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DonVitoCorleoneWhen I run sudo apt --get install <something> where those new things will be installed ?03:20
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Programmer_http://youtu.be/sE_sS_5MbXU i love my school04:31
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usr_Hello, I had problem since yesterday I think it's  very complicated: When I use Kubuntu 13.04 suddenly without notification everything turns to a black screen with command lines then I can't do anything in the computer even restart it so I press shutdown button or it won't shutdown from the operating system I think it's kernal bug ? Anyone here facing the same problem ?08:19
usr_Why this chat is fucking dead !08:22
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct  | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv08:23
valorieusr, you asked a question for which no one had the answer08:23
valoriethat's no reason to say something like that08:23
usr_Yes sir08:24
valorieI have the lastest 13.04 and experience nothing like that08:24
valorieare you sure you aren't experiencing overheating or something like that?08:24
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usr_Don't tell me hardware becuase I'm 60000000% sure they're working better than you08:24
valoriethen I would look at x error logs08:25
usr_Where can I find it ?08:25
szxanybody knows how to fix this? --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/304396/missing-show-a-launcher-when-not-running-option-in-kde08:26
valorieif you have evidence that it's a kernel bug, try #ubuntu-kernel08:26
usr_becuase when this problem happened I can't restart or do anything in my Laptop which means its fundamental problem !08:27
valoriekernel stuff is in the /sys/kernel08:27
usr_Now I'm updating Kubuntu hopefully this will solve the problem but this happened to me before with ubuntu 13.0408:28
usr_I'll try to change the kernal to older versions what do you think ?08:29
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.08:29
valorievery difficult, imo08:29
valorieyou can choose an older one in grub though08:30
valorieif you haven't discarded it08:30
usr_Okay so let me wait after update I'll see the result08:33
valoriethat sounds like a good idea08:34
valoriemeanwhile, you might google a bit about your issue08:34
valorieand see where the error logs are that might help you report it to someone who can help08:34
valorieunfortunately, that person isn't me08:34
usr_I did08:36
usr_But I didn't find anything08:36
usr_I'm not stupid to annony you without a reason08:37
IdleOnenobody said you are stupid.08:38
IdleOnePlease try to remember that people here are volunteers.08:38
usr_volunteers ? Yes I know08:44
usr_But this is not the case ! if they're volunteers I can turn to windows and they're workers better than volunteers08:45
soeeis it possible to have different distros installed on one PC  visible as a separate installaions in grub ?08:49
usr_I face a problem with Ubuntu 13.04 sudden kernal panic http://s1.directupload.net/images/130530/pqrvetxb.jpg08:57
usr_Help me please its very serious problem It happens regularly !08:57
valorieusr, now is the time to visit #ubuntu-kernel09:00
valorienow that you can show them something09:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1181392 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Solved for me]Kernel Panic not syncing fatal exception in interrupt-solved for me, firmware-b43-lpphy-installer instead of b43-firmware solves the panic" [High,Confirmed]09:06
usr_I guess I solved the problem from there09:06
valorieusr_: great!09:09
valoriedid you add your input to the bug?09:09
usr_No,  just update and installed  firmware-b43-lpphy-installer09:10
valorieat least click the "this bug affects me too" please09:10
usr_you faced the same problem ?09:12
usr_Anyway I think I just solved it09:14
luiscuerdohello could someone help me? i am trying to install a program in kubuntu, and I have no idea what i am doing10:01
luiscuerdoit is the translation toolkit it is a setup.py file, do i need to download phyton10:02
luiscuerdoI downloaded python, but I dont know how to install it eithe10:02
luiscuerdocan i use lokalize in kubuntu?10:02
rymate1234why is my alt+f2 not running krunner10:14
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DonVitoCorleoneWhen I run sudo apt --get install <something> where those new things will be installed ?11:46
