
guillcoteI fill in https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+addquestion00:00
guillcote(Error ID:         OOPS-4622bb6621aa6b7551c4ed8e7501b131)00:00
guillcoteI choose english as a language00:00
guillcoteAnd summary is : sound not working00:01
guillcoteThen I click continue00:01
guillcoteWhy the bot is sending me a link I am not autorize to view00:02
czajkowskiguillcote: you're not no, but the folks that are can then look it up00:04
guillcote(Error ID:         OOPS-429b7e79a588af215565db206753a50f)00:05
guillcote(Error ID:         OOPS-ac8903cc4c25e96e84ca6383dd4b59a6)00:05
czajkowskiguillcote: no need to copy them all in00:06
StevenKContinuing to paste oopses isn't going to help us solve the issue00:06
czajkowskione will be enough00:06
czajkowskiStevenK: morning00:06
StevenKczajkowski: Hai00:06
StevenKguillcote: It looks like it is trying to find duplicates. I suspect there are very large number of questions with the same subject, so perhaps altering the subject will stop the timeouts.00:07
* StevenK goes for breakfast before his stomach breaks out to do it on its own.00:08
czajkowskiguillcote: what are you trying to ask a question on00:08
StevenKConversely, a sourcepackage of blank is probably not helping either00:08
guillcoteI was able to post my question00:11
czajkowskiguillcote: you may also find support in #ubuntu wth the question00:14
guillcoteczajkowski: I already asked the question at #ubuntu, I was ignored00:41
czajkowskiguillcote: it can be busy00:42
StevenKguillcote: We aren't going to be able to help here either. Have you tried askubuntu.com ?00:44
TheLordOfTimeguillcote:  or you need to have mor patience in #ubuntu00:45
TheLordOfTime"ignored" doesn't really mean ignored, #ubuntu moves kinda fast00:45
TheLordOfTimebut there is also askubuntu.com00:45
guillcoteTheLordOfTime: I been waiting 4 hours, do you think I'll get an answer by waiting more?00:56
TheLordOfTimeguillcote:  wait 4 hours since you ASKED?00:56
TheLordOfTimeyou should've reasked between then an now00:56
TheLordOfTimebut askubuntu.com helps00:57
TheLordOfTimeand answers.launchpad needs a LOT of patience00:57
guillcoteStevenK: I was there for the timeout problem,  I sent the link to show that the timeout problems where resolved00:57
guillcoteTheLordOfTime:  I reasked00:58
guillcoteI thought askubuntu.com where for more specific question, not something does not work, please help.01:00
beepiethe idea of using package signing is only available for trustworthy users?01:23
wgrantbeepie: I'm not quite sure what you mean. Each Launchpad user has a separate signing key for their PPAs; by adding that PPA and key to a system, you are saying that you trust that user. Launchpad doesn't make any assertions about the trustworthiness of a particular PPA or user.01:27
wgrantYou need to determine whether you trust them yourself.01:27
beepiedo you folks often use eclipse+bzr for launchpad?01:44
beepiewgrant, .. i was a little confused since i was seeing labels with the word 'trustworthy' on some pages on launchpad01:45
beepie(or rather with the word 'not trustworthy')01:46
StevenKbeepie: So, uploads to the main Ubuntu archive are uploaded by people who have been mentored and granted privledges to do so, so they are trusted. Any person can have a PPA and upload whatever they want -- the contents are not checked by us, so they are in essence, not trustworthy01:47
beepieStevenK, so if the user has his key verifiable with keyserver.ubuntu.com , i'm guessing this is another question..01:50
StevenKbeepie: The user requires his key to be on the keyserver to upload packages.01:50
beepieah ok.. thanks..01:50
StevenKThat isn't what I mean by trustworthy, though.01:50
beepieyup :)01:50
beepie(yup I figured hehe)01:51
m4n1shthere is an issue with current launchpad. When adding a download file, attaching the GPG signature gives an error02:51
m4n1sh"Cannot upload files larger than 1024 bytes"02:51
m4n1sh1024 bytes?02:52
wgrantm4n1sh: A detached signature shouldn't be that big02:53
wgrantAre you sure you're uploading the right file?02:53
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest85841
gotwigplease help, all the time it says "pnding publication" https://launchpad.net/~gotwig/+archive/weekly/+packages package keybinder04:27
gotwig*Pending publication04:28
gotwigit works now04:29
gotwigthank you04:29
wgrantYou only copied it a few minutes ago.;04:30
gotwigwgrant, I did the process again and again around 6 times04:31
wgrantBut, just like a normal upload, a copy can take up to 20 minutes to be published.04:31
gotwigvery nice, at this morning the build servers are lazy ;D04:32
wgrantIn this case it took 8 minutes.04:32
gotwigI requested a build already yesterday04:32
gotwigwhat ever04:32
wgrantThat's unrelated04:32
