.. are you talking about the greeter?17:08
jeevanusgreeter? i think yes17:08
holsteini would just search that.. "xubuntu greeter change backgroung"17:09
holsteinhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2045578 for example17:09
raven_is there any tool like projectx for h264/hd? i need to cut hd tv files with 5.1 ac3 sound - without reencoding would be nice17:10
jeevanusthe interface is same for xubuntu and ubuntu studio? both has Xfce?17:10
raven_keeping the 5.1 sound is the main problem17:10
jeevanusok thanks17:10
holsteinraven_: did you see my post?17:10
holsteinraven_: i have *no* idea what "projectx" is, so, you can elaborate, or share screenshots... *or*, just start trying editors.. since they should all be able to support h.26417:11
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:11
raven_do you read my comment? KEEPING AC3 5.1 SOUND IS THE PROBLEM17:12
holsteinraven_: cool.. feel free and wait for another volunteer17:13
raven_i do17:13
holsteinraven_: you can try #opensourcemusicians ..or the main #ubuntu channel17:13
holsteinraven_: keeping AC3 should not be a problem either17:13
holsteinshould be less of a problem.. what have you tried? openshot? kdenlive?17:14
raven_would be nice if it was17:14
holsteinhow do they fail for you?17:14
raven_for example kdenlive i cannot move to export more than 2 channels17:15
holsteinAFAIK, 5.1 is going ot be an issue17:16
holsteinshould be able to do the audio and video seperate and forc it somehow17:16
holsteinlas i heard from las (ffrom #ardour), we have no 5.1 audio options17:17
holsteinraven_: http://openshotusers.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=174 seems relevant17:25
holsteinopenshot is the most recent, and arguably the most supported platfrom17:26
=== marco is now known as Guest4509
Guest4509Zequence:  Are you available for a moment?  I had a question about the commands to download the studio packages on Ubuntu.  I tried the command 'sudo apt-get ubuntustudio-audio' and it gave me 'invalid operation'.17:31
zequenceGuest4509: sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-audio17:32
zequenceGuest4509: did you figure out the audio group problem?17:32
Guest4509ahhh, lets see here17:32
Guest4509yes!  thankfullly!17:32
Guest4509thanks for asking.17:32
zequencetakes a bit of time getting used to the command line, but the more you use it, the less you want to spend time with slow gui tools that don't even let you do everything you would like17:33
Guest4509Zequence: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5771553/17:34
zequenceyou can see all the command for apt-get doing: apt-get --help17:34
Guest4509ah, nice, good to know.17:34
zequenceseems like you already installed it then17:34
Guest4509Yeah, I prefer using command line for anything I can17:34
Guest4509i didnt....17:34
Guest4509which is weird17:34
zequencesomeone did :)17:35
Guest4509i did the low-latency17:35
Guest4509maybe that did it?17:35
Guest4509strange, lets try the next one....17:35
zequenceI don't think anything depends on ubuntustudio-audio17:35
Guest4509Hmm, same thing....17:36
Guest4509for audio-plugins17:36
zequenceif you install -audio, audio-plugins will be installed too17:37
zequenceyou can see what will be installed by doing: apt-get depends ubuntustudio-audio17:37
zequenceapt-cache depends ubuntustudio-audio17:37
zequenceand to see what depends on it: apt-cache rdepends ubuntustudio-audio17:38
zequenceor: apt-cache rdepends ubuntustudio-audio-plugins17:38
zequencegotta go for a while. I'll be back later17:38
Guest4509ok, looking into this now, looks like ubuntustudio-controls is installing, first of 3.17:38
zequenceyou don't need that17:39
zequenceno need to install it17:39
zequencedon't use it :)17:39
zequenceit's out of date17:39
Guest4509shit, just installed17:39
zequencedoesn't matter. just don't use it for anything17:40
zequenceok, gotta go now17:40
Guest4509take care man, thanks as always17:41
Guest4509Hey guys, if anyone is available.....My issue is fairly simple.  After installing the UbuntuStudio apps in full on Ubuntu, I find myself in need of a way to organize them.  Audio is my concern.  On Studio they were arranged by  Sound Generators, Mixers Effects and than the recording wares... I'd be fine making a list and organizing  them this way but I do not know how to figure out the commands to open each of these apps to18:16
Guest4509do so.... or, a folder with shortcut icons would work - no concern either way, just that I am unsure of how to accomplish either.18:16
zequenceGuest4509: how much RAM do you have? I know you have problems with the XFCE session, so perhaps you could install a virtual Ubuntu Studio using virtualbox, and that way be able to use the menu to find stuff18:24
