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jppiiroinenKaleo_: that is still on my todo list06:40
dpmgoog morning all06:43
dholbachgood morning07:30
dpmmorning dholbach, morning penk07:37
dholbachhey dpm07:49
dpmhey :)07:53
nerochiaroom26er: good morning, any news on the tests for the browser component ?08:10
om26ernerochiaro, no, not much luck... didn't look at that much. I am looking at that now... Did you get a fix for the unittests ?08:11
nerochiaroom26er: i was away the past few days, didn't work on it08:12
nerochiaroom26er: but i'll look into the unit tests, and you keep looking into the autopilot08:12
nerochiaroom26er:  does that sound good ?08:12
om26ernerochiaro, yes, sure. I started on that already :)08:13
nerochiaroom26er: thank you !08:13
dpmoSoMoN, I've updated https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-calendar-app/rename/+merge/169732 to address the points in your review. Could you have a look at it and re-review? :)08:14
om26ernerochiaro, you'r welcome08:14
oSoMoNdpm: sure, on it now08:18
dpmoSoMoN, perfect, thanks. On separating them, they've become quite easy to review I hope08:18
oSoMoNdpm: you’ll need to set a commit message for autolanding to work08:19
dpmargh, it didn't pick up the one from the earlier MP. Thanks, fixing it now08:19
dpmdone, description updated as well08:21
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Eat Your Vegetables Day! :-D08:36
timpJamesTait: I *knew* it, I don't have to eat my vegetables *every* day :)08:40
JamesTaittimp, mmmmmmaybeeeee.... ;)08:41
oSoMoNdpm: commented on https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-calendar-app/package-translations/+merge/166029 with a suggestion08:46
dpmthanks! looking08:47
om26ernerochiaro, the problem is that the way we are starting the app, the startup parameter is not working...08:48
nerochiaroom26er: what do you mean ? what startup parameter ?08:48
om26ernerochiaro, the default weblink that we pass is not working... lets say we want to open the browser with 'google.com' in normal cases 'webbrowser-app google.com' will work but in this case its not08:49
om26ernerochiaro, 'qmlscene -I ../../src/ browser/emulators/runner.qml google.com'08:50
om26erthat won't open google.com.. so in our autopilot tests we actually provide a default link08:51
nerochiaroom26er: ok, i think we should split the tests in two groups, one is the tests that test the component only, and the one is the test that test the entire application. i would remove the tests for the entire application (which will need to remain as part of webbrowser-app)08:51
nerochiaroom26er: this one you mentioned for example is a test for the entire app08:52
om26ernerochiaro, yeah, makes sense. I am trying to figure out what really needs to be tested with autopilot.. like which components should I write tests for ?08:55
nerochiaroom26er: only the browser component, and the tests are already there, we just need to remove the application-specific ones08:56
om26ernerochiaro, can we do a quick mumble for a few minutes ?09:01
nerochiaroom26er: yeah, let me grab my headphones09:01
nerochiaroom26er: just logged in09:03
om26ernerochiaro, yeah, I am there09:03
nerochiaroom26er: ok, let me try reconnecting09:04
om26ernerochiaro, let me reconnect as well09:05
nerochiaroom26er: no idea, i can hear you but my mic isn't working it seems09:06
Laneyis saucy/grouper fixed-ish now?09:08
Laneyoops, meant to send that to #ubuntu-touch :P09:08
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dpmoSoMoN, I've added a comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-calendar-app/package-translations/+merge/166029https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-calendar-app/package-translations/+merge/166029 if you could have a look when you've got a minute, that'd be great09:29
oSoMoNdpm: sure09:30
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dholbachJamesTait, dpm, lool, mhall119, beuno: I think it'd make sense to start documenting a few things on the Ubuntu wiki - even if just briefly and in the form of a few bullet points - wiki.u.c/AppStore is unclaimed - shall we start using it or is there any other place you'd rather see decisions/docs/stuff go?10:11
dholbachI'd mail the list afterwards10:11
JamesTaitdholbach, +1 from me, the more info we have in public resources the better.10:12
dpmdholbach, if app store is the name we'll be using, sounds good. We might want to put it under Touch/ but I think for now it's best to just get started. We can always set up a redirect if we decide to move it afterwards10:12
dholbachdpm, I thought about Touch/ first, but thought that the idea would be to use it more broadly in a converged world10:13
dholbachnot entirely sure though10:13
dholbachbut yeah +1 on getting started :)10:14
