
pittiGood morning04:20
kotuxgood evening pitti04:33
=== wxl_ is now known as wxl
Noskcaj10smartboyhw, The branch was a re-base, plus a tiny fix.05:57
elfyNoskcaj10: you going to be doing any of the manual testcases that xubuntu needs to be done?05:58
Noskcaj10elfy, i've got some uploaded, waiting to merge, plus a fix for the pdf reader05:59
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
elfycool :)06:00
Noskcajlet me know if there are any specific ones that need working on06:00
elfyany that aren't in progress ;) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bugs?field.tag=xubuntu&orderby=status&start=006:01
elfyyou could do media stuff06:02
Noskcajok, i'll have a look06:05
elfyyou can also help by keeping on at me about the gnumeric one :)06:06
Noskcaji think my problem is i try to cover absolutely everything. e.g. i made a 2 page test for gnome mines06:08
elfygnumeric is going to be a doozy06:08
elfyprobably overkill for gnome mines ;)06:08
elfyand games are probably of minor importance as far as we're concerned06:09
Noskcajballoons, you're missing saucy candence week 2 on the wiki06:14
Noskcajphillw, You're waking up now rather than going to sleep, it's a miracle06:20
Noskcajsmartboyhw, there's an issue with us contributing to testdrive. we need to sign something06:23
Noskcajelfy, i think gimp is fixed. i'll mark it as that06:25
elfywell - check first :)06:25
Noskcajdone, it was finidhed. t least in a basic sense06:26
Noskcajelfy, although it's slightly pointless, i'll work on xfce4 notes, it shouldn't take more than an hour06:34
jibelgood morning07:04
Noskcajelfy, https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu-manual-tests/notes/+merge/16972807:08
elfyNoskcaj: I'll have a look a bit later - it's that time of the morning again07:10
elfyNoskcaj: it'll be done by the time you wake up07:15
elfyNoskcaj: you can look at exo helper https://code.launchpad.net/~elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/exo_helper/+merge/16972907:16
elfynow I really should get on with the day07:16
Skini151Hi guys , i encountered a problem/07:57
NoskcajSkini151, what is it?07:58
Skini151When i install iso image with KVM it's working fine, but when i'm using Virtual box i have some errors after installing Ubuntu on vm i see only black screen07:59
Noskcajcan you upload a screenshot07:59
Skini151just a sec07:59
Skini151this is kind'a weird VM worked like it should08:04
Skini151yesterday i see only blackscreen08:04
smartboyhwNoskcaj, I signed that already...08:04
smartboyhwI forgotten what....08:04
smartboyhwCanonical Contributor Agreement ah08:05
smartboyhwI signed08:05
Noskcajsmartboyhw, oh, you had?08:05
smartboyhwDon't tell me that each seperate project needs another agreement..08:05
smartboyhwNoskcaj, I did08:05
* smartboyhw has forgotten for WT reason08:05
Noskcaji guess i'll have to sign it then.08:07
Skini151Noskcaj, is there a need to install guest additions in Virtual box08:07
NoskcajSkini151, not for basic testing08:07
Skini151but it's good  to install?08:08
Skini151and for what tests?08:08
smartboyhwNoskcaj, what's the prob? They don't allow us to join project because we haven't signed it or?08:08
Noskcajsmartboyhw, skellat had said there might be issues, i was going to ask Daviey08:09
NoskcajSkini151, i think it's for plugging USB into the PC and having them appear in the VM08:09
smartboyhwNoskcaj, ooh:)08:10
Skini151Noskcaj, ok ,thanks for help08:10
NoskcajSkini151, no problem.08:10
knomeNoskcaj, this is a lesson in life. if you don't know what you are signing and/or why you are signing, don't sign.08:12
smartboyhwI think I signed it for some project I did work on...08:13
Noskcajknome, makes sense.08:13
knomeif you are unsure, ask people08:13
Noskcajthe bit i don't understand is what does "Please add the Canonical Project Manager or contact" mean?08:13
smartboyhwNoskcaj, in this case: Dave Walker.08:15
Noskcajok, thanks08:17
smartboyhwAh yeah, forgot of the People behind Canonical Quality thing...\08:36
smartboyhwgema, http://smartboyhw.tk/wordpress_smartboyhw/?p=6509:57
smartboyhwballoons, ^]09:57
gemasmartboyhw: awesome, thanks10:57
smartboyhwgema, :)10:57
gemasmartboyhw: the pics seem broken to me, though :P10:57
smartboyhwgema, :O10:57
* gema cannot stop testing when reading blogs either :D10:57
smartboyhwI can load it (even in Planet Ubuntu)10:57
gemauhmmm, let me see10:57
gemasmartboyhw: of course you can, they are links to your email :)10:58
gemasmartboyhw: https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?saduie=AG9B_P-AMR7OaJFl_u0PKbLKSeuw&attid=0.1&disp=emb&view=att&th=13eaca9dc18d739710:58
smartboyhwgema, yeah, shouldn't have done that:P10:58
gemasmartboyhw: you need to download them from your email and upload them to the server :)10:58
gemathen link them10:58
gemasmartboyhw: in any case, thanks for that article :)10:59
smartboyhwgema, :)11:00
=== mmrazik_ is now known as mmrazik
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
apwgema, did i hear you say you had some results with my tweaked kernel13:18
apwgema, did you see my final analysis of how to get comparible results13:18
gemaapw: I read an email, is that the analysis you are referring to?13:19
gemaapw: yes I have results and your changes are good, imho13:19
apwgema, the email indeed, wh13:19
apwgema, the email indeed, which talked about how i thought we could cope with the battery recalibrations exposed by the driver13:19
gemaapw: yes, I read it, I need to go back to it to answer to you13:20
