
=== Sarvatt is now known as Sarvatt_
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pelmenHello to everyone! I have a problem with Ubuntu 13.04 on an ARM device Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. It just doesn't boot. I am creating rootfs with LinuxDeploy and self-compiled kernel was packaged in this Ubuntu chrooted with mkinitramfs and abootimg. The same recovery boots Debian and kali Linux, so I think it's an issue with init. Last message I see is about successfully mounting rootfs.07:28
pelmenAnyone knows what's the problem?07:28
pelmenIt's the wrong channel or no one is here? :)07:57
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chaitanyapramodHi, I got myself stuck while using Ubuntu Desktop on Nexus 7. Is this the right place to ask for help?18:03
user_can someone tell me a quick and dirty method to use the raring bootimg with a new kernel or hack the initrd to not run installer?18:36
user_trying to put a new zimage on nexus 7 ubuntu desktop18:48
user_if I just replace the kernel in rootfs.tar.gz and reinstall will that work?19:09
user_why is there a kernel in both places, bootimg and the rootfs19:10
user_sure is quiet for 148 people in this channel19:12
user_right then. I'll leave this mutual admiration society to it's own devices.  o/19:31

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