dpmdholbach, yeah, that sounds good to me. We can always move it later if we decide to10:14
dholbachrock and roll10:14
JamesTaitdholbach, yeah, I'm also consciously avoiding references to Touch for that reason.10:14
dholbachI'll set it up and mail the list afterwards10:15
JamesTaitThanks dholbach.10:15
oSoMoNdpm: commented on https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-calendar-app/package-translations/+merge/16602910:21
dholbachJamesTait, dpm: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppStore (and /Decisions)10:26
looldholbach: +100010:27
dholbachgreat - that's the +1002 I was looking for10:28
looldholbach: I'd go for /Click at a nicer toplevel for now, but it's not worth bikeshedding10:28
JamesTaitdholbach, :)10:28
loolI'm too late it seems10:28
dholbachand another +1000 if you guys help keeping it up to date ;-)10:28
lool(wasn't there some trademark dispute over the name "appstore"?)10:29
dholbachlool, yeah, that'd be a possibility too, I'm just not sure if we want to advertise "apps", "get apps into the store", "ubuntu app store" as "click" or anything like that10:29
dholbachlool, I'll mention it in my mail to the list10:29
dholbachI'm happy for us to discuss it for a week and then count votes for whatever options come up ;-)10:29
dpmoSoMoN, thanks. I've now updated https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-calendar-app/package-translations/+merge/16602910:51
oSoMoNdpm: looks good now, btw is a changelog entry really necessary?10:55
dpmoSoMoN, I thought it was, as the packaging was changed. But I can remove it if necessary10:55
oSoMoNdpm: I don’t know, that’s a genuine question :) in the core apps developed in-house, we don’t add changelog entries anymore, not sure whether the same applies to community developed apps10:59
dpmoSoMoN, for the community apps we just set up a very basic packaging. I'm not sure it's that important until they get into the distro proper, so I think for now I'd choose the path of least effort and leave the changelog entry there other than remove it. If you're ok with that, can you approve and top-approve?11:00
oSoMoNdpm: sure, approving now11:03
oSoMoNgusch, nerochiaro: would one of you be available to review a trivial MR? https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/addressbar-spacing-tweak/+merge/16947711:05
nerochiarooSoMoN: from the looks of it it seems it's trivial enough to just approve it as it is11:06
oSoMoNnerochiaro: indeed it is11:07
nerochiarooSoMoN: i comment approved it11:07
oSoMoNnerochiaro: thx11:07
nerochiarooSoMoN: do you have any idea in cmake how to copy a binary file into the unit tests directory after building but before running the tests ? I tried using the "install" command but it's run after the tests it seems. and i tried using the file command (with COPY option) but it's run before the build11:15
oSoMoNnerochiaro: no, no idea11:16
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nerochiarooSoMoN: know anyone who might know ?11:19
oSoMoNnerochiaro: try gusch, I don’t know if we have cmake experts around…11:19
nerochiarogusch: any ideas on the above ?11:20
nerochiarooSoMoN: i wonder how other applications that do unit tests and have binary plugins do it11:20
nerochiaroif we have any11:20
guschnerochiaro: sorry - no11:20
guschnerochiaro: but I might need that as well11:21
oSoMoNnerochiaro: there must be a way, it’s just a matter of finding someone who knows it…11:21
nerochiarooSoMoN: who was our expert back in the unity-2d days ?11:28
oSoMoNnerochiaro: it was agateau, not sure where he can be pinged those days11:30
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kalikianaKaleo_, ping whenever you have time to discuss the spreadsheet you made12:11
Kaleo_kalikiana: sure, which spreadsheet?12:11
kalikianaKaleo_, aha, you are there, thought you were absent since you weren't in the daily12:12
timpKaleo_: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Av4_up3vZmkvdGNHdW1mWGtwSndPWkRJQkdwNFgtM3c#gid=0 I am also interested in where the priorities come from and whether design has the same priorities12:15
Kaleo_timp: they come from a variety of places and can be changed12:16
Kaleo_timp: there was no sync with design on these priorities in a a long time12:16
timpKaleo: ok. Would be good to have a chat with someone at design to sync our priorities12:25
timpor we leave it to the developer to contact design ahead of working on a component12:26
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oSoMoNnerochiaro: would you mind top-approving https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/addressbar-spacing-tweak/+merge/169477 ?12:41
nerochiarooSoMoN: certainly not. done12:44
Kaleotimp: 14:20 < Kaleo_> timp: I'll bring it up with Calum and John12:47
timpKaleo: ok, great12:49
