
ahoneybunhello all00:48
ahoneybunDarkwing: what do you think of the google+ page?02:40
* smartboyhw continues to fix kactivites..........03:24
smartboyhwahoneybun, 4.11 Beta 1....03:25
smartboyhwOhm it worked now.\03:25
smartboyhwLemme try kde-workspace then...03:26
ahoneybunnever heard of kactivites03:26
smartboyhwahoneybun, kactivities03:26
smartboyhwkde-workspace is  missing some XCB libraries ...03:27
smartboyhwFixed, uploading to Ninjas PPA, will review after lunch.03:48
smartboyhwrather, post-piano lesson...03:52
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jussihrrrr... I hate you scanner!!! (yes, it works in one place, not the other...)06:06
jussiahh found the answer. Perhaps we need to somehow make it easier/more discoverable? for users of hp printers - you need to follow these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HpAllInOne06:10
jussisimple enough, but frustrating if you just go to the printers thing06:10
=== BadDesign is now known as Guest76336
valoriejussi - might be good to make a ubottu factoid link for that page? I've seen another person asking about one of those allinones, and I never found that page for them06:16
jussivalorie: feel free to suggest...06:16
valoriejussi: how does one suggest/add one?06:17
valoriehuh, ubottu has no 'help factoid'06:18
jussivalorie: !factoidname is <reply>info06:18
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hp06:19
valorie!hp is HP printers: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HpAllInOne06:19
valoriedanke jussi06:20
soeegood morning06:29
ScottKjussi: I have an all-in-one connected to the network and I didn't have to do any of that.  Just followed the normal printer install stuff and it just works.06:38
jussiScottK: HP ?06:39
ScottKYes.  06:39
ScottKOfficeJet Pro 850006:40
shadeslayerjussi: yeah, scanning doesn't work OOB with the all in one's for me as well07:11
shadeslayerjussi: I had to run hp-setup and then it worked07:11
jussishadeslayer: yeah, thats exactly how it worked for me07:13
shadeslayeryup, same here, skanlite didn't find any scanners on the network07:13
jussiScottK: when you say "normal printer install stuff" - can you define exactly what you mean. ie. localhost:631, Kubuntu printer install thing, HP-lip program?07:14
smartboyhwDamn it, kde-workspace still fails.08:05
smartboyhwthe include file (/me checks debian/rules or something)08:06
shadeslayerhm? 08:08
smartboyhwshadeslayer, of libxcb1-dev08:11
shadeslayermorning :)08:12
smartboyhwMorning yofel trying to fix kde-workspace but the libxcb1-dev got an XCB_INCLUDE_DIR problem...08:12
shadeslayeryofel: btw what did you change in kde4libs to make it build?08:12
shadeslayerI just see symbol updates08:12
yofelshadeslayer: I fixed qtwebkit-source...08:13
yofelthat had a broken dev symlink08:13
yofelsmartboyhw: are all the xcb libs there?08:13
shadeslayerarmhf is FTBFS there08:13
* yofel looks at the buld log08:13
smartboyhwyofel, we need all?08:13
smartboyhwI thought libxcb1-dev is OK.08:13
smartboyhwAnd clearly some XCB extensions are not packaged.08:14
yofelat least ICCCM is there, I know that08:14
smartboyhwyofel, which package? Can't find in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxcb08:14
yofelXCB is only found once all components are found08:14
smartboyhwyofel, oh...08:15
yofeland libxcb-keysyms1-dev08:15
* shadeslayer starts looking at other things08:15
yofelyou could also look at the neon packaging branches, those already use them08:15
smartboyhwAh, it was in another package.....08:15
smartboyhw*source package08:15
smartboyhwthat's why me can't find..08:16
yofeludev and wayland are missing too 08:16
smartboyhwThat's a lot of build-deps08:20
yofelshadeslayer: re qtwebkit armhf, that's a gcc bug, no?08:31
smartboyhwUploading fix for kde-workspace into ninjas PPA.08:31
shadeslayerdidn't check08:33
yofel/build/buildd/qtwebkit-source-2.3.1/Source/WebCore/svg/SVGPathElement.h:98:23: internal compiler error: in extract_insn, at recog.c:215408:34
shadeslayerThe bug is not reproducible, so it is likely a hardware or OS problem.08:34
shadeslayersmartboyhw: plz update notes.kde.org so that we don't step on each others toes08:41
smartboyhwshadeslayer, yeah sure:)08:42
smartboyhwHmm I think I added an extra m or something...08:47
yofel$ grep MISSING debian/libnepomukwidgets4.symbols | wc -l08:47
* smartboyhw damningly wastes banwidth on this thing....08:50
yofelvHanda: what the hell have you done to Nepomuk2::Utils in nepomuk-widgets? Most of it looks gone08:51
* smartboyhw goes and eats a cake....08:52
smartboyhwIf this still doesn't work, it would be very damning.08:52
yofelnah, kde-workspace is always a lot of work08:53
yofelvHanda: hm, ok. I see that you never shipped headers for those so it's fine...09:01
shadeslayersmartboyhw: just build kde-workspace locally first09:04
smartboyhwOh gd it failed again:P09:05
smartboyhwWhat? I did have udev and xmms...09:05
smartboyhwBut seems like the problem wasn't actually that....09:06
smartboyhw-- DebianABIManager: unable to find CMake target 'solidcontrol' for package 'libsolidcontrol4abi2'. Please set X-CMake-Target09:06
smartboyhw-- DebianABIManager: unable to find CMake target 'solidcontrolifaces' for package 'libsolidcontrolifaces4abi2'. Please set X-CMake-Target09:06
smartboyhwI have to enable these packages?09:06
yofelurgh, DebianABIManager easily gets confused by our double-build of workspace09:07
smartboyhwI don't have xmms actually, let me enable09:08
yofelforget XMMS09:08
smartboyhwBut they're optional....09:08
smartboyhwyofel, ?09:08
smartboyhwAh, they are not in there...09:08
yofelsmartboyhw: we don't use it09:09
smartboyhwyofel, OK.09:09
yofelso it's intentionally missing09:09
smartboyhwyofel, so how to dump that DebianABIManager error?....09:09
yofelsmartboyhw: I would start by checking whether that target is there at all09:11
shadeslayerkate was never uploaded?09:13
yofelpatch issues, no?09:13
yofelyou put that list up :P09:14
yofelthank you akonadi/nepomuk for using 3 of my 4 cpu cores...09:14
* smartboyhw tries to build locally (but first lemme install the build-deps first...09:14
yofelmail indexing it seems09:14
shadeslayertrue, that doesn't mean my memory is strong at recalling why I put some of the items there :P09:15
shadeslayereh, we have a kubuntu_kate_initial_preference.patch09:19
shadeslayerbut that's not applied?09:19
shadeslayer  * Remove kubuntu_kate_initial_preference.patch now upstream09:21
shadeslayerah well, someone forgot to remove it09:21
shadeslayeralong with some other patches09:21
* smartboyhw kicks off a build........09:26
smartboyhwYep, still the same strange build target thing.09:30
yofelsmartboyhw: not strange at all09:35
yofelsmartboyhw: 4.10.80 doesn't have a solidcontrol library09:36
yofelso it obviously can't find the cmake target for it09:36
smartboyhwyofel, :O09:36
smartboyhwdelete those two then!?09:37
yofelprobably, I'm still trying to find out exactly when that was removed09:40
yofelbut my git foo is failing me09:40
apacheloggeryofel: shadeslayer: so, where do we put the packaging?09:41
shadeslayergitorious/github is fine09:41
yofelwhy github o.O?09:41
yofelwhat's wrong with kde/launchpad09:42
shadeslayeroh right09:42
shadeslayerlaunchpad is fine as well09:42
apacheloggeryofel: you'd have to talk to kde, they may have a problem with it *shrug*09:42
yofelthe workspace diff I see reminds me of something I picked up in opensuse-kde: https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/base/networkmanagement/repository/revisions/9a35e04121faafb2a95057f367925c165c3c333709:42
yofelneed to ask lamarque what that's about09:42
yofelapachelogger: then just use launchpad09:44
apacheloggerlunchpad ftw09:45
* yofel -> lunch09:46
apacheloggerI made yofel hungry ^^09:47
smartboyhwHmm, I saw a commit on 19th June about removing solid::control09:48
smartboyhwyofel, you are correct, it's removed...09:48