bendersteedyou can de11:47
tsimpsonDonVitoCorleone: all over the place, but generally always under /usr11:50
bendersteedDonVitoCorleone: i was to write something but my girlfriend was shouting because i was smoking inside11:59
DonVitoCorleoneNo problem :)11:59
DonVitoCorleoneAnd don't smoke, you'll die young !!! :D11:59
DonVitoCorleoneI've done that sudo thing with eggdrop and supybot and now i can't fiend config files to edit them12:02
tsimpsonyou usually don't edit config files from package, but create ones (generally in ~/)12:03
tsimpsonsupybot doesn't require editing any config files, as you use "supybot-wizard" to create one somewhere12:04
DonVitoCorleoneI already run supybot but I just wanted to try again becuase this one I've installed when I was using Windows12:05
bendersteedanyway with this command you can see the files tha a package installs apt-file list packagename12:05
tsimpsonyou don't need apt-file, only if you want to search for files in packages you don't have installed12:06
tsimpson"dpkg -L package" will list all files from an installed package12:06
bendersteedah, sure12:06
bendersteedyep, yep12:06
DonVitoCorleoneand /usr/share12:07
DonVitoCorleoneThanks guys :)12:07
xiaopi[z]i need to restart the muon package manager between 2 search everytime, anybody else has the same issue ?12:08
xiaopi[z]search => find package => set to install => start another search (can't display any packages)12:10
bendersteedxiaopi[z]: not me12:10
bendersteedeverything is fine here12:10
xiaopi[z]pretty weird :/12:10
BluesKajHiyas all12:50
JoeSomebodyi asked this in ##linux, was relatively pointless, can netflix work in linux? so if they do not know, or are hoarding the answer, i shall try everywhere else13:08
smartboyhwShort answer: Nope.13:12
BluesKajJoeSomebody, there is atutorial for ubuntu/unity , but netflix works very poorly in Kubuntu ..I tried it , constant freezing , dropped frames , it's amess13:19
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JoeSomebodyowner of netflix owns shares in microsoft13:25
BluesKajJoeSomebody, you can tryt this , and good luck ,http://www.itworld.com/software/358908/install-netflix-ubuntu-130413:27
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baileyduh helloooooo13:59
BluesKajI'm crossposting bercause I should have posted this in here , wonder why the Windows 7 L2TP/IPsec vpn connection is so much faster than the Linux equivalent ...must be missing an important setting , but haven't been able to track it down14:20
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m0nk3yjoeI'm on Kubuntu 13.04 with LibreOffice and spell check doesn't work.  Everytime I try to reset the language to EN-US it just goes off after I make any changes in the document.  Has anyone seen this?15:06
RaymondTracer_I have a problem with "Additional Drivers"15:16
RaymondTracer_Simply put, it just doesnt open15:17
RaymondTracer_I have terminal open15:17
RaymondTracer_How do I open it in terminal? I need a log to show someone15:17
OerHeksi think it is "jockey-gtk "15:18
geniiMaybe jockey-kde15:20
RaymondTracer_Alright, so anyone knows what's going on?15:23
BluesKajRaymondTracer_, have you updated/upgraded lately ? I have to ask15:27
RaymondTracer_I dont think so15:27
BluesKajmight be a good idea15:27
RaymondTracer_After the LightDM greeter died from an update, I've been feeling reluctent to update most of the time15:28
BluesKajthat's an old issue , already solved15:28
RaymondTracer_I think the last time I updated was about 2 weeks ago15:29
RaymondTracer_BluesKaj: How do broken applications make it onto the stable line of updates?15:31
RaymondTracer_Ah ok15:36
lordievaderGood afternoon.15:38
* genii sips15:38
RaymondTracer_BluesKaj: The same error happens15:52
BluesKajRaymondTracer_, what are you trying to install from additional drivers , graphics drivers or ?15:54
geniiAre you calling this from in Konsole in an X session, or from CLI login?15:54
RaymondTracer_In an X session I reckon15:54
RaymondTracer_I'm using KDE15:54
RaymondTracer_So I think it'd be an X session15:54
RaymondTracer_Oh, yeah, in an X session, I misread15:55
* genii smacks the floodbots15:56
RaymondTracer_BluesKaj: Graphics Drivers15:56
BluesKajRaymondTracer_, which graphics card ?15:57
RaymondTracer_Saphire Radeon HD 577015:57
RaymondTracer_Saphire AMD/ATI*15:57
RaymondTracer_genii: Anything?16:01
BluesKajRaymondTracer_, ATI Radeon drivers are such a mixed bag that I've lost track of what works for which card16:01