timpKaleo: if you said something else in that time period, I may have missed it also12:49
timp14:24:42 -!- Kaleo_ [boucault20@tom.iiens.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]12:49
timp14:24:50 -!- Kaleo [boucault20@tom.iiens.net] has joined #ubuntu-app-devel12:49
Kaleotimp: nope, nothing else :)12:54
timpgusch_, zsombi I am preparing a change in the tools API, and I have changes ready for gallery-app to reflect this13:09
timpgusch_: could you have a look and give me your comments? Don't approve because the changes are not in UITK13:10
timpzsombi: ^ if you will be reviewing my UITK MR on this later, you can see in gallery-app already what the changes would be for apps13:10
gusch_timp: ok - and can I see the changes in the UITK? To check is autopilot will break13:11
timpgusch_: the idea is that eventually, all Actions can show up in the HUD, and their visual representation in the toolbar is a ToolbarButton13:11
timpgusch_: sure, https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/toolbarItems13:12
timpgusch_: I guess autopilot will break, but will become easier to use because you define the buttons now in your own code13:12
seb128the system settings design have often buttons in lists that are supposed to be the same width than text in a ListItem ... does that seems like a case for a standard widget (should I file a wishlist about it?)13:14
seb128or should we play with spacing/marging and copy those tweaks around (and update them the day spacing change for listitems)13:15
zsombi(04:10:55 PM) timp: zsombi: ^ if you will be reviewing my UITK MR on this later, you can see in gallery-app already what the changes would be for apps13:15
zsombitimp: ok13:16
timpzsombi: thanks13:16
timpseb128: try this http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/qml-ubuntu-components-listitems0-singlecontrol.html13:16
timpseb128: is that what you mean?13:16
seb128timp, can I turn the separators off?13:16
timpseb128: yes, showDivider: false http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/qml-ubuntu-components-listitems0-empty.html#showDivider-prop13:17
zsombiKaleo: I was thinking to move Arguments stuff under Ubuntu.Services together with Alarms API + some others which would be better to be packaged in a separate module13:18
zsombiKaleo: opinion?13:18
seb128timp, sorry, my nm-applet has been unhappy13:19
Kaleozsombi: not sure about that; in any case not really critical right now13:19
seb128timp, I was asking if I can disable separators13:19
timp15:17:30 < timp> seb128: yes, showDivider: false  http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/qml-ubuntu-components-listitems0-empty.html#showDivider-prop13:19
timpseb128: ^13:19
seb128timp, ah, thanks!13:19
zsombiKaleo: so you would suggest to have the Alarms API also in Ubuntu.Components?13:19
seb128timp, I was looking at http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/qml-ubuntu-components-listitems0-singlecontrol-members.html13:20
seb128timp, which doesn't have those properties listed13:20
timpseb128: weird. it should be there because SingleControl inherits from Empty, but the docs don't show it13:20
seb128timp, want a bug report about that?13:21
timpdpm: ^ documentation problem.13:21
Kaleozsombi: right now yes13:21
timpdpm: the link to Empty is in the documentation I generate locally with 'make docs', but not on the webpage. Will this be fixed automatically the next time the docs are updated?13:21
timpdpm: or is it a different issue and we need to report a bug?13:21
timpseb128: I don't know. Let's ask dpm13:22
zsombiKaleo: I kinda would like to keep the UI components separated from UI-less ones, especially from the service functionality providers... but...13:23
timpkalikiana: ^ or perhaps you know what's happening with the docs?13:23
dpmtimp, we're not updating the docs automatically yet. kalikiana set them up, but his MP is pending on some help that we should get from the Web team to make the breadcrumbs in the docs appear correctly13:24
dpmtimp, seb128 I can update the docs manually, but it will have to be in a few hours time13:24
timpdpm: but if it is correct locally when I run 'make docs', does that mean it will be correct after the next docs update?13:24
dpmtimp, no, I didn't switch automatic online doc updates yet as it was pending another MP to add the d.u.c headers to the docs. But if I update them manually later on and merge the branches currently in review, they should be ok13:27
kalikianadpm, so it's simply outdated isn't it?13:27
dpmkalikiana, yeah. Do you know if the mp to add the header and footer landed? Since there were so many doc fixes, I'm not sure if that was coupled with your breadcrumbs branch or if it's already landed13:29
kalikianadpm, that was separate13:29
kalikianaafair navi is the only unmerged branch13:30
