
=== marlinc is now known as marlinc|away
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Saviqtsdgeos, mzanetti, hey, I'07:34
Saviqm down with some bug I need to fight off07:34
Saviqso I won't be much responsive today07:34
mzanettiSaviq: which one I might ask? the CPU consuming stuff?07:35
mzanettiI'll take that as a yes07:35
tsdgeosSaviq: how is CI regarding the scopes thing? does it build or?07:36
Saviqif CPU == brain, then yes, very much07:36
Saviqtsdgeos, it should be fine07:36
mzanettithat'd be awesome... its pretty annoying how the device suddenly drains battery when Wifi gets bad07:36
Saviqmzanetti, let me clarify... I'm sick ;) not fighting any bugs in the software...07:37
mzanettipoor guy07:38
mzanettihave a good rest then07:38
tsdgeosSaviq: get well107:53
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pstolowskididrocks: ping08:24
didrockspstolowski: pong08:24
pstolowskididrocks: hey! when do you expect latest changes in scopes stuff to land in saucy?08:25
didrockspstolowski: when the stack will build successfully and pass tests, sil2100 is going to look at what happened once back08:26
didrockspstolowski: seems we have arch mismatch on powerpc I guess08:26
didrockspstolowski: note that some stack we are depending on still didn't fix the tests failing for a week08:27
didrocks(indicators, hud)08:27
pstolowskididrocks: uh, fair enough.. thanks08:29
didrocksyw :)08:30
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nic-doffaySaviq, can you recommend anyone from the sdk team to do a rereview of that branch?09:03
tsdgeosnic-doffay: he said he was sick and wouldn't be around09:11
tsdgeosgreyback: do you have anyone to recommend to nic-doffay ↑↑↑ ?09:11
nic-doffaytsdgeos, k09:11
greybacknic-doffay: which branch?09:11
nic-doffaygreyback, https://code.launchpad.net/~nicolas-doffay/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/orientation-helper-anim-alias/+merge/16848909:11
greybacknic-doffay: as it is vaguely layouts related, try zsombi09:12
greybackSaviq: get well soon!09:13
nic-doffaygreyback, cool ta09:16
* greyback needs to do a reinstall, has completely b0rked his saucy install09:31
greybackback in <1 hour or so09:31
nic-doffayAnyone up for a small review? https://code.launchpad.net/~nicolas-doffay/unity/change-gradient-colours/+merge/16924409:48
luvhey, not sure about the Ubuntu bug reporting process in launchpad ... if a bug is marked as incomplete and I (the reporter) do provide the needed info  ... should I change the state back to new?09:49
nic-doffaypete-woods, got time for a tiny infographic review?09:59
pete-woodsnic-doffay: sure10:00
greybackyay for squeaky clean install!10:01
dednicklarsu: ping10:01
pete-woodsnic-doffay: hey, those look like the old colours!10:01
nic-doffaypete-woods, yeah design wanted to change them back.10:03
pete-woodsnic-doffay: surprise surprise! :p10:04
nic-doffaypete-woods, haha yeah.10:05
greybackinterestingly part of my install is in German. I did choose English as my language, but it did detect Berlin as my location10:05
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greybackmzanetti: know who to talk to, in order to enable arm builds in a PPA?11:27
mzanettigreyback: cjwatson11:28
greybackmzanetti: thanks11:28
mzanettigreyback: however, he won't do it without you giving good reasons11:28
greybackmzanetti: okay11:28
mzanettigreyback: but good point... I'd like to have one too :)11:29
greybackmzanetti: cjwatson not the person to ask, instead need to use https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion to request armhf individually11:37
mzanettigreyback: ah ok. thanks11:37
* greyback bbian11:43
greybackbbiab even11:43
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larsudednick: morning12:55
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dednicklarsu: hey. question about the indicator files. Is there any more info that's going to be stored in there? like title, default icon & empty text (when there's no menus).12:57
larsudednick: not yet :)12:58
larsutitle should come from the service, as it might change, no?12:59
