
usr13 junior2300:31
tsimpsonPici: !11.10 was (and probably should be) an alias for !oneiric, I see you edited !oniric twice on 2013-05-09 and once one 2013-05-3004:22
tsimpsonthe last edit of !11.10 before the 17th was on 2012-04-2604:23
Flanneltxwikinger: Kindly jostle your network cable to get it to work again.  Thanks :)04:58
DJonesIdleOne: Nice response to the troll08:46
IdleOneSometimes I get one right :)08:46
IdleOneif it takes 4 hours to install ubuntu he needs a new computer08:47
* IdleOne steps away08:49
k1l_i think its the typical "im a debian user, i know everything" problem08:49
DJonesIts the first time they've seen Ubuntu, but they _know_ that Universe used to be enabled by default but not in 13.0408:50
IdleOnedoesn't know to use apt-cache show08:50
bazhang<eCurrency> (I should've used "sudo" ?but I'm already root10:55
DJonesHmmh, running a bitcoin mining pool, doesn't bitcoin mining need a fairly meaty graphics card? So running on a hosted server doesn't seem to be that logical a step11:08
bazhangbitcoin mining itself seems suspect11:09
elkya mining pool is not what is doing the mining.11:33
elkyit dishes out tasks to clients which actually do the mining11:33
DJoneselky: Thanks, thats doubled what I know about bitcoin mining from 1 to 2 facts :)11:34
ubottugordonjcp called the ops in #ubuntu (songo)13:58
Picithanks Myrtti13:59
MyrttiI did nothing13:59
PiciIf I wasn't there you would have gotten it. so thanks :)14:00
geniiQuick-draw McPici :)14:01
ubottuCCTheMan called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (Repent for the kingdom of god is at hand!)15:20
genii@comment 55646 HSFPlus again, "the end is nigh" type religious spamming etc15:28
ubottuComment added.15:28
geniiNot sure who approves applications to #xubuntu IRC Operators team but I just made an application.15:37
Tm_Tgenii: IRCC15:42
* Tm_T hides15:42
Pici"Kaulbach (mystic-scientist) wants to be a member of #xubuntu IRC15:44
geniiJust noticed I wasn't when I tried to +o there15:48
jbroometxwikinger: i hope that server handles mail better than irc19:51
geniiLooks like he has some autojoin for here but not other channels19:53
jbroomedoes he need a ##fix_your_connection time out? :)19:53
Unit193genii: Other channels as well.  He's in atleast 6 of mine.  Mainly needs SASL or CertFP. ;)19:54
geniiAh. I saw he left -ot but didn't keep popping in and out of there19:54
jbroomewell he's getting his cloak, so something is identifying him to NS19:54
jbroomeusually as soon as I start talking about banforwarding someone their connection mellows out.  Looks like it worked again. :)19:55
Unit193Normally it happens right after I set it.19:56
Unit193Yep, I was pinging him (not over irc) even when he was timed out, 0% package loss over 800 pings.20:06
ubottuIn ubottu, yrushi said: WHAT IS 1+1???20:19

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