zequenceonce you know what you want to use, you should have no problems with the Unity Dash as it is18:24
Guest4509I have.....8, ubuntu lists 7.718:24
zequenceOvenWerks is working on a DE agnostic menu that should work on most Desktop Environments. Not Unity though (I don't think anyway)18:25
Guest4509i'm curious about that option but not sure if it seems like something i should/want to do, but, i dont know much about it yet.  how would that work.18:25
zequencethe menu might work nicely with LXDE18:25
zequenceyou could try installing the Lubuntu desktop to get a feel for it18:26
zequencesudo apt-get install lubuntu-minimal18:26
zequenceyou choose Desktop Environment sessions from the login greeter18:26
zequencenot the current menu though18:26
zequenceyou'd need to install the development version18:26
zequenceif Lubuntu works for you, just let me know, and I'll point you out to the menu package18:27
Guest4509Well, before going that route, considering I've been just wanting to sit down and do some recording - I'd like to try the simpler option of making a list of the commands to open the files and organizing them in a file - spreadsheet or something, i've done that before.  DO you know how I'd find out the command to open each of the audio apps ive installed?  Otherwise, I'll look into what you are talking about online real quick18:28
Guest4509first... I'm just not sure I want to install more than I need, and, than again, your idea may really appeal to me.  Guess I'll take a sec and research18:28
Guest4509lubuntu is just an addon to ubuntu?18:28
zequencelubuntu is another flavor of Ubuntu18:28
zequencejust like Ubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc18:28
zequenceLubuntu uses the light weight LXDE desktop environment18:29
Guest4509Ah, yeah, I def. don't wanna do that then.  It has taken me weeks to get ubuntu to just install right, I've finally got things in fair working order.18:29
zequencenot sure what it is that you are trying to do. It seems to me, you just want to open applications and use them18:30
Guest4509ok, basically it is like this.18:30
zequencestart with qjackctl18:30
zequencemake settings for jack, and then start it18:30
zequencethen start whatever apps you want to use18:30
zequenceardour, qtractor, hydrogen, etc18:30
Guest4509All these sound generators, mixers and effects and other audio apps.  I do not know which is for which - or how to open any of them up - well, some, sure, not most.  So, I wanted to find out the command to open each app up in terminal.  THat's all.  I will be making myself a list in a way that I can understand and organize.18:31
zequenceyou could list the names to a file if you want18:31
Guest4509ok, I'm going to open qjackctl, see if I can figure out the JACK settings.18:31
zequenceapt-cache depends ubuntustudio-audio | grep Depends | sed s/Depends:// | sed s/\|// > ubuntustudio-audio-deps18:32
zequenceapt-cache depends ubuntustudio-audio-plugins | grep Depends | sed s/Depends:// | sed s/\|// > ubuntustudio-audio-deps18:32
zequencelet me make a paste18:32
Guest4509Ive opened qjackctl18:33
Guest4509what is it i need to do here?18:33
Guest4509connect, start, setup18:33
Guest4509setup i assume18:33
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro18:33
zequenceGuest4509: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro#UbuntuStudio.2BAC8-ProAudioIntro.2BAC8-1204.Starting_Jack18:34
Guest4509talk about reading mind, I was about to ask if there was documentation on how to use all of these tools in conjunction with e/o18:34
zequenceall you need to do is select the device you want to use, and start jack18:34
Guest4509apt-cache depends ubuntustudio-audio-plugins | grep Depends | sed s/Depends:// | sed s/\|// > ubuntustudio-audio-deps didn't give me any results in terminal18:35
zequenceif you need low latency, you decrease Frames/Period18:35
zequenceGuest4509: The output went into a file "ubuntustudio-audio-deps"18:35
zequenceprobably in your home folder18:35
Guest4509got it18:35
zequenceif you didn't change directory while in the terminal18:35
Guest4509so those are the commands to open the apps... nice, i can search them in software center for descriptions and make my list18:36
Guest4509THANK YOU!18:36
zequenceGuest4509: Should cover all of them http://paste.ubuntu.com/5771729/18:36
zequencethose are the names of the packages18:37
zequencenot the same as the commands for starting the apps, even if they often are the same18:37
Guest4509when you say select my device and start jack, what do you mean?  For the moment I am working with my laptop mic only, soon to be an external mic and direct line fo guitar - but for now, is that what I am to select as my device?  Internal mic?  How-so?18:37
Guest4509Man, my internet has not been working from my browsers, on and off since last night.18:38