gemaapw: my results are showing quite linear and nice discharge rates tbh13:20
apwgema, just reading the current values from charge_now ?13:20
gemaapw: yes13:20
gemaapw: the voltage is a bit trickier, though, so I am expecting some error in the calculations13:21
apwgema, well then you must have a very different device, as mine changes base several times13:21
gemaapw: I have a nexus 4, quite new13:21
apwgema, as do i, same batch i am sure13:21
gemaI will upload the graphs, trying to figure out which ones are useful13:22
gemahold on13:22
gemaapw: will ping you in 10 mins13:22
gemaI am going to put them on the wiki13:22
gemathen we can talk about it13:22
apwgema, ok, what are we using the voltage for, i thought we were interested in charge13:22
gemaapw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/AutomatedTesting/BatteryConsumption13:23
gemaapw: point 4 on "how to do it"13:23
gemaapw: to calculate the energy consumed13:24
apwgema, i13:27
apwgema, i see13:27
gemaapw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/AutomatedTesting/BatteryConsumption/Nexus413:29
gemathose are the graphs13:29
gemaapw: so for these measurements to be sort of valuable, I think we need to discharge some serious battery, 60 secs measurements like cking is doing with the fluke is not going to do it for software metrics13:31
ckinggema, those graphs seem to imply idle ran for ~2.5 hours before the battery drained13:35
apwgema, those show 'under load' tests I assume (given the battery drains in 2.77 hours) ... what about under idle13:35
gemayep, under a lot of load13:35
gemaI did some slower runs during the weekend13:35
gemalet me find those other graphs :D13:35
apwgiven our primary use case must be idle all the time, else the phone will last 2.7 hours :)  i'd like to see stability off load13:36
gemaI wasn't trying to measure idle, I was trying to figure out how linear the voltage/charge_now measurements are13:36
apwmy testing was done against idle, and i found charge_now rebased often here13:36
apwgema, right but that is only its characteristics when pulling lots of current13:36
gemaapw: as discussed with cking before, I don't think we should use software metrics for idle case13:37
apwwhen the battey becomes warm etc13:37
gemaapw: it makes more sense to measure from outside the device for idle13:37
apwgema, all of our real world work loads on a phone is an idle case, esle the phone is not going to work13:37
apwas is demonstrated by the fact it only has a 2.7 hour battery running full blast13:37
gemaapw: I made use of three processors to dd from urandom to dev/null on that test13:38
gemaapw: I got tired of waiting for the battery to drain over the weekend with lower load13:38
apwgema, right but as all valid use cases we want to measure, are going to be idle oriented, cause they are UI interaction on a phone, we need something which works in the face of much idleness13:38
apwelse we are simply wasting our time13:38
gemaapw: ack, let me upload the other graphs as well13:39
gemaapw, cking for the second case (longer test case) I was  running http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gema/+junk/battery-scripts/view/head:/drain.sh13:42
=== mmrazik|afk is now known as mmrazik
apwgema, and what is the thickness of the bar there on the voltage/time graph, looks to my 'thumb' to be 5-10% range there which is going to make getting an energy reading hard, right?13:46
gemaapw: yes, it is going to make it a back of the envelope calculation13:47
gemaapw: the sampling interval was 500 ms13:47
apwgema, and what is the variablity of the charge ?13:47
gemaapw: you mean charge_full?13:48
apwi am interested in the variablity of both of the charge_now and charge_full values indeed13:48
gemaapw: which graph do you want me to plot, R is hating me at the moment, I am trying to get a boxplot of charge_full13:48
gemaok, gimme some time to find my R manual and I will get you those13:48
gemaapw: I have added the data for charge_full, not sure how to give you the charge_now one for it to be useful14:33
gemaapw: I am going to fiddle with the data a bit more14:34
gemaapw: I am going to upload the data as well14:34
gemaso that you have it if you want to14:35
gemause it14:35
apwsoudsn good14:39
apwgema, but i see your charge_full is as variable as mine, changing by quite some margin14:39
gemaapw: yes14:40
apwgema, and as i say in my email if you normalise the current_now against the original current_full you get a better result14:40
gemaapw: you mean charge_now against charge_full?14:42
gema(data uploaded)14:42
apwyes i mean charge_ in both14:42
gemaapw: ack14:42
gemaapw: are your changes in the n4 images already?14:44
apwgema, nope, i am waiting on feedback from you on whether they produce anything we could not get with the original14:44
gemaapw: I think they do14:44
gemaapw: we can work out the normalisations later in the dashboard14:44
gemabut for now, for the back of the envelope calculations that pat is asking for this is good14:45
gemaapw: together with the results cking is producing14:45
gema(which are more accurate)14:45
gemaapw: do you want me to answer to the email?14:45
apwgema, nope14:54
gemaapw: ok14:54
balloonssmartboyhw, just fyi pics are broken for me too15:07
smartboyhwballoons, yeah, will fix tmr.15:07
balloonssmartboyhw, once it's fixed I'll link out to it15:22
smartboyhwballoons, sure.15:33
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
smartboyhwballoons, go to smartboyhw.tk/wordpress_smartboyhw and see if you can view it.15:39
smartboyhwballoons, yay15:40
