
=== Nisstyre-laptop is now known as Nisstyre
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vipzrxhello ,I want to boot the panadboard using the ubuntu core 12.04 by nfs , what should I to set for the boot.scr ?02:53
pittiGood morning04:20
pittihm, do we still have a powerpc porter box somewhere?05:27
vipzrxpitti: hello05:27
StevenKpitti: davis05:32
StevenKWhich seems to not love the world05:33
pittiStevenK: that's what I thought, but it seems broken05:33
* pitti is using partch.debian.org05:33
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tvoss_didrocks, good morning :)06:19
didrockshey tvoss_, how are you?06:20
tvoss_didrocks, pretty good :) you?06:20
didrockstvoss_: I'm fine, thanks! Quite a little bit of backlog though :)06:20
tvoss_didrocks, ah okay :) I have a question for you: do you have an eta when Mir/system comp will land in universe?06:21
didrockstvoss_: see #ubuntu-mir, let's not get the discussion in two channels :)06:22
tvoss_didrocks, yup, thx :) my bad06:22
didrocksno worry ;)06:22
NoskcajDaviey, ping06:23
DavieyNoskcaj: hey07:10
NoskcajDaviey, i sent you a PM yesterday, did you see it?07:11
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dholbachgood morning07:30
seb128dholbach, hey, wie gehts?07:34
dholbachhey seb128 - sehr gut - et toi? comment ça va?07:36
seb128dholbach, ça va bien merci ;-)07:36
DavieyNoskcaj: Yes, I'll have a better answer for you latr.07:37
pittimvo: hey, how are you?07:43
pittimvo: I already handled https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/sessioninstaller/handle-parsing-errors/+merge/168970, including the tighter except:07:43
=== 13WAAK4RM is now known as tvoss
mvopitti: hi, thanks! yeah, I nocticed after I answered, was on vac for a couple of days and worked on the mail sequentially :)08:35
seb128mvo, hey! thanks for the review anyway ;-) I hope you enjoyed your vac days!08:36
mvoseb128: I did, it was very nice, thanks!08:41
dholbachhey mvo08:42
mvohey dholbach!08:43
* pitti sends some water bubbles to dholbach08:44
* dholbach hugs pitti08:44
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xnoxmemtest86+ fails to upgrade for me, in an ubuntu-cloud image launched under lxc, due to calling update-grub2 unconditionally, which fails in ubuntu-cloud image under lxc.09:23
xnoxmemtest86+ seems to have a mariod of upgrade/install bugs on launchpad due to failing at the update-grub2 call. Should it have "|| true" added?09:24
pittixnox: because the update-grub2 command doesn't exist, or does it fail?09:26
pittiif it doesn't exist, a [ -x ] test sounds more appropriate to me09:26
xnoxpitti: there is already a -x test, it's just that lxc container has grub2 package install, /boot/ mounted&present (from the ubuntu cloud preinst image), yet lxc container cannot successfully run update-grub2, as it fails to identify boot device.09:27
xnoxand well, one doesn't actually boot lxc containers with grub.09:27
xnoxI guess memtest postinst should check if it's in a container/lxc and do nothing with grub even if that's present.09:28
pittiwouldn't that logic be better placed in update-grub then?09:28
pittiotherwise we'd have to fix a lot of packages in the same way?09:28
xnoxpitti: yeah. It looks like there is a generic command "running_in_container" command already which can be recycled.09:30
xnox/bin/running-in-container shipped by upstart, perfect.09:31
cjwatsonxnox: The right fix is to add [ -e /boot/grub/grub.cfg ]10:05
cjwatsonThough actually a running-in-container test is fine too10:05
cjwatson/etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub has both10:05
xnoxcjwatson: /boot/grub/grub.cfg is present in ubuntu-cloud images, which are then booted as an lxc container =(10:06
xnoxcjwatson: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/142639886/memtest86%2B_4.20-1.1ubuntu4_4.20-1.1ubuntu5.diff.gz10:06
cjwatsonYeah, that occurred to me afterwards10:07
cjwatsonJust make the logic match /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub10:07
xnoxi think it matches now, despite using different syntax for the same thing.10:08
cjwatsonLooks like it, thanks10:17
luvHey, just reported a bug in launchpad and the status was changed to "incomplete" so I provided more info as asked, should I now change the status back to "New" ?10:18
cjwatsonThat's reasonable10:18
luvok, thanks10:19
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evDaviey: could you please approve my post to the ubuntu-server list?10:58
evand whitelist my address? :)10:58
zygamvo_: ping11:05
Davieyev: ack11:16
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