zequenceWhen I say device, I really mean audio card18:38
Guest4509Qbit and Quassel work without strain.18:38
zequenceyou can only use one at the time with qjackctl18:38
Guest4509not a big deal, itd be nice to have both - even 3, mic for guitar too, but, not that big of a deal at this stage in the game.18:38
zequenceit is possible to use multiple cards, just not directly with qjackctl18:39
Guest4509okay, what with?18:39
Guest4509would you recomend, that is.18:40
zequenceI'd ask about that on #jack once you feel you know how to use jack18:40
zequencethere are a couple of wasy18:41
Guest4509Hm, I see input/output devices.... but i am unsure what to select, they each list: 'hw:0', 'plughw:0', '/dev/audio', '/dev/dsp'.18:42
Guest4509okay, sounds good, yeah, i am not in need yet anyway.18:42
zequencedon't set input and output separately18:42
Guest4509so use the same selection?  OK - would it be the /dev/audio then?18:42
Guest4509its the only one ive ever heard of.18:43
zequencethat's the wrong menu18:43
zequenceI think the page is perhaps a little misleading18:43
Guest4509which tab, do you recall?18:43
zequencethe tab is right18:44
zequencethen, "Interface"18:44
Guest4509yep yep18:44
zequenceSelect the ">" arrow18:44
zequencenot the dropdown menu18:44
Guest4509hw:0 or hw:0,018:45
zequenceWe're planning to do some tutorials for this this summer18:45
Guest4509That'd be fantastic.18:45
Guest4509Likely they'd be widely used.18:45
zequencepost them on our youtube channel18:45
Guest4509Man, youtubes got it all these days.18:45
Guest4509the hw:0 is HDA Intel PCH while the hw:0,0 is ALC269VC Analog18:47
zequencejust select hw:018:47
zequenceif you have several cards, they will show up as hw:1, hw:2, etc18:47
Guest4509so i have 2, I assume.18:47
Guest4509or no, i dont.18:47
zequenceoften people do these days, as hdmi is it's own audio device18:48
Guest4509SO, now I just start jack and use arudor or audacity and i'm good to go?18:48
zequenceAll though, I'd not use Audacity with jack18:48
zequenceAnd I wouldn't use Audacity for recording18:48
Guest4509why is that?18:48
Guest4509what do you use audacity FOR?18:48
zequenceIt doesn't have very good jack support18:48
zequenceaudacity is a audio editor18:49
Guest4509no shit.18:49
zequenceif you want to do multi track recording, either use ardour or qtractor18:49
Guest4509thats pretty rad, i was unaware of that18:49
zequenceaudacity works great without jack18:49
zequencemany jack apps won't even start if jack is not running first18:50
Guest4509Ardour is the way to go then, eh?18:51
zequenceit's definitely the best free multi track recording/mixing/mastering DAW for Linux18:51
zequencedoesn't have a lot of midi support18:51
zequenceardour3 has, but is not released yet on Ubuntu18:52
zequenceif you want ardour3, you could get it from my ppa18:52
Guest4509I'm pretty excited to learn this man, I've been playing music for about 13 or so years and the only recording ive ever been able to do is through paid studio time or because of a friend, to be able to sit here in my zone alone and do my thing - well, all I can say is I'm a happy camper.  And, I'm good with the PROCESS... it takes time and thats fine.  Would you like a link to a few of my recording attempts?  I used audacity -18:52
Guest4509 no JACK.18:52
zequencesure :)18:53
Guest4509that'd be rad, explain to me though, its not released on Ubuntu but I can get it from your ppa?18:53
zequenceppa == personal package archive18:53
zequencemost of these multimedia applications are packaged in Debian18:54
zequencethe ardour3 package is not yet released for Debian, and thus not for Ubuntu either18:54
zequencebut, the source has been prepared18:54
zequenceI got the source, packaged it, and put it up on my PPA18:54
Guest4509man, yeah, that;d be rad... it will work right and all?  I'd be rather grateful!18:54
zequenceor, rather, built the package on my PPA (the package already exists, but is not released)18:54
zequencewell, this is what you do:18:55
zequencesudo add-apt-repository ppa:zequence/testing18:55
Guest4509no need to uninstall what i have first of ardour?18:55
zequencesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install ardour318:56
zequenceno need to uninstall anything18:56
zequenceboth ardour2 and ardour3 will be available18:56
Guest4509ha, my damn internet connection18:56
Guest4509cant access cause of it18:56
zequenceafter installing it, I'd suggest to remove my PPA, since you never know what I will put in it18:56
Guest4509give me a sec, unplug and replug.  i dont understand why ive had issues the last 24 hours18:56
Guest4509ok, and how do i remove it?18:57
Guest4509brb in one sec here, unplugging18:57
zequencethere will be a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/18:57
