
Logan_jamespage: Are you around?01:24
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest85841
=== Guest54086 is now known as Logan_
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest128
dholbachgood morning06:57
iulianMorning dholbach.07:56
dholbachhey iulian07:56
fr33r1d3dholbach: I'm thinking about trying to become a MOTU, Where is the most up to date information about how to start..09:12
dholbachwhy is the link broken09:13
dholbachgive me a sec09:13
dholbachfr33r1d3, in the meantime you could just "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-packaging-guide-team/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-packaging-guide"09:16
dholbachbdrung, maybe we should get an updated version of the packaging guide into the archive again?09:17
bdrungdholbach: okay. asomething took over the maintainer role. poke him. if he is not available, i will do the upload.10:08
mitya57please wait for one more merge proposal from me before releasing :)10:09
dholbachthanks bdrung and mitya5710:58
fr33r1d3I have just tried to fix my first bug. Is there any way to let someone just check it to see if its raight done?12:33
geserdo you have the bug number?12:41
fr33r1d3yes. its 117996912:44
mitya57fr33r1d3: did you forward this fix upstream?12:45
mitya57please do that, as I don't think we want to carry a delta (against debian) because of such a minor fix12:46
fr33r1d3ok, i do that with a debcommit?12:46
geserwith "submittodebian"12:47
fr33r1d3yes , saw that now. =)12:47
mitya57no, it's upstream file, so forward this upstream instead of debian12:48
Laneysomeone write pull-lp-binaries please ♥12:52
LaneyI'll bake you cookies12:52
dholbachfr33r1d3, it's fixed now - the link I gave you earlier should work now12:55
fr33r1d3ok, thanx12:55
fr33r1d3dholbach: Thats the page you wanted help with translation, if I remember right?12:58
dholbachhttps://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-packaging-guide/ :)12:58
fr33r1d3I have started on it for some time ago.. Maybe I should make "my team" work a bit harder on it now when I'm TL for swedish loco. =)12:59
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dholbachmitya57, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-packaging-guide/+bug/1188112 might be a blocker13:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1188112 in Ubuntu Packaging Guide "FTBFS on saucy" [Undecided,New]13:52
mitya57dholbach: will look in 20 minutes13:56
dholbachthanks - merged your other branch - good work13:57
jtaylorcan someone new python3-pyparsing to then sync it over the mess that is the ubuntu pyparsing?16:55
kermit666hi! I'm trying to build the package from this source code: https://code.launchpad.net/~cooperjona/lightread/master18:04
kermit666I issue "bzr bd -- -S", but it fails - it looks for the debian folder in the wrong place: "bzr: ERROR: Could not find changelog at /home/kermit/projekti/bzr/drugi/lightread/trunk/debian/changelog in tree.18:05
kermit666it is located under trunk/Ubuntu/debian/changelog in the mentioned source repo18:06
kermit666anyone know what to do when debian/ is not in bzr repo root, but in Ubuntu/debian instead? I tried "bzr bd --build-dir=Ubuntu/ -- -S", but it doesn't work18:20
maxbI think I'd be inclined to resort to a symlin18:28
maxb* symlink18:28
kermit666ok, solved it using dpkg-buildpackage18:51
kermit666it supports cd-ing to a different path inside the source repo. I reported this as a bzr-builddeb bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr-builddeb/+bug/119229118:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1192291 in bzr-builddeb (Ubuntu) "Unable to specify a different debian/ location to "bzr builddeb"" [Undecided,New]18:52

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