evmpt: briefly going back to the crash reports for Firefox and Chrome discussion, I forgot that I wrote this a while back: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker/BreakpadApplicationSupport11:20
evso we're not without some work on this, albeit small11:21
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mptev, huh, I didn't know they used the same crash reporting system12:01
evyeah, we considered breakpad, but you need to link the world against it12:01
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mvo_zyga: sorry, busy day today, could you send me a quick mail? I gtg to a meeting in some minutes13:12
zygamvo_: sure, thanks13:13
pittistgraber: FYI, this could remotely affect LXC: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2013-June/011388.html13:33
stgraberpitti: soounds like it won't make things much worse. As it currently is, it's almost impossible to run systemd in a container. Some Fedora users have been trying for months, sent a dozen patches to LXC but all of it is just trying to workaround silly limitations put in place by systemd (like it refusing to start getty on pts devices or indeed messing with cgroups in a way it shouldn't)13:36
pittistgraber: yeah, I rather meant the upcoming changes to the kernel side of cgroups13:38
stgraberthe bit about assigning resources to users may indeed be problematic (assuming that's done in logind and not systemd), though that's something we need to deal with at some point anyway if we want unprivileged containers13:38
stgraberah yeah, we're aware of the upcoming kernel changes, hallyn has been following those discussions for a while now13:38
pittistgraber: ah, good; nevermind them13:38
hallynstgraber: yeah we'll need to update lxc to use 'cgroup.procs' instead of 'tasks' soon13:39
mardykenvandine, seb128, didrocks (and anyone else :-) ): would you please endorse me? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlbertoMardegan/CoreDeveloperApplication13:40
seb128mardy, hey, sure!13:40
mardypitti: oh, you too :-) ^13:40
didrocksmardy: hey, will do :)13:41
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
pittioh, so where was that magical UDD page about "what did I sponsor for X?"13:43
pittimardy: ^ if you happen to have a list, I'd appreciate :)13:43
pitti(back in 30)13:43
kenvandinemardy, will do13:44
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mardypitti, kenvandine, seb128, didrocks: I renamed the page to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlbertoMardegan/ContributingDeveloperApplication13:47
didrocksmardy: making more sense, thanks!13:47
seb128mardy, great ;-)13:47
mardypitti: there's a couple of links here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlbertoMardegan/ContributingDeveloperApplication#Examples_of_my_work_.2BAC8_Things_I.27m_proud_of13:47
Laneypitti: http://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi13:54
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pittimardy: hm, seems I didn't actually sponsor anything from you?14:35
pittiLaney: thanks14:35
Laneythank the awesomebar!14:36
* Laney hands out "Firefox by default" buttons14:36
ogra_make it work usable on arm14:37
ogra_then we can talk14:37
pittiLaney: +1 :)14:41
mardypitti: I corrected my application wiki: I'm actually applying as contributor, not core-dev anymore14:57
hallynarges: just fyi, we do need the previous 14.9 changelog entry and need to debuild -v1.0+noroms-0ubuntu14.8 to build the qemu precise package - but i'll do that.15:05
argeshallyn: oh ok, let me know if you  need anything from me then15:06
hallynarges: pushed to precise-proposed with http://people.canonical.com/~serge/qemu-kvm.debdiff as the debdiff15:16
hallynarges: (now we just need an SRU admin to accept it)15:17
argeshallyn: thanks15:18
xnoxLaney: I'm not Australian, but I support chromium by default!15:19
hallynnp :)15:19
didrocksRiddell: hey, are you monitoring the libical transition? you started it and it seems to be stuck in proposed for quite a few days15:25
didrocksRiddell: as you bump the build-deps on it, this makes some of our components like indicator-datetime stalled15:25
didrockssil2100: ^15:25
Riddelldidrocks: hmm yes, that's on my todo for today15:26
sil2100Riddell: could you poke me once that's pushed further?15:26
sil2100Since I'd like to unblock indicator-datetime then15:26
didrocksthanks Riddell for looking at it :)15:26
jbichasil2100: bug 1191792 is the remaining blocker for the ibus transition, I worked around openchange's build problem15:30
ubottubug 1191792 in kmymoney (Ubuntu) "kmymoney fails to build on saucy" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119179215:30