zequencethis command will remove any file there (only mine will be there, so no worries)18:58
zequencesudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*18:58
zequencethen, re-read the package list again: sudo apt-get update18:58
zequencewhen you're writing commands and paths, always use the TAB key a lot19:00
zequenceit does auto-completion for you19:00
=== marco is now known as Guest18490
Guest18490Zequence: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1hXssnYdm3UqPhV9-_ejrtQ6eeoaS4oH - that is my music - everything from "I wish It Were Raining" down is what I've recorded  myself - further down the list the newer.  Not much, but, I'm learning.19:07
Guest18490Now... lets see if I can get this ppa19:07
Guest18490Zequence: can I do this - sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install ardour3  - on one line? or the && means seperate, my inital thought.19:09
zequence&& is logic for AND19:09
zequenceit is meant to be one line19:09
Guest18490ok, now, its about done, how to remove your ppa?19:10
zequencewhen you add a ppa, you really just add a file with the repository information in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/19:11
zequencewhen you do commands, and write paths, use the TAB key a lot19:11
zequenceit auto completes19:11
zequencedo this19:11
zequencesudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/19:12
zequencethen use the TAB key19:12
zequenceshould autocomplete the rest19:12
zequencethen just hit enter19:12
Guest18490ok, before i go ahead with that, on a check I only see ardour 219:12
Guest18490or it just says ardour19:12
zequenceah, right19:12
Guest18490red triangle19:12
zequencethere's no desktop file for it19:12
zequenceyou need to start it from the terminal19:12
Guest18490in terminal?  thats all?19:13
Guest18490any simple way to have an icon arise when I search?19:13
Guest18490And I get cannot remove, is a directory19:13
zequenceyou shouldn't remove the dir19:14
zequencedid you use the TAB key?19:14
zequenceuse the up arrow to show the latest command19:14
zequenceyou can cycle through your command history with up and down arrows19:15
zequencebring it up, use TAB to autocomplete the path to the file19:15
Guest18490sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zequence-testing-raring.list19:15
zequenceyeah, that's it19:15
Guest18490enter and done, no results in terminal?19:15
zequenceit doesn't say anything, unless it didn't work19:16
Guest18490right on Zequence, all this assistence has been such a great hel19:16
zequencenice music19:16
zequencereally bad recording though :)19:16
Guest18490thank you, I'm glad you think so!19:16
Guest18490i know!19:16
zequenceit's kind of charming, having the poor recording quality19:16
Guest18490gah!  You have no idea, I know this, yet, as its SO new to me, its like heaven. haha.19:16
zequenceit would be good to master it a bit, to remove the noise19:17
Guest184901st time I can play instruments over myself, leads, harmonies, etc.19:17
Guest18490well, one of my biggest issues is my laptop mic19:17
Guest18490you shoudl see the waveform when silent19:17
Guest18490not silenced, but, you know, the moments between notrs19:17
Guest18490I need to get myself an external mic.  Also, further understanding of the softwares.  I'm getting excited thought as I'm finally at least moving forward again.19:18
zequencewouldn't require too much work getting those recordings to sound a lot better19:26
zequencejust needs some EQ, and depending on who you ask, a little bit of compression19:26
zequencecut the top as much as you dare to (at some point you start loosing too much of the sound)19:27
zequencecompress it to make it a little more in your face. the vocals would benfit from that19:28
zequenceone might also want to cut a bit from around 300-400hz, but that might not be nessecary in this case19:29
Guest18490Zequence:  I will def. take that all into account.  Starting this little list now and - then, gonna give it a shot!  THanks.19:58
=== sirriffsalot is now known as sirriffsalot--af
BobbySteedWindow controls have disappeared on Ubuntu Studio. Why? And how to fix it?23:51
BobbySteed...and title bars23:51
OvenWerksWhy? I don't know...23:51
OvenWerksI would assume though that rm -r .cache/*23:52
Unit193Alt+F2 xfwm --replace23:52
OvenWerksThanks that looks faster23:52
BobbySteedxfwm isn't installed, what would the current window manager be?23:54
OvenWerksubuntustudio uses xfce23:56
BobbySteed'compiz --replace' runs but doesn't replace the window controls23:56
OvenWerksif xfwm isn't installed it should be23:56
BobbySteedso i should install it?23:57
OvenWerksI am wondering how it would be not installed23:59
BobbySteedMe too23:59

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