seb128timp, sorry, my laptop was in weird state, I had to reboot13:30
seb128hopefully it fixed it13:30
nerochiarooSoMoN: gusch_: om26er: after battling half a day with cmake this is how i convinced it to copy some files post-build and pre-test to the test directory: add_custom_command(13:30
nerochiaro            TARGET ubuntu-ui-extras-plugin13:30
nerochiaro            POST_BUILD13:30
nerochiaro            COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy13:30
nerochiaro                $<TARGET_FILE:ubuntu-ui-extras-plugin>13:30
nerochiaro                ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tests/unittests/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/)13:30
nerochiarohope it helps, for reference13:30
gusch_nerochiaro: ok - thx - in which package will it be?13:32
timpseb128: ok. you got the links for the online docs, but they are outdated and they don't correctly list that SingleControl inherits the properties from Empty13:32
dpmkalikiana, great, I'll see if I can switch automatic docs later on. timp ^13:33
seb128timp, ok, thanks13:33
seb128I see that dpm is on it13:33
kalikiana+1000 for automatic docs13:33
dpmseb128, in the meantime, you can read the docs from the ubuntu-ui-toolkit-doc package. Those should be up to date13:34
nerochiarogusch_: ubuntu-ui-extras, new package that will contain browser and later on mediaplayer components13:34
seb128dpm, timp: file:///usr/share/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/doc/html/qml-ubuntu-components-listitems0-singlecontrol-members.html is correct indeed13:34
gusch_nerochiaro: ah - ok - thx13:35
oSoMoNnerochiaro: thanks for the reference13:37
nerochiarooSoMoN: wasn't the merge request approved last week ?13:43
oSoMoNnerochiaro: looking at the history, I’m not seeing any commits that looks like this, and there are no pending MRs against notes-app13:45
nerochiarooSoMoN: ok, so what happened is that i did the translations for share and camera, including desktops, but never went back to notes to do the desktop files13:46
timpgusch_: do you think this API change would be good? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/gallery-app/toolbarItems/revision/729 do you like it?13:46
nerochiarooSoMoN: also there was some uncertainity about how the desktop file translations actually worked, for the camera MR. was that resolved ?13:46
nerochiarogusch_: ^13:47
oSoMoNnerochiaro: ok, so please do so today if possible13:47
oSoMoNnerochiaro: dunno, I don’t think I was involved in reviewing that one, do you have a link?13:47
gusch_nerochiaro: yes, resolved. I was wrong (didn't get the magic begind gettext)13:48
gusch_timp: let me see ...13:48
gusch_timp: sometimes it's Button, sometime ToolbarButton ?13:50
gusch_timp: sometimes the anchors.verticalCenter ist set, sometimes not?13:51
gusch_timp: oh - I see - it's when a real button is used (Cancel for example)13:52
timpgusch_: yes. It is Button on those places where you used to have an itemHint13:52
timpgusch_: ToolbarButton automatically sets anchors, Button does not. But I admit that I don't like that I have to explicitly add the anchor to the Button13:53
nerochiarooSoMoN: ok, on doing it today13:58
gusch_timp: looks ok - but I guess it will break autopilot ;)13:58
oSoMoNdpm: is there a specific reason why https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-calendar-app/rename/+merge/169776 is marked "Work in progress" ?13:59
oSoMoNdpm: or is it safe for me to top-approve it?13:59
timpgusch_: should I include the fixes for autopilot in that branch?13:59
timpgusch_: how do I run the gallery autopilot tests?13:59
gusch_timp: otherwise it won't integrate ;)13:59
gusch_timp: got to "cd tests/autopilot; autopilot run gallera_app"14:00
dpmoSoMoN, yeah, I noticed that for some reason after merging the other branch it depended on, the diff now generates conflicts. I couldn't figure it out and today I don't have more time to look at the MPs, so I marked it as WIP and I'll have a look at those merge conflicts tomorrow morning14:00
oSoMoNdpm: it merges fine locally (albeit with a criss-cross warning), it may just be launchpad being confused, shall we give a try at approving it?14:04
timpgusch_: I get a bunch of errors like ImportError: Failed to import test module: gallery_app.tests.test_album_view14:04
timpgusch_: and ImportError: No module named input14:05
dpmoSoMoN, fine by me, thanks for testing it!14:05
timpgusch_: do I need autopilot-phablet?14:06
gusch_timp: libautopilot-qt14:07
gusch_timp: and libqt5test514:07
timpgusch_: from which ppa?14:07
gusch_timp: http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-unity/daily-build-next/ubuntu/ raring/main14:08
oSoMoNdpm: do you have credentials to login to the jenkins instance to request a rebuild?14:11
oSoMoNdpm: i.e.