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seb128jbicha, "ibus transition"?15:36
jbichatoo many i's15:37
Riddellsil2100: the indicator-datetime failure doesn't have anything to do with libical15:42
sil2100Riddell: the indicator-datetime failure I have been encoutering while trying to get my branch merger in did have, since it was failing because of: Depends: libical-dev (>= 1.0) but 0.48-2 is to be installed.15:44
Riddelljbicha: hmm new libaqbanking probably the culprit there15:48
Riddellsil2100: you need to enable -proposed to get 1.0 installed15:48
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
sil2100Riddell: we know that, but mergers do not have -proposed, and the CI team has some reasons for why it cannot be enabled there15:50
sil2100Riddell: but I merged that in manually already15:50
jbichaRiddell: yes I believe so15:50
sil2100Since this way we can unblock everything, as libical can move from -propose to saucy now that indicator-datetime will be re-built15:50
cjwatsonsil2100: That's going to be "interesting" in the case of transitions15:52
cjwatsonYour CI team is probably wrong :)15:52
sil2100We've been hearing that a lot lately ;)15:56
cjwatson(Speaking as the person who manages proposed->release migration)16:01
mterryjbicha, btw, uploaded new deja-dup with your g-c-c panel name fix16:15
jbichamterry: cool, thanks :)16:16
andyrock\msg Laney ping16:18
andyrockops.... sorry16:18
jbichaandyrock: you can just ask your questions in the channel, you probably don't need to privmsg people16:20
Laneythe secret world of privmsg!16:21
andyrockLaney, hey good morning/afternoon/evening16:22
andyrocki still can reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/118230716:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1182307 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance()" [Medium,Fix released]16:22
Laneycan you file a new bug?16:22
LaneyI would say if you have the fixed package it's more likely to be a different one with similar symptoms16:23
andyrockLaney, sure16:25
Laneyandyrock: From the commandline: apport-bug /var/crash/_usr_bin_nautilus.<whateveritis>16:25
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alexbligh1Do we know what version of qemu is going in saucy yet, and/or is there a packaged version around somewhere? (not according to packages.ubuntu.com)16:33
alexbligh1ok ignore me - packages.ubuntu.com is playing up. The answer is 1.5.016:34
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Riddelljbicha: got kmymoney compiling, all the fault of something called gwenhywfar17:05
cjwatsonwe should have more Celtic-language-family package names17:06
jbichasounds ominous enough17:06
slangasekI was going to go with WelshOS17:06
cjwatson(IIRC that one is the Welsh for "Guinevere")17:06
* slangasek nods17:07
jbichaRiddell: while looking around for a fix, I noticed that Fedora backported about 15 patches to fix various issues17:11
jbichayou can grab the src rpm from http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=421621 if you're interested17:11
chilukDaviey, slangasek, cjwatson can I get some SRU love on the precise unity upload https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=unity17:18
andyrockLaney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/119188317:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1191883 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance()" [Undecided,New]17:21
* andyrock had some issues with apport17:23
Riddellsil2100: so new indicator-datetime will be going in?17:25
slangasekchiluk: yep, I can have a look this afternoon17:26
chilukawesome thanks.17:26
slangasekbarry: fyi, the python2.7 SRU for bug #1058884 is currently stalled out because there's an existing SRU in -proposed that needs sorted (bug #1088771 failed verification); maybe you can help get that un-stuck?17:27
ubottubug 1058884 in python3.3 (Ubuntu Raring) "Race condition in py_compile corrupts pyc files" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105888417:27
ubottubug 1088771 in python-defaults (Ubuntu Precise) "dangling symlink /usr/lib/pkgconfig/python2.pc" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108877117:27
barryslangasek: sure, i can take a look17:27
slangasekcjwatson, stgraber: ok... correction, the parted in the recovery image does *not* recognize the partiton table correctly :P17:30
slangasekGNU Parted
cjwatsonI'm working on the necessary backports in any case17:30
slangasekwell, this is the parted from the android build ;)17:31
slangasekone wonders why it's there at all if it's in such a dire state17:31