smartboyhwbye bye, sleep15:40
elfyballoons: is there some way that a testcase can be assigned a package version? so that if a package changes it creates some sort of ping against a testcase?16:05
balloonselfy, hmmm16:07
elfyI spend hours thinking so things I can ask you :p16:07
balloonselfy, off the top of my head no16:12
balloonsthere is probably a way to make it work, but nothing I can think of at the moment16:13
balloonsand my brain cells are all taken atm16:13
elfyit was just a thought that came to me earlier - could be useful if there is - at least in future when everyone has forgotten all about testcases16:15
balloonsping knome16:39
=== francisco is now known as Guest20683
Skini151HI, are your Ubuntu saucy images slow like mine (on VM)?18:35
balloonsSkini151, likely you don't have an accelerated display server for the vm18:43
knomeballoons, hallo18:48
balloonsknome, howdy! So I wanted to chat quickly about your QATracker mockups18:49
balloonsI have on my list from UDS to talk to everyone about the tracker and I'd like to share your mockups as part of that18:49
balloonsI want to see what people think of using it, what would be helpful, etc.. one of the comments was on help links18:49
knomesure, go ahead18:50
knomeif you need more/better shots i can do them later today18:51
balloonscan you send me the links again?18:51
knomelet me see where i have the files again18:52
balloonsknome, lol, i can dig up the link again if you don't have it handy18:52
balloonsit's all in the scrollback logs :--)18:52
balloonsnjin, Letozaf_, evening to you both18:52
knomethere you go18:52
knomei have a static html file with the modified css on my desktop machine if you want a better/bigger screenshot of that18:53
balloonsohh can you do a mockup on having the footer text stripped out.. did we have a mockup for the testcase side?18:53
knomefooter text?18:53
balloonssorry confusing you18:54
Letozaf_balloons, hello18:54
balloonsthe old, if any action fails.. it's in this sidebar now18:54
balloonsI just meant, didn't we have a view of the whole page?18:54
knomeballoons, we didn't, but i can export that for you later today18:54
balloonsknome, perfect. I'll wait on that and then shar eit18:55
balloonsyour awesome!18:55
knomehehe, np :)18:55
knomeballoons, will you be around today and for how long?18:58
balloonsknome, yes, and for about 4 more hours18:59
knomethen i'll catch you today and we can look at the thing together, good good18:59
balloonsLetozaf_, :-) Whew, so much fun stuff19:10
balloonsit just keeps coming19:10
balloonswe just keep going and going19:11
Letozaf_balloons, what fun stuff ? I am still playing with the apps19:12
balloonscore-apps is the place to be19:16
balloonshow's the testcase coming along?19:16
balloonsare you all "settled in" now on the qml stuff?19:16
Letozaf_balloons, mmm weired things happen ... I am looking at it again now19:17
Letozaf_balloons, the fist test it does not run completely but only the first part19:18
Letozaf_balloons, and the second one gives an error when trying to click on the "New Event" button19:19
balloonsLetozaf_, well I am happy to help have a look with you ;-)19:20
balloonsis it pushed to lp?19:20
Letozaf_balloons, let me push it now19:20
Letozaf_balloons, done https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-calendar-app/calendar-for-nicholas19:25
balloonsk, hehe, grabbing it19:25
Letozaf_balloons, thanks19:25
balloonsk, so the two tests still I see19:26
* balloons runs19:27
Letozaf_balloons, the first one does only one button click not both19:27
balloonsok.. let's look at the tests now19:27
balloonsLetozaf_, didn't you see my fixed branch for this?19:28
Skini151balloons, and what i should do about it?19:28
balloonsI did share that right?19:28
* balloons wonders if I was crazy19:28
balloonsSkini151, install the vbox driver aka "guest additions"19:29
Skini151install but xwindow manager is not recognized19:29
Letozaf_balloons, in the calendar.qml file in the toolbaractions part there seems to be missing objectNames19:29
balloonsLetozaf_, indeed: lp:~nskaggs/ubuntu-calendar-app/sdk-emulator-hack19:29
Letozaf_balloons, but not sure that is the cause as I added them but the errors are still there19:29
Letozaf_balloons, yes I think I got that branch let me check ...19:30
balloonsLetozaf_, it should have fixed all the silly issues19:31
balloonsLetozaf_, lol I tried, it didn't work, heh19:31
balloonshmm.. it did when I sent it. I wonder19:32
Letozaf_balloons, maybe some update19:32
balloonsohh no, look at that19:32
balloonsthe test isn't how I left it19:32
balloonsI didn't give you the right thing I guess19:32
Letozaf_balloons, oh good at least there is a reason :)19:33
balloonsahh.. I found my changed branch19:33
balloonslet me share that one19:33
Letozaf_balloons, thanks19:34
* balloons confirms it runs19:34
balloonsindeed :-)19:34
SergioMeneseselfy ?19:35
* SergioMeneses says hi to everybody19:35
balloonsSergioMeneses, hello :-)19:36
SergioMenesesballoons, hey! how's everything?19:36
balloonsneed a branch name19:38
balloonscarla, check out: lp:~nskaggs/ubuntu-calendar-app/carla-fix19:39
balloonsI'm so sorry I didn't send that to you friday. .I worked it out for you :-(19:39
balloonsbasically your code just worked19:39
balloonsthe only thing you needed was to wait to grab all your fields until after you clicked the 'new event' button and the page loaded19:40
Letozaf_balloons, doesn't matter I-m going to get in now :-) thanks anyway19:40
balloonsSergioMeneses, good.. busy and good19:40
