
panelsandpanelsHey guys, I was just wondering if anyone else was having the problem where restarting the xfce4-panel immediately logs the user out00:16
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:38
nerballz ...03:47
nerWhere's ballz?03:48
nerhmm Must be gone.03:49
AienaIs there a quick 7 pass file shredder for xubunutu preferably integrated with the recycle bin (but not necessary)04:57
well_laid_lawnthere's a cli app called shred04:58
well_laid_lawn!info shred04:58
ubottuPackage shred does not exist in raring04:58
well_laid_lawnI think it's part of a suite of apps04:58
well_laid_lawn!find shred04:59
ubottuFile shred found in chuck, coreutils, genometools, genometools-common, icinga-web, ipe, jets3t, kde-icons-mono, libgalax-ocaml-dev, manpages-de (and 10 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=shred&mode=&suite=raring&arch=any04:59
well_laid_lawnsee   man shred04:59
Aienawell_laid_lawn: shred isnt fast05:04
AienaI have it05:04
Aienaevn with the -l -l params05:04
Aienasorry shred is fast05:04
Aienasrm is not fast05:04
AienaI want something like srm but more quicker and efficient05:04
Aienashred leaves traces of the file name but destroys data in the file05:05
well_laid_lawnI don't do illegal stuff so I'm not experienced with having to make sure stuff is removed ;)05:07
Guest93466MrKB, when the above is done, do - "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down" then "sudo ifconfig wlan0 xx.xx.xx.101" again05:09
Guest93466Hey guys -  the other day someone here kindly helped me figure out a way to get the features of UbuntuStudio for Ubuntu - one of the things I was told was I needed to be a member of audio group and I gave was given this to type in terminal: sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER - when I did, it spat this back at me:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5769898/  .... now, my question is - what do I do here... I was uncertain if the Username/account05:09
Guest93466 was automatically created or if I needed to choose something from the options listed.05:09
Guest93466I'd really appreciate the help, I am stuck in terminal waiting to make my next move.05:09
Aienawell_laid_lawn: you dont need to do some illegal stuff to want to securely delete a file What about passwords, bank account details etc ?05:20
AienaEncryption can be broken05:20
well_laid_lawnI was joking hence the ;) sorry about that05:21
AienaNah it ok05:21
Aienasrm is just too secure05:21
Aiena9 to 10 actually i think a combo of 2 programs would be good05:22
Aienashred for with 9 passes will do the job of thoroughly destroying the file05:22
Aienabut i need something which will remove the file name and references to the file name from linux history and overwrite the sectors holding the file name05:23
AienaI am not a programmer but not sure if there is something already out there05:23
Aienawell_laid_lawn: can you use apt-get to install a deb package from the hard disk ? If yes what are the parameters?05:31
well_laid_lawnAiena:  http://superuser.com/questions/196864/how-to-install-local-deb-packages-with-apt-get05:33
well_laid_lawnI think dpkg -i is easiest05:34
=== marco is now known as Guest98535
Guest98535anyone available?05:55
Guest98535I am having some issues adding a user to the audio group05:55
Guest98535sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER - gives me this:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5769974/05:56
AienaGuest98535: Maybe you have to edit audio group manually06:05
Guest98535could you help with this?06:05
Guest98535im clueless06:05
Guest98535Aiena:  itd be MUCH appreciated06:05
Aienaassuming you are using leafpad type "gksudo leafpad /etc/group"06:06
AienaIn terminal06:06
Aienait will ask you for your password and allow you to edit the file manually06:06
Aienaleafpad is like notepad in windows06:06
Aienait comes default with xubuntu06:07
Guest98535i use terminal, as it comes with ubuntu, ctrol+alt+t06:07
Guest98535good enough?06:07
Aienatype "gksudo leafpad /etc/group" (without the quotes) and hit enter in the terminal then you will understand06:08
Guest98535no ask for pass06:08
Aienado you have a password on login?06:08
Aienaif not then it wont ask for it06:09
Guest98535but i use pw when using sudo06:09
Aienahmm ok06:09
Aienathen somethings wrong06:09