cjwatsonYeah, but presumably it would help to have a working parted somewhere17:31
slangasekgenerally speaking!17:31
cjwatsonAdding http://paste.ubuntu.com/5774631/ seems to do the trick17:32
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seb128cjwatson, if a software migrated from qt4 (where is was available on ppc) to qt5 (where it's not), is deleting the ppc binary from the old version the right thing to do to unblock the proposed->archive migration?17:42
cjwatsonseb128: Probably, yes, but check its rdepends17:43
seb128cjwatson, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/signon-ui/0.15daily13.06.12-0ubuntu1 is the source17:43
seb128hum, that's going to make the ppc desktop quite unhappy I guess17:44
seb128kenvandine, ^17:44
ogra_you think we have users of unity on PPC ?17:45
* ogra_ would expect them to use lubuntu or so 17:45
kenvandinewithout unity, signon-ui won't get used17:45
kenvandinesince we only show the signon panel on unity17:45
seb128the issue is that it will likely make the desktop not installable on ppc17:45
seb128not sure how to deal with it17:46
stgraber@pilot in17:46
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: stgraber
seb128out of starting rebuilding stuff without uoa on ppc17:46
ogra_but if we are sure that there are no unity users, why doe we bother to make it installable ?17:47
cjwatsonThe rdepends stack is fairly large, but is it possible that it just makes some unity scopes and account plugins uninstallable (indeed those would need to be removed too)?17:47
cjwatsonIt *looks* that way to me17:48
* JanC wonders how often PPC is still used?17:48
cjwatsonThe side discussion is unlikely to be productive here17:48
ogra_surely there are quite some server users17:48
kenvandineit looks like empathy and shotwell are the real problems17:48
seb128cjwatson, can we just delete the binary and see what happens and fix fallouts later (or wait to see if anyone care enough to fix those)?17:48
barryslangasek: i cannot reproduce lp: #1167177 in a chroot.  what am i missing?17:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1167177 in python-defaults (Ubuntu Precise) "package python-dev 2.7.3-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: tentative de remplacement de « /usr/lib/pkgconfig/python2.pc », qui appartient aussi au paquet python2.7 2.7.3-0ubuntu3.1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116717717:48
kenvandineempathy and shotwell depend on libsignon-glib117:48
cjwatsonseb128: Please don't, that makes proposed-migration more fragile17:48
kenvandinewhich depends on signond, which depends on signon-ui17:49
slangasekbarry: "luck" in the unpack ordering in your local test?17:49
slangasekbarry: you may want to dpkg -i /path/to/python-dev.deb explicitly17:49
kenvandinewe just had the discussion about how we can make empathy not depend on it last week17:49
seb128kenvandine, <seb128>  not sure how to deal with it,  out of starting rebuilding stuff without uoa on ppc17:49
cjwatsonseb128: Its constraint is that the total *number* of uninstallables not decrease - so every extra uninstallable in the archive gives it more wiggle room, and not in a good way17:49
kenvandinewhich was "not easily"17:49
barryslangasek: could be.  let me try that17:50
seb128same for shotwell17:50
seb128kenvandine, well I guess we can stop enabling uoa for those on ppc17:50
cjwatsonempathy's involvement here seems to be a Recommends17:50
cjwatsonAh, Build-Depends17:50
kenvandinenot really17:50
kenvandineinternally it's private lib links to it17:50
kenvandineand is hard to unravel :/17:50
cjwatsonNo, it's a build-depends leading to signond which only Recommends: signon-ui17:51
cjwatsonshotwell doesn't seem to show up in the Depends stack17:51
kenvandinethen that shouldn't break17:51
seb128same for shotwell17:51
seb128shotwell depends on libsignon-glib1, which depends on signond which recommends signon-ui17:52
cjwatsonAs I say, there's a certain amount to unravel here and I'd like us to remove some subset that keeps things consistent (and preferably that won't reappear next rebuild)17:52
cjwatsonBut it doesn't seem intractable17:52
ogra_and since the whole thing came up due to ubuntu touch testing, note that ubuntu touch images build with --no-install-recommends still ...17:52
ogra_(just as a side comment wrt recommends)17:53
sil2100Riddell: it should, but... jenkins is preparing for a shut down17:53
sil2100So I'll take care of that tomorrow17:53
seb128kenvandine, going to be fun dropping those...17:55
seb128on that note, need to go for dinner17:56