balloonsEvery cycle I'm so happy at what we can accomplish19:40
balloonsand we keep doing more each time19:41
SergioMenesesballoons, I'm so busy as well :S but I'm going to participate in this cadence week :D Im updating the isos right now :D19:41
balloonsSergioMeneses, sweet! Yea, I like the weeklong cadence. it lets people work around schedules and still stay invovled19:42
balloonsLetozaf_, pretty cool eh?19:43
SergioMenesesballoons, our community is growing to fast :D19:43
Letozaf_balloons, yeah! great! thanks !!!!19:43
balloonssee how I made that one small change?19:43
balloonseverything else is straight your code, lol19:43
Letozaf_balloons, yes19:43
Letozaf_balloons, the lambda19:44
Letozaf_balloons, line19:44
balloonsthe create_event_page check?19:44
balloonsyea, that function didn't work, I didn't see why19:44
balloonsSergioMeneses, hehe.. never too fast right? I still know everyone's name, which is an accomplishment for me19:45
balloonsso we're still small enough for that19:45
SergioMenesesballoons, you're right in that point19:45
balloonsLetozaf_, so I would say you could propose that as-is.. or add more tests to it19:51
balloonsyou could ask the developers themselves if you could add an assert to check the new event popup loads19:51
balloonsI'm trying to look, but it's not critical.. if it doesn't pop, you can't get the fields, so it's redudant19:52
Skini151balloons, here is my screen of ubuntu 13.10 vbox addition errors ( http://screencloud.net/v/lhu9 )19:52
SergioMenesesok... I'll be away19:52
balloonsSkini151, loooks ok thus far..19:52
Skini151look at terminal19:52
balloonssudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)19:53
balloonsyou might need those :-)19:53
Letozaf_balloons, yes I was looking to see if there is soemthing else to add, if you could not get that check work I don't think I will be able too :p19:53
Skini151thanks i'll try19:53
balloonsLetozaf_, yea, as I said it's an assert that isn't needed anyway. So I would just drop it and go as-is19:53
balloonsNoskcaj, howdy19:53
balloonsSkini151, the linux headers are used to compile kernel modules19:54
Noskcajmorning balloons19:54
balloonsincluding things like these custom drivers19:54
Skini151balloons,why this is not installed by default19:55
balloonsSkini151, well most people don't need to do such a thing.. that said, I was surprised it wasn't installed19:56
knomeballoons, http://temp.knome.fi/qa/iso-tracker-mockup.png19:56
knomeballoons, though i think even the download information could be somewhere else19:57
knomeballoons, ...and we should drop the "currently on" -text19:57
knomeballoons, and if the testcase is visible by default, we can also drop the "detailed information" link19:57
knomeballoons, i wonder if the bug list would be more useful if it was presented as a real list (same way previous tests are listed), but i can see that becoming quite a long list for some testcases19:59
balloonsknome, hmm20:00
knomeballoons, that mockup also doesn't really move the "if all actions" -text20:00
knomeballoons, what i actually would like to see is a "detach" button for the submit result/bug areas20:01
knomeballoons, that would simply open a new window with the same stuff with js20:01
balloonsLetozaf_, so let me know what you want to tackle next.. you can get the latest emulator from here always: lp:~nskaggs/+junk/ubuntusdk_autopilot_emulator20:01
knome(and could simply degrade gracefully, tbe you would still have the form and the bug list, but only as it is shown now)20:02
balloonsknome ok so you re-arranged the layout to have the results on top, followed by bugs. and your wondering about how to display them a bit more sanely20:02
balloonsi agree it could be nicer to have a list20:03
knomeballoons, did you "follow" my suggestion about the detach/popup?20:03
knomemost people have browsers that would support that, and it would be extremely useful20:03
balloonsso in the mockup take out that last paragraph about 'submit' a pass result, submit a failed result20:03
balloonsalso we should modify that submit result side to mention bugs a bit more20:04
Letozaf_balloons, ok let me propose the calendar-app and have a look at what could be next :)20:04
knomeoh, you're right20:04
balloonsand move those links like you said.. the download and detail info link20:04
balloonsalso there is a bug link that can appear there20:04
balloonsLetozaf_, awesome :-) I want to keep moving forward on getting all these into jenkins, like the desktop autopilot apps :-)20:04
Skini151balloons, headers a newest version but there was 2 packages to upgrade, and after all of this is not working i can't install xwindow driver20:04
balloonsknome, let me digest your detach comment for a moment20:05
Letozaf_balloons, sure it's nice to see all the tests up and working, so I will do as many as I can :)20:05
knomeballoons, just for clarification, it would be an extra feature, not to replace anything20:06
balloonsLetozaf_, <320:06
balloonsdo let me know if you hit anymore snags, but I think each one will get easier as with anything20:06
balloonsknome, ahh ok, makes sense on the detach20:07
knomeballoons, the detached popup could show a "real" list of the bugs, even if the normal view was what we have noe20:07
balloonsso on the bug list, look at this page: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/reports/defects20:07
balloonsI don't think it would be horrid to have that displayed there instead of icons20:07
balloonscould we do something slick to expand it if needed?20:08