apacheloggeryofel, shadeslayer, Quintasan: what we'll have is lp:~neon/project-neon-kf5/qt5recipes (all qt recipes for buildr in one palce) - lp:~neon/project-neon-kf5/qtbase; lp:~neon/project-neon-kf5/qtgui; lp:~neon/project-neon-kf5/kdelibs (packaging) - lp:~neon/kdelibs/frameworks (bzr import branch) - qt5 will be cloned and source packaged outside of launchpad and uploaded to the ppa by buildr09:51
apachelogger!info muon09:52
apachelogger!info muon saucy09:52
ubottumuon (source: muon): package manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-0ubuntu0.1 (raring), package size 199 kB, installed size 1393 kB09:52
ubottumuon (source: muon): package manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-0ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 197 kB, installed size 1385 kB09:52
* smartboyhw rebuilds again.09:53
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://wstaw.org/m/2013/06/17/plasma-desktopbr2258.png has that view changed in master? and if so do we get a newer discover for saucy?09:53
smartboyhwIt BUILDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!09:54
* smartboyhw does a tap dance:P09:54
shadeslayerwe have gnome-keyring in the ISO now :(09:55
smartboyhwshadeslayer, why?09:55
shadeslayerbecause of muon-discover09:55
smartboyhwshadeslayer, :O09:55
smartboyhwmuon-discover requires gnome-keyring?09:55
shadeslayer* muon-discover recommends ubuntu-sso-client depends python-ubuntu-sso-client depends on gnome-keyring09:56
apacheloggerwhat's wrong with gnome-keyring?09:56
smartboyhwActually, having gnome-keyring is better than not.09:56
apacheloggerKDE has not managed to provide a secrets API implementation for what... 3 years now :O09:56
smartboyhwI sometimes get stupid gnome-keyring warnings:p09:57
apacheloggerthat sounds less appropriate09:57
apacheloggershadeslayer: why libgtk2/3 are on the ISO is more interesting09:58
shadeslayerprobably recommended by something09:58
apacheloggersupposedly because of libdbusmenu-gtk3-4:amd6412.10.3daily13.06.07-0ubuntu109:58
apacheloggerbut who'd know09:58
smartboyhwI think I should go and take a shower while this kde-workspace builds (now 22%)09:58
apacheloggerthose packages sound like deep shit TBH09:58
apacheloggerdoes ubuntu ship libdbusmenu-qt2?09:58
apacheloggerthen why do we need the gtk libs?09:59
shadeslayersomeone plz implement secret service stuffs in KWallet09:59
smartboyhwthe commit which killed off solidcontrol09:59
smartboyhwhttp://commits.kde.org/kde-workspace/c1bac37206b542198385067f36d47dead10297=a2 actually09:59
smartboyhw27%, 2nd stage.10:24
smartboyhwshadeslayer, BTW next time you don't have to explicitly state "saucy-proposed" for dev release uploads, write "saucy" and it will redirect it for you (saw the changelog in kde-workspace)10:28
shadeslayerwhich upload is this?10:28
smartboyhwshadeslayer, 4.10.4 saucy.10:29
shadeslayerdon't think that was me10:30
smartboyhwOr apachelogger ?10:30
* smartboyhw easily forgets names10:30
shadeslayerRiddell I guess10:31
smartboyhwDamn it..10:31
smartboyhw -- Rohan Garg <rohangarg@kubuntu.org>   Fri, 07 Jun 2013 00:19:37 +010010:31
smartboyhwshadeslayer, is it you?^10:31
shadeslayeryes, but, I usually don't upload to saucy-proposed10:31
smartboyhwshadeslayer, ooh10:31
shadeslayerkate done as well10:32
smartboyhwshadeslayer, \o/10:32
smartboyhwkde-workspace should be able to be uploaded within 1 hour or so.10:32
shadeslayersmartboyhw: rev 766 in kde-workspace packaging10:40
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=766&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 766 | *** empty log message ***10:40
smartboyhwshadeslayer, 15 years ago? Why do you want that!?10:40
shadeslayerI meant the bzr rev10:41
shadeslayerstupid ubottu10:41
smartboyhwshadeslayer, LOL10:41
smartboyhwHelp..... Can someone suggest solutions to http://paste.kde.org/775856/ ?10:48
smartboyhwAlmost finally, and it failed.10:48
smartboyhwshadeslayer, ^10:48
* smartboyhw really has to go for a shower...10:48
shadeslayercp: cannot stat ‘debian/tmp/usr/bin/solid-network’: No such file or directory10:48
smartboyhwshadeslayer, what's that?10:48
shadeslayersmartboyhw: likewise10:48
smartboyhwThat's the question...10:48
shadeslayermeans there is no usr/bin/solid-network anymore10:49
shadeslayerand you need to drop it from the install file10:49
smartboyhwshadeslayer, uh, that requires me to build it again and again....10:49
shadeslayersmartboyhw: let me know if you want an EC2 instance10:49
smartboyhwshadeslayer, I think later.10:49
yofelsmartboyhw: the saucy-proposed thing came from the upload script I believe10:50
yofelmind fixing that?10:50
smartboyhwyofel, laters, let me get this kde-workspace done.10:50
smartboyhwThe problem is that it doesn't tell WHICH install file which means I have to go through them:(10:50
shadeslayergrep it10:51
yofeluh,  it does?10:51
smartboyhwYeah, I need it.10:51
yofelsmartboyhw: it usually shows you the target folder it tries to copy the file into10:52
yofelyou can guess the install file from that10:52
smartboyhwOh yeah it does:P10:52
smartboyhwHmm weird, that file doesn't even exist..............10:53
smartboyhwin the .install file10:54
smartboyhwYes found it!!!!!!!!10:55
smartboyhwyofel, should I better also remove things with networkmanager in the .install file?10:55
smartboyhwSince clearly that thing doesn't exist at all......10:56
yofelprobably, otherwise this will take ages. You can add stuff back when it shows in list-missing10:56
ScottKjussi: Printers thing in system settings --> Add printer.10:57
shadeslayerScottK: that doesn't make the scanner work10:58
shadeslayeronly adds the printer10:58
* smartboyhw now goes and takes a shower while this thing rebuilds.10:58
ScottKWhen I fire up skanlite, it finds it on the network.10:58
ScottKI don't think I had to set up anything for that.10:59
yofelit does so here too, but I have hp-systray running so maybe that helps10:59
ScottKI don't.11:00
* ScottK needs to go.11:00
shadeslayerbah, power outage11:00
shadeslayerwill poke kde-baseapps once its restored 11:01
BluesKajHiyas all11:11
Riddell"Kenny Duffus (kduffus) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu Members (kubuntu-members) team until 2014-06-24" yay seaLne still loves us!11:24
smartboyhwRiddell, :)11:30
apacheloggeryofel: ping11:32
apacheloggeryofel: are you going to port your neon macro stuff to kf5?11:34
apacheloggerI am reasonable certain if I touch it the builds will not work for the rest of the year :S11:34
yofelapachelogger: can do, what exactly needs porting though? (note: i have yet to make one successful build of qt5 and kf5...)11:35
apacheloggeryofel: put everything into /opt/project-neon-kf5 I guess11:36
apacheloggeror project-neon511:36
apacheloggerwhich do you like better?11:36
apacheloggerinclude /opt/project-neon5/share/project-neon/pkg-project-neon.mk11:38
apacheloggeryofel: what do we call the packages? project-neon5-qtbase?11:39
yofelinclude /opt/project-neon5/share/pkg-project-neon/1/project-neon.mk11:40
apacheloggeryofel: that's what you have in your qt :P11:40
yofelas I won't mess with the current buildsystem rev, or things really will not work for a year 1111:40
yofelapachelogger: that's a legacy symlink to ../pkg-project-neon/0/project-neon.mk11:41
apacheloggerusing /1/ then :P11:41
yofelthis was never designed for renaming the project folder -.-11:43
apacheloggerthat's why I said there's a whole bunch of crap that needs changing :P11:43
yofelyeah, but that even counts for project-neon-runtime, as that's currently a flat folder structure in bzr that's packaged.11:45
yofeland cp -r opt/project-neon opt/project-neon5 sounds wrong -.-11:45
soeehow is the work on 4.11 going ? :) i read opensuse has it ready already 11:45
yofelapachelogger: I'll duplicate the buildsystem, but that's my fault for putting it there I guess11:46
Riddellstill coming along, we've had a year's worth of debian merges to do as well so not as fast as ideal but it's on its way11:46