jbichalibsignon-glib1 doesn't need to depend on signond though, so empathy & shotwell should be fine if signon-ui is the only thing that's broken18:01
barryslangasek: okay, forcing the order allowed me to reproduce the problem, and the proposed fix look right.  should i apply this to a new version of python-defaults 2.7.3-0ubuntu2.1 and get the one in proposed bounced, or prepare a -0ubuntu2.2?18:01
slangasekbarry: python2.7/2.7.3-0ubuntu3.2 is the version already in -proposed; you can reupload python2.7/2.7.3-0ubuntu3.3 with both fixes - and in that case, please make sure to build the source package with a -v option pointing to the last version in precise-updates18:05
* barry nods18:06
barryslangasek: actually, the fix is in python-defaults, but i understand what you mean :)18:14
slangasekbarry: ah right :)18:14
barryslangasek: uploaded18:14
slangasekbarry: ta18:18
=== alexbligh1 is now known as alexbligh
Laneyandyrock: ta18:34
slangasekcjwatson: so, parted also isn't happy with the N7 partition table... completely different behavior though :)18:37
slangasekError: /dev/block/mmcblk0: unrecognised disk label18:37
slangasekcjwatson: where should I start with this?18:42
slangasekJan  7 00:49:56 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [    3.495050] Primary GPT is invalid, using alternate GPT.18:43
psusicjwatson: doh... heh, I fixed the gpt thing this morning too ;)18:51
slangasekpsusi: any thoughts on my new parted issue (above)? :)18:53
psusislangasek: parted does not complain about this but the kernel does?18:54
slangasekpsusi: the opposite; the kernel is "happy" with the alternate GPT, parted doesn't read it at all18:55
psusislangasek: and this is with the proposed fix it looks like cjwatson just uploaded a few minutes ago?18:55
slangasekpsusi: yep - different device18:55
slangasekdifferent crazy-wrong partition table18:55
psusislangasek: you seem to have pasted a kernel error message?18:55
slangasekpsusi: well, I wouldn't call it an error, but a warning18:57
psusislangasek: right... so the kernel is saying the primary is corrupt, and it's using the backup... does parted agree with this assessment?18:58
slangasekpsusi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5774883/18:58
slangasekpsusi: no, parted says 'Error: /dev/block/mmcblk0: unrecognised disk label18:58
psusislangasek: which version of parted?  the one cjwatson just uploaded to fix the nonstandard gpt size issue?18:59
slangasekpsusi: yes19:00
psusislangasek: did it fix the problem with the other system?19:00
slangasekpsusi: actually haven't tested that one yet... let me do that now19:00
psusislangasek: and how about gdisk?19:00
slangasekpsusi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5774895/19:01
slangasekpsusi: so... the /kernel/ likes it this time, but nothing else does :)19:04
psusislangasek: looks like the kernel doesn't bother checking the version number19:05
psusislangasek: so it looks like your primary is corrupt, and the backup has the wrong version number, which the kernel fails to notice19:06
slangasekpsusi: so, what's the correct solution here?  Should parted be bug-for-bug compatible with Linux?  Should there be some tool I can use to "repair" the alternate GPT/19:08
psusislangasek: did the new version at least fix the problem with the first machine?19:08
slangasekpsusi: note that this device is the Nexus 7, which I'm told is notorious for being bricked if one fiddles with the partitioning... I suspect that writing to the primary GPT might be a bad idea :)19:08
psusiyou may be able to use gdisk to repair it, or you might just have to hex edit it by hand... linux probably should be fixed to check the version number19:09
slangasekpsusi: yep, new parted works fine on the other device (N4)19:09
psusiI thought mmc devices had their own low level partition scheme?19:09
slangasekpsusi: I'm wary of "fixing" the kernel because I suspect the firmware's partition support (fastboot) of being a house of cards that may explode if I touch anything I shouldn't19:10
slangasekrsalveti: ^^ what do you think of the above? (N7 GPT is invalid from parted's perspective, and barely passes the kernel)19:10
psusilast time I tried fiddling around on my android phone, it looks like mmc has its own low level partition table, and there is no msdos or gpt19:10
slangasekmmc is just a storage medium, and the particular partition table used is implementation-dependent19:11
slangasekso far, the Nexus devices seem to be GPT19:11
psusiI'm pretty sure when I looked at the kernel mmc code, it had its own low level partition table that all mmc devices must have19:11
slangasekpsusi: well, the N4 was the device with the other non-checksumming GPT, and it was also /dev/mmcblk019:17
