
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest85841
Noldorinis it possible to pull in bzr without updating the working tree?13:13
bob2but in practice you want a shared repo, then13:35
Noldorinbob2, what's the command?13:45
bob2as above13:45
bob2you want a shared repo and bzr pull13:45
Noldorinand yeah, ot's just a hypothetical question13:45
Noldorinbob2, so with a single working directory & branch it's not possible eh?13:45
bob2didn't say that13:48
bob2but it hardly seems worth explaining for a hypothetical13:48
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
Noldorinbob2, is it complicated heh?13:57
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
Noldorinbob2, hmm i think you misread one or more of my messages14:56
jelmerNoldorin: Repository.fetch()15:44
jelmerNoldorin: not sure if we expose that on the command-line directly anywhere15:45
jelmerNoldorin: (or why we should)15:45
Limit_HI, I am getting this error: can anybody help??15:59
Limit_Connection error: Couldn't resolve host 'xmlrpc.launchpad.net' [Errno -2] Name or service not known15:59
Noldorinjelmer, ah right, i see16:23
Noldorinfair enough then16:23
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
LarstiQNoldorin: you can also do `bzr remove-tree` first ;)18:05
NoldorinLarstiQ: 'first'?19:41
=== deryck_ is now known as deryck
tuvwxbzr is taking hours to branch a ~1GB repo on a machine with 512MB ram :(21:42
tuvwxit appears to be swapping constantly (physical memory is full)21:44
lifelesstuvwx: if you're cloning over http from LP, don't :)22:35
tuvwxlifeless: i'm using the launchpad-suggested command at the top of the 'code' tab: bzr branch lp:...22:37
jelmertuvwx: are you logged in? that makes a significant difference since that will make it switch from http to ssh22:38
tuvwxno, i'm not logged in. does bzr use ssh differently from http?22:42
jelmertuvwx: yes, significantly. bzr uses a custom (bzr-specific/optimized) protocol over ssh. over http it just does regular file access22:46
tuvwxbut why would "regular file access" consume that much memory?22:47
jelmertuvwx: what version of bzr are you running?23:00
tuvwxjelmer: 2.6.0dev2 from debian wheezy23:00
jelmerokay, that should have all the performance improvements23:04
lifelesstuvwx: because if you thrash the internal page cache, it regets content over http23:54
lifelesstuvwx: and each retrieval has approx 2x overhead in RAM, and unlike the os page cache isn't shared.23:55
lifelesstuvwx: I suspect you're branching something like mysql23:55
lifelesstuvwx: or java, and some of these have very large btrees which result in inventory cache thrashing23:55
lifelesstuvwx: there is a bug on it I believe.23:55

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