Riddellsoee: all help appreciated11:46
shadeslayerapol still hasn't bumped the so version11:47
soeeRiddell, i would help if i would know anything about packaging - its in my plans to learn but have no time for this atm (to many projects to do)11:47
smartboyhwRequest for EC2s....11:48
yofelshadeslayer: you fine wth /opt/project-neon5? better idea?11:48
* shadeslayer thinks that's fine11:48
apacheloggeryofel: IMO not sharing the buildsystem is the way to go anyway11:48
smartboyhwRiddell, shadeslayer can you guys get me one?11:48
apacheloggerwhen two things that are not the same live in the same file thigns get messy11:48
apacheloggerask shadeslayer and his pgst stuff :P11:48
shadeslayersmartboyhw: get you what?11:49
smartboyhwshadeslayer, ec2:P11:49
yofelapachelogger: yeah, that's why I wanted to add a new rev, but there's a lot more in there that musn't be shared11:49
smartboyhwyofel, ^11:49
yofelapachelogger: I think i'll just for project-neon-runtime and make project-neon5-runtime11:49
shadeslayerRiddell can probably do that better11:50
apacheloggeryofel: sounds good to me11:50
yofelQuintasan: ^11:53
apacheloggeryofel: I suppose we want a separate ppa?11:58
apacheloggeroh, I already created one with a silly name11:59
yofeldo we really need a spereate one?11:59
apacheloggerfor the time being I'd keep the stuff separate tbh12:00
apacheloggeronly bloats each other's apt cache12:00
apacheloggerand it's perfectly reasonable to use only the kf5 neon or only the sc4 neon12:00
apacheloggeroh well12:01
yofelsure, but they should be able to co-exist, and I don't want to deprecate a ppa with 32G of space :P12:01
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
apacheloggerit wouldn't be deprecation12:01
apacheloggerat some point the main ppa will become the ppa for frameworks5 stuff :P12:01
yofelbut yeah, a work archive until we have something that works would be good12:01
apacheloggerfeel free to propoes better name :P12:02
apacheloggeryofel: please poke me when you have make runtime whatever magic that possibly builds, I'll try to make qtbase build work then12:02
* apachelogger is very excited \\o/12:03
yofelthat'll be good for neon. lately it's mostly been in maintenance mode ^^12:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: so will this be coinstallable with regular PN?12:03
shadeslayeryofel: because it works so well :P12:04
apacheloggerthat's the reason we want opt/project-neon5/12:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: right, but you'll also need config stuff12:04
shadeslayerand a desktop file12:04
yofeldesktop is no issue12:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: hm?12:04
apacheloggerthere is no desktop?! :P12:04
yofelthe utils are an issue because I put those in /usr12:04
yofelon my todo for later though12:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: alternative config folder to ~/.project-neon-kde12:05
yofelI'll probably just name everything neon5-* ^^12:05
yofelshadeslayer: alternative everything12:05
yofelat least we have experience in that :P12:05
shadeslayeratleast we have a env rc file that we can sed out :P12:06
shadeslayerRiddell: what are your thoughts on gtk bits landing on the ISO when you add muon-discover?12:07
smartboyhwNobody gave me an EC2?:(12:13
smartboyhwRebuilding again....12:14
yofelapachelogger: without that qtscriptgenerator doesn't build12:18
apacheloggerbecause qtscriptgenerator apparently is too stupid to include PHONON_INCLUDES12:18
yofelprobably, the archive package has phonon-inc.patch for that12:19
* apachelogger shakes head12:19
* yofel agrees12:19
yofelapachelogger: do we need package tests? Nobody cared to make them work for neon4...12:24
apacheloggeryofel: package tests?12:24
apacheloggermighty upstraem has CI ^^12:24
yofelok, removed12:24
yofeltrue, that actually works, dh tests don't12:24
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
* yofel fixes a bazillion hardcoded project names...12:25
shadeslayeryofel: http://paste.kde.org/775880/12:28
yofeluh oh...12:29
shadeslayernot even sure where that comes from tbh12:30
yofelshadeslayer: check the control file, but I might know where that came from12:30
shadeslayerPackage: libkonq5-dev (>= 4:4.10.80)12:30
yofelyeah, I feared as much12:30
yofelI broke kubuntu-initial-upload12:30
* yofel had totally forgotten to revert that -.-12:32
=== mydogsnameisrudy is now known as monkeyjuice
* yofel wonders whether we still need update_qt_cache.pl12:34
yofelprobably not12:34
yofelactually it makes no sense as it has qt4 in the path12:34
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
QuintasanRiddell: Got the tablet12:51
Quintasan1. Great return address (>We don't have countries in Scotland)12:51
Quintasan2. You kind of forgot to delete you google data12:51
yofelhttp://paste.kde.org/775898 project-neon5-runtime12:51
Quintasanie. I had access to your inbox12:51
yofelnow I need to review that ^^12:51
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: looks like this in master: http://i.imgur.com/mUnq12Z.png12:53
JontheEchidna(for 2.1 for saucy)12:53
* Quintasan kindly deletes everything from the tablet12:53
smartboyhwQuintasan: No worries, Riddell doesn't have many secrets:P12:55
shadeslayerQuintasan: here's what I've been working on for the rootfs http://paste.kde.org/775910/12:56
shadeslayerQuintasan: hopefully you can use that to create a rootfs for the userdata partition12:57
shadeslayerjust copy the tar and extract it using the recovery12:57
shadeslayermissing some characters the script is12:57
shadeslayerQuintasan: Better : http://paste.kde.org/775916/12:59
Quintasansmartboyhw: I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like me having access to every message you receive13:01
smartboyhwQuintasan, I know:)13:01
Quintasanshadeslayer: ok13:02
Quintasanwill try13:02
shadeslayeryou're on your own wrt the kernel stuff though :P13:03
yofelapachelogger: final include path: /opt/project-neon5/share/pkg-project-neon5/0/project-neon5.mk13:03
QuintasanWhere the hell is our bug policy?13:03
smartboyhwSrsly, someone give me an ec2 or I can't finish the package within three days.....13:03
smartboyhwpackage = kde-workspace 4.10.8013:04
yofelQuintasan: what bug policy?13:04
smartboyhwToo many extra files here.....13:04
shadeslayersmartboyhw: just a second13:04
yofelsmartboyhw: I can give you an account on my server, it's not that fast, but probably faster than anything you have13:04
Quintasanyofel: As in where to report bugs against packages in kubuntu-ppa13:04
smartboyhwyofel, I will wait for shadeslayer ...13:04
Quintasanyofel: I have a user that claims kde-style-oxygen is not supporting multilib13:04
yofelQuintasan: packaging bugs go there, that's in every news item on kubuntu.org13:05
shadeslayerneed to get 56 MB's of packages /o\13:06
shadeslayersmartboyhw: need 5 minutes while packages are downloaded and installed13:09
smartboyhwshadeslayer, eh.....13:10
smartboyhwyofel, you can give me an ec2 now right?13:10
* yofel doesn't have the ec2 account information13:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bettar13:10
smartboyhwyofel, oh alright13:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: still terrible affordance on them icons13:10
* smartboyhw would have hoped that Riddell is not away or idle....13:11
apacheloggera magic wand to change the display of items13:11
apacheloggerthat is "new" :P13:11
yofelhttps://launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/kf5/+packages \o/13:11
apacheloggeryofel: weeh \o/13:11
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: at least list1 list2 and list3 weren't in the list :P13:11
apacheloggeryofel: I'll try to fiddle qtbase in about 1hr13:12
yofelapachelogger: where's the qt5/kf5 build guide on techbase again? I didn't find it when I looked for it a week ago...13:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: need more lists :@13:12