larsudefault icon makes a lot of sense12:59
larsuwhat do you mean by empty text?12:59
dednicklarsu: for example if the messaging indicator has no menus, it shows "You have no more messages".13:00
dednicklarsu: although i guess not all indicators will have that.13:01
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larsudidnick: right, and I was hoping to keep translatable strings out of the indicator files13:03
larsuwe can just have it as an attribute on the menu13:03
dednicklarsu: ya. i didnt think it was a great idea to have them in there, but just wanted to check if there was an intent13:03
dednickat the moment it's all just in the client.13:04
larsudednick: right, and I'll move as much as possible to the service (once I get to messages again), so that you have no indicator-specific code in there13:06
dednicklarsu: thanks13:07
mterrypete-woods, in testing, you'll need https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/libusermetrics/fix-include/+merge/169450 too13:17
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pete-woodsmterry: well spotted!13:17
mterrypete-woods, I'm in the middle of a branch for unity to use libusermetrics13:21
pete-woodsmterry: sounds cool13:22
tedgsil2100, So when these two HUD branches land I think GEdit should work again: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/hud/idle-clear/+merge/169583 and https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/hud/duplicate-bus-names/+merge/16958413:30
tedg(it does locally, hopefully for autopilot too)13:30
sil2100Holy shat!13:33
sil2100That sounds awesome, let me look at those13:33
dednickCimi: i've still got the review of ubuntu-settings-components on my list of things to do13:43
dednicki havent forgotten :)13:43
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kgunntsdgeos: since Saviq's out, figure you might know...we can modify the unity dep's to stop pulling nux in phablet build ?13:49
MacSlowIs there any way to compile unity/8.0 atm on Saucy? Hitting "UnityExtras-6.0.gir:-1: In PreviewPlayer: error: type reference 'ExtrasPreviewPlayerClass' not found" Do I have to downgrade to vala 0.18?13:50
tsdgeoskgunn: been quite centered in the lvwph thing and not fully up to date with the rest of the work, i *think* probably yes, but not sure13:50
kgunntsdgeos: thanks13:54
greybackMacSlow: it worked for me last week. You might need to remove the unity_build entirely and start afresh with 'build -s'13:55
MacSlowgreyback, it's from a fresh branch (with unity_build removed etc)13:56
mzanettidandrader: Q_INVOKABLE static :)13:56
greybackMacSlow: oh then I'm not sure.13:57
mzanettidandrader: sounds wrong :D13:57
dandradermzanetti, well, it works14:01
dandradermzanetti, what's the problem?14:01
mzanettidandrader: not really a problem... But Q_INVOKABLE makes methods of objects invokable. Which doesn't fit with static... anyways, I remember once I had to use "virtual static" which also worked, but causes a WtfException in my brain14:02
tsdgeosMacSlow: ./build -s && ./build worked here in saucy14:08
tsdgeosjust did it14:09
MacSlowtsdgeos, hm... odd14:09
MacSlowtsdgeos, maybe those issues are side-effects of the errors I saw during the udate...14:10
tsdgeosmaybe i have some packages installed you don't and that should be part of the build depends and are not14:10
tedgsil2100, Those landed, when you get a chance, fire away!  :-)14:11
tvoss_less /var/log/X014:13
tvoss_less /var/log/X0qsudo service lightdm restart14:14
Cimimzanetti, hey :)14:17
sil2100tedg: \o/ re-running!14:17
sil2100tedg: let's see how it spins14:20
mterrysil2100, didrocks: Can I get some pre-NEW reviews of lp:libusermetrics?14:23
Cimimzanetti, I don't remember your advices on testing the compressed height of the Calendar :)14:23
MacSlowtsdgeos, perhaps... just finishing pulling the latest package-updates14:23
didrocksmterry: I can do it now, sure!14:23
didrocksmterry: would be nice to have a different long description between the -dev and the library package itself14:25
didrockssorry, they are14:26