knomethat's good-looking, but if you have 30 bugs for the testcase... it can be a bit of a drag.20:08
balloonsknome, yes.. so is there a way to have say up to 5 show, then let me expand the list?20:08
knomesure, that's possible with js20:08
balloonseven just linking out I guess could work.. I don't think the little icons are useful at all on the page20:08
knome(those without js would simply see all of them at once)20:09
knomeno, not really20:09
balloonsknome, right, fair enough20:09
knomethe titles are important20:09
knomealso possibly statuses20:09
balloonsthe icons are intended for the summary pages so you can "see" at a glance the results20:09
knomei think the icons could be better too20:09
knomebut i agree20:09
balloonsknome, heh.. we haven't unleashed you yet on the actual artwork and UI.. just the building blocks for the most part20:10
balloonsok, so the last thing to cover then is the links20:10
balloonsohh and in the "next" version let's include a mockup with some results.. pass, fail, even a bug :-)20:10
balloonsso we've shown everything20:11
balloonsso the download and bug link -- where should we put those?20:11
balloonscould we have a little box on the left like the submit result?20:11
balloonsor perhaps on the main page20:11
balloonssay the download link at the top of the testcase along with the detailed info link (which we should rename)20:12
balloonsfinally the file bug link should go in the 'bugs' section20:12
balloonsknome, what do you think of all that ^^?20:12
knomelet me read and digest - i had to go and see tahiti scoring a goal against nigeria in a football match20:12
knomewhat "bug link" are you referring to?20:12
balloonsknome, look here: http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/295/builds/46582/testcases/1515/results20:13
knomeah, right20:14
balloonsohh.. and could we visually put that results table into a "results" box like the other boxes we have20:14
balloonsto be consistent20:14
knomelet me work on that20:15
balloonsok, let's see what all those changes look like..20:15
balloonsI'm excited :-)20:15
Letozaf_balloons, ok so I proposed to merge, now let me pick something new20:16
Letozaf_balloons, by the way how do I know if they already have been done ?20:17
knomeballoons, don't hold your breath... this might take a while ;)20:17
Letozaf_balloons, is this updated: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Testing20:18
Noskcajballoons, you need to create https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Cadence/Saucy/Week2 if you're going to link to it20:21
balloonsNoskcaj, indeed :) I usually make them right before the week begins to incorporate any changes20:21
Noskcajballoons, ok. i was asking since you've put fillet text in ll the others20:22
balloonsLetozaf_, use the bugs and mark yourself assigned to them20:22
Letozaf_balloons, ok fine20:22
balloonssame way you would with anything else.. you can use the link from that wiki to see all the bugs20:22
balloonsNoskcaj, ahh you mean on the main page all those links are broken20:23
balloonsyea, I get that, heh20:23
balloonsso Letozaf_ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps/+bugs?field.tag=needs-autopilot-test is the full ist20:23
balloonsor see this page and select an app; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Testing; like for instance calendar https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bugs?field.tag=needs-autopilot-test20:24
balloonsso you should mark yourself on those calendar needed tests and we'll get them complete :-)20:24
balloonsLetozaf_, ^^20:24
Letozaf_balloons, cool :p20:26
Letozaf_balloons, well look like also the calendar app has still quite a lot bugs open20:27
balloonsLetozaf_, indeed you could keep going there20:29
=== _salem` is now known as _salem
Letozaf_balloons, I was looking at the calendar app, I see that editing an event is not implemented yet20:38
Letozaf_balloons, so maybe I should just pick another app instead of continuing with this one, what do you think ?20:39
balloonsLetozaf_, you may find some like that as they are still in development20:39
balloonsso some of the "bugs" for tests might not be possible yet20:39
balloonsLetozaf_, sure we need a basic testcase for every app20:40
balloonsthat's the best way to start as you know :-)20:40
Letozaf_balloons ok fine20:40
knomeballoons, http://temp.knome.fi/qa/iso-tracker-mockup-2.png20:42
knomeballoons, something like that?20:42
knomeballoons, (for the sidebar part)20:42
balloonsknome, yes I like that20:44
balloonsmakes better sense there on the side right?20:44
knomepretty much yeah20:45
knomewe might want to rework that graphically20:45
balloonsohh well, wait actually20:45
knomeyes? :)20:45
balloonsdidn't we say to skip that and put the links in the sections instead20:45
balloonsso bug reporting to the bugs sections20:46
balloonsdownload link into the testcase20:46
knomewe still need to advertise the download link20:46
knomenot sure about that20:46
balloonsand the detailed info also in the testcase20:46
knomethe download link should stand up20:46
balloonsI like how it stands out on the side20:46
knomei was even thinking if we could simply show *all* the links as they are in the page20:46
balloonsthey would get lost in the sections.. right20:46
Letozaf_balloons, I took a look at the weather-app, just to see how it works ... maybe I will pick this one, anyway I will continue tomorrow, night for now20:46
balloonsLetozaf_, kk.. enjoy!20:47
Letozaf_balloons, sure :)20:47