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: iirc apol was experimenting with different views13:12
apacheloggeryofel: that's the trick, it aint on techbase :P13:13
apacheloggeryofel: http://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Building13:13
yofel. . .13:13
shadeslayersmartboyhw: need your ssh key13:15
smartboyhwshadeslayer, check in launchpad.net/~smartboyhw13:15
smartboyhwThere's my sshhhhhhshshsh key:P13:15
shadeslayersmartboyhw: ubuntu@ec2-50-17-121-9.compute-1.amazonaws.com13:20
shadeslayercheck if it works13:20
shadeslayerit's a saucy ami13:20
smartboyhwshadeslayer, yep:) thanks13:20
shadeslayerso you can just do sudo apt-get builddep kde-workspace and run dpkg-buildpackage on that13:20
yofelgood that I read the kf5 wiki, neon doesn't have QML2_IMPORT_PATH set yet13:21
smartboyhwshadeslayer, what's happening with those 403 Forbidden messages? I can't install any package now....13:24
shadeslayerscrew that13:25
shadeslayerprobably ec2 being shit13:25
shadeslayersmartboyhw: fixed13:25
smartboyhwshadeslayer, thx!13:25
smartboyhwGod, it's faster:)13:26
shadeslayeryeah :)13:26
yofel"Don't bother with KDEDIR and KDEHOME etc. this stuff isn't used anymore. "13:26
yofelapachelogger: kf5 is pure-XDG?13:27
Riddellsmartboyhw: get ec2 sorted?13:29
smartboyhwRiddell, yep:)13:30
Riddellshadeslayer: gtk bits should be removed, wasn't it a simple recommend somewhere?13:30
Riddellshadeslayer: you contacted upstream analitza about soname?13:38
shadeslayerRiddell: I did poke apol13:38
shadeslayerhe said he'll do it13:38
shadeslayerbut I haven't heard back from him 13:38
shadeslayernor do I see a commit13:39
Riddellshadeslayer: "kde-runtime shadeslayer WOP"  WOP?13:39
shadeslayermaybe we should do it ourselves13:39
shadeslayerRiddell: should say WIP13:39
shadeslayerWOP was a typo earlier :P13:39
Riddelllooks like you guys are onto the build failures, I'll get onto the package splitting13:39
shadeslayeryeah, that'd be awesome13:39
shadeslayerI'l be leaving in 1 hour13:40
shadeslayerplan on finshing ~everything in the build-failiures13:40
smartboyhwRiddell, shadeslayer I just can't install one of the build-deps......13:44
shadeslayersmartboyhw: are you running byobu?13:44
smartboyhwkdepimlibs5-dev 13:44
smartboyhwshadeslayer, yep13:44
smartboyhwNinjas PPA enabled.13:44
shadeslayerkdepim isn't done yet afaict13:44
shadeslayeryofel is working on that13:44
smartboyhwshadeslayer, em I can actually install it on my local computer....13:45
Riddellwhat happens?13:45
shadeslayermy screen is full of dots13:46
smartboyhwRiddell, a lot of probs and finally sounds like libicalc1 is just uninstallable13:46
smartboyhwshadeslayer, !?!!!?!?!13:46
BluesKajsmartboyhw, if you ebnable proposed it might work for you ..i had to do so yesterday and libicalc1 installed ok 13:47
smartboyhwBluesKaj, ah......13:47
Riddellpresumably your terminal is larger than the other user of that screen session13:47
shadeslayerI see only a small part of the screen : http://wstaw.org/m/2013/06/17/plasma-desktopJN2737.png13:48
smartboyhwI have a small terminal:P13:48
* shadeslayer rages at quilt13:50
smartboyhwThank you BluesKaj 13:51
smartboyhwNow I can finally build heh heh13:51
smartboyhwWho changed byobu's behaviour!?13:51
yofelshadeslayer: thanks for reminding me of what I wanted to do before neon distraced me ^^13:51
shadeslayeryofel: np13:51
shadeslayeryofel: any ideas why quilt would say "No series file found" even though I specify debian/patches in quiltrc13:52
BluesKajsmartboyhw, I'm still having a proble with katepart being held back , so a warning is in order here , probly disabling proposed now is a good idea , ..I waited too long 13:52
yofelother than the file not being there, no13:52
smartboyhwBluesKaj, yeah...13:52
yofelBluesKaj: do you have the ninja ppa enabled? That would be worse than -proposed right now13:53
smartboyhwHmm BTW can someone ask in #calligra again for the armhf solution!?13:53
smartboyhwyofel, I have:P (wihout proposed however)13:53
Riddellwhat's wrong with calligra?13:53
smartboyhwRiddell, armhf doesn't build and some files are duplicated...13:54
smartboyhwMeaning Breaks and Replaces are needed.13:54
smartboyhwRiddell, we discussed yesterday and it turns out that it doesn13:54
smartboyhw't use qreal13:54
Riddell/build/buildd/calligra-2.6.92/krita/image/kis_filter_weights_applicator.h: In member function 'KisFixedPoint KisFilterWeightsApplicator::l_to_c(KisFixedPoint) const':13:55
Riddell/build/buildd/calligra-2.6.92/krita/image/kis_filter_weights_applicator.h:302:5: error: control reaches end of non-void function [-Werror=return-type]13:55
Riddellah this is qreal fun13:55
Riddell/build/buildd/calligra-2.6.92/krita/image/kis_filter_weights_applicator.h:135:55: error: conversion from 'double' to 'const KisFixedPoint' is ambiguous13:55
smartboyhwyep. I asked #krita yesterday, no one replied.13:55
Riddellso just add some casts in the right place13:55
smartboyhwRiddell, and I need to provide you a fixed control file.13:56
smartboyhwWhich I have here...13:56
smartboyhwemail maybe?13:56
Riddellsmartboyhw: fixed control for what?13:56
smartboyhwyofel, not sure if I bzr it.13:56
BluesKajyofel, thanks , I think so ...c hecking13:56
smartboyhwRiddell, there are errrors...13:57
Riddellsmartboyhw: in calligra?13:57
smartboyhwRiddell, let me get it...13:57
yofelsmartboyhw: why not?13:57
smartboyhwRiddell, http://paste.kde.org/775346/13:57
* smartboyhw thinks that ec2s build slower.....13:58
smartboyhwOr did I used a far too low -j ?13:58
* smartboyhw used -j4 in both his computer and the ec2.13:58
Riddellsmartboyhw: the cheap ec2s are pretty slow yes13:58
Riddellsmartboyhw: does it have 4 cores? else -j4 will make it slower13:58
smartboyhwRiddell, I thought it has..... Anyplace where I can see?13:59
Riddellsmartboyhw: cat /proc/cpuinfo13:59
Riddellsmartboyhw: looks like fixes needed, if you have them put them in bzr13:59
smartboyhwRiddell, OK....14:00
shadeslayeryou could try GCE14:00
shadeslayerinstead of EC214:00
shadeslayersupposedly faster14:00
smartboyhwshadeslayer, what's GCE?14:00
Riddellwhat's GCE?14:00
yofelbtw. we need this for 4.11: http://paste.kde.org/77589814:00
shadeslayerGOogle Compute Engine14:00
yofelI mean14:00
smartboyhwshadeslayer, is it expensive?14:01
shadeslayerdunno, haven't done a price comparison14:01
* smartboyhw wants to dump the kde-workspace work and do plasma nm :P14:01
Riddellyofel: hmm interesting.  we also have a todo item to package the new plasmoid afiestas_ is working on14:01
smartboyhwmuch hell easier:P14:01
smartboyhwRiddell, it does have 4 cores (the ec2)14:02
shadeslayerif you look at the high CPU machine types, it's 0.163 USD / hour14:02
smartboyhwMaybe -j8 will be better:P14:03
shadeslayersmartboyhw: really? I see only 1 core14:03
afiestas_Riddell: new plasmoid? what?14:03
afiestas_plasma-nm !14:03
smartboyhwshadeslayer, according to the CPU.......14:03
* smartboyhw doesn't know...14:03
afiestas_I'm not working on it, other people in solid are14:03
yofelproblem with pnm is that it requires NM >= 0.9.8 which rules out 12.04 and 12.1014:03
smartboyhwyofel, eh:(14:03
yofelmaybe just backporting the modemmanagager part could be done14:04
shadeslayersmartboyhw: I only see processor       : 014:04
Riddellyofel: why would you want to backport it?14:04
yofelRiddell: kde-workspace 4.11 has no modemmanager anymore, that's why pnm ships an embedded copy14:04
* yofel would guess that at least the mobile phone stuff would break14:05
smartboyhwDescription:  Socket: LGA771, Clockspeed: 2.7 GHz, No of Cores: 4, Max TDP: 80 W14:06
smartboyhwOther names:  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5430 @ 2.66GHz14:06
smartboyhwshadeslayer, ^ ?14:06
shadeslayerthat doesn't mean you have access to all the cores :P14:06
yofelI'm not too sure we want to do backports for 12.10, but 12.04 would be nice - if doable (not of the betas)14:06