timpgusch_: thanks14:11
dpmoSoMoN, I don't. Either mmrazik or fginther should have14:11
gusch_timp: "autopilot list gallery_app" gives you the names, to run tests individually (as a full run takes 4 minutes and blocks for computer essentially)14:13
oSoMoNdpm: mmrazik did it, let’s see what jenkins says14:13
oSoMoNnerochiaro: regarding the desktop file in notes app, let me know as soon as you have a MR, and let’s work to ensure it gets merged today14:15
dpmcool, thanks oSoMoN14:18
oSoMoNdpm: the CI job passed, I just top-approved14:21
dpmoSoMoN, awesome, thanks!14:23
timpgusch_: oops.. after adding the ppa and upgrading my packages I don't have a window manager after I log in.. :s14:24
gusch_timp: did you do a full upgrade?14:30
timpyes, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade14:31
timpah, a bunch of packages have been kept back14:32
gusch_timp: oh oh - I do only it as well - but I use KDE14:32
timpgusch_: oh, after dist-upgrade I have windows again :)14:36
timpgusch_: and the gallery_app autopilot tests run :)14:37
* timp bbl14:37
oSoMoNdpm: looking at the last MR in the series, will the qmake/make trick for the po/ folder be automatically picked up and executed, or is it still a manual step for now?14:50
dpmoSoMoN, still a manual step. Right now it is not more than a developer aid. In the future, most probably there should be a proper build system in the apps14:51
oSoMoNdpm: ok, sounds good enough to me14:52
oSoMoNdpm: maybe an entry in the README file to explain how to generate an up-to-date pot file?14:53
dpmoSoMoN, indeed, that's a very good point. I'll add it to my todo and prepare it for the rest of the apps as well14:54
nerochiarooSoMoN: bfiller: https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/notes-app/notes-app-desktop-i18n/+merge/16982715:08
nerochiarooSoMoN: bfiller: desktop file i18n for notepad15:08
oSoMoNnerochiaro: I’m on it15:09
oSoMoNnerochiaro: commented on the MR15:29
nerochiarooSoMoN: looking15:29
nerochiarooSoMoN: see if it's better now15:30
oSoMoNnerochiaro: nope, there’s a lot of extra garbage now because you had files resulting from a previous package build in the debian dir, please run it on a clean tree15:32
nerochiarooSoMoN: try now15:42
oSoMoNnerochiaro: approved, let’s wait for jenkins to run the CI, and then feel free to top-approve15:45
nerochiarooSoMoN: ok, thanks15:46
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nerochiarooSoMoN: tests seem to fail, but i didn't touch them15:51
nerochiarooSoMoN: something is odd15:51
oSoMoNnerochiaro: looking into it, please have a look at the logs yourself too15:51
nerochiarooSoMoN: i am, it seems the app isn't quitting15:51
oSoMoNnerochiaro: please ask om26er about it, I think I recall something related that was discussed last week15:52
nerochiarooSoMoN:  om26er: any ideas why these tests fail on notepad ? https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/notes-app/notes-app-desktop-i18n/+merge/16982715:54
om26ernerochiaro, I tried to fix that in my branch (https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/notes-app/fix_jenkins_failures) but failed..15:55
om26ernerochiaro, it seems alt-f4 event is not happening in jenkins setup due to some reason15:56
om26ernerochiaro, we need to fix another way to kill the app.15:56
nerochiarooSoMoN: om26er: yeah. but in the meantime i think oSoMoN we can approve that MR since it has nothing to do with the code i submitted for review15:57
om26ernerochiaro, I think it may make sense to disable these tests for now...15:57
om26erI wonder if the MR will go in till those tests pass...15:57
nerochiaroom26er: you tell me15:57
AskUbuntuUbuntu/Qt Application | http://askubuntu.com/q/30930215:57
om26ernerochiaro, Yes. I thought of disabling them as well. I didn't find a way to kill the app.. we could do 'killall qmlscene'15:58
om26eralt-f4 doesn't work on touch anyways so this is a partial solution anyways...15:59
nerochiaroom26er: sounds a bit brutal, but might work. for now i'm disabling these two tests though16:00
nerochiarooSoMoN: is it ok if i do that in the same MR ?16:00