stgraberpsusi: what you describe sounds like mtd, which some android device use, but AFAIK not the Nexus ones we're looking at19:17
psusislangasek: it also looks like this new device has no protective MBR?  can you confirm that with fdisk?19:18
psusiahh, right, mtd is what I was thinking...19:18
slangasekpsusi: fdisk also bombs out spectacularly, yes19:19
slangasekDevice contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel19:19
bdmurraypitti: should we turn on apport opening bugs on Launchpad now?19:19
psusislangasek: then the kernel shouldn't be recognizing it either19:19
cjwatsonI'll leave you two to the parted investigation, since I'm mostly meant to be childcaring now :)19:19
psusiunless... there's a kernel command line "19:21
psusi"gpt" option to force it to use gpt without a valid protective mbr19:21
psusibut the mbr is required by the efi standard, which says you shall not treat it as gpt without it19:21
stgraberhow is EFI relevant on ARM?19:22
psusibecause EFI is the standard that defines GPT19:22
cjwatsonWe do already bend that rule for Apple, of course ...19:22
cjwatson(In a fairly evil way, but still)19:22
psusiwhy is that?19:23
slangasekpsusi: well, let's see. 'gpt gpt_sector=30535679'19:23
cjwatsonBecause Apple bent it before us and we had to play along in order to work there19:23
cjwatsonThey have a legacy MBR rather than a protective MBR19:23
psusilegacy or hybrid?  no type ee or ef?19:24
cjwatsonSee gptsync.patch19:24
cjwatsonNo time to explain now19:24
slangasekright; similar issues apply here, I need to be able to work with the partition tables that come on the device, waving the text of a standard at my phone isn't going to help me read/edit the partitions19:24
cjwatsonI might mean hybrid, I forget which adjectives settled down into meaning which things19:24
psusislangasek: say, if you don't want to mess with the goofy partitions this device comes with, why do you care about what parted thinks about it?19:28
rsalvetislangasek: hm, that's kind of unexpected19:28
rsalvetijust flashed my n10, let me check that as well19:28
slangasekpsusi: I want to repartition the device; I want to do so in a way that won't brick the device in the process, by, say, writing to a new location that the firmware is doing something funky with19:29
psusislangasek: it seems that they have patched their kernel to handle some funky stuff... I'd start by seeing what they patched in block/partitions/gpt.c19:31
slangasekah, the pain19:32
psusierr, it's efi.c, not gpt.c19:34
stgrabernot seeing any weird patching in there19:36
stgraberslangasek: might be interesting to dd the table to a USB stick and try it on a standard Ubuntu machine, see what a clean kernel thinks of it19:38
slangasekhmm, possibly.19:39
slangasekhow do I find the table? :P19:39
slangasekgpt_sector=30535679 - how does that translate to a dd command?19:39
slangaseklooks like sectors are 512 bytes19:40
stgraberhmm, that'd mean the table is pretty much at the end of the flash then?19:41
psusithat's why I said they seem to have patched their kernel... because I don't see any gpt_sector kernel argument19:41
stgraberslangasek: dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=gpt.img bs=1K count=32 seek=30535679 ?19:42
stgraberhmm * 51219:42
stgraberpsusi: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-saucy.git;a=commit;h=2311e2e994b86a4d9592ba9cc63e9d877fe270f619:42
slangasekstgraber: in fact, total disk size is 30535680 sectors19:43
stgraberslangasek: hmm, so that'd be 512 bytes for the table? sounds rather short. How big is that flash 16GB?19:44
slangasekDisk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 15.6 GB, 15634268160 bytes19:44
psusislangasek: the header is one sector... it describes how long the table itself is, which normally is 128 bytes x 128 entries, but the other device you had only had 9 entries19:45
slangasekso if the header is 1 sector, where does it put the table? :)19:45
slangasekbecause it claims to be reading it from the last sector on the device19:46
psusislangasek: immediately following for the primary, and preceeding for the backup19:46
stgraberpsusi: confirmed that we have this kernel in the grouper kernel but it's not an upstream patch and likely isn't in our desktop kernel19:46
slangasekpsusi: "preceding" -hah19:46
rsalvetislangasek: nexus 10: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5775036/19:46
psusislangasek: so in your case it should be the 3 sectors leading up to the last one, then the last one itself is the backup header19:47
slangasekrsalveti: well, that's nice enough :)19:47