Aienadid you use sudo recently? like in the last 5 to 10 mins06:09
Guest98535alright, thanks so much man.  been trying to se my pc up forever06:09
Aienain that case it wont ask for the password06:09
Aienathats normal06:10
Guest98535ok asked for pass06:10
Guest98535but nothing comes up in terminal06:10
Guest98535and the pass it asked for was a gui box not in terminal like normal06:10
Aienaok anyways now you can see a notepad with lots of text in itsomething like06:10
Guest98535no notepad opened06:10
Guest98535i had that in terminal from another command06:11
Guest98535with someone trying to help06:11
Guest98535one sec06:11
AienaOk doesnt matter06:11
Aienatype "sudo nano /etc/group"06:11
Guest98535im all ears :)06:11
Guest98535got the stuff06:11
Guest98535now what06:11
Aienaok scroll down till you find the word "audio" and paste your line here06:12
Guest98535no audi06:12
Guest98535heres what i get06:12
AienaGuest98535: can you pastebin your file contents06:13
Aienaand post the link in a priv msg?06:13
Guest98535ok sorry06:13
Aienano issues06:13
Aienahmm your group permissions are less ok06:13
nikolamI hit again that tumblerd stupidity in 12.0406:48
nikolamproducing also high Thunar cpu usage, mollesting disk and resiliance to kill -906:49
SKYLAKE-10nmparadox sleep mode with high cpu usage i got that too , only thing you can do is restart :(06:52
SKYLAKE-10nmor find out why06:58
Sysitumbler started eating CPU when I had a folder open in thunar where I was downloading video to07:19
well_laid_lawnuse noscript in firefox then07:21
nikolamOK, he did it again. (thunar/tumblerd) using high cpu time. I was just cut/pasting a video07:45
well_laid_lawnquit copying pr0n from tumbler then...07:46
nikolamI am not using it intentionally, I just use Thunar.07:47
Sysiafter starting the copy, switch to view another folder07:48
Sysiif you have new xubuntu http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/tumbler07:51
nikolamty :)07:52
Sysitumbler-plugins-extra offers video and raw thumbnails07:54
nikolamnow I started chmod with -R on large directory and now it refuses to restart...08:12
nikolamwith Thunar also choked.08:12
domaldelHowdy =)10:38
domaldelTotal irc newbie here =)10:39
domaldelAnd linux newbie =)10:39
TheSheep!hi | domaldel10:39
ubottudomaldel: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!10:39
domaldelUm, anyone feel like helping out a newbie in pm?10:42
bekksdomaldel: Just ask in here, so everyone can help you.10:42
domaldelI'd prefer not too...10:42
domaldelBecause I'm a total idiot when it comes to linux...10:42
domaldelSomeone asked me about what "dongle" I use.10:43
domaldelI have no idea what that is.10:43
domaldelNot what distro is.10:43
well_laid_lawndongle = usb wifi device10:43
domaldelAll I know is that I just used wubi to install something called xubuntu.10:43
domaldelAnd that while I'm able to connect to my phone via wi-fi I'm unable to use my wireless router.10:43
domaldelThanks =)10:43
TheSheepif you type 'lsusb' in termnal, it will give you a list of all usb devices connected, your dongle should be listed there as well10:44
well_laid_lawncapital T10:45
TheSheepApplications -> Accessories -> Terminal10:45
TheSheep(or was it called Xfce Terminal in menu?)10:45
* domaldel uses one moment to translate that to his own language then finds something roughly translating to "terminalmodulator"10:46
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!10:46
TheSheepif that helps10:46
domaldelRight, just got 7 *things* with that lsusb command.10:47
domaldelThanks, I don't mind english though =)10:47
domaldelAs long as the terms are not too alien :-P10:47
TheSheepwe can't guarantee that10:47
domaldelWe'll see how it all works out =)10:48
TheSheepsome of those things are internal usb hubs and such, there is probably also your keyboard and your mouse there10:48
domaldelLaptop, so nope.10:48
domaldelThere is a cooling pad.10:49
domaldelAnd my phone.10:49
domaldelAs that's charging there.10:49
domaldelThe rest I have no idea about.10:49
domaldelAnyway, I'm not trying to connect to anything via USB.10:49
domaldelI get the connection I'd like to use listed with it's SSID.10:50
domaldelAnd I have some things written on the box.10:50
domaldelSomething with "MAC" in front of it.10:50
domaldelAnd something with "S/N" in front of it.10:51
domaldelHaven't written down the name of the router.10:51