oSoMoNnerochiaro: don’t comment them out, just skip them16:00
oSoMoNnerochiaro: yes16:00
nerochiarooSoMoN: how do i skip them ?16:00
oSoMoNnerochiaro: I don’t remember the exact syntax, but I believe there a skipTest decorator for test methods that should not run, and you can pass it a string to explain why the test is being skipped16:01
om26ernerochiaro, import unittest ; use it as decorator a line before the test.. like this: @unittest.skip("Quick is not working")16:01
om26eror you may even want to skip the entire class...16:02
nerochiarooSoMoN:  om26er: any way to skip the tests only when running on device ? it's the only place where they fail,no ?16:08
om26ernerochiaro, they fail in jenkins as well..16:08
nerochiaroom26er: but they work on desktop16:09
om26ernerochiaro, yes, they are working fine on my desktop as well. but due to some reason unknown they fail in jenkins.. I tried 3-4 experiments but none of them worked..16:09
nerochiaroom26er: exactly, so my question is: can we leave them enabled on desktop and disable them on jenkins ?16:10
om26ernerochiaro, no, we can't differentiate..16:10
nerochiaroom26er: ok16:10
om26ernerochiaro, I tried to do this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~om26er/notes-app/fix_jenkins_failures/revision/136 that didn't work16:11
nerochiaroom26er: when i add that decorator, are the tests still supposed to appear in autopilot list ?16:17
om26ernerochiaro, yeah, they should16:17
om26ernerochiaro, try running them. the app window will just appear and then disappear quickly16:18
nerochiarooSoMoN:  om26er: i pushed the changes with the disabled tests already, let's see what jenkins does16:18
oSoMoNnerochiaro: would you mind approving this trivial MR? https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/cmakelists-qt-creator/+merge/16984516:32
nerochiarooSoMoN: done16:33
oSoMoNnerochiaro: thanks16:33
om26ernerochiaro, so I have fixed 20 tests for the browser component16:40
om26ernerochiaro, others are bit tricky to fix it seems...16:41
nerochiaroom26er: just a moment, can you trigger a rebuild on this MR ? https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/notes-app/notes-app-desktop-i18n/+merge/16982716:42
nerochiaroom26er: it seems jenkins isn't running it, or it's taking a long time16:42
om26ernerochiaro, its running already16:43
nerochiaroom26er: ok. regaring the browser component, can you please commit the fixed tests ?16:48
nerochiaroom26er: and why are the tricky ones more tricky ?16:48
om26ernerochiaro, one of them makes sure the app starts chromeless,,, which requires a parameter '--chromeless' which we cannot provide...16:50
om26ernerochiaro, others are related to 'browser history' it seems the dummy database is not being picked by the app in that mode16:50
LaneyKaleo: Hey, last week you told me that UbuntuShape accepts a ShaderEffectSource but I don't see that here - any clues? (Unable to assign QQuickShaderEffectSource to QQuickImage)16:54
om26ernerochiaro, lp:~om26er/+junk/fix-autopilot-tests16:55
om26ernerochiaro, or should I push to your branch ?16:56
nerochiaroom26er: please push to my branch16:56
nerochiaroom26er: all those are ok being tested as part of the webbrowser-app i tink16:56
om26ernerochiaro, done16:57
om26erI'll be back later.17:01
oSoMoNnerochiaro: would you have a moment to review https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/target-blank-relative/+merge/169854 ?17:01
nerochiarooSoMoN: looking17:04
nerochiarooSoMoN: if the tests pass it looks ok to me17:05
nerochiarobfiller: FYI since you wanted to be notified: notes-app desktop file i18n approved: https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/notes-app/notes-app-desktop-i18n/+merge/16982717:06
oSoMoNnerochiaro: cool, feel free to approve then, I can top-approve once CI succeeds17:07
KaleoLaney: let me think17:13
timpLaney, Kaleo UbuntuShape does not accept it directly, but its parent class (Shape, made available from c++) does17:16
KaleoLaney: timp: ahy yes!17:17
Kaleoof course17:17
Kaleothat's a glitch we will have to remedy17:17