balloonsLetozaf_, ohh I saw someone else take some bugs on weather app20:47
knomeballoons, so to be more exact, put this: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/269/builds/43002/downloads list on the sidebar20:47
balloonsdid you see?20:47
Letozaf_balloons, ok, so I will pick something else, then :p20:47
balloonsknome, ohh, you want that on the sidebar?20:47
balloonsLetozaf_, ;p20:47
knomeballoons, that doesn't work for r/zsync obviously, but having the http link there directly would be helpful20:47
Letozaf_balloons, doesn't matter, there are a lot to pick from20:48
knomeballoons, and gpg/md520:48
balloonsknome, don't forget it becomes installation instructions for packages so; http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/294/builds/46580/downloads and http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/271/builds/46558/downloads is more invovled20:48
knomehmm, right20:49
balloonslet's leave it as a link for now, but I agree something to consider20:49
knomethat's a good point20:49
balloonsyou could use an apt:// link for packages and http:// for images :-)20:50
balloonsbut you still need the seperate page20:50
knomeyeah, but even then it's not that straightforward in all cases20:50
knomethere's no zsync:// ;)20:50
knome(could be!)20:50
balloonsso links on the side.. I think we beat that to death20:50
knomeanyway, what do you think20:50
balloonslooks good20:50
knomelets drop the visual "testcase" wrapper20:51
knomesame for bugs20:51
balloonshmm ok why?20:51
knomerather than try to put the reported tests into one as well20:51
balloonsyou want to simplify the page20:51
knomethe testcase wrapper is surplus20:51
knomethere's no reason to have that and the gray box20:52
balloonsdo it ;-)20:52
knomeit could just be on the page20:52
knomeok, let's see how that works out...20:52
balloonsI'm convinced.. less is more20:52
knomeso basically: http://temp.knome.fi/qa/iso-tracker-mockup-3.png for the testcase text20:53
knomewe should also allow headers for the testcases20:54
knomeso we could make the different sections stand up more20:54
balloonsok small nitpicking tweaks on the sidebar since we're editing it.. I've always disliked the critical bugs and bugs boxes.. could we make it so the descriptions are above the boxes?20:54
knomesure! :)20:54
balloonsanything else to clean up those confusing boxes?20:54
balloonscan we moved the boxes under failed and passed?20:54
balloonsaka if you passed the testcase and found a bug you put it into the "bugs" box20:55
balloonsif you failed the testcase and found a bug it goes in the "critical bugs" box20:55
knomethough you can fail a test and have a non-critical bug as well20:55
balloonsnot according to the definition.. well.. I mean sure20:56
balloonsbut eh.. I know people get confused by it, so ..20:56
knomeyou can find a non-critical bug *as well*20:56
balloonsyes yes, your right20:56
knomeone option is to simply drop the other input.20:56
knomethen if the test is passed, all are non-critical20:56
balloonsyea, only have one box.. exactly20:56
knomeif the test is failed, all are critical20:56
balloonsyep, that's where I was going with my thoughts20:57
balloonsI think it's just saner20:57
balloonspeople can't bug triage20:57
balloonsshouldn't need to on the submission form, heh20:57
balloonsok, so on the box removal20:57
balloonshow do I know this is the testcase now?20:58
balloonsI guess I'll wait to see the results with the testcase, some example results and example bugs listed out20:58
knomei would think that's obvious, but we can add a header if you don't think it is20:58
balloonswell, we should see what it all looks like when it's done20:58
knomeor, alternatively we could change the "page title"20:58
balloonsyour right.. it may be quite obvious20:59
knome" Desktop (Xubuntu) in Xubuntu Desktop amd64 for Saucy Daily " --> " Testcase for Desktop (Xubuntu) in Xubuntu Desktop amd64 for Saucy Daily "20:59
knomeor sth20:59
knomebut i'd expect people to understand that's the testcase20:59
knomelet me add some "results"21:00
balloons;-) don't forget all the little ui elements.. machines, comments, bugs :-)21:01
knomeyeah yeah, i'm copying the html from a random testcase page ;)21:02
balloonscool, cool, looking good21:06
knomesee how i also joined the two tables (pass/fail) - i don't think there's any reason to repeat the headers and have two tables21:06
knomeit's clear enough with the icons21:06
balloonsyes.. there's 2 tables?21:06
balloonsI should get a before and after comparision21:07
knomethat's the "before"21:07
balloonswow, indeed21:07
balloonsheh.. yea.. this is gonna be cool to see21:07
balloonswow, what a difference21:07
balloonswow.. hands done21:07
balloonsok, so now to the bugs21:08
knomeyes, let's see...21:12
knomeballoons, at the simplest... http://temp.knome.fi/qa/iso-tracker-mockup-5.png21:13
balloonsHmm, not too bad.. I too was thinking some div lines would work out fine21:14
balloonsdo we want to shade the test instructions as before?21:15
knomeshade as in what?21:15
balloonsI want to see the bugs listed out, see if it keeps the page sane still21:15
balloonsknome, shade the background behind the text21:15
knomei don't think that's needed21:15
knomebut we can if you think that would be better21:15
knomeallowing the headers would make the testcases more readable21:16
knomehttp://temp.knome.fi/qa/iso-tracker-mockup-6.png for a really quick mockup with the bugs list21:18
knomewhat if we added another page ala download information for "bug information" ?21:19
knomewith the full list of bugs21:19