well_laid_lawnso everythings ok then ?10:53
domaldelWell, I'm not able to connect to it for some reason.10:53
well_laid_lawnto the router ?10:54
domaldelYeah, not able to connect to it for some reason.10:54
domaldelNo idea what I'm doing wrong.10:54
well_laid_lawnin the terminal type   route   and hit enter - should be a column for gateway10:55
domaldelAnything in particular I should look for there?10:56
well_laid_lawndoes it have some numbers under gateway like ?10:56
domaldelOh, and is there some way to make the mouse pad slightly less sensitive?10:57
domaldelI keep touching it while writing ><10:57
* domaldel nods.10:57
domaldelBut 43 on the second last spot.10:57
well_laid_lawnnot so much of an irc noob if you know /me10:57
domaldelAnd the name is "default" in the colum to the left.10:57
domaldelI still am =)10:57
domaldelLearned it in a MUD =)10:58
domaldelAlso, the chat in a MMO I used to play was partly based on IRC.10:58
well_laid_lawnwhat is the default gateway then ?10:58
well_laid_lawnsane ip as your router ?10:58
well_laid_lawn.43 seems strange if it's a home router10:59
domaldelI have no idea about what ip the router have.10:59
domaldelWith windows you can just get a CD, run it and suddenly you're connected =)11:00
bekksYou have to know that IP.11:00
bekksEven on Windows.11:00
well_laid_lawnor use dhcp11:00
well_laid_lawnthat'll let you know11:00
domaldelWell, for whatever reason I didn't need that IP when setting things up on windows.11:01
well_laid_lawndomaldel:  are you using wifi or ethernet ?11:01
domaldelBut right now I'm using wi-fi to my phone.11:01
domaldelTo connect to you.11:01
well_laid_lawnk you should be able to click the network icon top right and connect11:01
well_laid_lawndoes that work ?11:02
well_laid_lawnI guess you must know about that if you are connecting through the phone11:02
domaldelWell, it asks for a password.11:05
bekksThen enter it.11:05
domaldelWell, I tried the MAC thingy...11:06
bekksWhats the "MAC thingy"?11:06
domaldelBut that don't seem to work.11:06
well_laid_lawnshouldn't need to use the mac address11:06
domaldelWritten on the router.11:06
bekksWhen going to connect to a password protected wifi network, you need to know the password.11:06
bekksThe MAC is irrelevant for that.11:06
domaldelHum, have I changed the password then?11:06
domaldelOne sec, going to try something.11:07
domaldelGuess I'll have to work out what that is then.11:10
well_laid_lawnpassword to connect is necessary11:10
* domaldel nods.11:12
domaldelI guess when using wi-fi.11:12
domaldelHowever I know that it's not required with ether.11:12
domaldelI'll give that a try.11:12
well_laid_lawnthen you can connect to the router and check the wifi password if you know the routers' password11:14
* domaldel scratches his head.11:14
domaldelCould be wrong.11:15
domaldelBut I don't think it have one.11:15
well_laid_lawnnormally the default login for a router is   admin  password   mostly11:15
well_laid_lawnliterally type in password as the password11:16
well_laid_lawnanyways I have work in the morning so bye and luck11:17
domaldelNope, not much luck there...11:47
domaldelApparently I need a password for ether with linux.11:47
domaldelDidn't seem to be required with windows for some reason.11:47
elfynot sure exactly what you're up to - but I have never needed a password for ethernet11:48
domaldelNeither have I, so I'm a bit surprised and disappointed now :-/11:51
TheSheepdomaldel: one is for sure, it's not becuase it's linux, there is something weird with your setup11:52
domaldelCould be.11:53
AienaGreetings everyone !! Can someone please tell me how to add the ppa of this url? https://launchpad.net/~philip5/+ppa-packages14:09
AienaSysi I kn14:11
Aiena*know it should be ppa: something14:11
AienaI guess it should be ppa:philip5/ppa-packages14:13
Aienacan someone please help?14:16
AzelphurAiena: maybe you're after this one? https://launchpad.net/~philip5/+archive/extra14:18
elfyAiena: in a terminal is easiest to describe14:18
Aienaelfy: yes i use the add=apt-repository command14:18
AienaAzelphur: thanks for the heads up I'll try that14:19
elfythen you need the ppa name - from the page Azelphur gave it would be add-apt-repository ppa:philip5/extra14:20
Aienaelfy: I want to install luminance-hdr 2.3.1 for precise 12.04 from that ppa but i cant figure out how to after adding the ppa14:20
