
azendBobJonkman1: I just realized I can't make the 27th23:10
azendI'll be up in collingwood that day23:10
BobJonkman1Hopefully you'll still be Internetly connected23:10
azendcould we make it a Friday?23:11
azendor will that break the world?23:11
azendI hope :/23:11
azendwe'll see23:11
BobJonkman1Could always have an Ubuntu Hour on the Friday, separate from the IRC meeting23:12
BobJonkman1If possible, I'd like to keep the IRC meeting where it is.23:12
BobJonkman1There's few enough folks that are active.23:12
BobJonkman1Although they should all be in this channel already :D23:13
BobJonkman1Hey, everybodeee! How do you feel about an IRC meeting on Friday, 28 June instead of Thursday the 27th?23:13
* BobJonkman1 just realized that's the date of the Critical Mass bike ride...23:14
BobJonkman1So maybe not on the 28th after all...23:14
azendbike competitions now eh?23:16
azendI hadn't realized what a big bike rider you are23:17

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