smartboyhwshadeslayer, heck 1 is too slow....14:06
shadeslayerI can't fix kde-runtime without quilt14:08
Riddellso install quilt?14:11
shadeslayerRiddell: I have it installed, but it doesn't work :(14:11
smartboyhwshadeslayer, :O14:11
smartboyhwHow come?14:11
shadeslayercan't find the series file for some reason14:11
* smartboyhw decides to go and package PNM while waiting for the SLOW ec2.14:12
smartboyhwAnd if it's my sleep time, shadeslayer can take over:):P14:12
shadeslayernope, I'm heading out to watch a movie soonish14:12
smartboyhwshadeslayer, heck....\14:12
smartboyhwRiddell maybe?14:13
yofelnow that's a nice patch name14:13
smartboyhwyofel, LOL14:13
shadeslayerdon't think I can get kde-runtime done in time :(14:14
Riddellshadeslayer: $QUILT_PATCHES set?14:15
shadeslayerRiddell: I set it in ~/.quiltrc14:15
smartboyhwyofel, does Plasma NM exist in repos?14:15
Riddellsmartboyhw: well yes we've been using it for years14:15
yofelsmartboyhw: yeah, source is networkmanagement14:15
smartboyhwFound it.14:16
shadeslayeroh hmm14:16
shadeslayerexporting did the job14:16
Quintasanshadeslayer: So you are telling me this command will generate working rootfs for armhf?14:19
apacheloggeryofel: yes XDG, finally :P14:22
apacheloggerit's like 3000 degrees in my office14:22
* yofel put the coffee he just made into the refidgerator. maybe that'll be edible in an hour14:23
apacheloggerkubotu: order beer14:23
* kubotu gives apachelogger a nice frosty mug of beer.14:23
smartboyhwI think someone has to take over the ec2 build then........14:23
smartboyhwToo long. I would have slept by then (ETA 12:30 A.M. HKT)14:23
smartboyhwOr even longer...14:23
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: this should help re: stale updates http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=muon.git&a=commit&h=7e1aaaaf0706bb62a55b24a455783a119c369c3314:24
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yeah, it helps a bit14:25
JontheEchidnathe thing is, APT doesn't really support a sane workflow in that regard :s14:25
apacheloggerneeds fixy14:25
apacheloggeractually I think the problem is with libapt, if it runs into 404 a client should be able to handle this14:26
apacheloggerwhich would for all and every transport amount to refresh cache14:26
smartboyhwHurray, kcron failed with some strange sbuildrc error:P14:27
apacheloggerin fact, apt should just refersh the cache whenever it wants to do something :P14:27
apacheloggerthe problem is ... in terms of the archive you'd not get a 404 but still pointlessly update to possibly even broken versions14:28
apacheloggersay 1ubuntu13.04.1 was pushed to updates, then you refresh, 3 days later you update to that version but meanwhile 1ubuntu13.04.2 was pushed to updates fixing a grave regression14:28
apacheloggerlot's of not so easy prevent corner cases with apt unfotunately :(14:29
shadeslayerQuintasan: yes, for some definition of working14:29
smartboyhwSomeone fix kcron, kde4-config can't be found. Better still, cmake can be specified (>= 2.8)14:30
shadeslayerQuintasan: make sure you have a standard ubuntu initrd14:30
Quintasanshadeslayer: ^ I found this14:30
shadeslayeroh cool14:30
apacheloggerfun game: search the backlog for need14:30
apacheloggeryou are all very needy people14:31
apacheloggeralso the software is very needy14:31
BluesKajyofel, I have to leave your ninja ppa enabled until the katepart libkatepartinterfaces4 depenedencies are available 14:31
shadeslayerok I've gtg14:34
shadeslayerif someone wants to do kde-runtime feel free to take it14:34
smartboyhwI forgotten, what's the command invoking --list-missing again?14:35
* apachelogger builders qtbase14:35
apacheloggeryofel: btw, problem with builder as it is right now... one could not build different series at the same time14:36
apacheloggerthen again I wonder whether that is desirable nayway14:36
QuintasanRiddell: Flashing SDE to the Archos tablet voids the warranty, I believe that's what we actually want :P14:36
apacheloggercache needed locking and build dir needs name change14:37
apacheloggerlatter is easy, former can get very tricky ^^14:37
smartboyhwapachelogger, you know the answer?14:37
apacheloggerQuintasan: you definitely want SDE14:37
apacheloggeryou can't do shit without the SDE :S14:37
apacheloggersmartboyhw: 4214:37
apacheloggersmartboyhw: dh_install?14:38
smartboyhwapachelogger, ah thx14:38
apacheloggerdepends on what list-missing you want :P14:38
RiddellQuintasan: warranty shmarranty14:38
apacheloggerwe also have a more generic list-missing technique via pbuilder hooks14:38
ahoneybunJontheEchidna: have you looked into the steam issue?14:40
JontheEchidnalike I said, it requires supporting the Ubuntu Web Store, which is being worked on14:41
ahoneybunweb store?14:41
* apachelogger forwards to phoronix "muon developer: if you can't buy prn there, it aint high priority to support"14:42
JontheEchidnaahoneybun: I thought we'd talked about this, maybe not14:42
ahoneybunJontheEchidna: I never heard of a Web Store14:42
JontheEchidnaahoneybun: Ubuntu offers it as a free app through its web store14:42
JontheEchidnathrough the same service it offers 3rd party for-purchase apps14:43
smartboyhwHey ahoneybun 14:43
ahoneybunsmartboyhw: hello14:43
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what is still blocking that btw?14:43
ahoneybunJontheEchidna: but that does not make it any easier for Kubuntu users14:43
apacheloggerseems like years since we first talked about it :(14:43
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: well up until a year ago I didn't have the time.... Then I had to do LibQApt2 for the last release14:43
JontheEchidnaahoneybun: yeah. but then Canonical never really cared about Kubuntu14:44
ahoneybunJontheEchidna: I kinda get that feeling14:44
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I've almost got it working now. Should be in 2.114:45
ahoneybunis there anything that the Kubuntu devels can do though?14:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: is that going to be in saucy? xD14:45
JontheEchidnaI've been working on an Ubuntu Web Store backend for Muon 2.114:45
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: that's the dream14:45
* apachelogger likes to dream14:45
smartboyhwJontheEchidna, web store?14:46
apacheloggersmartboyhw: read backlog14:46
* smartboyhw can't understand...14:46
* apachelogger paints a picture of a unicorn on the channel wall14:47
apacheloggerthis is saucy14:47
apacheloggerend of story14:47
ahoneybunJontheEchidna: so Muon will be able to access ubuntu web store?14:47
apacheloggerdebian/rules:5: /opt/project-neon5/share/pkg-project-neon/1/project-neon.mk: No such file or directory14:47
smartboyhwHell, why we never heard of Ubuntu Web Store?14:48
JontheEchidnasmartboyhw: no clue. it's been around for 2 or 3 years14:48
JontheEchidnaas part of the Ubuntu Software Center14:48
Riddellkuser is a licence mess, some files gpl 2, some gpl 2+ and some gpl 2,314:49
Riddellgrump grump14:49
JontheEchidnaahoneybun: items for purchase in the web store will be displayed like normal applications in Muon: http://i.imgur.com/LxCMfV6.png14:49
apacheloggerwebstore is just another frontend14:49
apacheloggerlike ubuntu software center14:49
apacheloggeralbeit former didn't really take off14:49
apacheloggerlike anything web in ubuntuland14:49
JontheEchidnaalso http://i.imgur.com/iPDFKxK.png14:50
ahoneybunJontheEchidna: so I take this will fix the steam problem as well14:50
JontheEchidnaahoneybun: yes14:50
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that website seems illthemed :P14:50
ahoneybunJontheEchidna: awesome14:50
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: also your cpus be very hawt14:50
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: running Folding @ Home14:50
apacheloggerdust patrol incoming14:50
apacheloggergood folds14:51