timpthere is a bug for that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/108959517:20
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1089595 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[shape] UbuntuShape should shape more general Item-based components" [Wishlist,Triaged]17:20
seb128do you guys have a widget to use for cases like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AboutThisDevice?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=phone-storage.png17:37
seb128the [ by name ][ by size ] splitted button17:38
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timpseb128: nope17:40
seb128timp, ok, any planned?17:41
timpseb128: yes it is planned, but I cannot find a bug report for it17:42
seb128timp, ok, good to know that it's planned ;-)17:42
timpseb128: it is currently low priority and won't arrive before the beta17:44
seb128timp, I should maybe talk to design to have an alternative UI suggested then17:45
seb128timp, thanks17:45
bfillernerochiaro: thanks18:04
Laneytimp: Kaleo: hrm, alright then - so I'll be able to propose CrossFadeImage to the toolkit but probably not actually use it just yet until that gets fixed18:29
KaleoLaney: that's a misunderstanding18:47
KaleoLaney: you can already use the Shape object18:48
Laneyoh yeah?18:48
KaleoLaney: yes, instead of UbuntuShape use Shape18:48
Laneybut then I won't be all UbuntuShapey18:48
KaleoLaney: like it is dong in UbuntuShape.qml18:48
KaleoLaney: it will be18:48
KaleoLaney: it's just that the UbuntuShape got rewritten from QML to C++ in a hurry*18:49
KaleoLaney: and now we have UbuntuShape.qml as a wrapper for the C++ Shape18:49
Laneywell, that file does appear to do some things18:50
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nik90Does anybody here know how to solve http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17155915/does-qml-support-converting-to-different-timezone-based-on-timezoneid ?20:29
nik90or atleast ppoint me in the right direction?20:29
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netcurlinik90: you have seen this: http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt-5-QTimeZone20:49
nik90netcurli: I am looking at it now20:51
nik90netcurli: I remember briefly looking at it before. But as I see many of its API for timezone is scheduled for qt 5.120:52
nik90and I am not sure when exactly qt 5.1 will be packaged for ubuntu20:53
netcurliI mean, the data you are looking for is available in the tz database20:53
netcurliit's just a matter of how to access that information20:53
nik90netcurli: I looked at tz database..and I see that it provide timezone info about a city20:54
nik90netcurli: but meanwhile I was able to find an online API which gives me that same info20:54
nik90but it returns it as Europe/Amsterdam or etc....20:54
nik90netcurli: I just need to know how to convert that into time20:55
netcurliwith the tz database you can get the difference between a timezone by id and utc at some point in the past or future20:55
nik90and will the difference be in minutes? as in Amsterdam is 120 minutes from UTC20:56
nik90netcurli: for now in the ubuntu clock app, I am getting the current local time at a place and then subtracting it from my system time to know the diff20:58
nik90I then can calculate the time at that city by using the diff anytime20:58
netcurlihow would you deal with daylight saving time?21:17
nik90netcurli: my current plan to check with the online api once every day21:18
nik90netcurli: so that would take care of updating with daylight saving time21:18
netcurlibtw: https://github.com/eggert/tz that is the source code of the tz database. and you can try "TZ='Europe/Amsterdam' date" in a terminal21:20
nik90netcurli: yes I have explored the use of tzdata already present in ubuntu21:24
nik90but js or qml does not have native capability to read tz files21:24
netcurlithat is correct, you could either make a c++ plugin or compile the tz files to json (but you would have to provide updates then)21:26
nik90netcurli: okay21:26
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