* didrocks grabs some coffee14:26
mzanettiCimi: hehe14:27
mzanettiCimi: well, basically the suggestion was not only test is the assignment of the property works, but also to test if the whole thing actually expands14:28
Cimioh indeed14:29
Cimimzanetti, you suggested to do verify (newHeight > oldHeight * 5) or so14:29
mzanettiCimi: well, we didn't really have the possibility to know the exact newHeight in the test14:30
mzanettiCimi: obviously it would be better to check if it goes to the correct height14:30
mzanettiCimi: but as we can't do that, I suggest to go as close as possible14:30
mzanettiCimi: e.g. (newHeight > oldHeight * 5) && (newHeight < oldHeight * 7)14:31
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tedgsil2100, Is it done yet?  :-)14:34
sil2100tedg: it's still running ;) I think we're waiting for ARM to build14:34
didrocksmterry: dude, you are annoying…14:37
didrocksmterry: I find nothing to tell or fix on your package :p14:38
didrocksmterry: I can argue about this empty debian/docs file14:38
mterryoh heh, didn't notice that14:38
didrocksor that debian/changelog is native where it shouldn't (daily release should fix that)14:38
didrocksmterry: the only thing is the digia copyright files, we ship the exception licenses with the other packages14:38
didrocksmaybe you should do it?14:38
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mterrydidrocks, you mean like a separate COPYING.digia file or something?14:39
didrocksmterry: let me find you an example without you having to download Qt :p14:39
didrocksmterry: apt-get source qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src14:40
mterrydidrocks, Kaleo14:42
mterrydidrocks, k I meant14:42
didrocksmterry: ah, one thing14:42
didrocksthe -dev package is shipping ./usr/include/libusermetrics-1/libusermetricsoutput/UserMetrics.h14:42
didrocksbeing arch: same14:43
didrocksthat doesn't fit, you can install multiple archs in //14:43
didrocks(the .pc is in a multiarched dir, not the headers)14:43
mterrydidrocks, with same contents, that's fine though, eh?14:44
* mterry thought that was the case14:45
didrocksmterry: I'm not 100% clear on multiarch vs foreign && same14:45
didrockslet me look for this :)14:45
* mterry isn't either14:45
didrocksmuTo enable more than one architecture version of a package to be installed at the same time (generally libraries and dev- packages) files need to be moved so they don't clash. These packages are marked 'Multi-Arch: same'.14:45
didrocksso it seems we can't install files in the same dirs, right? ^14:46
didrocksAlthough Debian policy currently doesn't allow -dev packages with headers which vary across architectures to be Multi-Arch: same, users may set up cross-build environments using only -dev packages for the target arch. Having your runtime library package built as Multi-Arch: same makes it easier to build software against your library in such an environment.14:47
* didrocks doesn't understand that one though :p14:47
mterrydidrocks, yeah, thought we do that plenty of places...14:48
didrocksyeah, and reading the same page:14:48
didrocks"/usr/include: no change14:48
didrocks(I'm on http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Implementation)14:48
mterrydidrocks, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/advanced.en.html14:48
mterrydidrocks, search for "path should have exactly the same file content"14:49
didrocksit's that smart?14:49
mterrydidrocks, ::shrug::  I guess?14:49
didrocksso ok, good to know, I still find the debian wiki confusing, but that link makes it clear :)14:50
didrocksmterry: I still wonder why we have arch:foreign thus14:50
mterrydidrocks, multiarch is still a bit magic for me14:50
didrocksas it can be arch: same with all files being exactly the same14:50
didrocksmterry: I bet we are not the only ones in that case :)14:50
didrocksah, an example of arch: foreign is a helper tool14:52
didrocks(from that page)14:52
didrocksbut the libfoo-doc: arch:all should be able to be arch: same I guess (even if pointless)14:52
Cimimzanetti, review14:57