psusikind of odd that it passes the kernel override argument and points it to the last sector, which is where the backup is suppoed to be anyhow19:47
slangasekpsusi: yeah, beats me :)19:48
psusithough it is also weird that the device doesn't seem to have a primary19:48
stgraberrsalveti: wow, that one looks valid, nice and short, that's a change ;)19:48
rsalvetistgraber: :-)19:48
slangasekhmm, so does adb handle sparse files? :P19:49
stgraberslangasek: that may explain why some people bricked their device while messing with gpt. Some editors may be able to see the backup table, load that, do the change and then write the master table, possibly overwriting part of the bootloader in the process19:49
slangasekyes, that's exactly my concern19:50
slangasekdd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=gpt.img bs=512 count=4 skip=3053567619:50
psusislangasek: dd count=4 if=/dev/mmcblk0 | xxd?19:50
slangasekpsusi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5775052/19:51
slangasek$ sudo kpartx -lv /tmp/gpt-full.img19:53
slangasekso... a stock kernel doesn't seem to like it very much?19:53
stgraberwhat's gpt-full.img?19:53
slangasekstgraber: reconstituted sparse image from 'adb pull /data/gpt.img && dd if=gpt.img of=gpt-full.img bs=512 count=4 seek=30535676'19:54
psusislangasek: it looks like the stock kernel will do the same thing since the backup is actually at the end of the disk ( you did say that right? ), and it doesn't bother checking the version number19:55
slangasekpsusi: it is at the end of the disk; still, kpartx doesn't do anything useful with such an image, but maybe that's kpartx's fault19:56
psusiit may also be checking the version and rejecting it because of that being wrong19:57
slangasekpsusi, stgraber: so I definitely see an android patch on fs/partition/efi.c: StrawberryMountain:~/ubuntu-saucy$ git log fs/partitions/efi.c19:59
slangasek2311e2e994b86a4d9592ba9cc63e9d877fe270f6,     fs: partitions: efi: Add force_gpt_sector parameter19:59
* slangasek eyes the pasting19:59
psusiat any rate, this device appears to be a hack job where they have something else ( boot loader? ) at the start of the disk, and rely on a mal-formed backup gpt at the end... there's just no clean way to deal with this19:59
slangasekpsusi: so you would consider a parted option to "only write the table back where you found it" to be uncleas?20:00
psusiyes... that and you still have the problem of the version number being wrong20:00
stgraberslangasek: so I'm starting to wonder if we wouldn't get more reliable results if we were to ship a copy of the original and new partition table in the recovery image for each device where we support re-partitioning. That way we would basically just checksum the existing one, if it matches the backup we have, we dd the new one and do the opposite to restore.20:02
stgraberslangasek: that'd give us way more insurance that we won't screw things up and would allow for possibly pretty weird hand-hacked table to be put in place without relying on heavily patched tools20:03
psusithat sounds like a good idea20:04
slangasekpsusi: I'd be willing to try binary patching the alternate GPT here to fix the version, if you could guide me through that; but that still leaves the problem of being able to adjust the partition tables without corrupting the bootloader.. which maybe stgraber's idea solves, yes20:04
slangasekstgraber: well, I wasn't expecting "heavily patched", I was expecting "let's address these incompatibilities upstream"20:05
psusisafer all around.. the way if you brick your device you can deal with it, and users only get a partition table that has been tested and known to work20:05
psusifor that matter, you could just say to hell with partitioning and use a loopback file ;)20:07
stgraberthat's our plan for the devices we don't have a custom partition table for20:07
stgraberfor the 4 devices we fully support, we'd prefer to avoid the performance and power impact of loop mount though20:07
stgraber(power impact is ~5%, performance is a bit random but appears to be at least 10%)20:08
slangasekloopback file - doesn't provide read-only control at the lowest level, doesn't let us leverage the space on the system partition, has a silly performance penalty20:08
slangasekpsusi: so how can I fix the version number here (or where should I read about the table layout to figure this out for myself)?20:10
psusislangasek: efi.h defines it in the kernel sources.. 64bit signalture followed by a 32 bit version number that should be 0x00010000, but I don't think changing it is what you want to do... parted will still overwrite the primary copy20:12