wgrantYou copied the package into this PPA at 2013-06-18T04:20:26.603649+00:0004:33
gotwigwgrant, thanks anyway =) g2g to launch...04:33
wgrantWhich is 13 minutes ago04:33
gotwigI copied it yesterday as well04:33
gotwigbtw. why cant we stop building processes04:34
wgrantYou can cancel a build by clicking the "Cancel build" button.04:35
gotwigwgrant, where can I see that04:36
wgrantgotwig: If you expand a package on the page you linked, you'll see a list of builds04:36
wgrantThose link to the build pages04:37
wgrantThe page for an unfinished build has a "Cancel build" button.04:37
wgrantThat cancels the build.04:37
gotwigwgrant, can you tell me if the package builds? https://code.launchpad.net/~gotwig/+archive/weekly/+packages04:41
gotwigindicator-synapse - 0.0-0~518~precise104:41
wgrantgotwig: What do you mean?04:41
gotwigit here said that it couldnt upload correctly https://code.launchpad.net/~luksi.reiku/+recipe/indicator-search-daily04:42
gotwigbut when I go on the package in PPA, I see build icon04:42
gotwigand this page updates https://code.launchpad.net/~gotwig/+archive/weekly/+build/4a72273304:42
wgrantgotwig: It failed to upload because you already built the same version 6 hours ago04:43
gotwigbut not for the amd64 version04:43
wgrantNote that indicator-synapse 0.0-0~518~precise1 is shown on +packages as having been published 6 hours ago04:43
gotwigI kow clicked "try rebuild"04:43
gotwigor something like that04:43
wgrantRecipes build a source package04:43
wgrantThe source package builds amd64 and i386 binaries04:43
gotwigI now started mad6404:47
=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
Kuroshitahttps://launchpad.net seems to be having openid issues, I'm getting the following when I try to login on askubuntu "Unable to log in with your OpenID provider: No OpenID endpoint found."05:45
lifelessKuroshita: thats not launchpad.net. it is login.launchpad.net which is an entirely different thing from a different team.05:45
m4n1shwgrant: yes. It was very big. I don't know why05:57
wgrantm4n1sh: Can you show me the signature?05:58
m4n1shwgrant: you mean the file?05:59
m4n1shthe tarball sig is 1.1MB. Whoa!05:59
wgrantm4n1sh: Sounds like you didn't create a detached signature05:59
m4n1shI used gpg --armor --sign --detach-sig filename05:59
wgrantYou mean --detach-sign?06:00
wgrantaka. -b06:00
m4n1shwgrant: naah. I used the command shown on "Add a download file" page06:00
m4n1shTo create a digital signature, use the following command:06:01
m4n1sh% gpg --armor --sign --detach-sig <filename>.06:01
wgrantThat reliably creates an 836 byte file here06:02
wgrantRegardless of the input06:02
m4n1shwgrant: oh yeah. It does now. This is weird06:03
m4n1shmost surprising thing I ever saw06:03
m4n1shwgrant: thanks for the help06:05
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sivanghi all09:19
sivangwhere would be the place to ask about code that has 'vanished' off launchpad source hosting and gives an OOPS? :)09:19
czajkowskisivang: do you have an oops id ?09:19
sivangczajkowski: will paste it here in a sec09:20
sivangczajkowski: for example, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sivan/hubackup/hubackup--main/view/head:/HUBackup/common/HUB.py09:22
sivangczajkowski: would give you OOPS-7184cf9ef8f9841baaa52005928017e609:23
sivangczajkowski: people have been wanting to use the code and read over the source for reference, and have also reported that.09:24
sivangczajkowski: this happens at random files of the code hosted09:24
czajkowskiwgrant: StevenK ^09:25
sivangguys I have to run, how can I get updated on this when this is either solved or understood? :)09:26
czajkowskisivang: well etiher remain in here09:26
czajkowskior else file a answer on lp09:26
sivangI'll keep this up- I'll just sign myself 'away'09:26
sivangplease feel free to ping /privmsg or whatever09:27
sivangthis is important :) and I thank your help09:27
sivangczajkowski: wait, an answer, or a question ?09:27
czajkowskisivang: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad09:28
sivangczajkowski: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/23094009:32
sivangczajkowski: could you be as so kind to update me via this question? :)09:32
czajkowskisivang: I can't but I'm sure someone will09:32
sivangczajkowski: but are you investigating it right now?09:32
czajkowskino I'm not, I was helping you put the information out there so wgrant or StevenK can do so when they are online09:33
sivangczajkowski: cool, thanks09:40
sivangcheers all!09:40
wgrantWe went through this a few months ago10:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 1072482 in Bazaar "cannot access files stored in lp, both through bzr and through the web interface" [Undecided,New]10:40
czajkowskimorning wgrant \o/10:41
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