JontheEchidnamy GPU blows the CPU out of the water ^^14:51
JontheEchidna4x as much from it14:51
smartboyhwThanks to JontheEchidna I now know a new channel called #kubuntu-status.14:51
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: folds or temp? :P14:51
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: temp's ok actually: http://i.imgur.com/eX6pLRB.png14:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: gpus are nice14:52
apacheloggerfunny thing14:52
apacheloggerI only recently noticed that my desktop has two gpus14:52
yofelapachelogger: for now make builder support saucy, we can make that multi-release later on14:53
apacheloggerI can watch HD entertainment movies while folding14:53
apacheloggerwhat'd you say to that14:53
smartboyhwI really like my i5 (1st gen) CPU.14:53
smartboyhwBuilds things fast.14:53
apacheloggeryofel: well, multi-release IMHO makes only sense when you run on different machines14:53
JontheEchidnaI have an i5-3470 that I got this March. Love it.14:53
apacheloggerotherwise the builder isntances will just slow each other down14:53
apacheloggerthrough cache locking and general IO14:54
yofelapachelogger: run one after the other?14:54
apacheloggerand in turn, if you run it on different machines you don't have problems with multiple builder instances anyway14:54
apacheloggeryofel: yeah, that's what I'd do on a single machine setup14:54
yofelok, if that works then I'm happy14:54
apacheloggeron that note we probably also want to block process cache updates14:56
apacheloggerand only once per day14:56
apacheloggerotherwise you get git rev abc in saucy and rev cba in raring14:56
yofelthat's what we do no, fine14:57
apacheloggeryofel: it's not a big issue, it's just that IMO it's better if the same rev is shipped for all series14:58
apacheloggerand it probably is not hard to do because the cache instances live in the non-chrooted parent anyway, so simply updating the cache on creation rather than on access would solve it14:59
apacheloggernot a biggy though14:59
apacheloggeranyway, new try14:59
QuintasanThe question now is whether our gles binaries work shadeslayer15:01
apacheloggerNeed to get 2997 kB/5272 kB of archives. After unpacking 18.0 MB will be used.15:02
apacheloggerpbuilder doesn't like me :(15:02
smartboyhwIt would be nice of anyone if he/she would like to dget -x https://launchpad.net/~smartboyhw/+archive/ppa/+files/networkmanagement_0.9.0.9-0ubuntu1.dsc and review and upload...15:02
smartboyhwAs for kde-workspace, could someone takeover the ec2?15:02
* apachelogger points at Quintasan15:04
QuintasanI'm busy noiw15:04
smartboyhwWait, don't upload15:04
smartboyhwUh god, it's that .sbuildrc problem again in PPAs.15:04
* apachelogger gets too many bug mails :(15:04
smartboyhwStart in 59 seconds.15:04
smartboyhwToday the build machines are happy it seems.15:05
apacheloggertick tock goes the clock15:05
yofelsbuildrc would explain why the build queues are empty ^^15:05
smartboyhwAnyone having free time to upload?15:06
smartboyhwOr just takeover the ec2?15:06
apachelogger<- doing neon15:06
smartboyhwapachelogger, sure:)15:07
Riddellsmartboyhw: upload what?15:07
smartboyhwRiddell, plasma nm
Riddellsmartboyhw: could do, ~jr on lp if you want to give me access15:07
smartboyhwRiddell, um pnm is on my ppa...15:08
smartboyhwdget -x https://launchpad.net/~smartboyhw/+archive/ppa/+files/networkmanagement_0.9.0.9-0ubuntu1.dsc15:08
Riddellsmartboyhw: ok, mind and poweroff ec2 if you're done with it15:08
* yofel off, bbl15:08
smartboyhwRiddell, I don't have pnm on the ec2, it's for kde-workspace.15:08
smartboyhwBuilding slowly at 40%.15:09
smartboyhwDamn, what happened to amd64 ppa build machines today? .sbuildrc failed again for kuser...15:10
apacheloggeryofel:  -> Considering build-dep pkg-project-neon-tools (>= 211~)15:11
apacheloggerE: No packages found15:11
apacheloggeryour version is weird15:12
Riddellhmm, broken launchpad? https://i142660610.restricted.launchpadlibrarian.net/142660610/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-amd64.kuser_4%3A4.10.80-0ubuntu1~ubuntu13.10~ppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz?token=615216f447c3eff05cf81a16616b77fb15:12
yofelapachelogger: pkg-project-neon5-tools15:12
smartboyhwRiddell, yeah15:12
* smartboyhw goes to report15:12
apacheloggerand name15:12
Riddellsmartboyhw: why this change?15:13
Riddell-       dh $@ --parallel --with kde --dbg-package=plasma-widget-networkmanagement-dbg15:13
Riddell+       dh $@ --parallel --with=kde --dbg-package=plasma-widget-networkmanagement-dbg15:13
smartboyhwRiddell, doesn't it work with --with=kde only? Saw it in developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html "KDE packaging"15:13
Riddellman dh says with a space15:13
apacheloggerdh8 should work with either15:13
apacheloggerdh7 only worked with = IIRC15:14
Quintasandh9 works only with space15:14
Riddellhttp://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/kde.html looks like an unreviewed old wiki page, the translations stuff is out of date15:14
smartboyhwSorry then....15:15
smartboyhwThat's misleading:P15:15
Riddellhello ShiningThrough 15:17
jessieI'm having issues with my KScreen set up on 4.10.5415:23
ShiningThroughRiddell: hey there15:25
Riddellsmartboyhw: hmm15:29
Riddell trying to overwrite '/usr/share/icons/oxygen/32x32/apps/networkmanager.png', which is also in package kde-workspace-data 4:4.10.4-0ubuntu115:29
Riddellsmartboyhw: does kde-workspace-4.10.80/solid/icons/ox22-app-networkmanager.png still exist in 4.10.80?15:30
smartboyhwRiddell, probably not.15:32
smartboyhwRiddell, networkmanager has moved in 4.10.80 from kde-workspace to networkmanagement.15:33
jessieThis is the error I'm getting when trying to open up the "Display and Monitor" section of System Settings: http://pastebin.com/NEXJKNrm15:33
Riddellsmartboyhw: I don't think it was ever part of kde-workspace ?15:33
Riddellmodem manager moved15:33
apachelogger!find libsqlite1-dev saucy15:35
ubottuPackage/file libsqlite1-dev does not exist in saucy15:35
apachelogger!find libsqlite0-dev saucy15:35
ubottuFound: libsqlite0-dev15:35
apacheloggerE: Unable to locate package libsqlite0-dev15:35
smartboyhwRiddell, confirmed, it wasn't there.15:36
smartboyhwthere =
Riddellsmartboyhw: uploaded!15:39
smartboyhwSomeone take over kde-workspace ec2
smartboyhwRiddell, thx15:40
apacheloggeroh well15:41
apacheloggeryofel: sqlite0-dev wasn't found, nto sure why, probably satisfy-deps is bogus or the wrong one or something15:43
apacheloggerit's too hawt to look into it though so I am going for a swim :P15:44
apacheloggerif you feel like it, everything is pushed15:44
apacheloggersimply get the builder from launchpad and try to run it15:44
lordievaderGood afternoon.15:57
Riddellshadeslayer: we have three ec2 instances running just now, some over a week old, I don't have access to any, I'm going to terminate them unless you complain quickly16:03
ahoneybunlordievader: hey16:43
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1191870] plasma-desktop not working after upgrade to kubuntu 13.04 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1191870 (by Jeroen)16:50
Quintasanshadeslayer: Either the rootfs is fscsk up or the kernel does some magic which make it impossible to boot it16:58
* Riddell gets kmymoney to compile!17:01
Riddellboy is that thing a twisted mess of linking libraries all alike17:01
Riddelland with names like gwenhywfar17:01
lordievaderHey ahoneybun, how are you?17:49
ahoneybunlordievader: fine yourself?17:49
lordievaderDoing good too.17:50
lordievaderahoneybun: Is that you behind the G+ page?17:52
Riddellwhich g+ page?17:53
ahoneybunlordievader: I'll be back in a few17:54
lordievaderRiddell: This one: https://plus.google.com/112490706514003921722/posts17:56
ahoneybunlordievader: I thought it could somehow boost the docs on a google search18:13
lordievaderahoneybun: It just might ;)18:14