Aienaelfy: added it14:20
Aienanow there is a subfolder called luminance-hdr14:20
Aienaand inside it there is a version for 12.0414:20
Aienabut I cant get apt to find it so I know I have to do something more14:20
elfyapt-get update first14:21
Aienaah thanks14:21
AienaI missed that14:21
Aienawill see after the update14:23
Aienaelfy: is libgphoto used by gimp?14:23
elfyno idea without checking14:24
Aienamaybe its from krita or something else too14:24
Sysigthumb I'd guess14:25
crystal_hi! Xubuntu is amazing <314:25
Aiena+1 TO THAT14:25
crystal_How to bind terminal to Ctrl+alt+T, like a ubuntu?14:27
Aienaelfy: No i cant get the latest luminance-hdr to install I missed something I am sure it works14:28
elfycrystal_: Settings Manager - Keyboard - App shortcuts14:29
AienaCan you or Sysi try. Sorry to bother you'll14:29
elfyAiena: no idea I'm afraid14:29
crystal_thx u14:29
Sysicrystal_: settings -> keyboard -> keyboard shortcuts, command is xfce4-terminal for default terminal14:29
Sysidang slow14:29
elfyAiena: apart from anything I've not used 12.04 since 12.10 and am using 13.10 now ;)14:30
Aienaelfy: then can you try to install the luminance-hdr for 13.10 from the same ppa ?14:30
Aienaperhaps it will shed light on my problem as both are available from the same ppa14:31
Aienafor 12.04 and 13.1014:31
elfywell what is it for a start?14:31
elfyAiena: ^^14:31
Sysithe thing with PPA:s is that they're not responsibility of xubuntu community but the owner of the PPA14:31
Aienahttps://launchpad.net/~philip5/+ppa-packages It is a program for manipulating HDR images14:32
Sysiif you tell what doesn't work or what error message you get we might have some pointers14:32
Aienaelfy:  http://qtpfsgui.sourceforge.net/14:32
AienaSysi: it doesnt list the package in apt after update14:32
Aienai updated after adding the ppa14:33
Aienathe packages typcally get listed by apt14:33
elfyAiena: try this apt-cache search luminance14:33
Aienaelfy: found it14:33
Aienaluminance-hdr - Graphical user interface application for HDR imaging14:33
AienaBut apt-get install doesnt note it14:33
elfythen it will give you an error message14:34
Aienaah tnow its working14:34
Aienathanks elfy14:34
Aiena, sysi14:35
AienaPerhaps it was a typo14:35
Aienaand I did not realise14:35
elfytab complete ftw14:38
Aienayes I realised that feature existed only recently14:39
Aienabut it works for apt and package names too ?14:39
Aienai know it works for directories14:39
elfysudo apt-get install foo<tab>14:39
Sysipaths, programnames, packages14:40
AienaOK thanks for the info Sysi I'll rememner that in the future it will make life a lot simpler :)14:40
firefox66hello i have trouble to mount iphone in xubuntu16:01
xubuntu195I joined the forums yesterday, I posted my first post about the cursor erratically moving. I had read this complaint several times on different forums. Many times this has been know to be caused by pulsed energy in the area. I tried to ground what I presented in a very short few sentences. Lastly, I received an email about my post be spam in nature, WHICH IT WAS NOT NOR DID I INTEND IT TO BE. I can not log on to get a respectful c16:39
xubuntu195User name: unwittingvictim16:40
knomexubuntu195, this is not the right place for solving forum related issues16:42
xubuntu195Ok, where do I go and how do I log on16:42
knomei would check #ubuntuforums16:42
knomethey might be able to resolve the issue, or if not, at least point you to the right direction16:43
elfyI'd be the right direction16:47
cancerjimSo I got and issue16:58
elfy!ask | cancerjim17:00
ubottucancerjim: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:00
cancerjimWell I started out with xubuntu with the encrypted harddrive option tried to move to kubuntu. Now on boot I don't get asked for my passphrase and all it says is Kubuntu17:04
holsteincancerjim: if it were me, i would just revert, and add kde, not kubuntu.. and choose kde at the xfce default greeter.. though, you can likely add support for that.. did you ask in a kubuntu channel?17:07
cancerjimnot yet and the problem is not the greeter i dont care about that its more that nothing will start17:08
holsteincancerjim: sure.. and im proposing its due to the change in the login manager..17:09