knomewould that draw attention away from the bugs?21:20
balloonsknome, yea what if it listed just the most recent bugs?21:20
knomeor just the critical ones?21:20
balloonsI really like this end result21:20
knomelisting just the recent bugs i don't know - i don't know what kind of information the tracker stores in its cache or if it would be easy to show only the latest bugs21:21
balloonsso the subtext about list of bugs reported.. can you add the link there?21:21
balloonsyea, I think most recent would be easy to do, hence the suggestion21:21
knomewhat subtext?21:21
knomeoh, right21:21
balloons'list of bugs that were previously reported'21:21
knomehmm, that21:22
balloons'list of bugs that were recently? reported'. For a full list of bugs previouly reported, click here.21:22
balloonssomething like that.. and include the link in the sidebar too21:22
balloonsor, can we have it expand like we said?21:22
knomesure, but i'm wondering which one is more useful21:23
* balloons hates links21:23
knomeopening a new window/tab or showing them all21:23
balloonsalso there is an issue with making more links in django I believe21:23
knomethe point is that you probably want to look at the bugs list as you go through the testcase21:23
knomeand you should have them side by side21:23
balloonswell you want to look at it if something breaks during the case presumably21:24
knomethat's why i proposed to show the critical links21:24
knomeerr, critical bugs :)21:24
balloonsand you'll want to glance at the recent reports beforehand so you know what to expect21:24
knomelet me work on another mockup21:24
knomefor me, that makes most sense21:31
knomecritical could be LP critical21:31
knomenot necessarily a bug in a "failed" result21:31
knome(but could be *both*)21:31
knomeballoons, ping if you're in your own worlds ^ :)21:38
balloonsknome, hehe. thank you21:38
balloonsI was grabbing a bite to eat21:38
balloonsmm, kk.. Yes, I think that makes sense21:39
balloonsand yes it would be from the LP perspective21:39
balloonsknome, Also, we should add the full bug list to the sidebar links don't you think?21:39
knomehttp://temp.knome.fi/qa/iso-tracker-mockup-8.png for a tweaked sidebar (not what you just asked)21:41
knomebut yeah, that could be useful there as well21:41
balloonsOhh nice21:44
balloonsyou could mention looking for duplicate bugs and provide the link?21:44
balloonsthinking thinking, hehe21:45
knomemaybe we should add a (?) -icon next to the bugs -header and link that to a "help" page21:45
knomeit's becoming crowded already21:46
knomelet me mockup that.21:47
balloonsknome, I was thinking something similar21:50
knomeballoons, http://temp.knome.fi/qa/iso-tracker-mockup-9.png21:50
balloonswe have wiki pages on how to file bugs, etc21:50
balloonsgreat.. so I think we've iterated on this quite a bit21:50
balloonsso we'll hangon to the old drafts just in case, but I'd like to share this #9 mockup21:51
balloonsjust for reference, look at the before again :-) http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/269/builds/43002/testcases/1301/results21:54
knomei know i know!21:54
knomethat is a bit confusing to say the least21:55
balloonsknome, gut check time. Let's say we wanted to do this, do you think you could work with stephane and make it happen? We haven't gone off the deep end anywhere have we?21:55
knomei definitely would21:55
knomeand could :)21:55
knomeas long as we make him find some time to work on it... ;)21:56
balloonsk, perfect. To the mailing list!21:56
balloonsI think he would for this21:56
knomeme too, but scheduling still isn't easy!21:56
balloonshe would have help, that's always motivating21:56
balloonsknome, ohh.. I'm going to repush this to imgur or something so as not to burn your poor server bandwidth ok?21:58
knomewell it's hosted somewhere else, so bandwidth doesn't really matter too much21:59
knomebut imgur might be still better22:00
knomei'm looking a bit for better icons :)22:00
balloonsold: http://imgur.com/R9PIh5522:05
balloonsnew: http://imgur.com/VSMLYnM22:05
* knome giggles with his 'newer' version22:05
balloonshmm.. I should include the add result piece too22:06
* balloons makes a new 'old' version22:06
knomeare you combining them by hand?22:07
balloonsif you can do it better, please :-)22:07
knomeinstall web devel extension to FF, press shift+f2 and type 'screenshot --fullpage filename.png'22:07
balloonsdidn't know they could do that22:07
knomethat will take a shot of the full page22:07
knomesure they can! ;)22:07
balloonsugh, it failed on the header tho22:08
knomeit does... unfortunately22:08
knomemeh :)22:09
balloonsI'll just edit that out22:09
balloonscool, one sec22:10
balloonsold: http://imgur.com/OMaUwID22:19
balloonsknome, ^^ you can kind of see the black line, but meh, I didn't go nuts editing it out22:19
knomegood enough22:20
balloonslol perfect.. kk22:20
balloonshave a pleasant evening22:20
balloonsand thank you!22:20
knomeone more teaser mockup22:21
knomebetter icons, eh?22:21
balloonsclipboard is nicer22:21
balloonsyou didn't like the bug icon? lol22:21
knomethere's not really a good-looking bug icon22:21
balloonsit makes more sense as red and yellow? dots22:21
knomedon't know about sense22:22
balloonswant to add one in there?22:22
knomebut a green bug.. is there a "good" bug? :P22:22
knomesure, just a sec22:22
balloonsohh and the machine icon22:22
balloonsremember that one too.. put something for it :-)22:22
balloonsyou can see it herE: http://imgur.com/OMaUwID22:22
knomeok, just a sec22:22