BluesKajbut I suspect for 2D effects the fglrx driver will probly work16:02
RaymondTracer_The 5770 is such mixed big in itself16:02
RaymondTracer_Before 13, sometimes the AMD drivers sometimes I had to uninstall and use Additional Drivers16:03
geniiRaymondTracer_: Have you tried kdesudo jockey-kde16:03
RaymondTracer_Kubuntu 13, I mean16:03
RaymondTracer_genii: Yeah, same error16:03
RaymondTracer_Exact same error16:03
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geniiRaymondTracer_: When's the last time you ran updates? This looks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/1012106  but it says there a fix was released16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1012106 in jockey (Ubuntu) "jockey-kde crashed with ImportError in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jockey/xorg_driver.py: No module named XKit.xutils" [Undecided,Fix released]16:08
RaymondTracer_I restarted16:08
RaymondTracer_Just before, when I disconnected16:08
genii( posting #4 there has same output exactly as your pastebin)16:09
RaymondTracer_I have __init__.py instead of detection and xorg_driver16:10
RaymondTracer_Diffrent ImportError too16:11
RaymondTracer_Does that matter?16:11
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DonVitoCorleoneI don't have write access to root, and I'm only user on this PC, what should I do ?16:32
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chesterруссь есть?17:31
lordievaderHmm, russian?17:33
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:33
chester /join #ubuntu-ru17:33
lordievader!pm | chester17:34
ubottuchester: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:34
chestersorry all, see u17:40
roadfishmy camera is mounted in Dolphin at location:17:49
roadfish    camera:/Canon PowerShot A510 (PTP mode)@usb:004,032/store_00010001/DCIM/352CANON17:49
roadfishactually, this is where my jpg files are17:50
roadfishis there any way to access these files directly ... like with bash?17:50
roadfishfor instance, is there some "cd ..." location that I can jump to?17:50
lordievaderroadfish: Dolphin probably mounts the camera in a very dirty way. To access the camera through the terminal I'd mount it (in the terminal) using the mount command.17:51
AethysiusI use Nautilus.17:52
roadfishok. I've always pulled out the memory card and put into a SD reader. but I'd like to start mounting the camera directly.17:53
lordievaderroadfish: It is very probable that your camera acts as an SD reader when you plug it in a computer. To see the available partitions run "sudo fdisk -l"17:54
roadfishI don't see it in the "sudo fdisk -l". it's an old camera. 2005. ... if relevant, I noticed Dolphin says the camera is mounted as PTP.17:57
lordievaderroadfish: Oh... sometimes you can disable that functionality in the camera.17:58
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__dan__hi there, anyone around?19:13
__dan__having bluetooth pairing issues could use some help19:13
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ubottuKubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde20:13
geniiyrushi: Hello! If you have some question regarding your Kubuntu, you can just ask the channel in general, and someone may take up an answer.20:14
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gits1225Extract files20:26
gits1225Now Dolphin sees it20:26
gits1225Copy files20:27
gits1225Now Dolphin sees it20:27
gits1225Dolphin -- the file manager -- doesn't update itself(?) when changes are made like copy/extract, unless F5(refresh) is manually done20:33
geniiubuntu-bug dolphin ...and report it as a bug20:34
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DonVitoCorleoneIs there any kind of firewall on kubuntu ?23:16
DonVitoCorleoneAnd how to open ports on it ?23:16
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.23:18
genii!info guarddog23:22
ubottuPackage guarddog does not exist in raring23:22
genii!info guarddog lucid23:22
ubottuguarddog (source: guarddog): firewall configuration utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.0-2.1ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 506 kB, installed size 1548 kB23:22
genii!info guarddog precise23:22
ubottuPackage guarddog does not exist in precise23:22
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist.23:30
resizt0rcould someone help me share my external hdd with my windows network using kubuntu 13.04?23:39

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