psusithough if yuo're just trying to hack this up and then restore the original contents at the start, that should work20:13
slangasekpsusi: well, we have several devices to be supported and I don't want to have to *generate* the binary deltas for the whole table by hand20:14
psusiyea... so for that purposes, dding a value of 0x0001 to offset 8 may get it going, then you just have to throw out the primary and put back the original contents there, and change the 1 back to a zero later20:15
* slangasek nods20:16
psusierr... endienneess probably makes it the other way around20:16
psusidamn liliputians20:16
slangasekso 0x00000100 instead?20:17
psusishould be whatever 0x00010000 is in little endien format20:18
psusiupper word is major revision, lower word is minor20:19
rsalvetislangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5775132/ for galaxy nexus20:20
slangasekrsalveti: ok, thanks.  Can you get these to me as binary dumps of the partition tables?  (First 512k of the disk on each, to be safe)20:21
rsalvetislangasek: sure20:22
slangasekfortunately, the partition layouts are reasonably similar in all cases and let us grow the system partition without moving anything besides cache and userdata20:25
slangasekpsusi: so the other reason I wanted to use parted for this was to be able to shrink+move the userdata partition... instead of having to reformat it.20:25
psusislangasek: you mean using resize2fs + my recent parted patches that ubuntu isn't yet carrying to resize the partition?20:28
slangasekpsusi: hmm, are there patches not yet in Ubuntu for this?  I thought parted already had good support for resize/move :)20:34
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psusislangasek: no, which is why upstream killed the functions entirely ;)20:35
psusiit only really worked on fat and hfs20:35
stgraberslangasek: so much for that20:36
psusibut I have some patches I'm still trying to get applied to add a resizepart command so you can at least manually run resize2fs to resize the filesystem and parted to resize the partition20:36
slangasekpsusi: note that we also need to be able to move the partition for this to be any good... is /that/ supported?20:37
psusiit was removed upstream as well, but I think is still supported in our version20:38
slangasekthat still means we would need a parted that can deal with this partition table20:38
psusiof course, that just amounts to a dd20:38
slangasekexcept that, I hope, it can deal with the case where the partition moves back by a distance less than the new partition size20:39
slangasekmemmove(), not memcpy() :P20:39
psusiof course, some day we are supposed to upgrade and then move goes away20:40
psusialthough I do have some patches for e2image in e2fsprogs to allow it to do an in place move20:41
psusiand only of the used blocks20:41
rsalvetislangasek: http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/mmc/20:41
slangasekrsalveti: ta20:46
cjwatsonrsalveti: Would it help phablet-flash to actually detect saucy if I created a saucy -> . symlink in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/ ?20:54
cjwatsonSeems like a bug that it doesn't find it though so that's probably the wrong answer20:54
rsalvetinot sure, but that would be a question for sergiusens20:54
cjwatsonsergiusens: ^-20:54
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cjwatsonHm, mind you, doesn't look like phablet-flash wants to install *any* daily20:56
rsalvetiwell, latest should already flash the non flipped image by default20:56
rsalvetithe saucy one, I mean20:56
rsalvetiI just flashed 2 devices20:56
ogra_pahblet-flash -l iirc20:56
rsalvetisaucy is already default20:57
ogra_without the typo :)20:57
rsalvetijust phablet-flash20:57
cjwatsonogra_: That claims to only know about quantal and raring20:57
cjwatsonHence my confusion20:57
ogra_i thought he re-introduced the -l switch20:57
rsalvetithat's the tagged versions20:57
rsalvetithat's why20:57
ogra_right, they are milestones20:57
rsalvetisaucy is the dev release, and we don't yet have any tag for it20:57
cjwatsonIt'd be nice if --list-revisions showed everything20:57
ogra_it should show all milestones20:58
cjwatsonBit opaque at the moment20:58
ogra_once we switched fully to the flipped image everything will change anyway i guess20:58
* ogra_ must admit that he never used phablet-flash :)20:58
cjwatsonBut, indeed, phablet-flash on its own seems to be doing the right thing.  Thanks20:59
sergiusenscjwatson: -l has been revamped to latest tagged image which is raring21:13
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