knomelet me find a way to hack the bug column...22:23
knomedo you think it made sense to combine the machine/details columns?22:26
knomejust thinking aloud...22:26
knomeand/or move machine and "last update" to the right hand side22:27
knomeballoons, ^22:27
balloonsmachine and details columns?22:27
balloonsohh I see reordering them for importance?22:28
knomewell that22:28
knomeand wondering if "machine" really needs its own column22:28
knomecould just group with the details and the last update date22:28
knomeor what do you think?22:29
balloonsgroup it with the reporter makes more sense22:31
balloonsif you want to drop the column22:31
knomethe machine?22:31
knomewhat about grouping the date with "details"?22:31
balloonsI can see re-arranging, but i'm unsure of why you want to group so much :-)22:32
balloonsare the details the comments column?22:32
knomewould leave more horizontal space for the comment, and possible more vertical space as a consequence of having less lines22:32
knomeno, the one in the right-hand side with the clipboard icon22:32
knomeoh, oh, this is sexy22:34
balloonsknome, alright.. show me what you got22:38
knomehehe, sure22:38
balloonsohh.. ok22:41
balloonsI like it22:43
knomea bit better alignment22:43
knome(see the right-hand side)22:43
balloonsyea I see the change right off22:43
balloonsvertical space is better22:43
knomeyeah, one line less because there is more space horizontally22:43
knomewhy i wanted to look at combining columns in the first place22:44
balloonsI get it now :-)22:44
knomeit wouldn't be completely importance-first, but what do you think of switching the bugs and comment columsn?22:44
balloonsnormally there aren't any comments, so probably bugs first22:45
balloonsbtw, I think that satifies my 'recent bugs' idea22:45
balloonsthe recent bugs are listed in there :-)22:45
balloonsalbeit with the hover requirement22:45
knomethere should be an easy way to see those22:46
knomei've always disliked the hovering22:46
balloonsturning knome's wheel's again22:46
balloonsyes me too22:46
knomeyou never get a good glance of the bugs22:46
knomeanyway, i think we could have both "recent bugs" and "critical bugs"22:47
knome(and i imagine it's easier to mock that up with the real stuff that editing the html ;))22:47
balloonsis it worth committing the space to it?.. maybe shrink comments down and put the bugs in there?22:47
knomehow to list the bugs?22:47
knomei think there should only be one bug per line22:48
balloonsohh right, that kills it22:48
balloonsthey do need to stay in the report section for sanity sake I think though22:48
knome*yup too22:48
balloonsok, well.. hehe, you know what's next right?22:48
knometell me ;)22:48
balloonsthe other screens22:49
balloonserr pages22:49
knomethat's true22:49
balloonsI'm thinking of the worst offenders tho22:49
balloonsmost are fairly ok22:49
knomethey are relatively good22:49
knomethat's what i'm thinking22:49
balloonsmm.. the page I was thinking of seems ok too22:50
balloonsi was thinking of the history page, but it's ok now too22:50
balloonsso.. yea, I'm going to roll with #12 then22:50
knomethe testcase page is where most people use most of their time22:50
balloonsohh.. when I mention the mockups, shall I use your real name, or 'knome' or something elsE?22:51
knomewhatever you usually do22:51
balloonsI believe I've used your name and linked to your site :-)22:52
knomethat's fine22:52
knomere: the critical bugs listing...22:53
knomewe might want to think if we need to explain the bug statuses22:53
balloonsI would link and defer to launchpad for that22:54
knomeeg. if something is 'fix released', we should make people understand that they should expect it being actually fixed22:54
knomein the daily images22:54
balloonsahh, yes that's correct22:55
knomeonce we get as far as having all this layout stuff fixed22:55
knomei shall work with stephane some more and add a button to the bugs list22:55
knomethat automatically adds that bug number to the bugs field22:55
balloonsok late for me.. time to run. I'll post this tomorrow along with a little survey for people to give feedback (on the qatracker in general). this will be a little bonus surprise22:55
knomegoodie :)22:56
knomesee you later and have fun/good night22:56
balloonsindeed, you too22:56
balloonsI think people are going to love this22:56
knomei hope people will run more xubuntu tests after this ;)22:56
balloonsknome, that's the idea. I know some people don't use the tracker, and we want to encourage 100% participation in it.. including doing things to make it nicer and more pleasant to use so you want to use it :-)22:57
knomeone more commment...22:57
knomerather than detaching bug and all that stuff, let's make the testcase instructions detachable22:58
balloonshaving bug lists and test history is one example of how it can help someone who's testing22:58
knomebut that's for after we've done all this layout stuff too22:58
balloonsknome, I agree.. the testcase itself would be nice to be in it's own window if you prefer to consume it that way while testing22:59
knomewith that change, i think it might be fine to make the bugs list expandable to the page22:59
balloonsahh.. indeed that would be nice23:00
balloonsok, really gotta run.. literally, overdue for my run :-)23:00
balloonsit's getting dark, hehe23:00
knomeyeah, it's a bit dark here as well (2am)23:00
knomettyl! :)23:00
balloonsty ty ty knome!23:01
* balloons hands knome a shiny balloon23:01
* knome bows23:01

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