ahoneybunlordievader: I tried to add a few lines in the home page of the docs to get them found better18:15
ahoneybunas well18:15
* yofel fixes kde-dev-tools deps so kuser builds18:15
yofeler, pkg-kde-tools18:15
QuintasanRiddell: So, summing up Day 1: Got rootfs 2. Can't boot it 3.Mer images work for some reason18:18
QuintasanMaybe I have to rebuild the kernel18:18
ahoneybunQuintasan: nexus?18:19
Quintasanahoneybun: Archos G918:20
ahoneybunQuintasan: booting kde active on it?18:20
Quintasanahoneybun: Trying to as you can see.18:20
ahoneybunoh cool18:21
RiddellQuintasan: that all makes sense18:21
RiddellQuintasan: I expect arm devices need a fairly specific kernel18:21
RiddellQuintasan: see if you can work out what kernel sources mer use for their image?18:21
QuintasanRiddell: I "stole" the Mer kernel18:22
QuintasanRiddell: I know where the sources are18:22
Riddellborrowed :)18:22
QuintasanRiddell: See, the device does not even boot or at least I can't see any output18:23
Quintasanas it's supposed to have fbcon so it at least should spew out init crapping out18:23
QuintasanBut it doesn't18:23
QuintasanWell, I'll just grab the source probably18:23
Quintasanyofel: ping18:24
yofelQuintasan: hm?18:25
Quintasanyofel: I've seen you doing some kf5 magic, is that done?18:25
Quintasanmore importantly18:25
Quintasanwhat has higher priority, 4.10.80 or kf5 in neon? :P18:25
yofelQuintasan: the buildsystem should work, now I need to look how well harald's work runs18:25
yofelQuintasan: uh, master (4.11) is still running as usualy18:26
yofelno issues there18:26
Quintasanso 4.10.80 then18:26
yofelkf5 is somewhere before hatching, nothing more18:26
yofelQuintasan: this is how much you have of kf5 so far: https://launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/kf5/+packages18:27
yofeli.e. not much18:27
RiddellQuintasan: is there a way to get debugging?  a serial console from usb is a common way18:29
QuintasanRiddell: I need to get a proper cable for that. Last time I bought one it had VendorID and ProductID 0000 i.e. not working18:29
ahoneybunRiddell: is there a problem with that page?18:34
Quintasanyofel: I can't really get it right, when the hell do you change UNRELEASED to ${release} in our bzr?18:39
yofelRiddell: one thing I just fixed in ksystemlog and kcron:18:39
yofel- kdelibs5-dev (>= 4.10.80)18:39
yofel+ kdelibs5-dev (>= 4:4.10.80)18:39
yofelQuintasan: for the ppa-builds? bzr-buildpackage-ppa does that18:39
Quintasanshadeslayer pushed UNRELEASED in kiten to bzr and it's already in saucy18:39
QuintasanI forgot we should upload it to ninjas first18:40
Riddelloh thanks yofel 18:40
QuintasanAnd now I realised why pbuilder-dist sucks for ninja packaging18:41
Riddellahoneybun: the g+ one?  I just don't understand what it is18:41
ahoneybunRiddell: Was trying to make a google search of kubuntu docs come up better 18:42
Riddellah hah18:43
Quintasanyofel: Can has your pbuilderrc?18:43
yofelQuintasan: uh ok... give me a moment18:43
yofelQuintasan: http://paste.kde.org/77639618:44
yofelbefore using it make sure you have pigz and eatmydata installed18:44
Quintasanyofel: Thanks18:44
Quintasanpigz? what does that do?18:44
yofelthreaded gzip18:44
yofelusage would be like: 'sudo -E dist=s pro=ninja pbuilder build ...'18:45
yofelpro= can be anything though, I just didn't like writing 'pro=saucy-ninja-amd64' so that's different vars18:46
shadeslayerQuintasan: re gles, doubt it18:48
shadeslayerRiddell: holy shit, 1 week old? :O18:48
shadeslayerRiddell: must have racked up quite a bill :/18:48
QuintasanGIVE ALL UR MONEYZ TO Riddell18:49
QuintasanWhat on...19:09
QuintasanW: Failed to fetch https://private-ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ninjas/ppa/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/binary-amd64/Packages  19:11
QuintasanCan't build anything19:12
yofelworks here...19:13
Quintasantransport-https is installed19:13
yofelwhat's the actual error?19:14
shadeslayeryou're not motivated enough :P19:14
shadeslayerQuintasan: make sure the entry in sources.list is correct?19:14
shadeslayerkdepim is still WIP :P19:14
QuintasanI can access it just fine via url19:14
shadeslayerI know19:14
yofelis  ca-certificates installed?19:14
shadeslayerI know19:14
shadeslayerQuintasan: ca-certificates19:14
shadeslayermake sure that's installed19:14
shadeslayerI had the exact same issueand it said the exact same thin19:14
yofelshadeslayer: I only got home a while ago, working on it now19:15
Quintasanand that will probably solve it19:15
shadeslayerthey were going to fix that19:15
shadeslayerbut I guess they never got around to doing it19:15
* Quintasan takes kiten to fix19:16
shadeslayerright, what's wrong with kiten?19:16
Quintasanfails at install files19:16
shadeslayerwhat about <Quintasan> shadeslayer pushed UNRELEASED in kiten to bzr and it's already in saucy19:17
shadeslayeroh okay19:17
Quintasanyofel: I'm doing that :D19:17
Quintasanshadeslayer: I'm dumb and I forgot we upload to ninjas first19:17
shadeslayerhappens to one and all19:17
yofelrmember to use bzr-buildpackage-ppa if you work from bzr19:17
shadeslayerI never figured that out :(19:18
yofelI need to write a proper workflow guide one of these days...19:18
shadeslayerso I just add the src entry to my host and use apt-get source :P19:18
* Quintasan tries that19:18
Quintasanyofel: Yeah, really19:18
QuintasanWe have tons of tools and I don't even know half of them despite doing this god knows how many times19:18
shadeslayeror alternatively, dpkg-source -x :)19:18
yofelshadeslayer: if you have the deb-src line, then bzr builddeb will use apt-get source if it doesn't find the tarball ;)19:18
QuintasanSo yofel I go to bzr directory and invoke the magic bzr-buildpackage-ppa?19:19
shadeslayerQuintasan: what did Sune sign me up for19:19
shadeslayerI need them logs19:19
yofelQuintasan, shadeslayer: bzr-buildpackage-ppa is really a wrapper around bzr buliddeb used by kubuntu-initial-upload usually19:19
yofelit's what generates a properly versioned package from an UNRELEASED changelog19:19
yofeland with -s X, you get ~ppaX19:19
yofelkdepimlibs (4:4.10.80-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low19:20
yofelbzr-buildpackage-ppa -s 419:20
yofel-> kdepimlibs_4.10.80-0ubuntu1~ubuntu13.10~ppa4.dsc19:20
Quintasantis be magic19:21
yofelit even uses -sd if you use -s19:21
Quintasanshadeslayer: logs from what channel?19:21
shadeslayerQuintasan: debian-qt-kde19:21
shadeslayeryofel: so maybe I'm using it wrong19:21
shadeslayer bzr-buildpackage-ppa -d saucy -s 3 -y 13.10 kiten                                                                                                                        shadeslayer@solembum19:22
shadeslayerError: Not a Debian package.19:22
Quintasan<svuorela> there are several possibilities. 1) we wait for doko to respond. lol. 2) we track someone down with sufficient knowledge to help us. 3) we study hard and become 2)19:22
Quintasan<pinotree> 4) we wait for ubuntu to break as well, so we're at 1)19:22
Quintasan--> shadeslayer (~shadeslay@corkblock.jefferai.org) has joined #debian-qt-kde19:22
Quintasan<svuorela> we could also get shadeslayer to do 2)19:22
yofelshadeslayer: cd kiten ?19:22
Quintasangtfo from kiten shadeslayer19:22
QuintasanI'm doing that19:22
shadeslayeryofel: so I already need to have the source downloaded?19:22
shadeslayerI thought it was going to do that itself :P19:22
yofelshadeslayer: well, you need the branch19:22
shadeslayerQuintasan: just an example19:22
Quintasanshadeslayer: pull the damn bzr packaging :P19:22
Quintasanshit it works!19:23
yofeli.e. kbzr co kiten; cd kiten; bzr-buildpackage-ppa19:23
Quintasanprops to yofel for dem tools19:23
yofelQuintasan: thanks for that go to debfx, I just found it :P19:24
QuintasanI see19:24
Quintasankubotu: order beer for debfx19:24
* kubotu gives debfx a nice frosty mug of beer.19:24
jefferaiQuintasan: Thou hast summoned e19:25
QuintasanLike how?19:25
jefferaiThree minutes ago :-)19:25