mterrypete-woods, and https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/libusermetrics/licenses/+merge/16982114:58
sil2100tedg: argh!15:00
sil2100tedg: failing again, but this time differently :D! (still a success!)15:00
sil2100tedg:  MismatchError: After 30.0 seconds test failed: u'Quit\u2002(File)' != u'Quit'15:00
seb128what icon theme is used on the touch image?15:00
sil2100tedg: it seems it's not displaying the context anymore?15:00
* seb128 is surprised that ubuntu-mobile-icons is not installed by default15:00
didrocks seb128: IIRC, it's the ubuntu-mobile-icons15:01
didrocksoh, it's not?15:01
seb128not on the raring image at least15:01
tedgsil2100, Hmm, it should be...15:01
mzanettiCimi: lin?15:01
* didrocks prepared a lovely package though15:01
seb128I'm apt-get installing it15:01
Cimimzanetti, lp:ubuntu-settings-components :)15:01
didrockssergiusens: any idea? ^15:01
sil2100tedg: let me paste you the videos, it's showing interesting stuff15:01
pete-woodsmterry: thanks! I'm glad you know what you're doing with that stuff15:02
sergiusensdidrocks: customization/package-lists/core.list.chroot:ubuntu-mobile-icons is in for saucy...15:03
didrocksseb128: the package is ready for some time already, not sure why it's not used in raring ^15:03
seb128ok, so fixed in saucy I guess...15:04
seb128does the saucy image works on grouper now?15:04
didrocksseb128: depends, do you care about having something displayed?15:04
seb128sort of yes :p15:04
didrocksseb128: it seems there are progress, ogra has "flashes" now :p15:05
seb128ok, I'm keeping my raring image on  it meanwhile15:05
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)15:05
didrocksseb128: yw ;)15:05
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mterrydidrocks, trunk is about to land the LICENSE* and debian/docs fixes; if you like things as they are, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/cupstream2distro-config/usermetrics/+merge/16982415:08
didrocksmterry: I'll just take it for the debian/docs fix :p15:09
didrocksmterry: is the indicator team upstream for usermetrics?15:09
mterrydidrocks, apparently15:09
mterrythey own trunk15:09
mterrydidrocks, mostly just pete-woods looking after it15:09
didrocksmterry: mind putting the project in ascii order? :)15:09
mterrydidrocks, that wasn't me!15:09
didrocksmterry: I see that, but you are so kind that you are going to fix it, isn't it? :)15:10
* mterry grumbles15:10
didrocksfginther: hey, when merging something, can we force people to use ascii order in the .cfg files? It's going to be easier to follow what's in or not please :) ^15:11
pete-woodsmterry, didrocks: I'd like to be involved here, so I don't repeat all these mistakes I've made15:11
didrockspete-woods: not sure what mterry fixed before now (just a missing LICENSE file for Digia exception) and an useless debian/docs empty file. But from what mterry handed over to me, it was awesome!15:12
mterrydidrocks, there was a cleanup branch before15:12
mterrypete-woods, I could walk through the changes in the cleanup branch if you like?  Maybe in private chat so as not to take over the channel?15:13
mterrydidrocks, branch updated with sort powers15:13
pete-woodsmterry: if there's just the stuff I've seen, that's okay, but I thought I had done something wrong with including non-ascii characters in the source tree or something like that for a moment15:13
pete-woodsthen realised that change was for however it is we build the images15:14
mterrypete-woods, no, didrocks was just saying that the branch to enable daily-release for libusermetrics was not sorted15:14
didrocksmterry: \o/ approved! will you redeploy it for tomorrow or should we?15:14
didrocksmterry: I'll pull it on the archive side as well15:14
mterrydidrocks, let me see if I remember how.  :)15:15
sergiusensdidrocks: seb128 grouper does work on saucy, there are still some open issues though15:15
didrockssergiusens: does it?15:16
didrocks15:30:07          ogra_ | sniff ... and the appmanager still dies on grouper15:16
