
jackblackCan I have a cloak w/o a hex01:22
IdleOneHello jackblack are you an ubuntu member? link to your launchpad profile?01:22
IdleOnejackblack: you get that hex ident because you are using a web gateway01:22
jackblacksomeone tried to hack my computer because they got my ip through the hex01:23
Unit193They can also /whois you and see your IP from that.01:23
jackblackbut i have a cloak and they got my hex through whois and got my ip01:23
Unit193!torsasl | This is the best way to avoid people getting your IP.01:24
ubottuThis is the best way to avoid people getting your IP.: freenode blocks connections from Tor users on its regular servers. Users registered with nickserv can connect to freenode's Tor hidden service instead; see http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor for instructions. For help, ask in #freenode.01:24
IdleOnejackblack: as is being explained to you in #freenode, it is trivial to convert hexIP to a real IP address01:24
Unit193Or, hex to ASCII in general.01:24
jackblackis it possible to convert hex to IP01:25
IdleOneyou can use google to find a hex to IP converter01:25
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