yofelofc. if the ppa doesn't have the tarball you'll have to download it first from ftpmaster.19:25
yofelbzr builddeb checks apt, get-orig-source target and watch file. But none of those point at unstable kde ftp19:25
Quintasanjefferai: oh19:26
QuintasanI pasted logs for shadeslayer since he is like, dunno19:26
Quintasansorry for caps19:27
yofelQuintasan: please be telling pad that you work on kiten...19:27
yofelQuintasan: what? looks sane (for debian and kde...)19:27
Quintasandem wildcards?19:28
yofelfeel free to use one, the debian folks don't like them19:28
QuintasanI'll do it the Debian way then19:28
QuintasanGotta get use to them19:29
dantti_laptopcan I run that kubuntu armhf on a PI board? I need Qt5 packages on that thing... :P19:34
shadeslayerPI Board?19:36
yofeldantti_laptop: raspi? no19:36
shadeslayerIIRC weren't there binaries for the Pi available?19:36
dantti_laptopyes raspi19:36
yofelbut there were qt5 packages for #raspbian no?19:36
shadeslayerlike, binaries from Nokia19:36
shadeslayeror maybe Digia19:36
dantti_laptophmm I have found a qt5 repo for rapbian but they didn't work19:37
yofelwhat does kuser need nepomuk for o.O19:37
dantti_laptoptrying to run went to an egl error19:37
shadeslayeryofel: don't you know, everything needs nepomuk now :P19:37
shadeslayernepomuk ALL the things19:37
yofeloh, it's just kdepimlibs complaining in general19:37
dantti_laptoptag your best system users :P19:37
shadeslayerRiddell: maybe close this now? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/117622519:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1176225 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] kdev-python" [Wishlist,New]19:38
shadeslayersmarter_: want to update nootka ? :D19:39
Riddellshadeslayer: thanks, done19:39
dantti_laptopyofel: btw why it won't work with raspi? is the arm there somehow different?19:39
shadeslayerdantti_laptop: yep19:40
shadeslayerARM v6 ISA vs ARM v7 ISA IIRC19:40
dantti_laptopI definetly doesn't get much how arm works, I see lots of companies do arm chips so I  always wonder what is arm  :P19:41
dantti_laptopisn't arm11 new enough?19:41
yofelarm is a mess of a bazillion different chip designes that don't play well together19:41
dantti_laptopthat's what I thought :P19:41
shadeslayerand when they do, it's marketed as the smartest device ever built19:41
dantti_laptopso I guess people just like arm for the price right?19:42
Riddelland low energy use19:42
yofelyou mean like that arm.little thing? or how that mix was called19:42
shadeslayerdantti_laptop: though if you want to run ubuntu on a cheap device, there's the ODROID U219:42
yofelshadeslayer: do we have a kernel guarantee for the odroid thing? if yes I might order myself one after all19:43
dantti_laptopshadeslayer: well I'm going to run a full app on that thing so maybe I won't even have a desktop..19:43
shadeslayeryofel: last I checked they did have a kernel19:43
dantti_laptop*full screen app19:44
yofelhm, I'll look at it, thanks19:44
shadeslayerprobably in there somewhere19:44
dantti_laptopI installed kde on that thing :P19:44
shadeslayerI would very much like to buy one for myself as well :P19:45
shadeslayerdantti_laptop: why not :D19:45
dantti_laptopafter removing lots of stuff was almost useful :P19:45
shadeslayerdantti_laptop: oh? you've already played with a U2?19:45
dantti_laptopit ate +100mb of ram compared to xfce which is a lot on that thing :P19:45
shadeslayerit has 2 GB's of RAM19:45
dantti_laptopI have a raspi with 512mb19:46
shadeslayeroh you're talking about the RasPi19:46
dantti_laptopjust brought one for a project I'm working now19:46
yofelkde is kinda usable on a raspi, but you do appreciate lxde for actual using it19:46
shadeslayermy main issue was IO19:46
shadeslayerhad a class 4 SD card only19:46
dantti_laptopI brought a class 10, but cpu usage is always 100% when I try to do stuff, like browsing..19:47
dantti_laptopbut for what I need I think it will work a Qt5 Jukebox app (for real jukebox machines)19:47
dantti_laptopthe app is almost done and might boostrap my company :P19:48
shadeslayerneat :D19:48
shadeslayerdantti_laptop: you might want to search for bakepi.sh19:48
shadeslayerwhich is what the script to build Qt5 on the RasPi was called IIRC19:49
yofelyou serious?19:49
Quintasan>WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!19:49
dantti_laptopthat might take 30 days :P19:49
yofelQuintasan: why do you care?19:50
Riddellwaa amarok crashes on startup19:50
Quintasanyofel: ppa builder19:50
yofelQuintasan: it should be ignored?19:50
Quintasanyofel: https://i142679573.restricted.launchpadlibrarian.net/142679573/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-amd64.kiten_4%3A4.10.80-0ubuntu1~ubuntu13.10~ppa3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz?token=ee6f707a819bf5dfe3c8705b13112fa219:50
shadeslayerdantti_laptop: https://gitorious.org/+qtonpi19:50
Quintasanchrist, what's going on with this ppa?19:51
yofelQuintasan: that has been popping up randomly the last few days19:51
yofelmaybe spam #launchpad with the name of the builder this happened on19:52
shadeslayeryofel: https://github.com/hardkernel/linux19:52
dantti_laptopshadeslayer: thanks will take a look19:52
yofelshadeslayer: you know, not having to build my own kernel was one of the reasons why I stopped using gentoo ;P19:53
shadeslayeryofel: forums say that they have everything bundled up into a nice package19:54
yofeloh nice19:54
shadeslayerx11 drivers as well, though come with a EULA19:55
shadeslayeranyway, sleeping, it's quite late :)19:55
QuintasanHURR SBUILD19:59
yofelhuh, strigi vanished from kdepim20:12
yofelgood thing I guess20:12
Quintasanyofel: It still fails with the sbuild crap20:16
yofeldid you just retry it? :(20:17
yofeloh, the mails have the builder name20:18
yofelso it seems hamsa is broken20:18
* Quintasan goes to #launchpad20:19
Quintasanyofel: Proposed solution: HAMMER THIS BUILDER UNTIL THEY FIX IT!20:21
yofelnah, I see lots of mails from neon too today... reading it now20:22
yofelfound something bad though looking at them :(20:22
yofel[Neon] [Bug 1191927] [NEW] Plasma-desktop crashes at startup20:22
ubottubug 1191927 in Project Neon "Plasma-desktop crashes at startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119192720:22
yofelUnrecognized character \x95 at /home/buildd/.sbuildrc line 1.20:23
yofelCompilation failed in require at /usr/bin/sbuild line 488.20:23
yofelno wonder the build queues are empty :D20:23
* Quintasan gives up for time being20:23
yofelQuintasan: brrrrr http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/neon_f.png20:25
Quintasanyofel: hamsa?20:26
yofelsome of it20:26
yofelsome is s-d-o being too old o.O20:26
yofelwhich shouldn't happen20:26
yofelwill look at it later20:27
yofelQuintasan: essentially, every amd64-only failed on there is hamsa ^^20:27
yofelvHanda: where's the current shared-desktop-ontologies repository at?20:37
yofelall I can find is the one on SF.net which has 0.10.51 which isn't enough for neon20:37
yofel(neon uses git://oscaf.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/oscaf/shared-desktop-ontologies)20:39
yofelQuintasan: Currently building on wani05, yay20:42
yofelheh, hamsa even killed kmix20:44
* yofel wonders what to do with usr/lib/kde4/kcm_pimactivity.so21:14
yofelI need to re-setup icecc one of these days :S21:32
* yofel still isn't sure where to put kcm_pimactivity http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/kcm_pimactivity.png22:43
=== dantti_laptop|2 is now known as dantti_laptop
Jonah_hey, is there a ppa for kde for ubuntu 13.10?23:12
Jonah_or, is it required to simply download the 13.10 kubuntu iso?23:14
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1173509] qtdemo application missing in qt4-demos @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1173509 (by Peter Würtz)23:46

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