holsteincancerjim: i say, if you switch back to the way it was, you'll be able to get in.. then, you can add KDE, not kubuntu-desktop, and end up with a scenario that will allow you to boot KDE17:10
Sysiif you made clean install of kubuntu, either you have to select xubuntu in grub menu or you wiped it17:11
holsteinthats true.. what does "tried to move to kubuntu" entail.. im assuming you did "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", and i shouldnt assume17:12
cancerjimyes exactly but first using http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu and using the remove xubuntu first17:13
cancerjimand I don't think cryptsetup is starting during login17:14
holsteincancerjim: can you get in with the recovery kernel?17:14
cancerjimI have not tried yet17:15
cancerjimI'll try that Then i'll be back gotta reboot17:16
holsteincancerjim: if i could get to the recovery kernel, and get "in".. i would just revert, and try and get the thing working.. then, just add KDE to the installation.. and not "switch" to kubuntu, necessarily17:18
holsteincancerjim: otherwise, you might get information from a kubuntu channel about what needs to be added17:18
=== marco is now known as Guest4509
nagevDoes anyone know why application windows won't unminimise when i click on them in panel - window buttons ?17:31
nagevIf I click a button the window minimises fine, but to unminimise i have to right click and select unminimise17:31
nagevI have compiz installed if that has anything to do with it?17:32
cancerjimSo i tried again and it seems like I get hung up on "pymouth mountall"17:33
holsteini would switch from compiz and test nagev ... i remember needing to add a window decorator.. if you didnt17:33
nagevholstein: thanks, i will try that.  in ccsm my window decorator is set to /usr/bin/gtk-window-decorator17:34
nagevholstein: yes it's working fine now that I have disabled compiz17:42
nagevI will re-enable compiz and try disabling / enabling compiz plugins to see if i can isolate the problem.17:44
Guest4509hey guys, anyone available for a second?  My issue is fairly simple.  After installing the UbuntuStudio apps in full on Ubuntu, I find myself in need of a way to organize them.  Audio is my concern.  On Studio they were arranged by  Sound Generators, Mixers Effects and than the recording wares... I'd be fine making a list and organizing  them this way but I do not know how to figure out the commands to open each of these apps to18:17
Guest4509do so.... or, a folder with shortcut icons would work - no concern either way, just that I am unsure of how to accomplish either.18:17
lderanGuest4509, have you tried asking in #ubuntustudio?18:18
Guest4509Ideran: Yes18:22
Guest4509I put the question out there here, there and #ubuntu.  Sometimes I find its difficult to get answers while others they pop up so quickly!18:23
Guest4509I was suggested one method but it didnt pan out.18:23
Guest4509I mean, I'm thinking the list would be my best bet, so, its just a matter of finding out how the heck you find the commands for each app.  There are a large number18:24
bekksGuest4509: There are a few thousands binaries oin a "normal" system. You shouldnt try to learn them all :)18:31
TheSheepGuest4509: the things that are in your menu are all defined in /usr/share/applications/18:35
=== marco is now known as Guest18490
Dry_LipsHi! Is it possible to have have the panel cast a shadow (and not only the windows...)19:29
SysiDry_Lips: I think that feature is currently broken, there's option in window manager tweaks "Enable shadow for docked windows" in composite tab19:53
Dry_LipsAh, it's broken? Awwww, that sucks!19:53
peyamWhy is wifi slow on some computers?20:48
therazrpeyam: Many reasons. Buggy drivers, bad wifi card.21:17
KYLEtheBAKERupdating to 13.04 now, hope nothing breaks21:58
haljhonI've had a lot of problems with 13.04 and the nvidia drivers.22:39
haljhonit's unfortunate that every machine I use happens to have an nVidia card in it.22:39
nagevhow can i check whether or not i am using proprietary video drivers?22:56
CampinSamis there a link for a guide on how to make a xubuntu 13.04 live usb?22:57
therazrCampinSam: What is your current OS?23:34
CampinSamtherazr: slackware 13.3723:46
therazrCampinSam: Just use 'dd' from the terminal to put the image in the usb stick23:47

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