didrocks15:30:43          ogra_ | tough there is a lot of flashy stuff going on on the display now ... i wonder if i can call that progress15:16
didrocks                        | :P15:16
sergiusensdidrocks: that's flipped container15:16
didrocksahhhh :)15:16
seb128is there any saucy without flipper container?15:16
didrocksseb128: yep, the default one15:16
sergiusensseb128: yeah, just phablet-flash15:16
seb128ah, I don't use the script15:17
seb128I should, maybe ;-)15:17
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sil2100didrocks: hmmm, I'm trying to resolve the error with unity check job on saucy...15:30
sil2100didrocks: otto has a problem with installing libunity-core-6.0-515:31
sil2100didrocks: I checked the contents of the daily-build PPA and the error message makes no sense15:31
sil2100didrocks: it says: Depends: unity-services (= 7.0.0daily13.06.13-0ubuntu1) but 7.0.0daily13.06.17-0ubuntu1 is to be installed15:31
sil2100didrocks: but the binary package for amd64 (now that I think about it, I'll check i386) has a dep on 7.0.0daily13.06.17-0ubuntu1 for unity-services15:32
didrockssil2100: yeah, need to check i386 :)15:32
sil2100didrocks: but I check i386 binary package of libunity-core and I see unity-services (= 7.0.0daily13.06.17-0ubuntu1), unity-common (= 7.0.0daily13.06.17-0ubuntu1) in the Depends:15:33
sil2100In DEBIAN15:33
* didrocks would like that apt gives more info15:33
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mterrydidrocks, btw, I deployed cu2d-config15:38
didrocksmterry: thanks!15:38
didrockssil2100: got it15:41
didrockssil2100: the ABI was changed15:41
didrockssil2100: the package is libunity-core-6.0-6 not libunity-core-6.0-515:41
sil2100Ah! I remember something about the soname last week15:42
sil2100But hm15:42
sil2100Someone did not bump the names in the deps during the ABI bump ;/15:43
didrockssil2100: you mean, on the cu2d-config?15:43
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sil2100didrocks: fixing, preparing merge!15:48
sil2100didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/libunity-core_bump/+merge/16983715:49
didrockssil2100: approved! thanks :)15:50
didrockssil2100: you can redeploy from your branch to run that earlier15:50
sil2100didrocks: redeploying!15:52
mzanettiCimi: isnt this the same as I reviewed last time?15:53
sil2100tedg: any luck with the HUD issue reproduction?16:01
tedgsil2100, Yup, I can.  Looking into it.16:01
sil2100tedg: thanks :)16:02
Cimimzanetti, you reviewd only one test or all the others?16:09
mzanettiCimi: everything to do with Calender16:09
mzanettiCimi: did you write this whole repository?16:10
Cimimzanetti, yes16:10
mzanettioh... wow16:10
mzanettiCimi: ok...16:10
sergiusenssil2100: didrocks those apt errors are really frustrating :-P16:19
didrockssergiusens: yeah, the only way to really dig is to chroot and apt-get install manually… Some people can read the apt resolver in debug mode, but tha's quite cryptic most of the time :p16:20
cyphermoxsil2100: should I start a rerun for indicator-datetime?16:25
sil2100cyphermox: ah, yes, I think that could be a good idea16:27
sil2100Please ;)16:27
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cyphermoxsil2100: ok16:33
olli_Saviq, ping16:37
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kgunnmterry: ping19:01
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mterrykgunn, hi19:12
dobeymight anyone know why this crash would happen in lp:unity/phablet? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5774919/19:40
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kgunnmterry: might want to join #ubuntu-mir20:29
kgunnracarr: you could ask mterry here....lightdm & mir20:30
kgunnhe's been anxiously awaiting20:31
racarrI guess I don't really know what I'm asking. I heard some stuff about20:33
racarrlightdm coming on to the phone images, and this effecting how the shell will use upstart to launch applications20:33
racarrand just trying to get a picture of what all that is in my head20:33
mterryracarr, hihi, will join #ubuntu-mir20:34
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